Inserting Click-to-Action encodeProperties

This capability is not supported for JSR 168 API portlets.

You can allow users to send multiple source output properties (encodeProperty values) to targets on the page with a single click by inserting the

Click-to-Action Output Properties (encodeProperties) object.

To insert Click-to-Action Output Properties (encodeProperties), perform the following steps:

  1. Open a JSP file in the Design page in the Page Designer.

  2. Select the

    Portlet drawer in the Palette view.

  3. Drag and drop the

    Click-to-Action Output Properties object onto the page. Alternatively, select

    Insert | Portlet | Click-to-Action Output Properties from the menu. The

    Insert Click-to-Action Output Properties dialog opens.

  4. Provide values for the applicable fields:

    Source portlet (Required)

    Specify the concrete portlet to be enabled as the cooperative source. (This field is only displayed if there is more than one portlets.)

    Menu label (Required)

    Enter a value which will be displayed in the

    Click-to-Action menu in the JSP file. To specify the resource bundle key click the

    Advanced Configuration button.

    Resource bundle

    select an existing resource bundle or click the

    New button to create a new one

  5. Click Finish.

  6. The inserted output properties (encodeProperties) object is shown in the JSP page in the Design page as an output properties icon ().

Inserting the

Click-to-Action Output Properties object performs the following tasks:

  1. Enabling cooperative sources, if necessary.

  2. Inserts an empty <c2a:encodeProperties> tag and the taglib directive in the JSP file.

  3. Generates a resource bundle file that includes the key value (from the key=translated string text format) and insert in the

    Click-to-Action Output Properties wizard


Related concepts

Developing cooperative portlets


Related reference

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

WebSphere Portal Information Center