UDDI4J specifications
UDDI4J class libraries provided.
WAS provides two UDDI4J class libraries:
- uddi4jv2.jar
This class library contains classes which support Version 2 of the UDDI specification.
- uddi4j.jar
This class library is provided for compatibility with WAS Version 5, and supports Version 1 of the UDDI specification. The classes in this library are deprecated.
UDDI4J error handling
When invoking UDDIProxy inquiry methods, UDDIException is thrown if errors are received from the UDDI proxy. UDDIException can contain a DispositionReport with information about the error. APIs that do not return a data object, provide the disposition report. SOAPException is thrown if a communication error occurs or if the resulting data cannot be parsed as a valid SOAP message.
See the article Web services: Resources for Learning, to learn more about the use of SOAP, UDDI Registry, UDDI4J, programming specifications and examples.
Web services: Links