Faces portlet communication
Faces inter-portlet communication is typically handled either by cooperative portlets (JSR 168 and IBM API), Events (JSR 286 API), or by a traditional direct portlet messaging architecture.
Cooperative portlet
Cooperative portlet communication is a brokered communication methodology based on the WebSphere Portal property broker. This methodology offers a wiring approach for communication. The wiring mechanism is the recommended method for Faces inter-portlet communication. The Cooperative portlet support supplied by the Rational Software Delivery Platform automatically generates the necessary taglib directives and Faces tags for Faces JSP files used as wiring sources and targets.
A click-to-action event is another way in which portlets can interact with each other and share information. You open a click-to-action event on a source portlet by clicking on an icon. This displays a menu containing the list of targets for the action. WebSphere Portal V6.1 now supports this client side tagging technique that enables click-to-action capability for both IBM API portlet and JSR 168 and 286 portlets.
Related concepts
Developing cooperative portlets
Wiring portlets
Developing cooperative portlets
Client-Side tagging support
Related tasks
Enabling existing portlets for cooperation
Enabling cooperative sources
Enabling cooperative targets
Related reference
Faces direct portlet messaging