IBM Connections 4: Troubleshooting and Mobile Support
- Troubleshoot checklist
- Get product fixes
- Search knowledge bases
- Troubleshoot tips
- IBM Connections log file
- Error codes
- Activities error messages
- Anti-virus error codes
- Blogs error messages
- Bookmarks error messages
- Common directory integration service error messages
- Communities error messages
- Communities widget error messages
- Core error messages
- Forums error messages
- Files and Wikis error messages
- Home page error messages
- IBM Connections events service error messages
- IBM Connections notification and ReplyTo error messages
- Installation error messages
- IBM Connections configuration error messages
- IBM Connections user life cycle error messages
- IBM Connections Portlet error messages
- News repository error messages
- Profiles error messages
- Search error messages
- Error codes for the Bookmark form
- Content Management Integration Services (CMIS) error messages
- Troubleshoot a database connection
- Troubleshoot Search
- Troubleshoot inter-server communication
- Troubleshoot Cognos Business Intelligence components
- Troubleshoot Metrics reports
- Troubleshoot the product help
- Troubleshoot single sign-on problems with Lotus Domino
- Troubleshoot virus scanning
- Troubleshoot network shares on Windows 2003
- Troubleshoot problems with Tivoli Directory Integrator
- Troubleshoot user data propagation
- Troubleshoot email digests
- Troubleshoot connection timeouts when running a wsadmin script
- Troubleshoot display problems in IE browsers
- Contact IBM Support
- Exchange information with IBM
- Subscribe to Support updates
- Mobile
Troubleshoot checklist
The following questions can help you to identify the source of a problem:
- Is your configuration supported?
Review the IBM Connections system requirements topic.
Refer to the Deployment options topic for information about the supported deployment scenarios.
- Have any error messages been issued? See Error codes for a list of possible error messages and descriptions. Review the issues listed in the Troubleshoot tips section to see if the problem you are having is addressed there.
- Have you applied the latest product fixes? See Get product fixes for more details.
- Have you searched knowledge bases for a related problem report? See Search knowledge bases for more details.
- If the checklist does not guide you to a resolution, collect additional diagnostic data to send to IBM Support. This data is necessary for IBM Support to effectively troubleshoot and assist you in resolving the problem. Do one of the following:
- Use the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) workbench or ISA Lite tool to quickly gather the correct diagnostic data. See Resolve a problem.
- If you do not want to use the ISA tools, see Collect data.
Tip: It is easier and more efficient to use ISA to complete this task.Get product fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem.
To determine which version of the product is currently installed, access one of the IBM Connections applications from a web browser, and then click the About link in the page footer. The version information is on the About page. You can get fixes by following these steps:
- Determine which fix you need. Review the IBM Connections fix list by going to the following external web site:
- Download the fix to install. See Downloading fixes.
- Install the fix. See Installing fixes.
Search knowledge bases
You can often find solutions to problems by searching IBM knowledge bases. Learn how to optimize your results by using available resources, support tools, and search methods and how to receive automatic updates.
Available technical resources
In addition to this product documentation, the following technical resources are available to help you answer questions and resolve problems:
- IBM Connections 3.0.1 technotes and APARs (problem reports)
- IBM Connections Support web site
- IBM Connections support communities (forums and newsgroups)
- IBM Connections wiki
Search with support tools
The following tools are available to help you search IBM knowledge bases:
- IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a free software serviceability workbench that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM software products. Instructions for downloading and installing the ISA can be found on the ISA web site:
- IBM Software Support Toolbar is a browser plug-in that provides you with a mechanism to easily search IBM support sites. You can download the toolbar at:
Search tips
The following resources describe how to optimize search results:
Receive automatic updates
You can receive automatic updates in the following ways:
- My support. To receive weekly email notifications regarding fixes and other support news, follow these steps:
- Go to the IBM Software Support web site at
- Click My support.
- If you have already registered for My support, sign in and skip to the next step. If you have not registered, click Register now. Complete the registration form using your email address as your IBM ID and click Submit.
- Click Edit profile.
- Click Add products and choose a product category; for example, Software. A second list is displayed.
- In the second list, select a product segment; for example, Data & Information Management. A third list is displayed.
- In the third list, select a product subsegment, for example, Databases. A list of applicable products is displayed.
- Select the products for which you want to receive updates.
- Click Add products.
- After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to email on the Edit profile tab.
- Select Please send these documents by weekly email.
- Update your email address as needed.
- In the Documents list, select the product category; for example, Software.
- Select the types of documents for which you want to receive information.
- Click Update.
- RSS feeds. For information about RSS, including steps for getting started and a list of RSS-enabled IBM web pages, visit
Troubleshoot tips
Review the topics in this section to see if your issue is addressed. Or consult the error logs to find information about the error you are seeing.
IBM Connections log file
IBM Connections writes messages to the SystemOut.log file. Refer to this file if you encounter errors after installing an IBM Connections application or if you encounter unexpected behavior in an application.
The SystemOut.log file is stored in the following directory:
- AIX®:
- Linux:
- Microsoft
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\<profile_name>\logs\<server_name>Messages written to the log use the following syntax:
<Application prefix><Error code><Message level code>...where:
For example:
- Application prefix: Identifies the application that wrote the message. The following prefixes are used to identify IBM Connections applications and components:
Table 1. Error message prefixes
IBM Connections application or component Prefix Activities The Quartz Scheduler, a component of Activities does not use the Activities prefix, but its messages do include the string org.quartz.
CLFRA Blogs CLFRS Bookmarks CLFRL Common directory services integration service CLFRK Communities CLFRM Files EJPVJ Forums CLFRV Home page CLFRQ Installer CLFRP IBM Connections Configuration CLFRO Notifications CLFRR IBM Connections Multi-Service Portlet CLFNF Federated Search CLFRT News Service CLFWX Event Service CLFWY Widget Services CLFWZ Profiles CLFRN Search CLFRW User life cycle CLFWY WebSphere® Portal infrastructure EJPIC Wikis EJPVJ
- Error code: A 4-digit code assigned to the error message to identify it. Code numbers make it easier to search for information about the message. See Error messages to see a list of the error codes and what they mean.
- Message level code: Identifies the level of the message written to the log. The following levels are supported:
Table 2. Message level codes
Message level code Message level I INFO E ERROR A AUDIT W WARN CLFRA0299ICLFRA identifies the message as coming from the Activities application; 0299 is the error code; I indicates that the message is an Info level message.
Error codes
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems and find their solutions.
Activities error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the Activities application and find solutions.
The following Activities error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 3. Activities error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRA0001E: Viral content replaced. The virus scanner removed a virus from added content. No action necessary. CLFRA0003E: Virus detected - <error>. The virus scanner received the error <error> scanning content. No action necessary. The content was not added to Activities. CLFRA0006E: Unable to find CMAPI provider "<providerName>". Unable to find a suitable CMAPI provider. Check the <objectStore> settings in oa-config.xml and provide a correct <providerName> for the class property of the store element. CLFRA0013E: unable to delete file <fileName>. An error occurred while deleting a file from the Activities content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRA0014E: unable to create file upload directory <directoryName>. The directory given in oa-config.xml for the element property name "" either could not be found or created. This directory is used for file uploads to the Activities content store. Check that the directory exists; create it if it does not exist. CLFRA0015E: error encountered deleting content: <directoryName> <fileName>. An error occurred while deleting the contents of a file from the Activities content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRA0016E: unable to upload file: <directoryName> <fileName>. An error occurred while retrieving or uploading a file to the Activities content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRA0017E: Error closing statistics file. A file system error occurred closing one of the files used for Activities statistics persistence. Verify the file system directory containing the statistics files is writable and has available space. CLFRA0019E: Error creating statistics file. A file system error occurred creating one of the files used for Activities statistics persistence. Verify the file system directory containing the statistics files is writable and has available space. CLFRA0020E: Error parsing statistics file. The format of one of the files used for Activities statistics persistence is inconsistent with the expected format. Remove the existing files in the file system directory containing the statistics files. CLFRA0021E: Activities statistics persistence cannot create directory <directory>. A file system error occurred creating the file system directory <directory> for containing the Activities statistics files. Verify the server level WebSphere Application Server variable ACTIVITIES_STATS_DIR is set to a valid directory location on the server's file system; create the directory <directory> on the file system. CLFRA0022E: Error saving to statistics file. A file system error occurred saving data one of the files used for Activities statistics persistence. Verify the file system directory containing the statistics files is writable and has available space. CLFRA0023E: Error saving summary information. A file system error occurred saving data one of the files used for Activities statistics persistence. Verify the file system directory containing the statistics files is writable and has available space. CLFRA0026E: Error fetching profiles. The MemberService wsadmin object received an exception executing a fetchMembers command. Verify the parameter to the fetchMembers command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0027E: Error deleting profile CLFRA0028E: Error updating access control list. The AccessControlService wsadmin object received an exception executing an access modification command. Verify the parameter to the command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0029E: Error fetching activities. The ActivityService wsadmin object received an exception executing a command to fetch Activities. Verify the parameter to the command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0030E: Error fetching access control list. The AccessControlService wsadmin object received an exception executing a fetchAccess command. Verify the parameter to the command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0031E: Error locating Scheduler. cannot create Scheduler MBean. CLFRA0032E: Error updating profile. The MemberService wsadmin object received an exception executing a updateMember command. Verify the parameter to the updateMember command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0033E: Error purging trash. The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a purgeTrash command. Verify the parameter to the purgeTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0034E: Error fetching trash. The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a fetchTrash command. Verify the parameter to the fetchTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0035E: Error undeleting trash. The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a undeleteTrash command. Verify the parameter to the undeleteTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0036E: Error locating MBeanServer, no Activity Administration MBeans registered. An exception was generated when Activities tried to locate MBean server needed to register the Activities Administration MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0037E: Error initializing Activities JMX support: failed to register {0} CLFRA0038E: Error registering mbean. An exception was generated when Activities tried to register the Activities Administration MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0042E: <className> error parsing generic properties into a Properties object. An exception was generated when the Event Broker tried to parse its configuration from oa-config.xml. Ensure the properties and elements for the <eventBroker> element in oa-config.xml are valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0043E: subscriber did not start: <className>. The Event Broker service is attempting to initialize a subscriber to server-generated events, but the subscriber initialization process failed. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in oa-config.xml for the subscriber reporting this error is valid. Additionally, you may want to pursue the exception thrown by the subscriber in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0044E: {0} the class "<className>" was not found. Check the configuration file, under the class attribute of the service for the correct Java. classname. Or, check the classpath to make sure the class is visible. The Event Broker service tried to load a Java class that did not exist in the current classpath. Check to see whether the class specified in the <eventBroker> configuration has been spelled correctly. Also check to see that the class file is visible in the current classpath scope. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0045E: {0} the class "<className>" could not be instantiated. The classloader could not instantiate the class requested by the Event Broker service. Investigate whether something is wrong with the classloader or the class specified in the <eventBroker> configuration itself. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0046E: {0} illegal access exception for the class "<className>". The Event Broker service is trying to access fields or methods in the class discovered via reflection that it can't normally see. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Examine the class for methods that should be exposed have been hidden. CLFRA0047E: {0} error initializing adapter: classname= "{1}" Double-check the config settings for this specific adapter for correct/valid values. The Event Broker service is attempting to initializer a subscriber to server-generated events, but the subscriber initialization process failed. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in oa-config.xml for the subscriber reporting this error is valid. Additionally, you may want to pursue the exception thrown by the subscriber in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0048E: could not inform a subscriber of event: <eventName>. The Event Broker service passed an event to a subscriber of that event, and the subscriber issued an exception. To fix this class of exception, you need to determine what is failing in this particular subscriber. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0050E: Invalid oa-config.xml file. Check the XML format and ensure that all required settings are complete. The format of oa-config.xml does not have correct XML syntax. Load the oa-config.xml into a browser or editor that will display syntax errors; fix the error and save the file. CLFRA0051E: Error decoding passwords. If passwords are encoded, some functionality may fail. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0068E: {0} OpenActivitiesException while updating node content ref uuid. An error occurred while updating the content of the specified activity. Check that the content stores are available and accessible and that the referenced item exists in the content store. The item may have been deleted by an external process. CLFRA0070E: Illegal access exception for the class "<className>". An error occurred while processing the Activities content store configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the <objectStore> configuration information in oa-config.xml is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0071E: {0} DaoException while updating node content ref uuid=<uuid>. An error occurred while updating the content of the specified activity. Check that the content stores are available and accessible and that the referenced item exists in the content store. The item may have been deleted by an external process. CLFRA0072E: activities object store did not start: <className>. The Activities Object Store service implemented by <className> did not start. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the <objectStore> configuration information in oa-config.xml is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0073E: {0} Destination ObjectStore ID="<id>" not found in ObjectStore registry. Double-check the oa-config.xml file. An error occurred while transferring Activities content from one content store to another. The requested destination object store identifier was not found. Check the spelling of the ID used and compare it with the available object stores listed in the oa-config.xml file. CLFRA0074E: ObjectStoreFilter error during activities object store content filtering "<error>". An error occurred while processing Activities content. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Depending on the additional error information given, it may be possible to correct the data and re-process it. CLFRA0075E: Premature invocation before transfer is complete. Check busy() method or listen for completion event. An error occurred while transferring Activities content from one content store to another. The transfer utility may already be carrying out a transfer. Attempt this operation after the other transfer is complete. CLFRA0076E: <error> Exception while retrieving activities collection. An error occurred while transferring Activities content from one content store to another. Check that the content stores are available and accessible. CLFRA0077E: ObjectStoreConfigLoader: the class "<className>" could not be instantiated. An error occurred while processing the Activities content store configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the <objectStore> configuration information in oa-config.xml is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0078E: Source ObjectStore ID="<id>" not found in ObjectStore registry. Double-check the oa-config.xml file. An error occurred while transferring Activities content from one content store to another. The requested source object store identifier was not found. Check the spelling of the ID used and compare it with the available object stores listed in the oa-config.xml file. CLFRA0079E: {0} error initializing adapter: classname= "{1}" Double-check the config settings for this specific adapter for correct/valid values. An error occurred while processing the Activities content store configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the configuration information for the object store is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0080E: ObjectStoreConfigLoader: missing id for activities object store class "<className>". An error occurred while loading the Activities content store configuration. Verify the configuration information for the object store is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0081E: EventBrokerConfigLoader: the class "<className>" was not found. Check the configuration file, under the class attribute of the service for the correct Java classname. Or, check the classpath to make sure the class is visible. An error occurred while processing the Activities content store configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the configuration information for the object store is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0082E: Unable to access content reference for ACTIVITYUUID=<uuid>, NODEUUID=<uuid>, CONTENTREFUUID=<uuid>. An error occurred while transferring the content of the specified activity from one content store to another. Check that the content stores are available and accessible and that the referenced item exists in the content store. The item may have been deleted by an external process. CLFRA0084E: error terminating activities object store. An error occurred while terminating the Activities content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0085E: Activities Schema Version Mismatch. Current® database schema version is <version>. Activities requires version <version>. The system is expecting a certain schema version on the database. However, the database is reporting it has a different version. Upgrade the Activities' codebase, or upgrade the database schema to match. CLFRA0087E: The content of mime type: "<type>" or filename: "<fileName>" you tried to upload exceeded the size limit of <integer> bytes. Talk to your administrator about increasing the permitted upload size. The administrator set a size limit for the type of content a user tried to upload, either by mime type or by filename. Change the upload limits in the <sizeLimits> element in oa-config.xml or upload something smaller. CLFRA0088E: A profile provider error has occurred. <error> Activities received an error querying the directory (i.e. LDAP) for a user or group. Ensure that the LDAP server configured for the WebSphere Application Server is accessible and that the bind credentials used to authenticate to the LDAP server (if necessary) are valid. CLFRA0090E: profile provider error. Activities received an error querying the directory (i.e. LDAP) for a user or group. Ensure that the LDAP server configured for the WebSphere Application Server is accessible and that the bind credentials used to authenticate to the LDAP server (if necessary) are valid. CLFRA0091E: internal error. Activities generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0092E: A short description could not be generated because the entry contains invalid HTML. Clicking on [more] will display the full description. The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. The HTML was so malformed that JTidy could not clean it, and produced a null result. This error is a message printed to the user that indicates the service could not truncate the input HTML to produce a summary for display in the entry. The user should attempt to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRA0093E: exception while executing JTidy on node: <uuid>. The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. JTidy failed to finish executing on this HTML code before throwing an exception. The user should attempt to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRA0094E: output from JTidy execution: <html>. This is a trace message that explains why JTidy failed to process some HTML input. This exception trace will inform you on how JTidy failed and whether it could be fixed. CLFRA0095E: internal error while executing JTidy on node: <uuid>. The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. The HTML was so malformed that JTidy could not clean it, and produced a null result. The user should attempt to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRA0096E: Error fetching deleted items to purge. The scheduled TrashAutoPurge job received an exception fetching the items to purge. Restart the Activities application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0102E: Error closing email connections. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0105E: Error purging deleted items. The scheduled TrashAutoPurge job received an exception purging items. Restart the Activities application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0106E: Error sending notify message. Error when trying to send an email notification. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0107E: Error composing HTML email message. Error received when trying to create an outbound email message from the server. Restart the Activities application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0108E: EmailNotifier: problems sending email. The most probable cause is due to using an invalid recipient email address. Or, the connection to the host is down. Or, there could also be authentication problems. Check the username and password settings. Error received when trying to send outbound emails. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0109E: Malformed email template, url=<url>. The web address specified is in an invalid URL syntax/format. Check oa-config.xml, email/outbound/templates/url and make sure the URLs are valid. You can validate them by typing the URLs directly into a browser. CLFRA0110E: Error sending error message. Error received when trying to send an email error notification. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0111E: Unable to connect to any of the <number> SMTP servers found on the MX records of the DNS server. The SMTP server is down, unreachable, or not responding. Ensure that the SMTP and DNS servers configured in the <email> element of notification-config.xml are reachable. CLFRA0112E: Unable to get email template from url= <url>. Error trying to retrieve an email template from the given URL. Check oa-config.xml, email/outbound/templates/url and make sure the URLs are valid. You can validate them by typing the URLs directly into a browser. CLFRA0114E: The email from "<sender>" with subject "<subject>" did not match either the create or add-to matching address expressions. The email will be deleted and not processed. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0115E: The email address="<emailAddress>" was not found in the directory. Unable to process the message. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0116E: Unable to find a member profile for the email "<emailAddress>". This user will not be added to the activity membership. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0117E: The activity you tried to email into (id=<uuid>) is deleted or no longer exists. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0118E: You need to update your configuration file version. Make sure you are not trying to use an old config file on a newer server or vice-versa. The version of oa-config.xml on the server differs from the version expected by the Activities Application. Ensure the version property of the <config> element in oa-config.xml matches the version expected by the Activities Application. CLFRA0119E: ExecutionContext leak detected. The Activities application has detected a resource leak. Restart the Activities application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0120E: Internal Error, EC Count is null. The Activities application has detected a resource leak. Restart the Activities application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0121E: Error publishing event <event>. The Activities application received an error from the Event Broker service. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in oa-config.xml is valid. Correct an invalid configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0122E: Cannot find credentials for <name>. The system is configured to use J2C Authentication Aliases to store authentication data. The entry for <name> is missing. Go to Security > Global security > JAAS > J2C authentication data in the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, and check whether there is an entry for <name>. If there is no entry, create an Authentication Alias for <name> by completing these steps:
If there is an entry for <name>, verify that the user credentials are correct. If these steps do not fix the problem, then contact Customer Support.
- Shut down the WebSphere Application Server.
- Edit the security.xml file in <APPServer_HOME>/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/<cell>
- Find the authDataEntries entry with an alias that includes <name>. For example: <authDataEntries alias="text/name"> 2.5
- Replace "text/name" with "name"
- Save the security.xml file.
- Restart the WebSphere Application Server.
CLFRA0123E: Profile provider error. Activities received an error querying the directory (i.e. LDAP) for a user or group. Ensure that the LDAP server configured for the WebSphere Application Server is accessible and that the bind credentials used to authenticate to the LDAP server (if necessary) are valid. CLFRA0127W: Activities cannot determine host name. An error occurred while initializing the Statistics collection service. There was a problem with the server host name. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0131E: Activities Task Scheduler initialization error: <error>. Reason: An error occurred while initializing the Quartz scheduler. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0135E: Error executing event notification. Error received in the event broker. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0136E: Exiting the Async Notification Thread: event processing has been halted. Error received when the event broker thread is halted. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0137E: Error encountered processing events. Error received in the event broker when dispatching events. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0138E: The invoker should not be interrupted. Another thread interrupted the internal event broker. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0142E: Incorrect number of arguments. Please specify the configuration file to process. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0143E: Cannot locate configuration file {0}. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0144E: ConfigurationParser: Bad configuration. Config section defines more properties than values, or vice versa. Possible errant <property> element(s) without a "name" attribute(s). A configuration element in oa-config.xml or oa-jobs.xml is invalid. Enable debug tracing for, restart the application, and determine the invalid element from the trace.log output. Correct the element and restart the Activities application. CLFRA0146E: Unable to refresh cached list of groups. Activities received an exception refreshing its group cache. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0147E: Error initializing Activities. The Activities application received an error trying to start. The cause of the error will be found in the SystemOut.log file. Correct the error cause and restart the Activities application. CLFRA0270E: Error getting server URL for <name>. There was an error reading the server URL for the <name> service.
- Find LotusConnections-config.xml (in <App server home>/profiles/<name>/config/cells/<cell name>/LotusConnections-config)
- Make sure the files exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server process.
- Make sure the files contains the correct entry for the <name> service.
CLFRA0271E: Cannot find config variable directory <directory>. There was a problem reading variables that can be used in the oa-config.xml file. Make sure the directory exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRA0272E: Cannot find <file> for config variables. There was a problem opening a file getting configuration variables. Make sure the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRA0273W: Missing system setting for <name>. The IBM Connections configuration cannot find a definition for a variable named "name". Either, check the installation documentation for the variable to find the correct value for the variable, or add the variable with its correct value in the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, Environment/websphere Variables page. CLFRA0275E: Error loading config variables from <file>. There was a failure parsing variables in file.
- Make sure the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server.
- Replace the current copy with a back-up copy of the file.
CLFRA0276E: Too many errors occurred while sending Activity auto-completion notices. The auto-complete operation was aborted. The server has given up trying to keep sending any more auto complete email notices. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0277W: Warning, invalid parameter specified for the Activity Auto Completion notification max errors ({0}). Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRA0278E: An error occurred while generating the list of activities eligible for auto completion. Error received querying the database to obtain a list of activities that qualify to be autocompleted. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0279E: Error sending auto-complete notification for activity UUID <uuid>. Error received when sending email about an auto complete notification. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0280E: Error initializing the Activities Administrator email address. Some email functionality will not be available. No administrator email address was configured in oa-config.xml. Edit notification-config.xml and provide an administrator email address for the globalSenderEmailAddress property and optionally provide additional email addresses for different types of Activities notifications. CLFRA0281E: The content of mime type: "<mimeType>" or filename: "<fileName>" you tried to upload is not allowed by your administrator. The administrator set a size limit of zero bytes for the type of content a user tried to upload, either by mime type or by filename. Change the upload limits in the <sizeLimits> element in oa-config.xml. CLFRA0282E: The profile provider could not find information for member <uuid>. The Activities profile application did not find a member by the given member ID. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0285W: Purge expiration period (days) either not specified or invalid (<integer>). Defaulting to {1} days. The trashRetentionInDays configured for the TrashAutoPurgeJob in oa-jobs.xml is invalid. Add a value greater than 0 for the trashRetentionInDays configuration. Otherwise, trash older than 1 day will be purged when the job runs. CLFRA0286E: Error sending activity auto completion notification. Error received when trying to send an email auto-completion notification. Ensure that SMTP server configuration in the <email> element of notification-config.xml is valid and that the server is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0287E: Error parsing administrator email address. The administrator email address configured in oa-config.xml is badly formatted. Edit notification-config.xml and provide an administrator email address in the correct format in the <globalSenderEmailAddress> element. CLFRA0288E: No Activities Administrator email address has been configured. You must specify a value for "globalSenderEmailAddress" or "sender" in the notification configuration file. The administrator email address configured in oa-config.xml is empty. Edit notification-config.xml and provide an administrator email address in the correct format in the <globalSenderEmailAddress> element. CLFRA0289W: Content removed by active content filter. The active content filter removed active content from user input. No action necessary. CLFRA0290E: Error starting the active content filter. The active content filter received an error on start up. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0291E: Error encountered with the active content filter. The active content filter received an error trying to filter text. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0292W: Warning, it appears the ACF inserted an invalid character mid stream (<filteredText>). The active content filter inserted an invalid character in the filteredText as part of a filtering operation. No action necessary. The Activities application fixes up the invalid character. CLFRA0293E: A MemberProfile cannot be null. The data in a request to update a member profile in the database is null; possibly via a bad API request. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0295E: Cannot update non-matching MemberProfiles. <uuid> is not <uuid>. In a request to one member profile with a new one, the member IDs do not match. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0296E: Error performing UTF-8 character validation: {0} CLFRA0300E: The ArchiveService cannot export activities to the directory=<directory>; it is not writable. The exportActivities command of ArchiveService wsadmin object tried to archive Activities to a directory that is not writable. Ensure that <directory> exists and that it is writable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRA0301E: The required zip file "Activity-<uuid>.zip" was not found. This activity will not be imported, or a related activity link will be broken. The ArchiveService was requested to import activity with uuid <uuid>. However, the directory path that was also given to the ArchiveService does not contain the file Activity-<uuid>.zip. Ensure that the directory specified in an ArchiveService importActivities or createActivities command contains the archives for the desired Activities. CLFRA0304E: The version of the archive you tried to import does not match the current DB schema. One cannot import activities into servers that are using different DB schemas Migrate the archive to the matching schema version and then import the migrated archive. CLFRA0306W: The user by email (or display name if it's a group) <member> was not found in the LDAP or the database! This means the activity being imported has a reference to a user that has changed emails, or has been removed from the LDAP. In other words, this email address is stale, and the activity is carrying around incongruent data. A member that was included in the imported activity cannot be found anymore. This might happen when switching LDAP servers, and the membership list is different. No action necessary. The imported activity will be imported, the missing member email address (or display name if a group) will be rewritten to "NOT_FOUND_<original emal>". If this behavior is unexpected, you might want to investigate why members are missing in the new LDAP. CLFRA0309E: The ArchiveService cannot export activities to the directory=<directory>; it is not a directory. The exportActivities command of ArchiveService wsadmin object tried to archive Activities to a directory that is not writable. Ensure that <directory> exists and that it is writable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRA0310E: Error writing activity entry #<uuid> to the database. An ArchiveService import error received at the point where the Node of the Activity is written. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the error reported in the SystemOut.log file cannot be resolved, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0312E: Error writing activity node to the database. An ArchiveService import error received at the point where one of the nodes (entries) of the Activity is written. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the error reported in the SystemOut.log file cannot be resolved, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0315E: The ArchiveService cannot create the directory=<directory> for exporting activities. In an ArchiveService exportActivities command one specifies a directory where all the archive files will be written. In this case, the system cannot write out the specified directory to the file system. Manually create the <directory> on the file system and ensure it is writable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRA0318E: The related activity with UUID=<uuid> already exists in the system. It is unclear whether the intention is to overwrite that activity with old data or not. Thus, it will be not imported. When an activity has a related activity link in it, the ArchiveService will automatically try to import the related activity. However, if the ArchiveService is being run with "importActivities" which overwrites activities rather than creating copies, then, it is unclear to the system whether the administrator also intentionally meant to overwrite related activities since that related activity it was not explicitly passed in to be imported. If the administrator wishes to overwrite the related activity, he can use the ArchiveService importActivites command to overwrite the related Activity. CLFRA0319E: Error writing activity content entry "<name>". An ArchiveService import error received at the point where the content (files, attachments, etc) of one of the nodes (entries) of the activity is written. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the error reported in the SystemOut.log file cannot be resolved, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0320E: Error importing activity with UUID=<uuid>. An ArchiveService import error. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the error reported in the SystemOut.log file cannot be resolved, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0321E: Error unpacking the archive. An ArchiveService import error received when unmarshalling the Zip archive. The Zip archive has been corrupted. If the cause of the corruption cannot be determined, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0323E: Duplicate member profile with secondary key "{0}" has been found, no sync operation was taken. CLFRA0324E: Member profile with secondary key "{0}" has not been found in the "{1}". CLFRA0326E: More than one member profile matches the search for {0}. CLFRA0328W: The <name> scheduler is not enabled in config. Check spelling. An attempt was made to start or stop a scheduler that is not enabled in the oa-config.xml file or is named differently than the name given in oa-config.xml. Enable the scheduler by changing the 'enabled' true/false setting. Ensure the scheduler name is spelled correctly. CLFRA0329E: The attempt to start the <name> scheduler failed. The Quartz scheduler did not start. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0330W: The <name> scheduler has already been stopped. An attempt was made to stop a scheduler that is already stopped. Ensure that the scheduler is started before attempting to stop it. CLFRA0332W: The job <name> is not valid for the {1} scheduler. An attempt was made to carry out an action on a job that is not running. Ensure that the job name is spelled correctly and that the job name is known to the system. CLFRA0335W: The job <name> is already running on the {1} scheduler. An attempt was made to resume a job that is already running on a scheduler. Ensure that the job is paused before attempting to resume it. CLFRA0337W: The <name> scheduler has already been started. An attempt was made to start a scheduler that is already started. Ensure that the scheduler is stopped before attempting to start it. CLFRA0339W: The <name> scheduler is disabled in config. An attempt was made to start or stop a scheduler that is disabled in the oa-config.xml file. Enable the scheduler by changing the 'enabled' true/false setting. CLFRA0340W: The request to pause job <name> failed. An error occurred while attempting to pause a job. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. No action is required. CLFRA0341W: The job <name> has already been paused on the {1} scheduler. An attempt was made to pause a job that is already paused on a scheduler. Ensure that the job is running before attempting to pause it. CLFRA0343W: The request to resume job <name> failed. An error occurred while attempting to resume a previously paused job. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. No action is required. CLFRA0345E: The attempt to stop the <name> scheduler failed. The Quartz scheduler did not stop. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Activities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0347E: Error exporting activity UUID={0}. An error occurred while trying to export the activity with the given UUID. Check previous log messages for the actual cause of the export failure. Resolve the error and re-run the export. CLFRA0348W: The group "{0}" could not be loaded from LDAP or the database. Or, there might have been multiple matches for the same name in LDAP. This error is encountered when a group name is not found or multiple matches to the name are found in the configured directory. No action necessary. The activity will continue to be imported; an entry for "NOT_FOUND_" + the group name will be added to the member table and the membership list. CLFRA0349E: Error locating profile: EXID mismatch, but email matches. email={0}, directory EXID={1}, db EXID={2}. This error is encountered when a member entry is found in the Activities database by the given email address, but the external identifier does not match the LDAP record. Determine if the person's record has changed in LDAP and if the two entries are really for the same person. If they are, use the Activities MemberService.
synchMemberExtId (email address) command to update the Activities database with the correct id.
CLFRA0350E: Error: the group profile "{0}" could not be located in the Activities database. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The group could not be located in the Activities database. Check the spelling of the group name. CLFRA0351E: Error: the group profile "{0}" could not be located in the directory service. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The group found in the Activities database could not be located in LDAP. Check the spelling of the group name. CLFRA0353E: Error: the member profile "{0}" could not be located in the Activities database. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The person could not be located in the Activities database. Check the profile for the referenced user and ensure that the spelling of the supplied look-up field matches. CLFRA0356E: Error: the member profile "{0}" could not be located in the directory service. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The person could not be located in LDAP. There is no match for the person by the given value. Check to see if the person exists in LDAP. CLFRA0357E: Error: more than one profile was found with the key "{0}". Multiple entries identified by the <user identifier> have been found in the member profile table. One of the entries must be deleted. Contact Customer Support before proceeding. CLFRA0359E: Error locating member profile for <user identifier>, search type <internal search type>. The user's member profile could not be located in the directory. Verify the LDAP configuration is correct. If this error is limited to a specific user, verify the user can be located in LDAP given the identifier in the error message. The search type indicates what LDAP attribute is searched: 1=login, 2=email, 3=internal Activities member id (not used when searching LDAP). CLFRA0361E: The file "{0}" cannot be uploaded as it is a 0-byte file. An attempt was made to upload the specified file which has no content (zero bytes in size). Only files which have content may be uploaded. Ensure that the file contains data before uploading. CLFRA0362E: FileSystem property name="use.historic" was not found in ObjectStore registry. Double-check the oa-config.xml file. The use.historic property is missing from the ObjectStore section of the oa-config.xml file. It must be present and must have a value of either true or false. Check the <objectStore> settings in oa-config.xml file and provide a correct value for the use.historic property of the <store> element. CLFRA0364E: Error initializing the Notification service for {0}. No notification messages will be sent. Error details : {1}. An unexpected error occurred while initializing the notification service for Activities. This is most likely due to a configuration problem with the server or mail service. Verify the mail service is configured properly. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0366E: Activities Notification service initialization error: {0} An unexpected error occurred while initializing the notification service for Activities. This is most likely due to a configuration problem with the server or mail service. Verify the mail service is configured properly. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0367E: The date {0} is invalid; see documentation for acceptable date formats The date supplied as a parameter is invalid. This date was supplied to the request to fix up the content store after a restore from backup. This is a WSAdmin command task. Enter a date that is valid according to one of the documented acceptable formats. CLFRA0368E: The folder {0} does not exist The folder path which was supplied as a parameter is invalid. Enter the path of a folder that exists. CLFRA0369E: The attempt to fix up the content store failed : {0} An error occurred while attempting to fix up the contents of the file store after a restore from backup. Verify the command was used properly and that the file system is accessible. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0371E: Creation of the orphan folder {1} failed An error occurred while attempting to create the specified folder for orphaned files. Verify the path for the folder exists and that the file system is accessible. Also verify that the user has write access to the file system. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0373E: The value {0} for the content store configuration is invalid. Check oa-config.xml The directory given in oa-config.xml for the <store> element property name either could not be found or accessed. This directory is used for file uploads to the Activities content store. Check that the directory exists. Create it if it does not exist. CLFRA0374E: file: {0} already exists. While attempting to mark a file as "purged" for subsequent deletion, the file could not be marked since a file with that name already existed on the file system. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. The administrator can safely manually remove any files that the purge task fails to mark for deletion. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0375E: error encountered while purging content: {0} {1}. An error occurred while attempting to remove content from the file store or mark the file for deletion. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0376E: unable to mark file: {0} for deletion. An error occurred while attempting to mark the specified file as "purged" for subsequent deletion. The file could not be marked for deletion from the file system. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. The administrator can safely manually remove any files that the purge task fails to mark for deletion. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0377E: unable to purge file {0} {1}. An error occurred while attempting to mark the specified file as "purged" for subsequent deletion. The file could not be marked for deletion from the file system. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. The administrator can safely manually remove any files that the purge task fails to mark for deletion. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0378E: The attempt to remove redundant files from the content store failed : {0} An error occurred while attempting to remove redundant files from the content store. The files could not be removed from the file system. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. The administrator can safely manually remove any files that the purge task fails to mark for deletion. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the referenced file exists and can be accessed. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0380E: The content store location is not a valid directory or is missing: {0} The file path specified in the oa-config.xml file for the property either could not be found or could not be accessed. This directory is used for file uploads to the Activities content store and must exist and be writeable. Check that the directory exists; create it if it does not exist. CLFRA0382E: Unable to delete file {0} from the content store. The system security manager denied file delete access. An error occurred while attempting to delete a file from the content store. The file could not be removed from the file system since delete access to the file was denied by the system security manager. This should not ordinarily happen. Only processes with the appropriate access credentials should be attempting to delete files from the system. Any failure should be investigated by the system administrator to determine which process was attempting the unauthorized access. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the referenced file exists and can be accessed. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0383E: The content store cleanup job only supports a file system object store. Store is {0}. Check oa-config.xml. The Activities content store must be a file system content store. No other type of content store is supported. Check in the oa-config.xml file for the store type and ensure that it refers to a FileSystemObjectStore. CLFRA0384W: Unable to delete file {0} from the content store. Skipping this file. An error occurred while attempting to delete a file from the content store. The file could not be removed from the file system since the file delete operation failed. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation but could lead to extraneous files remaining on the file system. Ensure that the referenced file exists and can be accessed. The administrator can safely manually remove any files that the historic purge task fails to delete. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0386E: The file does not exist. An error occurred while attempting to delete a file from the content store. The file could not be removed from the file system since it does not exist. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the referenced file exists and can be accessed. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0387E: The directory is not empty. An error occurred while attempting to remove a directory from the content store. The directory could not be removed from the file system since it contained at least one file. This should not ordinarily happen. This is not a critical situation. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the referenced directory exists and can be accessed and verify that the files contained in it are no longer needed by the Activities server. If they are no longer used, then files in that directory can be manually removed and the directory can be manually removed. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0388E: The file is read only. An error occurred while attempting to delete a file from the content store. The file could not be removed from the file system since it is read only. This should not ordinarily happen. Files in the Activities content store should be read-write so that they can be updated, moved or deleted by the Activities system. This is not a critical situation. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the referenced file exists and can be accessed. If necessary, change the file access permissions to read-write. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRA0392E: The path "{0}" is not a directory or it does not exist. The path given was not a directory path Provide a correct directory path CLFRA0393E: Error. The value given for "{0}" in LotusConnections-config.xml is invalid. An error occurred while retrieving the specified value from Lotusconnections-config.xml. Check that the config file has a suitable value for the parameter. CLFRA0394E: Access control for community activities cannot be altered. Update the membership in the community instead. Activity UUID = {0} Tried to update the ACL on a community activity By design, the ACL for a community activity should be changed in the Community directly not thru Activities CLFRA0395E: Community pseudo groups are not valid members. They may not be used for access control operations. Attempted to use a pseudo-group as an ACL object By design, the ACL for a community activity should be changed in the Community directly not thru Activities CLFRA0396E: Error updating last login time for {0} An error occurred updating the last login time for the indicated user. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRA0399E: Error {0} received accessing Communities server The Communities is down or unresponsive Check that the server is correctly configured with a valid URL to Communities, and that the Communities server is up and running CLFRA0403E: Error: An error occurred while updating the login names for user "{0}". The internal error is {1} Additional details of the error are given in the error message. If the problem persists after restarting the Communities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0406E: An error occurred while propagating an event. The Activities application generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Communities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRA0407E: Error writing ''{0}''. Generic error writing a file to the filesystem Usually, this error will be followed by a more specific message about an exact problem writing the file CLFRA0408E: Could not create the directory for writing ''{0}''. Could not write the directory to the filesystem Check the given path points to a location the system has the appropiate permissions to write to CLFRA0409E: Error closing streams when writing SyncedResourceInfo.xml Generic error writing a file to the filesystem Usually results in problems when files are locked or deleted by another process CLFRA0410E: The given path ''{0}'' is a directory. Please specify a filename. The given path is a directory Make sure to specify a path pointing to a file and not a directory CLFRA0411E: Could not write ''{0}''; The directory or given path is not writable. The given path is not a writable directory. Make sure to specify a directory path pointing to a directory for which the user has write access. CLFRA0439I: Processing '''' community event from old community ExId: ''{0}'', to new community ExId: ''{1}'' This message is used for logging purpose when moving a set of activities from one community to another (as is the case for a 'sync' event) if debugging/logging is enabled. N/A CLFRA0442E: A fatal error occurred while sending a notification message. CLFRA0445E: unable to download the file: {0} {1}. An error occurred while downloading a file attachment. The specified file could not be found or an error occurred while it was being read. CLFRA0446E: Unknown sync event type: "{0}" A communities event was not recognized by the Acitvities server. Check that Activities is not subscribed to listen to events it does not support CLFRA0447E: The communities service is currently unavailable. Check that it is running. This message is logged when fetching communities by name and directory service is not available. Need to make sure that the directory service is available. CLFRA0449E: The user with external ID "{0}" is not authorized to access the Activity with UUID {1}. This error message is thrown with access control exception because of the user with a given external Id does not have access to the activity. Access to the activity must be granted to the user. CLFRA0450E: An internal error occurred during the AntiVirus scan of Activities object store content item "{0}". Make sure that the AntiVirus server is running and that you can access it, and then try to upload the item again. An error occurred while attempting to virus-scan a file being uploaded. Verify the AV server is running. Check the SystemOut.log file for additional failure details. CLFRA0455E: The file {0} contains a virus. Remove the virus before attempting to upload the file. Informational message. The AV scanner processed an uploaded file and found a virus in the file. Remove the virus from the file before attempting to upload it to Activities. CLFRA0456E: The internal identifier {0} is invalid and cannot be used to retrieve content from the database. The identifier in the URL for downloading a file is not valid. Check the identifier in the URL for correctness; if it is correct, the content has been removed and is no longer accessible. CLFRA0457E: Error {0} received accessing the Organization server The service that supplies a person's organization is not responding. Ensure that the directory services extension configuration for Organizations is correctly configured. CLFRA0458E: The user {0} could not upload the file with size: {1} because their quota of size {2} would be exceeded. The specified user attempted to upload a file to Activities but the file exceeded the allowable file size. The user may either reduce the size of the file or the system administrator can increase the quota size. CLFRA0461E: The file with size: {0} could not be uploaded because your quota of size {1} would be exceeded. The current user attempted to upload a file to Activities but the file exceeded the allowable file size. The user may either reduce the size of the file or the system administrator can increase the quota size. CLFRA0462E: Unable to instantiate file upload quota checker {0}; received error {1}; using default implementation The file upload quota extension is not configured with an accessible class. Provide the name of a class accessible to the Activities service for checking file upload quotas. CLFRA0463E: The command cannot be processed because another user has this key value: {0} The person's profile data cannot be updated because another person already has been assigned their unique identifer. Resolve issues with the directory so that different users are not assigned the same unique identifer. CLFRA0464E: The user with id {0} could not be found. The identifier provided in the transfer assets command does not resolve to a unique identifier for a person in the directory. Provide a unique identifier for a person in the directory in the transfer command. CLFRA0465E: Unknown command: {0} The provisioning command received was not recognized. None. CLFRA0466E: An unexpected error occurred while processing command {0}: {1} The provisioning or user lifecycle event failed. Resolve the error included in the message and reissue the event. CLFRA0470E: Unable to instantiate configured cacheExtensionPoint {0}; received error {1}; using default implementation The class providing an alternative implementation to the default Activities cache could not be instantiated. Correctly configure the extenstion point for the alternative cache implementation in oa-config.xml. CLFRA0471E: The community by external ID "{0}" could not be found. Thus, this community activity will not be imported. If Activities cannot find the given Community, it cannot import the archive. See if the community still exists in the Communities Server using the same ID. CLFRA0472E: The membership model can only be changed on community activities. This message is thrown if an error occurs when changing the membership type of the community. Make sure the activity is a community activity. CLFRA0473E: Error locating profile: EXID mismatch, but email matches. name={0}, directory EXID={1}, db EXID={2} A collision arose between two users who have the same email address but different LDAP Ids. Use the logged identification information. The system administrator can fix up the user data in LDAP and in the Activities database tables, ensuring that each unique user has a different email address and different LDAP Ids. CLFRA0475E: Error on user lifecycle getByInternalId of: {0} Generic error occurred while running the sync command *byMemberId. Use the server logs to identify why command failed to run. CLFRA0476E: Error on user lifecycle getByEmail Generic error occurred while running the sync command *byEmail. Use the server logs to identify why command failed to run. CLFRA0477E: Error on user lifecycle getByLogin of: {0} Generic error occurred while running the sync command *byLogin. Use the server logs to identify why command failed to run. CLFRA0478E: Error on user lifecycle update of internalId: {0} Generic error occurred while running the sync command *byMemberId. Use the server logs to identify why command failed to run. CLFRA0480E: Error on user lifecycle getByExternalId of: {0} Generic error occurred while running the sync command *byExtId. Use the server logs to identify why command failed to run. CLFRA0481E: All of the owners of the Activity cannot be removed. This message is thrown when removing all of the owners of the activity from the activity's member list is requested. At least one owner of the activity must remain as the owner in order to avoid an orphan activity. CLFRA0482E: Member {0} tried to modify the permissions of the business owner of Activity {1} A person tried to change the access of the business owner of the activity. None . the business owner's permissions cannot be changed by a member. CLFRA0483E: The permissions of the business owner of the Activity cannot be modified A person tried to change the access of the business owner of the activity. None . the business owner's permissions cannot be changed by a member. CLFRA0484E: Unable to find the selected library. Please try again. Contact your administrator if this problem persists. This error message is thrown from Quickr® server when the selected Quickr library from Activities Picker is no longer found. Make sure the selected Quickr library is found in Quickr server. If the problem still persists, contact Quickr server adminstrator. CLFRA0485E: The same file already exists in the selected library. This error message is thrown from Quickr server when a file with the same file name already exists in the selected library. N/A CLFRA0486E: Unable to connect to the service. Please try again. Contact your administrator if this problem persists. This error message is thrown when Activities back-end API client is unable to connect to Quickr server. Make sure the Quickr server is up and running and the connection is set up correctly. CLFRA0487E: Could not perform the request Unknown error occurs when publishing a file to Quickr server. Make sure the Activities picker is set up correctly to connect to a specified Quickr server. CLFRA0488E: There is a problem with the server. Please try again. Contact your administrator if this problem persists. This error message is thrown from Quickr server when there is an internal server issue. Make sure the Quickr server being connected to is up and running and set up correctly. CLFRA0489E: You are not authorized to publish to this location. This error message is thrown when a user tries to publish a file to a Quickr library but doesn't have the author access. N/A CLFRA0490E: You are not allowed to perform the action. This error message is thrown from Quickr server when publishing a file to the Quickr server and the user is not allowed to publish the file to a selected library. N/A CLFRA0491E: You have no access. This error message is thrown from Quickr server when publishing a file to the Quickr server and the user is not allowed to publish the file to a selected library. N/A CLFRA0492E: There was a problem with your request. Please try again. Contact your administrator if this problem persists. This error message is thrown if a problem occurs when publishing a file to a selected Quickr library. N/A CLFRA0493E: The file type you are trying to publish is not allowed in this location. This error message is thrown if the file type being published to a Quickr library is not allowed. Check with the Quickr server administrator to find out the allowed file types. CLFRA0494E: Invalid Atom date Bad Atom date format is used. Correct Atom date format: <updated>2009-01-02T20:45:07Z</updated> <published>2009-01-02T20:45:07Z</published> CLFRA0495E: Invalid Atom date Bad Atom date format is used. <updated>2009-01-02T20:45:07Z</updated> <published>2009-01-02T20:45:07Z</published> CLFRA0496E: Unexpected Markup\t\t{0} Invalid markup used in the atom entry document. Remove invalid XML/Atom markup tags. CLFRA0497E: Unsupported Document Element Unsupported Atom/XML element is used in the atom entry document. Remove unsupported Atom entry document elements. CLFRA0498E: Invalid Visibility: {0} Obsolete . this is used internally for Activities m3 release. Not used in 3.0. N/A CLFRA0499E: Invalid Role: {0} Obsolete N/A CLFRA0500E: Unsupported element Lotus® Live specific error. When creating an activity, if .Public. is entered, then this error message is thrown. CLFRA0501E: Malformed xml:base Malformed xml:base value is used. Use valid xml:base value. CLFRA0502E: Unacceptable element Unacceptable element is used in the atom entry document. Remove invalid XML/Atom markup tags. CLFRA0503E: Invalid Compound Atom Document When parsing multipart POST and PUT input stream, if the Atom entry is formatted invalid, the error message will be thrown. Send a valid multipart POST/PUT input request and make sure the first input request body is a well-formatted Atom entry document. CLFRA0504E: atom:id is null The required atom:id element is null. When sending a PUT request to modify an existing entry, make sure to set the atom:id and its value. CLFRA0505E: Invalid Due Date: {0} Invalid snx:duedate value is used. Use Atom Date construct to set the value. CLFRA0506E: BadInputStream HTTP POST/PUT request input stream is bad. Send a valid input request stream. CLFRA0507E: Invalid Priority: {0} Invalid Activities' priority value is found in the Atom entry document. N/A CLFRA0508E: Atom: in-reply-to ref is null The required threading extension, .in-reply-to. element's .ref. attribute value is null. Be sure to include the value of .ref. attribute when setting or changing the parent entry using the in-reply-to threading extension. Correct use of in-reply-to. <thr:in-reply-to xmlns:thr="" ref="" type="application/atom+xml" href=" activityNodeUuid=793G09219C73CC5C30A4F106B852AD00012F" source=""> </thr:in-reply-to> CLFRA0509E: Invalid component Invalid value is entered for .component. attribute in the member entry document. Use the correct Activities component.<snx:role component=""> CLFRA0510E: This implementation does not allow markup in title elements Invalid markup is used to set the atom:title element's value. Use text type for atom:title value. CLFRA0511E: Invalid Status: {0} Invalid activity's status value is entered. Use .completed. or .not-completed. as the flag value. CLFRA0512E: This entry type is not supported in the 2.0 API When an entry of type=.entry. is used in the 2.0 Atom API. Don't use .entry. type in the 2.0 Atom API. CLFRA0513E: Unrecognized Feed Type This is internal use only. N/A CLFRA0514E: Required element snx:role is null When creating or modifying an activity member, snx:role is required, but it's not sepcified in the member entry document. Use a correct snx:role and value: To add an owner, <snx:role component="">owner</snx:role> CLFRA0515E: atom:content: unsupported type Not used in the server code. N/A N/A CLFRA0516E: unable to create file upload directory {0} When uploading a file, there was a problem with the file upload directory. Contact system administrator. CLFRA0517E: unable to upload file: {0} {1} This error message is thrown if a problem occurs when uploading a file to the server. Make sure the file size doesn't exceed the upload file size limit and the file type is accepted to the server. CLFRA0518E: Could not send SameTime notification N/A in server code N/A CLFRA0519E: A URL must be specified via {0} N/A in server code N/A CLFRA0520E: Error starting Activities UserLifecycle SPI. Generic error initializing the User Lifecycle SPI engine. Use the server logs to identify why the SPI engine failed to start. CLFRA0523E: Error inserting Tree Entry: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0524E: Error purging MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0525E: Error getting ContentReference: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0526E: Error creating or saving a section because it was not a direct descendant of its activity An error occurred adding a section. Provide the correct UUID for the parent of the section in the API. CLFRA0527E: Error updating NodeMember: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0528E: Error removing node: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0529E: Error updating AclEntry: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0530E: Profile ID: {0} does not exist. A Member could not be retrieved from the database using the provided member identifier. Provide the correct member identifer for a person in the API. CLFRA0531E: Error updating Statement (property): {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0532E: Exporter/Importer cannot delete: {0} Unable to delete a filesystem resource. Check for permission errors writing to the filesystem and verify the given user can read the directory. CLFRA0533E: Error getting related libraries of a selected file entry {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0534E: Required parameter MemberID was not specified The person's memberid was not specified in the Hashtable used as input to the updateMember wsadmin command. Provide a memberid in the Hashtable and reissue the command. CLFRA0535E: Error getting related activities: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0536E: Error inserting EventLogEntry: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0537E: Error getting LogEntries for an activity: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0538E: Error purging a selected publish library {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0540E: Error getting Statements: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0541E: Error loading configuration settings to determine if external email exposure is enabled: {0} An error occurred reading a value from LotusConnections-config.xml. Check the SystemOut.log on server startup to determine the syntax error in LotusConnections-config.xml; resolve the syntax error. CLFRA0542E: Error inserting Node: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0543E: Bad configuration. Config section defines more properties than values, or vice versa. Possible errant <property> element(s) without a "name" attribute(s) A property in LotusConnections-config.xml or oa-config.xml has too many or not enough values. Provide the correct number of values for the listed property in LotusConnections-config.xml or oa-config.xml. CLFRA0544E: Importer error accessing the directory {0} Error accessing the given archive directory. Check for permission errors writing to the filesystem and verify the given user can read the directory. CLFRA0545E: Error updating a selected publish library {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0546E: Exporter/Importer destination/source is not a directory: {0} The path given is not a directory path. Check the directory argument actually points to a path that is a directory. CLFRA0547E: no default content store defined A default content store has not been configured in oa-config.xml. Designated a default content store in oa-config.xml. See the infocenter topic on .Managing uploaded files. for details CLFRA0548E: Error inserting Schema Version: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0549E: Error getting nodes: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0550E: Error purging node: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0551E: Error inserting NodeMember: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0552E: cannot disable security; user is not an administrator A person tried to assume administrator privileges. None . Activities will not allow a person to assume administrator privileges. CLFRA0554E: Error creating thumbnail for {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added CLFRA0555E: Error getting descendent uuids: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0556E: Failed to initialize {0} The Activities database layer configuration file dao.xml has been corrupted. Update the Activities Enterprise Application from backup in the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console. CLFRA0557E: Error getting MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved CLFRA0558E: Error getting activities: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0559E: Error inserting Tags: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0560E: Error inserting a new publish library {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0561E: Error getting all LogEntries for a user: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0562E: Error when reparenting node - You cannot reparent a node to one of its descendants. An API program tried to move a entry to an incorrect location. Check the logic of the move entry logic in the API program. CLFRA0563E: Error creating or saving a {0} because it was a child of an invalid node type {1} An API program tried to save a entry to an incorrect location. Check the parenting logic in the API program. CLFRA0564E: Importer error accessing the directory {0} The wsadmin ArchiveService does not have access to the directory containing the Activities to be imported. Check that the correct directory has been specified; if so, ensure that the permissions on the directory allow the WebSphere Application server to read it. CLFRA0565E: Error getting AclEntries for a user: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0566E: Error updating Node: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0567E: Error purging Tag: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed CLFRA0568E: Error undeleting node: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0569E: getting children for node: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved CLFRA0570E: Cannot change position, the max number of children ({0}) has been exceeded for node = {1} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. None . the maximum number of children for the activity or entry has been reached. CLFRA0571E: Could not locate MBean Server An error occurred trying to register the Activities Mbeans with the WebSphere Application Server. Check the SystemOut.log for WebSphere errors on server startup regarding Mbeans and resolve those errors. CLFRA0572E: Error inserting a publish history entry {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0573E: Error, you cannot convert a node template to another type An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0574E: Error updating Schema Version: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0575E: Error, entry type conversion from and to activity is not allowed An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0576E: Error, entry type conversion from and to section is not allowed An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0579E: Error updating ContentReference: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0580E: Error getting ancestors: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0581E: Error purging a selected publish history entry {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0582E: Error inserting MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0583E: Error getting a selected publish history entry {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0584E: Error purging NodeMember: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0585E: Error getting publish history entries of a selected file entry An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0586E: Error auto completing activities: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0587E: Error getting related people: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0588E: Error updating Tag: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0589E: Exporter error creating the directory {0} Generic error creating the archive directory. Check for permission errors writing to the filesystem and verify the given user can create a directory in a given path. CLFRA0590E: Error getting AclEntries for an activity: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0591E: cannot create MemberProfile. Profile ({0}) already exists. A person could not be added to Activities because their unique identifier or email address matched with another person's in the database. Use the information provided in the error, run the wsadmin ActivitiesMemberService.syncMemberExtIdByLogin() command for the person already in the Activity's database. CLFRA0592E: The email address={0} was not found in the directory! Unable to process their message! An error occurred trying to send an email notification to a person who does not have an email address. The notification will be sent to the person's Home page. CLFRA0593E: Error inserting ContentReference: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0594E: Error getting Tags for a member: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0595E: Schema Version Mismatch The version of the Activities database Activities is connecting to is the wrong version. Upgrade the Activities data to the correct versions either with the database wizard or upgrade scripts. CLFRA0596E: Error getting Tags from a node: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0598E: Error getting a selected publish library {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0599E: Unable to add email "{0}" to the membership of the activity because the email address was not recognized either as a person or a group CLFRA0600E: Error updating a selected publish history entry {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0601E: Error purging Statement: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0602E: Error purging Tree Entry: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0603E: Error getting ancestor uuids: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0604E: Error getting NodeMember: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0605E: Error getting activities tags: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0606E: Unable to process event "{0}" . An exception was thrown: An error occurred sending an email notification. Refer to addition information in the message regarding the cause. CLFRA0607E: Error purging EventLogEntry: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0608E: Error finding groups that start with ({0}) : {1} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0609E: Error creating icon for {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0610E: Unrecognized multipart type={0} An error occurred processing an email being added to Activities. Ensure that the API program adding email to Activities does no try to include unsupported MIME types. CLFRA0611E: Error getting activities named ( {0}) : {1} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0612E: Error getting EventLogEntry by member and node: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0613E: Error inserting AclEntry: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0614E: Error, invalid date type specification, {0} An error occurred trying to use the dates provided in a database query. Ensure that the API program requesting Activities by dates provides valid dates. CLFRA0615E: Error updating Statement: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0616E: Exporter/Importer error creating the directory {0} Error creating the archive directory. Check for permission errors writing to the filesystem and verify the given user can create a directory in a given path. CLFRA0617E: Error getting NodeSummary: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0618E: Exporter/Importer destination/source directory is not readable: {0} The directory in the filesystem is not readable. Check for permission errors writing to the filesystem and verify the given user can read the directory. CLFRA0619E: {0} - All passed AclEntrys must refer to the passed object An error occurred trying to process the data for performing an Membership change. Ensure that the data provided by API program requesting the Membership change is appropriate. CLFRA0620E: Error updating Tree Entry: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0621E: Error getting activities nodesummary: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0622E: Error purging Schema Version: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0623E: Error getting related libraries of a selected activity {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0624E: 'subscriber' cannot be empty. An error occurred retrieving an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0625E: Error updating MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0626E: Error getting activities total: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0627E: Error purging AclEntry: {0} An error occurred removing an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0628E: Error finding activities that start with ( {0}) : {1} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0630E: Error getting publish history entries of a selected activity {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0631E: Unrecognized content type at the beginning of the email={0}, instanceof={1} An error occurred trying to add an email to Activities. Modify the API program trying to add the email to only provide supported data types. CLFRA0632E: Error getting Node: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0634E: Error getting publish history entries of a selected node entry {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0636E: Error getting Statement: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0637E: Error purging ContentReference: {0} An error occurred removing an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being removed. CLFRA0638E: Error getting Tree Entry: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0639E: Error getting AclEntry by uuid: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0641E: EmailNotifier: initialize method does not allow null properties. Check the config file to see if it includes all the required settings CLFRA0642E: Error moving node, activities/reply typed nodes cannot be re-parented. An error occurred updating an entry in the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being updated. CLFRA0643E: Invalid event class: {0} An error occurred processing the <eventBroker> entry in oa-config.xml. Restore the default <eventBroker > entry in oa-config.xml. CLFRA0644E: Error getting EventLogEntry by uuid: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0645E: Error getting AclEntry by member and node: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0646E: Error getting LogEntries for a user: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0648E: Error getting nodes in activity: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0649E: Error getting Schema Version: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0650E: Error getting autocompleted activity candidates: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0651E: No such Sort Key - {0} The sort key provided for sorting entries returned from a query is null. Modify the API program requesting sorted entries to provide a sort key. CLFRA0652E: No thumbnail exists for {0} The thumbnail image for an attachment could not be found. None . a default image will be used. CLFRA0653E: NOT IMPLEMENTED The function being requested from the Activities service is not available. None. CLFRA0655E: Error getting ancestor tree entries: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0656E: Error getting getMemberProfilesByName: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0657E: Error getting Tag: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0658E: Error getting all nodes: {0} An error occurred retrieving an entry from the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being retrieved. CLFRA0660E: Stream is not Open An error occurred trying to feed user input data through the Active Content filter. Caused by a temporary lack of resources, retry the operation. CLFRA0661E: Error inserting Statement: {0} An error occurred adding an entry to the database. Check the database logs and resolve the condition preventing the entry from being added. CLFRA0662E: unknown permission: {0} An error occurred processing the list of permissions being given to a Member of an activity. Ensure that the API program adding the permissions only uses those defined. CLFRA0665E: Error closing the Admin Execution Context An error occurred during the completion of a user lifecycle event. Check the additional information provided in the message for the cause. CLFRA0668E: The community activity UUID={0} has been deleted by its Community. Thus, it will not be exported. The administrator tried to export an activity that references a community that has been deleted. (When a community is deleted, its activities are soft-deleted, which means they are still potentially available for export.) However, the implementation policy does not allow for the export of such activities. CLFRA0669E: Cannot set External to {0} in activity UUID {1} due to heterogeneous organizations in the membership of the activity. The activity cannot be made internal because some of the current members of the activity have an organization that is different from the organization of the business owner. Remove the members of the activity who have a different organization from the business owner, then retry the Access Change action. CLFRA0671E: Cannot set External to {0} in activity UUID {1} because the Community member {2} is external. The activity cannot be made internal because one of the current community members is external. Remove the external community from the Members list, then retry the Access Change action. CLFRA0672E: The external Community {0} could not be added as a member to the internal activity with UUID {1}. The selected community cannot be added to the internal activity because the community is external. Set the community access to be internal, then retry the Add Member action. CLFRA0683E: The file {0} does not exist. The attachment to remove is not in the file system. No action necessary. CLFRA0684E: {0} does not have organization member uuid. The selected member cannot be added to an activity because the member does not belong to an organization. Contact customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0685E: Error inserting Invitation: {0}. The operation to add an invitation to the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0686E: Error updating Invitation: {0}. The operation to update an invitation in the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0687E: Error getting Invitation by activity and member: {0}. The operation to select an invitation from the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0688E: Error updating profile: extId = {0} exception = {1}. The operation to update a member in the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0689E: Error adding profile: extId = {0} exception = {1}. The operation to add a member to the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0690E: Error purging Invitation: {0}. The operation to delete an invitation from the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0691E: Error getting Invitation by uuid: {0}. The operation to select an invitation from the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities feature, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0692E: Error getting Invitations for an activity: {0}. The operation to select Invitations from the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities feature, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0779E: The organization {0} cannot be removed. It is in use by subscriber(s) : {1} The organization cannot be deleted because at least one subscriber in the Activities database is a member of the organization. Remove all subscribers from the organization before removing the organization. CLFRA0780E: Cannot add member {0} to activity UUID {1} because they are not a member of Community UUID {2}. The member could not be added to the community activity because they are not a member of the community. Add the member to the community then retry the Add Member action. CLFRA0781E: The Activity or Activity Entry with UUID {0} is not present in the Activities database. The operation to select an activity or activity entry from the Activities database failed. The activity or entry referenced by the URL is no longer present in the Activities database. No action necessary. CLFRA0782E: The time zone "{1}" for user "{0}" is not valid; using default time zone for user''s locale. You should not see this error message. The feature is not enabled. You should not see this error message. The feature is not enabled CLFRA0783E: Error getting total number of AclEntries: {0}. The operation to select then number of Activity Members from the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0786E: Error checking access permission for user {0} on activity {1}. The operation to check a member's access to an activity in the Activities database failed. Ensure any database issues reported in the SystemOut.log file are resolved. If the problem persists after restarting Activities, contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0787E: Unable to instantiate requested cache {0} from DynaCache; received error {1}; using default implementation. Errors are being returned when Activities is trying to access the WebSphere cache implementation. Contact IBM customer support to report the incident. CLFRA0788E: Unable to instantiate configured timezoneExtensionPoint {0}; received error {1}; using default implementation. You should not see this error message. The feature is not enabled You should not see this error message. The feature is not enabled
Administer Activities
Anti-virus error codes
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the Anti-Virus service plug-in and find their solutions.
The following error messages are generated by the Anti-virus service plug-ins:Table 4. Anti-Virus service plug-in error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFAQ0001E: Unable to access file {0} The plug-in cannot find the file to scan. Verify the file name and then try again. CLFAQ0002E: Error raised communicating with virus scanner: {0} The plug-in could not connect to the scanner. For example: Verify that the scanner is running and the network connection is good. CLFAQ0003E: Property {0} missing from scanner initialisation data A required property, identified by {0}, is not in the <avFilter> XML block of the configuration file. Add the property to the to the <avFilter> XML block in LotusConnections-config.xml. CLFAQ0004E: ICAP error processing content: {0} There was a problem processing the content of the ICAP header. Make sure you are providing the appropriate content in the header. CLFAQ0005E: Unknown Host: {0} The code was unable to find the antivirus server. First, check that the antivirus server is online and reachable by the Lotus connections Server. Secondly, check the DNS server to ensure that the hostname/domain used for the antivirus server is pointing to the correct machine. Also ensure that the antivirus machine is running. CLFAQ0006E: ICAP error null response The antivirus server did not return any response at all. Indicates a possible connection problem and/or anti-virus server problem. The virus scanner might have crashed, for example. CLFAQ0007E: ICAP error first read timeout: {0} Indicates that the anti-virus server is a bit slow or overloaded or there is some sort of network issue. If you see this error once in a while, it is OK to ignore it. However, if the logger has a lot of timeouts and virus scanning fails, then there is a problem. In this case, check to make sure that the antivirus server is actually running and reachable by the IBM Connections servers. CLFAQ0008E: General error with connecting to a server: {0} A generic error that is displayed when the code is unable to connect to the antivirus server due to some unexpected error. First, check that the antivirus server is online and reachable by the Lotus connections Server. Secondly, check the DNS server to ensure that the hostname/domain used for the antivirus server is pointing to the correct machine. Also ensure that the antivirus machine is running. CLFAQ0009E: ICAP error second read timeout: {0} Indicates that the anti-virus server is a bit slow or overloaded or there is some sort of network issue. If you see this error once in a while, it is OK to ignore it. However, if the logger has a lot of timeouts and virus scanning fails, then there is a problem. In this case, check to make sure that the antivirus server is actually running and reachable by the IBM Connections servers. CLFAQ0010E: ICAP error incomplete response: {0} The antivirus server did return something, but the response was incomplete. Check to make sure that the antivirus server is actually running and reachable by the IBM Connections servers. CLFAQ0011E: Unsupported connection type: [tls] The current code does not support connecting to the antivirus scanner using TLS. Disable TLS. CLFAQ0012I: ICAP Headers: {0} This informational message is provided for debugging, since the code can sometimes misinterpret the ICAP headers. Use this message to secure a log of what the headers actually are so you can figure out what happened.
Blogs error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with blogs and find their solutions.
The following Blogs error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 5. Blogs error messages
Message Cause Solution Error instantiating <roller_classname>. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. It appears that your factory does not implement <"CacheFactory interface>. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. It appears that your mapper does not implement <RequestMapper interface>. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. not found. The Blogs configuration file,,. does not exist. Recover this file or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. Unable to instantiate cache factory <classname> falling back on default. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. Unable to instantiate cache handler <Handler>. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. Unable to instantiate request mapper <mapper>. Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. Unable to load Specified file does not exist. Recover this file or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. Unable to lookup mail session. Check configuration. Cannot find JavaMail JNDI resource. Check WebSphere Application Server Blogs configuration to make sure the JNDI resource has been configured. CLFRS0012E: Error processing referrer Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0019E: Error deleting the resource Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0025E: Error getting weblogs default page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0030E: Content-Type error Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0031E: Error processing subscription entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0040E: Error loading model objects for page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0049E: Error updating the resource Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0050E: Error retrieving the resource Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0055E: WaltzUserAutoProvision.getUserDetailsByLoggedInUser {0} failed. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0057E: Error adding a media-link entry to the collection feed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0059E: Error retrieving accepted content type ranges Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0060E: Error getting key ''{0}'' Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0062E: Parent association is null Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0070E: Error while updating master search index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0071E: Error posting the new entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0074E: Planet cache directory is not writable Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0080E: Error writing resource file Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0082E: Error processing linkback Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0087E: Error ending transaction SQL Transaction commit failed. This could be database SQL execution error. Please wait and try again later. CLFRS0089E: Parsing exception Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0090E: Error during rendering for page {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0091E: Error posting the new media-link entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0101E: Error adding an entry to the collection feed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0102E: Error deleting the blog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0106E: Error checking user authorization level for blog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0107E: Error adding a blog entry to the collection feed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0108E: Error message: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0112E: Error initializing iBatis SQL Transaction commit failed. This could be database SQL execution error. Please wait and try again later. CLFRS0113E: Error adding a report entry to the collection feed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0116E: Error deleting the comment Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0125E: Unable to create planet cache directory Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0131E: Error retrieving the entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0133E: Error deleting the entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0136E: Error looking up website object The blog specified does not exist. Informational message. No solution is needed. CLFRS0139E: Error updating the entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0140E: Error adding a flagged entry to the collection feed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0143E: Error with the active content filter Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0152E: Unexpected exception Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0154E: Error retrieving the resource to delete Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0160E: NamingException during websphere InitialContext retrieval Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0174E: Error retrieving list of collections for user Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0176E: Error committing transaction the process will be rolled back Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0178E: Error retrieving list of categories for weblog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0191E: Error parsing referrer.robotCheck.userAgentPattern value ''{0}''. Robots will not be filtered. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0192E: Could not find renderer for page {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0195E: Error getting weblog entry data for entry [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0196E: Error fetching most commented weblog entry list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0197E: Error retrieving MonthMap Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0199E: Error fetching most recommended weblog list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0200E: Error while processing ping queue Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0201E: Error looking up weblog [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0203E: Error in action Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0204E: Error initializing calendar tag Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0205E: Error scheduling task Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0206E: Error getting today's referrers Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0207E: Error occurred while attempting to read theme template file [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0209E: Could not read theme template file [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0210E: Error determining site URL Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0213E: Error rendering for weblog [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0214E: SQL error occurred when upgrading database to version 3.0.0 Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0215E: It appears that the handler does not implement the CacheHandler interface Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0216E: Error occurred when optimizing index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0218E: Error getting page from request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0220E: Error getting weblog category by id from request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0221E: Error removing invalid MediaCast attributes Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0222E: Error getting bookmark from request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0223E: Error downloading blacklist Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0224E: Error getting child folders Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0225E: Unable to instantiate cache factory [{0}], falling back on default Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0226E: Error writing resource file Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0227E: Error importing bookmarks Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0229E: Error updating comments Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0230E: Error in MetaweblogAPIHandler.getCategories Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0231E: Error forming Struts URL Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0232E: Error getting aggregation Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0233E: Error occurred during rendering for page [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0234E: Error occurred when adding document to index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0235E: Error occurred while checking MediaCast URL [{0}]: {1} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0237E: Error during rendering for RSD template Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0238E: Unable to parse configured ping variant [{0}]. Skipping this variant. Check your setting of the property [{1}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0239E: Error setting default editor page for weblog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0240E: Error getting folder from request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0241E: HTTP response message [{0}] returns from MediaCast URL Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0243E: Error from plugin: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0244E: Error calling function shutdown() Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0245E: Error saving comment rating Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0246E: Error occurred when updating last modified date to index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0247E: Error getting entry month map Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0248E: It appears that the mapper does not implement the RequestMapper interface Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0249E: Error toggling linkback display Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0250E: Error calling function release() Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0252E: Could not find renderer for planet RSS Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0253E: Error loading model objects for page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0254E: Error fetching weblog tags list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0255E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.getInfo Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0256E: RollerSession.synchUserProfile {0} failed. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0257E: Aborting collection of Technorati rankings.\ntechnorati.license not found at root of classpath.\nGet license at\nPut the license string in a file called technorati.license.\nAnd place that file at the root of Roller's classpath.\nFor example, in the /WEB-INF/classes directory. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0258E: Could not lookup current database version Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0259E: Error getting previous entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0260E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.getRecentPosts Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0261E: Unable to instantiate editor [{0}] Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0262E: Error setting default editor page for weblog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0263E: Unable to load Specified file does not exist. Recover this file or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0264E: Error fetching annoucement weblog entries Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0265E: Error occurred when reading theme {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0266E: PingConfig property [{0}] is not an integer value. Using default value: {1} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0267E: Error batch delete documents from index for re-indexing Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0268E: Unable to instantiate request mapper [{0}] Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0269E: Forward specified in XML menu file not found: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0270E: SQL error occurred when upgrading database to version 2.1.0 Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0271E: Error fetching users by letter Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0272E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.editPost Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0273E: Unable to parse configured initial ping target [{0}]. Skipping this target. Check your setting of the property [{1}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0275E: Error during rendering for page [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0277E: Error in action Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0279E: SQL error occurred when upgrading database to version 2.0.0 Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0280E: Error getting recent entries Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0281E: Error saving comment Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0282E: Unable to instantiate renderer factory [{0}] Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0284E: Error fetching weblog handle character map Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0285E: Internal error validating user Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0286E: Exception in tag Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0287E: Error occurred during rendering for planet RSS Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0288E: Error in MetaweblogAPIHandler.getPost Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0290E: Error in blogger.deletePost: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0292E: Error creating authenticator, using default Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0293E: Error ranking subscriptions Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0294E: Cannot synchronize websites. Absolute URL not specified in Blogs configuration Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0295E: Error occurred when getting ThreadManager Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0300E: Error getting ranked blogs Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0301E: Error executing job. Thread Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0302E: Error fetching username character map Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0303E: Error saving entry rating Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0304E: Plugin is not found: Emoticons Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0305E: Error occurred when initiating messageModel Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0306E: Unexpected exception processing ping queue Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0307E: Error creating toggle-linkback URL Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0308E: Error getting default page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0309E: Error getting next entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0310E: Error fetching user list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0311E: Could not find renderer for page [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0312E: Error creating URL Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0313E: SQL error occurred when upgrading database to version 1.3.0 Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0314E: Error getting default page for preview Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0315E: Error instantiating {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0316E: Error loading model for page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0317E: Database problem occurred when trying to load resource [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0318E: Error getting user in menu model Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0319E: Error fetching weblog entries list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0320E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.newPost Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0321E: Operation is interrupted. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0322E: Error getting weblog category by name from request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0323E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.getUsersBlogs Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0324E: It appears that the factory does not implement the RendererFactory interface Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0325E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.setTemplate Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0326E: Error fetching notification count Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0328E: Error occurred when closing writer Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0329E: Error persisting updated hit counts Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0330E: Error in BloggerAPIHander.getTemplate Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0332E: Error occurred when searching index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0333E: Error with operation [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0334E: Error fetching featured weblog entry list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0335E: Error in action: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0336E: Error getting total hit count Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0336E: Error getting total hit count Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0337E: Error getting weblog entry: anchor Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0338E: Error fetching most commented weblog list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0339E: Error fetching weblog count Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0340E: Error getting recent comments Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0342E: Initialization of XML-RPC servlet failed Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0343E: Error in MetaweblogAPIHandler.newPost Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0344E: Error in MetaweblogAPIHandler.editPost Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0346E: Error fetching favorites list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0347E: Error occurred when closing reader Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0348E: Unable to instantiate cache handler [{0}] Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0349E: Error occurred when fetching last update time stamp from index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0350E: Error fetching comment list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0351E: Error initializing plugins Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0354E: is not found The Blogs configuration file,,. does not exist. Recover this file or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0355E: Error occurred while checking for referrer Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0356E: Unable to find user with email Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0357E: It appears that the factory does not implement the CacheFactory interface Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0358E: Could not find renderer for RSD template Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0359E: Error in MetaweblogAPIHandler.getRecentPosts Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0360E: Error instantiating task Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0364E: Error getting managers Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0365E: Error parsing runtime configuration definitions Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0368E: Error fetching recent notification list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0369E: Unknown exception creating renderer for template [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0370E: Calendar tag exception Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0371E: Could not load a blacklist file from anywhere. This means blacklist checking is disabled. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0374E: Error committing referrer Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0375E: Error fetching featured weblog list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0376E: Error fetching site tags list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0378E: Error loading weblog custom models Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0379E: Error fetching categories Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0380E: ThemeResourceLoader Error: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0381E: PingConfig property [{0}] is outside the required range ({1}, {2}). Use default value: {3} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0382E: Error saving website Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0383E: Error fetching weblog list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0385E: Error fetching folder for weblog Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0386E: Error creating preview request Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0387E: Error fetching most recommended weblog entry list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0388E: Error occurred when deleting document from index Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0389E: Notification email not sent due to Blogs configuration or mail server problem. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0391E: Error refreshing entries Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0392E: Error sorting folders Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0393E: It appears that the editor does not implement the weblogEntryEditor interface Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0394E: Error getting weblog entry [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0395E: Notification email not sent. Blogs site URL is malformed. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0395E: Notification email not sent. Blogs site URL is malformed. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0396E: Notification email not sent. Blogs mail session is not configured properly. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0397E: Error fetching categories for path: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0398E: Error loading runtime configuration definitions file Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0399E: Error getting weblog page [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0400E: Error getting comment with id [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0401E: Error updating flagged inappropriate entry Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0403E: Error getting weblog category [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0404E: Error getting user object Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0405E: Error fetching weblog data Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0406E: Error getting decorator[{0}] for template {1} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0408E: Error adding banned IP to file Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0409E: Error closing stream Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0410E: Error occurred when creating writer Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0411E: Unable to get planet manager Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0412E: Error getting weblogs default page Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0414E: Error looking up theme [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0415E: Error fetching weblog entry tags list Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0416E: Failed to instantiate a cache factory Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0417E: Failed to instantiate the implementation Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0418E: Initialization of ServletContextListener implementation class failed Cannot find specified class. Make sure all libraries are available or reinstall IBM Connections Blogs. CLFRS0419E: Failed to initialize runtime configuration properties. Please check that the database has been upgraded. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0420E: Fatal message: {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0421E: The Blogs database version does not match current version of Blogs. Please check the database and make sure to use the correct version. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS0422E: Cannot access footer url Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1755E: Error connecting remote search EJB Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1756E: Error removing community blog. Resource ID {0} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1759E: Error retrieving categories document Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1760E: Profile provider is null Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1762E: Error performing member update Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1765E: Error locating search EJB Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1766E: Error creating search EJB Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1767E: Error updating community blog visibility. Resource ID {0}, title {1} Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1769E: Error getting weblog entry comment with id [{0}] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1777E: Error updating entries Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1775E: Error in UploadFileFormAction.getWebsite Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1774E: Fail to update user information. User information data in Database is not update-to-date. (User Id: {0}, Login Name: {1}) Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1773E: Failed to add new user. A user with the same email address [{0}] already exists. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1776W: NullPointerException occurred when preparing website list for display. Possible cause: corrupted ROLLER_USER_PERMISSIONS data. [ = ''{0}'' ] Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRS1778W: Fail to send entry updated notification to entry creator. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support.
Bookmarks error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with bookmarks and find their solutions.
The following Bookmarks error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 6. Bookmarks error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRL0001E: Error getting person for email <email>. The email tag is used as a key when query person in database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0003E: Dogear servlet error. This error is encountered when Bookmarks servlet failed to handle the user requests. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. If this error occurs for all requests then it is likely a downstream error condition from a previous configuration error. Check the logs from server startup for the first error condition. CLFRL0006W: Lock slow refresh rate: dt = {0}. This is a utility log message that should not affect the end user for lock file {1}. No action necessary. CLFRL0011E: Unable to parse atom post entry sent by user <user>. Bookmarks received an Atom Publishing request that we could not parse because of invalid syntax. No action is required if this error does not persist. The requesting client will receive an error 400® code notifying that it sent a bad request. If this error continues, it is likely that a client continues to send bad requests. Examine the HTTP server logs to determine the source of the requests and report the problem to the application developer creating these requests. CLFRL0014E: Internal error updating memberids from file with email <link_line><message>Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. See the dogear admin guide for more details. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating a batch of memberids by email from a file in administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0015E: Internal error retrieving task by node id <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to retrieve a task in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0016W: Failed to submit for person: <user>. This warning is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when trying to submit browser bookmarks for the specified user. If this warning only occurs on some browser import actions, then no action is required. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0019E: Error getting person for member id <member_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get the person with the specified member ID from the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0020W: An error occurred while parsing the search query for search spec: {0}. This warning is encountered if the Lucene service is unable to retrieve a search term. No action required. CLFRL0022E: Error updating url for id <id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to retrieve a web address with the specified ID. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0023E: An error occurred while closing the index modifier during a commit. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to close the index modifier during a commit. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0024E: Error deleting link <link_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to delete the specified link from the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0026E: Error finding file <file>. This error is encountered if Bookmarks cannot find the specified file when trying to perform batch operations in the administrative service. See the Administering section of the product documentation for more details on how to specify a file with the administrative service. Ensure the administrative process has proper file permissions. CLFRL0029E: An error occurred release lock file <file>. This error is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when trying to release the lock file. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may need to stop the affected node, delete the file by hand, and restart the node. This file is located in the same directory as your full text index. See the Administering section of the product documentation for help determining that location. If the problem still continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0030E: Attempt by <user> to create subscription for <subscriber>. This error is encountered when a user is trying to create a watchlist entry as another user. This action is not allowed and the watchlist entry will not get created. If it is a malicious user, you can contact or restrict the user. CLFRL0032E: Attempt by <user> to update or delete <link>. This error is encountered if a user attempts to delete another user's link. The link will not get deleted. If the delete action was performed for administrative purpose, please see the Administering section of the product documentation. If it was performed by a malicious user, you can contact or restrict the user. CLFRL0034E: Failed to rollback <task> will continue to rollback other tasks. Bookmarks runs some background tasks periodically. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when one is doing a rollback of the specified task. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error persists, check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0036E: Error updating subscription <subscription_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to delete the specified watchlist entry. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0039W: An error occurred loading task <task> , skipping. Bookmarks runs a background link processing task periodically. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when initializing the link processing task. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0043E: Error getting tag counts for url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get tag counts for the specified URL. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0048E: Error updating Url. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to update a URL. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0049I: Retrieve batch of url ids. The Bookmarks admin task has retrieved a batch from the database and is about to process them to assign intranet or internet status to them. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRL0050W: Failed to transform URL encoder from <string>. This warning is encountered if UTF-8 encoding is not supported on the server. Bookmarks will use default encoding to encode the strings. Check the encoding settings of the system and make sure UTF-8 is supported by the system. CLFRL0051E: Internal error deleting link with UID <link_uid>_<message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to delete a link with the specified UID in the administrative service. Check if the UID provided is correct. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0052E: Error getting subscription on person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get a list of people who have a specified person in their watchlist Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0055E: Error getting url ids. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get a batch of URL ids. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0056E: Dogear JSP tag error. Error message: <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is propagated to the UI tier of the application. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0057E: Error getting tag set counts person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get tag set counts for the specified person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0058E: Error getting link count for person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get link count for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0061E: Error getting link count. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get link count in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0062E: Error registering MBean. This error is encountered if an unexpected JMX exception occurs when trying to register MBean during Bookmarks application initialization. Check the detailed exception message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0063W: Unable to retrieve a favicon from <icon_location>. This warning is encountered if Bookmarks fails to retrieve a favicon from the specified location. Check the location and make sure the favicon exists. If it does not exists, check your favicon settings in the dogear-config-cell.xml or try to restart the node. If the warning persists, reset the favicons storage. CLFRL0066E: Error getting inbox links for subscriptions <subscriptions>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get link for a user's watchlist in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0067E: An error occurred marking lock file <file> to keep alive -<error_message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when trying to mark the lock file as alive. No action is required if this error does not persist. If the problem still continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0068E: Error getting intersection link count for tags <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get intersection link count for the specified tags for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere: The custom dependency checker rules directory you specified cannot be found, or does not contain all the required files. If you wish to continue, the installer will use the default dependency checker rules directory. Otherwise, cancel the install and supply a different location for the custom dependency checker rules directory. Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0069E: Error creating url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to insert a URL to the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0070E: Error retrieving full links for <link_ids>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get links with the specified ids in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0071E: An error occurred while loading the index searcher for <index_directory>. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when loading the index searcher from the specified directory. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0074E: Error getting links for ft index queue, startpos=<start_pos> and count of <count>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get links in the link processing queue from the specified start position with the specified count. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0077E: Error getting tag counts for prefix <prefix> and limit <limit>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get tag counts for the specified prefix with the specified limit. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0080E: Error getting union links for tags <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get union links for the specified tags for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0081W: Failed to get favicon for host {0}. Use blank image. This warning is encountered if the server had trouble caching a favicon for the specified URL. If this warning only occurs on some URLs, then no action is required - this is normal. If this warning occurs on all URLs, check that the server can make outbound HTTP requests. You may need to setup an outbound proxy if the server is in a protected zone. Also check that the server process can write to the favicon cache storage on disk. CLFRL0083E: An error occurred detecting or removing an obsolete lock file <file> - <error_message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when checking if a lock file is active and/or removing it if obsolete. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may need to stop the effected node, delete the file by hand, and restart the node. This file is located in the same directory as your full text index. See the Administering section of the product documentation for help determining that location. If the problem still continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0084E: Error getting person counts for url. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get person counts for a URL. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0085E: Error getting popular tag for url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get popular tags for the specified URL. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0086E: Attempt by <user> to create link for <person>. This error is encountered when a user is trying to create a link for another person. This action is not allowed and the link will not get created. If it is a malicious user, you can contact or restrict the user. CLFRL0087E: Error updating link <link_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to update the specified link in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0090E: Error getting intersection links for tags <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get intersection links for the specified tags for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0091E: An error occurred while releasing the write lock during a commit. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. The task requires a write lock to ensure exclusive write access to the index file. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to release the write lock during a commit. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error persists, you may need to stop the effected node, delete the file by hand, and restart the node. This file is located in the same directory as your full text index. See the Administering section of the product documentation for help determining that location. If the problem still continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0092E: An error occurred while releasing the write lock during a rollback. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. The task requires a write lock to ensure exclusive write access to the index file. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to release the write lock during a rollback. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error persists, you may need to stop the effected node, delete the file by hand, and restart the node. This file is located in the same directory as your full text index. See the Administering section of the product documentation for help determining that location. If the problem still persists, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0093E: Error getting subscription for person: <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get the watchlist for a specified person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0095E: Internal error recalculating intranet ranges for url <url> <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to update the ip address for a URL in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0096E: Error updating memberid <member_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to update a user's member ID in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0097E: Error getting links for urls <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get links for the specified URL in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0098W: Failed to check authentication status of <url>. This warning is encountered when trying to check the authentication status of the specified URL. If this warning only occurs on some URLs, then no action is required - this is normal. If all URLs when bookmarked are producing this warning, check that the server can make outbound HTTP requests. You may need to set up an outbound proxy if the server is in a protected zone. CLFRL0101E: Error getting link for person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get links for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0102E: Error reading file <file>. This error is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to read the specified file when trying to perform batch operations in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Ensure the administrative process has proper file permissions. CLFRL0104E: Error getting active tag counts since <since_when>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get active tag counts since the specified time. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0105E: Using default icon cache <favicon_locations>. Bookmarks stores favicons in the location which is determined at installation. This error is encountered when the favicon store location is not defined in dogear-config-cell.xml. When this error occurs, Bookmarks creates temp favicons store location in the temp folder. Open <WAS_Home>\profiles\<profile>\config\cells\<cell>\LotusConnections-config\dogear-config-cell.xml and correct the <property name=""> values in <favIconService> CLFRL0106E: An error occurred while optimizing the ft index during a commit. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when the index modifier is optimizing the full text indexing during a commit. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0107E: ip address <ip_addr> is an unknown or invalid host. Bookmarks has different behavior on intranet bookmarks and on internet bookmarks. The ip range for intranet is defined in dogear-config-cell.xml. This error is encountered if any ip address in the ip range definition is not a valid host. Open <WAS_Home>\profiles\<profile>\config\cells\<cell>\LotusConnections-config\dogear-config-cell.xml and correct the values in <privateIntranetAllocationTable>
CLFRL0109W: Failed to run import job. This warning is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when running job to import browser bookmarks. If this warning only occurs on some browser import actions, then no action is required. It is likely the user imported an invalid bookmark file. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0110E: Error getting active links. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get active links in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0111E: Error creating subscription (<subscribee>,<tag>) for person <subscriber>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to create a watch list entry to the subscribee on the specified tag for the subscriber. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0114E: Error creating person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to insert the person to the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0116E: Error getting subscribers to tag <tag>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get watchlist entries on the specified tag. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0119E: Error updating person <person_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to update the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0120E: Error getting recent tag counts for person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get recent tag counts for the specified person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0123E: Failed to initialize DaoConfig. Bookmarks uses the IBatis Dao framework. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to initialize DaoConfig. The cause may be one of the following issues:
- Bookmarks configuration file is missing or corrupted
- Database connections is not available
- A downstream error from a previous initialization problem
Check that directory.profile.xml and directory.profile.xsd are in <WAS_Home>\profiles\<profile>\config\cells\<cell>\\LotusConnections-config\ folder and the files are not corrupted. Check the database connections. Make sure the connection works fine by using "Test Connections" function in WebSphere Application Server. If this is likely a downstream error, scroll to the beginning of the log file after server startup and identify the first error in the logs. CLFRL0124E: Error getting tag counts for tags <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get associated tag counts for the specified tags and person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0125E: An exception occurred while processing background tasks. Will continue on next cycle. Bookmarks runs some background tasks periodically. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when processing a background task, but the task will continue on next cycle. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0126E: Internal error deleting link <link>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to delete the specified link in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0127E: Internal error retrieving user by email <email>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to find a person by email address in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0128E: Internal error updating memberid. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating memberids by email in administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0130E: Error getting active count. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get active count in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0133E: Internal error deleting link from file <file>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to delete link from the specified file in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0135I: Retrieve batch of person ids. The admin task has retrieved a batch of users from the database and is about to update their member ids with values from the LDAP. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRL0137E: Error getting link for id <link_id>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get a link with the specified ID in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0138E: Internal error updating url <url> from file <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to update the ip address for a URL or update its intranet/internet status in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0139E: Error getting tag counts for person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get tag counts for the specified person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0141E: Error deleting link by person and url <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to delete link by person and URL in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0142E: Error loading jndi context for database resource. Bookmarks loads JNDI context for database resource at startup. This error is encountered if the Bookmarks fails to load JNDI. Log in to WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console and verify the JNDI configure for Bookmarks. If settings previously worked, check for an expired password or locked db administrative account. Use the "Test Connections" in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0144E: An error occurred while closing the index modifier during a rollback. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to close the index modifier during a rollback. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0145E: Error retrieving search result links <link_ids>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get search result links with the specified link ids. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0147E: Error getting url for: <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to retrieve a URL object by URL string. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0148E: An error occurred while processing background tasks. Aborting. Bookmarks runs some background tasks periodically. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception when processing a background task. The task is aborted. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0153E: Error creating link for person <person> and url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to create a link for the specified person with the specified URL in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0154E: Verbiage size of <length> or html verbiage size of <length> was too large when creating a link for user <person> for <url>. This error is encountered if the verbiage length exceeds the maximum length threshold when trying to create a link for the specified user. Not available CLFRL0155E: Error getting url intersection counts for people who have same url as <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get URL intersection counts for people who have same URL as the person. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0157E: Unable to get ATOM payload from servlet request. Bookmarks was unable to retrieve the payload from a PUT or POST request from the Atom Publishing API. No action is required if this error does not persist. The requesting client will receive an error 400 code notifying that it sent a bad request. If this error continues, it is likely that a client continues to send bad requests. Examine the HTTP server logs to determine the source of the requests and report the problem to the application developer creating these requests. CLFRL0158E: Error getting person from directory profile for email {0}. Bookmarks uses Waltz to retrieve person information from LDAP server. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to get person from directory profile with the specified email address. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the connection to LDAP server is available and the signer certificate is valid. CLFRL0159E: Error getting person from directory profile for email <email> Bookmarks uses Waltz to retrieve person information from LDAP server. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to get person from directory profile with the specified email address. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the connection to LDAP server is available and the signer certificate is valid. CLFRL0160E: Internal error with task reset <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to reset a task in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0163E: Error getting link count for url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get link count for the specified URL in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0165E: An error occurred while obtaining a write lock. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. The task requires a write lock to ensure exclusive write access to the index file. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to write this file. No action is required if this error does not persist. If the error continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0170E: Error deleting links prior to <date>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to delete links prior to the specified date from the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0173E: Error getting all people. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get all person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0174W: Failed to get URL string: <url_string>. This warning is encountered if the server is having trouble resolving URL redirects. If this warning only occurs on some URLs, then no action is required - this is normal. If all URLs when bookmarked are producing this warning, check that the server can make outbound HTTP requests. You may need to setup an outbound proxy if the server is in a protected zone. CLFRL0177E: Error getting most active person counts since <since_when>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to list the most active Bookmarks users in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0178E: Internal error retrieving url. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to get a URL in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0179E: Error getting inbox link count for subscriptions <subscriptions>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get a link count for a user's watchlist in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0180W: Encountered more links with identical timestamp than batch size, increasing batchsize to {0} for this iteration. This warning is encountered if the batch size provided by the user is less than the number of links for the timestamp the processing service is working on. No action is required. CLFRL0181E: Error init Dogear config. This error is encountered if Bookmarks is unable to properly load all required configuration files. Check the detailed exception message of the exception. It will show which configuration file is corrupted or missing. Edit the configuration file to fix the error. CLFRL0182E: Error getting person counts for tag intersection <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get person counts for tag intersection for the specified person with the specified tags. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0183E: Error getting person profile from ldap for id: <login_id>. Bookmarks uses Waltz to retrieve person information from LDAP server. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to get person profile from directory profile with the specified login ID. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the connection to LDAP server is available and the signer certificate is valid. CLFRL0185E: Attempt by <user> to update or delete <person>. This error is encountered when a user is trying to update or delete an entry form another user's watchlist. This action is not allowed and the entry will not change. If it is a malicious user, you can contact or restrict the user. CLFRL0186E: Error getting link for person <person> and url <url>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get a link for a specified user with a specified URL in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0187E: An error occurred reloading the search index during a commit. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when reloading the index searcher during a commit. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0190E: An error occurred creating a lock file <file> - <error_message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected IO exception occurs when trying to create the lock file. No action is required if this error does not persist. If the problem still continues, check disk permissions for the WebSphere Application Server process, also check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0191E: Internal error retrieving batch from database <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when retrieving a batch of URLs when trying to updated their ip addresses or update their intranet/internet settings in administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0193E: Error getting tag counts for subscriptions <subscriptions>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get tag counts for the specified watchlist entries. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0196E: Error getting union link count for tags <tags> and person <person>. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get union link count for the specified tags for the specified person in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0197W: Unable to generate UTF-8 bytes. This error is encountered if Bookmarks cannot convert the input strings to UTF-8 encoded bytes. Bookmarks will use default encoding to convert the strings. Check the encoding settings of the system and make sure UTF-8 is supported by the system. CLFRL0198E: Error getting links. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get links in the database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WebSphere Application Server to verify the database connection. CLFRL0201E: An error occurred while shutting down index searcher for <index_directory>. Bookmarks runs the indexing service as a background task. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when shutting down the index searcher from the specified directory. No action is required if this error does not persist. If this error continues, you may check the detailed exception message following this error messages in the log file to find the root cause. If restarting the application does not resolve and the index appears corrupt or is unusable you may use the Bookmarks administrative service to reset the indexing task. CLFRL0216E: Internal error reprocessing intranet address for url <url> <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when reprocessing intranet address for URL in administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0219W: Authorization failed for <user> while invoking <method> on <servlet_path>, not granted any of the required roles: <role>. This warning is encountered if basic authentication succeeds but the user is not authorized to use the Bookmarks application. Not available. CLFRL0220W: Basic Authentication failed for <user> while invoking <method> on <servlet_path>. This warning is encountered if basic authentication fails for the user. This is usually a wrong username or password. Not available. CLFRL0221E: ERROR unable to find url matching url string <url_string> provided. This error is encountered if no URL in database matches the specified URL string when trying to update ip address or update intranet/internet status in the administrative service. Provide a valid URL. CLFRL0222E: Failed to delete task from database table with task id <task_id>. This error is encountered if an attempt is made to delete a non existent task in the administrative service. Get a list of valid task ids and delete the desired task by the correct ID. CLFRL0223E: ERROR Unable to find link matching UID provided. This error is encountered if no link in database matches the specified uid when running administrative service to delete a link. Provide a valid UID. CLFRL0224E: Error deleting line when deleting link by person url from file <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when Bookmarks is trying to delete link by person and URL in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error massages in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0225E: ERROR Unable to find link matching email and url provided. This error is encountered if no link in database matches the specified email and URL when running administrative service to delete a link. Provide a URL and email that match an existing link. CLFRL0226E: Internal error updating url from file <message>. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when trying to update URL from file in the administrative service. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0227E: ERROR unable to find person matching email provided <email@>. This error is encountered if no person in database matches the specified email when running administrative service. Provide a valid email. CLFRL0243E: One or both files are not directories: [" {0} "] [" {1} "]" This error is encountered when load the local files if the files specified are not directory. Check the detailed exception message to find the exact file path, check the file path on server to see if there is any duplicate filenames. CLFRL0244E: Directories have different number of files: [" {0} "] has " {1} " files [" {2} "] has " {3} " files This error is encountered when comparing two directories if there are different number of files. Check the detailed exception message before this error to find if there is any other error messages.Usually there should be file create fail or delete fail exceptions. CLFRL0245E: Files do not both exist: [" {0} "] [" {1} "] This error is encountered when one or both specified files are not existing. Check the detailed exception message before this error, usually there should be file create fail exceptions. CLFRL0246E: Could not get canonical path for {0} This error is encountered when trying to get the canonical path of system temp directory. Check the detailed exception message to find the root cause, and check your system to make sure it is correctly configured. CLFRL0247E: One is a directory, the other isn''t: [" {0} "] [" {1} "] This error is encountered when comparing two files but one of the specified files is a directory. Check the detailed exception message to find the root cause. CLFRL0248E: Files have different names: [" {0} "] [" {1} "] This error is encountered when comparing two files but the files specified have different names. Check the detailed exception message before this error to find the root cause, there should be file create fail exceptions. CLFRL0249E: File contents are different: [" {0} "] [" {1} "]" This error is encountered when comparing two files but the files specified have different contents. Check the detailed exception message before this error to find the root cause, there should be file create fail or delete fail exceptions. CLFRL0250E: Directories do not both exist: [" {0} "] ["{1} "] This error is encountered when one or both specified files are not existing. Check the detailed exception message before this error to find the root cause, there should be file create fail exceptions. CLFRL0251E: Error deleting received notifications of person {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0252E: Error deleting notifications sent by person {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0254E: Error saving notifications. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0255E: Error retrieving full links by URL and date for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0256E: Error getting the notification with id {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0257E: Error deleting notifications on link {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0258E: Error sending notifications from {0} to {1} on bookmarks {2} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0260E: Invalid link id from user: {0}, link id: {1} This error is encountered if the link id provided can't mapped to any exiting links belong to the current user, or an unexpected exception occurs when querying database. Check the link id provided is correct. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0262E: Error deleting the notification with id {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0263E: Error parsing email addresses when sending notifications. Emails: {0} This error is encountered if the email address is invalid or an unexpected exception occurs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Find out if there is a wrong email address, if yes then correct it. CLFRL0264E: Error sending notifications as user {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0265E: Error recording the notification from person {0} to person {1} on link {2} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0266E: Error getting most visited links. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0267E: Error getting notifications on link {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0271E: Service {0} is not correctly configured. Bookmarklet can not point to the correct server if attributes "enabled" and "href" are not set in the configure file. Please check IBM Connections configure file. Bookmarklet can not point to the correct server if attributes "enabled" and "href" are not set in the configure file. Please check IBM Connections configure file. IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRL0272E: Unable to load configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created or locked by other application. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0273E: Failed to check bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when checking the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0275E: Failed to update the bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an IOException occurs when updating the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0276E: Failed to parse IBM Connections configure file. IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRL0278E: Unable to find configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0279E: Failed to get and parse the profile for user {0}. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when getting user photo from profiles. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0280E: Error getting recently received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0282E: Error getting the number of received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0283E: Error getting received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0285E: Error sending notification from {0} to {1} on bookmarks {2} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when sending notifications. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0286E: Error parsing email addresses when sending notifications. Emails: {0} This error is encountered if the email address is invalid or an unexpected exception occurs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Find out if there is a wrong email address, if yes then correct it. CLFRL0287E: Invalid link id from user: {0}, linkid: {1} This error is encountered if the link id provided can't mapped to any exiting links belong to the current user, or an unexpected exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0289E: Error getting schema version from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0291E: Error updating person {0} with new locale {1} User locale is saved when he/she logs on. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when writing database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0302E: Error: failed to update ContentTypes with the ones from the configuration file. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when executing update command. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0303E: Error getting the number of ContentTypes in the most notified links. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0306E: Error deleting all ContentTypes from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when deleting data from database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0308E: Error getting received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag union. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0309E: Error creating ContentType URL mappings for URL: {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when inserting records into database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0310E: Error getting the number of ContentTypes in received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag union. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0311E: Error getting the number of received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0312E: Error getting count of content types. This error is encountered if an unexpected SQL exception occurs when trying to get count of content types Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0313E: Error getting received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag intersection. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0314E: Error getting tag counts of received notifications for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0316E: Error getting person counts of received notifications for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0317E: Error querying all ContentTypes from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0318E: Error: failed to get count of ContentTypes from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0319E: Error getting the number of ContentTypes in received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag intersection. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0320E: Error deleting all ContentType URL mappings from database when updating the mappings. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when deleting data from database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0320E: Error deleting all URL-ContentType mappings from database when updating URL-ContentType mappings. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when deleting data from database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0321E: Error getting count of content types for person {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0322E: Error getting the number of ContentTypes in received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0323E: Error deleting all ContentType URL mappings from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0327E: Error: failed to get specified ContentType from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0328E: Error getting count of content types for subscriptions {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0329E: Error getting the number of received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag union. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0331E: Error getting the number of ContentTypes in received notifications of user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0332E: Error: failed to delete URL mappings of a ContentType from database. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when deleting data from database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0334E: Error: failed to create ContentType URL mapping. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when inserting record into database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0335E: Error getting the number of the most notified links. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0336E: Error getting links for full-text index queue, startpos This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0337E: Error: failed to insert a ContentType record. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when inserting record into database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0338E: Failed to verify request. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when inserting record into database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0339E: Error: failed to get links count by ContentType. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when inserting record into database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0342E: Error getting intersection count of content types for tags {0} and person {1} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0343E: Error getting count of content types for URL {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0344E: Error getting notifications by URL and date. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0345E: Error getting the number of received notifications of user {0}, filtered by tag intersection. Tags: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0346E: Error: failed to record the click on Link {0} This error is encountered if there is a SQLException when updating the click count of a Link. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0347E: Error writing ServiceConfigs to feed. This error is encountered if there is an unexpected exception occurred when output the server configuration to a feed document. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0349E: Error getting structured tag counts for person {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0350E: Error getting number of unique URLs last modified since {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0352E: Error getting tag counts of sent notifications for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0354E: Error getting structured tag counts of received notifications for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0355E: Error sending the notification on broken URL from {0} to {1} on bookmark {2} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0356E: Error getting notifications sent by user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0357E: Error getting person counts of notifications sent by {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0358E: Error getting URLs last modified since {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0359E: Error getting the number of notifications sent to user {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0360E: Error getting the number of the notifications sent to user {0}, filtered by tag intersection. Tag: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0361E: Error getting the number of the notifications sent to user {0}, filtered by tag union. Tag: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0362E: Error getting tag counts for hover text, tag is {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0363E: Error getting structured tag counts of sent notifications for {0} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0364E: Error getting the notifications sent to user {0}, filtered by tag intersection. Tag: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0365E: Error: failed to record the click on Link {0} by Person {1} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0366E: Error getting the notifications sent to user {0}, filtered by tag union. Tag: {1}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0367E: Error getting tag counts for hover text for person {0}, tag is {1} This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0368E: Error parsing email address when sending broken URL notifications. Email: {0} This error is encountered when the email address specified is invalid. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Maybe need to correct the email address saved in LDAP. CLFRL0369E: Error getting login names for person id {0}. This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when getting login names from database Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0371E: Error getting person for login name {0} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when getting login names from database Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0373E: Internal error updating login name by the provided id {0} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when updating the login name for person specified Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0374E: Attempt by {0} to subscribe to Anonymous User. This error is encountered if someone wants to subscribe a user who is not existing. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0379E: Internal error updating login names from file with member id {0} {1} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when updating the login name for person specified Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0387E: Error getting person profile from LDAP for id: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is occurred when getting the people information for LDAP Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0388E: Error deleting login names for person id {0}. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is occurred when getting the login information for LDAP Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0390E: Unable to find person matching the provided id {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is occurred when getting the people information for LDAP Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0392E: Error getting person profile from LDAP for email: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is occurred when getting the people information for LDAP Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRL0394E: Error updating login names for person id {0}. This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when updating login name for person Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0397E: Internal error retrieving user by member id {0} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when getting the person information from database Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0398E: Error getting tags for constraints {0} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when getting recent tags Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0400E: Error getting deleted links. This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when getting the deleted bookmarks. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0403E: The term of category is not correct. This error is encountered if the category specified in the notification feed entry is not correct Check the code used to generate the entry to correct the value of category, the correct value is 'notification' CLFRL0404E: No category specified in the post entry. This error is encountered if there is no category specified in the notification feed entry. Check the code used to generate the entry to correct the value of category, the correct value is 'notification'' CLFRL0405E: Notification body only supports text format. This error is encountered if the content type of the notification content is not correct Check the code used to generate the entry to correct the value of the content type of the notification body, the correct value is 'text' CLFRL0406E: Unable to parse Notification Atom post entry sent by user {0} This error is encountered if the notification feed is not correct. Check the detailed message following this error message to find the root cause. CLFRL0407E: Dogear Notification API only supports http post method. This error is encountered if the http method used to send the notification is not 'Post' Check the code used to send the notification, currently you can only use post method to send the notification. CLFRL0408E: Links in the atom are private or deleted. This error is encountered if the notification is sent on a deleted or private bookmark Check the detailed error message to following this error to find the root cause. CLFRL0409E: Recipients in the atom cannot be found. This error is encountered if the recipients specified in the notification feed is not existing or no recipients specified in the feed document. Check the detailed error message to following this error to find the root cause, and check the code used to send the notification. CLFRL0410E: Content type is not correct. Current ContentType is: {0} This error is encountered if the content type of the feed document is not correct. Check the code used to send the notification, the correct content type of the feed document is 'application/atom+xml' CLFRL0411E: Error updating last login time {0} for person {1} This error is encountered if a sqlexception is occurred when updating the login time for specified person Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0412E: An error occurred while firing search request to Global Search service This error is encountered if an unexpected exception is occurred when firing search request to Global Search Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause CLFRL0413E: Error getting the number of new and unique URLs posted in the last {0} days This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0414E: Error getting the number of users who have more than {0} bookmarks This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0415E: Error getting number of users logged on in the last {0} days. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0416E: Error getting the number of bookmarks that have at least 1 tag This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0417E: Error getting the number of users who received notifications in the past {0} days. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0418E: Error getting the number of new bookmarks posted in the last {0} days This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0419E: Error getting the number of users who submit bookmarks in the last {0} days This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0420E: Error getting the number of users who sent notifications in the past {0} days. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0421E: Error getting the number of tags posted in the last {0} days This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0422E: Error getting the number of users who have not logged in for more than {0} days. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0423E: Error getting the number of new tags posted in the last {0} days This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0424E: Error getting person counts for bookmarks with request parameters {0}. This error is encountered if a SQL exception occurs when querying database. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause and make sure the database connection is ready. Use the .Test Connections. in WAS to verify the database connection. CLFRL0475E: Error sending broken URL notifications to owners of URL {0}. Failed to send the broken URL notifications to all the owners of an URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0491E: Error generating an event when the administrator deletes bookmarks in batch. Unexpected exception occurred when asynchronize the batch delete bookmark event Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0469E: LinkService MBean ::: Failed to delete bookmark(s) with URL {0} unexpected exception occurred when delete links by url Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. The file encoding may not be correct. CLFRL0471E: LinkService MBean ::: Failed to delete bookmark(s) with URLs loaded from file {0} unexpected exception occurred when delete links by urls, the urls are loaded from file Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. The file encoding may not be correct. CLFRL0513E: Failed to synchronize person by the given newExtId {0} and oldExtId {1} unexpected exception occurred when synchronizing person by external ID Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0510E: Failed to synchronize all persons by ExtId. unexpected exception occurred when synchronizing people by external ID Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0494E: Error generating an event when recalculating the IP address of all URLs unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of recalculating the IP address of all URLs Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0498E: Error generating an event when recalculating the IP address of URLs loaded from file unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of recalculating the IP address of URLs from a given file Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. The file encoding may not be correct. CLFRL0493E: Error generating an event when recalculating the IP address of a URL Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of recalculating the IP address of a given URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0485E: Error generating an event when reprocessing the intranet flag for all URLs Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of reprocessing the intranet flag for all URLs Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0482E: Error generating an event when reprocessing the intranet flag for URLs loaded from file Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of reprocessing the intranet flag for URLs from a given file Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. The file encoding may not be correct. CLFRL0483E: Error generating an event when reprocessing the intranet flag for a URL Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of reprocessing the intranet flag for a given URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0497E: Error generating an event when replacing URLs Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of replacing URLs Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0487E: Error generating an event when replacing a URL Unexpected exception occurred when generating the event of replacing an URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0442E: Failed to find URL {0}. The URL does not exist. The given URL is not found in Bookmarks DB records Check the specified URL and make sure it is correct. CLFRL0449E: Failed to find or create the target URL {0}. The URL can not be found in Bookmarks DB Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0472E: Failed to send broken URL notifications to owners of URL {0}. Unexpected exception occurred when sending broken URL notifications to owners of an URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0460W: No bookmark is found on URL {0}. No email notifications will be sent. No links related to the specified URL exist in the Bookmarks database. The links might have been deleted. CLFRL0461E: Failed to run the Notify command. Unexpected exception occurred when running the notify command. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0443E: Failed to open the file {0} Unexpected exception occurred when reading the file Check the file path. The file might be invalid, or the encoding may not be correct. CLFRL0462W: The original URL {0} and the substitute URL {1} are equal. The related bookmarks will not be updated. The two URLs are the same, no need to replace. CLFRL0438E: Failed to replace URL {0} to {1} Failed to replace the URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0456W: Invalid content found in file {0}, {1} The file content is invalid Correct the file content. CLFRL0450E: Failed to run the FindURLsToReplace command Unexpected exception occurred when running the FindURLsToReplace command. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0454E: Failed to run the ReplaceURL command Unexpected exception occurred when running the ReplaceURL command. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0480E: Error generating an event when updating a member ID Unexpected exception occurred when updating a member id Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0499E: Error generating an event when updating member IDs from file Unexpected exception occurred when updating member IDs, the IDs come from a file Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0495E: Error generating an event when updating all member IDs Unexpected exception occurred when updating all member IDs Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0429E: There is an inconsistent login name {0} in the Bookmarks member profile table for the member with display name {1}. The login name is inconsistent change the login in LDAP or IBM Connections Profiles Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0486E: Error generating an event after populating the login names Unexpected exception occurred when populating the login names Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0055E: Error getting URLs in batch Exception was thrown when getting the URLs in batch Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0506E: Error getting the most popular bookmarks Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the most popular bookmarks Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0507E: Error getting person for id {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting person with given ID Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0504E: Error getting the number of public bookmarks Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the number of public bookmarks Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0503E: Error getting the number of private bookmarks Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the number of private bookmarks Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0502E: Error getting the number of bookmarks which have description Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the number of bookmarks which has description Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0463E: Error getting the number of most visited bookmarks Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the number of most visited bookmarks Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0163E: Error getting link count for person {0} and URL {1} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the link count filtered by person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0097E: Error getting links for person {0} and URL {1} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the links filtered by person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0466E: Error getting all bookmarks on URL {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the links filtered URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0432E: Error updating the modified time of bookmarks on URL {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when updating the modified time of a URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue or a problem with the time format. CLFRL0479E: Error updating the modified time of bookmark {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when updating the modified time of a bookmark Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue or a problem with the time format. CLFRL0435E: Error changing URL ID from {0} to {1} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when updating the URL ID Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0431E: Error getting the number of public bookmarks on URL {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the number of public bookmarks filtered by URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0464E: Error getting verbiage for links {0} Unexpected sql exception was thrown when getting the description of a bookmark Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0477E: Error generating an event after creating a new bookmark. Unexpected exception occurred when creating a bookmark Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0489E: Error generating an event when editing a bookmark. Unexpected exception occurred when editing a bookmark Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0500E: Error generating an event when deleting a bookmark. Unexpected exception occurred when deleting a bookmark Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0492E: Error generating an event when purging deleted bookmarks. Unexpected exception occurred when purging deleted bookmarks. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0476E: Error generating an event after adding a person to watchlist. Unexpected exception occurred when adding a person to watchlist. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0488E: Error generating an event when removing a person from watchlist. Unexpected exception occurred when removing a person from watchlist. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0478E: Error generating an event after adding a tag to watchlist. Unexpected exception occurred when adding a tag to watchlist Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0501E: Error generating an event when removing a tag from watchlist. Unexpected exception occurred when removing a tag from watchlist. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0043E: Error getting tag counts for person {0} and URL {1} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the tag counts for person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0005E: Error getting structured tag counts for person {0} and URL {1} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the structured tag counts for person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0490E: Error generating an event when importing bookmarks Unexpected exception occurred when importing bookmarks. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0475E: Error sending broken URL notifications to owners of URL {0}. Failed to send the broken URL notifications to all the owners of an URL Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0481E: Error generating an event when sending broken URL notifications. Unexpected exception occurred when sending broken URL notifications. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0496E: Error generating an event when sending email notifications. Unexpected exception occurred when sending email notifications. Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0505E: Error getting the number of visited bookmarks in the past {0} days Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the structured tag counts filtered person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0511E: Error getting person with email {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when getting the structured tag counts for filtered person and URL Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0512E: Error getting person with external ID {0} Unexpected exception occurred when getting person with external ID Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0509E: Error getting person with internal ID {0} Unexpected exception occurred when getting person with internal ID Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0514E: Error getting person with login name {0} Unexpected exception occurred when getting person with login name Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause. CLFRL0508E: Error updating record for person {0} Unexpected SQL exception was thrown when updating a person record Check the detailed exception log following this message to find the root cause. It might be a database issue. CLFRL0515E: Error initializing the User Life Cycle listener for Bookmarks Failed to initialize the User Life Cycle listener Check the detailed exception following this message to find the root cause.
Common directory integration service error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the common directory integration service and find their solutions.
Table 7. Common directory integration service error messages with codes
Message Cause Solution CLFRK0002E: Unable to determine memberUUID for {0}. The federated realm is not configured correctly or the wimconfig.xml file contains errors. Follow the instructions provided in the Installation Guide for Set up federated repositories. If you edited the wimconfig.xml file, revert to the original copy of the file. CLFRK0003E: ID for '{0}' is not available The directory cannot find user profile data from backend services such as LDAP or the Profiles database, perhaps because the records have been deleted.
- Identify the missing records and make sure they are available in the backend services: either LDAP or the Profiles database.
- Resynchronize the records based on an email or login attribute value key for all of the services.
CLFRK0004E: Unable to locate LDAP Profile Service {0}. The LDAP component is not functioning properly. You may be trying to implement a configuration that is not currently supported by IBM Connections. To prevent this error, you would have to configure the system as a 'standalone LDAP user registry,' which is currently not supported. CLFRK0005E: Unable to locate Persona Profile Service {0}. The Profiles Service Atom feed component is not functioning properly. You may be trying to implement a configuration that is not currently supported by IBM Connections. To prevent this error, you would have to configure the system to rely on the Profiles service Atom feed, which is not currently supported. CLFRK0006E: Unable to locate Memory Profile Service {0}. The memory model service of the Waltz component is not functioning properly. You may be trying to implement a configuration that is not currently supported by IBM Connections. To prevent this error, you would have to configure Tomcat as the memory model, which is an unsupported configuration. CLFRK0007E: Unable to access directory settings for IBM Connections {0}. IBM Connections cannot find the LotusConnection-config.xml file. Make sure the LotusConnection-config.xml file is installed on the system.
Communities error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the Communities application and find solutions.
The following Communities error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 8. Communities error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRM####E: A JNDI naming exception was caught, probably the result of a deployment error. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0001E: Communities https service url is malformed: {0}. The web address specified is in an invalid URL syntax. Correct the URL syntax. CLFRM0002W: SubjectHelper.cloneSubject was called with null subject. There is a problem with the authenticated user resulting in null information. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0003E: Communities http service url is malformed: {0}. The web address specified is in an invalid URL syntax. Correct the URL syntax. CLFRM0004I: Executing {0} request. The specified request is being executed. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0005E: Error executing update community name for {0}. Could not update specified community. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0006I: Executing create community. Community name: {0}. Create the specified community. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0007E: Error registering mbean. An exception was generated when registering the MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0008E: Error executing remove tags from {0}. Could not remove tags from specified community. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0009E: Unknown role assignment in createCommunity call: role must be either OWNER or MEMBER. Invalid role parameter used in administrative command. Correct the syntax and retry the command. CLFRM0010I: Executing add members to {0}. Add members to the specified community. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0011E: Error initializing Communities JMX support: failed to register {0}. The web address specified is in an invalid URL syntax. Correct the URL syntax. CLFRM0012I: Executing remove tags from {0}. Executing the specified command. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0013E: Error purging index. An error occurred while purging the full text index. Shut down and restart the server. If the error persists, report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0014E: Error locating MBeanServer, no Community Administration MBeans registered. An exception was generated when locating the MBean server needed to register the MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0015E: User {0} was not found. The specified user was not found in the directory. The command cannot be executed. Check the spelling of the user name and the directory configuration. CLFRM0016E: Error executing {0}. There was an error executing the specified request. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0017E: Error executing update community description for {0}. The description of the specified community could not be updated. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0018I: Executing update community name. Changing {0} to {1}. Update community name as specified. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0019E: Error initiating indexing operation. An error initializing the full text index. Shut down and restart the server. If the error persists, report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0020E: Error executing add members to {0}. Could not add members to specified community. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0021E: Error executing remove references by URI from {0}. Could not remove references from specified community. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0022E: Error executing create community. Community name: {0} Could not create a community with specified name. Check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0023I: Executing start indexing request. The index is being started. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0024I: Executing remove references by URI from {0}. Remove requested references from specified community. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0025I: Executing purge index request. The index is being purged. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0026I: Executing update community description for {0}. The community description is being updated. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0027E: Community not found: {0}. The community specified was not found. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0028E: Cannot create reference with duplicate URI: {0}. Cannot create a reference with the specified name. A reference with the specified name already exists within this community and cannot be duplicated. Please select a different name and execute the command again. CLFRM0029E: Error executing update all member external ids, profiles. The update member external IDs process encountered an error. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Communities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0029I: Finished writing index at: {0}. The full text index task finished updating the index at the specified time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0030E: Error: Index may be corrupted. Please re-run the indexing task to build a new index. The full text index may be corrupted. Full text search will not function. Use the administrative tasks to purge and reload the index. CLFRM0031E: Error retrieving IndexWriter. The server cannot update the full text index. If the error persists, stop, and then restart the server. CLFRM0032E: Error deleting community documents from the index. The server was unable to delete the documents from the full text index. Try again to delete the documents or use the administrative tasks to purge and reload the full text index. CLFRM0033E: There is no directory profile associated with this email address <mail address> The wsadmin command could not be performed because the specified email address did not match any entries in the directory. Correct the email address or use a login name to specify the user. CLFRM0033I: Initializing Communities Management. The communities management application is initializing. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0034E: Error writing last update to {0}. The server encountered an error when writing the full text index last update time to the file system. If the error persists, stop and then restart the server. CLFRM0035E: Severe error executing update member id, profile in batch mode. Processing will terminate. The update member external IDs process encountered an error. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Investigate any additional errors that can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRM0035I: Full-text search was started at: {0}. The full text search was started at the specified time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0036E: Unable to find reference with id: {0}. A reference with the specified identifier was not found. Check the parameter value and try again. If the problem persists, check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0037E: User is not authorized to perform the indexing task on communities. The indexing task is not running under an authorized user account. Stop and then restart the server. If the error persists, report the problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0038E: Error retrieving the last update from {0}. The server encountered an error when retrieving the full text index last update time from the file system. If the error persists, stop and then restart the server. CLFRM0040E: The list argument passed to updateMemberIdBatch was null or empty No IDs were passed into the updateMemberIdBatch wsadmin command. Supply one or more IDs when using the updateMemberIdBatch command. CLFRM0039E: Internal error. An internal error has occurred. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0040I: Starting to write the index at: {0}. The full text index task started to update the index at the specified time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0041E: Unable to find community with id: {0}. The community with the specified identifier was not found. Check the parameter value and try again. If the problem persists, check the database connection. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0042E: Schema Version Mismatch. The database schema does not match the application version. Upgrade the database using the specified procedure. CLFRM0043E: Cannot create community with duplicate name: {0}. Cannot create a community with the specified name. A community with the specified name already exists and cannot be duplicated. Please select a different name and execute the command again. CLFRM0044E: Error retrieving the full-text index. Stopping scheduled full-text indexing for Communities. The server could not initialize the full text indexing service. The indexing service is disabled. Stop, and then restart the server. If the error persists, report the problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0045E: Error parsing the search query. The search query syntax was invalid. Correct the syntax and issue the command again. CLFRM0046E: Error loading application plugins. A problem occurred while trying to load the Lotus Quickr connector. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be determined, then reinstall the errant connector. CLFRM0046I: Stopping Communities Management. The communities management application is stopping. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRM0047E: User passed NULL directory member profile to getCurrentMemberProfile() method. The member profile parameter is invalid; a non-null value is required. Specify appropriate parameters for the request. CLFRM0048E: Error retrieving communities for indexing. An error occurred searching the full text index. Stop and then restart the server. If the error persists, report the problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0049E: NOT IMPLEMENTED. This function is not implemented. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0050E: Cannot find credentials for <alias name> The J2C Authentication alias <alias name> could not be found. In the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, expand Security, select Global security, then expand Java Authentication and Authorization Service and select J2C authentication data, and check whether there is an entry for name. If there is no entry, create an Authentication Alias for name by completing these steps:
- Shut down the WebSphere Application Server.
