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Finding the authorities of a user or group on an object

We can search the authorization service for authority records or accumulated authorities that have been granted to groups or users (entities) on a queue manager's objects. If the group or user does not have an authority record on the specified objects, no results are displayed.

About this task

To find the authorities, complete the following steps.


  1. In the Navigator view, right-click the queue manager, then click Object Authorities > Find Authorities. The Find Authorities dialog opens.
  2. Select the type of information to display:

    • To view the authorities that have been explicitly granted to the group or user, click Authority records.
    • To view the authorities that have accumulated for the group or user, click Accumulated authorities.
  3. In the Entity type field, select the entity for whom you are finding the authorities:

    • To view the authorities for a specific user, click A user. If Authority records is selected, this option is available on Windows queue managers only.
    • To view the authorities for a specific group of users, click A group.
    • To view the authorities for a group or a user of a particular name, click A user or a group. This option is available on Windows queue managers only.
    • To view the authorities for all users, click All users. This option is available on Windows queue managers only.
    • To view the authorities for all groups, click All groups.
    • To view the authorities for all entities, click All users and groups. This option is available on Windows queue managers only.
  4. In the Entity name field, type the name of the entity.
  5. In the Object type field, select the type of object on which the authorities were granted.
  6. In the Profile type field, select the type of profile that the object's name must match:

    • To find authorities on a specific object, click Specific profile.
    • To find authorities on multiple objects, click Generic profile. The generic profile must already exist.
  7. In the Profile name field, enter the name of the profile that the object name must match.
  8. Click Find.


The authority records or accumulated authorities are displayed in the table.

We can edit or remove the authority records that are displayed in the table. Be aware, however, that removing an authority record might revoke authorities from that user or group (or from any users in the group) that is associated with that record.