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Granting role-based authorities on a queue manager

A user must have the correct authorities to perform operations on objects; we can assign these authorities individually, but if a user needs either read-only access or full administrative access to all the objects hosted by a queue manager, this can be granted in a single action.

About this task

Note: This procedure grants the requested access in addition to whatever access the user or group currently has. If you grant read-only access to a user or group, that user or group does not lose any existing administrative authorities.

To grant a group or user either read-only access or full administrative access to all the objects hosted by a queue manager, complete the following steps.


  1. In the Navigator view, right-click the queue manager, then click Object Authorities > Add Role Based Authorities... The Add Role Based Authorities dialog opens.
  2. Windows queue managers only: if you are granting the authority to an individual user, click User and enter the user name.
  3. If you are granting the authority to a group, click Group and enter the group name.
  4. Select the appropriate radio button to grant read only access or full administrative access.
  5. If you want to allow the user or group to browse messages on the queues hosted by the queue manager, select the Permit reading of messages on queues check box.
  6. Equivalent commands to grant the requested authorities are displayed in the Command preview pane. We can copy one or more commands and paste them into a script or onto the command line.
  7. Click OK.


The requested authorities are granted to the user or group.

Note: On IBM® i, you might also need to change access authorities to allow the user to issue the commands we have generated. Do this using the GRTOBJAUT command.