Generic and specific profiles

When you manage authorities for a folder of objects (for example, the Queues folder) using the Manage Authority Records dialog, you grant authorities against profiles instead of granting authorities on specific objects.

Profiles define the name and type of object to which the authorities will apply. A specific profile exactly matches the name of the object, while a generic profile matches one or more objects using wildcard characters.

Specific profiles

A specific profile applies only to the object of that name and type. To grant or revoke an authority on a single object, you select the relevant specific profile and create or edit the authority records for that profile.

For example, to grant group AppDev6 the authority to put messages on queue Q.STOCKS.5, select the specific profile called Q.STOCKS.5 and create or edit the authority record for group AppDev6. The authority record will apply only to the queue called Q.STOCKS.5.

Objects of type queue or topic with names that match the profile name do not have to exist when the command is issued.

Generic profiles

A generic profile is a profile that we have created to associate with more than one object of the same type. We can grant authorities to a set of objects at the same time by creating an authority record against the generic profile. For example, to grant group AppDev6 the authority to put messages on any queue with a name that starts with Q.STOCKS., grant the authority using a generic profile that is named Q.STOCKS.* For more information about wildcards, see Wildcards used in generic profiles.

Objects with names that match the profile name do not have to exist when the command is issued.