Changing skins

Use the Properties view to change the skin for an individual portlet, or for several portlets within a page or label.

For stylistic or content organization purposes, you might want to change the skins that outline the portlet applications within your pages. Before changing a skin, take time to understand which portlets will inherit the skin that you specify.

The best practice for changing skin settings is to use the Properties view that opens in the Portal Designer. The following table provides the hierarchy of how skin changes apply within the portal application is as follows:

Level Inherited settings
Page Items

Page items reside at the bottom of the hierarchy, and include rows, columns, and portlets. With skins, you will work with portlets only.

Changing a skin setting within the portlet Properties view will change the skin for only the portlet that you have selected in the Portal Configuration.


You can specify the theme's default skin from the skins allowed for the theme. Changing a default skin setting within the theme Properties view will change the skin for all portlets for all pages which this theme is currently in effect.

For more information on parent/child relationships between labels and pages, refer to Defining layouts.


This is the top level of the hierarchy. You can specify the default skin for the portal project in the skin Properties view. Likewise, you can specify the portal project's default theme in the theme Properties view.

If the top label or page does not have a specified theme, the default theme for the portal project applies. If the default theme does not support skins, the default skin of the theme applies.

To change skins using the Properties view:

  1. In the Portal Designer, click a portlet to activate its Properties view. The corresponding Properties view will open in a window below the Portal Designer.

  2. In the Properties view, select a new skin in the Skin menu.


Related tasks

Creating new skins

Editing screens

Related information

Editing skins

Deleting skins

Working with skins

Customizing portal sites