fteListTemplates: list available MFT transfer templates

Use the fteListTemplates command to list the available Managed File Transfer transfer templates on a coordination queue manager.


This command lists either all template names or a filtered selection of template names. The output format of the list can be any of the following:

  • Template names only (default behavior)
  • Template names with a summary of the templates (verbose mode)
  • Complete XML message describing the templates (-x and -o parameters)

This command uses the coordination.properties file to connect to the coordination queue manager. For more information, see The MFT coordination.properties file.

Specify the optional -p parameter for this command only if we want to use a set of configuration options different from your default set. See Configuration options for more information.





    Optional. This parameter determines the set of configuration options to use to delete the template. By convention use the name of a non-default coordination queue manager as the input for this parameter. The command then uses the set of properties files associated with this non-default coordination queue manager.

    If we do not specify this parameter, the set of configuration options based on the default coordination queue manager is used.

    Optional. Specifies verbose mode and provides a short summary of each matching template. This parameter is ignored if you have also specified the -x parameter.

    The -v parameter includes a summary of each template. For example:

    Template Name: STANDBY
        Source Agent Name: AGENT1
        Source QMgr: QM_JUPITER
        Destination Agent Name: AGENT2
        Destination QMgr: QM_NEPTUNE
        Transfer Priority: 0
        Transfer file specification
        File Item Details
            Mode: binary
            Checksum: MD5
            Source File:
                Recursive: false
                Disposition: leave
            Destination File:
                Type: file
                Exist: error

    If we do not specify the -v parameter, the default output mode is to list the matching templates names.

    Optional. Provides an XML-formatted message for each matching template. This parameter is ignored unless you also specify the -o parameter.Attention: The XML-formatted messages are not compatible with the fteCreateTemplatecommand tools.

    -o (directory_name)
    Optional. Sends the XML formatted-message to files in the named directory. One file for each template is created and each file has the same name as the template with an .xml suffix. This parameter is ignored unless you also specify the -x parameter.

    Optional. Forces any existing output file to be overwritten. This parameter is ignored unless you also specify the -o parameter. If we do not specify -f but you do specify the name of an existing output file, the default behavior is to report an error and continue.

    -mquserid (userID)
    Optional. Specifies the user ID to authenticate with the coordination queue manager.

    -mqpassword (password)
    Optional. Specifies the password to authenticate with the coordination queue manager. We must also specify the -mquserid parameter. If you specify -mquserid, but do not specify -mqpassword, we will be prompted to supply the associated password. The password will not be displayed.

    Optional. A list of one or more template names to be listed. A template name can include an asterisk as a wildcard that matches zero or more characters. Depending on your operating system, you might need to enclose any template names that include wildcard character in quotation marks (" ") or single quotation marks (' ') to avoid shell expansion. Shell expansion can cause unexpected behavior.

    If we do not specify anything for template_names, the default is to list all templates.

    -? or -h
    Optional. Displays command syntax.


In this example, all the templates with names starting with ST are listed:
fteListTemplates "ST*"
This example creates the template STANDBY as an XML-formatted message to the file STANDBY.xml in the current directory:
fteListTemplates -x -o . STANDBY
This command creates the following output in STANDBY.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <transferTemplate id="1864c1dd-ba02-4b34-bda9-dc6862448418" version="3.00">
  - <fileSpecs>
     - <item checksumMethod="MD5" mode="binary">
       - <source disposition="leave" recursive="false">
       - <destination exist="error" type="file">

Return codes

    Command completed successfully.

    Command ended unsuccessfully.

Parent topic: MFT commands

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