Develop thin application client code on a client machine
You must install the thin application client from the WebSphere Application Client CD before performing this task. For more information, see Developing thin application client code.
- Set the Java application thin client environment by using the setupClient shell, located in:Windows systems
UNIX platforms$WAS_HOME\AppClient\bin\setupClient.bat$WAS_HOME/AppClient/bin/ Run the following Java compilation command to compile your client application.On Windows systems, enter
On UNIX systems, enter"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%; <list of your application jars and classes> " -extdirs %WAS_EXT_DIRS% <your application class>.java$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath "$WAS_CLASSPATH: <list of your application jars and classes>" -extdirs $WAS_EXT_DIRS <your application class>.java- Run the following Java command to invoke your client application... On Windows systems, enter
On UNIX systems, enter"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" "-Xbootclasspath/p:%WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH%""%WAS_HOME%\properties\wsjaas_client.conf" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%;<list of your application jars and classes>" -Djava.ext.dirs=%WAS_EXT_DIRS% -Djava.naming.provider.url=<an iiop URL or a corbaloc URL to your WebSphere server machine name> "%SERVER_ROOT%" "%CLIENTSAS%" <fully qualified class name to run> <your application parameters>For more information on IIOP and corbaloc URLs, see Developing applications that use JNDI.$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xbootclasspath/p:$WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH -classpath "$WAS_CLASSPATH:<list of your application jars and classes>" -Djava.ext.dirs=$WAS_EXT_DIRS -Djava.naming.provider.url= <an IIOP URL or a Corbaloc URL to your WebSphere server machine name> "$SERVER_ROOT" "$CLIENTSAS" <fully qualified class name to run> <your application parameters>
Usage scenarioSamples gallery
See Also
Developing thin application client code
Developing applications that use JNDI
Thin application clients