Editing Click-to-Action encodeProperty

To update the output property (encodeProperty) which is inserted to a JSP file, follow these steps:

  1. Open a JSP file in the Page Designer. Make sure the Design tab is active.

  2. Select the

    Properties tab in the set of views at the bottom of the workspace. The Properties view is one of the default views provided with the Web perspective.

  3. Click the output property icon () in the Design page. The

    C2A:encodeProperty page will be displayed in the Properties view:

  4. Update the C2A:encodeProperty properties.

    Note: Editing the attributes of the encodeProperty tag will update the JSP file only. You must also manually modify the definition in WSDL file, if required.


Related concepts

Developing cooperative portlets


Related reference

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

WebSphere Portal Information Center

XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes