fteCancelTransfer: cancel an MFT transfer

Use the fteCancelTransfer command to cancel a Managed File Transfer transfer. We can issue this command against either the source or destination agent for the transfer.


If we issue the fteCancelTransfer command while that transfer is currently in progress, any files already transferred as part of that transfer remain on the destination system and are not deleted. Any files partially transferred as part of that transfer are deleted from the destination system. The destination side of the transfer logs that transfer as cancelled.

If a transfer to a Connect:Direct node is canceled, any files partially transferred as part of the canceled transfer remain on the destination system and are not deleted.

We can run the fteCancelTransfer command from any system that can connect to the IBM MQ network and then route to the agent queue manager. Specifically for the command to run, we must have installed Managed File Transfer on this system and we must have configured Managed File Transfer on this system to communicate with the IBM MQ network. If no connectivity details are available, the agent queue manager details are used for connection instead, provided these details are available.

Specify the optional -p parameter for this command only if we want to use a set of configuration options different from your default set. See Configuration options for more information.



fteCancelTransfer-m(agent_qmgr_name)-p(configuration_options)-aagent_name -mquserid(userID)-mqpassword(password)transfer_ID


    -m (agent_qmgr_name)
    Optional. The name of the agent queue manager. This agent must be either the source or destination agent for the transfer we want to cancel. If we do not specify this parameter, the cancel request is sent to the queue manager identified by the set of configuration options we are using.

    -p (configuration_options)
    Optional. This parameter determines the set of configuration options to use to cancel the transfer. By convention use the name of a non-default coordination queue manager as the input for this parameter. The command then uses the set of properties files associated with this non-default coordination queue manager.

    If we do not specify this parameter, the set of configuration options based on the default coordination queue manager is used.

    -a (agent_name)
    Required. The name of either the source or destination agent of the transfer that we want to cancel.

    -mquserid (userID)
    Optional. Specifies the user ID to authenticate with the command queue manager.

    -mqpassword (password)
    Optional. Specifies the password to authenticate with the command queue manager. We must also specify the -mquserid parameter. If you specify -mquserid, but do not specify -mqpassword, we will be prompted to supply the associated password. The password will not be displayed.

    Required. The ID of the transfer we want to cancel. The transfer ID (also known as the request ID) is displayed at the command line after we issue the fteCreateTransfer command. Transfer IDs are also included in file transfer log messages or are displayed in the IBM MQ Explorer Transfer Log panel.

    -? or -h
    Optional. Displays command syntax.


In this example AGENT1 is the source agent for the transfer to be canceled.
fteCancelTransfer -a AGENT1 414d5120514d5f4c4d343336303920201159c54820027102

Return codes


    Either the command completed successfully or the specified transfer ID is unknown to the agent. If the transfer ID is unknown to the agent, the most likely reason is that the transfer has already completed or has been canceled.

    Command ended unsuccessfully.

Parent topic: MFT commands

Related reference