Turning on UDDI trace


One can enable UDDI-specific trace in the same way as you enable other tracing in the WebSphere Application Server.

The following is a list of trace strings that may be used:

  • com.ibm.uddi.api

  • com.ibm.uddi.config

  • com.ibm.uddi.datatypes

  • com.ibm.uddi.dom

  • com.ibm.uddi.ejb

  • com.ibm.uddi.exception

  • com.ibm.uddi.exceptions

  • com.ibm.uddi.gui

  • com.ibm.uddi.gui.inquire

  • com.ibm.uddi.gui.publish

  • com.ibm.uddi.persistence

  • com.ibm.uddi.persistence.jdbc

  • com.ibm.uddi.persistence.jdbc.cloudscape

  • com.ibm.uddi.persistence.jdbc.db2

  • com.ibm.uddi.ras

  • com.ibm.uddi.security

  • com.ibm.uddi.soap

  • com.ibm.uddi.uuid

  • com.ibm.uddi.validation

  • com.ibm.uddi.xml

For example, to trace the UDDI User Console you would specify:


This would enable all types of trace for the gui. Please refer to "Enabling trace" elsewhere in the WebSphere Application Server V5.0 InfoCenter for more information about using the administrator console to enable/disable trace.

UDDI troubleshooting tips


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