Laying out a page template with tables

You can create a page template with tabular layout using either HTML tables or free layout tables.

Web designers often use a grid layout to design their pages. Tables make it easy to lay out a grid. For example, you could have one section of the table for a logo, another section for navigation, and another area for updated content. Within a table, you can define areas that are editable (content areas). The region of the table surrounding the content areas is called a common area and will be read-only when applied to a page.

There are two options for page template layout with tables:

To lay out your page with tables, you can complete one of the following tasks:


Related concepts

Editing pages with free layout tables

Page layout

Page templates

Design-time page templates and dynamic page templates

Nested page templates


Related tasks

Designing Web page layout

Creating a Web page template

Generating Web pages from page templates

Applying or replacing page templates to Web pages

Applying a page template to a Web site

Adding content to a page template

Creating a nested page template