- Edit the security.xml file in the following directory: APPServer_HOME/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/cell
- Find the authDataEntries entry with an alias that includes <name>.
For example:
<authDataEntries alias="text/name"> 3.0.1
- Replace "text/name" with "name".
- Save the security.xml file.
- Restart the WebSphere Application Server. If there is an entry for <name>, verify that the user credentials are correct. If these steps do not fix the problem, then contact Customer Support.
CLFRM0050E: Error sending member added or member removed mail notification A mail notification alerting users that they have been added or removed from a community was not sent. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Ensure that the SMTP and DNS servers configured in the notifications-config.xml are reachable. CLFRM0052E: Failed to create worker thread for the event queue. A background process failed to create a thread to handle additional work. If the problem persists after restarting the Communities application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0053E: Error adding application. A problem occurred while trying to load the Lotus Quickr connector. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be determined, then reinstall the errant connector. CLFRM0054E: Error parsing communities-policy.xml: {0} The communities-policy.xml file is not in a valid format. Correct any minor syntax issues in the file or obtain a copy of this file from a clean install. CLFRM0055E: Error fetching Member list. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0056E: Error fetching Community Data. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0057E: Unable to get application list. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support. Not identifiable without more information. Report this problem to Customer Support CLFRM0058E: Error adding application: {0} A problem occurred while trying to load the Lotus Quickr connector. Additional information relating to the failure should be found in the SystemOut.log file. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be determined, then reinstall the errant connector. CLFRM0059E: Error fetching links and bookmarks. A problem occurred while running CommunitiesService.fetchReference() Ensure that all passed in community uuids are valid. CLFRM0066E: Error adding member, who has name: {0}, email: {1}, and member uuid: {2}, to community, which has name: {3}, and its community uuid: {4}. This error message may show if adding a person as a community member when the person is already a member or owner. Check to see if the person is now a member. If not, try to re-add the person. If problems persist, contact Customer Support. CLFRM0070E: Error updating property values in a link. Error while updating a managed application property value. Validate the specified link is valid. CLFRM0072E: Cannot find application "{0}" for community "{1}". A managed application could not be found for the specified community. Validate the managed application type and community uid are correct. CLFRM0073E: Unknown application <managed application name>. The specified <managed application name> could not be found. Correct the specified name. CLFRM0077E: Error caused by an invalid input. An invalid number of parameters or empty string parameters were passed to a wsadmin command for managed applications. See Communities administrative commands for the correct parameters to pass. CLFRM0078E: Error updating URI links in an application for a community. An error occurred while attempting to update a managed application link. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0079E: Error fetching application link list. An error occurred while attempting to fetch managed application links. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0081E: Error creating application link. An error occurred while attempting to create a managed application link. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0082E: Error deleting application link. An error occurred while attempting to delete a managed application link. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0083E: Error fetching application properties. An error occurred while attempting to fetch a managed application's properties. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0084E: Error during initializing VenturaConfigurationHelper The server could not retrieve or successfully parse a LotusConnections-config.xml configuration file from the LotusConnections-config folder hierarchy. Correct any syntax errors in the file. If problems persist report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0085E: There is something wrong with VenturaConfigHelper The server could not retrieve or successfully parse a LotusConnections-config.xml configuration file from the LotusConnections-config folder hierarchy. Correct any syntax errors in the file. If problems persist report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0087E: The current database schema version for Communities is {0}, but the application expects {1}. Please update the schema version to match. The database scripts to migrate the Communities database schema to the current version need to be run. See Updating DBs for more information. CLFRM0088E: Error accessing database. An error occurred while doing a query on a database. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0092E: There is no directory profile associated with this login name <login name> The wsadmin command could not be performed because the specified login name did not match any entries in the directory. Correct the login name or use an email address to specify the user. CLFRM0093E: Failed to delete bookmarks or feeds associated with deleted widget. <root cause> A bookmarks or feeds widget was deleted but the associated bookmarks and feed entries could not be deleted. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0095E: Error loading Communities Scheduler settings 'communities-config.xml'. Please check the validity of your IBM Connections Communities installation. The server could not retrieve or successfully parse the communities-config.xml configuration file from the LotusConnections-config folder hierarchy. Check the validity of the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0097E: Error running Communities LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents scheduled task An error occurred while running the task that periodically retries failed life-cycle events. Ensure that all IBM Connections application are running. CLFRM0106E: Communities eventLog scheduled cleanup task The supplied task name was not recognized. Task names of .LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents., .EventLogCleanup., .ForumPurgeTrash. should be used. CLFRM0114E: JNDI naming exception caught. Connections Communities application has been incorrectly deployed. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0115E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0116E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0117E: Remove task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0119E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A scheduled task has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0120E: Task is not valid and cannot be fired. A scheduled task has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0121E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A scheduled task has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0122E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The WebSphere Application Server scheduler was not available. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0123E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The WebSphere Application Server scheduler was not available. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0124E: Remove task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The WebSphere Application Server scheduler was not available. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0125E: Create task for task <task> failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0126E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0127E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0128E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0129E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0130E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The interval settings for the <task> task were not valid. Correct the interval setting for the <task> task in the communities-config.xml file. CLFRM0131E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The notification sink for the scheduling EJB was invalid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0132E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The notification sink for the scheduling EJB was invalid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0133E: Create task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A notification exception occurred for the <task> task. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0134E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A notification exception occurred for the <task> task. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0135E: Remove task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A notification exception occurred for the <task> task. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0137E: Create task for task <task> failed to complete successfully. A remote exception occurred while completing <task> task. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0138E: Update task for task <task> failed to complete successfully. The task is pending and cannot be paused or resumed. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0139E: Remove task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. A task pending exception occurred for the <task> task. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0140E: Create task for task <task> failed to complete successfully. The scheduled task <task> has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0141E: Update task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The scheduled task <task> has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0142E: Remove task for task {0} failed to complete successfully. The scheduled task <task> has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0143E: Task named <task> is not one of the configured tasks. Note that the task names in communities-config.xml cannot be changed. The supplied task name <task> was not recognized. Task names of .LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents., .EventLogCleanup., .ForumPurgeTrash. should be used. CLFRM0144E: An exception occurred updating member id {0}, display name: {1}. The external id has not been updated. The attempt to update the member's external ID failed. Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0145E: There is a discarded login name <login name> in the Communities member profile table for the member with display name <display name>. This login name will be removed. The communities database has the <login name> for the person <display name> but the directory no longer has that login name. No action required. This message is just informational. The Communities database will be automatically updated to remove the previous login name. CLFRM0146E: There is an inconsistent login name <login name> in the Communities member profile table for the member with display name <display name>. For this member two or more login names resolve to different profiles in the directory. The external id has not been updated. The login name <login name> is assigned to multiple people in the directory. Update the directory to make login names unique, which is a prerequisite for IBM Connections. CLFRM0151E: An error occurred while updating last login time-stamp for <user> A problem occurred while updating the last login time for the user. Examine the additional error messages in the log. CLFRM0152E: An unexpected exception has occurred. The command failed to complete successfully. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception. An unexpected exception has occurred. The command failed to complete successfully. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0153E: The specified task is not one of the known tasks. You cannot change the task name in communities-config.xml. The communities-config.xml file contains an unrecognized task name. Task names of .LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents., .EventLogCleanup., .ForumPurgeTrash. should be used. CLFRM0154E: The specified task is not registered with the Communities scheduler. The specified task is not registered with the Communities scheduler. Task names of .LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents., .EventLogCleanup., .ForumPurgeTrash. should be used. CLFRM0155E: JNDI naming exception caught. Connections Communities application has been incorrectly deployed. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception. An error occurred while accessing the scheduling EJB. Restart the Communities server. If problems persist, uninstall and reinstall the Communities application. CLFRM0156E: The IBM Connections Communities scheduler is not available, probably the result of a deployment error. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception. The IBM Connections Communities scheduler is not available, probably the result of a deployment error. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception Examine the additional error messages in the log. If no straightforward fix can be found, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRM0158E: Task is not valid and status cannot be retrieved. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. A scheduled task has task information that is not valid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0159E: The Notification Sink object failed to fire, probably the result of a deployment error. See the system error log (normally SystemErr.log) for more detail about the exception. The notification sink for the scheduling EJB was invalid. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0160E: The task is pending and cannot be paused or resumed. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. A scheduled task is pending and cannot be paused or resumed. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0161E: The task is not valid and cannot be paused or resumed. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. A scheduled task is invalid and cannot be paused or resumed. See the system error log for more detail about the exception. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0162E: Failure notifying remote widget applications of a community change: <root error message> Communities was not able to notify remote applications of a community change. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0163E: Failure retrieving values for a lifecycle event: <root error message> Communities was not able to notify remote applications of a community change. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRM0173E: Error inserting EventLogEntry: {0} Event data could not be saved to the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0174E: Error updating EventLogEntry: {0} Event data could not be saved to the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0175E: Error purging EventLogEntry: {0} Old event data could not be deleted. Not a problem in the short term - old event data will be purged when the task runs the next time. For a continual problem, report to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0176E: Error getting LogEntries: {0} Event data could not be read from the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0177E: Failed to locate authenticated user, {0}, in user directory. If WPI is enabled, the user could not be found in Profiles; the user may be missing, have an incorrect login name or be inactive in the Profiles database. If WPI is not enabled, the user could not be found in the LDAP directory. Update Profiles or the LDAP directory to have a valid entry for the user. CLFRM0178E: Cannot create community with duplicate handle: {0} A non-unique value was entered for the community's web address. Ensure the value entered for the community web address is unique. CLFRM0179E: Cannot create community with handle that is a reserved word: {0} A number of words in web addresses are reserved for potential future use by Communities. Use a different word in the web address for the community. CLFRM0180E: Cannot create community with handle that needs to be character-escaped in the URL: {0} An attempt was made to update a community web address with a value that contains invalid characters. Use only the letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, at sign (@), underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen (-) characters. CLFRM0181E: Cannot create community with handle that is in GUID format: {0} Web addresses are not allowed to use a format of XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is 0 - 9 or a-f. Use a different value for the web address of the community. CLFRM0182E: The community handle is too long. The value for the web address for the community is too long. Use a shorter value for the web address of the community. CLFRM0183E: Cannot locate the parent community from database by the community uuid: {0}. A subcommunity refers to a parent community that cannot be found. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0184E: Cannot locate the community from database, by the handle hierarchy: {0}. A community could not be located by the web address. Correct the requested web address. CLFRM0185E: The handle hierarchy, {0}, is too long. A web address was requested that had handles for more than one parent community. Report this problem to Customer Support. See the SystemOut.log file for more information about the error. CLFRM0186E: The search service is unavailable at this time. A search could not be performed because the search service is unavailable. Examine the log files for errors specific to the search service and address any reported issues. Start the Search application. CLFRM0192E: Cannot create the specified directory {0}. An invalid directory path was passed as a parameter to a wsadmin command or Connections did not have rights to create the path. Pass in a valid path to an existing directory.
Communities widget error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with Communities widgets and find solutions.
The following error messages are generated by Communities widgets:Table 9. Communities widget error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFWZ0001E: Failed to initialize widget lifecycle event propagater. The widget life-cycle framework failed to initialize. Validate widgets-config.xml settings. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFWZ0002E: Failed to handle posted lifecycle event. An application that maintains widget data failed to process a change in the containing community. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident, report this problem to Customer Support. CLFWZ0003E: Failed to post event notification to remote widget application handler: {0} Communities was unable to notify a remote application of a community change. Communities will automatically retry to send the event at a later time. Check log files for any blocking problems in the remote application. CLFWZ0004E: Event '{0}' sent to remote lifecycle handler at {1} returned bad response: {2} Communities was unable to notify a remote application of a community change. Communities will automatically retry to send the event at a later time. Check log files for any blocking problems in the remote application. CLFWZ0005E: Failed to propagate event to widget application handler: {0} Communities was unable to notify a remote application of a community change. Communities will automatically retry to send the event at a later time. Check log files for any blocking problems in the remote application. CLFWZ0006E: Local widget application handler failed: {0} Communities was unable to notify forums, bookmarks, or feeds of a community change. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident, report this problem to Customer Support. CLFWZ0011E: Failed to load widgets-config.xml: {0} The application was unable to read widgets-config.xml. Ensure the widgets-config.xml file exists in the LotusConnections-config directory, and ensure that it has the file permissions set so that the IBM WebSphere Application Server process can read it. CLFWZ0012E: Failed to queue event for replay: {0} A remote application could not be notified of a change in a community. The widget framework could not write an event record for this change so that it can be replayed in the future. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFWZ0013E: Add new {0} content is blocked until processing of prior content has completed for resource {1}. Try adding the content at a later time. A community owner tried to add a new widget to a community but the framework blocked the action because a prior widget of the same type has unprocessed life-cycle events. Process the life-cycle events for that community. For more information about processing the life-cycle events that occur within a community, see Administering community queued events. Once the queued events for that community have been processed or cleared, the new widget can be added. CLFWZ0014E: The remote application {0} does not support being reassigned or transferred to another resource A wsadmin command for transferring a remote applications was run on a remote application that does not support that function. The transfer commands are only supported for the Blogs, Activities, Files, and Wikis remote applications. CLFWZ0015E: No widget definition found with a definition id of '{0}' A wsadmin command was run with an invalid definition ID specified. Rerun the command with the correct definition ID - these IDs are case sensitive. CLFWZ0016E: Can not assign to resource with id {0}. Resource already has its unique instance of {1}. A wsadmin command for transferring a remote application was run that would result in two unique widget instances contained in the same community. Choose a different community as the destination or delete the blocking unique instance widget. CLFWZ0017E: Resource with id {0} was not found. A wsadmin command was run with an invalid community UUID specified. Rerun the command with the correct community UUID. CLFWZ0018E: Widget with instance id {0} was not found. A wsadmin command was run with an invalid widget instance ID specified. Rerun the command with the correct widget instance ID. CLFWZ0019E: Only one instance of that widget content can be added. A second instance of widget was added for a widget type that only allows one widget per community. Make use of the existing widget or use a different community if necessary. CLFWZ0020E: Operation failed because the user is no longer logged in. A widget action failed because the user is no longer logged in. Log in and repeat the action. CLFWZ0021E: Operation failed because the user lacks the permissions to perform that change. A widget action failed because the user lacks privileges. Ask a community owner to make you an owner or to perform the action for you. CLFWZ0022E: Operation failed because a remote system was not available. A widget action failed because a remote application that hosts widget content is not running or otherwise available. Contact a system administrator to have the remote application restarted.
Core error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with IBM WebSphere Portal infrastructure and IBM HTTP Server and find solutions.
The following error messages are generated by WebSphere Portal infrastructure and IBM HTTP Server:Table 10. WebSphere Portal infrastructure error messages
Message Cause Solution EJPIC0060E: There were no profiles detected for the installed WAS and managed node selected. There must be at least one profile on the existing managed node to continue. Retrieve the install logs for errors and make sure at least one profile exists on the existing managed node. Then try the installer again. Table 11. IBM HTTP Server error messages
Message Cause Solution ERROR: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_init: GSK_ERROR_BAD_CERT(gsk rc = 414) If you see a 500 error when using HTTPS over the IBM HTTP Server to get to an application, HTTPS might not be configured correctly with the WebSphere Application Server plug-in. The WebSphere Application Server SSL certificate might not be trusted by the WebSphere Application Server plug-in configured for the IBM HTTP Server. If this error occurs, check both your IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Application Server logs to see if there is a GSK_ERROR. If the logs do not contain errors, examine the plug-in logs located in the following directory: C:\ibm\HTTPServer\Plugins\logs\webserver1\http_plugin.logTo fix this error, follow the instructions in the topic, Configuring the IBM HTTP Server for SSL.
Forums error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with forums and find solutions.
The following forum error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 12. Forum error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRV0001E: Error getting server URL for {0}. There was an error reading the server URL for the specified service.
- Find LotusConnections-config.xml (in App server home/profiles/name/config/cells/cell name/LotusConnections-config)
- Make sure that the files exists and is readable by the IBM WebSphere Application Server process.
- Make sure that the files contain the correct entry for the specified service.
CLFRV0002E: Cannot find config variable directory {0}. There was a problem reading variables that can be used in the forum-config.xml file. Make sure that the directory exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRV0003E: Error validating configuration file {0}. Check the XML format and ensure that all required settings are complete. The format of forum-config.xml does not have correct XML syntax. Load the forum-config.xml file into a browser or editor that will display syntax errors; fix the error and save the file. CLFRV0004E: Cannot find {0} for config variables. There was a problem opening a file getting configuration variables. Make sure that the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRV0006W: Missing system setting for {0}. Error locating the indicated configuration variable. Make sure that the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. This is most likely a variable that should be in an IBM Connections configuration file, such as forum-config.xml. Replace the current copy with a backup copy of the file. CLFRV0007E: Error loading config variables from {0}. There was a failure parsing variables in file.
- Make sure the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server.
- Replace the current copy with a backup copy of the file.
CLFRV0008E:Error, unable to find object with uuid: {0} Unable to locate an object with the specified UUID. The context of the error should indicate what type of object is in question. It is typically a forum, topic, or reply. The administrator can ensure that the object with this UUID is in the database. Be aware that soft-deleted objects are usually ignored and treated as missing by mainline functionality. CLFRV0009I: Using DynaCache for user subjects This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0010I: Using simple cache for user subjects This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0011E: {0}: Bad configuration. Config section defines more properties than values, or vice versa. Possible errant <property> element(s) without a "name" attribute(s) A configuration element in forum-config.xml or forum-jobs.xml is invalid. Check settings in forum-config.xml. CLFRV0016E: Unable to refresh cached list of groups The forum received an exception refreshing its group cache. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0020I: Initializing Forums management. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0025E: Error purging trash The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a purgeTrash command. Verify the parameter to the purgeTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0026E: Error fetching trash The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a fetchTrash command. Verify the parameter to the fetchTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0027E: Error updating profile An error occurred while updating a member profile. If this was via a wsadmin command, verify that the parameter to the updateMember command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0028E: Error fetching profiles An error occurred while retrieving a member profile. If this was via a wsadmin command, verify that the parameter to the fetchMembers command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0029E: Error undeleting trash The TrashCollectionService wsadmin object received an exception executing a undeleteTrash command. Verify the parameter to the undeleteTrash command is valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0030E: Error locating MBeanServer, no Forums Administration MBeans registered An exception was generated when the forum tried to locate the MBean server needed to register the Forums Administration MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0031E: Error initializing Forums JMX support: failed to register {0} An error occurred while registering the MBeans used for wsadmin commands. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0032E: {0} error parsing generic properties into a Properties object. An exception was generated when the Event Broker tried to parse its configuration from forum-config.xml. Ensure the properties and elements for the <eventBroker> element in forum-config.xml are valid. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0033E: subscriber did not start: {0}. The Event Broker service is attempting to initialize a subscriber to server-generated events, but the subscriber initialization process failed. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in forum-config.xml for the subscriber reporting this error is valid. Additionally, you may want to pursue the exception thrown by the subscriber in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0034E: could not inform a subscriber of event: {0}. The Event Broker service passed an event to a subscriber of that event, and the subscriber issued an exception. To fix this class of exception, you need to determine what is failing in this particular subscriber. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0035E: Error getting server URL for {0}. There was an error reading the server URL for the specified service.
- Find LotusConnections-config.xml (in App server home/profiles/name/config/cells/cell name/LotusConnections-config)
- Make sure that the files exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server process.
- Make sure that the files contain the correct entry for the specified service.
CLFRV0036E: Cannot find config variable directory {0}. There was a problem reading variables that can be used in the forum-config.xml file. Make sure that the directory exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRV0037E: Invalid forum-config.xml file. Check the XML format and ensure that all required settings are complete. The format of forum-config.xml does not have correct XML syntax. Load the forum-config.xml file into a browser or editor that will display syntax errors; fix the error and save the file. CLFRV0038E: Cannot find {0} for config variables. There was a problem opening a file getting configuration variables. Make sure that the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRV0040W: Missing system setting for {0}. The specified configuration variable was requested but not found during a configuration initialization. If the configuration file is known (for example, if it was edited), check the property name. Otherwise contact Customer Support. CLFRV0041E: Error loading config variables from {0}. There was a failure parsing variables in file.
- Make sure the file exists and is readable by the WebSphere Application Server.
- Replace the current copy with a backup copy of the file.
CLFRV0042E: You need to update your configuration file version. Make sure you are not trying to use an old config file on a newer server or vice-versa. The version of forum-config.xml on the server differs from the version expected by the forum. Ensure the version property of the <config> element in forum-config.xml matches the version expected by the forum. CLFRV0043E: ExecutionContext leak detected The Forums application has detected a resource leak. Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0044I: Forums application context is {0} This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0045E: Internal Error, EC Count is null The Forums application has detected a resource leak. Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0046E: Error publishing event {0} The Forums application received an error from the Event Broker service. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in forum-config.xml is valid. Correct an invalid configuration. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0047E:Error fetching deleted items to purge. The scheduled TrashAutoPurge job received an exception fetching the items to purge. Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0050I: {0}: Job started. The specified job was started. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0051I: Purge stopped. The forum purge task has stopped. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0053W: Purge expiration period (days) either not specified or invalid ({0}). Defaulting to {1} days. The forum purge expiration date in forum-config.xml is either missing or not set, and the default value is used. Check settings in the forum-config.xml file. CLFRV0054I: {0}: Job stopped. The specified forum job has stopped. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0055I: Purge started. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0058E: unable to upload the file: {0} {1}. An error occurred while retrieving or uploading a file to the forum content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRV0060E: The file does not exist. A file (for example, an attachment or thumbnail) was to be deleted but was not found. Ensure that the Forums content store exists and that it is configured properly using WebSphere Application Server environment variables. CLFRV0061E: error encountered while purging content: {0} {1}. An error occurred while deleting the contents of a file from the forum content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRV0063E: unable to create the file upload directory: {0}. The directory given in the forum-config.xml file for the element property name "" either could not be found or created. This directory is used for file uploads to the forum content store. Check that the directory exists; create it if it does not exist. CLFRV0065E: unable to delete the file: {0}. An error occurred while deleting a file from the forum content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the directory and file information is correct. CLFRV0067E: The file is read only. A file (for example, an attachment or thumbnail) was to be deleted but is protected. Check privileges on the forum content store files and directories. CLFRV0069E: unable to purge file {0} {1}. An error occurred while purging a file (for example, an attachment or thumbnail). Ensure that the Forums content store exists and that it is configured properly using WebSphere Application Server environment variables and is accessible. CLFRV0072E: forums object store did not start: {0}. The Forums Object Store service implemented by {0} did not start. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. Verify the <objectStore> configuration information in forum-config.xml is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums feature, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0081E: error terminating forums object store. An error occurred while terminating the Forums content store. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0083E: Profile ID: {0} does not exist. The member profile with the indicated memberId was not found in the Forums database. Check the Forums database for this memberId. Also, check the Systemout.log file for any precursor errors that may have lead to this error. CLFRV0085E: Error getting AclEntries for an activity: {0} An error occurred retrieving the ACL entries for the indicated forum. Check the forum database to see if ACL entries exist for this forum. Also, check the Systemout.log file for any precursor errors that may have lead to this error. CLFRV0086E: Unable to process event "{0}" . An exception was thrown: An error occurred while processing the specified internal event. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0088E: Invalid event type An invalid or unrecognized life-cycle event was received by the Forums life-cycle handler. The IBM Connections configuration file widgets-config.xml declares the Forums life-cycle events. If this error is valid and persists after restarting the Forums application, contact your system administrator. CLFRV0091E: Error getting Node: {0} An error occurred accessing a node. See Systemout.log for more information. CLFRV0093E: {0} the class "{1}" could not be instantiated. The classloader could not instantiate the class requested by the Event Broker service. Investigate whether something is wrong with the classloader or the class specified in the <eventBroker> configuration itself. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0096E: Error getting Tag: {0} An error occurred while retrieving tags. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0097E: Error purging AclEntry: {0} An error occurred while purging ACL entries. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0098E: Error deleting subscription(s) {0} An error occurred while deleting a subscription. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0099E: Error getting ContentReference: {0} An error occurred while retrieving file (attachment, thumbnail) information. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0100E: Error updating Node: {0} An error occurred while updating a node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0101E: Invalid initiatorUserId or initiatorEmail The Forums life-cycle handler was unable to build an internal subject for the provided external ID or email for a user. Check Systemout.log for any precursor errors. Ensure that the user information exists in the Communities database. User information should also appear in the Forums database. CLFRV0102E: Error inserting AclEntry: {0} An error occurred inserting a forum ACL entry. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0104E: Error updating Tag: {0} An error occurred while updating a tag. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0105E: Error purging ContentReference: {0} An error occurred while purging a content reference, which is a record to file storage. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0106E: Error removing forums by a given containerUuid An error occurred while removing forums. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0107E: Error updating Schema Version: {0} An error occurred while updating the specified schema version. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0108E: Error getting AclEntry by member and node: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a member's ACL entries on a forum. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0109E: Error getting nodes: {0} An error occurred retrieving nodes. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0113E: Error retrieving forum count for container {0} An error occurred retrieving the forum count within a container or community. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0114E: Error purging node: {0} An error occurred purging a node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0115E: Required parameter MemberID was not specified An invalid memberId was encountered. Review input parameters and ensure that the memberId is specified. CLFRV0117E: Schema Version Mismatch The system is expecting a certain schema version on the database. However, the database is reporting it has a different version. Upgrade the Forums codebase, or upgrade the database schema to match. CLFRV0118E: No such Sort Key - {0} The specified value is not a valid sort key. This is typically an internal error. If this error was encountered via the forum feed API, ensure that your feed URL has a valid sorting option as documented in the Developing section of the documentation. CLFRV0120E: Error inserting EventLogEntry: {0} An error occurred while inserting an event log entry. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0121E: Bad configuration. Config section defines more properties than values, or vice versa. Possible errant <property> element(s) without a "name" attribute(s) An invalid configuration file was encountered. Check for possible errant <property> elements without a name attribute. CLFRV0122E: Error purging Tag: {0} An error occurred while purging a tag. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0125E: Error retrieving topic count for forum {0} An error occurred while retrieving the topic count in a forum. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0127E: Error getting Schema Version: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the forum schema version. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0128E: Error adding a new forum by a given containerUuid A life-cycle handler error occurred while adding a new forum Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0129E: Error loading configuration settings to determine if external email exposure is enabled: {0} An error occurred while determining if the expose email option is enabled or disabled. Check that the property exists in LotusConnections-config.xml. CLFRV0130E: {0} - All passed AclEntrys must refer to the passed object The inserted ACL entries do not refer to the input object. This is likely an internal error or any external CLFRV0131E: No thumbnail exists for {0} No thumbnail exists for the indicated content ID. Ensure that the Forums file storage is properly configured. CLFRV0132E: Error purging MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred while purging a member profile record. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0134E: {0} the class "{1}" was not found. Check the configuration file, under the class attribute of the service for the correct Java classname. Or, check the classpath to make sure the class is visible. The indicated class could not be instantiated. Investigate whether something is wrong with the classloader or the class specified in the <eventBroker> configuration itself. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0135E: Error removing node: {0} An error occurred removing a node. Look in Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0137E: Error inserting ContentReference: {0} An error occurred while inserting a reference to data stored on the files system. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0138E: Error getting all nodes: {0} An error occurred retrieving all nodes with specified sort options. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0139E: Error inserting a subscription An error occurred inserting a subscription. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0140E: Error purging description spillover: {0} An error occurred while purging description spillover. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0142E: Error retrieving reply count for topic {0} An error occurred retrieving the number of replies in a topic. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0143E: Error getting NodeSummary: {0} An error occurred retrieving node summary information. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0144I: {0} parsing done. Configuration file parsing has completed. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0145E: Error updating the topic count for forum {0} An error occurred while updating the topic count in a forum. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0149E: Error updating AclEntry: {0} An error occurred while updating a forum ACL entry. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0150E: Can not create MemberProfile. Profile ({0}) already exists. A member profile cannot be added as the supplied (internal forum) member ID is already assigned. If an insert was issued via wsadmin commands, check the input parameters. CLFRV0152E: Can not disable security; user is not an administrator The current user cannot alter security settings. This is an internal error. CLFRV0153E: Error inserting Schema Version: {0} An error occurred while updating the Forums schema number. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0155E: no default content store defined No default content store was found in the forum-config.xml file. Verify the <objectStore> configuration information in forum-config.xml is correct. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums feature, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0156E: {0} illegal access exception for the class "{1}". A Java IllegalAccessException occurred while attempting to parse configuration files. Ensure that the application is running with an account that has access to the indicated file. CLFRV0158E: Error updating MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred while updating a member profile. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0159E: Error updating the reply count for topic {0} An error occurred while updating a topic's reply count. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0160E: content ref uuid: {0} An error occurred while opening a content reference Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0161E: Error undeleting node: {0} An error occurred while undeleting (removing a soft-deleted designation) a node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0162E: Null resourceName The Forums life-cycle handler received a request with no resource name. This is an internal error. CLFRV0164E: Could not locate MBean Server An exception was generated when the forum tried to locate the MBean server needed to register the Forums Administration MBeans. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0166E: Null resourceId The Forums life-cycle handler received a request with no resource ID. This is an internal error. CLFRV0167E: Failed to initialize {0} An error occurred initializing IBATIS configuration. The most probable issue is the inability to connect to the target database. CLFRV0168E: Error purging EventLogEntry: {0} An error occurred while purging event log entries. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0171E: Error creating thumbnail for {0} An error occurred while creating a thumbnail. Verify that the forums content store is properly configured. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0172E: Error getting MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred while retrieving member profile. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0173E: Error updating number of posts count for forum: {0}, member: {1} An error occurred updating the number of posts in a forum. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0174E: Error retrieving subscriptions for topic {0} An error occurred retrieving a subscription. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0176E: Error getting Tags from a node: {0} An error occurred while retrieving tags for the indicated node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0178E: Error getting AclEntry by uuid: {0} An error occurred retrieving an ACL entry with the indicated UUID. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0181E: Error inserting Node: {0} An error occurred inserting a node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0182E: Cannot create the acl entries for the activity because an owner entry was required but not found An error occurred creating ACLs when creating a forum because an owner was not found. Possible causes include a configuration that is preventing communities from including proper membership roles. CLFRV0184E: Error inserting Tags: {0} An error occurred while inserting tags. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0186E: {0} error initializing adapter: classname The Event Broker service is attempting to initializer a subscriber to server-generated events, but the subscriber initialization process failed. Check that the <eventBroker> configuration specified in forum-config.xml for the subscriber reporting this error is valid. Additionally, you may want to pursue the exception thrown by the subscriber in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0187E: Error inserting description spillover: {0} An error occurred while inserting description spillover (clob data) for a node. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0189E: Error retrieving forum ids for container {0} An error occurred while retrieving forum IDs in a container or community. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0190E: Stream is not Open An error occurred while writing a file. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0191E: Error inserting MemberProfile: {0} An error occurred while inserting a member profile record. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0192E: Error getting getMemberProfilesByName: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a member profile for the indicated name. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0195E: Error starting the active content filter. The active content filter received an error on start up. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0196E: Error encountered with the active content filter. The active content filter received an error trying to filter text. Contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0197E: Unable to refresh cached list of groups An error occurred refreshing an internal group cache. Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0199E: Error locating member profile for {0}, search type {1} Forum could not locate a member profile matching the input identifier and type (either login name, email, or memberid). Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0200E: Unable to refresh cached list of groups An error occurred while refreshing an internal group cache. Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0201E: Profile provider error: {0} A Directory Service error was encountered. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0202E: Error locating member profile for {0}, search type {1} Forum could not locate a member profile matching the input identifier and type (either login name, email, or memberid). Restart the Forums application. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. CLFRV0204E: Error, attempt to purge a node that is not a topic nor a forum. Node id: {0} An request was made to purge a node that is neither a topic nor a forum. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing forum or topic. CLFRV0206E: Error, attempt to purge a forum, but node is not a forum. Node id: {0} A request was made to purge a forum, but the supplied node UUID does not identify a forum. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing forum or topic. CLFRV0208E: A MemberProfile cannot be null. A member profile that is null, or which has a null external ID was attempted to be updated. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0209E: The content of mime type: "{0}" or filename: "{1}" you tried to upload is not allowed by your administrator. The indicated MIME type is not allowed for downloads as configured in forum-confg.xml. Check the objectStore configuration in the forum-config.xml file for allowed MIME types. CLFRV0210I: Forums Schema being used is {0}. This reports the forum schema version (number) in the currently deployed database. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0211E: Error, attempt to purge a topic, but node is not a topic. Node id: {0} A request was made to purge a topic, but the supplied node UUID does not identify a topic. Check the input node UUID and ensure it identifies an existing topic. CLFRV0212E: Error locating profile: EXID mismatch, but email matches. There was an attempt to create or update a member profile but the email is the same as an existing member profile. Ensure that the member being created does not attempt to use a previously assigned email. CLFRV0213E: The profile provider could not find information for member {0}. Could not locate a member with the supplied member ID. Determine if the member exists in the directory service. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0214E: More than one member profile matches the search for {0}. More than one member profile matches the search for by name and type. Ensure that members are uniquely defined in directory services. CLFRV0215E: Error updating last login time for {0} An error occurred while updating the last login time for the indicated user. Check Systemout.log for additional information. CLFRV0216I: Access Violation: CALLER [{0}]: OBJECT [{1}]: OBJECT_PERMISSIONS[{2}]: REQUESTED[{3}]. General access violation report. The requestor does not have sufficient privileges. This error might occur if the user's participation (as member or owner) in a community cannot be established. This may ultimately be an LDAP and community configuration problem. CLFRV0217E: The file "{0}" cannot be uploaded as it is a 0-byte file. Zero byte files are not downloaded. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0218E: Cannot update non-matching MemberProfiles. {0} is not {1}. An attempt was made to update a profile and a mismatched member id was provided. Check that the command to update a member is accurate. Forums is reporting that its persisted member ID does not match the supplied value. CLFRV0219E: A profile provider error has occurred. {0} A Directory Service error was encountered. Check Systemout.log for additional information. This may be indicative of a Directory Service configuration issue. CLFRV0220I: Updated MemberProfile from LDAP for EXID {0} (user={1}). A member profile record was updated. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0221E: The content of mime type: "{0}" or filename: "{1}" you tried to upload exceeded the size limit of {2} bytes. Talk to your administrator about increasing the permitted upload size. The administrator set a size limit for the type of content a user tried to upload, either by MIME type or by file name. Check the upload limits in the <sizeLimits> element in forum-config.xml or upload something smaller. CLFRV0223E: An error occurred while propagating an event. The Forums application generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0224E: Forums Schema Version Mismatch. Current database schema version is {0}. Forums requires version {1}. The system is expecting a certain schema version on the database. However, the database is reporting it has a different version. Upgrade the Forums codebase, or upgrade the database schema to match. CLFRV0226E: Error: the group profile "{0}" could not be located in the Forums database. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The group could not be located in the Forums database. Check the spelling of the group name. CLFRV0227E: Error: the group profile "{0}" could not be located in the directory service. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The group found in the Forums database could not be located in LDAP. Check the spelling of the group name. CLFRV0228I: The user with external ID "{0}" does not have a login name. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The member with the indicated external ID does not have a login name. Check the LDAP registry. CLFRV0229I: The group profile "{0}" has been synchronized with the directory services changing the external id from {1} to {2}. A group profile record was updated. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0230E: Error: the member profile "{0}" could not be located in the Forums database. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The person could not be located in the Forums database. Check the profile for the referenced user and ensure that the spelling of the supplied look-up field matches. CLFRV0231I: Processing login names table for {0} profiles. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0232I: The member profile "{0}" has been synchronized with the directory services changing the external id from {1} to {2}. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0233I: Processed login names table for {0} profiles; {1} were updated. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0234I: The member profile "{0}" matches the directory service with external id {1}. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0235E: internal error The forum generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0236I: The user "{0}" does not have any login names. This is an informational message that might appear during population of the member login table. It notes that the member being processed does not have any login names. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0237E: Error: the member profile "{0}" could not be located in the directory service. This error is encountered during LDAP synchronization. The person could not be located in LDAP. There is no match for the person by the given value. Check to see if the person exists in LDAP. CLFRV0238E: Error: more than one profile was found with the key "{0}". Multiple entries identified by the <user identifier> have been found in the member profile table. One of the entries must be deleted. Contact Customer Support before proceeding. CLFRV0239I: The user "{0}" does not have an email address This message is informational only. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0240E: Error: An error occurred while updating the login names for user "{0}". The internal error is {1} Additional details of the error are given in the error message. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0241I: The group profile "{0}" matches the directory service with external id {1}. This message is informational only. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0242E: profile provider error The forum received an error querying the directory (i.e. LDAP) for a user or group. Ensure that the LDAP server configured for the WebSphere Application Server is accessible and that the bind credentials used to authenticate to the LDAP server (if necessary) are valid. CLFRV0243E: A short description could not be generated because the entry contains invalid HTML. The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. The HTML was so malformed that JTidy could not clean it, and produced a null result. This error is a message printed to the user that indicates the service could not truncate the input HTML to produce a summary for display in the entry. Try to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRV0244E: exception while executing JTidy on node: {0} The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. JTidy failed to finish executing on this HTML code before throwing an exception. Try to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRV0245E: output from JTidy execution: {0} This is a trace message that explains why JTidy failed to process some HTML input. This exception trace will inform you on how JTidy failed and whether it could be fixed. CLFRV0246E: internal error while executing JTidy on node: {0} The service tried to clean up user-submitted HTML rich text input using the JTidy library. The HTML was so malformed that JTidy could not clean it, and produced a null result. Try to change the HTML input, possibly by copying a different section of rich text to paste into the entry body. CLFRV0247I: Using DynaCache for user subjects This message is informational only. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0248E: Unable to locate the dynacache {0} : {1} An internal error occurred while attempting to locate the dynamic cache with the specified name. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0249I: Using simple cache for user subjects This message is informational only. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0250E: {0}: Bad configuration. Config section defines more properties than values, or vice versa. Possible errant <property> element(s) without a "name" attribute(s) An error occurred while reading values from the forum-config.xml configuration file. Check that the configuration file has suitable values for the parameters. CLFRV0252I: Total password changes made: {0} Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0255E: Unable to refresh cached list of groups An error occurred while synchronizing group membership. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0258E: Error initializing the Notification service for {0}. No notification messages will be sent. Error details : {1}. An error occurred while initializing the Notification service. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0263I: The Notification service for {0} is disabled in the configuration. No notification messages will be sent. This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0264E: Error parsing administrator email address. {0} The administrator email address configured in forum-config.xml is badly formatted. Edit notification-config.xml and provide an administrator email address in the correct format in the sender element. CLFRV0266E: Error. The value given for "{0}" in LotusConnections-config.xml is invalid. An error occurred while retrieving the specified value from LotusConnections-config.xml. Check that the configuration file has a suitable value for the parameter. CLFRV0267E: Unable to find a member profile for the email "{0}". This user will not be added to the forum membership. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. Should not see this error message. Application is not enabled. CLFRV0278E: Error sending notification message to {0}. Error when trying to send an email notification. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0281E: Error determining subscription {0} An error occurred while determining if a member is subscribed to a topic. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0282E: A fatal error occurred while sending a notification message. Error when trying to send an email notification. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0283I: See the embedded description for more details : {0} Error when trying to send an email notification. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0285E: Error getting posts in forum: {0} An error occurred while retrieving forum posts from the database. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0286E: Error reading subscription {0} An error occurred while retrieving forum topic subscription details from the database. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0287E: unable to download the file: {0} {1}. An error occurred while downloading a file attachment. The specified file could not be found or an error occurred while it was being read. CLFRV0288E: Error: An error occurred while initializing the News propagation service. The internal error is : {0} The Forums application generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0289E: Error setting delete reason: {0} Error while setting the delete reason in the database. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0293W: Forum can not determine host name Forums was unable to determine the host name during its start-up sequence. Restart the Forums application. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0295I: Forum Notification service started This message is informational only. No action is required. CLFRV0301E: Forum Notification service initialization error: {0} Error while initializing the forum notification service. Additional details of the error are given in the error message. CLFRV0303E: Error executing event notification. The forum generated an exception. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0304E: Exiting the Async Notification Thread: event processing has been halted. Error received when the event broker thread is halted. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0305E: Error encountered processing events. Error received in the event broker when dispatching events. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0306E: The invoker should not be interrupted. Another thread interrupted the internal event broker. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log. If the problem persists after restarting the Forums application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0307E: Error initializing Discussion Forums The Forums application encountered an error while trying to start. The cause of the error will be found in the SystemOut.log. Correct the error cause and restart the Forums application. CLFRV0309E: Error cannot post to a locked node: {0} The topic or forum is locked and cannot accept a post. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0310E: Error deleting a page hierarchy entry: {0} An error occurred while deleting the category's descendant information. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0311E: Error inserting a page: {0} An error occurred while creating a category. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0312E: Error retrieving page descendant: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a category descendant. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0313E: Error incrementing page position: {0} This message is displayed if an error occurs when updating category data from the database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix according to the error message. CLFRV0314E: Maximum number of attachments have been added to this post: {0} This error occurs when the number of attachments exceeds the limitation defined by the administrator. To increase the number of attachments per post, follow the instructions for editing the Forums configuration file, forum-config.xml. in the topic, Set the maximum number of attachments. CLFRV0315E: Error retrieving a reply or set of replies: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a reply or a set of replies. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0316E: Error incrementing page level in tree : {0} An error occurred while incrementing a category's level in the category tree. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0317E: Error creating attachment for node: {0}, file name: {1} This message displays if an error occurs when creating the attachment for a topic or a reply. Check any exception from the SystemOut.log file and fix it according to the error message. Make sure that the file name exists in the path. CLFRV0318E: Error locking a node: {0} An error occurred while locking a forum or topic. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0319E: Error removing page: {0} An error occurred while removing a category. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0320E: Error updating page: {0} An error occurred while updating a category. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0321E: Error inserting page tree entry: {0} An error occurred wile creating category tree information. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0322E: Error inserting page hierarchy entry: {0} An error occurred wile creating category descendant information. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0323E: Error updating page tree entry: {0} An error occurred while updating category tree information. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0324E: Error retrieving page tree entry: {0} An error occurred while retrieving category tree information. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0325E: Error retrieving page position: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a category position. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0326E: Error retrieving a forum or set of forums: {0} An error occurred retrieving a reply or a set of replies. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0327E: Error retrieving page: {0} An error occurred retrieving a category. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0328E: Error unlocking a node: {0} An error occurred while unlocking a forum or topic. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0329E: Error retrieving page ancestor: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a category ancestor. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0330E: Illegal move of category {0} to parent {1}. A category cannot be made a child of the specified parent. Typical causes include:
- A category cannot be made a child of a descendant category.
- Cannot move special categories, such as the root category and the category that contains community forums.
No action is required. CLFRV0332E: Error retrieving page descendant count: {0} An error occurred while retrieving a category's child count. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0333E: Invalid entry {0} in configuration file {1}. Check the configuration file."}) An invalid entry was detected in a configuration file. Check the specified configuration file. CLFRV0334E: Error updating node state: {0} An error occurred while updating a node's state. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0335E: Error inserting flag content: {0} An error occurred while creating a flag record. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0346E: Error updating node question state: {0} An error occurred while updating a topic's question state. This error is usually caused by a database problem. Check for SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix according to the error message. CLFRV0357E: Seedlist state is not the correct state for this operation. Forums seedlist error. When retrieving an updated forum document, an invalid ACL change state was passed for seedlist logging. Only topics and forums ACL change states are valid. CLFRV0358W: Problem creating a forum document to represent the forum with id {0}. Forums seedlist error. When getting all forums, an invalid forum document was found. This can happen when there a BaseNode Object retrieved from the Forum API missing mandatory attributes that are needed for a seedlist entry, such as an ID/Link/Title. The entry is skipped. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0359E: Problem retrieving replies for the topic with id {0}. This message is displayed if an error occurs when retrieving the seedlist. This problem is usually caused by an internal forum service. Check any exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0360W: There is a null value in the NodeCollection. This is a warning message that occurs when retrieving the seedlist. This error only occurs if the Forums API returns a null value in a NodeCollection. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0361W: The last modified date is not available for the Topic with this ID {0}. Forums seedlist error. When processing topic ACL updates, the current topic being processed does not have the last modified date. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0362E: Problem retrieving the configuration details for the Forums feature. Forums seedlist error. A problem occurred when retrieving the Forums component. Verify that the Lotus-Connections-config.xml file is valid. There should be other errors in the log if that is the case. CLFRV0363W: Problem creating a forum document to represent the forum topic with id {0}. Forums seedlist error. A problem occurred when creating a forum document for the topic with the specified ID. This can happen when there a BaseNode Object (used to represent forums or topics) retrieved from the Forum API missing mandatory attributes that are needed for a seedlist entry, such as an ID/Link/Title. The entry is skipped. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0364W: Problem constructing URI for Topic with the following Topic Id {0}. A problem occurred constructing the link URI for the seedlist entry corresponding to the topic with the specified ID. Verify the values of the sloc:href element in LotusConnections-config.xml for the Forums sloc:serviceReference element. For more information, see Common configuration properties. CLFRV0366W: Problem retrieving forum documents to represent forum categories. Forums seedlist error. A problem occurred when retrieving forum documents for forum categories. This can happen when there a Page Object (used to represent categories) retrieved from the Forum API missing mandatory attributes that are needed for a seedlist entry, such as an ID/Link/Title. The entry is skipped. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0367W: The last modified date is not available for the Forum with this ID {0}. Forums seedlist error. When processing topic ACL updates, the current forum being processed does not have the last modified date. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0368I: Skipping including this forum with id {0} in the crawling phase for ACL updates as it will have been included in an earlier phase. The visibility of the forum was updated since the last crawl, however, the record for the forum was also updated in a manner that means that a seedlist entry representing the update in the forum was included in an earlier phase of the current crawl. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0369W: Exception thrown when converting a forum ,topic, or page node. Forums seedlist error. A problem occurred when converting a forum, topic, or page node. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0373W:Problem constructing URI for Category with the following Category Id {0}. A problem occurred while constructing the link URI for the seedlist entry corresponding to the category with the specified ID. Verify the values of the sloc:href element in LotusConnections-config.xml for the Forums sloc:serviceReference element. See Common configuration properties for more information. CLFRV0374W: The retrieved nodes from the Forums API are missing either a valid ID,title or link. The values for id,link and title are as follows {0},{1},{2} Forums seedlist error. A problem occurred when converting nodes to forum documents, invalid ID, title, or link is found. If this happens regularly, contact Customer Support. CLFRV0375I: Skipping including this topic with id {0} in the crawling phase for ACL updates as it will have been included in an earlier phase. This message is informational. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0376E: Problem retrieving tags for the topic with id {0}. Forums Seedlist error. A problem occurred when retrieving tags for the topic with the specified ID. This error is ogged if there a problem calling the Forums API. This root cause is ForumsException, which will also be logged.
Check the logs to determine the root cause and take appropriate action. For example, if it is a database connection issue, verify the connection to the Forums database. CLFRV0377E: Cannot move topic from a forum in community {0} to a forum in community {1}. Topics in community forums can only be moved to forums in the same community. Cannot move forums between communities. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0378E: Cannot create a non-community forum in the community forum category. Cannot move forums between communities. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0379E: Error updating the category count for category {0} An error occurred updating a category's child count. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0380E: Error deleting counts by category {0} An error occurred while deleting counters (for example, number of children, number of forums) for a page. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0381E: Error deleting counts by forum {0} An error occurred while deleting counters (for example, number of topics, number of posts) for a forum. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0382E: Cannot unlock topic {0}, forum {1} is locked A topic cannot be unlocked because the containing forum is locked. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0383E: Error deleting counts by topic {0} An error occurred while deleting counters (for example, number of posts) for a topic. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0384I: Received user lifecycle update on internalId: {0} A generic error occurred while running the synchronization command *byMemberId. Use the server logs to identify why the command failed to run. CLFRV0386E: Error on user lifecycle getByInternalId of: {0} A generic error occurred while running the synchronization command *byMemberId. Use the server logs to identify why the command failed to run. CLFRV0387E: Error on user lifecycle getByEmail A generic error occurred while running the synchronization command *byEmail. Use the server logs to identify why the command failed to run. CLFRV0388E: Error on user lifecycle getByLogin of: {0} A generic error occurred while running the synchronization command *byLogin. Use the server logs to identify why the command failed to run. CLFRV0389E: An unexpected error occurred while processing command {0}: {1} A generic error occurred while running the specified command. Investigate the server logs to identify more detailed causes of the error. CLFRV0390E: Error on user lifecycle update of internalId: {0} Informational message about receiving a user life-cycle event to update all users. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0391I: Received user lifecycle request to update all users Informational message about receiving a user life-cycle event to update all users. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0392E: Unknown command: {0} The specified command was not recognized. Check that the command name is typed correctly. CLFRV0393E: The command can not be processed because another user has this key value: {0} The command could not execute because another user had the specified key value. Check that the specified key is valid and that you are not trying to duplicate key entries in the database. CLFRV0394E: Error on user lifecycle getByExternalId of: {0} A generic error occurred while running the synchronization command *byExtId. Use the server logs to identify why the command failed to run. CLFRV0395E: The user with id {0} could not be found. The user with the specified ID was not found in Forums. Check that the ID is valid and that Forums has actually used this user before. CLFRV0396E: Invalid AclEntry: {0} Encountered an invalid ACLEntry during creation. For example, a non-community role was assigned to a community forum, or vice versa. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0397I: Done initializing Discussion Forums UserLifecycle SPI. Informational message stating that the user life-cycle SPI engine started correctly. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0398I: Initializing Discussion Forums UserLifecycle SPI. Informational message \stating that the user life-cycle SPI engine is starting. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0399E: Error initializing Discussion Forums UserLifecycle SPI. Generic error initializing the user life-cycle SPI engine. Use the server logs to identify why the SPI engine failed to start. CLFRV0400E: Forums mismatch for forum-policy.xml. Current version: {0} Required version: {1}. Make sure you are not trying to use an old config file on a newer server or vice-versa. The version number in forum-policy.xml does not match the version required by the enterprise application. This error indicates that the Forums .ear file was not updated in conjunction with the configuration files. CLFRV0401E: Community category cannot have children categories. The category that holds community forums cannot have sub-categories. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0402E: Illegal attempt to move a forum {0}: community:{1} category: {2} to community: {3} category:{4} The specified forum could not be moved. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0403W: Problem constructing URI for Forum with the following Forum Id {0}. A problem occurred constructing the link URI for the seedlist entry corresponding to the forum with the specified ID. Verify the values of the sloc:href element in LotusConnections-config.xml for the Forums sloc:serviceReference element. See Common configuration properties for more information. CLFRV0416E: Import error: Topic UUID={0} A problem occurred while importing a topic in to the database. Check any exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. Check the forum, topic, and reply's dependency and verify the data. CLFRV0421I: *********** Finished import for Reply UUID={0} Informational message that displays when importing a reply. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0423E: The version of the archive you tried to import does not match the current DB schema. The import file database schema version does not match the database schema. Check the database schema version in the Category_Forum.xml file. CLFRV0425E: Import error: Reply UUID={0} A problem occurred when importing the reply to the database. Check the forum, topic, and reply's dependency, and verify the data. CLFRV0427W: The group "{0}" could not be loaded from LDAP or the database. Or, there might have been multiple matches for the same name in LDAP. A problem occurred while synchronizing the member profile with the LDAP directory. Make sure that the member information defined in the Category_Forum.xml file exists in the LDAP directory and the database. CLFRV0430I: The archive "{0}" does not exist in the file system. Nothing will be done. A problem occurred while unpacking the import's data. Make sure that the .zip file is in the specified system path. CLFRV0431E: The ArchiveService cannot create the directory={0} for exporting forums. A problem occurred when the directory could not be created. Verify the file path of the export. CLFRV0434E: Error unpacking the archive A problem occurred while unpacking the import's data. Check the import .zip file. CLFRV0435E: The ArchiveService cannot export forums to the directory={0} as it is not writable. A problem occurred and the directory cannot be written to. Verify the file path of the export and check that the directory can be written to. CLFRV0437E: Import error: Forum UUID={0} A problem occurred while importing the forum to the database. Check the forum, topic, and reply's dependency, and verify the data. CLFRV0438E: The ArchiveService cannot export forums to the directory={0} as it is not a directory. A problem occurred and the Forums directory could not be created. Verify the file path of the exported forums. CLFRV0440E: Error setting community page: {0} A problem occurred when the category could not be set to the community category. This error is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0441E: Error retrieving page forum count: {0} A problem occurred when counting the forums of the category. This error is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0442I: Forums policy-config.xml version: {0} This information records what version of the forums-policy.xml file is being used. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0443I: Terminating Discussion Forums Following service. Informational message. The following service for Forums is shutting down. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0444I: Initializing Discussion Forums Following service. Informational message. The following service for Forums is initializing. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0445I: Discussion Forums Following service initialized. Informational message. The following service for Forums has successfully initialized. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0446E: Discussion Forums Following service failed to initialize. The following service for Forums failed to initialize. This might indicate a configuration problem. See the SystemOut.log file for additional details. CLFRV0459E: Error getting attachments total size: {0} A problem occurred when getting the size of all the attachments. This error is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0460E: Error getting attachments total number: {0} A problem occurred when getting the number of all the attachments. This error is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0461E: Error fetching topics A problem occurred when fetching the topics by date. Verify the format of the date. CLFRV0462E: Could not write to "{0}"; The directory or given path is not writable A problem occurred when the directory could not be written to. Verify the file path of the export and whether the directory has write permissions. CLFRV0465E: Error member id do not specified A problem occurred when updating member by memberID. Make sure that the member ID is not null. CLFRV0467E: Error creating directory "{0}" A problem occurred when the directory could not be created. Verify the file path of the export and make sure that you have create permissions on the specified path. CLFRV0468E: Error get member profile A problem occurred when getting the member by member name. This problem is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions in the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0471E: Cannot re-parent reply node {0}. A reply cannot be re-parented. Ensure that calling code is not selecting replies for re-parent operations. CLFRV0472E: Followed resources for user "{0}" could not be retrieved. An attempt to retrieve a followed resource failed. This resource does not exist in Forums. Check the input parameters to the service request. See the SystemOut.log file for additional details. CLFRV0474I: Total time elapsed: {0} hours {1} minutes {2} seconds \n Informational message that displays when the export or import is finished. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0475I: Import process started and will take some time to complete, please be patient as the total execution time depends on the entire data set that you selected to import, you can refer to log file for the importing detail. Informational message that displays when the import process starts. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0476I: Export process completed successfully, following are the statistics:\n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0477I: Total time elapsed: {0} milliseconds \n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0478I: Total Imported replies: {0} Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0479I: Total exported replies : {0}\n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0480I: Total exported forums : {0}\n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0481E: Error exporting forum UUID={0} The Forums contain some data that is incorrect. Verify the attachments of the exported forums's xml file. CLFRV0482I: Total time elapsed: {0} Informational message that displays when the export or import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0483I: importing topic ({0}) to forum uuid={1} Informational message that displays when importing a topic in to a forum. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0484I: Total time elapsed: {0} seconds \n Informational message that displays when the export or import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0485I: Total exported topics : {0}\n Informational message that displays when the export or import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0486I: Total Imported attachments: {0} , total size: {1} Informational message that displays when the import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0487I: Import process completed, following are the statistics: Informational message that displays when the import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0488I: Total Imported forums: {0} Informational message that displays when the import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0489I: Exporting forum uuid={0} Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0490E: The attachment of topic {0} does not exist\n The topic's attachments do not exist. Verify the attachments for the specified topic. CLFRV0491I: Total exported attachments : {0},total size: {1}\n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0492I: Total exported categories : {0}\n Informational message that displays when the export finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0493E: Import error: Invalid for created or modified A problem occurred when importing a category, forum, topic, or reply. Check that the members in the Category_Forum.xml file match the database. CLFRV0494I: Total Imported categories: {0} Informational message that displays when the import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0495E: The attachment of reply {0} does not exist\n The attachments do not exist for the specified reply. Verify the attachments for the specified reply. CLFRV0496I: Total time elapsed: {0} minutes {1} seconds\n Informational message that displays when the export or import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0497I: importing forum uuid={0} Informational message that displays when importing a forum. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0498I: Total Imported topics: {0} Informational message that displays when the import finishes. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0499I: Exporting topic ({0}/{1}) from forum uuid={2} Informational message about exporting the forums. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0500I: The requested user profile {0} was not found in Forums. Nothing to be done. Informational message stating that the user life-cycle SPI engine is starting. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0502E: The path is a directory. Please specify a file path. The export file path does not exist. Verify the file path of the export. CLFRV0503I: Access Violation: CALLER[{0}]: OBJECT [{1}]: REQUESTED[{2}] on locked node. General access violation report. The requestor does not have sufficient privileges for the indicated action and object. If this error occurs during community forum creation, it is indicative of a Directory Services configuration problem as Forums cannot establish a user's membership in a community. CLFRV0504E: No container information for forum {0} Expected run time information for a forum cannot be located. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing topic. CLFRV0505E: Can not delete category "{0}" which still contain forums or sub-categories. This message is thrown when trying to delete category that is not empty. You cannot delete a category that is not empty. To delete the category, ensure that all the subcategories and forums are deleted first. CLFRV0506E: Error inserting reply An error occurred while creating a reply. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0507E: Exceeded maximum number of retries inserting reply An error occurred while creating a reply. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0508E: Error retrieving sub category count for container {0} This message is thrown if an error occurs when getting the category count number data from database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0509E: No container information for topic {0} Expected run time information for a topic cannot be located. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing forum. CLFRV0510E: Cannot move topic from a public forum to a forum in community {0}. Topics in public forums can only be moved to other public forums. A topic cannot be moved from a public forum to a community forum Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0511E: Error opening nodes This message is thrown if an error occurs when opening node data. Check any exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to error prompt. Ensure that you have the permission to access that node data. CLFRV0512E: Unknown member type {0} This is an internal error that should not occur. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRV0513E: Requested tumbler value has exceeded maximum An error occurred while inserting a reply. This error will occur only if a topic has an extremely large number of replies. Performance issues will occur before this error is induced. CLFRV0514E: Error transferring forums to the specified community An error occurred while transferring community resources in response to the communities transferRemoteApplication command. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0515E: Cannot flag the same post multiple times A user cannot flag a post multiple times. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRV0516E: Error getting flag count for node {0} An error occurred while retrieving the flag count for a node. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0517E: Error retrieving tumbler information An error occurred while creating a reply. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file. CLFRV0518E: Error retrieving container information Expected run time information for a forum cannot be located. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing topic. CLFRV0519E: Error purging thumbnail for content with reference uuid {0} This message is thrown if an error occurs when purging thumbnail data from the database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0521E: Error updating thumbnail for content with reference uuid {0} This message is thrown if an error occurs when updating thumbnail data from the database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0522E: Error getting thumbnail for content with reference uuid {0} This message is thrown if an error occurs when getting thumbnail data from the database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0523E: Error retrieving forum overview Expected run time information for a forum cannot be located. Check the input node UUID and ensure that it identifies an existing topic. CLFRV0524E: Error inserting thumbnail for content with reference uuid {0} This message is thrown if an error occurs when getting thumbnail data from the database. This issue is usually caused by a database problem. Check any SQL exceptions from the SystemOut.log file and fix them according to the error message. CLFRV0525E: Node {0} had an invalid state change from {0} to {1} An illegal state change was attempted on the specified node. Informational only; no action is required.
