Nested page templates
A nested page template is a page template that is based on an existing page template (also known as the root template). Nested page templates give you more flexibility in Web sites that have both static pages and dynamic pages.
When a large Web site has several categorized pages and multiple templates are used to manage them, it can be difficult to manage common areas and content areas in the templates. Nested page templates help you manage common content when a Web site has both static pages (HTML) and dynamic pages (JSP).
Note: You can only create nested page templates from design-time page templates. In the example shown below, the Web site has one root template with multiple nested templates that are used to create instance pages. The contents of the root template are shared by all the nested templates and instance pages. For example, you can create an HTML page template as the root template, and then create a nested JSP page template for the JSP pages in your Web site, and create another nested HTML page template for the HTML pages in your Web site.
You may have a root template that puts a company logo at the top, has an area on the left for navigation, an area at the bottom for contact links, and a main content area on the right. Then you could have nested templates for different sections of your Web site (e.g., Products, About Us, Careers.). Each nested template can be based on the root template, and define slightly different looks, and different content, but will still have the same company logo, a navigation area on the left, and contact links at the bottom.
A nested page template can have content areas inside the content area of the root template. These nested page template content areas are later filled in by the pages that are based on the nested page template. When a page is based on the nested template, all areas of the page are read-only except for the nested template content areas.
Related tasks
Laying out a page template with tables
Generating Web pages from page templates
Applying or replacing page templates to Web pages
Applying a page template to a Web site
Adding content to a page template
Creating a nested page template