UDDI troubleshooting tips
When the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry is running, it might issue messages to report events or errors. One can use these messages, described in Messages as your first aid to problem determination. If you need more details about the causes of a problem, you can turn on tracing for UDDI, as described in Turning on UDDI trace.
Below are a few of the common causes of errors that might be found and their suggested solutions.
- If you set up the UDDI Registry application with a JDBC driver and datasource that reference Cloudscape, but set the persister property in uddi.properties to specify DB2, or vice versa, then some unexpected behavior will result, such as a fatal error on deleting an entity. If this happens, check that the above details are not in conflict. This only applies to a UDDI Registry installation on a single appserver.
- If you get a message "The application failed to initialize" when trying to access the UDDI User console and you are using DB2 as the persistence store for the UDDI Registry, a likely cause of the problem is that you specified the wrong userid and/or password when you ran the script to install the UDDI Registry application. If this occurs rerun the script ensuring you use the correct userid and password.
- You might find that, after uninstalling and reinstalling the UDDI Registry, you get errors from the UDDI User Console of the form:
"Error 500: JSPG0059E: Unable to compile class for JSP".
If this occurs, then clear out the temp directory of the WebSphere AppServer.
- When running one of the UDDI setup scripts setupuddi.jacl or removeuddi.jacl, if you get an error such as:
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "setupuddi.jacl"; exception information: com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: error while eval'ing Jacl expression: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key ErrMsgIncorrectNumArgs
then please ensure that the file setupuddimessages.jafr is located in the lib subdirectory of the WebSphere deployment manager or appserver under which you are running the script.
- When running the DB2 Setup Wizard, if you get an error stating "Invalid userid and password", then if could be caused by any of the following situations:
- You have supplied an invalid userid or password - re-enter with a valid userid and password.
- The supplied userid does not have the necessary privileges - retry with a userid that has appropriate privileges.
- DB2 is stopped when you run the Wizard - start DB2 and retry the Wizard.
- The UDDI20 database already exists and has been removed previously and, as such, is not catalogued. The DB2 Wizard does not recognize this situation and gives the error. You now have two options.
- If you wish to use the existing database then you will need to catalogue it and there is no need to rerun the Wizard.
- If you wish to create a new database you will need to recatalog the database and re-run the DB2 Wizard and choose the option to overwrite the database. (Any existing data WILL be lost.)
Applicability of the following list: [Fix Pack 5.0.1 and later]
- Catalog the database by:
Windows: >db2cmd >db2cat -d iddi20
Unix platforms >su db2inst1 (or name of your db2 instance) >db2 CATALOG DATABASE UDDI20- ensure that, if you are using a non-English installation of DB2, you have applied PTF1.
If you have a copy of the file SetupDB2UDDI.jar in your appserver directory, then the application of the base and Network Deployment PTFs will not update SetupDB2UDDI.jar in your appserver directory. You must apply the PTF for Network Deployment to your DeploymentManager file structure to update the SetupDB2UDDI.jar located there (in the /IDDIReg/scripts subdirectory), and then manually copy this jar to any appserver you may wish to run it on.
- There is a limitation concerning URL rewriting causing JavaScript syntax errors on several Web pages in the UDDI User Console. Because of this, cookies must be enabled in client browsers, the appserver must have cookies enabled as the session tracking mechanism, and URL rewriting must be disabled.
- If you have an existing DB2 version of the UDDI Registry database, and you use the UDDI DB2 setup wizard to replace this database with a new one, and if the database is in use at the time that you run the UDDI DB2 setup wizard, then the existing database is not overwritten.
- When running the UDDI DB2 setup wizard, as part of the installation step "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use DB2 within a deployment manager cell" or "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use DB2 in a single appserver", in addition to running the was_install\bin\setupcmdline.bat directory, also type either set PATH=%WAS_PATH% (for Windows platforms) or export PATH=$WAS_HOME/java/bin:$PATH (for Unit platforms) to ensure that you have access to Java.
- UDDI user console "Page cannot be displayed" errors with Internet Explorer.
If you use Internet Explorer with the option "Show friendly HTTP error messages" enabled and you have WebSphere Application Server security enabled (user ID and password authentication enabled), you might experience intermittent errors on the browser, such as "Page cannot be displayed", when navigating the UDDI user console. This might be particularly noticeable when accessing the publish actions.
To avoid such errors, disable the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" option on Internet Explorer. This option is found under Tools > Internet options > Advanced Tab > Browsing Section
- When using SOAP or UDDI4J, it is sometimes necessary to call setServiceKey ("") before saving your changes, except with the EJB interface where this might result in an error.
- There are known problems with inquiries issued against the UDDI Registry if IBM Cloudscape is used as the persistence store for the registry data. Certain complex inquiries might produce unexpected results, or could fail. If your application needs to make inquiries of this nature, consider using DB2 as the persistence store. Note: DB2 must be used for production purposes. The IBM Cloudscape support is only provided for development and test use.
- You might see errors if you specify requests which specify more than 5 category values, more than 5 identifier values, or more than 5 technical model (tModel) values.
- If you stop and restart the UDDI Registry application from the administrative console, and then try to access the Registry through the user console, an "Error 500 - object is not an instance of a declaring class" displays on the user console, and the error message "SRVE0026E" displays in the system log. One cannot access the UDDI Registry until you restart the WebSphere Application Server. To avoid this problem when restarting the UDDI Registry, set Prefer WEB-INF classes on the panel navigated to by the following steps: Applications > Manage Applications > UDDIRegistry > Web Modules defined for this Application > gui.war.
- It is possible that a scripting error displays when you are running the wsadmin appserversetupuddi.jacl command.
During installation, if you see the following error at the end of running the appserversetupuddi.jacl command, you can safely ignore the error. It is recommended that you start (or stop and restart) the appserver and then continue.
Here is an example of the error:
UDIN2041I: Start UDDI application. UDIN8019E: startApplication command for appname caught exception Exc. Values are: appname=UDDIRegistry, Exc=com.ibm.ws.scripting.Scripting Exception: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.Connector Exception: ADMC0009E: Failed to make the SOAP RPC call: invoke
IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry
Turning on UDDI trace
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