Files and Wikis error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with Files and Wikis.
Files and Wikis error messages
The following error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 13. Files and Wikis error messages
Message Cause Solution EJPVJ9000E: An unknown error has occurred. Explanation: An unknown error occurred, and a more detailed error is not available. User Response: Please report this error to a system administrator and include any details available. EJPVJ9001E: Invalid media id: {0} Explanation: The provided media id is not valid. User Response: Supply a valid media id. EJPVJ9002E: Unable to get the media additional file with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media additional file with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9003E: Unable to get media additional files for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media additional files for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9016E: Unable to get all libraries. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get all the libraries. This may be due to an underlying system error. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if failure was expected due to a system error. EJPVJ9018E: Unable to update download count for media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update the download count for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9022E: Unable to get the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9027E: Unable to get the media for the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9029E: Unable to get media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media. This may be due to an underlying system error. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if failure was expected due to a system error. EJPVJ9037E: Unable to add media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add the media. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9039E: Unable to edit the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the media with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9040E: Unable to get the revisions for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the revisions for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9055E: Unable to get one or more of the item(s) with id(s) {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the item(s) with the listed id(s). User Response: No action is required, unless the item is expected to exist, in which case the item may need to be located in a backup. EJPVJ9063W: Unable to get the user from the cache with id {0} Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user from the cache with the specified id. A system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9067E: Unable to get the user with directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified directory id. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9070E: Unable to logon the user with the J2EE principal {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to logon the user with the specified J2EE principal. The user may not be in the directory, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the user is not in the directory, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9076E: Unable to get the DynaCache with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the DynaCache instance with the specified JNDI name. It may not be bound, or may not be accessible in this context. User Response: Verify the specified DynaCache instance exists, or that the J2EE bindings are correctly specified. EJPVJ9077W: Unable to get information from cache for {0} user(s). Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get users from the cache. The user(s) may not be valid, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the user(s) were not valid, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9078W: Unable to get the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified id. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9080W: Unable to get user(s) from cache, as the collection type {0} is not supported. Explanation: An internal error occurred while looking up users from the cache, as the collection type was not recognized. User Response: Report this error, as it is unexpected. EJPVJ9082W: Unable to get all users, {0} were not found. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get users from the cache. The items may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items do not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9098E: Unable to read configuration from directory {0}. Explanation: The configuration directory specified is not readable by the application. User Response: Ensure that the configuration directory specified exists, and that the user the application server runs at has permission to it. EJPVJ9099I: Loading configuration from directory {0}. Explanation: The application configuration will be loaded from the directory specified. User Response: No action required, unless a different directory was expected. EJPVJ9100E: Unable to load required configuration branch {0}. Explanation: The specified configuration branch could not be found in the application configuration. User Response: Ensure that the correct configuration files are in the specified configuration directory. EJPVJ9102E: Unable to construct a connection factory Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to construct a database connection factory. User Response: Ensure that the database drivers needed by the specified dialect are on the classpath for the application server. EJPVJ9103E: Unable to request initial context with factory {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while requesting the J2EE initial context with the specified factory. User Response: Ensure that a supported application server is installed and correctly configured. EJPVJ9104E: Unable to initialize application platform. Explanation: An error occurred while initializing the platform that this application was built on. No services will be available. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine the appropriate action. Often configuration is missing or incorrect, or the install was not properly completed. EJPVJ9106E: Unable to add comment. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a comment. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9107E: Unable to edit the comment with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the comment with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9109E: Unable to get the comment with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the comment with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9110E: Unable to get the comments for the item with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the comments for the item with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9112E: Unable to get the statistics. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the statistics. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9113E: Unable to update statistics data. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update the statistics data. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expect (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9114E: Unable to get the statistics between {0} and {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the statistics between the specified start and end dates. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9115E: Unable to get the number of statistics records available. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the number of statistics records available. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9123I: The task {0} has begun execution at {1}. Explanation: The task with the specified name has begun execution, and will complete momentarily. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9130W: Unable to start transaction, as it has already been started. Explanation: A transaction start was attempted, but cannot be completed as one is already active. User Response: Report this error, as this exception should not occur. EJPVJ9131W: Unable to rollback transaction. Explanation: A transaction was not able to be rolled back, as an underlying system error has occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed. EJPVJ9144W: Unable to update profile status for user with directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update the user with the specified directory id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9145E: Unable to get user information from directory to do user updates after {0} attempts. Further updates will be aborted. Explanation: Repeated errors occurred when querying the directory during the update user task. This is likely a connectivity or configuration issue, so further updates were aborted. User Response: Examine the nested exceptions and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). If this exception repeats, users may not be properly updated. EJPVJ9146E: Unable to run WorkItem. Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to run a work item, which was caused by an internal error. User Response: Report this error, as it should not occur. EJPVJ9148E: Unable to execute task {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to execute the specified task. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9150E: Unable to get additional file count for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file count for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9153E: Unable to delete the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9154E: Unable to delete the comment with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the comment with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9155E: Unable to perform the action {1} on item {2} as the user {0} does not have permission. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to perform the specified action on the specified item as the specified user does not have permission. They might not have ever had permission, or the permission may have been removed. User Response: No action is required, unless the user should have permission. EJPVJ9157E: Unable to edit email options for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit email options for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9158E: Unable to edit the preferred page size for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the preferred page size for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9159E: Unable to edit the preferred view size for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the preferred view for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9160E: Unable to find the item with id {0}. Explanation: The item with the specified id could not be found. It may have never existed or have been deleted. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9161E: Unable to add, edit or delete additional files for the media with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add, edit, or delete additional files for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9163E: Unable to get library count. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library count. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9164E: Unable to add library. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a library. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9165E: Unable to edit the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the library with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9166E: Unable to delete the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the library with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9169E: Unable to delete revisions older than {1} for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the revisions older than the specified number for the media with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9170E: Unable to get the media revision with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get media revision with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9178E: Unable to add a share for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a share for the media with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9179E: Unable to delete all the shares for the media with id {0} to the user with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete all the shares for the media with the specified id for the specified user id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9180E: Unable to delete all the shares for the media with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete all the shares for the media with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9181E: Unable to edit the permission to view for all the shares for the media with id {0} to the user {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the permission to view for all the shared for the media with the specified id for the specified user id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9182E: Unable to get the users the media with id {0} was shared with. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users the media with the specified id was shared with. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9183E: Unable to get the share graph for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the share graph for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9184E: Unable to get the share involvement for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the share involvement for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9185E: Unable to get the media share with the group id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media share with the specified group id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9186E: Unable to get the media shared with this user. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media shared with this user. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9187E: Unable to get the count of media shared with this user. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of media shared with this user. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9188E: Unable to get the media shared by this user. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media shared by this user. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9189E: Unable to get the count of media shared by this user. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of media shared by this user. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9190E: Unable to add a media notification. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a media notification. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9191E: Unable to process the request to the following interface, not enough details provided for source {0}, type {1}, user {2}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to follow an item. The item or user are not specified or can not be found, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9192E: An unexpected error occured for source {0}, id {1}, user {2}. Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while processing a following command. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9193E: Unable to delete the notification for this user and the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the notification for this user and the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9196E: Unable to get the count of the notifications for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the notifications for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9197E: Unable to get the notifications for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notifications for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9198E: Unable to get existing tag entries by tag names. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the existing tag entries by tag names. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure is expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9200E: Unable to add new tag entries. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add new tag entries. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure is expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9201E: Unable to get the tag ids to add for the item with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the tag ids to add for the item with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9202E: Unable to add tags for the item with id {0} and type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add tags for the item with the specified id and type. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9204E: Unable to delete the tags {0} for the item with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified tags from the item with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9205E: Unable to get the media tags for the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media tags for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9206E: Unable to get the tags for the item with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the tags for the item with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9207E: Unable to add a policy. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a policy. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9208E: Unable to edit the policy with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the policy with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9209E: Unable to delete the policy with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the policy with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, the policy may be a default policy or in use, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the policy is a default policy or in use, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9210E: Unable to get the policy with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the policy with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9211E: Unable to get all policies. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get all the policies. The item may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9212E: Unable to add data to the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add data to the library with the specified id. The maximum size of the policy in use may have been met, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the maximum size of the policy has been met, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9214E: Unable to get the count of policies. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of policies. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9220E: Unable to get the media with the label {0} in the library with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media with the specified label in the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9221E: Unable to get the count for media in the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for media in the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9222E: Unable to get the additional file with the label {0} for the media with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file with the specified label for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9223E: Unable to add a recommendation for the item with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a recommendation for the item with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9224E: Unable to delete the recommendation with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the recommendation with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9225E: Unable to get the recommendations for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the recommendations for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9226E: Unable to get the count for the recommendations for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for the recommendations for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9227E: Unable to get the recommendations for the user with id {0} across the libraries with ids {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the recommendations for the user with the specified id within the specified set of library ids. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items were not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9229E: Unable to get the recommendation status for the user with the id {1} for the media with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the recommendation status for the user with the specified id for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9230E: Unable to get the revision with the number {0} for the media with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the revision with the specified number for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9237E: Unable to get the notification for this user for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notification for this user for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9238E: Unable to send a notification of type {0} to the user(s) {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to send the notification of the specified type to the specified users. a system error may have occurred, possibly caused by a notification configuration error. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9240E: Unable to get the tags across the specified scope. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the tags across the specified scope. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9242E: Unable to get the media tag count for the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media tag count for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9243E: Unable to get tag count for the specified scope. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the tag count for the specified scope. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9244E: Unable to get the users with the ids {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users with the specified ids. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9245E: Unable to publish the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to publish the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9246E: Unable to query the directory service by field {0} for {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to query the directory service by the specified field for the specified value. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9257E: Unable to add a user with directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a user with the specified directory id. A constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9258E: Unable to create, read, or write to the content storage directory {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the content storage directory. If located, it could not be read from or written to, or if not present it could not be created. User Response: Examine the nested exception and ensure the storage directory specified in the configuration file is correct. Ensure that the user the application server runs as has full permissions on the directory. EJPVJ9259I: The content storage directory was initialized successfully and is set to {0}. Explanation: The specified directory will be used as the root folder for binary data storage. At initialization time, the root directory was both readable and writable. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9260E: Unable to delete the expired search deletion history for Additional Files. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the expired search deletion history for Additional Files. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9261E: Unable to delete the expired search deletion history. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the expired search deletion history. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9262E: Unable to get access control information for media on the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the access control information for media on the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9263E: Unable to get the media for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9264E: Unable to get the updated media for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the updated media for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9265E: Unable to get additional media data for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get additional media data for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9266E: Unable to set the user name and display link for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the user name and display link for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9268E: Unable to get the range of available statistics. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the range of available statistics. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9270E: Unable to get the tags for the media for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the tags for the media for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9271E: Unable to get the users with the directory ids {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users with the specified directory ids. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9272E: Unable to get the groups with the directory ids {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the groups with the specified directory ids. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9273E: Unable to get the group with the directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the group with the specified directory id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9275E: Unable to add a group with the directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add the group with the specified directory id. A constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9277E: Unable to get the expired groups to update for the update group task. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the expired groups to update for the update group task. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). If this error persists, group names may not be properly updated. EJPVJ9278I: Updating {0} group entries. Explanation: The update group task is about to update the names and state for the specified number of groups, which will make that many directory calls and database updates. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9281W: Unable to edit the group with the id {0} during the group update task. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the group with the specified id during the group update task. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9282E: Unable to get group information from directory to do group updates after {0} attempts. Further updates will be aborted. Explanation: Repeated errors occurred when querying the directory during the update group task. This is likely a connectivity or configuration issue, so further updates were aborted. User Response: Examine the nested exceptions and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). If this exception repeats, groups may not be properly updated. EJPVJ9284E: Unable to get the groups from the directory for the user with directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the groups from the directory for the user with the specified directory id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9285E: Unable to get the groups for the user with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the groups for the user with the specified id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9286E: Unable to synchronize the groups for the user with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the groups for the user with the specified id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9288E: Unable to get the role assignments for the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the role assignments for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9289E: Unable to assign a role for the library with id {0} to the user with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign a role for the library with the specified id to the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9290E: Unable to assign a role for the library with id {0} to the group with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign a role for the library with the specified id to the group with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9291E: Unable to assign roles for the library. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign roles for the library. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9292E: Unable to delete the role for the library with id {0} to the user with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the role for the library with the specified id to the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9293E: Unable to delete the role for the library with id {0} to the group with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the role for the library with the specified id to the group with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9298E: Unable to get the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9299E: Unable to get library with the label {0} and the type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library with the specified label and of the specified type. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9305E: Unable to get the drafts for the media with id {0} which the user with the id {1} can view. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the drafts for the media with the specified id which the user with the specified id can view. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9306E: Unable to get the media drafts that the user with the id {0} can view. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the drafts that the user with the specified id can view. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9307E: Unable to get the count of the drafts for the media with id {0} which the user with the id {1} can view. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the drafts for the media with the specified id which the user with the specified id can view. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9308E: Unable to get the count of the media drafts that the user with the id {0} can view. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the drafts that the user with the specified id can view. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9309E: Unable to get the total size of the additional file drafts. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the total size of the additional file drafts. The items may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items were removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9310E: Unable to add a media draft. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a media draft. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9311E: Unable to edit the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9312E: Unable to delete the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9313E: Unable to get the media drafts created by the user with the id {0} for the media with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media drafts created by the user with the specified id for the media with the specified id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9314E: Unable to get the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9315E: Unable to add the additional file drafts for the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add the additional file drafts for the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9316E: Unable to delete the additional file drafts for the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the additional file drafts for the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9317E: Unable to edit the additional file drafts for the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the additional file drafts for the media draft with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9318E: Unable to get the additional file draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9319E: Unable to get the additional file draft with the label {0} for the media draft with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file draft with the specified label for the media draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9320E: Unable to get the additional file drafts for the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file drafts for the media draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9321E: Unable to get the additional file drafts for the media draft with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the additional file drafts for the media draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9322E: Unable to get the permissions for the user with id {0} for the media draft with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the permissions for the user with the specified id for the media draft with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9324E: Unable to get the Community with the directory id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the community with the specified directory id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9325E: Unable to synchronize the Communities for the user with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the Communities for the user with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9326W: Unable to synchronize the Communities for the user with id {0} because the remote service was not available. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the Communities for the user with the specified id. The Communities service was not reachable. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the Communities server is being maintained). EJPVJ9327W: Unable to synchronize the groups for the user with id {0} because the remote service was not available. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the groups for the user with the specified id. The LDAP service was not reachable. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the LDAP server is being maintained). EJPVJ9340E: The required file identified by id {0} (referenced in table {1} column {2}) was not found at {3}. Explanation: A file referenced in the database by the specified id (from the specified table and column) was not found at the specified location. This error will occur when a referenced file is missing from the file system. User Response: Restore previous back-ups to locate the file, or remove the referencing item. EJPVJ9341E: The data integrity check failed and the database and file system are not consistent. {0} required files were not found or differ in expected size. Explanation: The data integrity check could not be completed as files were missing or differ in expected size. User Response: Restore previous back-ups to locate the file, or remove the referencing item. EJPVJ9342I: An unused file was found at {0}. It will be moved to {1}. Explanation: The specified file was not referenced in the database and can be removed. User Response: No action is required, but you may want to keep the unused files for future restoration. EJPVJ9343I: The data integrity check succeeded and the database and file system are consistent. {0} unused file(s) were moved to {1}. Explanation: The data integrity check completed successfully, potentially with unused files moved out of the content directory. User Response: No action is required, but you may want to keep the unused files for future restoration. EJPVJ9344E: The data integrity check failed and the database and file system are not consistent. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to complete the data integrity check. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine what action is needed. EJPVJ9345W: An unused file was found at {0} but this is not a valid file path for data. Explanation: The specified file was found in the data directory, but does not correspond to the format used by the application to store data on disk. User Response: Examine the file and ensure that no other applications are writing to the content directory. EJPVJ9346E: Unable to assign the policy with the id {0} to the library with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign the policy with the specified id to the library with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9347E: The metric key {0} is not valid. Explanation: The specified metric key is not recognized by the system. User Response: Refer to the administration guide for a list of valid metric keys. EJPVJ9348E: Unable to fetch the metrics of type {0} for keys {1} for the dates between {2} and {3}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the metrics for the specified keys between the specified dates. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9349E: Unable to list the date range of available metrics for the type {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to list the date range of available metrics for the specified type. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9350E: Unable to get the personal library for the user which the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the personal library for the user with the specified id. An internal system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9351E: Unable to get the file path for the file id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the file path for the file with the specified id. An internal system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9352E: Unable to export the object with ID {0} to the file named {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to export the specified object type to the specified file. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9353E: Unable to parse the object type import file named {0}. Explanation: An error was encountered while parsing the specified object type import file. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9354E: Element {0} is missing the required attribute {1}. Explanation: The specified element is missing a required attribute. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9355E: Property type specified ({0}) does not match the type specified in the property definition element. Explanation: The type specified in the property definition element does not match the type specified in the nested type element. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9356E: The nesting for element {0} is invalid. Explanation: The specified element is not nested inside the expected element. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9357E: The attribute {0} is invalid for the property type {1}. Explanation: The specified attribute is not valid for the specified property type. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9358E: The value "{0}" is invalid or unsupported for element {1}. Explanation: An invalid or unsupported value was provided for the specified element. User Response: Correct the XML in the specified import file and retry the operation. EJPVJ9359E: Unable to import the object type from the file named {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to import an object type from the specified file. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9360E: Unable to get the collection with the external container id {0} and type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collection with the specified external container id and type. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9362I: Unable to delete the library with id {0} because it does not exist. Explanation: Unable to delete the library with the specified id because it does not exist. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (deleted library does not exist). EJPVJ9363W: Unable to delete the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the library with the specified id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9365E: Unable to retrieve search results from Search EJB Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve search results from Search EJB. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Ensure that the Search EJB is properly installed, the node where Search is installed is accessible on the newtork and the WebSphere naming service is running. EJPVJ9366I: The task {0} has finished at {1}. Explanation: The task with the specified name has finished executing at the specified time. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9367E: Unable to associate the login id {0} to the user id {1}. Explanation: The login id is already in use by another user, so it cannot be assigned to the specified user. User Response: Check the directory configuration and ensure that two users are not assigned to the same login id. You may need to run the user synchronization commands to fix the problem, or remove problem login ids on inactivate users. EJPVJ9368E: Unable to add a collection notification. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a collection notification. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9369E: Unable to delete the notification for this user and the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the notification for this user and the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9370E: Unable to get the count of the notifications for the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the notifications for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9371E: Unable to get the notifications for the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notifications for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9372E: Unable to get the notification for this user for the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notification for this user for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9373E: Unable to get the users to be notified for the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users to be notified for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9374E: Unable to handle event of type {0} Explanation: An internal error occurred while attempting to handle the specified event. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9375W: Unable to get information about service. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the configuration information for Connections Component. User Response: Examine the Connections component configuration files. EJPVJ9376E: Unable to remove the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to remove the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9377E: Unable to get the removed media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the removed media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9378E: Unable to delete the removed media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the removed media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9379E: Unable to restore the removed media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to restore the removed media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9380W: Unable to remove user with id {0} from cache. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to remove the user with the specified id from the user cache. This may cause inaccurate user data to be displayed. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed to correct the DynaCache configuration for user information. EJPVJ9382E: Unable to get the user with the email {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified email. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9383E: Unable to get JTA user trasaction with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to look-up the JTA user transaction from the JNDI context. User Response: Ensure that these resources exist and are bound correctly. EJPVJ9384E: Unable to get Websphere extended JTA transaction with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to look-up the Websphere extended JTA transaction from the JNDI context. User Response: Ensure that these resources exist and are bound correctly. EJPVJ9385E: Unable to get Websphere unit of work manager with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to look-up the Websphere unit of work manager from the JNDI context. User Response: Ensure that these resources exist and are bound correctly. EJPVJ9386E: Unable to get timer manager with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to look-up the timer manager from the JNDI context. User Response: Ensure that these resources exist and are bound correctly. EJPVJ9387E: Unable to get work manager with JNDI name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to look-up the work manager from the JNDI context. User Response: Ensure that these resources exist and are bound correctly. EJPVJ9388E: Unable to get media count. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media count for specified user. This may be due to an underlying system error. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if failure was expected due to a system error. EJPVJ9389E: Unable to browse media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to browse media for specified user. This may be due to an underlying system error. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if failure was expected due to a system error. EJPVJ9390E: Unable to get default sender of type {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get sender of specified type.This may be caused by incorrect configuration in notification config file. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (incorrect configuration, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9391W: Unable to remove library with id or label {0} from cache. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to remove library with specified id or label from cache.This may cause the library information cannot be updated in cache. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the library was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9392E: Unable to transfer media with id {0} to the library with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to transfer the specified media to the specified library. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, the transfer may not be valid (quota exceeded or other constraint violated), or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, constraint violated, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9393E: Unable to set media lock on media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the lock type of the specified media. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9394E: Unable to initialize the file manager. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the file manager. A mis-configuration or internal error prevented this initialization, and the exploiting component will not be functional. User Response: Examine the nested exception and fix the configuration issue or report the internal error. EJPVJ9395E: Unable to get the trashed media for the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the trashed media for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9396E: Unable to get the count for the trashed media in the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for the trashed media in the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9397E: Unable to delete all the trashed media in the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete all the trashed media in the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9398E: Unable to create an event {0} of type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create an event. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed. EJPVJ9399E: Unable to send an event {0} of type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to send an event of the specified type. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed. An internal error may have occurred, or configuration changes may be needed. EJPVJ9400E: Unable to add the collection with the id {0} to user favorites. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a collection to the favorites of the specified user. The user may not have permission to store any preferences, the item may not be visible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the item was not visible, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9401E: Unable to delete the collection with the id {0} from user favorites. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified collection from user favorites. The user may not have permission to perform this action, the item may not exist anymore, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the item did not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9402E: Unable to initialize scheduler EJB. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the scheduler EJB. The scheduler may not be properly installed or configured. User Response: Please ensure that the JNDI binding is properly specified in the WebSphere administration console and that it is properly configured. EJPVJ9404E: Unable to move the collection with the id {0} in user favorites. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to move the specified collection in user favorites. The user may not have permission to perform this action, the item may not exist anymore, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the item did not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9405E: Unable to delete the media revisions with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the media revision with the the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9406E: Unable to add the media with the id {0} to user favorites. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a media to the favorites of the specified user. The user may not have permission to store any preferences, the item may not be visible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the item was not visible, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9407E: Unable to delete the media with the id {0} from user favorites. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified media from user favorites. The user may not have permission to perform this action, the item may not exist anymore, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, the item did not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9408E: Unable to get favorite media ids. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get favorite media ids. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9409E: Unable to get favorite media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get favorite media. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9410E: Unable to get the count for favorite media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for favorite media. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9411E: Unable to get share with community ids for media for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get share with community ids for media for the seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9412E: Unable to get favorite collection ids. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get favorite collection ids. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9413E: Unable to edit the preferred columns for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the preferred columns for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9414E: Unable to synchronize community shares. Explanation: An error occurred while synchronizing community shares. A system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9416E: Unable to synchronize all community shares, as remote error limit of {0} was exceeded. Explanation: Repeated errors occurred while synchronizing community shares. This is likely a connectivity or configuration issue, so further actions were aborted. User Response: Examine the nested exceptions and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). Synchronization must complete without this error before the system is consistent. EJPVJ9417I: The community {0} no longer exists, so the corresponding collection {1} and all the associated shared files have been deleted. Explanation: During community share synchronization, the specified community was no longer found so all of the underlying sharing associations were removed by deleting the specified collection. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9418E: The collection {0} has been synchronized to community {1} which now has visibility {2} and name {3}. Explanation: During community share synchronization, the specified collection was out of synch with the specified community so it was updated. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9421E: Unable to add a library notification. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a library notification. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9422E: Unable to delete the notification for this user and the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the notification for this user and the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9423E: Unable to get the count of the notifications for the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the notifications for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9424E: Unable to get the notifications for the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notifications for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9425E: Unable to get the notification for this user for the library with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the notification for this user for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9426E: Unable to get the users to be notified for the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users to be notified for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9428E: Unable to get or create the collection of type {0} with external container id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get or create the collection of the specified type with the specified external container id. The external container may no longer exist or be available, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed or is unavilable, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9429E: Unable to get the person with the email {0} via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the person with the specified email via user life cycle. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9430E: Unable to get the person with the external id {0} via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the person with the specified external id via user life cycle. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9431E: Unable to get the person with the internal id {0} via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the person with the specified internal id via user life cycle. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9432E: Unable to get the person with the login {0} via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the person with the specified login via user life cycle. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9433E: Unable to update the person with the internal id {0} via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update the person with the specified internal id via user life cycle. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9434E: Unable to update all users via user life cycle. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update all users via user life cycle. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected. EJPVJ9435E: Unable to get the user with the login {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified login. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9436E: Unable to get full user information. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get full user information. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected. EJPVJ9437E: Unable to edit user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit user with the specified id. The user may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the user was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9438E: Unable to get the login ids of the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the login ids of the user with the specified id. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9439E: Unable to set the state of the comment with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the state of the comment with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, a constraint violation may have occured, the user may not have moderation permission, moderation may not be supproted or enabled on this library type, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, a constraint violation occurred, the user is not a moderator, moderation is not supported or enabled on this library type, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9440E: Unable to get the comments in moderation state {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the comments of the specified moderation state. This action may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the action was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9441E: Unable to copy the media with id {0} to the library with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to copy the media with the specified id to the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, a constraint violation may have occurred, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, a constraint was in violation, or a system error occurred) EJPVJ9442E: Unable to add flag of type {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a flag of the specified type. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint violation may have occurred, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint was in violation, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9443E: Unable to resolve all the flags of type {0} for the item with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to resolve all the flags with the specified type for the item with the specified type id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, or a system error occurred) EJPVJ9444E: Unable to get the flag of type {0} with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the flag with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9445E: Unable to get the flags of type {0} for the item with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the flags with the specified type for the item with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9446E: Unable to get the flag count of type {0} for the item with id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the flags with the specified type for the item with the specified id. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9447E: Unable to get the flagged media comments. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the flagged media comments. The item may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9448E: Unable to get the count of the flagged items of type {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the flagged items. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9449E: Unable to get collections by additions. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collections by additions, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred) EJPVJ9450E: Unable to get the count of the collections by additions. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the collections by additions. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9451E: Unable to get the library notifications for the user with id {0} Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library notifications for the user with the specified id. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items were not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9452E: Unable to get the count of the library notifications for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the library notifications for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9453E: Unable to get the media notifications for the user with id {0} Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media notifications for the user with the specified id. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items were not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9454E: Unable to get the count of the media notifications for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the media notifications for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9455E: Unable to get the collection notifications for the user with id {0} Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collection notifications for the user with the specified id. The items may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the items were not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9456E: Unable to get the count of the collection notifications for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the collection notifications for the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9457E: Unable to get the flagged media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the flagged media. The item may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9458E: Unable to get the media in moderation state {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media in the specified moderation state. This action may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the action was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9459E: Unable to get the count of the media in moderation state {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the media in the specified moderation state. This action may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the action was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9460E: Unable to get the count of the comments in moderation state {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the comments in the specified moderation state. This action may not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the action was not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9461E: Unable to synchronize all members by external id. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize all members by external id via the MembershipServices MBean. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9462E: Unable to synchronize all members by external id due to validation failure. Please use true or false as parameter. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize for all members by external id due to a validation failure. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9463E: Unable to synchronize a member by external id. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize for a member by external id via the MembershipServices MBean. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9464E: Unable to set the state of the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the state of the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, a constraint violation may have occured, the user may not have moderation permission, moderation may not be supproted or enabled on this library type, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, a constraint violation occurred, the user is not a moderator, moderation is not supported or enabled on this library type, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9470E: Unable to add object type Explanation: An error occurred while adding an object type User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9471E: Unable to browse object types Explanation: An error occurred while browsing object types User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9472E: Unable to delete object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while deleting an object type User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9473E: Unable to update object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while updating an object type User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9474E: Unable to update object type property for object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while updating an object type property User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9475E: Unable to delete object type property choice for object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while deleting an object type property choice User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9476E: Unable to edit object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while editing an object type User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9477E: Unable to get object type {0} Explanation: An error occurred while getting an object type User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9478E: Unable to get object type count Explanation: An error occurred while counting object types User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9479E: Unable to add object type property {0} Explanation: An error occurred while adding an object type property User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9480E: Unable to add object type property choice Explanation: An error occurred while adding an object type property choice User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9481E: Unable to get object type properties for types {0} Explanation: An error occurred while getting type properties User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9482E: Unable to get object type property {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while getting an object type property. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9520E: UNABLE_TO_GET_COUNT_FOR_RELATIONSHIP_2=EJPVJ9520E: Unable to get the count for relationships between the item with id {0} and external resource with type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for relationships between the item and the specified external resource type. An underlying system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9651E: Unable to read atom handler registries from file {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read atom handler registries. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the file does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9652E: Unable to find atom handler mapping file {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read atom handler mapping file. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the file does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9653E: Unable to find class with name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to find class file. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the class file does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9540E:UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_MEDIA_OBJECT_TYPE_1=EJPVJ9540E: Unable to change object type for the media with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to change object type for the media with specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or an underlying system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected. Examples of expected action include the action was not accessible to the user, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred. EJPVJ9654E: Unable to initialize class with name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize class. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9655E: Unable to access class with name {0} or its constructor. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to access class or its constructor due to insufficient authority. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected. EJPVJ9656E: Unable to instantiate class with name {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class.It is either an interface, abstract class or does not have the appropriate constructor. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected. EJPVJ9657E: The community type {0} is not valid. Explanation: The community type is not valid. One of public, private, or publicInviteOnly is expected. User Response: Please correct the community type. EJPVJ9658E: One or more of the required Community fields are missing: id, name, acting user Explanation: One or more of the Community fields required by the lifecycle API are missing, so the request cannot be completed. User Response: Please refer to the lifecycle implementation and specify all required API fields. EJPVJ9659E: The requested object to transfer is of type {0}, but requested via the wrong endpoint for that type. Explanation: The requested object to transfer is requested via the wrong endpoint for that type. User Response: Please ensure the transfer request is completed over the correct lifecycle endpoint for that type. EJPVJ9660E: The specified community id must be provided and valid. Explanation: The specified community id is not provided or not in UUID format. User Response: Please make sure the community id is correct. EJPVJ9661E: The specified request is either not atom format or structured incorrectly. Explanation: The request could not be parsed because it is not a valid atom document. User Response: Please check the content in the request, and make sure it is in proper atom format. EJPVJ9662E: The specified atom attribute {0} in element {1} is required. Explanation: The specified atom attribute in the specified element was missing, but is required. User Response: Please add the specified atom attribut in the element as it is required. EJPVJ9663E: The event type {0} is unsupported or invalid. Explanation: An event of the specified type was received, but could not be processed as the system does not support it. User Response: Please only use supported event types. EJPVJ9664E: Unable to handle community event. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to handle a community lifecycle event. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9665E: Parameter {0} must be specified in lifecycle handler. Explanation: An internal error occurred while attempting to handle a community lifecycle event due to missing required parameters. User Response: Please provide the nested exception and details to the support team. EJPVJ9666E: Properties {0} cannot be null in lifecycle request. Explanation: The properties specified in the list cannot be null and must be specified with a lifecycle request. User Response: Please provided the specified properties with correct values when making a lifecycle API call. EJPVJ9667W: Unable to synchronize communities for widget adder {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize communities for the user who was adding a widget. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9700E: Unable to load MIME configuration from file {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read the MIME configuration from the specified file. Either the file does not exist or the file contains erronious information. User Response: Examine the file and ensure it is in the correct location and the entries conform to the schema. EJPVJ9710W: Unable to delete the file pending deletion at {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified file, which is pending deletion. Either the file does not exist or an I/O error occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the file was already removed. EJPVJ9711E: Unable to delete all files from the file system. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete files, which were pending deletion. Either the files did not exist or an I/O error occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the files were already removed. If this error occurs repeatedly, the file system may contain a lot of deleted content. EJPVJ9712E: Unable to get the page position for the comment with id {0} and the type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the page position for the comment with the specified id and type. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9713E: The database dialect {0} is invalid. The expected values are: "DB2®", "Oracle", "SQL Server" Explanation: An error occurred while reading the database dialect. One of the supported values must be specified. User Response: Examine the application configuration and ensure the value is properly specified and restart the application. EJPVJ9900E: Unable to get the download information for the item with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the download information for the item with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9901E: Unable to get the download information for the media with the id {0} and the revision {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the download information for the media with the the specified id and revision. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9903E: Unable to edit the download information for the type {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the download information for the specified type. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9904E: Unable to revert media to the revision with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to revert the media to the revision with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9906E: Unable to get the download count for the item with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the download count for the item with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9907E: Unable to add a navigation element. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a navigation element. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9908E: Unable to edit the navigation element with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the navigation element with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9909E: Unable to delete the navigation element with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the navigation element with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9910E: Unable to get the navigation element with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the navigation element with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9911E: Unable to get the navigation elements for the library with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the navigation elements for the library with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9912E: Unable to add a wiki link. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a wiki link. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9913E: Unable to get the links for the label {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the links for the specified label. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9914E: Unable to get the links from the specified page. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the links from the specified page. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9915E: Unable to delete the link at the specified location {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the link at the specified location. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9916E: Unable to get the places for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the places for the search seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9917E: Unable to get the updated places for the seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the updated places for the search seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9918E: Unable to complete the action because the feature {0} is not enabled. Explanation: An action was attempted that could not be completed because the specified feature was not enabled. This feature may be disabled via configuration, or it might not be supported for the specific application or library type. User Response: If the feature is desired, check the configuration guide to see how to enable the specified feature. EJPVJ9919E: Unable to delete the expired search deletion history for libraries. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the expired search deletion history for libraries. The task to clear the search deletion history could not execute properly, and a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). If this exception occurs repeatedly, extra data may be retained in the deleted library table. EJPVJ9920E: Unable to set the user name and display link for the places seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to set the user name and display link for the places seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9921E: Unable to add a collection. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add a collection. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9922E: Unable to edit the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the collection with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9923E: Unable to delete the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the collection with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9924E: Unable to add the media with the id {0} to the collection with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to add the media with the specified id to the collection with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9925E: Unable to delete the media with the id {0} to the collection with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the media with the specified id to the collection with the specified id. The user may not have permission to perform this action, a constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9926E: Unable to get the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9927E: Unable to get the collections. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collections. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9928E: Unable to get the collections for the media with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the collections for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9929E: Unable to get the media for the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the media for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9930E: Unable to get the count of the collections. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the collections. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9931E: Unable to get the count of the media for the collection with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the media for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9933E: Unable to get the role assignments for the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the role assignments for the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9934E: Unable to assign a role for the collection with id {0} to the user with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign a role for the collection with the specified id to the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9935E: Unable to assign a role for the collection with id {0} to the group with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign a role for the collection with the specified id to the group with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9936E: Unable to assign roles for the collection. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to assign roles for the collection. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9937E: Unable to delete the role for the collection with id {0} to the user with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the role for the collection with the specified id to the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9938E: Unable to delete the role for the collection with id {0} to the group with the id {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the role for the collection with the specified id to the group with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9939E: Unable to get the count of the media in the collection with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count of the media in the collection with the specified id. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9940E: Unable to get the libraries with the specified ids. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the libraries with the specified ids. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9941W: A virus was found in the uploaded file {0}. This file has been removed. Explanation: A virus was found in a file uploaded by a user, and has been removed to prevent security issues. User Response: No action is required, unless the user who uploaded the file must be contacted. EJPVJ9942W: A virus found in uploaded file {0}. This file could not be removed. Explanation: A virus was found in a file uploaded by a user, but could not be removed. User Response: You must manually remove the file. EJPVJ9943E: Unable to virus scan the uploaded file {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to virus scan the specified file. The item may not longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the file was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9944W: A virus that could be cleaned was found in the uploaded file {0}. The infected file has been removed and the cleaned version will be used instead. Explanation: A virus was found in a file uploaded by a user, but the file could safely be cleaned. The infected file has been removed to prevent security issues. User Response: No action is required, unless the user who uploaded the file must be contacted. EJPVJ9945W: A virus that could be cleaned was found in the uploaded file {0}. The infected file could not be removed. Explanation: A virus was found in a file uploaded by a user, but the file could safely be cleaned. The infected file could not be removed. User Response: You must manually remove the file. EJPVJ9949E: Unable to execute the event work item. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to execute the event work item. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9951E: Unable to load the file {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to load the specified file. The file may not be accessible. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine why the specified file is not accessible. EJPVJ9952E: Unable to synchronize the listed users by email. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize for a list of users by email via the MembershipServices MBean. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9954W: Unable to get the the user from the directory with the email {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user from the directory with the specified email. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9956I: The user {0} has been updated successfully. Explanation: The specified user was properly updated during a synchronization command. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9957E: Unable to synchronize the user with email {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the user with the specified email. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9958E: Unable to get product version information. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the product version information from the database. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception. If the database could not be reached, please check configuration. Otherwise, please ensure you have correctly installed a product and that the "PRODUCT" table contains a record. EJPVJ9959E: Unable to validate the schema version. The schema version detected is {0}, but the application version is {1}. Explanation: An error occurred during schema validation. The schema and application code do not match. User Response: Examine the versions and see which is out of date. It is likely that a prior upgrade failed, or that the schema or the application still needs upgrading. EJPVJ9960E: Unable to get the library with the external id {0} and the type {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library with the specified id and type. The item may no longer exist or not be accessible to the user, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, not accessible to the user, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9961E: Unable to get the library in mode {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the library with the specified mode. This exception should not occur. User Response: Report this exception. EJPVJ9962E: Unable to synchronize the user with login id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the user with the specified login id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9963E: Unable to synchronize the listed users by login id. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize for a list of users by login id via the MembershipServices MBean. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9964E: Unable to synchronize all of the users by login id. Explanation: An error occurred while running synchronize for all users by login id via the MembershipServices MBean. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9966I: Deleting {0} unused file(s) Explanation: The delete pending files task is about to delete unused files from the file system, which will make this many updates to the database if all items can be removed. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9967I: Updating the tag frequency data for {0} tag(s) in {1} segment(s). Explanation: The update tag frequency data task is about to update the application frequency data for all tags using as many queries as there are segments. Each segment will contain roughly an equal amount of the total tags. User Response: No action is required. EJPVJ9968E: Unable to update tag frequency data. Explanation: An error occurred while running the update tag frequency task. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). If this exception occurs repeatedly, tag clouds may be out-of-date. EJPVJ9969E: Unable to get the users to be notified for the media with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users to be notified for the media with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9970E: Unable to get the public personal media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the public personal media. A constraint may have been violated, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a constraint was violated, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9971E: Unable to get the count for the public personal media. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the count for the public personal media. A constraint may have been violated, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a constraint was violated, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9972E: Unable to get the user with the id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9973E: Unable to get the user with the login id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified id. The item may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9974E: The MIME configuration is invalid. The "mimeType" {0} is already mapped to the "mediaType" {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to load the MIME configuration. The specified "mimeType" has more than one entry in the MIME configuration. User Response: Examine the MIME configuration and remove the duplicate "mimeType" mapping. EJPVJ9975E: The MIME configuration is invalid. The "extension" {0} is already mapped to the "mimeType" {1}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to load the MIME configuration. The specified "extension" appears in more than one entry in the MIME configuration. User Response: Examine the MIME configuration and remove the duplicate "mimeType" entry. EJPVJ9976E: The MIME configuration is invalid. The "mediaType" {0} is not a recognized value. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to load the MIME configuration. The specified "mediaType" is not one of the allowed values. User Response: Examine the MIME configuration and correct the "mediaType" by specifying an allowed value from the administration guide. EJPVJ9977E: Unable to get additional media data for the Community document seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get additional media data for the Community document seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9978E: Unable to get additional media data for the personal document seedlist. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get additional media data for the personal document seedlist. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9980E: Unable to delete the media with the id {0} from the collections which the user with id {1} cannot see. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the media with the specified id from the collections which the user with the specified id cannot see. The user may not have permission to perform this action, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (user was not permitted, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9981W: Unable to initialize search. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the search EJB. The search component may not be properly installed or configured, or search may be disabled. User Response: If search is enabled, ensure that the JNDI binding is properly specified in the WebSphere administration console and that it is properly configured. EJPVJ9982I: The unused file at {0} could not be moved to {1} and should manually be moved or removed. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to move the specified file to the specified location during a data integrity check. A disk failure may have occurred. User Response: You should manually move or remove the file, as it is not needed. EJPVJ9983E: Unable to get the users this user has shared with. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the users this user has shared with. a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a system error occurred). EJPVJ9984E: The size of the file {0} on disk is different from the size stored in the database. Explanation: File size on disk may vary when files are copied between operating systems or when altered by another process or procedure such as restoration. User Response: Check that the contents of the file have not been corrupted. To see all conflicting sizes, run the data integrity service. EJPVJ9985E: Unable to edit the preferred locales for the user with id {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to edit the preferred locales for the user with the specified id. The user may no longer exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the user was removed, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9986E: The size of file identified by id {0} (referenced in table {1} column {2}) is not the same as the size in the database. Explanation: The size of the specified file on disk was found to be different from the size in the database. This indicates a data corruption, caused by an incorrect restoration or other data loss. User Response: Restore previous back-ups to locate the file, or remove the referencing item. EJPVJ9987E: Unable to get user from database or add a new user with email {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get user from database or add a user with the specified email. A constraint may be in violation, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a constraint violation occurred, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9988E: Unable to get the user with the email {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to get the user with the specified email. The item may not exist, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (the item does not exist, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9989E: Unable to create a transactional file at {0}. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create a transactional file at the specified path. A virus scan issue may have prevented it, or a system error may have occurred. User Response: Examine the nested exception and determine if action is needed, or if the failure was expected (a virus scan issue exists, or a system error occurred). EJPVJ9990E: Unexpected data was returned from the directory for the user {0}. Explanation: When retrieving data from the directory, unexpected data was provided and so the user could not be stored. This can include missing required data or fields that are too long. User Response: Ensure that none of the directory fields used exceed the supported lengths found in the installation documentation, and that all required fields are populated. EJPVJ9999E: Invalid extension validation configuration. Explanation: The extension validation settings are invalid. User Response: Ensure that the extension validation configuration contains valid settings.
Home page error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the Home page and find their solutions.
The following Home page error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 14. Home page error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRQ0002E: Failure to retrieve all enabled widgets in catalog. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0003W: Missing id or display name for third party application. id = {0}, displayName = {1} A third-party application registration was found, but did not have necessary information to add it as a filter in activity streams. Review registered third-party applications and ensure that both an ID and a display name are provided. CLFRQ0004E: Failure to delete auxiliary information for widget with key {0}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0004E: An error occurred getting list of third party applications. Unable to resolve the list of third-party applications that are registered for activity stream integration. Any third-party application will not be added to the filters in activity streams. Check for nested or prior exceptions in log. CLFRQ0005E: The transaction could not be started. There is a severe problem in your database manager. Transactions cannot be started.
- Verify the database server is properly installed and running.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check in the database server documentation for any configuration needed to handle transactions correctly.
CLFRQ0007E: Failure to retrieve enabled widget with identifier {0} There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0010E: The transaction could not be rolled back. There is a severe problem in your database manager. Transactions cannot be rolled back.
- Verify the database server is properly installed and running.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check in the database server documentation for any configuration needed to handle transactions correctly.
CLFRQ0012E: Failure to disable widget with key {1} in catalog. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0013E: The transaction could not be committed. There is a severe problem in your database manager. Transactions cannot be committed.
- Verify the database server is properly installed and running.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check in the database server documentation for any configuration needed to handle transactions correctly.
CLFRQ0014E: Failure to enable widget with key {1} in catalog. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0016E: Failure to retrieve auxiliary information for widget with key {0}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0019E: The widget with identifier {0} cannot be removed because it is a system widget. Default widgets shipped with an IBM Connections Home Page installation cannot be removed.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0020E: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of all widgets. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0021E: A null value was provided as a parameter. A null parameter has been provided to a Home Page server-side service.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0022E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be updated. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0023E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be removed. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0024E: A new widget cannot be added with identifier {0}. There is a problem with adding a new widget, as that would duplicate a primary key.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0026E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be enabled. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0027E: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of all available widgets. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0028E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be disabled. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0029E: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the widget with identifier {0}. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0030E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be retrieved. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0031E: The database transaction could not be rolled back. There is a severe problem in your database manager. Transactions cannot be rolled back.
- Verify the database server is properly installed and running.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check in the database server documentation for any configuration needed to handle transactions correctly.
CLFRQ0033E: Data access object factory cannot be retrieved. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0035E: The widget catalog administration service could not be retrieved. The IBM Connections Home Page administration service is not available.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0040E: An error occurred while querying by primary key at table {0} using this primary key: {1}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0042E: An error occurred while loading configuration for data access object from this file: {0}. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0043E: An error occurred while updating table {0} using this object: {1}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0044E: An error occurred while initializing the data access object manager using this file: {0}. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0047E: An error occurred while retrieving the user with this email: {0}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0050E: An error occurred while selecting all entries of table: {0}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0053E: An error occurred while deleting from table {0} using this primary key: {1}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0055E: An error occurred while initializing the following data access object: {0}. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0056E: An error occurred while inserting to table {0} using this primary key: {1}. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0057E: The position parameter is not specified for this user: {0} The IBM Connections Home Page web application received incorrect information to retrieve or set user preferences. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0060E: An error occurred while attempting to apply new widget settings with this information: {0} There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0064I: There are no available widgets in the catalog. The IBM Connections Home Page widget catalog is empty.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0065I: User preferences are not specified for the user: {0} There are no preferences available for the specified user.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0066E: Could not retrieve details for the user with login ID: {0} due to an exception. The exception occurred when retrieving the details via the virtual member manager directly: {1} There is a problem in accessing information for the specified user.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is installed correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the database for the directory service has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0067E: The widget identifier is not specified for this user: {0} The IBM Connections Home Page web application received incorrect information to retrieve or set user preferences. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0068E: The email or the user identifier is null. These are the values retrieved: email {0}, user identifier {1}. There is a problem in accessing information for the specified user.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is installed correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the database for the directory service has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0069E: An error occurred while deleting the position for this user: {0}. The user is trying to remove the widget with identifier {1} to the side palette. The IBM Connections Home Page web application received incorrect information to retrieve or set user preferences. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0071E: An error occurred while retrieving the Profile Provider: Profile Provider is null. There is a problem with the IBM Connections directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is installed correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the database for the directory service has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0073E: An error occurred while retrieving the Member Profile: Member Profile is null. There is a problem with the IBM Connections directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is installed correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the database for the directory service has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0074E: The action is not specified for this REST call. The IBM Connections Home Page web application received incorrect information to retrieve or set user preferences. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0075E: The current user session is not valid. Information about the current session was lost in an irregular manner. Check your WebSphere Application Server install. CLFRQ0076E: The user e-mail attribute is missing from the session. Information about the current session was lost in an irregular manner. Check your WebSphere Application Server install. CLFRQ0077E: Action: {0} is not valid for this REST call. The IBM Connections Home Page web application received incorrect information to retrieve or set user preferences. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0078E: An error occurred while retrieving the available widgets information. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0084E: An error occurred while retrieving the total number of enabled widgets. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0085E: An error occurred while retrieving widget usage statistics. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0086E: An error occurred while retrieving the total number of widgets. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0087E: An error occurred while retrieving the total number of people registered in the database. There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0088E: An error occurred while retrieving the number of unique visits between these dates: {0}, {1} There is an error in accessing the Home Page database. Next error in the log should provide more information about the specific action causing this error.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0089E: An error occurred while updating the last visit information for this user: {0} There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0090E: An error occurred in the catalog configuration service. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0091E: An input-output error occurred while the widget descriptor was responding to client. The content of the XML description is this: {0} The URL specified for a new widget is incorrect or not available to the IBM Connections Home Page application.
- Verify the widget is located in a URL accessible from the Home Page application.
- Make sure that the URL points to a correct location for an XML descriptor.
CLFRQ0100E: No name was provided for resource bundle containing build version. Information about the current version of Home Page was not provided correctly. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0104E: The resource bundle containing the build version does not exist. Information about the current version of Home Page was not provided correctly. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0106E: Wrong data type for build version. Information about the current version of Home Page was not provided correctly. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0113E: Failure to access IBM Connections configuration service. The IBM Connections configuration information is not available for Home Page tasks.
- Verify the installation of IBM Connections finished successfully.
- Verify the LotusConnections-config files have been deployed correctly for the configuration.
- Verify LotusConnections-config.xml has not been modified incorrectly and validates with the proper XML schema.
CLFRQ0114E: An error occurred while rolling back database transaction. There is a severe problem in your database manager. Transactions cannot be rolled back.
- Verify the database server is properly installed and running.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check in the database server documentation for any configuration needed to handle transactions correctly.
CLFRQ0123E: Protocol not supported for {0} A non-supported protocol was specified in the URL of a new widget.
- Change the widget preferences using the administration page.
- Specify an absolute URL using the HTTP protocol, or specify a URL relative to the Home Page application.
CLFRQ0125E: An error occurred while creating a new user for the Home page with email {0} and identifier {1}. There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0126E: An error occurred while retrieving widget preference information for user identified by {0} widget identified by {1}, tab instance identified by {2} There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0128E: An error occurred while creating a user with this information: {0} There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0131E: An error occurred while retrieving user information with this e-mail: {0} There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0132E: An error occurred while changing settings for a widget with this information: {0},{1} There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0133E: An error occurred while retrieving user information with this identifier: {0} There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0134E: An error occurred while retrieving the number of users registered in the database. There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0137W: An error occurred while updating the welcome mode for a user with this information:{0},{1} There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0138E: An error occurred while changing the position for a widget with this information: {0},{1},{2},{3} There is a problem while accessing Home Page preferences for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0139W: An error occurred while updating the last visit for a user with this information: {0},{1} There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0141E: A property was specified as translatable in the widget catalog with key {0}, but no equivalent translated property was found in the resource bundle. The character % in the first position of a widget title or description has a special meaning for Home Page services.
- Edit any widget that contains a character % in the first position of its title or description.
- Remove the character % from the first position of any title or description.
CLFRQ0179E: The database connection cannot be initialized. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0183E: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of enabled widgets. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0184E: The list of installed IBM Connections applications could not be retrieved. IBM Connections configuration information is not available for Home Page tasks.
- Verify the installation of IBM Connections finished successfully.
- Verify the LotusConnections-config files have been deployed correctly for the configuration.
- Verify LotusConnections-config.xml has not been modified incorrectly and validates with the proper XML schema.
CLFRQ0185E: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of disabled widgets. The Home Page data access object cannot retrieve information for available widgets.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0186E: The widget with identifier {0} was not found in the database. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0187E: The title of widget with identifier {0} could not be updated. A widget with a specific identifier was not found in the Home Page widget catalog.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home Page installation finished successfully.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0188E: Administration test mode could not be enabled for user with e-mail {0}. There is a problem while configuring Administrator's privileges for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0189E: Administration test mode could not be disabled for user with e-mail {0}. There is a problem while configuring Administrator's privileges for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0190E: Current status of administration's test mode could not be retrieved for user with e-mail {0}. There is a problem while retrieving Administrator's privileges for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0191E: An error occurred while creating persistence bean for user with e-mail {0}. There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0192E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be enabled. There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0193E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be retrieved from the catalog. There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0194E: The new widget could not be added to the catalog. The following data was provided: {0} There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0195E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be removed. There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0196E: The widget could not be updated in the catalog. The following data was provided: {0} There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0197E: An error occurred when setting administration test mode to {0} for user with email {1}. There is a problem while configuring Administrator's privileges for a particular user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0198E: A widget identifier was not provided as a parameter. A null parameter was provided to the IBM Connections Home Page administration service. Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0199E: An error occurred while loading customization for user with e-mail {0} and widget with identifier {1}. There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0200E: It was not possible to check preferences related to administration test mode for user with e-mail {0}. There is a problem in trying to configure IBM Connections Home Page administration preferences for a specific user.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0201E: The widget with identifier {0} could not be disabled. There is a problem while accessing properties for a particular widget.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0218E: An error occurred while accessing the directory services: {0} There was an error while trying to retrieve information from the IBM Connections directory service. Enclosed error will give more information about it.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check the server log for more information.
CLFRQ0219E: File [{0}] does not exist. The specified file does not exist. Provide a correct path with a list of emails for administration configuration task. CLFRQ0220E: An error occurred while accessing the database: {0} There was an error while trying to retrieve information from the IBM Connections Home Page database. Enclosed error will give more information about it.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
- Check the server log for more information.
CLFRQ0221E: Reference to directory services could not be retrieved. It was not possible to access IBM Connections directory services while running an administration configuration task.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is installed correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the database for the directory service has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0222E: An error occurred while trying to read file [{0}]: {1} There is a problem in the provided file. Verify the file is available and has a proper format. CLFRQ0223E: A reference to the data access object factory could not be retrieved. The configuration for the data access object cannot be retrieved correctly.
- Check the database connection configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Verify the Home Page application has been installed correctly.
- Verify the database HOMEPAGE has been properly installed.
CLFRQ0224I: Update was completed successfully. Information was successfully saved in Home page's database. This is an informational message only. CLFRQ0225W: User with e-mail [{0}] was not found in the directory service. A user was not found when searched in the directory service. Possibly the user was removed from LDAP or equivalent service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0226W: Not all users were found in either the Home Page database or the IBM Connections directory service. Please check server logs for details. A user was not found when searched in the directory service. Possibly the user was removed from LDAP or equivalent service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0227E: The user with e-mail [{0}] is not registered in the Home Page database. A user does not exist in Home page's database. Possibly their email has been changed, but a synchronization has not been performed.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
- If email fields were updated, a synchronization needs to be performed.
CLFRQ0230E: An error occurred while disabling administration test mode for the user with identifier {0}. There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0231E: Failure to retrieve all disabled widgets in catalog. List of disabled widgets was not retrieved correctly.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0232E: An error occurred while enabling administration test mode for the user with identifier {0}. There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0233E: Failure to retrieve disabled widget with identifier {0}. A widget could not be retrieved from Home page's database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0234E: An error occurred while updating the widget title for this object: {0} There is a problem in saving a widget preference in Home page's database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0235E: An error occurred while closing the Home Page statistics file. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0236E: The file used in the metrics service is not valid. The name of the file is [{0}]. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0237I: Hash table is seeded. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRQ0238E: The value of the number of visits in the past hour could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0239E: File [{0}] cannot be read. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0240I: The timeout has been correctly changed to this value: [{0}] There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0241I: Set timeout to {0} minutes. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0242E: An error occurred while writing the Home Page statistics file. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0243E: An error occurred when registering the Home page MBean. Administration facilities may not be available. There was a problem in starting up Home page's administration facilities. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0244I: File [{0}] can be read. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0245E: The value of the field key is wrong. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0246E: MBean server could not be located. There was a problem in starting up Home page's administration facilities. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0247E: The value of the cache timeout is not valid. It is either less than 0 or more than 1440 minutes. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0248E: File [{0}] already exists. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0249E: The value of the number of visits in the past 24 hours could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0250I: The metrics service is using this separator: [{0}] This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0251E: The value of the total number of widgets could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0252E: An error occurred while parsing the Home Page statistics file. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0253E: An error occurred while creating the Home Page statistics file. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0254E: The length of the separator is wrong. It is longer than one character. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0255E: File or directory {0} does not exist. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0256I: File or directory [{0}] exists. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0257I: Name of property: {0}, value of property: {1} This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0258E: The value of the total number of enabled widgets could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0259E: Creation of file [{0}] failed. A file system error has occurred.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the file system where the server is running has space available and does not have any low-level error.
CLFRQ0260E: A directory was specified, but not a file. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0261E: The value of the sample count is not valid. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0262I: File [{0}] created successfully. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0263E: The value of the total number of open widgets could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0264I: Testing if file or directory [{0}] exists. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0265E: The value of the number of widgets used could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0266E: The data type of the field key is wrong. There was a problem collecting usage metrics for the Home page. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0267E: The value of the total number of users could not be retrieved. There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0268I: Path [{0}] is a file, not a directory. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0269E: An error occurred when unregistering the Home page MBean. There was a problem in setting up Home page's administration facilities. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0271E: An error occurred when trying to retrieve the IBM Connections service to check this URL: {0} An error ocurred while loading the specified URL. This error message is produced when checking URL's for third-party widgets added to the Home page.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that any URL specified for a third-party widget exists and that can be reached from the Home page server.
CLFRQ0273W: An error occurred when trying to check this URL: {0} An error occurred while loading the specified URL. This error message is produced when checking URL's for third-party widgets added to the Home page.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Make sure that any URL specified for a third-party widget exists and that can be reached from the Home page server.
CLFRQ0275E: The widget catalog service could not be retrieved. There is a problem in setting up service to retrieve available widgets.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0276E: The user preferences service could not be retrieved to update welcome mode. There is a problem in setting up service to update user preferences.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0277E: There is no dictionary available in memory. Either the dictionary failed to load or there may be a problem with the configuration. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRQ0284E: An error occurred while retrieving the user UI setting for the user referenced by this ID {0}. There is a problem in retrieving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0291E: An error occurred while retrieving widget preferences with this identifier: {0} There is a problem in retrieving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0292E: An error occurred when creating a widget for the user: {0}. Here is the widget information that the system is not able to store. Widget ID: {1}, Order: {2}, Container: {3}, IsToggled: {4}, PagePanel id {5}, Widget Sets: {6} There is a problem in saving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0295E: An error occurred while retrieving the widget instances for the user: {0} related to this page panel {1} and this widget ID {2} There is a problem in retrieving Home page preferences for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0296I: Redirecting the browser to {0} after form based authentication challenge detected on an asynchronous request This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0297E: Error generating the search results feed. An error occurred while generating the search results feed. Ensure that the search service has been started and indexing has been completed. CLFRQ0298W: A Directory Services error occurred while retrieving groups for user {0}. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0299I: No Homepage cookie detected after form-based authentication challenge on asynchronous request, redirecting to Homepage context path root by default Information message when a user is redirected to the login page after a form is detected on an asynchronous request. This is an informational message only. CLFRQ0300E: An error occurred while getting the homepage context root URL from the configuration files The context root for the Home page application could not be determined.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- If changes have been made to the IBM Connections configuration, make sure that those changes have been validated correctly.
CLFRQ0301E: JNDI naming exception caught. Connections Home page application has been incorrectly deployed. A JNDI look up could not be performed. Possibly, the Home page application was not correctly installed or deployed. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0311E: An error occurred while retrieving notifications sent by user referenced by this ID {0}. There is a problem in retrieving Home page information for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0312E: An error occurred while retrieving notifications received for user referenced by this ID {0}. There is a problem in retrieving Home page information for a user.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0314E: An error occurred while creating a notification with this information: {0} An error occurred while persisting the notification.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0315E: An error occurred while retrieving the number of unique visit starting from this date: {0} There is a problem in gathering statistics from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0318E: An IO error occurred while retrieving the widget descriptor located at {0}. See nested exception for more details. A widget descriptor could not be retrieved. The problem could be in a local or remote location, depending on the settings of the widget.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- If the widget has been configured with a local path, verify that the file exists and that it is accessible from the server.
- If the widget has been configured with a remote path, verify that the URL points to a valid location and that it can be reached from the server.
CLFRQ0319E: An error occurred while reading the returned widget descriptor located at {0}. See nested exception for more details. A widget descriptor could not be retrieved. The problem could be in a local or remote location, depending on the settings of the widget.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- If the widget has been configured with a local path, verify that the file exists and that it is accessible from the server.
- If the widget has been configured with a remote path, verify that the URL points to a valid location and that it can be reached from the server.
CLFRQ0320E: An error occurred while reading the widget descriptor file located at {0}. See nested exception for more details. A widget descriptor could not be retrieved. The problem could be in a local or remote location, depending on the settings of the widget.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- If the widget has been configured with a local path, verify that the file exists and that it is accessible from the server.
- If the widget has been configured with a remote path, verify that the URL points to a valid location and that it can be reached from the server.
CLFRQ0321E: An HTTP error occurred while retrieving the widget descriptor located at {0}. See nested exception for more details. A widget descriptor could not be retrieved from a remote location.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the widget URL points to a valid location and that it can be reached from the server.
CLFRQ0322E: An error occurred while retrieving the widget descriptor located at {0}. Returned error code was {1} A widget descriptor could not be retrieved. The problem could be in a local or remote location, depending on the settings of the widget.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- If the widget has been configured with a local path, verify that the file exists and that it is accessible from the server.
- If the widget has been configured with a remote path, verify that the URL points to a valid location and that it can be reached from the server.
CLFRQ0323E: An error occurred while adding the descriptor for widget {0} to in-memory caching. See nested exception for full details. Homepage tried to fetch the XML descriptor for a Widget but failed. This can happen at application startup and when adding a new widget in the Homepage administration interface.
- Check that the URL to the XML descriptor is correct in the Administration page of the Home page.
- Check that the XML descriptor file is accessible from the Home page server (for example, check firewall configuration on the remote server hosting the widget descriptor).
- Check the nested exception in the logs to see the exact cause of the problem.
CLFRQ0325E: An error occurred while updating the descriptor for widget {0} to in-memory caching. See nested exception for full details. Homepage tried to fetch the XML descriptor for a Widget but failed. Similar to CLFRQ0323E, except that this happens when the administrator clicks the "Refresh cache" button in the admin interface.
- Check that the URL to the XML descriptor is correct in the Administration page of the Home page.
- Check that the XML descriptor file is accessible from the Home page server (for example, check firewall configuration on the remote server hosting the widget descriptor).
- Check the nested exception in the logs to see the exact cause of the problem.
CLFRQ0332W: User with ID [{0}] was not found in the directory service. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0333E: An empty DSObject was sent as a parameter. Directory service is not available or configured incorrectly.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0334E: E-mail [{0}] already exists in the database. User identified with login name [{0}] cannot be added to the database. A new Home page user has the same email as another user. If there is no duplication, a change has occurred in the user directory and has not been synchronized.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
- Make sure that there is no duplication in emails in the directory service.
- Synchronize Home page users using the NewsMemberService.
CLFRQ0335W: User with login name [{0}] was not found in the directory service. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0336E: E-mail [{0}] already exists in the database. User identified with external ID [{0}] cannot be added to the database. A new Home page user has the same email as another user. If there is no duplication, a change has occurred in the user directory and has not been synchronized.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
- Make sure that there is no duplication in emails in the directory service.
- Synchronize Home page users using the NewsMemberService.
CLFRQ0338E: An error has occurred during the retrieval of all the widget information using this ID {0} There is a problem in setting up service to retrieve available widgets.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0339E: An error has occurred during the deletion of all the records with this ID {0} There is a problem in removing records from the Home page database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0340I: Home Page service is running with Profiles Directory Service Extension enabled. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0341E: Could not retrieve details for the user with login ID: {0} due to an exception. The exception occurred when retrieving the details via Profiles Directory Service Extension: {1} Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0342E: No user details were returned for the user with login ID: {0}. Attempted to retrieve details via Profiles Directory Service Extension. The user may not be a valid user in Profiles. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0343I: Home Page service is running with Profiles Directory Service Extension disabled. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0344E: No user details could were returned for the user with login ID: {0}. Attempted to retrieve details via the virtual member manager directly. The user may not be a valid user in the user registry. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0345E: An error occurred when creating a tab instance for user ID {0}. Check nested exception for details. Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0347E: Could not roll back a transaction when creating tab instances for user ID {0}. Check nested exception for more details. Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0348E: An error occurred while getting the tab instance with ID {0}. Check nested exception for more details. Home page preferences for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0349E: An error occurred while updating the number of columns for tab instance {0}. Check nested exception for more details. Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0350E: An error when getting the list of tab instances for user {0}. See nested exception for more details. Home page preferences for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0351I: No existing widget instances for user {0} and tab instance {1}, creating default set This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRQ0352E: An error occurred while getting a tab instance for user {0}. See nested exception for more details Home page preferences for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0353E: An error occurred while parsing the layout JSON string {0}. See nested exception for details This error can occur when the user changes the layout of the page (add, remove or change the location of a widget). The layout of the page is translated into a JSON string sent to the server to persist it across user sessions. The page layout is not persisted for the user. Most likely cause of the problem is that the user tried to craft a custom JSON string manually and sent it to the server using a the POST HTTP method. CLFRQ0354E: An error occurred while setting the request parameter containing the number of column for tab instance {0}. Check nested exception for more Home page preferences for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0355E: It is not possible to retrieve the tab instance ID. An error occurred while getting the internal ID of the authenticated user from the session. Information about a user could not be retrieved from the directory service.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0356E: The panel service could not be retrieved Error during the initialization of Home page's services.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0357E: An error occurred while updating the number of columns from the tab ID {0} Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0380E: An error occurred while retrieving the count of notifications received since last login for the user referenced by this ID {0}. Home page information for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0381W: An error occurred while updating the last visit field for user with this identifier: {0} Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0382E: An error occurred while invoking a remote interface (EJB) for fetching news stories for person ID {0}. Check nested exception for more details. News stories cannot be retrieved. This error is due to problems in the News repository application.
- Verify the Home page has been installed correctly.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0382W: Invalid page size ({0}) passed as request parameter. Using default page size value: {1}. User is {2} A request is trying to retrieve more stories per page than allowed. The default page size will be used instead. Verify the Home page has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0383E: An error has occurred during the retrieval of the widgets using this ID {0} There is a problem while retrieving a widget.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0383E: An error occurred while invoking a remote interface (EJB) for marking or unmarking the news story with id {0} as saved. Check nested exception for more details. News stories cannot be marked or unmarked for saving. This error is due to problems in the News repository application.
- Verify the Home page has been installed correctly.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0384A: An error occurred while updating the welcome note for this internal ID: {0} Error occurred when a user dismissed the Welcome box for Homepage. Could be an issue accessing or updating the database, or a problem retrieving user details.
- Check for nested exceptions, or prior exceptions in the logs related to database access.
- Check that members are synchronized for the Homepage database, using the NewsMemberService.
CLFRQ0384E: An error occurred while creating a remote interface (EJB) to the news repository. Check the logs for more details. News stories cannot be retrieved. This error is due to problems in the News repository application.
- Verify the Home page has been installed correctly.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0384E: An error occurred while creating a user with this internal ID: {0} A new Home page user cannot be created.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0385E: An error occurred during the result retrieving. An error happened when connecting to the search service to retrieve results. Ensure that the search service has been started and that nothing is blocking communication between the Home page and search services. CLFRQ0386E: An error occurred while initializing the icon to URL map used for the sprites in the river of news (update page). See nested exception for more details The file containing the mapping between the News stories and their corresponding icons is corrupted. This could happen if an administrator touched the file manually on the running application. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0387E: An error occurred when retrieving the descriptor for widget {0} from the in-memory cache. See nested exception for more details. See CLFRQ0323E. See CLFRQ0323E. CLFRQ0388E: The reference to the property file used (web.xml) for the sprite icons in the river of news is undefined. Check the value for the init parameter named {0} The web.xml file for the Home page is corrupted. This could happen if the administrator touched the file manually on the running application. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0389E: An instance of the widget descriptor in-memory caching service could not be retrieved. See nested exception for more details See CLFRQ0323E. See CLFRQ0323E. CLFRQ0390E: An error occurred while initializing the widget descriptor in-memory caching service with the list of available widgets. See nested exception for more details. Error during the initialization of Home page's services.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0391E: An error occurred in the security service layer while attempting to execute an operation related to the database. See nested exception for more details. A command to change the layout of a page belonging to another user was detected. It is very likely that an authenticated user tried to send a custom command over one of the AJAX servlets to modify the layout of another user. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0392E: A request to modify the information related to the widget instance {0} was received. However the current authenticated user {1} does not have ownership on this widget instance. A user is trying to modify preferences for another user. This is not a normal error, and might indicate a unauthorized use of the Home page. This is not a regular error message and might indicate a non-authorized request is being made to the Home page application. Verify the Home page has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0393E: A request to modify the information related to the tab instance {0} was received. However the current authenticated user {1} does not have ownership on this tab instance. A user is trying to modify preferences for another user. This is not a normal error, and might indicate a unauthorized use of the Home page. This is not a regular error message and might indicate a non-authorized request is being made to the Home page application. Verify the Home page has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0394E: An error occurred while fetching information from the database when checking security constraints for saving the layout information. See nested exception for more details. A command to fetch the layout of a page belonging to another user was detected. It is very likely that an authenticated user tried to send a custom command over one of the AJAX servlets to modify the layout of another user. Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly. CLFRQ0395E: A request to add a widget {0} to the tab instance {1} was made. However, this widget is not allowed on this tab by the administrator. Authenticated user was {2} There was an error when adding a widget to the current page. This is not a normal error, and might indicate a unauthorized use of the Home page. This is not a regular error message and might indicate a non-authorized request is being made to the Home page application. Verify the Home page has been installed correctly. CLFRQ0396W: An error occurred while storing descriptor for widget {0} in a batching process. See nested exception for more details. Batching processing continuing. A widget could not be stored in the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0397E: An error occurred when fetching the list of all the tab instances for the user ID {0}. Check nested exception for details. Home page preferences for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0398W: An error occurred while updating the language for a user with this information: {0},{1} Home page preferences for a user could not be saved in database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check if there is any nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0399E: An error occurred while deleting the widget instance with this primary key: {0} A widget instance could not be removed from the database.
- Verify the IBM Connections Home page is installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database is available and has been installed correctly.
- Check the database configuration in the WebSphere Application Server installation.
CLFRQ0400E: The search index is missing. The Search service cannot load the index.
- Make sure the Search is correctly installed and started.
- Make sure indexing has occurred.
- Check that you can access the Search index directory.
CLFRQ0401E: An error occurred while invoking a remove interface (EJB). See nested exception for more details. There was a problem calling an EJB. Possibly, the News repository application is not available or not installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page has been installed correctly.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0402E: An error occurred while getting an instance to the EJB reference. There was a problem calling an EJB. Possibly, the News repository application is not available or not installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page has been installed correctly.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0403E: An error occurred while retrieving the tab UI with this name: {0} Home page information for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check if there is a nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0404E: An error occurred while retrieving the tabs related to the user with this internal ID: {0} Home page information for a user could not be retrieved from database. Nested exception should have more detailed information about this problem.
- Check if there is a nested exception in server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the IBM Connections directory service is configured correctly.
- Check that the LDAP server for the configuration is available (if you choose to use one).
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
CLFRQ0408W: The current database schema version for Homepage is {0}, but the application expects {1}. Please update the schema version to match. The schema version of the Homepage database does not match the level expected by the installed application. This could be as a result of connecting to an older database, or an issue migrating the database to the latest version.
- Check that the data source and credentials for the Homepage database are correct.
- Check for nested exceptions, or prior exceptions in the logs related to database access.
- Check migration logs if this is a newly migrated database.
CLFRQ0413E: A registered pre event handler threw an exception during a Home Page transaction for the event named {0} The transaction has failed. There was an error when Home page tried to send an event to the News application.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
CLFRQ0414E: An error occurred when handling a call to the service configuration API. See nested exception for full details. There was an error when getting the configuration information from the configuration files. Verify the configuration files are present and properly formatted. These files are located under the LotusConnections-Config directory for each application server. CLFRQ0415E: An error occurred while executing the action. See nested exception for more details. There was an error when executing an action handling an HTTP request. Verify that Home page is installed correctly and that no file in the WebSphere Application Server deployment of Home page have been compromised. CLFRQ0416E: A registered event handler stopped the tag {0} from being added There was an error when a user tried to add a subscription to a tag in Home page.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
CLFRQ0417E: Cannot find title key '{0}' in a bundle '{1}' There was an error when locating a translated string in a resource bundle.
- Verify that Home page is installed correctly and that no file in the WebSphere Application Server deployment of Home page have been compromised.
- If you use customized resource bundles, check that the corresponding key is present.
CLFRQ0418E: A registered event handler stopped the tag {0} from being removed There was an error when a user tried to remove a subscription to a tag in Home page.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
CLFRQ0419E: A registered event handler stopped the person with ID {0} from being added There was an error when a user tried to add a subscription to a person in Home page.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
CLFRQ0420E: A registered event handler stopped the person with ID {0} from being removed There was an error when a user tried to remove a subscription to a person in Home page.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
CLFRQ0421I: System metrics are not available yet or the administrator has disabled them. Please contact your administrator for information. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRQ0422E: A registered post event handler threw an exception during a Home Page transaction for the event named {0} The transaction has failed. There was an error when Homepage tried to send an event to the News application. The event might have been sent correctly.
- Check if there is a nested exception in the server logs for more details about this problem.
- Verify the messaging bus is configured correctly.
IBM Connections events service error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems related to the events service of the Home page application and find solutions to those problems.
The following events service error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 15. IBM Connections events service error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFWY0001E: The Source field was null or empty when creating a new event record. The Source field must contain a valid value. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0005E: An attempt was made to register a null event consumer for the Source {0} This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0006E: The Event Name field was null or empty when creating a new event record. The Event Name field must contain a value. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0007E: An invalid JSON string was provided This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0008E: The Source field value {0} is not a known, valid source. The event record cannot be created. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0009E: The ACL Feed URL field was null or empty when creating a new event record. The ACL Feed URL field must contain a value. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0011E: The Event Name field was null or empty when sending an event record for source {0}. The Event Name field must be supplied before the event is sent! This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0014E: The Container ID field was null or empty when creating a new event record. The Container ID field must contain a value. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0015E: The input set to add to was provided as null.. A valid set must be provided. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0017E: The Source field was null or empty when registering a new event record consumer. Events will not be sent to the consumer. This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0019E: The following class could not be instantiated as an event transport: {0} but was specified as the default transport. Events cannot be propagated to the News Repository. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0020E: The following class is not a valid event transport: {0} but was specified as the default transport. Events cannot be propagated to the News Repository. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0022E: A JMS Exception occurred when consuming an event record. The event record will be retried and eventually be placed on the system exception queue if unsuccessful. An event could not be consumed from the JMS queue used by the event infrastructure. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the configuration of JMS resources in WebSphere. Also check that the Service Integration Bus is configured to allow access to the user defined in the connectionsAdmin authentication alias. The nested exception provides more details. CLFWY0024E: JMS QueueConnectionFactory for sending the ACL event record with ID {0} from source {1} were not available. QueueConnectionFactory may not be defined. JMS resources required by the event infrastructure could not be looked up. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the IBM Connections installer log for any errors during install. Also check the IBM WebSphere Application Server JMS Resources to check if any QueueConnectionFactory objects are defined. If not, the installer failed to create them. Attempt a reinstall or contact IBM Support. CLFWY0025E: JMS QueueConnectionFactory for sending the event record with ID {0} from source {1} were not available. QueueConnectionFactory may not be defined. JMS resources required by the event infrastructure could not be looked up. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the IBM Connections installer log for any errors during install. Also check the WebSphere Application Server JMS Resources to check if any QueueConnectionFactory objects are defined. If not, the installer failed to create them. Attempt a reinstall or contact IBM Support. CLFWY0026E: A JMS exception occurred when attempting to sent the event record ID {0} from source {1}. Check the nested exception for more details. An event could not be propagated onto the JMS queue used by the event infrastructure. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the configuration of JMS resources in WebSphere Application Server. Also check that the Service Integration Bus is configured to allow access to the user defined in the connectionsAdmin authentication alias. The nested exception provides more details. CLFWY0027E: A JMS exception occurred when attempting to sent the ACL event record ID {0} from source {1}. Check the nested exception for more details. An event could not be propagated onto the JMS queue used by the event infrastructure. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the configuration of JMS resources in WebSphere Application Server. Also check that the Service Integration Bus is configured to allow access to the user defined in the connectionsAdmin authentication alias. The nested exception provides more details. CLFWY0028E: An EJB instance for the Event Record Transport implementation could not be created. Check nested exception for more details. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the nested exception for any details, and resolve any obvious configuration issue. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0029E: The EJB Home for the Event Record Transport implementation could not be looked up. Check nested exception for more details. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the nested exception for any details, and resolve any obvious configuration issue. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0030E: An error occurred when creating a JMS message due to an invalid session. The event will not be sent. Restarting the application may resolve this issue. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. This error may happen due to temporary configuration of infrastructure reasons. Restart the application. If this error persists or requires regular restarts, contact IBM support. CLFWY0031E: An unexpected implementation class for an ACL event record was received. The event will not be sent. The class was {0} This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0032E: A JMS message could not be created for the event record ID {0} from source {1}. The event will not be sent. Check the nested exception for more details. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0033E: An unexpected implementation class for an event record was received. The event will not be sent. The class was {0} This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0037E: An error occurred while fetching the News Repository EJB. Check the logs for more details. The News Repository EJB could not be looked up. This will result in news stories not displaying on the Home Page Updates page. The nested exception will contain exact details of the error. Refer to the error message for the nested exception. CLFWY0038E: Impossible to get the bootstrap and port information for the remote EJB from LotusConnections-Config.xml The LotusConnections-config.xml file could not be read to obtain the bootstrapHost and bootstrapPort values for the News service. Validate that LotusConnections-config.xml is correct and that the bootstrapHost defined for the News service points to the application server running News, and that the bootstrapPort points to the correct Bootstrap Port for that server. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFWY0039E: The JMS QueueConnectionFactory or Queue could not be looked up. Check the QCF and Queue is defined in WebSphere and bound to the application. Check the nested exception for more details. JMS resources required by the event infrastructure could not be looked up. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Check the IBM Connections installer log for any errors during install. Also check the WebSphere Application Server JMS Resources to check if any QueueConnectionFactory and Queue objects are defined. If not, the installer failed to create them. Attempt a reinstall or contact IBM Support. LFWY0056E: The scheduled task service mbean needed to run tasks is not registered for application ''{0}''. Verify that the component is running. If it is there is an internal error. Call IBM Customer Support in this case. CLFWY0057E: The task named ''{0}'' is not one of the configured tasks. Possibly a task name accidently was changed in the component configuration file. If not, Call IBM Customer Support. The task you specified cannot be found. Determine whether a task name was changed in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. LFWY0058E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar period is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar period is invalid. Determine whether a calendar period is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0059E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The scheduler is not available. Call IBM Customer Support. The scheduler is not available. Try restarting Websphere Application Server. If this fails, contact IBM support. CLFWY0060E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The notification sink is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0061E: Local task ''{0}'' failed to start on the cluster servers for reason given above. CLFWY0062E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A notification exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0063E: Remove task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A JNDI naming exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0064E: Remove task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The scheduler is not available. Call IBM Customer Support. The scheduler is not available. Try restarting Websphere Application Server. If this fails, contact IBM support. CLFWY0065E: Task ''{0}'' failed to start or complete normally. Possibly the task class is incorrect. Inspect the task configuration settings. CLFWY0066E: Remove task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: the created task is not valid. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0067E: An error occurred while calling remote method for task {0}. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0068E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: the created task is not valid. Verify the task configuration settings, and then call IBM Customer Support. Verify the task configuration settings, and then contact IBM support. CLFWY0069E: Internal error: The default user calendar is not valid. Call IBM Customer Support. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0070E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar specifier is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar specifier is invalid. Determine whether a calendar specifier is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0071E: The task {0} is not valid and cannot be accessed. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0072E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the connectionsAdmin alias or password. Check the Connections Admin alias''s. If they are ok this is an internal error; call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0073E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The notification sink is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0075E: Error loading scheduler settings for component with config id {0}. Call IBM Customer Support. Please check the validity of your IBM Connections installation configuration files. Then call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0076E: Task configuration is not available for task ''{0}''. The application may not have started properly. Try restarting the application. If this fails, call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0077E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the deployment manager admin client. Verify the dmgr is started. CLFWY0078E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the deployment manager node name. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0079E: Internal error: A JNDI naming exception was caught. {0} Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0080E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A JNDI naming exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0081E: Internal error: The calendar specifier is not valid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar specifier is invalid. Determine whether a calendar specifier is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0082E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. The task is pending. Try again later. The task is pending. Try again later. CLFWY0083E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the deployment manager host name or SOAP port. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0084E: Internal error: The Notification Sink object failed to fire. Call IBM Customer Support. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0085E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A notification exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0086E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar is invalid. Determine whether a calendar is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0087E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A JNDI naming exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0088E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A remote exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0089E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the connectionsAdmin alias or password, or the deployment manager host name or SOAP port. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0091E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar specifier is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar specifier is invalid. Determine whether a calendar specifier is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0092E: For task {0}, the specified ''interval='' attribute is not a valid ''cron'' schedule. Correct the cron string. An invalid value is being used as the cron string for the interval attribute. Correct the syntax of the cron string. CLFWY0093E: The IBM Connections component for task ''{0}'' scheduler is not available. The component appears to be stopped. The application is not available. Make sure the application is started. If not, start it. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0094E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: the created TaskInfo object is not valid. Verify the task configuration settings, and then call IBM Customer Support. The TaskInfo object is invalid. Verify the task configuration settings, and then contact IBM support. CLFWY0095E: The task named ''{0}'' with an unknown type of ''{1}'' has fired, and is being ignored. Inspect the task configuration settings. You might have inadvertently changes the task type in the configuration file. Correct the configuration settings. CLFWY0096E: Internal error: The scheduled tasks will not fire. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0097E: Remove task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. The task is pending. Try again later. The task is pending. Try again later. CLFWY0098E: The task {0} is already pending. The task you are trying to schedule is already scheduled. No further action is required. CLFWY0099E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start, could not invoke mbean on remote server in cluster. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0101E: Internal error: This is probably due to a deployment error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0102E: Remove task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A notification exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0103E: The local scheduled task ''{0}'' failed to start due to failure to get the list of remote servers. Internal error. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0104E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: A remote exception occurred. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0105E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar is invalid. Determine whether a calendar is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0106E: Update task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. The created task is not valid. Verify the task configuration settings, and then call IBM Customer Support. The created task is not valid. Verify the task configuration settings, and then contact IBM support. CLFWY0107E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The calendar period is invalid. Call IBM Customer Support. The calendar period is invalid. Determine whether a calendar period is defined correctly in the application's configuration file. If that is not the cause, contact IBM support. CLFWY0108E: Create task for task ''{0}'' failed to complete successfully. Internal error: The scheduler is not available. Call IBM Customer Support. The scheduler is not available. Try restarting Websphere Application Server. If this fails, contact IBM support. CLFWY0109E: Task ''{0}'' failed to start. The Mbean name is ''{1}''. Possibly the task mbean or method name (''{2}'') argument is incorrect. CLFWY0110E: Internal error: The scheduler is not available. Try restarting Websphere. If this fails, call IBM Customer Support. The scheduler is not available. Try restarting Websphere Application Server. If this fails, contact IBM support. CLFWY0112E: Internal Error: The specified notification sink class is not valid. Call IBM Customer Support. CLFWY0113E: Internal error: JNDI naming exception caught. Connections component has been incorrectly deployed. Call IBM Customer Support The application was incorrectly deployed. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0135E: The default event enable implementation class {0} does not implement the EventEnable interface Internal error. Events may not be generated and the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page may be empty as a result. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0136E: Could not instantiate an instance of the default event enable class {0} Internal error. Events may not be generated and the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page may be empty as a result. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0138E: The source, type, scope and name of an event must always be set. This is an internal error. This will result in news stories not displaying in Home Page in some circumstances. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0140E: The following class is not a valid async event invoker: {0} but was specified as the default invoker. Events cannot be propagated asynchronously. Internal error. Events may not be generated and the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page may be empty as a result. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0141E: The following class could not be instantiated as an async event invoker: {0} but was specified as the default transport. Events cannot be propagated asynchronously. Internal error. Events may not be generated and the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page may be empty as a result. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0143E: An exception occurred when trying to send the event {0} with ID {1} asynchronously. No asynchronous event consumers will receive this event. Check nested exception for more details. An asynchronous event could not be sent. This will result in data not appearing in the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page, or being available to third party event consumers. Check the nested exception for more details. Check that a CLFWX0186I message is generated when the News application starts up. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0144E: An invalid JSON string was provided: {0} Internal error. As a result of this error, an event cannot be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0145E: The input set to add to was provided as null.. A valid set must be provided. Internal error. As a result of this error, an event cannot be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0146E: An EJB instance for the event implementation could not be created. Check nested exception for more details. Internal error. Events may not be sent. Restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0147E: The EJB Home for the event implementation could not be looked up. Check nested exception for more details. Internal error. Events may not be sent. Restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0148E: Could not obtain an event connection Internal error. Events may not be sent. Restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0149E: An outgoing event due to be consumed by News could not be augmented. It will not be consumed by News. An event could not be augmented for delivery to the News application. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0150E: Could not obtain the event topic connection factory Internal error. Events may not be sent. Check the IBM Connections install log for any errors. Check the nested exception for any errors, then contact IBM support. CLFWY0151E: A JMS Exception occurred when publishing an event with ID {0} to topic {1} Internal error. Events may not be sent. If the exception only happens once, it could be a temporary connectivity issue. Otherwise restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0152E: An outgoing event due to be consumed by Communities could not be augmented. It will not be consumed by Communities. An event could not be augmented for delivery to the Communities application. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0153E: Could not create a JMS MapMessage Internal error. Events may not be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0154E: The Map object does not contain all mandatory event data: ID, Timestamp, Source, Type, Scope, Name Internal error. As a result of this error, an event cannot be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0155E: The Map object provided is not an event map, or is not the correct version. Internal error. As a result of this error, an event cannot be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0156E: The events-config.xml configuration appears not to be an XML configuration file. The events-config.xml configuration file is not a valid XML file. This means that registered event handlers will not be invoked. Examine the events-config.xml file and fix any errors. CLFWY0159E: events-config.xml failed validation. Check the file and correct any XML errors. The events-config.xml file contains invalid XML that does not match the schema in events-config.xsd. This means that registered event handlers will not be invoked. Examine the events-config.xml file and fix any errors. CLFWY0161E: An exception occurred when trying to load events-config.xml. Event handlers will not be run. The events-config.xml configuration file could not be loaded. This means that registered event handlers will not be invoked. Examine any nested exception for the cause. Ensure the events-config.xml file exists in the LotusConnections-config directory and fix any errors. CLFWY0170E: An exception occurred when invoking the event handler named: {0} with the event: {1} The named event handler could not be invoked for the named event. Check the nested exception for more details and resolve any errors. CLFWY0171E: Could not load event handler configuration. Registered event handlers will not run. Check nested exception for more details. The event handler configuration could not be loaded. This means that registered event handlers will not be invoked. Examine the nested exception for the cause and resolve any problems. CLFWY0172E: The event handler named {0} could not be created because the handler class {1} could not be instantiated. The handler will not run. The class for the named event handler could not be instantiated. This handler will not be run. Examine any nested exception for more details. Ensure the handler class provides a default public constructor. CLFWY0173E: Could not set the property named {1} on handler {0}. The property value may not be mappable to the property type. This handler may not initialize correctly. The named property of the named event handler could not be set. This may cause the handler to fail to initialize. Check the handler definition in events-config.xml and check that the defined properties match the properties of the handler class exactly. CLFWY0174E: The event handler named {0} could not be created because the handler class {1} could not be loaded. The handler will not run. The class for the named event handler could not be loaded. This handler will not be run. Ensure the event handler Jar is defined in a shared library, and that the shared library is referenced by all IBM Connections applications in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. CLFWY0175E: The event handler named {0} could not be created because the handler class {1} could not be accessed. The handler will not run. The class for the named event handler could not be accessed. This handler will not be run. Examine any nested exception for more details and resolve any problems. CLFWY0176E: The event handler named {0} did not initialize correctly. Check the handler configuration in events-config.xml. The handler will not run. The named event handler failed to initialize correctly. This handler will not be run. Examine any nested exception for more details. Check that all required properties of the handler are defined in events-config.xml. CLFWY0177E: The event handler named {0} is not a valid event handler class: {1} The handler will not run. The named event handler is implemented by a class which is not a valid event handler class. This handler will not be run. Examine the configuration of the event handler in events-config.xml and inspect the source of the event handler class to ensure it correctly implements the Event SPI. CLFWY0178E: An outgoing command due to be consumed by other applications could not be augmented. It may not be consumed by other applications. A platform command event could not be augmented for delivery to command consumers. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0179E: Could not load the set of event names to be consumed by river of news. Events may not display in the river of news. The set of events that need to be consumed by the News application could not be loaded. This will result in no events being sent to News, and the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page will be empty as a result. If you have made any customization changes to the JAR file then revert these changes, otherwise contact IBM support. CLFWY0183E: The invocation of the asynchronous event point for the event named {0} with ID {1} failed. The event was not sent. An asynchronous event could not be sent. This will result in data not appearing in the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page, or being available to third-party event consumers. Check the nested exception for more details. Check that a CLFWX0186I message is generated when the News application starts up. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0185E: A null internal event subscriber object was supplied. Internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0187E: The invocation of the synchronous post-commit event point for the event named {0} with ID {1} failed. The event was not sent. A synchronous event could not be sent. Check the nested exception for more details. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0188E: The invocation of the synchronous pre-commit event point for the event named {0} with ID {1} failed. The event was not sent. A synchronous event could not be sent. Check the nested exception for more details. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0190E: A JMS exception occurred when consuming an event in an internal consumer. Check nested exception for more details. Internal error. An event cannot be consumed. If the exception only happens once, it could be a temporary connectivity issue. Otherwise restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0192E: task config error, task name is the empty string. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0193E: task config error, for task name ''{0}'' mbean method name cannot be empty due to type. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0194E: task config error, for task name ''{0}'' task type not valid. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0195E: task config error, task name ({0}) enabled not true or false. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0196E: task config error, for task name ''{0}'' startby cannot contain punctuation characters. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0197E: task config error, task name ({0}) defined more than once. Duplicates skipped. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0198E: task config error, for task name ''{0}'' scope value not valid. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0199E: task config error, for task name ''{0}'' interval cannot contain punctuation characters. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0200E: task config error, task config is out of date. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0201E: task config error, task name ({0}) cannot contain punctuation characters. Task is skipped. Inspect the task config. CLFWY0202E: The event handler named {0} threw an exception when handling an event. Check nested exception for more details. The named event handler threw an exception when handling an event. Examine any nested exception for more details. Check any logs that the event handler keeps. CLFWY0203E: The event handler named {0} encountered an initialization exception and will not receive events. It may be mis-configured. Check nested exception for more details. The named event handler failed to initialize correctly. This handler will not be run. Examine any nested exception for more details. Check that all required properties of the handler are defined in events-config.xml. CLFWY0204E: Error when lookup with asynchronous event handler work manager. Check nested exception for more details. Could not look up the asynchronous event handler work manager in the News application. Asynchronous event handlers may not work. Check the nested exception for more details and check the IBM Connections install log for any errors when installing the News application. CLFWY0205E: Error creating asynchronous subscriber for event handler named {0} and subscription {1}. This handler will not receive events. Could not register a subscription for the named asynchronous event handler. This handler may not receive all events it expects to. Check the subscription defined for the handler in events-config.xml and correct any issue. CLFWY0206E: Error when reading event handler configuration in events-config.xml whilst creating asynchronous event handlers. Check nested exception for more information. Could not configure an asynchronous event handler due to a configuration issue in events-config.xml. Check the nested exception for more details. Check events-config.xml and correct any issues. CLFWY0222E: An outgoing news cleanup event could not be augmented. A deletion event could not be augmented for delivery. Any existing updates for the item the event represents will not be removed from the IBM Connections Home Page Updates page. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0233E: The event handler named {0} encountered an unexpected exception when handling an event. Check nested exception for more details. The named event handler threw an unexpected exception when handling an event. Examine any nested exception for more details. Check any logs that the event handler keeps. CLFWY0234E: Cannot build a path to the filesystem using a base location: {0} and relative path: {1} Internal error. A path location in an event cannot be resolved to an absolute path. Event consumers may not work correctly if they depend on this. Check the base location in the error message and then check the value of the corresponding WebSphere Application Server variable. CLFWY0235E: A deferred event with ID {0} could not be retrieved. This event will not be sent. Internal error. Events may not be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0236E: A deferred event is not of type MapMessage. Internal error. Events may not be sent. Contact IBM support. CLFWY0237E: A JMS exception occurred when processing deferred event with ID {0}. This event will not be sent. Check nested exception for more details. Internal error. Events may not be sent. If the exception only happens once, it could be a temporary connectivity issue. Otherwise restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0238E: A JMS Exception occurred when publishing a deferred event with ID {0} to temporary topic {1} Internal error. Events may not be sent. If the exception only happens once, it could be a temporary connectivity issue. Otherwise restart the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. CLFWY0267E: An outgoing notification event could not be augmented. The notification may not be successful. A notification event could not be augmented for delivery. This notification will not be processed and recipients will not get emails. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFWY####E: Could not load event content store location for feature {0}. Check events-config.xml for errors. Internal error. Could not retrieve the base file system location of the content store for the named application. Check the definition of the base location variable in events-config.xml and then check that the corresponding WebSphere Application Server variable has a valid value.
IBM Connections notification and ReplyTo error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems related to the notification and ReplyTo services of the Home page application, and find solutions to those problems.
The following notifications error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 16. IBM Connections notifications error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRR0002E: An error occurred when creating the channel handler for channel {1}. The channel handler class {0} could not be loaded. The channel handler class defined for the named notification channel defined in notification-config.xml cannot be loaded. The default handler classes for the event and email channels should not be modified unless directed by IBM Support. Validate that the notification-config.xml properties element contains a property with name corresponding to the channel specified in the message, that the value is a valid class and that the class is loadable. CLFRR0006E: Notification delivery failed as the channel handler for channel {0} could not be found. Check that the channel handler class is defined in notification-config.xml There is no channel handler class defined for the named notification channel defined in notification-config.xml The default handler classes for the event and email property should not be modified unless directed by IBM Support. Validate that the notification-config.xml properties element contains a property with name corresponding to the channel specified in the message, that the value is a valid class and that the class is loadable. CLFRR0007E: An error occurred during the initialization of the JavaMail session. Check that a JavaMail session with the JNDI name mail/notification is defined. The IBM WebSphere Application Server Mail Session object could not be looked up. Check the WebSphere Application Server configuration and define a mail session object if one is not defined, following instructions in the topic, Sending mail from a dedicated mail server. CLFRR0008E: An error occurred when delivering an email notification via SMTP. Notification will not be recieved by recipients. The configured SMTP server returned an error when an email was sent to it for delivery. Check the nested exception from the SMTP server for details about the exact error. Resolve the issue and try again. CLFRR0010E: The email configuration could not be loaded. The notification-config.xml file may be missing. Email delivery of notifications will fail. The email configuration could not be read from notification-config.xml. Check that there is a valid emailChannelConfig element defined in notification-config.xml that defines one of either: useJavaMailProvider or smtpJNDILookup CLFRR0011E: The notification has no sender defined and will not be sent. A notification was attempted to be sent, but no sender was specified and therefore no notification sent This is an abnormal situation. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0012E: The notification has no recipients defined and will not be sent. A notification was attempted to be sent, but no recipients were specified and therefore no notification sent Check if the sender intended or expected to send this notification to specific recipients. CLFRR0013E: Could not connect to any of the available SMTP servers. Notification will not be recieved by recipients. None of the SMTP servers from a DNS MX record lookup could be contacted. Validate that the MX record lookup is correct and expected to return valid SMTP servers. This problem may be intermittent of due to a network issue. CLFRR0014E: An error occurred when obtaining the SMTP server list from the DNS lookup: {0}. No SMTP servers were found and notifications will not be sent. Please check that the DNS lookup is correct. No SMTP servers were returned from the specified DNS MX record lookup. Reconfigure notification-config.xml to use a DNS MX record lookup that will return at least one valid SMTP server and then restart the application. CLFRR0016E: An error occurred when trying to locate SMTP servers in DNS. Email delivery of notifications will fail. The lookup of DNS MX records could not be made. Validate that the DNS MX lookup URL defined in notification-config.xml is valid. If not, modify the URL and restart the application. CLFRR0017E: An error occurred during a search for MX records in the DNS lookup table. It is not possible to retrieve the MX records for the DNS lookup: {0}. Please check that the DNS lookup is correct. The lookup of DNS MX records did not return any MX records. Validate that the DNS MX lookup URL defined in notification-config.xml is valid. If not, modify the URL and restart the application. CLFRR0018E: The reply to email address: {0} could not be parsed. Notification will not be sent. The reply to address defined for the notification is not a valid email address according to RFC2882. The reply to address may be a user email obtained from the LDAP directory, or a sender address defined in notification-config.xml Identify the sender and validate that their email address is correct. CLFRR0019E: Could not locate any available SMTP servers. Notification will not be received by recipients. No SMTP servers were returned from the specified DNS MX record lookup. Reconfigure notification-config.xml to use a DNS MX record lookup that will return at least one valid SMTP server and then restart the application. CLFRR0021E: The notification has no body defined and will not be sent. An empty notification message was attempted to be sent. This is only possible if the template for an existing notification has been modified incorrectly. Validate that any template modifications are valid. CLFRR0022E: It is not possible send a null notification message. An empty notification message was attempted to be sent. This is only possible if the template for an existing notification has been modified incorrectly. Validate that any template modifications are valid. CLFRR0024E: The sender email address: {0} could not be parsed. Notification will not be sent. The sender address defined for the notification is not a valid email address according to RFC2882. The sender address may be a user email obtained from LDAP, or a sender address defined in notification-config.xml Identify the sender and validate that their email address is correct. CLFRR0027E: Error loading notification-config.xml file. Check that the file exists. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found, or the contents of the file were not valid. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the LotusConnections-config directory, and check that the contents of the file are valid according to the schema. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0029E: The handler configuration in notification-config.xml is invalid. Check the configuration. The contents of the handler element in notification-config.xml are not valid. Inspect the handler element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0030E: An error occurred during email channel configuration. Please check the email channel configuration in notification-config.xml. Only one of useJavaMailProvider or smtpJNDILookupURL should be defined. The emailChannelConfig section of notification-config.xml is incorrectly defined. Check that only one of the useJavaMailProvider and smtpJNDILookupURL elements are defined. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0031E: Error instantiating notification configuration provider {0} This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0032E: The template configuration in notification-config.xml is invalid. Check the configuration. The contents of the templates element in notification-config.xml are not valid. Inspect the templates element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0033E: An error occurred during the loading of the configuration properties at {0} The properties element of notification-config.xml is not valid. It is likely that a defined property has a name but no value. Inspect the properties element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0034E: An error occurred when retrieving the sender email address for the notification. Source: {0}, Type: {1}, Channel: {2} The notification-config.xml file does not contain a valid top-level config element. Inspect and fix the notification-config.xml then restart the application. CLFRR0035E: Error setting the authentication properties for the SMTP server. One of either <authentry> or the <user> and <password> elements should be specified. The smtpJNDILookup element in notification-config.xml contains both an authEntry as well as user and password elements. Either an authEntry element specifying a J2C Authentication Alias should be defined, or user and password elements should be defined, but not both. Fix the notification-config.xml file and restart the application. CLFRR0036E: Cannot find config variable directory {0}. The location of notification-config.xml is not valid when trying to load the file. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0037E: Error setting the java mail properties An error was encountered when trying to read the contents of the javamail element in notification-config.xml. The nested exception will contain exact details of the error. Fix the javamail section in notification-config.xml and restart the application. CLFRR0038E: Error getting server URL for {0}. A URL for the named service could not be retrieved from LotusConnections-config.xml. Validate the service entry for the named service in LotusConnections-config.xml. Fix any issue and restart the application. CLFRR0039E: Error loading config variables from {0}. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found at the location specified. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the specified location. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0042E: Cannot find {0} for config variables. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found at the location specified, or it is not a valid file. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the specified location. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0043E: Invalid notification-config.xml file. Check the XML format and ensure that all required settings are complete. The notification-config.xml file does not pass schema validation. Check that any modifications to notification-config.xml do not violate the schema in notification-config.xsd. Use an XML parsing tool to validate the file. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0046E: Either notifications are globally disabled, or notifications are disabled for the notification source: {0}. An attempt was made to send a notification when either notifications are globally disabled, or notifications for the application are disabled. If you believe that notifications should be enabled for this application, check notification-config.xml and ensure that the enabled attribute of the config element is true, and that the enabled attribute of the source element for the application is true. If either of these is false and you see this error message, then contact IBM Support as notifications should not be sent in this situation. CLFRR0047E: Could not retrieve the community group with id {0} and community name {1} The membership of the named community with the named ID could not be retrieved. Members of this community will likely not receive this notification. Check that the community exists and is valid. Also validate that the Community Directory Service extension is enabled in LotusConnections-config.xml. CLFRR0048E: Could not retrieve members for LDAP group: {0} The membership of the named LDAP group could not be retrieved. Members of this group will likely not receive this notification. Check that the LDAP group exists and is valid. Also validate that WebSphere Application Server Virtual Member Manager is correctly configured to retrieve group information from your LDAP server. CLFRR0049E: Could not retrieve the LDAP group with id: {0} and group name: {1} The LDAP group definition could not be retrieved. Members of this group will likely not receive this notification. Check that the LDAP group exists and is valid. Also validate that WebSphere Application Server Virtual Member Manager is correctly configured to retrieve group information from your LDAP server. CLFRR0051E: A group ID and name must be specified when sending a notification to a group. The correct information was not provided by the application calling the notification framework when attempting to send a notification to a group or community. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0052E: The provided group named {0} is not a valid group type for notifications. The group must be a community or LDAP group. The correct information was not provided by the application calling the notification framework when attempting to send a notification to a group or community. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0053E: The notification configuration could not be loaded at initialization. Check that notification-config.xml is valid. During initialization the notification-config.xml file could not be successfully read. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the configuration file could not be read. Fix the issue and restart the application. CLFRR0054E: Notification sending failed for notification of type: {1} and source: {0}. No recipients received a notification. The sending of an email notification failed completely and no recipients have received a notification. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the notification could not be sent. CLFRR0055E: Could not obtain the notification template URL for source {0}, type {1}, channel {3}. Check notification-config.xml to ensure that the correct URL is specified. The URL for the template for the defined notification source, type and channel could not be retrieved from notification-config.xml. Check that the named source, type and channel exist in notification-config.xml and that there is a property named .url. defined, or, if it is an XML template, a property named .file. is defined. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0056E: The notification template URL: {0} could not be loaded. The specified URL could not be loaded. Check the nested exception for exact details. If loading over HTTPS, ensure that the signer certificate for the location being loaded from is imported into WebSphere Application Server. If using a reverse proxy solution, ensure that the template URL is unprotected. If the URL is a file system location, check that the file exists. CLFRR0058E: The notification template URL: {0} is invalid. The defined template URL is not a valid URL Check the configuration for the template in notification-config.xml and fix. Restart the application. CLFRR0059E: Failed to load content from URL {0}. Status code returned: {1} When loading the template URL an error response code was returned from the server. Inspect the HTTP return code to determine the type of failure. For instance, if the return code is a 404, validate that the URL is correct and try loading it manually from a browser. If the URL is incorrect, fix it in notification-config.xml and restart the application. If it is a 401 or 403, then the URL is protected. Check your authenticating reverse proxy configuration. CLFRR0060E: An error occurred during the creation of a MIME message. A MIME message could not be created from the contents of the email template. No email notification will be sent in this case. Check the nested exception for exact details of the error. If the template has been customized then fix the template. Otherwise, contact IBM Support. CLFRR0061E: Notification sending partially failed for notification of type: {1} and source: {0}. Some recipients received a notification. The sending of an email notification partially failed. Not every recipient was sent the notification. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the notification could not be sent to some recipients. CLFRR0062E: The template for the notification source {0} and type {1} caused an error whilst being applied to the notification. Check the nested exception for more details. The email notification could not be sent due to an error when processing the notification template. No recipients will receive a notification. Check the nested exception for exact details of why the template processing failed. Resolve the issue highlighted and try again. CLFRR0065E: Failed to send a notification for notification source {0} and type {1} using any configured channels. No notifications will be received. The notification could not be delivered through any configured channel. Check the channels configured for the notification source and type and inspect related exception information to determine the cause of the failure to send. CLFRR0066E: Could not obtain list of configured channels for notification source {0} and type {1}. Check nested exception for more information. The configured channels for the named source and type could not be loaded from notification-config.xml. Check the channel configuration for the defined source and type in notification-config.xml. Check the nested exception for exact details of the error. CLFRR0069W: Notification sending for source {0} and type {1} did not succesfully send to all channels. The following channels were successful: {2}. The following channels were partially successful: {3} The notification was not successfully sent to all configured channels. For example, the notification may be received via email, but not sent as an event and therefore not show on Home Page. This is a warning message. Identify the channel that failed completely from the message and check its configuration. CLFRR0070W: Notification sending for source {0} and type {1} did not succesfully send to any channel. The following channels failed completely: {2}. The following channels were partially successful: {3} The notification was not successfully send to any configured channel, but at least one channel was partially successful. This is a warning message. Identify the channel that failed partially from the message and check its configuration. CLFRR0071E: The alwaysUseGlobalSender property is configured to true in notification-config.xml but no corresponding globalSenderEmailAddress property is configured. Sender addresses will not be overridden. Check notification-config.xml. The alwaysUseGlobalSender option is configured to true in notification-config.xml. However, this requires the globalSenderEmailAddress property to also be specified and it is not. Update notification-config.xml to specify the globalSenderEmailAddress property and restart the application. CLFRR0072E: The notification-config.xml file could not be read to obtain email address override properties. If email address override is enabled it will not be functional. Check notification-config.xml for errors. When checking to see if all emails should be sent using a single global sender address, the runtime could not read the notification-config.xml file. Check that notification-config.xml exists and is valid. CLFRR0073E: An error occurred when sending an event to represent a direct notification. Check the nested exception for more details. An event could not be generated for the notification. The notification will not be sent to the News component and recipients will not receive a Home Page notification or email. Check the nested exception for more details and resolve any issue. Alternatively, contact IBM support. CLFRR0074E: the argument {0} is not valid. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0075E: The size unit {0} is not valid. It should be one of these, b, kb, mb, gb. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0076E: Data Model is missing in enviroment. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0077E: The value of resource bundle name {0} is invalid. The bundleName property value of an FTL type notification template is incorrect. Find the given value in notification-config.xml. If the value has been changed for customization, check the value. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0078E: Could not render template {0}. Please check log for details. The named FTL type notification template could not be rendered. This is most likely if the template has been customized. Check any customizations, or revert to the original template. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0079E: The value of resource bundle path {0} is invalid. The bundlePath property value of an FTL type notification template is incorrect. Find the given value in notification-config.xml. If the value has been changed for customization, check the value. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0081E: The version of notification-config.xml is {0} and in not valid for this release. The version of notification-config.xml does not match the release of the product. The schema and contents of configuration files may change between releases. If migrating from a previous release, ensure that you have followed all migration steps. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact IBM support. CLFRR0082E: Could not read properties from notification-config.xml. Check configuration file. Notification templates may work in an unexpected way. A set of template properties could not be read. Check notification-config.xml and ensure that all template properties sections are valid. CLFRR0083E: Exception when sending email notification General error when there was an issue sending email. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for root cause of problem. CLFRR0093E: Template configuration is not available for notification {0} from source {1} Error resolving notification template from notification-config.xml. This error only happens if notifcation-config.xml has been corrupted or incorrectly modified. Review and fix the notification-config.xml file. CLFRR0094E: Template Location is not available for notification {0} from source {1}. Check notification-config.xml Error resolving location for notifications templates from notification-config.xml. This error only happens if notification-config.xml has been corrupted or incorrectly modified. Review and fix the notification-config.xml file. The following ReplyTo error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 17. IBM Connections ReplyTo error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFWY0387I: A Mail-in handler for service: {0} is registered. Informational message. No action required. Informational message. CLFWY0388E: A JMS exception occurred when consuming a mail-in message. Check nested exception for more details. General error caused by another failure. Check the nested exception(s). Check for exceptions immediately prior to this one.
CLFWY0389E: Failed to delete directory {0} holding attachments for the mail. Error removing a temporary directory. Check that a valid path exists. Check that the OS user that launches the Application Server has sufficient privileges for that path.
CLFWY0390E: There is no registered handler for mailed-in content for service {0} Configuration issue. Check that the service mentioned is installed correctly and is running. CLFWY0391E: The mailed-in content is of a type: {0} that is not known or supported Message received by a MailIn subscriber is not of a currently handled class, for example, not a ReplyTo message. This should not happen currently as the only type of message handled through the receiver is a ReplyTo mail. Check errors in JMS. Check what items are being sent to the ReplyTo consumer using this trace:
CLFWY0452E: Failed to publish mail-in item. Error publishing a JMS message. Check for errors related to JMS or the Service Integration Bus. Check logs from server start-up for errors related to initializing the Service Integration Bus.
CLFWY0453E: JMS Mailin connection unavailable. Error publishing a JMS message. Check for errors related to JMS or the Service Integration Bus. Check logs from server start-up for errors related to initializing the Service Integration Bus.
Installation error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify and resolve problems with installation.
The following installation error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 18. Installation wizard error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRP0001E: No existing WAS install detected. Please select the WAS install location manually. The installation wizard cannot find the installation directory for WebSphere Application Server. Choose the directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed. CLFRP0002E: WAS install location is not selected! The directory for the WebSphere Application Server is not specified. Set the directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed. CLFRP0003E: Deployment Manager is not selected! The directory where the Deployment Manager is installed is not specified. Set the directory where the Deployment Manager is installed. CLFRP0004E: Can not find Deployment Manager profile! The installer cannot find the Deployment Manager profile. Make sure that the Deployment Manager profile is complete and available. CLFRP0005E: Can not get SSL certificate from Deployment Manager! The installer cannot retrieve the SSL certificate from the Deployment Manager. Make sure that the SSL certificate is installed and available to the Deployment Manager. CLFRP0006E: Administrative security is not enabled on Deployment Manager profile! The installation wizard checks to make sure that administrative security is enabled on the Deployment Manager profile. Enable administrative security on the Deployment Manager profile. CLFRP0007E: Application security is not enabled on Deployment Manager profile! The installation wizard checks to make sure that application security is enabled on the Deployment Manager profile. Enable application security on the Deployment Manager profile. CLFRP0008E: Security checking script is missing, please check your install image! The installation wizard cannot detect the required checking script. The installation image might be corrupted. The installation image might be corrupted. CLFRP0009E: Can not connect to the Deployment Manager! The installation wizard cannot connect to the Deployment Manager. Make sure that the Deployment Manager is installed and available. CLFRP0010E: No application server node detected under Deployment Manager, IBM Connections need at least 1 node to proceed! The installation wizard requires at least one node under the Deployment Manager. Make sure that a node under the Deployment Manager is available and install again. CLFRP0011E: One or more applications you selected already exist in the WebSphere Application Server! Please go back and reselect applications. The installation wizard will not install duplicate applications. Go back and deselect applications that are already installed on the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRP0012E: Please click "Detect WAS" button to continue. The installation wizard is searching for the WebSphere Application Server. Click "Detect WAS" to initiate a search for the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRP0013E: Please click "Validate" button after all inputs was filled in. After providing input data for the installation, you must request that the installation wizard validate the data. Click "Validate" to confirm your inputs. CLFRP0014E: IBM Connections script is missing, please check your install image! The installation wizard cannot detect the required IBM Connections script. The installation image might be corrupted. Check your installation image. CLFRP0015E: The WAS location is not correct. The directory for the WebSphere Application Server is not correct. Set the directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed. CLFRP0016E: The WebSphere Application Server version is not supported. You cannot install IBM Connections on an unsupported version of WebSphere Application Server. Refer to the system requirements for supported versions of the WebSphere Application Server. CLFRP0017E: Cluster name must not be empty! You must supply a cluster name. Specify a cluster name. CLFRP0018E: Node selection must not be empty! You must supply a node name for the IBM Connections application. Specify a node name. CLFRP0019E: Cluster name for the application <IBM Connections application name> must not be empty! You must supply a cluster name for the IBM Connections application Specify a cluster name. CLFRP0020E: Node selection for the application <IBM Connections application name> must not be empty! You must supply a node name for the IBM Connections application. Specify a node name. CLFRP0021E: JDBC driver path is not valid! Could not validate the JDCB driver path. Check the JDBC driver path and try again. CLFRP0022E: Can not load JDBC driver, please check the driver location! Failed to load the JDBC driver. Check the JDBC driver path and try again. CLFRP0023E: Unknown <IBM Connections application name> database error, please check database settings! Failed trying to connect to the IBM Connections database. Check the settings for the IBM Connections database and try again. CLFRP0024E: User ID for <IBM Connections application name> contains invalid chars! The User ID for the IBM Connections application contains invalid characters. Correct the user Id and try again. CLFRP0025E: Password for <IBM Connections application name> contains invalid chars! The password for the IBM Connections application contains invalid characters. Change the password and try again. CLFRP0026E: Can not connect to <IBM Connections application name> database: JDBC driver error! Failed to connect to the IBM Connections database. Check the log files for details. CLFRP0027E: Can not connect to <IBM Connections application name> database: wrong username/password! Could not validate the username and password supplied. Enter a valid username/password combination and try again. CLFRP0028E: Can not connect to <IBM Connections application name> database: database not exist! Failed to connect to the IBM Connections database. Check the log files for details. CLFRP0029E: Can not connect to database: network communication error! Failed to connect to the IBM Connections database. Check the log files for details. CLFRP0030E: Can not connect to database: launch error! Failed to connect to the IBM Connections database. Check the log files for details. CLFRP0031E: The path specified is empty! Could not validate the specified path. Specify a valid path and try again. CLFRP0033E: Do not have write access to the path specified! Could not access the specified path. Make sure you have write access to the path and try again. CLFRP0034E: The path specified is not valid! Cannot pass the validation of the specified path. Make sure the path is valid and try again. CLFRP0035E: <IBM Connections application name> failed to register. The specified application failed to register. There might be a previous installed IBM Connections on the same deployment manager. Please check if the "registry.xml" is removed under dir <DM_profile_home>\config\cells\<cellname>. CLFRP0036E: <IBM Connections application name> failed to add server information. The specified application failed to add server information. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the installation log file. CLFRP0037E: <IBM Connections application name> failed to be configured on WAS. The specified application was not successfully configured. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the installation log file. CLFRP0038E: <IBM Connections task name> failed to be configured on WAS. The specified application was not successfully configured. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure can be found in the installation log file. CLFRP0039E: Cannot find the log file The installation wizard cannot find the log file. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRP0040E: Empty log file The log file has no content. Make sure that the installation log file or directory is not opened by another process. CLFRP0042E: The open file number is less than 8192. You need to add the command "ulimit -n <number>" to your system user.s profile file to set a larger number. The Open File Descriptor limit is too low.
- Open a command line and enter the following command to find the current open file limit: ulimit -n
- Add the following line to the user's profile file: ulimit -n 8192
If you are using a non-root user account to install IBM Connections, ask the administrator to add the following line to the /etc/security/limits.conf file: <non-root_account> hard nofile 8192
DSRA8770I By default, the ReadOnly connection property is matched for shareable connections based on the original connection request rather than the current state of the connection. The connectionSharing data source custom property allows you to choose which connection sharing behavior you want. Verify the data source custom property is configured for the behavior that you want. SSL0166E Failed to load GSK library because the GSK toolkit is not installed. Install the GSK library. For more information, go to the following Support page: Failure attempting to load GSK library when using SSL with IBM HTTP Server.
IBM Connections configuration error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify configuration problems and find their solutions.
