Details of which MFT commands connect to which queue manager

Further information on which Managed File Transfer commands connect to which queue manager.

This topic expands on the information in Which MFT commands and processes connect to which queue manager, together with some illustrations.

Commands that connect to the coordination queue manager

The following commands connect to the coordination queue manager:

The coordination queue manager for a Managed File Transfer topology is a central hub that has knowledge of the entire topology. The coordination queue manager is connected to all of the agent queue managers in a topology through sender and receiver channels. Agents regularly publish status information to the coordination queue manager, and store their transfer templates there.

Figure 1. Agents publish status information or store transfer templates on the coordination queue manager
When any of the preceding commands that connect to the coordination queue manager are run, they connect directly to the coordination queue manager and either:

  • Create or delete a transfer template.
  • Query state information about agents, monitors, or scheduled transfers, and display that information to the user.

Figure 2. Commands then connect directly to the coordination queue manager to either obtain the appropriate status information or work with transfer templates.

Commands that connect to the command queue manager

The following commands connect to the command queue manager:

We can think of the command queue manager as a form of gateway into a Managed File Transfer topology. It is connected to agent queue managers using sender and receiver channels.

When any of the preceding commands that connect to the queue manager are run, they:

  • Connect to the command queue manager.
  • Create a temporary reply queue.
  • Send a message containing the command details to the appropriate agent.

The message is routed through the IBM MQ network to the agent queue manager, where it is picked up by the agent and processed.

After the agent has processed the command, the agent sends a reply back to the command queue manager, where the reply is picked up by the command.
Figure 3. The commands connect to the command queue manager. The message containing the command is then routed through the IBM MQ network to the correct agent queue manager, where it is picked up by the agent.

Commands that connect to the agent queue manager

The following commands connect to the agent queue manager:

Every agent has its own agent queue manager. The agent uses system queues hosted on this queue manager to maintain state information and receive requests for work.

A single queue manager can act as the agent queue manager for multiple agents. Agent queue managers are connected to the coordination queue manager, the command queue manager, and other agent queue managers using sender and receiver channels.

The fteCreateAgent, fteCreateBridgeAgent, and fteCreateCDAgent commands take the agent queue manager name as an argument.

When these commands are run, they connect to the specified queue manager and send a message to the coordination queue manager indicating that the agent has been added to the Managed File Transfer topology.

Similarly, when fteDeleteAgent is run, it connects to the agent queue manager and sends a message to the coordination queue manager, informing it that the agent has now been removed from the Managed File Transfer topology.
Figure 4. The various fteCreate commands, along with the fteDeleteAgent command, connect to the agent queue manager and send a message to the coordination queue manager to either register or deregister an agent from the topology.
Attention: fteCleanAgent connects to the agent queue manager, and removes any state information for that agent from its system queues.

Running this command could have an impact on the whole topology. As such, we should only run this command under guidance from IBM.

Figure 5. The fteCleanAgent command connects directly to the agent queue manager, and removes state information from the system queues of the agent
Parent topic: Which MFT commands and processes connect to which queue manager

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