Develop thin application client code
You can develop and run Java thin client applications on machines installed with either a client or a server. The client provides a setup command shell which sets up your environment for either a thin client application or a J2EE client application. The server provides a command shell which sets up your environment for J2EE application clients only. The Java invocation to run a thin application client varies between a client and a server. If your thin client application needs to run on both a client installation and a server installation, follow the steps for developing thin application clients on a server machine.
- Install the Java application thin client from the WebSphere Application Client CD by selecting option J2EE/Thin application client for the WebSphere Application Client.
- Perform one of the following...
- Develop thin application client code for a client machine.
- Develop thin application client code for a server machine.
Usage scenarioSamples gallery
See Also
Developing applications that use JNDI
Thin application clients