The following configuration error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 19. IBM Connections configuration error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRO0001E: Failed to edit bookmark, url is: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating the bookmark. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0002E: Failed to post the bookmark to Dogear. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Bookmarks. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0003E: Failed to build data entry for invoking remote service. The common bookmarklet creates xml document with the user inputs. This error is usually caused by the bad user inputs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0004E: The parameter constraint shouldn't be null. This error is encountered if the given constraint is null. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0005E: Add search text operator or 'ps' or 'page' parameters failed. This error is encountered if an URIException occurs when adding 'ps' or 'page' parameter. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0007E: Failed to get count of the bookmark, url is: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when querying the bookmark count from Bookmarks. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0008E: Unable to load configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created or locked by other application. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0009E: Failed to apply constraints. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when applying the constraints. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0010E: Failed to add Credentials for invoking remote service, remote url is {0} This error is encountered if an URISyntaxException occurs when adding Credentials. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0011E: Failed to invoke remote service {0}, remote server return HTTP code: {1} This error is encountered if the remote service doesn't return the expected http code. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the remote server is available. CLFRO0012E: Failed to parse IBM Connections configure file IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0013E: Failed to delete the bookmark. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when deleting a bookmark from Bookmarks. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0015E: Failed to check bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when checking the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0016E: Failed to publish bookmark via remote service. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Bookmarks Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0017E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Activities. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Activities. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0018E: Parse redirect url failed. This error is encountered if an IRISyntaxException occurs when parsing the redirect url Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0019E: Unable to find configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0020E: Error init connections config. IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong, or an unexpected exception occurs when parsing the IBM Connections configuration file. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0021E: Failed to update the bookmark. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating the bookmark. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0022E: Service {0} is not correctly configured. Bookmarklet can not point to the correct server if attributes "enabled" and "href" are not set in the configure file. Please check IBM Connections configure file. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0023E: Failed to update the bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an IOException occurs when updating the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0024E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Communities. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Communities. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0025E: Failed to delete bookmark, url is: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when deleting a bookmark from Bookmarks Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0026E: Failed to validate the url. When user updates a bookmark, Common Bookmarklet must first validate the url to see if user already has another bookmark with the same url. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0027E: Error when parsing atom entry to object instance. The common bookmarklet received an Atom document that we could not parse because of invalid syntax. Usually this error is caused because Bookmarks/Communities/Activities/Blogs is not working. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0028E: Failed to get content document from url {0}. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Make sure the given url is valid and the remote server is available. CLFRO0030E: Error when handling the multiple bookmarklet user request. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when handing the request of the common bookmarklet. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0031E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Blogs. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a blog entry to Blogs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0032E: Failed to get entries for service {0}. An unexpected exception occurs when getting entries from Activities, Blogs, or Communities. The cause might be a network issue or server configuration issue. Check the detailed error message following this exception to find the root cause. CLFRO0033E: Output stream is closed, can not flush. An unexpected exception occurs when the GZipFilter tries to write content to the client. The embedded GZip filter of the bookmarklet or feedmarklet is not enabled, so you cannot find this message in the log file. If you see this error message, please check the detailed error message following this exception to find the root cause. CLFRO0034E: Method getOutputStream has already been called. An unexpected exception occurs when the GZipFilter tries to write content to the client. The embedded GZip filter of the bookmarklet or feedmarklet is not enabled, so you cannot find this message in the log file. If you see this error message, please check the detailed error message following this exception to find the root cause. CLFRO0035E: Method getWriter has already been called. An unexpected exception occurs when the GZipFilter tries to write content to the client. The embedded GZip filter of the bookmarklet or feedmarklet is not enabled, so you cannot find this message in the log file. If you see this error message, please check the detailed error message following this exception to find the root cause. CLFRO0036E: Output stream is closed, can not write to a closed stream. An unexpected exception occurs when the GZipFilter tries to write content to the client. The embedded GZip filter of the bookmarklet or feedmarklet is not enabled, so you cannot find this message in the log file. If you see this error message, please check the detailed error message following this exception to find the root cause. CLFRO0037E: Current IBM Connections configuration could not be retrieved. The LotusConnections-config.xml file could not be located or it has invalid content. Ensure that the file LotusConnections-Config.xml exists in the WebSphere Configuration Repository. For example: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config\cells\cellname\LotusConnections-Config\LotusConnections-config.xml. Validate that the XML is properly formed. You can test the formatting by opening the file in a web browser, which reports syntax errors in XML files. CLFRO0038E: Configuration helper has not been initialized correctly. There was an error reading the configuration files or LotusConnections-config.xml has invalid content. Check the SystemOut.log for a previous error. Locate the area in the log where the server or application was first started and search for "CLFRO." There should be additional error messages that start with this error code prefix that will provide additional failure information. CLFRO0039E: Configuration for [{0}] component could not be retrieved. There was an error reading the configuration files or LotusConnections-config.xml has invalid content. Check the SystemOut.log for a previous error. Locate the area in the log where the server or application was first started and search for "CLFRO." There should be additional error messages that start with this error code prefix that will provide additional failure information. CLFRO0040E: IBM Connections configuration provider is not available. There was an error reading the configuration files or LotusConnections-config.xml has invalid content. Check the SystemOut.log for a previous error. Locate the area in the log where the server or application was first started and search for "CLFRO." There should be additional error messages that start with this error code prefix that will provide additional failure information. CLFRO0041E: Cannot find config variable directory {0}. The specified variable could not be located in the WebSphere Application Server environment variables. Use the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, add the missing environment variable. CLFRO0042E: Error loading config variables from {0}. The WebSphere Application Server file named variables.xml could not be loaded or there was an error reading the configuration. See the details that accompany the error. CLFRO0043E: Cannot find {0} for config variables. The specified file could not be found. Check that the specified file is available. On UNIX, verify that the file has the necessary permissions. CLFRO0044E: Entry [{0}] does not exist in IBM Connections configuration. There was an error reading the configuration files or LotusConnections-config.xml has invalid content. Check the SystemOut.log for a previous error. Locate the area in the log where the server or application was first started and search for "CLFRO." There should be additional error messages that start with this error code prefix that will provide additional failure information. CLFRO0045E: Failed to verify request. This issue is caused because of session timeout. User needs to log in again to fix this issue. CLFRO0087E: URL for component [{0}] could not be retrieved. Please, check enclosed exception. The href or ssl_href attribute for the application specified could not be found in LotusConnections-config.xml. Check the SystemOut.log for a previous error. Locate the area in the log where the server or application was first started and search for "CLFRO." There should be additional error messages that start with this error code prefix that will provide additional failure information. CLFRO0089E: Error while retrieving the custom authentication parameters from LotusConnection-config.xml. See nested exception for more details The customAuthentication element could not be found or read in LotusConnections-config.xml. See additional error messages. Either the element is missing from the file or it is incorrect. CLFRO0091E: Cluster name for component [{0}] could not be retrieved. Please, check enclosed exception. The WebSphere Application Server cluster name could not be found in the LotusConnections-config.xml file. Modify the LotusConnections-config.xml and add the cluster attribute for the specified component. CLFRO0093E: {0} cannot be used to construct a proper URL. The value specified is not a valid web address. Update the value of the invalid href or ssl_href attribute in LotusConnections-config.xml to contain a web address that is formatted correctly. CLFRO0094E: Cannot open file: {0} This error is returned if the Ajax proxy configuration template file (proxy-config.tpl) does not exist. The server looks for an application-specific version of the template file (proxy-<application>-config.tpl), and if it cannot find that, it looks for proxy-config.tpl. If it cannot find proxy-config.tpl, it throws this exception with "proxy-config.tpl" as the substitution for {0} Make sure that the Ajax proxy configuration template file is present and has no errors that prevent it from being read. See Configuring the Ajax proxy in the Security section of the product documentation for more information about the proxy configuration file. CLFRO0098E: Poorly formatted template file: {0} This error is thrown if the file contains incorrectly formatted XML, a problem with a policy, or syntactical errors. The proxy-<application>-config.tpl file or proxy-config.tpl file are substituted for {0}. Check the template file for errors, and correct any issues that you find. See Configuring the Ajax proxy in the Security section of the product documentation for more information about the proxy configuration file. CLFRO0127E: Error setting up style configuration. If you customized the header or footer, you might have specified an invalid style configuration in the LotusConnections-Config.xml file. Run the wsadmin command to display all of the configuration settings in the configuration file: LCConfigService.showConfig(). Make sure that the style.enabled property is set to true. CLFRO0128E: Can not access url defined by style configuration: {0}. If you customized the header or footer, you might have specified an invalid web address in a configuration property in the LotusConnections-Config.xml file. Run the wsadmin command to display all configuration settings in the configuration file: LCConfigService.showConfig(). Make sure the web addresses specified for the style properties are correct. CLFRO0132E: Error querying event replay An error occurred while querying the remote application event replay table. If error is caused by a wsadmin operation, confirm the parameters for the wsadmin command. Ensure the database is available. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0133E: Error deleting event replay An error occurred while deleting events from the remote application event replay table. If error is caused by a wsadmin operation, confirm the parameters for the wsadmin command. Ensure the database is available. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0134E: Error inserting event replay An error occurred while inserting a failed event into the remote application event replay table. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0136E: An error occurred querying the extensions table An error occurred while querying a table that stores widget metadata. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0137E: An error occurred querying the person table An error occurred while looking up an individual in the person table. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0139E: An error occurred updating the extension An error occurred while updating a table for storing widget metadata. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0140E: An error occurred inserting into the extension table An error occurred while inserting new values into a table for storing widget metadata. Examine the logs for further information. If no resolution is evident report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO0142E: No argument to method may be null. Cannot draw header or footer CLFRO0143E: NavigationHelper class has not been initialized CLFRO0144E: No argument to method may be null. Cannot draw header or footer CLFRO0145E: NavigationHelper class has not been initialized CLFRO0159E: The configuration file {1} in directory {0} does not have the correct configuration ID; it has: {2}, it should be: {3}. Correct the configuration id in the indicated configuration file and restart the application. The configuration file has an invalid configuration-id. The error message documents the correct configuration-id for the file. Use that to correct the configuration-id in the file. Also make sure to double check that the file is not corrupt or invalid. When you have finished correcting the file, restart the application server. CLFRO0160W: The configuration file {1} in the directory {0} with this configuration ID {2}, is a duplicate of this file {3}. To stop the warning the duplicate configuration file should be removed; the system will ignore this duplicate file. A new configuration file that was not on the approved configuration list was duplicating an approved configuration file, thus it will be ignored. To remove the warning, do one of the following things:
- Change the file extension of the new configuration file to something like .oldxml.
- Remove the new configuration file.
CLFRO0161W: This file {1} is located in the wrong directory {0}; it should be removed. The system will ignore this file. The config verification found a copy of an approved configuration file in the wrong location. The file will be ignored by all application. You can remove the warning by doing one of the following things: *
- Give the file with extension .xml a different extension, such as .oldxml. Repeat for each file that the configuration verification warns about.
- Remove the file. Repeat for each file that the configuration verification warns about in the directory.
CLFRO0162E: The Connection application will not start up unless the errors noted above are corrected; check earlier in the log file for detailed reasons on why they failed: {0} The configuration verification failed one or more verification steps on all of the configuration files listed in this error message. The connections application will fail to run until all of the files listed in this message has their errors corrected. To correct the error, complete the following steps:
- Search through the log file for the detailed error message for each of these files listed in the message
- Correct each error.
- Restart the application
- Ensure there is no further error.
CLFRO0163E: The XML parser failed to find the configuration file {1}, that are located in the {0} directory. Check to ensure that the configuration file actually exists, and consult the exception from the XML parser that follows this message for more information. Finally restart the application after the issue has been corrected. The system was unable to read the configuration file. Resolve the error by doing one of the following things:
- Consult the error message from the xml parser to identify what kind of xsd error it is.
- Correct the filesystem permissions for the XSD files if they are wrong.
- If you are unable to correct the issue, then contact support.
CLFRO0164E: The XML parser failed to open one or more XSD file {2} that is associated with the configuration file {1}. These files are located in the {0} directory. Check the filesystem permission and ensure that these XSD files exists. Also consult the exception from the XML parser that follows this message to assist in correcting this issue, and then restart the application. One or more XSD files were not readable or did not exist. Remove the error by doing one of the following things:
- Consult the error message from the xml parser to identify what kind of xsd error it is.
- Correct the filesystem permissions for the XSD files if they are wrong.
- If the XSD files are missing, try to recover them. Otherwise contact support.
CLFRO0165E: The Connection application will not start unless the following missing configuration files are supplied: {0} Some critical files, such as LotusConnections-config.xml, are missing. Recover the missing files or contact support. CLFRO0166W: The configuration file {1} in the directory {0} with this configuration ID {2}, is a duplicate of a file on the approved configuration file list. Contact support about this issue. The system was unable to resolve what approved configuration file that this configuration file was a duplicate of. Do one of the following things:
If neither of these actions work, contact support.
- Change the file extension to something like .oldxml.
- Remove the file.
CLFRO0167E: The XML parser failed to read the configuration file {1}, that are located in the {0} directory. Check the filesystem permission to correct this issue, and consult the exception from the XML parser that follows this message for further information. Finally restart the application after the issue has been corrected. The system was unable to read the configuration file. Resolve the error by doing one of the following things:
- Consult the error message from the xml parser to identify what kind of xsd error it is.
- Correct the filesystem permissions for the XSD files if they are wrong.
- If you are unable to correct the issue, then contact support.
CLFRO0168W: This directory is not on the approved configuration directory list: {0}, remove it along with the {1} file in the directory. The system will ignore this directory and file. The configuration verification found an extra directory which does not have a file on the IBM Connections configuration file list. This directory and the file found in it will be ignored by all application. You can remove the warning by doing one of the following things:
- Give the file with extension .xml a different extension, such as .oldxml. Repeat for each file that the configuration verification warns about.
- Remove the file. Repeat for each file that the configuration verification warns about in the directory.
- Remove the directory and the files inside it.
CLFRO0170E: The system failed to determine what the associated XSD files are for the configuration file {1}, that are located in the {0} directory. Consult the exception from the XML parser that follows this message to correct the issue, and if unable to correct the issue, contact support about this issue. The system was unable to discover what XSD file to use for validation of the configuration file. Remove the error by doing one of the following things:
- Consult the error message from the xml parser to identify what kind of xsd error it is.
- Correct the filesystem permissions for the XSD files if they are wrong.
- If the XSD files are missing, try to recover them. Otherwise contact support.
CLFRO0171E: The XML parser failed to validate the file {1} located in directory {0}. Use the exception from the XML parser that is before this message to correct the configuration file, and then restart the application. The configuration verification was not able to validate the configuration file. Remove the error by consulting the error message from the xml parser that preceded this error to identify what part in the xml file failed validation. Correct the errors. CLFRO0172E: The configuration file {1} in the directory {0} does not have the correct configuration ID, it has: {2}. Contact support about this issue. The system was unable to resolve what the correct configuration-id is for the file. See if you can roll back to a previous version of the configuration file. If you cannot, contact support. CLFRO0173W: The configuration file {1} in the directory {0} with this configuration ID {2}, was accepted by the system because it was the newest, the following file(s) are being ignored by the system: {3}. To stop the warning the duplicate configuration file(s) should be removed; the system will automatically take the newest file and ignore the rest of the duplicate file(s). There was more than one configuration file that was not on the approved configuration file list with the same configuration id. The system picked the newest one and ignored the rest. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
- Decide which file you want to keep.
- Change the file extension of the other configuration file to something like .oldxml or remove the other configuration file altogether.
CLFRO2001E: Error processing config file: <path>, <filename>. The server encountered an error while parsing the specified configuration file. Ensure that XML configuration files in the LotusConnections-config folders are valid. CLFRO2002E: Unable to find configuration with id: <config_id>. The server could not retrieve an XML configuration file with the requested ID in the LotusConnections-config folder hierarchy. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO2003E: Error processing global configuration file The server could not retrieve or successfully parse a LotusConnections-config.xml configuration file from the LotusConnections-config folder hierarchy. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO2004E: Error: <filename> does not have an id attribute in its config element. The specified XML configuration file does not have a value defined for the required id attribute of the <config> element. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO2006E: href attribute in <filename> service element cannot be used to construct a proper URL The specified XML configuration file does not have a valid value defined for the href attribute; it should be a value that can be converted into a URL. Update the value of the href attribute to be a properly formed URL string. CLFRO2008E: {0} internal error An unspecified error occurred. Check the SystemOut.log for previous errors. CLFRO2009E: Entry for service <service_name> does not exist in global config file <file_name>. The global configuration file does not have a service reference for the requested service name. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRO2010E: Cannot locate schema file <filename>. The server cannot find an xsd file required to validate the schema validation in the folder <app_server_profile>/config/cells/ <cell_name>/LotusConnections-config. Report this problem to Customer Support. Common configuration properties
IBM Connections user life cycle error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems that can occur when you are managing user state and other data, and find their solutions.
The following user life cycle error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 20. IBM Connections configuration error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFWY0209E: You are attempting to activate the user identified by the old external identifier, but the new identifier does not exist. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0210E: The new and old external identifier arguments cannot have the same value. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0211E: The user specified by old external id "{0}" is already active. No action was taken. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0212E: The external identifier "{0}" could not be found in the application member table This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0213E: In application {0} an exception occured looking up external id {1} for display name {2} This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0215W: The synchronize command found that active member {0} [external id: {1}, application id {2}] could not be matched via external id, but could be matched via login or email. The member was not updated since this option was disabled by the command. This is an informational message. No user response needed. CLFWY0216E: The new external identifier argument must be a non-empty string. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0217E: The new external identifier already exists in the application member table, and thus can't be assigned in place of the old external identifier. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0219E: The specified user is already inactive. No action was taken. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0220E: Internal Application Error: In application {0} in a user life cycle wsadmin command, the IUserLifeCycleSpi class is not set. Call Customer Support. This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0221E: An exception occurred updating member id {0}, display name: {1}. The external id has not been updated. This is an internal error. Contact IBM Support. CLFWY0223E: The argument or arguments cannot be null or the empty string. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0015E: Failed to check bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when checking the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFWY0241E: There is no member associated with the login name {0}. Continuing to process names in the list. This error is encountered if one of the emails or login names in the list provided did not resolve to a member. Correct the email or login name in the text file. CLFWY0242W: The synchronize command found that active member {0} [current external id: {1}, application id {2}] could not be matched via external id, but could be matched via login or email to external id {3}. The member was not updated since this action was disabled by the command. CLFWY0243E: There is no member associated with the e-mail address {0}. Continuing to process addresses in the list. This error is encountered if one of the emails or login names in the list provided did not resolve to a member. Correct the email or login name in the text file. CLFWY0244E: There is no member associated with this email address or login name: {0} This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0245E: The member associated with the new external id is inactive. This error is encountered if you enter incorrect wsadmin command input. Enter the correct wsadmin command data. CLFWY0255I: The synchronize command deactivated member {0} [Ext id: {1}] CLFWY0256I: The synchronize command found an ambiguous login/email name {1} for the member with display name {2}. For this member two or more login names resolve to different profiles in the directory. Member data has not been updated. The secondary identifying data, namely the email address or login IDs, resolved to different LDAP members. It probably means that there is an error in the LDAP directory. Check the LDAP directory and fix any errors. CLFWY0257I: Starting synchronization by login or email Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0258I: The inactivated count is {0} Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0259I: Ending synchronization by login or email Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0260I: The synchronize command updated member {0} [Ext id: {1}] Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0261I: The synchronize command inactived member {0} [current external id: {1}, application id {2}] Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0263I: The synchronize command found that active member {0} [current external id: {1}, application id {2}] could not be matched via external id, but could be matched via login or email to external id {3}. The member was updated since this action was enabled by the command. Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0264I: The updated/logged-action count is {0} Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0265I: The synchronize command activated member {0} [Ext id: {1}] Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed. CLFWY0266I: The processed count is {0} Informational message only. No response required except to read the message to learn what action the command performed.
IBM Connections Portlet error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with IBM Connections Portlet and find solutions.
The following error messages are generated by IBM Connections Portlet for IBM WebSphere Portal:Table 21. IBM Connections Portlet for WebSphere Portal error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFNF6001E: Could not store portlet preferences. The portlet failed to save preferences to portal preferences store. It may be caused by incorrect permission settings granted by the administrator. Check if the user has permission to store preferences. CLFNF6002E: Error storing slot id. The portlet failed to store user credentials in the portal credential vault. Check your portal credential vault configuration. CLFNF6003E: There was an error with a name. Caused by: javax.naming.
NamingException when the portlet is trying to lookup Portal services (i.e. Puma service or Identification service).
Check your portal configuration to make sure Puma services and Portal Identification service are available. CLFNF6004E: JSONTranslator could not modify portlet preferences. The portlet failed to save preferences to portal preferences store. It may be caused by incorrect permission settings granted by the administrator. Check if the user has permission to store preferences. CLFNF6005E: There was an error with the portlet service. The server encountered an error when using Portal Puma services. Check your portal configuration to make sure puma services function correctly. CLFNF6006E: Error creating credential. The portlet failed to create a private credential slot. Check your portal credential vault configuration. CLFNF6007E: Name not found. The portlet failed to locate portal services. (i.e. Puma or Identification) Check your portal configuration to make sure puma services and Portal Identification are available. CLFNF6008E: There was an error serializing an id. The portlet failed to serialize portlet window ID. Reinstall the portlet instance on the page, if the problem is consistent, check your portal configuration. CLFNF6009E: Could not get custom views. The portlet failed to change the value for a read-only preference attribute. Check if the user has permission to store preferences. CLFNF6010E: Query was stored in a bad format: {0}. The user used the character .|. in a custom search query or in a custom tag filter. Do not use .|. in a custom search query or in a custom tag filter. CLFNF6011E: Error getting user credentials. The portlet encountered an error when attempting to retrieve user credentials from the Portal credential vault. Check the portal credential vault configuration.
News repository error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the News repository and find their solutions.
The following News repository error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 22. News repository error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFWX0001I: Ignored event [{0}], [{1}], event.source [{2}], event.container [{3}] Event identified in the message is configured to be ignored by the News repository. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0002I: Start processing event [{0}], [{1}], event.source [{2}], event.container [{3}] Event identified in the message will be processed by the News repository. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0003W: Unknown event [{0}], [{1}], event.source [{2}], event.container [{3}] An event sent to the News repository has not been defined.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections component.
CLFWX0004W: An unexpected message was retrieved from the /connections/news/inbound queue and ignored A message that cannot be identified or that is not generated by a valid IBM Connections component has been received by the News repository.
- Verify that no external application is sending messages using the JMS configuration of the News infrastructure.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0005E: The JMS QueueConnectionFactory or Queue could not be looked up. Check the QCF and Queue is defined in WebSphere and bound to the application. Check the nested exception for more details. The News repository infrastructure is not installed or configured correctly.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0006E: Error during initialization of JMS message handler with name {0} There was an error while using the JMS infrastructure in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0007W: No event handler have been set for event record ID {0} from source {1} An event sent to the News repository has not been defined.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections component.
CLFWX0008E: Error while reading the community related header for JMS message {0} There was an error while using the JMS infrastructure in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0009E: An error occurred while sending a community related message {0} to the CommunityInboundQueue. Check the nested exception for more details. A message could not be sent to the Communities application.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0010E: The JMS QueueConnectionFactory or Queue for CommunityInboud could not be looked up. Check the QCF and Queue is defined in WebSphere and bound to the application. Check the nested exception for more details. There was an error while using the JMS infrastructure in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0011E: An exception was thrown while processing the message handler {0}. Continuing processing the message chain. Check logs for more details. There was an internal error while processing an event.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0015E: Handler will be ignored, as it has an empty name. The name of the handler class is {0}. Configuration for News repository API contains invalid information. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0016E: An error occurred when handling call to this method {0} There was an error in a HTTP request to the News repository. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0017E: POST HTTP method is not supported for this URL. An invalid HTTP request was made to the News repository.
- Check documentation on using the News repository API.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0019E: PUT HTTP method is not supported for this URL. An invalid HTTP request was made to the News repository.
- Check documentation on using the News repository API.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0020E:Handler not found for this path {0} A resource was not defined for a URL mapping.
- Check documentation on using the News repository API.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0021E: DELETE HTTP method is not supported for this URL. An invalid HTTP request was made to the News repository.
- Check documentation on using the News repository API.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0022E: Registry for News service web handlers could not be loaded. Configuration for News repository API could not be found. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0024E: GET HTTP method is not supported for this URL. An invalid HTTP request was made to the News repository.
- Check documentation on using the News repository API.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0025E: There was an error initializing directory services. The Directory service is not available.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the LDAP configuration defined in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check that the LDAP service is running correctly.
CLFWX0029E: The template {0} does not exist in the template database An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0030I: There are not enough pieces of information to display for the template {0}. It requires {1} values to fill and only {2} values are currently filled. Please check the number of values to display for this template. There was a problem when retrieving a News story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0031E: The property {0} cannot be found or is not set in the event record with name {1} An event record does not contain all required information. Event will be ignored.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0032E: Unable to resolve the external user ID for {0} The Directory service is not available.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the LDAP configuration defined in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check that the LDAP service is running correctly.
CLFWX0033E: Error accessing the event record bean with the method {0} An event record does not contain all required information. Event will be ignored.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0034E: No template placeholders were found in the following resource string {0} An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0035E: The service {0} does not appear to be installed, check your configuration files. An event record was received from a component that is not defined correctly in the IBM Connections configuration. This might happen when shutting down a service after it has generated event records. If this is a recurrent problem, check your IBM Connections configuration. CLFWX0036E: Unable to find the resource string for the following event {0} An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0037E: The format {0} is not supported. There was a problem when retrieving a News story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0038E: Introspection error attempting to access event record with ID {0} An event record does not contain all required information. Event will be ignored.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0039E: The property {0} cannot be found or is not set in the event record with name {1} An event record does not contain all required information. Event will be ignored.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0040E: A template with format {0} must have only one input but it currently has {0} An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0041E: The link format must have exactly two inputs, this template {0} has got {1} An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0043E: This format {0} cannot be applied to the {1} field, it must be a person field (actorExtID or targetSubjectExtIDs) An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0044E: The pattern {0} is not a valid template name, please use only alphanumeric characters An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0045E: There is already a template with the name {0} An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0046E: The input field {0} is not a valid input field, it should be a "." delimited property or one of the following fields {1}. An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0047E: The {0} format will not work correctly on this field {1}, as it is a person field. The personLink format should be used instead An event record received by the News repository has invalid information.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the source IBM Connections component is installed correctly.
CLFWX0048E: E-mail already exists in the database. User identified with login name {0} cannot be added to the database. An event received by the News repository contains invalid user information.
- Verify the same LDAP configuration is used by all IBM Connections services.
- Check that the LDAP service is running correctly.
CLFWX0049E: This event record instance cannot be modified. Use the EventRecords API to create and modify events. A modification of an event record retrieved from the News repository was attempted. Event records returned by the News repository cannot be modified. Either create a new event or use the Event Record API to create a new event. CLFWX0051E: The template cannot be localized as the Locale is set to null. An internal error in the News repository occurred while setting the locale for the story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0052W: There is no defined event handler for feeds of type {0}. An event record could not be aggregated using the given feed type. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0053W: A null news story link was passed to the event record processor. An event record could not be aggregated by the News repository. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0054E: News record could not be converted to news story. Check enclosed exception for more details. An internal error was produced while retrieving a News story. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0054E: There was a problem initialising the templater database access object (templateDAO) News repository database cannot be accessed correctly.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the JDBC information for the News repository is correct.
CLFWX0055E: Configuration helper service could not be initialized. There was an error while reading the general IBM Connections configuration.
- Verify the IBM Connections configuration is available.
- When making changes to the IBM Connections configuration, verify that it was correctly validated and checked in.
- Verify the News repository is correctly installed.
CLFWX0056E: An error occurred while sending a notification message {0} to the HomepageInboundQueue. Check the nested exception for more details. A message could not be sent to the Home page application.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0057E: Error while reading the notification header for JMS message {0} There was an error while using the JMS infrastructure in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0058E: The templates were not retrieved from the database, please check your DB connection News repository database cannot be accessed correctly.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify the JDBC information for the News repository is correct.
CLFWX0059W: An object with duplicated information could not be inserted in table {0}, as a previous record with the same information already exists. Processing will continue with existing record. A record was inserted twice in the News repository database. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0060E: The news record being passed to the templater is null. An internal error in the News repository occurred while retrieving a story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0061W: There was an error in a directory services query. Processing will continue without this user ID. A user look up produced invalid results. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0062W: Null object cannot be used as a parameter. A user look up produced invalid results. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0063E: The news story with name {0} and ID {1} could not be properly processed by the localization method of the templater. There was an internal error while retrieving a News story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0064E: Error localizing this event {0}, There was an error trying to substitute this piece of HTML {1} for this pattern {2} in the event string {3} with locale {4} An internal error in the News repository occurred while retrieving a story.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
CLFWX0065I: news scheduled task: {0}, fired event: {1} A task in the News repository was scheduled for future processing. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0066W: There was an error in the pattern syntax for the context root {0}, will attempt to use regular expression method instead. A story contains information that could not be parsed correctly. The News repository will try to parse it by alternate means. Informational message: no action is required. CLFWX0067W: Could not create a URI out of this string {0}, will attempt to use regular expression method instead. A story contains information that could not be parsed correctly. The News repository will try to parse it by alternate means. Informational message: no action is required. CLFWX0068E: The URL for the service {0} is null, please check the configurations to ensure the URL for {0} is defined and well formed An event record was received from a component that is not defined correctly in the IBM Connections configuration. This might happen when shutting down a service after it has generated event records. If this is a recurrent problem, check your IBM Connections configuration. CLFWX0069W: Unknown feed format from feed downloader There was an internal error while synchronizing data between another IBM Connections application and the News repository. Verify the News repository can access other IBM Connections applications via the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. The protocol is identified in the IBM Connections configuration in the inter-service URL definition. CLFWX0070E:There was an error sending response feed. Check enclosed exception. Response feed could not be created.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Check additional error messages in server logs.
CLFWX0073W: There was an error when retrieving the community name from the directory service. The Directory service could not retrieve information related to an IBM Connections community.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the LDAP configuration defined in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check that the LDAP service is running correctly.
- Verify the IBM Connections Communities component is installed correctly.
- Check that the IBM Connections configuration for the WCI application is defined correctly.
CLFWX0074E: Request does not have all necessary information. Correct request parameters and try again. A request to the News repository API does not contain all necessary information. Check documentation on using the News repository API. CLFWX0075E: An error occurred while retrieving the dbvendor It was not possible to determine the database vendor used by the News repository. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0078E: Request to save news story is not well-formed. A request to save a story contains an invalid entry. Check documentation on using the News repository API. CLFWX0079E: There was an error parsing ATOM document. A request to save a story contains an invalid entry. Check documentation on using the News repository API. CLFWX0080E: There was an error to update a Connections source. Check logs for more information. An error occurred while running a scheduled News stories clean up.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Check that user accessing database has permissions to remove and create records.
CLFWX0081E: There was an unknown error in the News repository. Check logs for more information. There was a problem in the News repository. Check logs for additional information. CLFWX0082E: There was an error when cleaning up old news stories. Check logs for more information. An error occurred while running a scheduled News stories clean up.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Check that user accessing database has permissions to remove records.
CLFWX0083E: Task named {0} is not one of the three known tasks - LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents, TestDiscussionForum, or EventLogCleanup. Note that task names in news-config.xml cannot be changed. An unexpected task was found in the scheduler configuration of news-config.xml.
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0084E: The scheduler is not started. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0085E: An error occurred when calling this task {0}. There is a problem in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml).
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0086E: CreateUpdate task for task {0} failed. Internal Error The specified notification sink class is not valid. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0087E: UpdateRemove task for task {0} failed. Task is already pending. There is a problem in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml).
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0088E: CreateUpdateRemove task for task {0} failed. Task is not valid and cannot be fired. There is a problem in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml).
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0089E: An error occurred when loading the news-config.xml file. There is a problem in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml).
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0090E: CreateUpdateRemove task for task {0} failed. The Notification Sink object failed to fire, probably the result of a deployment error. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0091E: CreateUpdateRemove task for task {0} failed. The IBM Connections news scheduler is not available, probably the result of a deployment error. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0092E: JNDI naming exception caught. The IBM Connections news application has been incorrectly deployed. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0093E: CreateUpdateRemove task for task {0} failed. A JNDI naming exception was caught, probably the result of a deployment error. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0094E: The WebSphere scheduler is not available. Please review the scheduler configuration in your application server. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0095E: An error occurred when calling a task. The task {0} is not a valid supported name. It does not exist. There is a problem in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml).
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0096I: News scheduled task {0} fired event {1} A task in the News repository was scheduled for future processing. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0097E: Create task for task {0} failed. An error occurred while calling remote method. This is an unexpected exception. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0098E: CreateUpdate task for task {0} failed. The specified user calendar is not valid, probably the result of a deployment error. There was a problem while trying to set up scheduled tasks in the News repository.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0099E: Create task for task {0} failed. The created TaskInfo object is not valid. See the error log for more detail about the exception. There was an external problem while scheduling a task in the News repository. Check logs for additional information. CLFWX0100I: News task {0} successfully created or updated. A task in the News repository was scheduled for future processing. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0101E: CreateUpdate task for task {0} failed. The specified interval attribute is not a valid cron schedule. The schedule provided in the News repository configuration (news-config.xml) is incorrect.
- Check the documentation for the News repository configuration.
- Correct the schedule defined in the News repository configuration.
CLFWX0102W: Resource string for contextual template {0} was not found. Non-contextual version will be used instead. A story contains information that could not be parsed correctly. The News repository will try to parse it by alternate means. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0103W: The operation has not completed successfully. The number of updated records is {0} out of {1}. Not all records could be updated when synchronizing person records in the News repository.
- Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly.
- Verify that LDAP configuration has been correctly defined in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check documentation for executing wsadmin commands for the News repository.
CLFWX0104I: The operation has completed successfully. You have checked the file out to this folder {0} The News configuration file has been checked out for modification. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0105I: Task name {0}, schedule {1}, start-schedule {2} A task in the News repository was scheduled for future processing. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0106E: An error occurred when unregistering News repository MBean. An internal News repository Mbean could not be registered. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0107E: Error initializing news JMX support failed to register {0} An internal News repository Mbean could not be registered. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0108E: An error occurred when registering News repository MBean. Administration facilities may not be available. An internal News repository Mbean could not be registered. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0109I: The operation has completed successfully. The number of updated records is {0}. A synchronization of person records has finished. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0110E: Resource does not exist. Check that values in parameters are correct. A request to the News repository API contains invalid information. Check documentation on using the News repository API. CLFWX0111E: Person does not exist. Check that e-mail or ID for person has a valid value. A request to the News repository API contains invalid information for a person. Check documentation on using the News repository API. CLFWX0112I: The operation has not completed successfully. An error occurred when processing this file {0} The News configuration file could not be checked out or in.
- Verify the location to check out the configuration file exists.
- Verify the configuration has been checked out before trying to check it in.
- Correct any validation problem in the news-config.xml file before checking it in.
CLFWX0113W: An error occurred while retrieving the JMS message id of an unexpected message on the notification topic. Message is ignored. The News repository infrastructure is not installed or configured correctly.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0114W: No event handler has been set for event record ID {0} from source {1}. There has been no matching event handler found in News for this type of event. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0115E: An event named {0} is not a notification event but has been consumed by the notification consumer. An error when an event arrives at the notification consumer incorrectly. Contact IBM Support. CLFWX0116W: An unexpected message was retrieved from the notifications topic. JMS Message ID was {0} A message that cannot be identified or that is not generated by a valid IBM Connections application for a notification has been received by the News repository.
- Verify that no external application is sending messages using the JMS configuration of the News infrastructure.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0117E: Could not record following a resource from {0} with ID {1} by actor {2} as an unexpected exception occurred. Check nested exception for more details. An unexpected error occurred while trying to follow a resource. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0118E: Exception occurred when updating user with login name {0}. Check nested exception for more details. An error occurred while trying to update directory services user information. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0119W: User with email [{0}] was not found in the directory service. This user may not exist anymore. User could not be found in directory services. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0120E: The user with email address {0} could not be found in the Home Page database. User could not be found in the HOMEPAGE database. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0121E: It is not possible to retrieve the record with ID {0}. The record is not an existing record. Unable to save the following news story as it doesn't appear to exist. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0122E: The user with login name {0} could not be found in the Home Page database. The user could not be found in the HOMEPAGE database. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0123E: An error occurred while trying to read file [{0}]: {1} A problem occurred while updating member IDs. Unable to read this file. Check that the specified file is properly formatted. CLFWX0124E: File [{0}] does not exist. A problem occurred while updating member IDs. Unable to locate this file. Check that the specified file exists. CLFWX0125I: The operation has completed successfully. The number of processed records is: {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0126E: Exception occurred when updating user with email {0}. Check nested exception for more details. An error occurred while trying to update directory services user information. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0127W: User with login name [{0}] was not found in the directory service. This user may not exist anymore. The user could not be found in directory services. Check that the user information held on the directory services server is valid. CLFWX0128E: The following invocation from source {0} was made but following of this source is not supported by the News component. The source type could not be recognized by News. Verify that no external application is sending messages using the JMS configuration of the News infrastructure. CLFWX0129E: Could not process the following invocation for resource from {0} with ID {1} by actor {2} as some information was not present. Not all necessary information was found to be able to create the follow record. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0130W: User with ID [{0}] was not found in the directory service. This user may not exist anymore. User could not be found in directory services. Check that the user information held on the waltz server is valid. CLFWX0132I: The system has allocated this TOTAL number of users: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0133I: The system is allocating users of these domains: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0134I: The system is allocating {0} users to the tranche with this sequence number: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0135I: This is the MAX number of users which can be allocated into a tranche: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0136I: Starting to save default settings for {0} users. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0137I: Default settings initialized. Inserted {0} out of {1} records in a batch mode. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0138I: The system is going to assign {0} users to the {1} tranche using a batch process. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0139I: The system is going to spread this number of users: {0} into this number of tranches: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0140I: Inserted {0} out of {1} records in a batch mode. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0141I: {0} out of {1} users have been successfully assigned to this tranche: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0142I: Inserting default settings for all the persons for this resource: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0143I: About to set the default settings for {0} users. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0144I: ** Migration completed at: {0} ** This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0145I: NEWS migration utility from IBM Connections 2.5 to IBM Connections 3.0. Unrecognized database driver, using db2 This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0146I: ** Migration starting at: {0} ** This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0147I: The user is performing a migration for NEWS from 2.5 to 3.0 using these values: user {0}, url: {1}, driver: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0148E: NEWS migration utility from LC2.5 to LC3.0. Usage: jdbcurl user pw The Java migration utility is running with a wrong set of parameters. Make sure that you specify these parameters in the correct order:
Sometimes a firewall can block the access to the database URL. Make sure the firewall rules are compliant and that you can access to the remote URL.
- dburl
- dbuser
- dbpasswor
CLFWX0149I: News service is running with Profiles Directory Service Extension enabled. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0150I: News service is running with Profiles Directory Service Extension disabled. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0151E: Could not obtain default email preferences from notfication-config.xml. Check nested exception for more details. There was an error when retrieving the default email digest settings from notification-config.xml.
- Verify that notification-config.xml exists under LotusConnections-Config.xml.
- Verify that notification-config is properly formatted.
CLFWX0152E: Could not synchronize colleagues for user with internal ID: {0}. This may be a temporary issue, for example, if the Profiles application is not running. Or it may be permanent. Check the nested exception for more details. Unable to synchronize colleagues data held for this user. Check that the Profiles application is running. CLFWX0153E: Could not obtain following status of a resource from {0} with ID {1} by actor {2} as an unexpected exception occurred. Check nested exception for more details. An unexpected error occurred while trying to follow a resource. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0154E: Could not record unfollowing of a resource from {0} with ID {1} by actor {2} as an unexpected exception occurred. Check nested exception for more details. An unexpected error occurred while trying to stop following a resource. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX0155E: An error occurred when sending a deferred notification email from source component {0} with type {1} to {2} recipients. Check nested exception for more details. There was an error when sending a notification email.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections component.
- Check that the mail configuration in correct in notification-config.xml.
CLFWX0156E: Could not synchronize followed communities for user with internal ID: {0}. This may be a temporary issue, for example, if the Communities application is not running. Or it may be permanent. Check the nested exception for more details. Unable to synchronize followed communities data held for this user. Check that the Communities application is running. CLFWX0157E: A severe error occurred when processing a request. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred while trying to process this request. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0158E: Could not perform runtime check on access to community {0} for user {1}. This may be a temporary issue, for example, if the Communities application is not running. Or it may be permanent. Check the nested exception for more details. An error occurred while running a scheduled News stories clean up. Check that the Communities application is running. CLFWX0159E: Could not perform runtime check on community visibility for community {0}. This may be a temporary issue, for example, if the Communities Service is not running. Or it may be permanent. Check the nested exception for more details. An error occurred while trying to check community information. Check that the Communities application is running. CLFWX0160E: Could not inflate an incoming notification event due to an event data error. Check the nested exception for more details. There was an error processing the incoming Event JMS message on the Service Integration Bus.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- When using the advanced stand-alone install, verify that the JMS configuration has been set up correctly.
CLFWX0161I: Registering News BSS command consumer to PlatformCommandConsumerRegistry. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message only. CLFWX0163E: The directoryId property is missing in the record of the issued BSS command. The user external ID is missing from the request. Check that the external ID for the user exists in the HOMEPAGE PERSON table. CLFWX0164W: Not all users were found in either the Home Page database or the IBM Connections directory service. {0} out of {1} users were updated. Check server logs for details. Not all user information in the Home page database matches up with the directory service user information. Check that the user information is consistent between the Home page and the directory services. CLFWX0165E: Error occurred while handling command named {0}. See nested exception for more details. An unexpected error condition occurred while handling the specified command. Check the command information trace output in the logs to confirm that its contents are valid. CLFWX0166E: Exception occurred while handling command named {0}. Exception message was {1}. An unexpected error condition occurred while handling the specified command. Check the command information trace output in the logs to confirm that its contents are valid. CLFWX0167E: Unknown command named {0} received on the BSS end-point. An unexpected command was received on the BSS end point. Check the command information trace output in the logs to confirm that its contents are valid. CLFWX0168E: The command {0} would result in duplicate key in the database. Key value is {1}. Unable to handle this command as it would result in duplicate keys being inserted to the database. Check the command information trace output in the logs to confirm its contents are valid. CLFWX0169I: Skipping user with external Id {0} (email {1}) for daily digest email. No new content for this user! This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0170I: Skipping user with external Id {0} (email {1}) for weekly digest email. No new content for this user! This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0171E: Could not process an incoming delete event due a missing resource. Check the nested exception for more details There was an error when processing a deletion event sent from an IBM Connections application. A delete event was sent but required event data is missing.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0172I: An event named {0} has been intentionally ignored by the News Deletion Service This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0173W: An unexpected message was retrieved from the deletion topic. JMS Message ID was {0} A message that cannot be identified or that is not generated by a valid IBM Connections application for a deletion has been received by the News repository.
- Verify that no external application is sending messages using the JMS configuration of the News infrastructure.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0174W: No event handler have been set for event record ID {0} from source {1} An event sent to the News repository has not been defined.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0175E: An event named {0} is not a deletion event but has been consumed by the deletion consumer. A message that is not a deletion event or that is not generated by a valid IBM Connections application for a deletion has been received by the News repository as a deletion event.
- Verify that no external application is sending messages using the JMS configuration of the News infrastructure.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
CLFWX0176E: Could not inflate an incoming delete event due to an event data error. Check the nested exception for more details There was an error when processing a deletion event sent from an IBM Connections application. No delete event was sent.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0177W: An error occurred while retrieving the JMS message id of an unexpected message on the deletion topic. Message is ignored The News repository infrastructure is not installed or configured correctly.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0178E: An event named {0} is not a registered deletion event A message that is not a deletion event or that is not generated by a valid IBM Connections application for a deletion has been received by the News repository as a deletion event.
- Verify the News repository is installed correctly.
- Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application.
CLFWX0180W: An error occurred while retrieving a messages from the messaging destination. Message is ignored. The News repository infrastructure is not installed or configured correctly. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0181E: Invalid Parameters : {0} The Java migration utility is running with a wrong set of parameters. Make sure that you specify these parameters in the correct order:
Sometimes a firewall can block the access to the database URL. Make sure the firewall rules are compliant and that you can access the remote URL.
- dburl
- dbuser
- dbpasswor
CLFWX0182E: An error occurred when handling a call to the service configuration API. See nested exception for full details. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0183I: The News application successfully sent a bootstrap message to initialize the event infrastructure. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0184E: The News application could not send a bootstrap message to initialize the event infrastructure. This may mean that the event infrastructure is inoperable due to a configuration issue. Check the nested exception for more details. The News application was unable to initialize the event infrastructure. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX0185I: The News application successfully received a bootstrap message to initialize the event infrastructure. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0186I: Third party event consumption is initialized. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0187I: This is the number of old records copied during the migration to the new table: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0188I: This is the number of records that we have updated to store the new internal id (PERSON_ID) from the PERSON table: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0189I: Number of records updated with the new source name: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0190I: This is the number of records deleted from a previous migration: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0191I: This is the number of records that we have updated to store the new template format: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0192I: This is the number of records that we have updated with the new event name: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0193I: Number of records that had to be deleted because there were no compatible templates available: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0194I: Number of communities records that were updated: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0195I: Starting the migration of the old discovery stories at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0196W: Cannot insert this notification recipient because the recipientId ID is null. Unable to insert this notification due to missing information about the recipient. Check if the recipient information for this notification is missing. CLFWX0197E: It is not possible to add the person {0}. The email {1} is not a valid email address. Unable to add this person to the email tranche as their email is not valid. Check the user's email information to make sure it is valid. CLFWX0198E: ClassNotFoundException was thrown in the Simple EJB for the following service: {0} Unable to find the class required to initialize the service. Check the configuration for the service. CLFWX0198I: Notifications for the News application are not enabled in notification-config.xml. No email digest will be sent from the News application. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0199E: IllegalAccessException was thrown in the Simple EJB for the following service: {0} A general error occurred when sending out a News-automated daily or weekly digest newsletter email, which was related to configuration of notifications. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem and update notification-config.xml accordingly. CLFWX0200E: InstantiationException was thrown in the Simple EJB for the following service: {0} No Global sender address was defined in notification-config.xml for the News source. Emails will not be sent. Define a global sender for News in the notification-config.xml file. CLFWX0201E: An exception occurred when processing an aggregated (daily or weekly digest) notification. See nested exception for more details. A general error occurred when sending out a News-automated daily or weekly digest newsletter email. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem. CLFWX0202E: An exception occurred when processing an individual notification. See nested exception for more details. A general error occurred when sending out a News-automated following or response notification. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem. CLFWX0203I: Skipping user with external ID {0} for individual notification. The user should not get a notification, based on their email digest preferences. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0204I: Skipped individual notification from the News application for the event named {0}. Event is already handled by application email templates. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0205I: Starting the migration for the aggregated content of the old watchlist stories at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0206I: Starting the migration of the old saved stories at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0207I: Starting the migration of the old watchlist tag stories at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0208I: Starting the migration of the old watchlist profiles stories at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0289W: Version number in news-config.xml is not recognized: {0} The version string in the news-config.xml file is not recognized. Check the version value in the news-config.xml file. CLFWX0290E: A failed reply-to message was not of the expected message type. No processing of this failed message will occur. Message received by ReplyTo handler was not of a ReplyTo type. Check server configuration. Put trace on to see the type of message. CLFWX0291E: Cannot obtain information about reply-to message from database. The replyto ID received on the message does not match any recorded active ReplyTo IDs held on the database. This issue could be caused by:
- The ReplyTo ID being deactivated by the user via the "Disable support for replying to existing notifications" on the Email Sets screen.
- The wsadmin task to clean old ReplyTo IDs being run.
- The ReplyTo mails for more than one Connections server using the same INBOX.
- The mail picked up not being a Reply To mail.
- ReplyTo ID not parsed correctly due to the suffix/prefix values on the server configuration changing.
Check nested exceptions. Check NT_REPLYTO DB table to see if the ReplyTo ID can be found.
Check that the prefix/suffix values used for ReplyTo mail addresses haven't changed.
Enable tracing for ReplyTo and resubmit the mail.
CLFWX0292W: Message contains data that is not allowed. The message contains data that is not allowed. When a message is received it can be scanned using filters for disallowed content. Enable tracing to see mail content. Check logs for nested and previous exceptions.
Check mail server to see retrieved from the ReplyTo INBOX.
CLFWX0293E: Error consuming a failed reply-to message. No failed email will be sent to the original author. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred while retrieving ReplyTo mail from JMS message. Check nested exceptions. Check JMS artifacts on server.
CLFWX0294E: Failed to send message to target application. There was a failure to send processed ReplyTo message to target application, for example, Forums. Check nested exceptions for more details. Enable trace on the server to see the full details of the message.
CLFWX0295E: Folder containing attachments could not be closed and may be corrupted. Cannot close folder on server used to handle attachments. Check the setting of the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR environment variable on the server to ensure that it can be created and that the server has access to it. Check nested exceptions.
CLFWX0296W: Could not move mails to processed folder. An error occurred while trying to access the mail processed folder. Ensure that you have write access to the mail processed folder. CLFWX0297E: Cannot find mail session with the JNDI name {0} that is used to retrieve reply-to messages. Check configuration of mail sessions in WAS console. Cannot find the mail session used to retrieve ReplyTo messages from the mail server. Check that the lcreplyto mail session has been created with JNDI name mail/replyto. CLFWX0298E: Failed to sanitize HTML message - {0}. There was a failure to sanitize HTML message. Message content will be given in the message. Check nested exceptions for parsing errors. CLFWX0299I: Message not processed as the author {0} is not active. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0300E: Rich message content is not a string. Content is {0} The specified content of a rich text message is not a string. Enable tracing and check the mail to see what the content is. Look at the mailserver INBOX to see further details of the mail.
Check nested exceptions.
CLFWX0301I: Reply-to feature connected to mail session with JNDI name {0}. Informational message only showing that mail session is connected. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0302E: Could not retrieve WAS variable {0} Could not retrieve the specified WebSphere Application Server variable from the server. The name of the variable is provided in the message. Check environment variables on the server to ensure that the required variable has been set and is in the correct scope. CLFWX0303W: Cannot process part of message as it is corrupt. Part of the message received into the ReplyTo feature is corrupt. Other parts of the message may be valid and will be processed. Enable tracing to see mail content Check logs for nested and previous exceptions.
Check mail server to see retrieved from the ReplyTo inbox.
CLFWX0304E: Cannot mark mails deleted from folder. When a ReplyTo mail is read, it is marked as deleted in the folder it was retrieved from. Check logs for nested exception. Enable debug mode on the mail session to see if there are any other errors.
CLFWX0305E: Failed to initialize attachment handler. Failed to initialize routine that handles attachments on mails. Check nested exception for more details. CLFWX0306E: Cannot get message part content. Cannot get content of the mail message. Check nested exceptions for details. CLFWX0307W: Message cannot be processed as it is corrupt. The message received into the ReplyTo feature is corrupt. Enable tracing to see mail content. Check logs for nested exceptions.
Check the mail server to verify that mail has been retrieved from the ReplyTo inbox.
CLFWX0309E: The EJB Home for the reply-to message publisher could not be looked up. Check nested exception for more details. There is a problem with the configuration. Check nested exceptions. CLFWX0310E: Failed to sanitize plain text message - {0}. Exception {1}. Failed to sanitize plain text message. Message content will be given in the message. Check nested exceptions for parsing errors. CLFWX0311E: The WAS variable {0} must be set before reply-to can be used. The WebSphere Application Server variable mentioned in the message must be set before ReplyTo can be used. Set the required WebSphere Application Server environment variable. For more information, refer to the product documentation. CLFWX0312E: Error sending notification. Error sending notification back to user, for example, to inform about bad replyto mail. Check logs for nested notifications exceptions. Check setup of notifications on the server
CLFWX0313E: Error getting mail session used to retrieve reply-to messages. Check configuration of mail sessions in WAS console. Cannot use mail session used to retrieve ReplyTo messages from mail server. Check that the lcreplyto mail session has been created with JNDI name mail/replyto. CLFWX0315E: Error closing INBOX. An error occurred when JavaMail closed the INBOX used to retrieve ReplyTo mails. This problem can happen with JavaMail and doesn't necessarily mean anything bad occurred. Check logs for nested exception. Enable debug mode on the mail session to see if there is anything else going on.
Check that only one IBM Connections instance is connected to the ReplyTo mailbox being used.
CLFWX0316E: Error creating a JMS connection. Reply-to message will not be sent to {0}. See nested exception for details. Error connecting to JMS. Check nested exceptions. Check that JMS artifacts for ReplyTo are configured on server.
CLFWX0317E: Error creating folder to hold attachments. Failed to create folder to handle attachments in the directory specified by the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR environment variable. Check nested exceptions for details. Check the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR to ensure it exists and server can write to it.
Check space on the file system containing the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR directory.
CLFWX0318E: Error creating directory {0} to hold reply-to attachments. Failed to create directory to hold reply-to attachments. Directory name is given in message. Check nested exceptions for details. Check the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR to ensure it exists and server can write to it.
Check space on the file system containing the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR directory.
CLFWX0319E: Cannot access mailstore. Cannot access the mail store used to retrieve ReplyTo replies. Check lcreplyto mail session is set up. Check incoming mail details on lcreplyto mail session are correct.
Enable debug mode on the lcreplyto mail session and look for configuration or authentication errors.
CLFWX0320E: Failed to process message. Failed to process the message. Check previous exceptions to see reason for failure. CLFWX0321E: Plain message content is not a string. Content is {0} Content of a plain text message isn't a string. Enable tracing and check mail to see what the content is. Look at mailserver INBOX to see further details of mail.
Check nested exceptions.
CLFWX0322E: Error sending a reply to the target application. Reply-to message will not be sent to {0}. See nested exception for details. Error sending reply to message to target application using JMS Check nested exceptions. Check JMS artifacts on server.
Check target application is running
CLFWX0324E: An EJB instance for the reply-to message publisher could not be created. Check nested exception for more details. This is a configuration problem Check nested exceptions. CLFWX0325I: Message not processed as the author {0} does not have reply-to enabled. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0327E: Error handling attachment named {0}. An error occurred while attempting to handle the attachment part of this message. Check that the attachment directory exists and that there is space on the file system. Check for exceptions in server log files. CLFWX0328E: Cannot access mail folder {0}. Cannot access the mail folder contained in the message. Check the mail server to ensure that the specified mail folder is accessible. Enable debug on the mail session to provide extra information in the logs. CLFWX0329E: Error writing attachment from mail to file system. An error occurred while writing the attachment from a mail to the file system. Check nested exceptions for details. Check the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR to ensure it exists and the server can write to it.
Check space on the file system that contains the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR directory.
CLFWX0330W: Message contains no content. Empty message sent to ReplyTo. Empty messages are not processed. Enable tracing to see mail content Check logs for nested and previous exceptions.
Check the mail server to verify that mail has been retrieved from the ReplyTo INBOX.
CLFWX0331E: Could not load WAS variables. Could not retrieve environment variables from WebSphere Application Server. Check the server to ensure it is running correctly. Check for other exceptions that might highlight problems.
CLFWX0332I: Retrieved end of message marker {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0333E: Cannot get information about sender of message. Cannot retrieve details of message sender from mail. Check logs for previous exceptions Enable trace to view mail sent in.
View mail sent on the mail server to see if sender details were complete.
CLFWX0334E: Cannot retrieve the reply-to ID for the message. The Reply-to ID from the message could not be retrieved from the address on the message. Check that the message's address contains a ReplyTo ID. Check that the message's prefix and suffix are the same as those configured on the server.
CLFWX0335E: Cannot get information about recipient of message. Failed to parse a rich text mail message. Check nested exceptions for errors, in particular SAX errors. Enable tracing to see the full details of the message being processed.
CLFWX0336E: Failed to parse Rich Text mail contents. No failed handlers for ReplyTo content were started. Check startup on the server to ensure that the ReplyTo and target applications started successfully. CLFWX0337E: There are no failed reply-to reply handlers registered. No processing of any failed messages will occur. Notification about failed ReplyTo mail could not be sent. Check that notifications are set up on the server. Check nested and previous exceptions for more details.
CLFWX0338W: Could not send notification about failed mail. Failure to handle an attachment that was on a message. Check nested exceptions for details. Check the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR to ensure that it exists and that the server can write to it.
Check that there is space on file system containing the MAILIN_ATTACHMENT_DIR directory.
CLFWX0339E: Failed to handle attachment. A ReplyTo message has failed for a reason that cannot be handled due to the required handler not being present. Check startup on the server to see whether the ReplyTo and target applications started successfully. Put trace on to see the failure reason of the ReplyTo content.
CLFWX0340E: There is no failed reply-to reply handler for failure reason {0}. No processing of this failed message will occur. The item being replied to no longer exists. It might have been deleted from the forum. Check the details of item that is being replied to verify that it still exists and can be accessed. CLFWX0341E: Could not retrieve information about item being replied to. Failure to parse a rich text mail message Check nested exceptions for errors, particular SAX errors. Enable tracing to see the full details of the message being processed.
