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Managing object authorities with an authorization service

The authorization service is an installable service that enables you to view and manage the access authorities of groups and users on IBM MQ objects. We can manage these authorities using IBM MQ Explorer.

About this task

The authorization service component that is supplied with IBM MQ is the Object Authority Manager (OAM) but we can use IBM MQ Explorer to manage authorities through other installable authorization services if you prefer.

The authorization service maintains an access control list (ACL) for each IBM MQ object to which it is controlling access. An ACL contains a list of all the group IDs that can perform operations on the object; on Windows, the ACL can contain user IDs as well as group IDs. In the authorization service, we can grant and revoke authorities for users to access queue managers and objects.

For more information about managing object authorities with the OAM, see Object authority manager (OAM) and Securing in the IBM MQ online product documentation.

For more information about granting authorities on queue managers and objects, see the following topics: