Enabling existing portlets for cooperation

You can enable your existing portlets for cooperation. Rational® tools make it easier to develop the various parts of the runtime artifact to enable cooperative portlets, including Click-to-Action menus on JSP pages. The tooling provides support in the following areas:

To enable cooperation for existing portlets:

Note: WS-I compliance warning messages will be displayed in the Problems view for Click-to-Action-enabled portlets. You can ignore them in the Click-to-Action WSDL resources. Alternatively, to prevent these warning messages from being displayed, you can change the compliance level on the

WS-I compliance preferences:

  1. Select

    Window | Preferences | Workbench | Capabilities.

  2. Expand

    Web Service Developer, and ensure that

    Web Services Development is selected.

  3. Click

    Apply and then OK.

  4. Select

    Window | Preferences | Web Services | WS-I BSP Compliance.

  5. Set the compliance levels to Ignore compliance, and then click

    Apply and OK.


Related concepts

Developing cooperative portlets

Wiring portlets

Faces portlet communication


Related reference

Faces direct portlet messaging