CLFWX0342E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access comments for boardEntryId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0343E: eventType parameter "{0}" is unknown. Cannot export synchronized information on this resource as the event type does not match its resource type. Confirm that the resourceType that is passed into this API is set to "community". CLFWX0344E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to delete the current status of userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0345E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to add a status update to the board belonging to userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0346E: Error deleting resources for community: {0}, check the logs. An error occurred while attempting to delete the resources associated with this community. Check that the community associated with this ID exists. CLFWX0347E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the status updates of the colleagues of userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0348E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the board for userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0349E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to add a wallpost to the board belonging to userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0350I: Successfully deleted resources for community: {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0351E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to delete the boardCommentId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0352E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to delete the boardEntryId {1}; The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0353E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access boardEntryId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0354E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the status updates of everyone in the organization. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0355E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the status updates of the users in the given list. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0356E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the boardCommentId {1} of boardEntryId {2}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0357E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the current status of userId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0358E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to add a comment to boardEntryId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX0359I: Sync export created at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0360E: Community {0} does not exist or is already deleted. Cannot find this community by its ID. CLFWX0361I: Starting to set up activity stream attributes for migrated content from IC 3.0.1 at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0362I: Migration utility found an inconsistency for the row in NR_READER_* table with primary key {0} - no corresponding story. Row has been ignored. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX0363W: Unable to build property {0} from {1}. A property from an IBM Connections application could not be translated into a notification property for inclusion in the FreeMarker template model Informational message: no action is required. CLFWX0365E: Invalid json text: {0} Unable to parse the JSON string as it is not valid. Make sure that the referenced string is valid. CLFWX0366E: Invalid json path: {0}, key {1} is not a JSONObject Unable to parse the JSON string as it is not valid. Make sure that the referenced string is valid. CLFWX2736I: Synchronization of NR_COMM_PERSON_FOLLOW table for user with internal id {0} is not needed. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2737W: An error occurred when running one of the event aggregation subscribers. The event might not be surfaced correctly in all views of the Activity Stream. Event name is {0}, actor internal ID is {1} and event ID is {2}. Check the nested exception for details. An error occurred while an event was being processed by one of the subscribers. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2739E: Error while trying to persist a new activity stream event to the activity stream seedlist table. Will not stop the remaining event processing. Entry: {0}. An error occurred while persisting an event to the database. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2740W: Could not synchronize the colleagues list in the News repository for user with external ID {0} - the event may not be delivered to all colleagues (activity stream and email notifications). Check the logs for more details. Unable to synchronize colleagues data held for this user. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2741E: Could not set the configuration setting with ID: {0} An error occurred while trying to write configuration data to the database. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2742E: An error occurred resetting the original configuration value. Rectify the cause before rolling out the configuration changes or you may encounter problems in Connections applications. An error occurred while trying to write configuration data to the database. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2743E: Error count during the batch insertion of records = {0} An error occurred while inserting a number of records into the database. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2744E: An error occurred when converting an array of bytes to a string using UTF-8 encoding. Check the nested exception for more details. A general character encoding error occurred while converting the contents of a string. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2745E: Error deleting nested comments for comment ID {0} and source type {1}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2746E: Error deleting stories by itemId {0}, sourceType {1}, and containerId {2}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2747E: Error updating aggregated readers with the rollup entry ID {0}. An error occurred while trying to update an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2748E: Error setting items as deleted in activity stream seedlist table for storyId {0} An error occurred while setting an item as deleted in a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2749E: Error moderating inline comments from event named {0} with visibility {1}. An error occurred while setting a comments visibility in a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2750E: Error updating category readers with the rollup entry ID {0}. An error occurred while trying to update an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2751E: Error deleting stories tagged by tagName {0}, eventName {1}, actorExtId {2}, and sourceType {3}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2752E: Error deleting stories for story ID {0} and source type {1}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2753E: Could not update story visibility to: {0} by ItemId: {1} An error occurred while setting a story's visibility in a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2754E: Error updating the metadata after a deletion event for itemId {0}, eventName {1}, itemName {2}, and containerId {3}. An error occurred while setting an item as deleted in a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2755I: Parent id not set in comment event named {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2756E: Error deleting the colleagues of person with externalId {0}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2757E: Error deleting reader data for story ID {0}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2758E: Error deleting inline comments from event named {0}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2759E: Error deleting stories by correlation item ID {0} and source type {1}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2760E: Error deleting reader data by itemId {0}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2761E: Error deleting stories by itemId {0}, sourceType {1}, eventName {2}, and extActorId {3}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2762I: Source not set in comment event named {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2763E: Error deleting stories tagged by tagName {0}, eventName {1}, itemId {2}, actorExtId {3}, and sourceType {4}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2764E: Error setting items as deleted in activity stream seedlist table for itemId {0} An error occurred while setting an item as deleted in a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2765E: Error deleting stories for containerId {0} with source type {1}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2766E: Error deleting stories by itemId {0} with source type {1}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2767E: Error deleting stories by itemId {0}, sourceType {1}, and eventName {2}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2768E: Error deleting stories by itemId {0}, sourceType {1}, and itemName {2}. An error occurred while trying to remove an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2769E: Error in news MessageVectorService trying to update BoardEntryId {0} with EntryMessageId {1}. An error occurred while trying to update an entry from a database table. Verify the HOMEPAGE database has been created and populated correctly. CLFWX2770E: User is not allowed to perform the {0} action more than once on the entity {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2771E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to like the item with ID {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2772E: Exception thrown when microblogging event posted to the message bus. Unable to post a microblogging event to the message bus Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2773E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to delete the board for user id {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2774I: The current status for user with ExtId {0} is not currently set. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2775E: New status update comment cannot be created as the comment exceeds the limit of {1} characters. Cannot post this status update comment as it is too long. Shorten the length of the status update comment and repost. CLFWX2776W: Access control check failed because there is no record (person or community) with external ID {0} in the user repository. This can happen if person or community records in the News repository are out-of-sync with Profiles or Communities. Cannot check access control as data may not be synchronized. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2777W: Unauthenticated user. User is not authenticated. Log in as an authenticated user. CLFWX2778E: New status update cannot be created as the message exceeds the limit of {0} characters. Cannot post this status update as it is too long. Shorten the length of the status update and repost. CLFWX2779E: Cannot get current user from EJB or web context, with EJB user name {0} or web user name {1}. Unable to retrieve the current user information from the sources mentioned. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2780E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to remove the like made by {1} for item with ID {2}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2781E: The container (Person or Community) was not found. The community or person could not be found. Check the logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2782E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to update the entry with ID {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2783E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to update the board for user with ID {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2784I: The value of the ''id'' field on POST ({0}) is not valid. A valid id should be specified. Note that if no id is specified, the system will generate one id automatically. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2785E: UserId {0} is not authorized to carry out that operation. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2786E: Error resolving userId {0} from database or LDAP directory, run wasadmin command to synchronize users. Unable to resolve this user's ID from the database or the LDAP directory. Run the relevant wsadmin command to synchronize users. CLFWX2787E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to add a Board for user ID {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2788E: UserId {0} does not have the required permission to access the likes for the entryId {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2789I: Access control check for action {0} and entity id {1} failed. It is not possible to determine the entityBoardType. This most likely happened because the entity ID is not valid. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2790E: UserId {0} does not have required permission to update the comment with ID {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2791I: The configured maximal length of a microblog message is {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2794E: User is not allowed to perform {0} action on the entity {1}. The user does not have the required access. Check the user's access permissions. CLFWX2795E: An error occurred while updating this record: {0} A migration error occurred while attempting to update the mentioned record. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2796I: Removing the records with this pattern: {0}: Deleted this number of records which have been already merged: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2797E: The migration cannot start as it is not possible to create a JDBC connection to the database. Missing the user to connect to {0}. Migration requires the name of the user to start. Check your migration configuration settings. CLFWX2798E: An error happen when adding the community widget. The error happened at: {0} General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2799I: Starting insert this number of records {0} in the NR_ENTRIES at {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2800I: Connection successfully got from dburl: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2801I: Starting to update data for NR_STORIES and NR_STORIES_CONTENT. Operation started at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2802I: Deleted records completed at: {0}. The task deleted from HOMEPAGE.NT_NOTIFICATION table records older then: {1}. The utility deleted this number of records: {3} older then: {2} days. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2803E: Migration failed at {0}. General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2804I: The user is performing a migration for the HOMEPAGE database from 3.0.1 to 4.0. These are the values for the HOMEPAGE database: user {0}, URL {1}, and driver {2}. These are the values for the PROFILE database: user {3}, URL {4}, and driver {5}. This is the storyLifetimeInDays parameter value: {6}. The stories older then {6} days will be removed. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2805E: It is not possible to create a JSON Object with these values: albumId {0} and previewUrl {1} Migration message, unable to create a JSON object using the album ID and preview url values. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2806I: ******* [END] SETTING ROLLUP INFORMATION FOR TABLE: {0}. Updated those records with USE_IN_ROLLUP = 1: {1} ******* This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2807I: Added the community widget to: {0} users. The operation ran for all the TAB_INST_ID like {1}. It completed at: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2808I: Ending clear the previous migrated records for the HOMEPAGE.NR_PROFILES_VIEW at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2809I: Inserted this number of records in NR_STORIES_CONTENT: {0} using this pattern {1}. Operation completed at {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2810I: Starting to set the flag IS_BROADCAST for the following tables: NR_DISCOVERY_VIEW, NR_PROFILES_READERS, NR_SAVED_READERS, NR_AGGREGATED_READERS at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2811I: Migration of records to HOMEPAGE.NR_PROFILES_VIEW is completed at: {0}. This is the number of migrated records: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2812I: Starting to clear the previously migrated records in the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2813I: Loading CATEGORY_READER_ID and ROLLUP_ENTRY_ID for: {0} using this pattern: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2814I: Finished the migration of the notifications records into the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2815E: Unable to open XML configuration file {0}: {1} Migration is unable to open the specified XML file. Check that the file exists and you have access to it. CLFWX2816I: Updated {2} records successfully. Updated table {1} using data from table {0} when the ITEM_ID LIKE {3}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2817I: Starting to migrate the notifications records into the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2818I: Set for the IS_BROADCAST flag is completed at: {0}. This is the number of updated records: {1} on this table: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2819I: Starting to update the content of NR_STORIES and NR_STORIES_CONTENT using this pattern for STORY_ID likes: {0}. Operation started at: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2820E: Cannot find the JDBC driver {0}. Migration is unable to find the necessary drivers in order to begin. Check your migration configuration settings. CLFWX2821W: The storyLifetimeInDays parameter is not present. The migration will migrate also old and unused informations. In case you don't want to migrate old records please set that parameter and read its value from the news-config.xml under databaseCleanup section. Error reading in the story lifetime setting. Set the value of this variable in the news-config.xml file. CLFWX2822E: SQL exception occurred when trying to get the JDBC driver version using this driver {0}. Migration failed to retrieve the version of the JDBC driver being used. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2823I: {0} records have selected from: {1} using this READER_ID likes: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2824I: Add the community widget for all the records with TAB_INST_ID likes: {0}. Operation started at: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2825I: Starting to set in {0} the USE_IN_ROLLUP = 1 for the records matching: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2826I: Finished the migration of the PEOPLEDB records to the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2827E: The migration cannot start as it is not possible to create a JDBC connection to the database. Missing the user''s password to connect to {0}. Migration requires the password of the user to start. Check your migration configuration settings. CLFWX2828E: An error occurred while updating the ITEM_AUTHOR_UUID column. See nested exception for details. Migration error occurred while attempting to update a column. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2829I: {0} records have been updated successfully in the NR_STORIES and NR_ENTRIES tables based on CONTENT from {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2830I: HOMEPAGE.TMP_READER is now empty This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2831E: Unable to load news configuration: {0} Migration is unable to load the News configuration. Make sure that the News configuration XML file exists. CLFWX2832I: Set completed for table {0}. This is the number of updated records: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2833I: Starting to copy the brief description data from BOARD_COMMENTS and BOARD_ENTRIES to NR_STORIES and NR_ENTRIES tables at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2834E: Unable to save configuration file due to an exception: {0} Migration unable to save the configuration file due to an error. Check that you have access to where the file is being saved. CLFWX2835I: Starting in copying the records from HOMEPAGE.NR_BOARD_ENTRIES to HOMEPAGE.NR_PROFILES_VIEW at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2836I: Starting to clear the previously migrated records in the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2837I: Updated this number of records in {1} table: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2838I: Updated the ROLLUP_ENTRY_ID for: {0} for this number of records: {1} when STORY_ID likes: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2839I: Loaded this number of records {0} for: {1} ... This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2840E: Migration failed at {0}. General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2841E: An error occurred while reading the storyLifetimeInDays parameter. storyLifetimeInDays {0} is not a valid value. You must set it according to what is specified in the news-config.xml under databaseCleanup section. storyLifetimeInDays must be a positive value bigger then zero. Error reading in the story lifetime setting. Set the value of this variable in the news-config.xml file. CLFWX2842I: Set up ITEM_AUTHOR_UUID in NR_STORIES table at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2843I: Starting to remove old records from HOMEPAGE.NT_NOTIFICATION table at {0}. All the records older then: {1} are going to be removed. The task will remove records older then: {2} days. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2844I: Starting migrating Notifications. Moving data using notification id likes: {0}. Operation started at: {1}. Moving records starting from: {2} until today. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2845E: An error happen during migration of data for NR_STORIES and NR_STORIES_CONTENT table. The error happened at: {0} General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2846E: It is not possible to create a connection to the database {0}. Migration is unable to create the necessary connection to the database in order to begin. Check your migration configuration settings. CLFWX2847I: Starting to copy the data from the old table to the news table into the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2848I: Updated this number of records {0} when ITEM_CORRELATION_ID likes {1}. Operation completed at: {2} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2849I: Used JDBC Driver version: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2850E: Migration failed at {0}. General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2851E: Unable to load profiles configuration: {0} Migration is unable to load the Profiles configuration. Make sure the Profiles configuration XML file exists. CLFWX2852E: An error occurred when counting the records from NR_ENTRIES table with ENTRY_ID likes: {0} Migration error occurred counting records. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2853I: Trying to connect to: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2854I: ******* [START] SETTING ROLLUP INFORMATION FOR TABLE: {0} ******* This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2855I: Updated {0} records successfully. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2856I: Starting to delete records from HOMEPAGE.TMP_READER ... This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2857I: Finished setting up ITEM_AUTHOR_UUID in NR_STORIES table at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2858I: End migration Notifications. Moved data using notification id likes: {0}. Operation ended at: {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2859I: Finished copying the brief description data at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2860I: Finished copying the data from the old table to the news table into the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2861I: Starting to copy the data to the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2862E: An error occurred while updating the comments for this entry: {0} Migration error occurred while attempting to update the comments for the mentioned record. Check the migration logs for further information as to the cause of this issue. CLFWX2863I: Starting to update data for NR_STORIES using this ITEM_CORRELATION_ID likes: {0}. Operation started at: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2864I: Starting to set the ROLLUP_ENTRY_ID for this table: {0}. For all the records with STORY_ID likes: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2865E: The migration cannot start as it is not possible to create a JDBC connection to the database. The URL to connect to {0} is not specified. Missing URL to create a JDBC connection to the database. Check your migration configuration settings. CLFWX2866E: An error occurred while truncating the BRIEF_DESC of this ITEM_ID: {0}. The error occurred using this maximum truncation size: {1}. Migration error occurred while trying to truncate the value in the BRIEF_DESC column. Check that this value is valid. CLFWX2867I: Starting to remove old records at: {0}. The utility is going to remove records older then: {1} days This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2868I: ({0}) Incorrect number of arguments supplied. Locations of profiles-config.xml and news-config.xml required. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2869I: Ending copy this number of records {0} in the NR_ENTRIES at {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2870I: Starting to migrate the PEOPLEDB records to the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2871I: Starting to add the community widget for all the users at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2872I: Deleted records task completed at: {0}. This is the total number of deleted records: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2873E: Unable to load XML configuration file {0} due to malformed file name: {1} Migration unable to load the named XML file due to bad file name. Check the XML file exists and you have access to it. CLFWX2874I: Starting clear the previous migrated records for the HOMEPAGE.NR_PROFILES_VIEW at: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2875I: Finished copying the data at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2876I: Starting to load information from: {0} to establish which records will need to be rolled up using this READER_ID likes: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2877I: Finished clearing the previously migrated records in the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2878I: Updated this number of records in NR_STORIES table: {0}. Updated this number of records in NR_STORIES_CONTENT: {1}. Operation completed at {2}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2879I: Updating those numbers of records: {0} for {1} using USE_IN_ROLLUP = 1 This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2880I: Used Java version: {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2881I: Starting at {0} to set the IS_BROADCAST flag on this table: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2882I: Finished copying the data to the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2883E: Migration failed at {0}. General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2884E: An error happen while migrating records to HOMEPAGE.NR_PROFILES_VIEW General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2885I: Added the community widget for this number of users: {0}. Operation completed at {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2886I: Finished clearing the previously migrated records in the HOMEPAGE database at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2887E: An error occurred while removing old records. The error happen at: {0} General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2888E: An error happen while migrating records to HOMEPAGE.NR_STORIES General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2889I: Starting to copy data from NR_STORIES to NR_ENTRIES table at {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2890E: Error processing recipient {0}. Users may not be synchronized with Profiles. Run wsadmin user synchronization commands. An error occurred when resolving an email recipient's ExId, as the user was deemed to be unsynchronized with the Profiles database. This can be caused by a previous failure in the Service Integration Bus when platform commands fail to reach News to update the Home page person records. Check logs for details on the specific user. Run the IBM Connections wsadmin user synchronization commands. For more details, see the Administering section of the product documentation. CLFWX2891W: Building embedded experience for notification. Event has no NewsActivityGenerator context. Gadget URL unknown. Internal Error when building an embedded application MIME part for a notification. Specifically the gadget URL and context are unknown. Contact IBM Support. CLFWX2892E: No recipients for notification: {0} recipients failed to be resolved. Not sent by IBM Connections. No resolution is available. CLFWX2893E: Building embedded experience for notification. Event was registered for gadget but no Item ID was found. Internal error when building an embedded application MIME part for a notification. The event upon which the notification is based does not have a valid Item ID. The standard HTML and plain text MIME parts will still be sent. Contact IBM Support. CLFWX2894I: Entry was not inserted while trying to store itemId {0} with event name {1}, eventItemId {2}, and eventItemCorrelationId {3}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2895I: Update not performed on entry with id={0} as eventTime:{1} is before entryLastRecord time:{2}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2896I: Last update date not set for event name {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2897I: An attempt was made to remove the comment with ID "{0}" from the NR_ENTRIES table (entry item ID was {1}). The comment was not found. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2898I: Item details not set by event with name {0} and ID {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2899E: Caching for {0} will be disabled. Unable to locate corresponding dynacache for this JNDI name: {1} Unable to find the cache instance object referred to by this JNDI name. Check the Dynacache instance objects in the WebSphere Application Server administration console to make sure the referenced JNDI name is correct. CLFWX2900E: Email already exists in the database. User identified with external ID {0} is out of sync in Homepage database. Possible solution: Run user synchronization scripts. The user has an email that already exists in the database. Run user synchronization scripts. Check that the user ID information is valid. CLFWX2903E: Error while deserializing activity stream seedlist entry with update date: {0}. Set FINE traces level to see the problematic JSON string. An error occurred while converting JSON strings into database objects. Check that the referenced JSON string is valid. CLFWX2904W: A fatal error occurred when sync-ing the list of followers and network in NR_COMM_PERSON_FOLLOW table for user with internal id {0}. Check nested exception for more details. An error occurred while attempting to insert a number of records into the followers table. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem CLFWX2905E: An error occurred while the cleanup service deleted the records from the table {0}. The error occurred during the deletion of records from {1} to {2}. In that interval of time, the service tried to delete {3} records for this partition key {4}. An error occurred while the clean-up service was removing entries from the specified table. Check the consistency of the data in the specified table for problems. CLFWX2906I: Entry archive was not updated successfully while trying to store itemId {0} with event name {1}, eventItemId {2}, and eventItemCorrelationId {3}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2907E: An error occurred while the cleanup service deleted the records from the table {0}. The error occurred during the deletion of records up to {1} for the partition key {2}. An error occurred while the cleanup service was removing entries from the specified table. Check the consistency of the data in the specified table for problems. CLFWX2908W: Container details could not be retrieved from PERSON table when generating the seedlist of status updates. Internal container ID was {0}. Unable to match the specified container ID to any person in the PERSON table. Check that the container ID is valid. CLFWX2909I: Event name not set for event ID {0}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2910E: An error occurred while the cleanup service deleted the records from the table {0}. The error occurred during the deletion of records up to {1}. An error occurred while the clean-up service was removing entries from the specified table. Check the consistency of the data in the specified table for problems. CLFWX2911I: Event with name {0}, ID {1} and type {2} is not listed as a moderation event. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2912E: An error occurred while the cleanup service deleted the records from the table {0}. The error occurred during the deletion of records from {1} to {2}. In that interval of time, the service tried to delete {3} records. An error occurred while the clean-up service was removing entries from the specified table. Check the consistency of the data in the specified table for problems. CLFWX2913I: EntryId was null while trying to store the story and entry associated with eventName {0} and itemId {1}. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2914W: An error occurred when retrieving the internal ID of user with external ID {0}. Check the logs for details. Check that the Homepage user repository is synchronized with the master repository. Unable to find the internal ID for the specified user. Check that this user's details in the PERSON table are valid. CLFWX2928I: Skipped individual notification from the News application for the event named {0}. Event is not represented as a story in the database. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2929I: Notification channel disabled for daily digests. No digests will be sent, see notification-config.xml. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2930E: Error occurred when building an Email Digest for Person: {0}, Digest Type: {1} An error occurred when building a daily or weekly digest for the specified user. The error means that no digest is sent and processing moves to the next user in the tranche. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem CLFWX2931I: Notification channel disabled for weekly digests. No digests will be sent, see notification-config.xml. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2932E: Error resolving the digest stories for person: {0}, and Resource: {1} An error occurred when building a specific category within a daily or weekly digest, for example, Activities or Files. The digest email that is sent will have an error message under the category header; other categories should include entries if successful. Check for nested exceptions or prior exceptions for the root cause of the problem CLFWX2933W: Message rejected due to headers Message not processed due to the content of its headers. Enable tracing to see the details of the message Look at the details of message sent using mail server logs and so on.
CLFWX2934I: {0} Reply-to address IDs removed. {1} Reply-to notification records removed. Information message output when running wsadmin command to remove obsolete ReplyTo IDs. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2935E: Error removing resource ''{0}'' from the following location {1}. An error occurred when cleaning up message resources after the message was processed. Check the details of the resources contained in the message and identify any permissions problems and so on. CLFWX2936W: Error reading message header Message cannot be processed because its header cannot be read. Check the logs for nested exceptions. Check the mail server for details of the mail sent.
CLFWX2937I: Removed {0} mailin recipients. Informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2938I: Removing mailin IDs for Person ID:{0}, Name: {1} Informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2939E: Person not found: ''{0}''. Could not locate person when building personalized error message. Check the server logs for nested and previous exceptions. CLFWX2940I: Removed {0} notification IDs. Informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2957E: Error setting source type {0} for event name {1} from source with id {2}. Please check your database table to ensure this sourceType is correctly registered. An error occurred while setting the source type for the named event. Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application. CLFWX2958E: Error fixing up pretty printed HTML from jsoup contained in string {0}. An error occurred during the sanitizing of a HTML string. Verify the source identified in the message is a valid IBM Connections application. CLFWX2960E: UTF-8 Encoding not supported by server. This encoding is not supported by the server. Check the WebSphere Application Server server settings to see what type of string encoding is supported. CLFWX2961E: The source type {0} does not match any configuration from LotusConnections-config.xml. There is an error mismatch between what it is in the table HOMEPAGE.NR_SOURCE_TYPE table, and what it is in LotusConnections-config.xml. A matching configuration for this source type could not be found. Check LotusConnections-config.xml configuration for this source type. CLFWX2963E: Application has entered an illegal state with the following data: {0} The Embedded Experience gadget service does not seem to be available. Verify the News repository is installed correctly. CLFWX2965E: Trying to retrieve the status message of a list of people caused an error. The size of the list of users passed was {0} and this list itself is:{1}. Unable to convert the user internal IDs into external IDs. Check that the user information passed is valid. CLFWX2966I: Finishing setup of activity stream attributes for migrated content from IC 3.0.1 at: {0}. This is the number of records updated with USE_IN_ROLLUP = 1 for HOMEPAGE database: {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWX2967W: Notification Migration is not able to calculate the value for the new EVENT_NAME column for this NOTIFICATION_ID: {0}. Migration cannot calculate the EVENT_NAME for SOURCE: {1} and NOTIFICATION_TYPE: {2} Migration error, cannot match the new event name for this notification ID. Check the notification ID to see what event name it should match against. CLFWX2968E: An error happen while setting the IS_BROADCAST flag at: {0} General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2969E: An error happen while setting the rollup information at: {0} General migration error failure. Check the referenced failure point. CLFWX2970I: System metrics are not available yet or the administrator has disabled them. Please contact your administrator for information. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0034I: Looking up globally for News Repository EJB {0} on {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0035I: Looking up locally for News Repository EJB {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0034I: Looking up globally for News Repository EJB {0} on {1} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0035I: Looking up locally for News Repository EJB {0} This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0036I: Local News Repository EJB not found. Now attempting to locate EJB globally. This is an informational message only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFWY0037E: An error occurred while fetching the News Repository EJB. Check the logs for more details. There was an error when retrieving News stories. The News repository application might be not available or not started. Verify the News repository is correctly installed and started. CLFWY0038E: Impossible to get the bootstrap and port information for the remote EJB from LotusConnections-Config.xml There was an error when retrieving News repository configuration. The file LotusConnections-config.xml contains invalid information about this.
- Verify the IBM Connections configuration file contains valid information. When modifying this file, use the administrative commands as explained in the IBM Connections product documentation.
- Verify the News repository has been installed correctly.
- Verify the Home page database has been installed correctly.
Profiles error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the Profiles application and find solutions.
The following Profiles error messages are generated by IBM Connections:
This set of mapping output is present in the ibmdi.log file and is helpful to validate that intended mappings are configured.
Table 23. Profiles error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRN0016I: Beginning transmission of DSML update request Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0017I: Transmission of DSML update request complete Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0020I: Removing DSML attribute from work entry: {0} = {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0021I: Restoring previously removed DSML attribute back to work entry Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0023I: Validation for DB field {0}: function {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0024I: Validation for DB field {0}: {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no solution is required. CLFRN0026I: Validation result for {0} is {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0027I: Operation records are indicated as:
- success {0}
- duplicate {1}
- failure {2}
- last successful entry {3}
Informational. Not an error. This message provides a summary of the actions taken during task execution. Duplicate records are those records that were found and not processed or updated, depending on the operation.
Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1280I: {0} Iterations total number: {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. For long running tasks, progress output is provided every 1,000 or 10,000 iterations, depending on the task. A timestamp is included at the beginning of each output statement.
CLFRN0029I: Search filter being set: {0} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0030I: Search base being set: {0} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0032I: Deleting changelog state key {0} from user store Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0033I: Set changelog state key {0} in user store to {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0035I: Deleting draft iterator state key {0} from user store Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0036I: Set draft iterator state key {0} in user store to {1} Informational. Not an error. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0037I: After synchronization, records are indicted as:
- added or modified {0}
- deleted or inactivated {1}
- duplicate {2}
- failure {3}
Informational. Not an error. This message provides a summary of actions that occurred during the synchronization task. Duplicate records are ones that were found and not changed. These counts provide the summary of the operations.
Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN0100E: ERROR: Function {0} has {1} arguments. {2} expected. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function, incorrect argument number. Check the customized function in the profiles_functions.js file. CLFRN0101E: ERROR: {0} exists but is not a function. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. The function failed JavaScript eval() function.
Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. Check the syntax on the function for standard JavaScript syntax.
CLFRN0102E: ERROR: function {0} is not loaded. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. The function was not found in the file.
Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. Check to see that the function name is spelled correctly and is proper JavaScript syntax.
CLFRN0103E: ERROR: Missing closing bracket in {0} in value for field {1}. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. The function syntax is incorrect and missing a closing bracket.
Check the customized function. Correct the syntax of the function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js.
CLFRN0104E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of mapping function for {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js.
If this error is encountered using a supplied function, contact customer support. Otherwise, debug your custom function.
CLFRN0105E: ERROR: No value in {0} for field {1}. Aborting An error occurred during field mapping. Check that the field mapping is correct. CLFRN0106E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of mapping functions from file {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js.
CLFRN0107E: ERROR: Failure read of mapping functions from file {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred while loading functions from the specified file. Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file specified by the source_ldap_map_functions_file property, which by default is profiles_functions.js.
CLFRN0108E: ERROR: No UID for add or update for DN {0}. Skipping There is no corresponding UID for DN {0}. Check the UID attribute mapping in the mapping file. CLFRN0111E: No DN for add or update. There is no DN value for this entry. Check whether it is a validate LDAP entry. CLFRN0112E: Mapping of fields failed for entry {0} An error occurred while doing the mapping for UID {0}. Check that the field mapping is correct. CLFRN0113E: Function {0} has {1} arguments. {2} or {3} expected. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function, incorrect argument number. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0114E: {0} exists but is not a function. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0115E: Function {0} is not loaded. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0116E: ERROR: Missing closing bracket in {0} in value for field {1}. Aborting An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0117E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of validation function for {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0119E: ERROR: Failure during creation of internal validation function for {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0120E: ERROR: Internal failure. Validation function for {0} not a function. Type is: {1}. Validation failed. An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0121E: ERROR: Validation function for {0} did not return a boolean. Validation failed. An error occurred for a customizable function. Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation.
CLFRN0128E: ERROR: Operation failure. Last successful entry: {0}. Error message is: {1} A fatal error occurred during processing and after the last successful entry. Check the error message and log files. If the items being processed are from a distinct set, the item after the last successful entry is the problem cause. CLFRN0129E: ERROR: Unexpected Synchronize Database operation: {0}. It is ignored. An unexpected operation was encountered. Check the error message and contact customer support; this is an internal error. CLFRN0130E: ERROR: Unexpected Attempt to Synchronize Database with \"modify\" operation for DN {0}. It is skipped. The modify operation is not supported for DN {0}. The SyncDBFromSource assembly line is being used with an unsupported operation.
If this error is encountered using supplied assembly lines, contact customer support. Otherwise, convert modify to replace in your custom code. CLFRN0136E: Unable to load DN {0}. Skipping entry. An error occurred while looking up DN {0}. An error occurred while looking up the specified distinguished name (DN) in the source.
Check the LDAP source. Check the configuration of the source parameters and mappings. Set source_ldap_debug=true to help debug and examine log files for errors.
CLFRN0137E: LDAP Sorted Page size not a valid positive integer: {0} The sort string is not a positive value. Check the source_ldap_sort_page_size property value in the properties file. CLFRN0138E: LDAP Sorting specified but LDAP Server does not support sorting The LDAP server does not support sorting. Disable sorting from the properties file. Sort is an optional attribute of an LDAP server. If the LDAP server used does not support sorting, then this property cannot be set in the properties file.
Clear any settings for the following properties:
- source_ldap_sort_attribute=
- source_ldap_sort_page_size=
CLFRN0139E: LDAP Sorting specified but sort attribute not found in search filter: {0} There is no sort attribute found in the search filter. Check the properties setting and add the sort attribute. CLFRN0140E: Required property {0} not set The specified property or property value is missing from the file. Add the needed property or property value to the file. CLFRN0142E: New changelog state value not specified or not valid: {0} The changelog state value is not valid. Contact customer support. CLFRN0144E: New draft iterator state value not specified or not valid: {0} The draft iterator state value is not valid. Contact customer support. CLFRN0149E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of compute function for {0}. Exception is: {1} An error occurred while calling compute function {0}. Check the computing function and contact customer support. The function used to provide multiple values for the given name or surname produced an error. Check the function and correct any problems.
CLFRN0200W: WARNING: No existing record found for {0}. Skipping update Looking up the specified record failed, execution proceeds to the next record. This is a warning message only; no action is required. CLFRN0208W: No existing record found for {0} with sequence number{1}. Skipping update This is a warning message. Warning only; no action is required. CLFRN0209W: Validation failed for field {0}. Value is {1} An error was encountered when validating attribute values for the specified entry. The entry was skipped. Identifies the field that is failing validation. If the field value is too long it can be modified using a mapping function or by assignment to a longer field or extension attribute. CLFRN0211W: WARNING: LDAP Sorted Page size attribute not found in entry. Skipping entry with DN: {0} This is a warning message. Warning only; no action is required. CLFRN0212W: WARNING: Extension mapping for property id {0} does not include required mapping {1} in file {2}. No mapping for that id processed. This is a warning message. Warning only; no action is required.
The specified extension attribute in the tdi-profiles-config.xml file was not processed.
This messages displays when the profilesLinks extension included in the file, for example CLFRN0212W: Extension mapping for the property id profileLinks, does not also include required mapping profileLinks in the tdi-profiles-config.xml file.
No mapping for that id processed.
CLFRN0213W: WARNING: Extension mappings does not include property id list in property {0} in file {1}. No extension mappings processed. This is a warning message. Warning only; no action is required. CLFRN1001E: Exception raised while initializing resource caching service name <cache service>: <exception>. The server encountered an error while initializing the resource caching service. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRN1002E: Initialization options for resource RSIVD do not contain 'resourceIdRequestParameter' specification. The server encountered an error in the reverse proxy filter. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRN1007I: Unknown invalidator type: <invalidator type>. The reverse proxy filter does not understand the invalidator type. Check the type. CLFRN1008I: Invalid time to live value: <time to live>. The reverse proxy filter does not understand the time to live value. Check the value. CLFRN1009E: Exception raised while accessing cache service for id <id>: <exception>. The server encountered an error when accessing the cache service. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRN1010W: Unable to find config file <file>. The server cannot find the reverse proxy configuration file. Make sure the configuration file is present and valid. CLFRN1011E: Exception raised while parsing config file (<file>): <exception>. There is a problem with the reverse proxy configuration file. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRN1013E: Exception raised while retrieving resource id: <id>: <exception>. The server encountered an error when attempting to retrieve the resource. Check the database connection. CLFRN1014I: Unknown response setter type: <type>. The server does not understand the response setter type. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1016I: Matching string [<string>], request headers are: <headers>. The reverse proxy filter found a match. The request headers are as specified. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1023I: Initializing Profiles Management The Profiles management application is starting. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1027I: Stopping Profiles Management The Profiles management application is stopping. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1031E: Error registering mbean. An internal error occurred when registering the Profiles MBean for wsadmin commands. No solution is available. Try to stop and start the IBM WebSphere Application Server. CLFRN1032E: Error deleting profile An internal error occurred when using wsadmin command to delete profile. No solution is available. CLFRN1033E: Error performing cache operation An internal error occurred when initializing caches. No solution is available. CLFRN1034E: Error initializing Profiles JMX support: failed to register {0} An internal error occurred when registering a message bean. No solution is available. CLFRN1035E: Error writing statistics file An internal error occurred when writing statistics file from the wsadmin command. No solution is available. Check whether the file system is full or the Profiles data directory is write-protected. CLFRN1037E: Error locating MBeanServer, no Profiles Administration MBeans registered An internal error occurred when contacting the Profiles MBean server. Make sure that the .port' is specified correctly when starting the wsadmin command. CLFRN1038E: Error enabling cache An internal error occurred when enabling Profiles caches. No solution is available. CLFRN1039I: Executing disable FullReportsToChainCache request. Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1040E: Error fetching profiles An internal error occurred when fetching a user profile from wsadmin command. No solution is available. CLFRN1041E: Error updating experience for {0} An internal error occurred when updating a user's experience. No solution is available. CLFRN1042E: Error disabling cache An internal error occurred when disabling Profiles caches. No solution is available. CLFRN1043I: Executing update experience for {0} Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1044E: Error updating description for {0} An internal error occurred when updating a user's description. No solution is available. CLFRN1045I: Executing reload FullReportsToChainCache request. Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1047I: Executing write statistics to {0} Informational only. No solution is available. CLFRN1048E: Error deleting photo for {0} An internal error occurred when deleting the photo for a user. No solution is available. CLFRN1052I: Executing clearProfilesLMCache request. Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1053E: Error updating profile An internal error occurred when updating a user profile from wsadmin command. No solution is available. CLFRN1054I: Executing update description for {0} Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1056I: Executing enable FullReportsToChainCache request. Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1057E: An error occurred querying the employee table The server could not retrieve data from the EMPLOYEE table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1057I: No profile found for email {0} Informational only. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1060E: An error occurred querying the photo table. The server could not retrieve the image from the PHOTO table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1061E: An error occurred deleting the profile tag. The server could not delete the tag from the PEOPLE_TAG table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1062E: An error occurred querying the employee type table. The server could not retrieve data from the EMP_TYPE table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1063E: An error occurred deleting the pronunciation file. The server could not delete the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1064E: An error occurred querying the database. The server could not retrieve data from the database. Check the database connection. CLFRN1066E: An error occurred querying the organization table. The server could not retrieve data from the ORGANIZATION table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1067E: An error occurred inserting the pronunciation file. The server could not insert the audio file into the PRONUNCIATION table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1068E: An error occurred querying the work location table. The server could not retrieve data from the WORKLOC table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1069E: An error occurred inserting the photo. The server could not insert the photo into the PHOTO table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1070I: Elapsed time to load FullRprtToChainCache: {0} The full report-to chain cache was loaded in the specified amount of time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1071I: FullReportsToChainCache disabled. The full report-to chain cache is disabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1073I: Full reporting chain cache size = {0} The full report-to chain cache has the specified number of entries. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1074E: An error occurred querying the profiles extensions table. The server could not retrieve data from the PROFILE_EXTENSIONS table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1074I: ProfilesObjectCache enabled The Profiles object cache is now enabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1075E: An error occurred updating the employee record. The server could not update the profile in the EMPLOYEE table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1075I: ProfilesObjectCache disabled The Profiles object cache is now disabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1078E: An error occurred updating the profile tags. The server could not update the tag in the PEOPLE_TAG table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1082E: An error occurred updating the photo. The server could not update the photo in the PHOTO table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1083E: An error occurred deleting the photo. The server could not delete the photo from the PHOTO table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1087E: FAILED: Reports to chain reload: {0} The server failed to reload the report-to chain cache. Use the administrative tasks to force a reload of the cache or shut down the server and restart. CLFRN1089E: An error occurred querying the pronunciation table. The server could not retrieve the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1090E: An error occurred querying the country table. The server could not retrieve data from the COUNTRY table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1091E: Error with the active content filter. An error occurred when filtering content entered by a user. The content was not filtered and was stored as entered by the user. If the error continues, report the problem to Customer Support. CLFRN1092E: An error occurred updating the pronunciation file. The server could not delete the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1094E: An error occurred querying the draft table. The server could not retrieve data from the EMP_DRAFT table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1098E: An error occurred inserting the profile tag. The server could not insert the tag into the PEOPLE_TAG table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1099I: Organizational Structure functions are enabled. Init Report to chain caches if enabled. Organization structure applications are enabled in the configuration. If the report-to chain cache is enabled, it will be initialized. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1102E: An error occurred updating the draft profiles extension. The server could not write data into the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1108I: FullReportsToChainCache scheduled for {0} The full reports to chain cache will be loaded at the specified time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1109E: An error occurred querying the draft profiles extensions table. The server could not retrieve data from the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1110E: Error retrieving lastUpdate from {0} Internal error when retrieving the last update time for a user. No solution is available. CLFRN1111I: FullReportsToChainCache enabled. The full reports to chain cache is enabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1112E: An error occurred inserting into the draft profiles extension table. The server could not write data into the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1114E: An error occurred writing to the draft table. The server could not write data into the EMP_DRAFT table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1115E: An error occurred updating the profiles extension. The server could not update the data in the PROFILE_EXTENSIONS table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1116I: Organizational Structure functions are disabled. Do not init Report to chain caches. Organization structure applications are disabled in the configuration. The report-to chain cache will not be initialized. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1117E: An error occurred querying the profile tags table. The server could not retrieve data from the PEOPLE_TAG table. Check the database connection. CLFRN1119E: An error occurred retrieving profile data. The server was unable retrieve profile data from the database. Check the database connection. CLFRN1120E: An error occurred. The server encountered an error when processing the Atom request. Check the logs for more information. CLFRN1121E: The requested Atom feed could not be built. The server encountered an error when processing the Atom request. Check the logs for more information. CLFRN1122E: No parameters were specified. The issued request requires parameters. See the product documentation for a listing of valid parameters. CLFRN1123E: No valid parameters were specified. No valid parameters were supplied with the request. See the product documentation for a listing of valid parameters. CLFRN1124I: ProfileLMCache enabled. The profile last modified cache is enabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1125I: ProfileLMCache disabled. The profile last modified cache is disabled. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1126I: ProfileLMCache refresh scheduled for {0} The profile last modified cache refresh is scheduled for the specified time. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1127E: Error retrieving ProfileLMCache. The server encountered an error with the profile last modified cache. Shut down the server and restart. CLFRN1129E: Virus detected - {0} A viirus was detected for a file. Try to scan the files before making the upload to the Profiles application. CLFRN1130I: Communication error during virus scanning - {0} There is a problem connecting to the virus scanning service. Check that the virus scanning service configured is operating and functional. CLFRN1131I: Virus scanning enabled, using server(s) {0} Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1132E: Virus scan error: {0} This is a general virus scan error. Make sure that the virus scanning server is accessible from the Profiles application server. CLFRN1133E: Viral content replaced The file with the virus has been replaced. No solution is available. CLFRN1134I: Content scanned - result OK Informational only Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1135I: Executing disable ProfilesTagcloudCache request. Informational only Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1136I: No profile found for userid {0} Informational only Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1137I: Executing reload ProfilesTagcloudCache request. Informational only Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1138I: Executing enable ProfilesTagcloudCache request. Informational only Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1139E: Failed to enable ProfilesTagcloud Cache request. An internal error occurred when enabling the Profiles organizational tag cloud. Make sure that the indexes have been built by the search service. CLFRN1140I: ProfilesTagCloudCache disabled Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1141I: Not able to contact the search service. This may be due to application initialization ordering. Profiles will attempt to recontact the search service in a couple of minutes. As a result, the tag cloud will not be available immediately. Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1142I: The DB schema matches the expected version {0}. Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1143E: {0}: Found an extension attribute in the UI configuration that is a "xml-blob" extension attribute. These extension attributes may not show up in the UI layout configuration. The extension ID in question is: {1} This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1144E: Multiple profiles found for users with login: {0} Found multiple profile records for one user login ID. Check the LDAP and Profiles database to make sure that the user login ID is unique. CLFRN1145E: {0}: Found an attribute in the UI layout configuration that is not present in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. Attributes must be present in the data model configuration in order to be added to the UI layout. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1146E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as a "richtext" field in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as a "richtext" field in the profiles-config.xml data model. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1147E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as editable in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as editable in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1148E: The DB schema does not match the expected version {0}. Found version {1}. The Profiles database schema is incorrect. Check the Profiles database version and upgrade to the required version. CLFRN1149E: An error occurred inserting into the profiles extension table General database error. This problem may be intermittent. Test database connections using the WebSphere Application Server administration console. CLFRN1150I: ProfilesTagCloudCache scheduled for {0} Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1151E: There was an error initializing the profile extension attribute configuration. This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1152E: Unable to contact the global search service. Please start the Search application if it is not started. If the service is started, please check the network connection. An error occurred while contacting the search service. Make sure that the search service is up and running, and that it is accessible from the Profiles server. CLFRN1153I: ProfilesTagCloudCache enabled Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1154E: Unsupported character encoding found in vcard configuration: {0} This is a product customization/configuration error. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1155E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as editable in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as editable in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a Profiles configuration issue. Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. CLFRN1156E: {0}: Found an attribute in the UI layout configuration that is not present in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. Attributes must be present in the data model configuration in order to be added to the UI layout. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a Profiles configuration issue. Check the profiles-config.xml file for user interface layout configuration to correct the problem. CLFRN1157E: There was an error initializing the profile extension attribute configuration. This is a Profiles configuration issue. Check the profiles-config.xml file for extension attribute configuration to correct the problem. CLFRN1158E: Could not resolve invalid URL pattern {0} There is an invalid or missing enforce.role initialization parameter for the LCRestSecurityFilter. Undo your customization to the Profiles web.xml file and consult with Customer Support before re-adding your changes. CLFRN1159E: {0}: Found an extension attribute in the UI configuration that is an xml-blob extension attribute. These extension attributes may not show up in the UI layout configuration. The extension ID in question is: {1} This is a Profiles configuration issue. Check the profiles-config.xml file for the xml extension attributes to correct the problem. CLFRN1160E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as a richtext field in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as a richtext field in the profiles-config.xml data model. The name of the attribute is: {1} This is a Profiles configuration issue. Check the profiles-config.xml file for the rich text attributes to correct the problem. CLFRN1161I: source_ldap_required_dn_regex_pattern is {0} Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1162W: WARNING: Validation failed for entry {0} This is a warning. This is a warning message; no action is required. CLFRN1163I: Source changes map functions file is "{0}" Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1164E: ERROR: No filter passed into collect_updated_dns_iterate. Should be called from collect_updated_dns. Aborting There is no filter function passed into collect_update_dns_iterate. Check the functions from the collect_ldap_dns_generator.js file. CLFRN1165I: Begin validation process Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1166W: Warning: Some updates may not be immediately available. Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1167E: The file you uploaded contains a virus. A virus was found in the file being uploaded. Scan the file before upload. CLFRN1168E: A connection to this user already exists or is pending. The REST API call is trying to add an existing network connection as a colleague. Make sure that the network connection doesn't exist before calling REST API to add one. CLFRN1170E: Resource not found. The REST API call refers to a resource that is not found. Make sure that the resource the REST API call exists. CLFRN1171E: The content submitted is either invalid XML content or non-validating. The ATOM XML content is incorrect. Check the ATOM XML content for its syntax. CLFRN1172E: The request is invalid. The request in the REST API call is invalid. Check that the REST API call is correct. CLFRN1173E: The init parameter enforce.role must be defined for this servlet filter. There is an invalid or missing enforce.role initialization parameter forLCRestSecurityFilter. Undo customization in the Profiles web.xml file and consult with Customer Support before re-adding your changes. CLFRN1174E: You are not authorized to perform that action. The user has not logged in or has provided the wrong credentials. Provide the correct credential to perform the action. CLFRN1175E: This operation is not supported. The REST API call is not supported in Profiles. Check the REST API call and make sure that it is a supported call. CLFRN1176E: An error occurred while getting profile by SourceURL: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified source URL. Check if the source URL value is valid in the Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1177E: An error occurred while getting profile by UID: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified UID. Check if the UID value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1178I: source_ldap_required_dn_regex_pattern is {0} Informational only. Informational message; no solution is needed. CLFRN1179E: ERROR: Mapping of extension attribute {0} An error occurred while mapping the extension attribute. Check the tdi-profile-config.xml file for the extension attribute. CLFRN1180E: An error occurred while getting profile by GUID: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by GUID. Check if the GUID value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1181I: output {0} entries from db Informational message. Informational message; no action is required. {0}CLFRN1182E: An error occurred while creating the profile: {0} An error occurred while creating the specified profile. Check the stack trace to find the root cause, especially the SQL error code. If it contains SQL error code -803, check if there are any duplicate entries in the database. If it contains SQL error code -407, check if all the not null attributes have a value in the entry to create. CLFRN1183W: WARNING: Validation failed for entry {0} This states that it is a warning, but it is actually a fatal error. Identify the distinguished name of the record that is failing validation. Update the validation settings for the field in the file. CLFRN1184I: After iteration, success records is {0}, failure records is {1}, last successful entry is {2} Informational message. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1185E: An error occurred while deleting the profile with key: {0} An error occurred while deleting profile with the specified key. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. Check if the entry exists in the Profiles database, and the UID value is as expected. CLFRN1186E: An error occurred while synchronizing on DN: {0} An error occurred while synchronizing on the specified DN. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1187E: An error occurred while getting profile by Key: {0} An error occurred while retrieving profile entry by the specified key. Check if the key is valid in the Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1188E: wrapper service initialization error An error occurred while initializing the TDI service. Check the stack trace and contact customer support. CLFRN1189E: Fatal Error!!!!! there is unrecoverable error in the TDI backend - please check your DB connections There is a fatal error in the TDI service. Check the database connection and contact customer support. CLFRN1190I: Hash database has been finished. A total of {0} records processed from the database. Informational message. Informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1191E: An error occurred while getting profile by Email: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the profile by email address. Check if the email address is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRN1192E: An error occurred while updating the profile: {0} An error occurred while updating the specified profile. Check the stack trace to find the root cause, especially the SQL error code. If it contains SQL error code -803, check if there are any duplicate entries in the database. If it contains SQL error code -407, check if all the not null attributes have a value in the new entry. CLFRN1193E: An error occurred while getting profile by DN: {0} An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by DN. Check if the DN value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1194E: An error occurred while updating the manager field for entry: {0} Failure to update manager field for entry {0}. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1195I: Source changes map functions file is "{0}" Informational message. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRN1196E: ERROR: No filter passed into collect_updated_dns_iterate. Should be called from collect_updated_dns. Aborting. No filter was passed into the collect_updated_dns_iterate script. When using the collect_updated_dns_iterate script, you must define a .js file to return the LDAP search filter. See the collect_ldap_dns_generator.js filer in the TDI_Solution\ directory for an example. CLFRN1197I: Begin validation process Informational message. Informational only; no action is required. CLFRN1198E: Your session timed out or a server error occurred. Please resubmit your changes. There was a problem on the server while content was being edited. Submit the changes again. CLFRN1199I: Profiles Worker processed {0} commands during this turn. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1200I: Processing Platform Command Event with id {0} and name {1} This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1201E: An error occurred while looking up the Profiles WebSphere Application Server Scheduler. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred initializing the Profiles user life cycle subsystem. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1202W: An error occurred while initializing the Platform Command processor. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred initializing the Profiles user life cycle subsystem. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1215E: An error occurred while publishing the Platform Command event {0}. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1216E: An error occurred while building the properties of a Platform Event command. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1219E: Unable to update the database with passed parameters. It would result in a duplicate key (email, guid, login) with an existing record. Found duplicate record in the Profiles database that the database population tool is trying to update. Check the record that you are trying to update or create in the Profiles database. CLFRN1220I: Platform Command publication is disabled. No user synchronization data will be sent from Profiles to other applications (the property is set to false). Check the documentation for more details. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1221E: An error occurred while registering the Profiles Worker task in the scheduler. No user data synchronization with other application will happen. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1222I: Update detected for the interval of the Profiles Worker Process in scheduler. Adjusting task execution. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1223I: Profiles Worker Process Task already registered in scheduler. No action needed. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1224E: An error occurred while adjusting the Profiles Worker task in the scheduler. This might impact data synchronization capability with other application. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1225I: Registering Profiles Worker Process in scheduler. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1226I: Platform Command publication is enabled. User synchronization data will be sent from Profiles to other applications. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1227E: A general failure occurred when processing new user synchronization events. See nested exception for more details. An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. CLFRN1228E: A general failure occurred when processing index updates. See nested exception for more details. Typically a database error is preventing the system from updating the database. This might happen after upgrading to a newer version of IBM Connections. Review the log files for errors. Resolve the underlying database or environmental issues, and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1229I: Found matching definition for: {0} Informational only. Indicates that a particular database feature is considered current. Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. CLFRN1230I: Did not find matching definition for: {0}. This definition will be created. Informational only. This message is typically present the first time a user starts up after migrating to a newer version of IBM Connections. This message indicates that a particular database feature has not been initialized. An automatic background process will later be started to update the database. Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. CLFRN1231I: Beginning rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1232I: Canceling all Profiles system tasks. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1233W: Did not find matching index definition for: {0}. This definition will be created. Under normal operating conditions, there is a WebSphere Application Server task that will correct this situation in a couple of minutes automatically if the Profiles App Server is running. If you are seeing this in TDI, the system will attempt to correct itself after the application starts. You can confirm this by checking the logs for a Beginning rebuild of look-aside... message within five minutes of this message on one of the nodes in your cluster. If you cannot find this message, run the rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command and review the logs for other errors. Informational primarily. This message is present after upgrading to a newer version of IBM Connections. This message alerts the administrator to review logs for further errors and ensure that the bulk user update feature completes cleanly. If you see this message after applying an iFix or after upgrading to 3.0, typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. If you see this message repeatedly in a production environment, then review your log files for database errors immediately and correct those errors. After correcting the error, run ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() to ensure that the database is in a consistent state. CLFRN1234I: Processing bulk update of users. The current time is {0}. Total users reviewed is {1}. The number users with from this block who were successfully updated is {2}. The number of users where an error occurred during the update is {3}. Informational only. This message is a periodic heartbeat metric for the auto-migrate feature. Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. CLFRN1235E: Error updating user: (name={0}, key={1}, uid={2}, distinguished-name={3}). The system was unable to correct the user data for a particular user. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1236E: Was not able to create a definition for: {0}. The system will not function until the issue is resolved. Typically a database error is preventing the system from updating. This might happen after upgrading to a newer version of IBM Connections. Review the log files for further errors. Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1237I: Scheduling task ID: {0}. Start delay is {1} msec, task interval is {2} msec. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1238E: Unable to create object reference for user: (name={0}, key={1}, uid={2}, distinguished-name={3}). This user may not be able to login to the system and/or encounter other errors. The system was unable to correct the user data for a particular user. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1239E: Unable to complete rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. The Profiles application will not run correctly until the issue is resolved. Please examine the log further for errors and resolve these issues before reattempting to build indexes. Total users reviewed is {1}; users successfully updated is {2}; and total errors updating users were {3}. The system was unable to correct the user data for a set of users. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1240W: Found non-matching index definition for: {0}. This definition will be updated. Under normal operating conditions, there is a WebSphere Application Server task that will correct this situation in a couple of minutes automatically if the Profiles application Server is running. If you are seeing this in Tivoli® Directory Integrator, the system will attempt to correct itself after the application starts. You can confirm this by checking the logs for a Beginning rebuild of look-aside... message within five minutes of this message on one of the nodes in your cluster. If you cannot find this message, run the rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command and review the logs for other errors. Informational primarily. This message alerts the administrator to review logs for further errors and ensure that the bulk user update feature completes cleanly. When applying iFixes, it might modify the internal working of components and lead to this message. If you see this message repeatedly without applying iFixes, review your log for further database or system errors. If you see this message after applying an iFix, typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. If you see this message repeatedly in a production environment, then review your log files for database errors immediately and correct those errors. After correcting the errors, run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() command to ensure that the database is in a consistent state. CLFRN1241E: Failed to select users for update due to error. # {0} is a date string The system was unable to auto migrate the database schema to a newer version of IBM Connections due to database issues. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. CLFRN1242I: Found non-matching definition for: {0}. This definition will be updated. Informational only. This message indicates that a particular database feature was altered the last time the system started up. When applying iFixes, it might modify the internal working of components and lead to this message. No action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. CLFRN1243I: Canceling task ID: {0}. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1244I: Completed rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. Total users reviewed is {1}. The total number of users successfully updated is {2}. The number of users with errors during the update is {3}. This is an informational message only. This is an informational message; no action is required. CLFRN1245E: search value is null. This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry entry, the searchValue is null. Set the searchValue correctly. CLFRN1246E: An error occurred while performing queryReply: {0} This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while performing the queryReply function in the backend: {0} Check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1247E: can not find the entry with the searchValue: {0} This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified searchValue entry. Check if the search value is correct. Or check the stack trace to find the root cause. CLFRN1248E: The codeItem is null. There was an error creating a code object from the input attributes when the CodesConnector called in addOnly mode, or in update mode if the item was not originally found Supply the correct values in the input map when calling the CodesConnector. If calling a supplied fill_* .bat or .sh process, be sure the supplied .csv file conforms to the format needed for the codes type. CLFRN1251E: An error occurred while updating Item by linkStream: {0} An error occurred using the PhotoConnector in update mode with thelinkStream attribute. Open and check the file using a viewing tool. Check the size and type of the file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_photos=true in the file for additional tracing information.
These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the Profiles user interface.
CLFRN1252E: An error occurred while updating Item by linkStream: {0} An error occurred using the PronunciationConnector in update mode with the linkStream attribute. Open and check the file using an audio tool. Check the size and type of the file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_pronounce=true in the file for additional tracing information.
These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the Profiles user interface.
CLFRN1253E: An error occurred while updating Item by mediaContent: {0} An error occurred using the PronunciationConnector in update mode with the audioFile attribute. Open and check the file using an audio tool. Check the size and type of the file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_pronounce=true in the file for additional tracing information.
These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the Profiles user interface.
CLFRN1254E: An error occurred while performing findEntry: {0} This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred when searching for an entry in the Profiles database. The connector lookup mode did not find any matches. If you are using a supplied connector, examine the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property for more tracing information. If you are using a custom connectors in your own assembly line, check the link criteria and input attributes.
CLFRN1255E: unsupported SearchCriteria:{0} This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. The current searchCriteria:{0} is unsupported. The PhotoConnector or PronunciationConnector is being used in lookup mode with other than a uid or key link criteria. Set the search criteria correctly. Use uid or key as the link criteria; these are the only supported values. CLFRN1262E: unsupported update method. For the PhotoConnector, neither the linkStream nor the image attribute was specified. For the PronunciationConnector, neither the linkStream nor the audioFile attribute was specified.
Specify one of the supported attributes, in update mode, to update the entry.s photo or pronunciation. CLFRN1257E: An error occurred while updating Item by ImageContent: {0} An error occurred using the PhotoConnector in update mode with the image attribute. Open and check the file using a viewing tool. Check the size and type of the file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_photos=true in the file for additional tracing information.
These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the Profiles user interface.
CLFRN1258I:No data is present in the table. The iterator mode of the CodesConnector returned no entries. If the table in the database does contain data, check the log files for details. Set debug_fill_codes=true in the file for additional tracing information.
CLFRN1259E: The tableName does not match any name listed in the table. This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred when updating the codes table (country/workloc/emptype/department/organization). The table name is not in the listed table names. Make sure the table name is not in these table names:
- country
- workloc
- emptype
- department
- organization
CLFRN1260E: An error occurred while deleting Item: {0} This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while deleting the specified item. The error occurred using the delete mode of one of the connectors. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. If you are using a supplied connector, examine the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property for more tracing information.
If you are using one of the connectors in your own assembly line, check the link criteria to ensure that lookup mode can find the item.
CLFRN1261E: An error occurred while performing putEntry method. The connector failed in addOnly mode when called or in update mode if the item was not originally found. If you are using a supplied connector, examine the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property for more tracing information. CLFRN1262E: Unsupported update method. This is a Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator connector error message. The photo/pronunciation connector can only support update from linkStream and content inputs.
Search error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with Search and find solutions.
