Develop thin application client code on a server machine

You must install WAS before performing this task.

  1. Set the Java application thin client environment by using the setupCmdLine shell, located in

       $WAS_HOME\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (on Windows systems)
       $WAS_HOME/bin/ (on UNIX platforms)

  2. Run the following Java compilation command to compile your client application:On Windows systems, enter

    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%; 
    <list of your application jars and classes> " -extdirs %WAS_EXT_DIRS% 
    <your application class>.java
    On UNIX systems, enter

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath "$WAS_CLASSPATH: 
    <list of your application jars and classes>" -extdirs $WAS_EXT_DIRS 
    <your application class>.java

  3. Run the application client. Perform one of the following methods...

    • Use Java code to call your main class directly...

      On Windows systems, enter

      "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" "-Xbootclasspath/p:%WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH%""%WAS_HOME%\properties\wsjaas_client.conf" 
      -Djava.naming.provider.url=<an IIOP URL or a corbaloc URL to your 
      WebSphere server machine name> 
      -Dserver.root="%WAS_HOME%" "%CLIENTSAS%" %USER_INSTALL_PROP% 
      -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%;<list of your application jars and classes>" 
      <fully qualified class name to run><your application parameters>

      On UNIX systems, enter

      "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" "-Xbootclasspath/p:$WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH""$WAS_HOME/properties/wsjaas_client.conf"
      -Djava.naming.provider.url=<an IIOP URL or a corbaloc URL to your 
      WebSphere server machine name>
      -Dserver.root="$WAS_HOME" $USER_INSTALL_PROP "$CLIENTSAS" 
      -classpath "$WAS_CLASSPATH;<list of your application jars and classes>
      <fully qualified class name to run><your application parameters>

    • Use the WAS launcher...

      On Windows systems, enter

      "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" "-Xbootclasspath/p:%WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH%""%WAS_HOME%\properties\wsjaas_client.conf"
      "-Dws.ext.dirs=<list of your application jars and classes;
      -Djava.naming.provider.url=<an IIOP URL or a corbaloc URL to your 
      WebSphere server machine name>  
      <fully qualified class name to run><your application parameters>

      On UNIX systems, enter

      "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" "-Xbootclasspath/p:$WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH""$WAS_HOME/properties/wsjaas_client.conf"
       "-Dws.ext.dirs=<list of your application jars and classes>
      -Djava.naming.provider.url=<an IIOP URL or a corbaloc URL to your 
      WebSphere server machine name>  
      <fully qualified class name to run><your application parameters>

    For more information on IIOP and corbaloc URLs, see Developing applications that use JNDI.

 Usage scenarioSamples gallery


See Also

Developing thin application client code
Developing applications that use JNDI
Thin application clients