Designing Web page layout

You can change the layout of your Web page in several different ways.

Free layout table

If you are using the free layout table to aid the layout of a Web page, you can manipulate the table to change the design of the layout simply by dragging the borders of the table to resize. You can also drag and drop objects onto the table to position items within the layout.

Absolute positioning

You can use absolute positioning to place objects at a precise location on a Web page, for example by measuring in pixels.

HTML tables

If you are not using a free layout table, but are using tables to lay out your Web page, manipulating the area in a layout is much like adding and deleting rows and columns to a table in Page Designer.

Layout boxes

You can also use layout boxes to lay out Web pages if you are not using a free layout table. To position text and images freely on your page, you can drag and drop layout boxes from the Palette to the Web page, and then insert text or images in it. You can align layout boxes with a grid and stack multiple layout boxes to change page layout and design.

Note that if you base your pages on a page template, you can apply the layout to all of the Web pages in a Web site at once. Effectively, you can make layout changes only once and ensure they are applied consistently across all of the pages in your site.


Related concepts

Editing pages with free layout tables

Page layout


Related tasks

Creating Web pages

Creating pages in a free layout table

Creating and deleting a table in a Web page

Manipulating columns and rows in Web page tables

Laying out a page template with tables