Creating and deleting a table in a Web page

You can add and remove tables from your Web pages. You can use tables to lay out your Web pages or to display data.

To create a new table:

  1. Move the cursor to the position in the file that you want to create a table.

  2. In the Design or Split page, select

    Table | Insert Table to open the

    Insert Table dialog box.

  3. Enter the number of rows in the

    Rows field and the number of columns in the

    Columns field.

  4. (Optional) You can select one of the pre-defined table patterns by clicking a pattern button. For example, the first pattern is a table with a border width of 1.

  5. (Optional) To assign the table a fixed width, specify

    Table width in pixels. Type a pixel value (300, for example) in the field on the left, and select

    pixels from the list to the right of the field.

  6. (Optional) To change the table width to fit the screen size of a Web browser, specify

    Table width as a percentage. Type a percentage ratio from 1 through 100 (or more, if desired) in the field on the left, and select

    % from the list to the right of the field.

  7. (Optional) To change the cell spacing, in the

    Spacing outside cells field, type a number in pixels.

  8. (Optional) To change the cell padding, specify the size of the white space between borders and content in the

    Padding inside cells field.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Move the cursor into a cell, and enter data.

  11. To delete a table, click inside one of the table cells, and then select

    Table | Delete | Delete Table


Related tasks

Adding tables to Web pages

Manipulating columns and rows in Web page tables

Editing table properties

Editing cell properties

Joining and splitting cells