The following error messages are generated by IBM Connections for Search:Table 24. Search server error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRT0068W: Search is unable to return results, connections to search server is denied. The Search server is not responding. Check that the Search server is running and that the IBM Connections applications can connect to the Search server. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRT0069W: There was an error connecting to the search server. The Search server is not responding. Check that the Search server is running and that the IBM Connections applications can connect to the Search server. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. Table 25. Search application error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRW0001I: Attempting to load dictionaries from this path {0} Dictionaries are being loaded from the specified path. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0002E: An error occurred during JFrostAnalyzer returning tokenStream. Analyzing content for indexing or for a search query failed. Check that the file system where the Search dictionaries are installed is still intact and that all the enabled dictionaries are available. CLFRW0003E: An error occurred while loading a dictionary with this information: locale {0}, location {1} The dictionary could not be loaded from the specified location. Check that the dictionary exists at the specified location. If not, check configuration settings in the search-config.xml file. CLFRW0004E: There is no dictionary available in memory. Failed to load IBM LanguageWare® dictionary. Check the search-config.xml file to ensure that the configuration is correct, and check that the dictionaries are installed in the specified directory. CLFRW0005E: An error occurred when trying to get language ID A LanguageWare exception has been thrown. An error occurred while identifying the language, content will be indexed in the default language. Check that the LanguageWare dictionaries and resources are available. CLFRW0006E: An error occurred during initialization of JFrostTokenizer. The analysis of content for indexing or for a search query failed. Check that the file system where the Search dictionaries are installed is still intact and that all the enabled dictionaries are available. CLFRW0007I: using the StandardTokenizer for the TokenStream The analysis of content for indexing or for a search query failed. Check that the file system where the Search dictionaries are installed is still intact and that all the enabled dictionaries are available. CLFRW0009E: Error during createStd function when parsing the content An error has occurred during the lemmatization process, which runs during the parsing of index terms when going through the analyzer. If you encounter this error message frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0010I: using the JFrostTokenizer for the TokenStream The custom analyzer is using a special tokenizer written for search that is used during indexing for extracting index terms from text. Informational message; no action is required. However, if this message occurs frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0012E: An error occurred during identifying languages A LanguageWare exception has been thrown. An error occurred when identifying the search language, content will be indexed in the default language. Check that the LanguageWare resources are available. CLFRW0013I: The following dictionary {0} has been cached to memory. The specified dictionary has been saved in memory. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0014I: This current session belonging to the user with login id {0}, has expired. The user session has become invalid. Log in again. CLFRW0015I: Creating a new session for user with login id {0} A new session has been created for the specified user. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0016E: Could not retrieve details for the user with login ID: {0} due to an exception. The exception occurred when retrieving the details via the virtual member manager directly: {1} There was a problem retrieving details for the user with the specified login ID from directory services. Check that directory services is configured correctly. CLFRW0017E: An error occurred when handling a call to the service configuration API. See nested exception for full details. The LotusConnections-config.xml file might be corrupted. Check that LotusConnections-config.xml file is valid and correctly formatted. CLFRW0018I: The maximum index size was not specified. Defaulting to a maximum index size {0} A maximum index size was not specified. The maximum index size is being set to the default. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0019I: Skipping indexing the {0} service. Is this service configured and running? The specified service was not indexed. Check that the specified service is configured and running. CLFRW0020E: Task cannot be fired as it is already pending. A scheduling error occurred because two tasks are trying to fire at the same time. Check the task configuration. CLFRW0021E: The specified user calendar is not valid. The IBM WebSphere Application Server installation might be corrupt. Check that WebSphere Application Server has been correctly installed. Check the fix pack level. CLFRW0022E: Error loading security.xml to retrieve J2C authentication aliases. The security.xml file could not be loaded to retrieve J2C authentication aliases. This error occurs if Java 2 security is enabled. Check if Java 2 is enabled, and disable it if it is. CLFRW0023E: Internal Error: Search indexer creation failed. The specified indexing class could not be found or has an error. Reinstall the Search application. CLFRW0024I: IBM Connections indexing task is an Indexing operation The indexing task that is starting is an indexing operation. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0025I: Dictionaries successfully loaded. The LanguageWare dictionaries specified in the config.xml file have loaded successfully. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0026E: Internal Error: The specified notification sink class is not valid. The specified notification sink class is not valid. This error is thrown by internal WebSphere Application Server code. Check that the Search application has been correctly installed. CLFRW0027E: Error Indexing component {0} for search. Search was unable to crawl the seedlist for the specified application. Check that the specified application is available and that the seedlist can be authenticated against using the IBM Connections admin alias. CLFRW0029E: The user calendar specifier is not valid. Schedule intervals are calculated using a Cron-based scheme. A Cron-based interval is formatted as a list of term expressions, separated by spaces or tabs, with each term representing an element of the time. The element describes the valid values for that term. This error occurs if the calendar period uses values that are not valid. Check that the scheduling intervals are specified correctly. CLFRW0030I: Finishing index optimization. Index optimization is being completed. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0031I: Finishing indexing service. Indexing has completed. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0032E: The Notification Sink object failed to fire. Check that the IBM Connections Search application has been installed correctly. The Notification Sink object did not start up. This error message is encountered if JNDI names have been changed on the server. Check that the Search application has been correctly deployed. CLFRW0033W: Error closing the index. Lock may still be active. An error occurred while releasing the lock on the index directory. This should be resolved next time indexing commences. However, if the problem persists, contact your administrator. CLFRW0034E: Error reading or writing to the index directory. Please check permissions and capacity. Error reading or writing to the index directory. The disk might be full or there might be problems with the permissions. Check permissions and capacity. CLFRW0035E: Task is not valid and cannot be fired. A scheduling error occurred because the task is not valid. Check that the task is configured correctly. CLFRW0036E: Error loading the password for the J2C authentication alias {0}. Please check that the alias is correctly configured. The J2C authentication alias is used when connecting to other IBM Connections services for authenticating when indexing content. This error occurs when the alias has not been correctly configured. Check the security settings in the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console to verify that the J2C credentials supplied for the admin user are correctly configured. CLFRW0037E: Error retrieving the value for the {0} variable. Search was unable to resolve the specified environment variable. Ensure that the specified WebSphere Application Server variable has been set correctly. CLFRW0038E: Error loading Search settings 'search-config.xml'. Please check the validity of your IBM Connections Search installation. The settings contained in the search-config.xml file could not be loaded or found. Check that the Search application has been correctly installed. CLFRW0039I: IBM Connections indexing task is an Optimize operation The indexing task that is starting is an optimize operation. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0040I: Starting index optimization. Index optimization is starting. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0041E: The specified calendar period is not valid. Schedule intervals are calculated using Cron-based calendar periods. A Cron-based interval is formatted as a list of term expressions, separated by spaces or tabs, with each term representing an element of the time. The element describes the valid values for that term. This error occurs if the calendar period uses values that are not valid. Check that the calendar period is valid. CLFRW0042I: IBM Connections indexing task {0} fired event {1} The indexing task with the specified name fired the specified event. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0043E: Error loading dictionary exception {0} The specified dictionary could not be found or loaded. Check the dictionary settings for the specified language in the search-config.xml file and make sure that a dictionary for the specified language exists. CLFRW0044I: Using standard analyzer The standard analyzer is being used. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0045E: An error occurred while calling remote method. An error occurred while calling the task EJB. Check the log files for more details. CLFRW0046W: Error adding facet information for document {0}. An error occurred with one of the index subdirectories. It might have been deleted or moved. Check that there is a directory called facet in the index directory. If not, your index has become invalid and you need to restore the backup of the index. CLFRW0047W: There are no services installed and properly configured to index. All of your indexing services have been uninstalled. Check that your services are enabled and available to index. CLFRW0048E: The search index has become corrupt. Please check the index directory. The index could not be loaded. Check that the directory where the index is located can be reached. You might need to delete and recreate your index or reload a backup. CLFRW0049E: Internal Error: The created TaskInfo object is not valid. The task information object created is not valid. This is an internal error thrown by WebSphere Application Server. Check that the Search application has been correctly installed. CLFRW0050I: Starting indexing service. Indexing has begun. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0051E: The IBM Connections search scheduler is not available. A scheduler resource called LotusConnectionsScheduler needs to be created on the Search server. This error message is encountered when the scheduler resource cannot be found. Check under Resources/Schedulers in the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console to verify that the LotusConnectionsScheduler resource has been created. CLFRW0052I: Search indexing task {0} successfully created/updated. A new Search indexing task has been created. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0053E: JNDI naming exception caught. Connections Search application has been incorrectly deployed. The IBM Connections Search application has been incorrectly deployed. One of the Enterprise Java Beans could not be found using its JNDI name. Redeploy the IBM Connections Home page application. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. CLFRW0054W: There is an unknown WPLC field type: {0} The WPLC field is not known. The information in the WPLC field will not be indexed. Contact Customer Support. CLFRW0055W: Tag {0} in entry {1} is empty The tag in the specified entry is empty. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0056E: Error in XML parser for this URL: {0} There is an error in the XML feed generated by the specified URL. Check the log files for errors generated by the specified URL. CLFRW0058E: Fatal error in XML parser for this URL: {0} There is a fatal error in the XML feed generated by the specified URL. Check the log files for errors generated by the specified URL. CLFRW0059W: Warning in XML parser for this URL: {0} There is a warning in the XML feed generated by the specified URL. Check the log files for warnings generated by the specified URL. CLFRW0060E: Input-output exception with this URL: {0} An error occurred with the specified URL. Check that you have added a user with the admin role for this component, and that you have provided correct J2C credentials for this user. Also, verify that the specified URL is accessible from this machine. CLFRW0061I: Parsed {0} entries from feed. The specified number of entries was parsed in the last seedlist. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0062W: There is an unknown WPLC field identifier: {0} The seedlist is invalid. It contains a WPLC field with no identifier. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRW0063E: SAX parser error. An error occurred while parsing the seedlist. Check that the seedlist is available and that the user credentials are correct. Also, verify that there is no firewall between the Search server and the service being indexed. CLFRW0064W: An error occurred while parsing this query: {0} The search query might contain invalid characters or have an unusual format. Report this problem to Customer Support. CLFRW0065E: An error occurred while loading dictionary from "{0}" with locale "{1}". The dictionary for the specified locale could not be loaded from the specified location. Verify the dictionary for the corresponding locale exists and that it exists in the specified location. CLFRW0067W: An error occurred trying to open the sorted document collector, continuing with the default collector. There was a problem with the sorted document collector. Documents will be returned sorted by default relevance rather than custom sort. If this problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0068W: A Directory Services error occurred while retrieving groups for user {0}. There was a problem retrieving groups for the specified user from directory services. Check the logs to see if there is a problem with directory services. Also check that your LDAP directory is up and running. CLFRW0069E: An error occurred while loading the search index from directory {0}. The index is missing or corrupt. Restore a backup index or delete your index and reindex. CLFRW0070W: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the URL for service {0} The person business card is not available for search results. Check LotusConnections-config.xml to ensure that the person tag service is enabled. Verify the Profiles service is running. CLFRW0071W: An error occurred while retrieving groups and communities for user {0} from directory services. There was a problem retrieving groups and communities for the specified user from directory services. Check the logs to see if there is a problem with directory services. CLFRW0072I: The user with login id {0} , has an existing session. The user already has an existing session. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0073E: Problem parsing retrieved maximum index size {0}.Defaulting to a maximum index size {1} The maximum index size is not valid. Check the maximum index size specified in the search-config.xml file. CLFRW0075W: Failed to load the index at startup, it may not have been created yet. The index has not been created yet. Wait for the INDEX.READY file to appear in the Search index directory. When this file is created, the index is ready to be used. CLFRW0076E: An exception thrown when attempting to access search task service. An exception has occurred while accessing a Search service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0077E: There was a InvocationTargetException thrown when using reflection to invoke one of the source indexer methods. Search was unable to invoke indexer methods. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0078E: There was a IOException thrown when attempting to initialize the source indexers. Search was unable to initialize indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0079E: There was a SecurityException thrown when using reflection to instantiate the source indexers. Search was unable to instantiate the indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0080E: There was a ClassNotFoundException thrown when using reflection to instantiate the source indexers. Search was unable to instantiate the indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0082E: There was a NoSuchMethodException thrown when using reflection to instantiate the source indexers. Search was unable to instantiate the indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0083E: The Search scheduler was not found. If you intend to use the Search server for scheduled indexing, and you see this message, scheduled indexing will not work. Reinstall or refederate your node. CLFRW0084E: There was a IllegalArgumentException thrown when using reflection to instantiate the source indexers. Search was unable to instantiate the indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0085E: There was a IllegalAccessException thrown when using reflection to invoke one of the source indexer methods. Search was unable to invoke indexer methods. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0086E: There was a InstantiationException thrown when using reflection to instantiate the source indexers. Search was unable to instantiate the indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0087E: An error occurred instantiating search task service. There is a problem starting some services that are associated with the Search MBean. Check for errors earlier in the logs for details. CLFRW0089I: The following optimize task has been successfully added.{0} The task that you defined in the wsadmin client has been added to the schedule. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0091I: The task with the name {0} was unsuccessfully deleted. The deletion of the specified task did not succeed. Ensure that you have the correct task name, then retry the command. CLFRW0092I: The following optimize task was not successfully added.{0} The optimize task defined by the user was not successfully scheduled. Check the log for additional errors or warnings that indicate why the task was not added. CLFRW0093I: The following indexing task has been successfully added.{0} The indexing task specified by the user was added to the schedule. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0094I: The task with the name {0} was successfully deleted. The task specified by the user has been successfully removed from the schedule. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0095E: An error occurred in the search task persistence service. A general error occurred when attempting a database operation on the Home page database. Check the logs for specific database errors. CLFRW0096I: The following indexing task was not successfully added.{0} The indexing task specified by the user was not added to the schedule. Check that there isn't already an existing task with the same name, then try again. CLFRW0097E: An error occurred while accessing database. The Search service encountered an error while connecting to its backend database. Check the logs for SQL errors. Test the connection using the WebSphere Administration Server Integrated Solutions Console, and refer to the system out log for additional information regarding database errors. CLFRW0098E: Problem retrieving scheduled task definitions. There was a problem reading from the WebSphere Application Server scheduled task definition tables for search. Refer to the stack trace. Check your J2C authentication credentials. CLFRW0111W: Attempted to index an entry with no link. Entry Id was {0}. A seedlist entry was generated with no link to the content. The entry will not be indexed. If this happens frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0112W: Failed to delete entries from the index for the url {0}. A deletion request was made for the specified entry but that entry was not found in the index. If this happens frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0113E: No response to this seedlist URL {0}. Check the Lotus-Connections-config.xml interservice URLs or search-config.xml seedlist URL override. If the URLs are correct , verify that the target server is running. An error occurred when trying to connect to the specified URL. Check that the URL is correct. For more information, see Validating seedlists using a browser. CLFRW0114E: Unexpected response code to the secured seedlist servlet request using this URL {0}. The code returned was {1}. An error occurred when connecting to the given URL. The response code returned by the server was not recognized. Make sure that the service you were trying to connect to is up and running. For more information, see Validating seedlists using a browser. CLFRW0115E: Access to the secured seedlist servlet using this URL {0} is not permitted for the specified user .Check that either the connectionsAdmin J2C authentication alias details (or the application''s search J2C authentication alias override if it is used) identifies the user mapped to the searchAdmin user for the Connections application application serving the seedlist. The specified user does not have access to the secured seedlist servlet using the specified URL. Check the connectionsAdmin J2C authentication alias details (or the application.s Search J2C authentication alias override, if it is used) to confirm that it identifies the user mapped to the searchAdmin user for the application serving the seedlist. For more troubleshooting information, refer to Validating seedlists using a browser. CLFRW0116I: The response code returned is HTTP OK. The seedlist request is working. This means that the inter-service HTTP communication necessary for indexing for this specific application is currently working. (This message is only logged if the logging is set to finest for a particular class.) This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0117E: Failed to authenticate against a secured seedlist servlet using this URL {0}. Check the connectionsAdmin J2C authentication alias details (or the application.s search J2C authentication alias override if it is used). An authentication error occurred while requesting information from one of the other services. The specified seedlist URL could not be reached because of an authentication error. Attempt to go to the URL in a browser. When challenged for authentication credentials, use the J2C authentication for the connectionsAdmin. If that does not work, fix your J2C connectionsAdmin authentication alias. CLFRW0118E: An error occurred while retrieving facets from a facet collector. There was a problem reading the part of the index that handles social facet information (related tags, people, dates, and applications). Ensure that the index can be read. If the problem persists, you might have to delete the index and reindex. CLFRW0119W: JNDI naming exception caught when performing a lookup for resource with JNDI name {0}. This is not a fatal error. See subsequent log entries for details. This exception typically occurs when the Search application could not find specified resources, usually a scheduler resource, which means that the search server is unable to perform indexing. Your deployment might have been configured with advanced custom configurations for Search indexing. CLFRW0120W: XML Task definitions migration failed. Check logs for detailed explanation. There was a problem migrating the previous Search schedule defined in the migrated configuration file. Recreate your indexing schedule using the appropriate Search service commands. CLFRW0121W: Could not find the WebSphere scheduler resource with JNDI name {0}. Scheduled indexing of IBM Connections services will not run on this server. This exception typically occurs when the Search application could not find specified resources, usually a scheduler resource, which means that the Search server is unable to perform indexing. Your deployment might have been configured with advanced custom configurations for Search indexing. CLFRW0122W: JNDI naming exception caught. This is not a fatal error. See subsequent log entries for details. A JNDI naming exception has occurred. Reinstall the Search application. CLFRW0123W: Could not find the WebSphere scheduler resource with JNDI name {0}. Scheduled indexing of IBM Connections services will not run on this server. Skipping schedule task definitions pre-processing steps. This is a warning issued on startup to indicate that the preparation of search task definitions is skipped because the Search Scheduler cannot be found. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0124I: The indexing task with name {0}, was not disabled successfully. The disable indexing command did not work for the specified task. Ensure that the specified indexing task exists. Check the logs for further information. CLFRW0125I: All tasks successfully migrated from search-config.xml to search database. The migration of your previous indexing schedule from 2.0.1 has been successful. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0126I: The indexing task with name {0}, was not enabled successfully. The enable indexing command for the specified task was not successful. Ensure that the specified indexing task exists. Check the logs for further information. CLFRW0127I: The indexing task with name {0}, was disabled successfully. The disable indexing command for the specified task was successful. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0128I: No tasks to be migrated from search-config.xml to search database. There are no task definitions found in the search-config.xml file that have to be migrated to the Home page database. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0129W: None of the tasks defined in the search-config.xml were successfully to the search database. This is a warning message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0130I: The indexing task with name {0}, was enabled successfully. The enable indexing command for the specified task was successful. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0131W: Some tasks were not successfully migrated from search-config.xml to the search database. This is a warning message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0132I: Stopping crawl of seedlist because the current indexing task {0} has been disabled. This message is displayed in response to the SearchService.disableIndexingTask command. The indexing operation will shortly be complete. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0133E: Problem accessing directory services. There is a problem looking up the user details, user groups, or the user communities. Check the logs for Profiles and Communities if they are installed. Check that the LDAP is up and running. Check communication between the search application and the Profiles and Communities applications. CLFRW0134W: An error occurred while retrieving wiki groups for user {0} from the Wikis server. An error occurred while retrieving wiki groups for the specified user from the Wikis server. Verify the Wikis application has been started and that it is correctly configured. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0135W: An error occurred while retrieving user {0} from directory services. There was a problem when attempting to get information for the specified user from Profiles or the LDAP. Ensure that Profiles is up and running, and that the LDAP is up and running. CLFRW0136E: An error occurred setting up the Wikis ACL parser, private wikis will not be shown in the search results for any user. There was a problem loading the Wikis ACL parser. Restart the search server. If this happens again, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0137E: IOException thrown when instantiating a FacetsCollector object. There was an error reading or writing to the facets index. Check permissions on the directory. Check that the index directory is readable. This message is accompanied by a stack trace with more details about the error. CLFRW0138W: An error occurred while retrieving communities for user {0} from directory services. There was a problem when attempting to get information for the specified user from Communities. Ensure that Communities is up and running. Check the Communities log for errors. CLFRW0139E: InvalidCategoryException thrown when instantiating a FacetsCollector object. Your facets index has become corrupt. Delete the index and start again. CLFRW0140W: A Directory Services error occurred while retrieving Communities for user {0}. Communities is not installed or configured properly. Check the system.out log for your Communities server for relevant errors. CLFRW0141W: Document Conversion Service encountered a problem converting file {0}, mime-type is inconsistent with {1}. Inconsistent mime type. Investigate the file. CLFRW0142E: Document Conversion Service does not have sufficient permissions to download file {0}. Could not download the file with the specified ID. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0143I: The {0} service is now available the Document Conversion Service has resumed. The specified service appears to be back up so the document conversion service will resume. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0144W: Document Conversion Service was unable to download file {0}. The file with the specified ID could not be downloaded. Check the logs for errors. Ensure that the connectionsAdmin alias or search Files alias has the correct permissions. There might also be an issue with the Files service. CLFRW0145E: Document Conversion Service cannot contact the database. The service could not connect to the search database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0146E: Problem re-enabling all task definitions on application startup. It is the designed behavior of the Search application that all previously disabled indexing tasks are enabled on restart. Try to explicitly re-enable the tasks one-by-one. If this does not work, try deleting and recreating the scheduler. If the problem persists, check the logs. Otherwise, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0147I: File not found while trying to download {0} for the Document Conversion Service. The file with the specified ID could not be downloaded for conversion. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0148I: Document Conversion Service was unable to convert file {0}. The file with the specified ID could not be converted - it is possible an invalid, corrupt, or password-protected file. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0149I: Document Conversion Service encountered a problem converting file {0}. The file with the specified ID could not be converted - it is possibly an invalid, corrupt, or password-protected file. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0150E: CorruptIndexException thrown when closing open resources. On closing open resources, search found that the index has been corrupted. Delete your index and start again. CLFRW0151E: Cannot access search configuration file from this class {0} The Search configuration provider could not load the search-config.xml or LotusConnections-config.xml files. Ensure that the configuration XML files exist and are readable. CLFRW0152W: Document Conversion Service encountered a problem converting file {0}. An error occurred while trying to convert the given file. Investigate the file. CLFRW0154E: IOException thrown when closing open resources. There was an error reading or writing to the file system while closing the indexes. Ensure that you can read and write to the index directory. Ensure that the file system has adequate disk space. CLFRW0155I: HTTP Error encountered while trying to download {0} for the Document Conversion Service. The file with the specified ID could not be downloaded for conversion. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0156W: HTTP Error encountered while trying to download {0} for the Document Conversion Service. A HTTP error occurred when trying to download a file for conversion. Check the file server. CLFRW0157E: The version of the index does not match the release version of Search The index version is not compatible with the version of search. Delete and rebuild your index. CLFRW0158I: Stopping the indexing task with name {0} because it has been disabled. Logged in response to the administrator running the SearchService.disableIndexingTask command. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0159W: Document Conversion Service has detected out of date files in {0}, deleting from folder. The document conversion service has determined that some temporary files have been left on the file system during file content indexing, and they will be deleted. No solution is currently available. CLFRW0160I: Document Conversion Service skipping conversion of file {0}, file exceeds maximum attachment size. Logged when a file attachment in Files exceeds the threshold for a file that can be downloaded and indexed. Informational only. The maximum size is configurable via the Search configuration administrative interface using the SearchCellConfig.setMaximumAttachmentSize command. CLFRW0161I: Document Conversion Service: No mime-type available for file {0}, unable to determine mime-type from extension. The file with the specified ID has no associated mime type and so could not be converted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0163E: Unable to download the file for conversion. The file could not be downloaded. Check the file service. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0164W: Document Conversion Service cannot contact the database. The database is not available. Check that the database server is online. CLFRW0165E: Document Conversion Service does not have sufficient permissions to write to location {0}. Unable to write temporary files to the location specified. Ensure that the application server has permission to write to the specified directory. CLFRW0166I: Document Conversion Service has encountered that the {0} service does not appear to be running. Unable to contact the specified service. The document conversion will be stopped, try again later. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0167W: Document Conversion Service has encountered a database error. A database error has occurred. Check your database connection. CLFRW0168W: Document Conversion Service has encountered that the {0} service does not appear to be running. Suppressing further warning messages. The specified service does not appear to be running, the document conversion service will end, and try again when the specified service is indexed again. Check that the named service is running. CLFRW0169E: Document Conversion Service has encountered an IOException. An exception has occurred while writing temporary files. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0171I: Document Conversion Service encountered a problem converting file {0}, mime-type is inconsistent with {1}. The file with the specified ID has specified the wrong mime type, and will not be converted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0173I: No mime-type available for file {0}, Document Conversion Service inferred mime-Type {1} from document. An invalid mime type {1} was used when indexing file content for the file with id {0}. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0174I: Document Conversion Service cannot contact the database. The service could not connect to the search database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0175E: Unable to convert the file. File could not be converted. Ensure that all allowed MIME types are valid. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0176W: File not found while trying to download {0} for the Document Conversion Service. The specified file is not available. Check that the Files component is online. CLFRW0177E: JNDI naming exception caught when performing a lookup for resource with JNDI name {0}. Connections Search application has been incorrectly deployed. There is a problem with the JNDI configuration. Reinstall the Search application. CLFRW0178E: Document Conversion Service does not have sufficient permissions. An error occurred while running the document conversion service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0179I: Document Conversion Service has detected out of date files in {0}, deleting from folder. Informational. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0180W: Document Conversion Service was unable to convert file {0}. Unable to convert the given file. Investigate the file. CLFRW0181I: Document Conversion Service was unable to download file {0}. The file with the specified ID could not be downloaded for conversion. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0182W: Document Conversion Service has timed out converting file {0}, giving up. The time limit was reached while trying to convert the given file. Investigate the file. CLFRW0183E: Document Conversion Service thread not running. An error occurred while running the document conversion service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0184I: Document Conversion Service has timed out converting file {0}, giving up. The file with the specified ID could not be converted - it is possibly invalid or corrupt. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0185I: Not starting indexing as the task {0} has been disabled. A scheduled task will not run because an administrator has disabled the specified indexing task. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0186E: Error when attempting to retrieving the list of installed Connections components. The LotusConnections-config.xml file may have become corrupted. Check the IBM Connections configuration files. This may require a backup or restore of a previous IBM Connections configuration. CLFRW0188E: Document Conversion Service has encountered a database error. The service could not connect to the Search database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0189E: Unable to read the file for conversion. The file could not be read for conversion. Check the file service. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0190E: Unable to locate DCS. Unable to read the variable that contains the location of Stellent binaries. Reinstall. The WebSphere Application Server variable is not set up properly. CLFRW0191W: Document Conversion Service: No mime-type available for file {0}, unable to determine mime-type from extension. No mime type was found or was determinable. Investigate the file. CLFRW0192I: Document Conversion Service has encountered a database error. The service could not connect to the Search database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0193E: Document Conversion Service does not have sufficient disk space to download file. The service could not write to the temporary directory. Ensure that there is enough space on the disk. CLFRW0194W: Document Conversion Service: Service has been released, and will be started again at next index. The document conversion service has stopped, and will resume at next index. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0195W: An object with duplicated information could not be inserted in table {0}, as a previous record with the same information already exists. Processing will continue with existing record. An error occurred trying to insert a row in to the database table that violates a uniqueness constraint. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0196E: The updateResumePoint method does not accept null values or empty strings or whitespace-only strings for the resumePoint parameter. An attempt was made to insert invalid data into the Search database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0197E:The updateResumePoint method does not accept null values or empty strings or whitespace-only strings for the service parameter. An attempt was made to insert invalid data into the Search database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0198E: Unable to schedule crawling task for the {0} service. Error = {1}. An error occurred when the Work Manager attempted to schedule a task to crawl the content of the specified service. There might be a problem with your Work Manager configuration. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0199W: Index Reader/Writer already closed. Index has already been closed. This is just a warning. CLFRW0201E: Unable to schedule crawling thread for the {0} service. There is a problem with the scheduler. Reinstall the Search application. CLFRW0202E: Possible index corruption due to lock obtain failure. Write lock in the index directory. It may be necessary to rebuild the index. CLFRW0203E: The class type of the content crawler for the {0} service is invalid, must be of type IContentCrawler, this service will not be indexed. You are using a third-party crawler that does not support this version of IBM Connections Search. Remove the third-party crawler. CLFRW0204E: An error occurred while waiting for a scheduled work item to finish, error = {0}. This error can occur when a work item that crawls content from a given Connections Service asynchronously has not been able to finish properly. There might be a problem with the DefaultWorkManager configuration. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0209E: Unable to find a crawler for the {0} service, this service will not be indexed. A registered crawler could note be found for the specified service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0210W: Possible index corruption due to lock obtain failure. Write lock in index directory. It may be necessary to rebuild the index. CLFRW0214E: Index is locked. Unable to continue without potential corruption. Write lock in index directory. Remove the write lock from the Search index directory. It may be necessary to rebuild the index. CLFRW0215E: The class type of the indexer for the {0} service is invalid, must be of type IContentIndexer, this service will not be indexed. You are using a third-party indexer that does not support this version of IBM Connections Search. Remove the third party indexer. CLFRW0216E: Unable to update the index service, this crawl session for the {0} service will not be persisted. A problem occurred crawling content from a specified Lotus Connection service. The content will not be indexed and therefore cannot be searched by users. The next time that the scheduled indexing task fires, it will attempt to re-crawl the missing content. Verify the specified service's seedlist is accessible. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0217E: Unable to find an indexer for the {0} service, this service will not be indexed. Unable to find the required indexer. You have a misconfigured third-party indexer. CLFRW0218W: The WPLC Field with name {0} with the entry Id {1} from the {2} service will be ignored, as the Field information for that field specifies an invalid set of options. Invalid field information in the seedlist. This is just a warning. CLFRW0219I: Index locked. Unlock will be forced. Write lock in index directory. This can happen when Search is not shut down cleanly. Search should recover gracefully from this situation. CLFRW0220W: There was an error in a directory services query. Processing will continue without this user ID. This error occurs when Search attempts to resolve the Waltz ID for a user to the full user details. Verify that Directory Services is configured and working correctly. You might need to synchronize the user records in your IBM Connections application DBs. CLFRW0221E: Error rendering url {0} Attempted to render a normalized URL and an exception occurred. Check to see if the URL is malformed or the URL is referring to a service that has been uninstalled. CLFRW0222I: All tasks enabled successfully. Informational message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0223E: E-mail already exists in the database. User identified with external ID {0} cannot be added to the database. A problem occurred crawling content from a specified IBM Connections service. The content will not be indexed and therefore cannot be searched by users. The next time that the scheduled indexing task fires, it will attempt to re-crawl the missing content. Verify the specified service's seedlist is accessible. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0224W: User with e-mail [{0}] was not found in directory service. The user with the specified email address was not found. Ensure that the user records in your IBM Connections application DBs are synchronized with the LDAP directory. CLFRW0225E: There was an unknown error in the Search application. Check logs for more information. An unexpected exception occurred while updating a person's details. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0226E: Error normailizing url {0} Attempted to normalize a URL but was unable to do so. Check to see if the URL is malformed. CLFRW0227E: There was an error initializing directory services. An error occurred when initializing directory services. This error occurs once at most during startup. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists after a restart, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0228W: User with login name [{0}] was not found in directory service. The user with the specified login name was not found. Ensure that the user records in your IBM Connections application DBs are synchronized with the LDAP directory. CLFRW0229W: Null object cannot be used as a parameter. An attempt to update person information during directory services sychronization has failed. The person object was null. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0230I: Failed to disable all tasks. Informational. Not all tasks were or could be disabled. Try to disable the tasks again. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0231E: Email already exists in the database. User identified with login name {0} cannot be added to the database. An email address for this login name already exists in the database. Contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0232W: User with external ID [{0}] was not found in directory service. The user with the specified ID was not found. Ensure that the user records in your IBM Connections application DBs are synchronized with the LDAP directory. CLFRW0233I: Failed to enable all tasks. Informational. Not all tasks were or could be enabled. Try to enable the tasks again. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0234I: All tasks disabled successfully. This is an informational message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0235E: The {0} service does not have a valid content source defined, the service will be ignored. The service does not have a valid content source defined in the search-config.xml file. Check the configuration settings in the search-config.xml file. CLFRW0236E: An error occurred on start up accessing data source. An error occurred trying to access the Search Datasource while the Search application started. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0237E: Index building operation failed, an internal JMS error occurred. A JMS error occurred. Check your JMS configuration. CLFRW0239E: Unable to update crawl version in management table, index may become corrupt. An error occurred when attempting to update the SR_INDEX_MANAGEMENT table with the state of the local Search index. The index state will not be in synchronized with the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0240E: Unable to start the Index Builder, an attempt to retrieve the builder returned null. An error occurred when a JMS message has been received to start index building but it is not possible to get a reference to the Index Builder service. This means that the Search application on the server where this error occurred will not be able to write the latest crawled data to the local Search Index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0241E: Unable to update resume point for the {0} service, index may become corrupt. A problem occurred while attempting to build the index for this service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0242E: Unable to retrieve the resume token for the {0} service, this service will not be indexed. An error occurred when attempting to update the SR_INDEX_MANAGEMENT table with the state of the local Search index. The index state will not be in synchronized with the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0243E: An error occurred on shut down accessing data source. An error occurred trying to access the Search Datasource while the Search application was stopping. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0244E: Unable to start the Document Indexing Service, an attempt to retrieve the service returned null. Unable to start the document indexing service. Reinstall the Search application. CLFRW0246E: The index builder bean received a NULL message. Message will be discarded. An empty message was received via JMS. Check your JMS configuration. CLFRW0247W: Seedlist at {0} contains no content The seedlist at the stated location does not contain content that can be indexed. Run the indexing task again. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0248W: Could not parse entry at position {0}, possibly malformed This message is logged when parsing seedlist content while crawling. The entry in the current seedlist at the numbered position is malformed in some way and could not be parsed. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0249W: Could not parse the entry with id {0}, possibly malformed This message is logged when parsing seedlist content while crawling. The entry in the current seedlist with the given ID is malformed in some way and could not be parsed. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0250E: Error creating SAND tags index An error occurred when attempting to create or run the Tags Indexer. This will result in missing or invalid recommendations in the Do You Know widget and the Recommendations widget in Communities. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0251E: Error creating SAND tagged-by index An error occurred when attempting to create or run the Tagged-By Indexer. This will result in missing or invalid recommendations in the Do You Know widget and the Recommendations widget in Communities. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0252E: Error creating SAND evidence index An error occurred when attempting to create or run the Evidence Indexer. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0253E: Error creating SAND manager-employees index An error occurred when attempting to create or run the Managers-Employees Indexer. This will result in missing or invalid recommendations in the Do You Know widget and the Recommendations widget in Communities. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0254I: Wikis ACLs are not required. This is an informational message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0256E: An error occurred in the Index cache manager. An error occurred in the Index cache manager. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0258E: An error occurred while reading index cache entries in the Index cache reader. An error occurred while reading index cache entries. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0260E: An error occurred in the Index cache service. An error occurred in the Index cache service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0261E: An error has occurred in the index manager. A exception occurred when attempting to insert, update, or read from the SR_INDEX_MANAGEMENT table. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource-related problems. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0262I: Seedlist validation successful. This message is logged when the seedlist validation Search MBean command is run. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0263I: Seedlist validation failed. Please refer to the log for details. This message is logged when the seedlist validation Search MBean command is run. For the IBM Connections application that was specified when running the MBean command.
- Ensure that the application is running.
- Log in to the Deployment Manager Console and verify the search-admin role in Enterprise Applications > <application_name> > Security role to user/group mapping.
- If Steps 1 and 2 are verified, check that the application server logs for the WebSphere Application Server to which the IBM Connections application is deployed match the user specified in the connectionsAdmin J2C alias. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0264W: Exception thrown when performing lookup for bean with reference {0}. An exception has occurred performing a look up for an object using the specified look-up reference and class. This is an internal error. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0267W: Database schema version number is greater than expected value. This is not recommended. Unexpected behavior may occur. There is a mismatch between version of the Search application deployed and the HOMEPAGE database schema version. The Search application is not the correct version. Contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0268W: A crawl version does not exist, the crawl version will be set to zero. An error occurred retrieving the crawl version from the local Search index. The crawl version will default to version zero. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0269W: Search was unable to obtain a handle for the index. Search will use default startup values but may not function properly. An error occurred when loading the index on start-up. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0270I: {0} has been registered with the index management process. The Search server has registered itself in the SR_INDEX_MANAGEMENT table. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0271W: No resume token detected for {0}, all content for this service will be indexed. An error occurred retrieving the resume point for the specified service from the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0272E: Database schema version number does not match expected value. Please run database update script. There is a mismatch between the version of the Search application deployed and the HOMEPAGE database schema version. The database schema is not the correct version. There might have been a problem with the upgrade of the HOMEPAGE database from a previous release. Consult the product documentation on the topic of Database Upgrade from the version of the HOMEPAGE database to the current version. CLFRW0273W: Exception thrown when performing lookup for bean with reference {0} and class {1}. An exception has occurred performing a look up for an object using the specified look-up reference and class. This is an internal error. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0275W: IndexReader out of sync when trying to update documents matching {0}. Reloading readers and retrying. Changes to the Search index have been made since it was last reloaded. This is just a warning. CLFRW0276E: No instance of the VenturaConfigProvider class found. No instance of the VenturaConfigProvider class found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0277E: No VenturaConfigHelper set for the SearchConfigProvider. No instance of the VenturaConfigHelper class found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0278E: No instance of the VenturaConfigHelper class found. No instance of the VenturaConfigHelper class found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0279E: No VenturaConfigProvider set for the SearchConfigProvider. An instance of the VenturaConfigProvider class was not found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0280I: Found Run-Once Task Definition which has no matching WAS Scheduler Task.The following task will be deleted : {0}. Informational. A task with no associated WebSphere Application Server scheduler entry was found and will be deleted, no actions required. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0281E: Attempt to schedule create repeatable WAS Scheduled task from a task definition that was not defined as repeatable. {0} Unable to schedule the task with the specified name because it was not defined as repeatable. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Also consult the documentation about editing a task. CLFRW0282I: Search has finished building the index for {0}. The Search application has starting writing documents, created from content from the specified IBM Connections application, to the local Search index. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0283E: Search has encountered a problem while crawling. An error occurred while the Search application was crawling content. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0284E: There was an unexpected Error or RuntimeException thrown when using reflection to instantiate a content indexer. Search was unable to instantiate indexers. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0285I: Search is starting to build the index for {0}. The Search application has started writing Lucene documents, created from content from the specified IBM Connections application, to the local Search index. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0286E: There was a IllegalAccessException thrown when using reflection to instantiate a content crawler. Search was unable to instantiate crawlers for retrieving data. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0287W: Cannot resolve which Task Handler Home object to use to handle the task, with name {0}. An exception has occurred performing a look up for an object using the specified lookup reference and class. This is an internal error. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0288I: Failed to delete a WAS scheduled task with name {0} because it does not exist. The specified task could not be found. Consult the product documentation about deleting a task. CLFRW0289I: Failure to persist a task definition. {0} Informational. The specified task could not be saved. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Also consult the product documentation for information about editing a task. CLFRW0290E: There was a problem retrieving the FilesIndexer. Search could not get the indexer for the files service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0291E: A Run Once Task Must have a startTime specified {0} You must specify a start time for a run-once task. Consult the product documentation about editing a task. CLFRW0292E: Search has encountered a problem while building the index for {0}. An error occurred when writing documents, created from content from the specified IBM Connections application, to the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0293I: Failed to persist a repeatable scheduled task definition .The following task will be deleted : {0} Informational. The specified task could not be saved. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Also consult the product documentation for information about editing a task. CLFRW0294I: Search has finished crawling the {0} component. The Search application has finished crawling content from the specified IBM Connections application. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0295E: Problem starting indexing for the {0} service, as part of the indexing task with the following details: {0} An error occurred when the specified scheduled indexing task was indexing content from the specified IBM Connections application. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0296E: Problem performing background indexing task.Problem indexing the {0} service An error occurred when a background indexing task attempted to index content the specified IBM Connections application. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0297I: Search is starting to crawl the {0} component. The Search application has begun to crawl content from the specified IBM Connections application. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0298E: There was a ClassNotFoundException thrown when using reflection to instantiate a content crawlers. Search was unable to instantiate crawlers for retrieving data. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0299E: There was a InstantiationException thrown when using reflection to instantiate a content crawlers. Search was unable to instantiate crawlers for retrieving data. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0300I: Failed to adjust the schedules for the following task {0}. Informational. The specified task could not be changed. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Also consult the product documentation for information about editing a task. CLFRW0301E: There was an unexpected Error or RuntimeException thrown when using reflection to instantiate a content crawlers. Search was unable to instantiate crawlers for retrieving data. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0302I: The following WAS scheduled task has been successfully deleted : {0}. A task was successfully deleted, no action required This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0303E: Search has encountered a problem while crawling {0}, not resume token found. An error occurred when crawling content from the specified IBM Connections application. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0304E: Failed to delete the following task from Search task definition table {0}. Unable to delete the task with the specified name. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Also consult the product documentation for information about editing a task. CLFRW0305E: Error cloning the seedlist crawler template. Error cloning the seedlist crawler template. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0306E: SAX encountered an error parsing document {0}, but might be able to proceed. This message is logged when parsing seedlist content while crawling. The indexing task has encountered a malformed document and might not be able to fully index it. This could result in a document not being searchable. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0307E: SAX encountered a fatal exception parsing document {0}, and can not proceed. The indexing task has encountered a malformed document and cannot fully index it. The indexing tasks need to be rerun for this service. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0308E: The URL string passed to the seedlist crawler is not a valid URL {0}. The specified URL is not valid. Check the Lotus-Connections-config.xml file and verify the inter-service URLs for the following applications: activities, blogs, communities, dogear, files, profiles, wikis. If the URL is not valid, update the Lotus-Connections-config.xml file and restart all the applications by following the instructions in the documentation. CLFRW0309E: The content source passed to this seedlist crawler is invalid. Invalid data was encountered during indexing. Rerun the indexing task. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0310E: Problem creating the XML Reader for the seedlist crawler. The indexing task will fail to run without an XML reader. Try restarting the server. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0311E: Problem when initializing the seedlist crawler. The crawler for indexing tasks could not be initialized. Try restarting the server. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0312E: There is no authentication credentials available to this seedlist crawler. The Search server is not configured to have authentication details for the seedlist crawling tasks. If the seedlist requires authentication, then the Search service cannot retrieve the data in order to build an index. Check the configuration, and restart the server. CLFRW0313E: Attempt by crawler registry to retrieve an un-configured search service {0}.Please check you Lotus-Connections-config.xml. While trying to index the named service, an invalid configuration was encountered. Check that the configuration is correct and restart the Search service. CLFRW0314E: Problem creating a copy of the registered crawler. A problem occurred while creating a copy of the registered crawler. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0315E: No content source available for service {0}.Please check you Lotus-Connections-config.xml and search-config.xml. While trying to index the named service, an invalid configuration was encountered. Check that the configuration is correct and restart the Search service. CLFRW0316E: Problem setting content source on crawler retrieved for this service {0}. A problem occurred while setting content source on the crawler retrieved for this service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0318E: No start by schedule defined for the optimize task. This error is logged if the administrator specified an empty string for the startBy parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addOptimizeTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0319E: No interval defined for the optimize task. This error is logged if the administrator specified an empty string for the schedule parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addOptimizeTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0320E: No task name defined for the indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the taskName parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0321E: No task interval defined for the index backup task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the schedule parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addBackupIndexTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startbySchedule) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0322E: No task start by schedule defined for the index backup task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the startBy parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addBackupIndexTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startbySchedule) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0323W: There is no resume point for service {0} and this node {1} This error occurs on the initial indexing of the specified application on the specified node. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0324I: The files database cache was cleared successfully. Informational. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0326I: The SAND task with name {0} was not successfully added. Informational. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0327I: The attempt to clear the files database cache failed. Informational. A failed attempt was made to clear the files database cache. Try to clear the files database cache again. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0328E: No services string defined for the SAND indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the jobs parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0329I: Failed to retrieve the number of unsuccessful file conversions. A exception occurred while attempting to read from the SR_FILESCONTENT table to calculate the specified metric. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE Database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource related problems. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0330E: No task name defined for the file content retrieval task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the taskName parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0331E: There is no task persistence helper service set on the scheduling utility. There is no task persistence helper service set on the scheduling utility. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0332E: No task name defined for the SAND indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the taskName parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0334E: No task interval defined for the file content retrieval task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the schedule parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addFileContentTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, failuresOnly) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0337E: Invalid service in the set of services to be indexed, entered by the administrator: {0} This error is logged if the administrator specifies an invalid application name in the applicationNames parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0338E: No services string defined for the file content retrieval task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the applicationNames parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addFileContentTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, failuresOnly) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0340E: No services string defined for the indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the applicationName parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0341E: No task start by schedule defined for the file content retrieval task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an invalid set of application names in the applicationNames parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0342E: There is no configuration provider set on the scheduling utility. There is no configuration provider set on the scheduling utility. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0343E: No task name defined for the index backup task. This error is logged if an administrator specifies an invalid set of application names in the applicationNames parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0344I: Failed to retrieve the number of successful file conversions. A exception occurred while attempting to read from the SR_FILESCONTENT table to calculate the specified metric. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE Database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource related problems. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0345I: The number of successful file conversions retrieved was {0}. Informational. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0346E: No start by schedule defined for the indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the startBy parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0347E: Invalid service in the set of services for files-only indexing, entered by the administrator: {0} This error is logged if the administrator specifies an invalid set of application names in the applicationNames parameter when running the following command: SearchService.addFileContentTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, failuresOnly) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0348E: Invalid SAND indexer name in the set of names for SAND indexing, entered by the administrator: {0}. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an invalid set of jobs in the jobs parameter when running the following command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0349E: No interval defined for the indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the schedule parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addIndexingTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String applicationNames, Boolean optimizeFlag) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0350E: An error occurred while instantiating a Search service MBean. An error occurred while instantiating a Search service MBean. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0351E: No task name defined for the optimize task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the taskName parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addOptimizeTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0353I: The SAND task with name {0} was successfully added. This is an informational message. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0355E: No task interval defined for the SAND indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the schedule parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0357E: No task start by schedule defined for the indexing task. This error is logged if the administrator specifies an empty string for the startBy parameter when running the following wsadmin command: SearchService.addSandTask(String taskName, String schedule, String startBy, String jobs) Run the command again with valid parameters by following the instructions in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0358E: Error encountered when making request to Wikis service to retrieve the access control list for user with ID {0}. An error occurred at Search time, meaning that the user will not be able to find content in private wikis that they are a member of. Verify the interservice URL for the Wikis application in the Lotus-Connections-config.xml file on the Search server is correct. Verify the URL is accessible from the Search server. Check the WebSphere Application Server logs on the server where Wikis is deployed to see if an error has occurred. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0359E: Error encountered calling Directory Services to lookup communities and groups for user with ID {0}. An error occurred at Search time, meaning that the user will not be able to find content in private communities that they belong to. Verify the interservice URL for the Communities application in the Lotus-Connections-config.xml file on the Search server is correct. Verify the URL is accessible from the Search server. Check the WebSphere Application Server logs on the server where Communities is deployed to see if an error has occurred. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0360E: Attempt make a call to the Wikis Service when it is disabled. The Wikis application is disabled. Enable the Wikis application. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0365W: The entry with the identifier {0} from the {1} service, is missing an valid action. The action is missing from the indexable entry, with the specified identifier from the specified application. Action is a mandatory attribute. The indexer cannot create a Lucene document based on the indexable entry without an action attribute. This indexable entry will be skipped, and its updated content will not be added to the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0367W: Problem generating ATOM date. There was a problem generating an ATOM date for the current time. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0368W: The entry with the identifier {0} from the {1} service, is missing a title field The title is missing from the indexable entry, with the specified identifier from the specified application. Title is a mandatory attribute. The indexer cannot create a Lucene document based on the indexable entry without a title attribute. This indexable entry will be skipped, and its updated content will not be added to the local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0370I: Using the created time of the seedlist entry with id {0} from the service {1} , as the update time for this Document. The date is {2}. Errors occurred when attempting to parse the updated date field from the seedlist entry with the specified ATOM identifier from the specified IBM Connections application. The specified date will be used as the update field of the corresponding Lucene Document. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0372W: Could not parse the updated date from entry with ID {0} from the {1} service. An error occurred parsing the update date field from the indexable entry with the specified ATOM identifier and from the specified IBM Connections application. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0373W: The entry with the identifier {0} from the {1} service, is missing a link field The link is missing from the indexable entry, with the specified identifier from the specified application. Link is a mandatory attribute. The indexer cannot create a Lucene document based on the indexable entry without a link attribute. This indexable entry will be skipped, and its updated content will not be added to the local search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0375W: Could not parse the created date from entry with ID {0} from the {1} service. An error occurred while parsing the created field from the indexable entry with the specified ATOM identifier from the specified IBM Connections application. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0378W: Problem parsing the following string {0} as an ATOM Date.Will use the current date {1} instead. An error occurred while parsing a string that is expected to conform to the ATOM date format. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0379W: Skipping an entry from the {0} service, as it is missing an identifier. An indexable entry without an identifier was encountered. ID is a mandatory attribute. The indexer cannot create a Lucene document based on the indexable entry without an ID attribute. This indexable entry will be skipped, and its updated content will not be added to the local search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0381I: Neither the created time nor the updated time of the seedlist entry with this {0} from the {1} service was usable.No date information will be added to the document. Errors occurred when attempting to parse the updated and created date fields from the indexable entry with the specified ATOM identifier and from the specified IBM Connections application. No date information will be added to the corresponding Lucene document. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0382W: Cannot execute this scheduled run of the indexing task with the name {0} as the configuration provider is currently unavailable. The configuration provider is unavailable. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0383W: Cannot execute this scheduled run of the indexing task with the name {0}, as it has been disabled. The indexing task was disabled. If required, the task can be enabled using the steps outlined in the topic, Enabling and disabling scheduled tasks. CLFRW0388E: An error occurred while indexing an entry: {0}. An invalid indexable entry was encountered. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0390I: There are no {0} entries in the index, indexing will be done locally. There are no documents in the index representing data from the specified IBM Connections application. This means that indexing will be built on the local node only. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0391I: The task with the name: {0}, has been cancelled or deleted. The scheduled task with the specified name has been cancelled or deleted. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0394E: An error occurred while building the index. This is a general error message logged when there is a problem creating a local Search index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0395E: An error occurred while running the scheduled indexing task named {0}. An error occurred while launching the indexing task with the specified name. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0397E: An unknown error occurred while indexing the {0} component. While indexing the specified application, an error occurred that stopped the indexing. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs to identify the syntax error and correct the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0401E: Could not publish JMS Topic. Please check your configuration. Search was unable to send a message using the Java messaging service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0402E: Could not find the Topic Connection Factory with JNDI name {0}. Please check your configuration. The JMS topic connection factory for Search is not configured correctly. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0403E: No AdminService MBean retrieved. Please check your configuration. Search could not access the WebSphere Application Server administration service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0404E: Problem accessing a WebSphere AdminService MBean. Please check your configuration. Search could not access the WebSphere Application Server administration service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0405E: Problem serializing BLOB data An error occurred reading indexing data from the database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0406E: Problem de-serializing BLOB data. An unexpected error occurred. An error occurred while reading indexing data from the database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0407E: Problem serializing BLOB data. An IOException was thrown. An error occurred while reading indexing data from the database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0408E: Problem de-serializing BLOB data. An IOException was thrown. An error occurred while reading indexing data from the database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0409E: Problem de-serializing BLOB data. A ClassNotFoundException was thrown. Please contact IBM support. An error occurred while reading indexing data from the database Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0410E: Problem running the graph indexer. The graph indexer for social analytics could not be run. Rerun the indexing tasks. CLFRW0411E: Error generating SAND network results. An error occurred when attempting to retrieve the network for a user. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0412E: Attempted to load an invalid facet category. Possible index corruption. It may be necessary to rebuild the index. CLFRW0413E: Error creating community membership documents An error occurred when attempting to create or run the Community Membership Indexer. This will result in missing or invalid recommendations in the Do You Know widget and the Recommendations widget in Communities. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0414E: Problem adding facet to the document with id {0}.An IOException was thrown. This message might be printed by the files post process indexer, it occurs when attempting to add a facet to a Lucene document. This error might be due to a file I/O exception, which may be resolvable with the information provided in the logs. For example, if the exception indicates that not enough space is allocated to disk partition, this can be resolved by increasing the partition size. CLFRW0415E: Problem in a post process indexer. Facet could not be added to document. Post processing tasks failed to run, causing an incomplete Search index to be built. Rerun the indexing tasks. CLFRW0416W: Evidence file is missing. The evidence file for the social analytics service is missing, deleted or corrupt. The social analytics indexing task has not run yet. This evidence file will be created after social analytics indexing has run. CLFRW0417E: Error generating SAND path between users. An error occurred when attempting to retrieve the path between two users. The Who Connects Us widget will not work as a result. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0419E: Error generating SAND recommendations. An error occurred when attempting to retrieve recommendations for a user. This will result in no recommendations displaying in Recommendations widgets. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0420E: Problem running the files post processor.An IOException was thrown. An error occurred while running the Files Post-Process Indexer. This error can be logged during attachment indexing. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs to determine the root cause exception. This error may be due to a file I/O exception and may be resolvable with the information provided in the logs. For example, if the exception indicates that not enough space allocated to disk partition, this can be resolved by increasing the partition size. If the cause of the problem is not apparent, enable the following trace string:*=all. If and when the problem reoccurs, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0421E: Problem processing content for file with ID {0}. This error can be logged during attachment indexing. It may be caused by an exception thrown when updating the Search index or when updating the Home page database used by Search. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string:*=all. If and when the problem reoccurs, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0422I: Opening cache file {0}. The specified cache file is being opened. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0423E: Problem adding facet to the document with id {0}.An DocumentBuildingException was thrown. This message might be printed by the files post process indexer, it occurs when attempting to add a facet to a Lucene document. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource related problems. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0424W: Problem parsing marked up content. A SAXParseException was thrown. There was an error starting the service for removing HTML markup from content. The indexing tasks might index content without removing the HTML markup from it. Restart the Search service once indexing is complete. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0425W: An Exception was thrown when attempting to remove mark-up. There was an error starting the service for removing HTML markup from content. The indexing tasks might index content without removing the HTML markup from it. Restart the Search service once indexing is complete. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0426W: Problem reading from the input source used to read marked up content. An IOException was thrown. There was an error starting the service for removing HTML markup from content. The indexing tasks might index content without removing the HTML markup from it. Restart the Search service once indexing is complete. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0427E: An unknown runtime exception occurred during a seedlist request to this URL: {0}. A failed attempt was made to retrieve the seedlist at the stated URL. This might be an authentication error or a communication error. Refer to the topic Validating Search seedlists for information about how to verify Search seedlists. CLFRW0428E: Problem setting up utility for de-marking content. There was an error starting the service for removing HTML markup from content. The indexing tasks might index content without removing the HTML markup from it. Restart the Search service once indexing is complete. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0429E: Problem starting files attachment indexing manager. An WorkException was thrown when attempting to schedule the task This message might be logged if the Search application's call to a Work manager to schedule the Files attachment indexing job failed due to the specified exception. This may be resolvable with the information provided in the logs. Consult the FFDC logs. If the problem is not immediately identifiable, then enable the trace string for*=all If the problem reoccurs the next time attachment indexing is due to run, then the Search application will provide more verbose logging that will explain the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0430I: Indexing of files content complete with exceptions. The Asynchronous file download and text extraction job finished with errors. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for details of the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0431E: Problem starting files attachment indexing manager The Asynchronous file download and text extraction job failed to start. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for details of the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0432E: Problem starting files attachment indexing manager. An IllegalArgumentException was thrown when attempting to schedule the task. This message might be logged if the Search application's call to a Work manager to schedule the Files attachment indexing job failed due to the specified exception. This may be resolvable with the information provided in the logs. Consult the FFDC logs. If the problem is not immediately identifiable, then enable the trace string for*=all If the problem reoccurs the next time attachment indexing is due to run, then the Search application will provide more verbose logging that will explain the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0433E: An unknown error occurred when attempting to cancel defunct WAS scheduled tasks. There was an exception thrown when cancelling tasks in the WebSphere Application Server scheduler that do not have a corresponding entry in the HOMEPAGE.SR_TASKSDEF table. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for details of the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0434E: Problem retrieving file content retrieval task with name {0}. There was a problem retrieving the row from the SR_FILESCONTENT table with the specified name. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for details of the error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0435W: An error occurred retrieving the users from Community {0}. There was a exception when the Search application attempted to retrieve users for the community with the specified ID. This method might be logged during social analytics indexing. It is possible that the community might have been deleted since the last regular indexing job ran, and there is no community with that ID. Alternatively, it might be that there was a problem communicating with the Communities application. Users of that community will not get recommendations based on membership of that community. Also, the specified community will not be recommended. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for details of the error. The exception causing this message will also be logged. If the exception is a communication problem with Communities, troubleshoot the Communities server. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0436E: Backup cannot be performed. The index location cannot be retrieved, check IBM Connections configuration. There is a problem with the IBM Connections configuration file. Reinstall IBM Connections. CLFRW0437E: An error occurred while trying to obtain the facet mask. This error is logged on start-up if the social analytics services cannot initialize the weightings for the various social relationships used to generate recommendations for the Recommendations widgets. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0438E: Backup cannot be performed and failed when creating the backup. Check that the IBM Connections WebSphere process has permissions to write to the backup location and that there is sufficient disk space available. There is an operating-system level permissions problem. Ensure that the IBM Connections WebSphere Application Server process has write permissions to the backup directory and that there is sufficient disk space to perform an index backup. CLFRW0439E: An error occurred while trying to obtain the document type. This error is logged on start-up if the social analytics services cannot initialize the weightings for the various social relationships used to generate recommendations for the Recommendations widgets. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0440E: Backup cannot be performed. The specified index location is not available or is not a directory. The index has probably not yet been created. Wait for the index to be created. CLFRW0441E: An error occurred generating the relationships for SAND. This error is logged on start-up if the social analytics services cannot initialize the weightings for the various social relationships used to generate recommendations for the Recommendations widgets. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0442E: Unable to create results filter. This error is logged at Search time if there was a problem applying a filter during search. None. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0443E: Backup cannot be performed. The specified index location is not available or is not a directory. The index has probably not yet been created. Wait for the index to be created. CLFRW0444E: An error occurred while trying to obtain the query mask. This error is logged on start-up if the social analytics services cannot initialize the weightings for the various social relationships used to generate recommendations for the Recommendations widgets. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0445E: Could not locate one or more facets in the index. An error occurred locating a facet ordinal. Your index may be in corrupt state. Rebuild your Search index. CLFRW0446E: Backup cannot be performed. The existing backup could not be deleted to prepare for the new backup. Ensure that the IBM Connections WebSphere process has delete permissions to the backup directory or that there are no file system locks on the existing backup files. There is an operating-system level permissions problem. Ensure that the IBM Connections WebSphere Application Server process has delete permissions to the backup directory and that there are no file system locks on the existing backup files. CLFRW0447E: An error occurred while filtering the results set. This error is logged at Search time if there was a problem applying a filter during search. None. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0448E: Backup cannot be performed. The specified index location is empty and no index is available. The index has probably not yet been created. Wait for the index to be created. CLFRW0449W: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the user with the internal ID {0} from the cache This error is logged at Search time if there was a problem resolving an user identifier to the records in the Home page database. You might need to synchronize the user records in the IBM Connections application DBs. For more information, see Managing users. CLFRW0454E: Unable to get indexing information about the current server, the index will not be built for this server. The configuration for the server that the Search application is trying to index is incorrect. Check the configuration, and then restart the server to resolve the issue. CLFRW0457E: Unable to get the current nodes ID, creating a random UID but unexpected behaviour may occur. The Search application had a problem on start-up when retrieving the WebSphere Application Server node that the server is running on. Check for occurrences of SECJ0305I in the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Consult the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for details about how to resolve this issue. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0459E: Unable to get a reference to the Websphere admin service. Unable to get a reference to the WebSphere Application Server admin service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0461E: Could not retrieve the service configuration reference for the {0} service. This message is logged when trying to retrieve configuration information relating to the specified IBM Connections application from an IBM Connections configuration file. This can happen if an administrator has edited one of these files causing a syntax validation error. Administrators should use the wsadmin scripting client for making edits to IBM Connections configuration files. When checking in changes, the scripting client performs validation on the file. See Editing configuration files for more information. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs to identify the syntax error and correct the syntax error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0463I: A SAND indexing task was fired but SAND is not enabled, check the IBM Connections Configuration file. This is informational only. The message states that the social analytics task ran, but did not take any action as it is set to disabled in the configuration. If you want to enable the social analytics service, you must update your configuration to enable the service, and then restart the server. CLFRW0464I: A JMS Message was sent to start SAND indexing but SAND is not enabled, check the IBM Connections Configuration file. This is informational only. The message states that the social analytics task ran, but did not take any action as it is set to disabled in the configuration. If you want to enable the social analytics service, you must update your configuration to enable the service, and then restart the server. CLFRW0465E: Could not retrieve the service configuration reference for the {0} service. The configuration for the specified application is incorrect, malformed, or missing. Check that the configuration is correct, and then restart the application servers. CLFRW0466I: An index backup task has been aborted because the initial index creation has not yet completed. A scheduled indexing task attempted to start but was unable to do so because the initial index had not yet been completed. Wait for the initial index to be created. CLFRW0467I: A SAND indexing task has been aborted because the initial index creation has not yet completed. A scheduled indexing task attempted to start but was unable to do so because the initial index had not yet been completed. Wait for the initial index to be created. CLFRW0468E: An IOException was thrown when building recommendations. The recommendations service could not build its recommendations. Rerun the social analytics indexing tasks. CLFRW0469I: The SAND service has either been disabled or un-installed. This message is logged in the following scenarios:
- When a scheduled social analytics indexing task fires on the Search server that has acquired the lease on the LotusConnectionsScheduler but the local copy of Lotus-Connections-config.xml is edited so that the social analytics service is disabled.
- When a Search server has received a JMS text message to start social analytics indexing but the local copy of Lotus-Connections-config.xml is edited so that the social analytics service is disabled.
If the social analytics service is meant to be disabled, then delete all scheduled social analytics indexing tasks using the information in the topic, SearchService commands. CLFRW0470I: An optimization task has been aborted because the initial index creation has not yet completed. A scheduled indexing task attempted to start but was unable to do so because the initial index had not yet been completed. Wait for the initial index to be created. CLFRW0471E: A background index creation task has failed because you have attempted to start background index creation in a location which is write locked by another indexing process. Please wait for the INDEX.READY file to appear in the index directory. The administrator attempted to start a background index creation task into an index directory that is currently in use. Wait till the index directory is no longer in use. CLFRW0472W: No users returned from the directory services lookup for the community with this id {0}. This message is logged when the social analytics indexers run if the community with the specified ID had no members. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0473W: The following query and/or count mask numbers are not within in the specified range. An expected value was used. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0475E: Error initializing the Graph Indexer. An error occurred when initializing the Graph Indexer. This is a social analytics indexing problem. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs to identify the syntax error and correct the syntax error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0477E: Problem initializing the opt out policy for the SAND service. This error can be logged on start-up of the Search application. The consequence of this is that users who opted to be excluded from the social analytics service might be:
For more information, see Excluding specific users from the social analytics service.
- Returned as a related person in search results
- Recommended to other users in the Do You Know widget
- Displayed as a link between two people in the Who Connects Us widget
Restart the Search Server. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs to identify the syntax error and correct the syntax error. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0478E: Could not retrieve the reference to the Search Configuration provider. The configuration for the Search service is incorrect, malformed, or missing. Check that the configuration is correct and restart the application servers. CLFRW0479E: Error initializing the relationships table. An error occurred while initializing the relationships table. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0480E: An illegal argument was passed to a DAO Layer method. An invalid argument was passed to the DAO layer. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0481I: The number of users whose SAND option have been updated since the last person policy refresh operation and which have been processed during the current refresh operation was {0}. The expected number was {1}. Informational message that is logged on a refresh of the Person policy. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0482E: Exception thrown retrieving parent ordinal using this taxonomy reader {0} This message is logged when a problem was encountered while reading the doctype taxonomy index on start-up. The social analytics recommendations will not work. Restart the Search application. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0483I: SAND indexing has started. This message is logged when the social analytics indexers start to run. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0484I: SAND indexing has completed. This message is logged when the social analytics indexers have finished running. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0486I: The number of users whose state have been updated since the last person policy refresh operation and which have been processed during the current refresh operation was {0}. The expected number was {1}. Informational message that is logged on a refresh of the Person policy. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0487W: Problem making call to the Person Policy Service. A exception was thrown while attempting to read or write to the Person Policy. (This represents the union of the set of users who are inactive and the set of users who have opted out of the social analytics service since social analytic indexing last completed). The root cause of this exception is either an I/O error reading from the index or from the Homepage database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0488W: Failed to resolve this ordinal for this person {0}. This message might be logged on refreshing of the Person Policy. This happens because there wasn't an person facet in the index corresponding to the person with the specified internal ID as stored in the HOMEPAGE.PERSON table in the HOMEPAGE database. This might happen if the index is stale or if the index has been restored to a system whose HOMEPAGE.PERSON table was cleared and repopulated since the index backup. If this is logged for every opted-out and inactive user that has been detected on the person policy refresh, reindex all installed IBM Connections applications. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0491E: Error occurred when registering Search MBean. WebSphere Administrative Services may not be available. There was a problem registering the Search MBean. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0492E: Could not locate MBean Server. There was a problem locating the Search MBean server. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0493E: Unable to start the document indexing service, please ensure that the {0} environment variable has been set. An environment variable was incorrectly set and document indexing cannot start. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. Check that the specified WebSphere Application Server environment variable is set correctly. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0494E: Unable to start the document indexing service, FILE_CONTENT_CONVERSION websphere variable not correctly set. Search cannot start the document indexing service because the specified WebSphere Application Server variable is invalid. Consult the product documentation, and ensure that the FILE_CONTENT_CONVERSION variable is correctly set. CLFRW0495I: Using the updated time of the seedlist entry with id {0} from the service {1} , as the update time for this Document. The date is {2}. The updated time of the seedlist entry with the specified ID from the specified application is being used as the update time for this document. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0496I: CommunityMembershipIndexer is processing the following community with ID {0}. The community size is less than 250. Communities of this size will be processed by the specified indexer. The specified community may be returned as a recommendation and may be used as the basis of recommendations. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0498E: Error locating initial index on this node. Skipping index updates. Please refer to infocenter for guidelines on initial indexing. This is seen on a cluster where you are adding a new Search node to a cluster that already has one. This error occurs when the new node gets a message from the existing node that the existing node has completed crawling and that it can start deserializing the entries from the database, but the new node does not have an index ready to be updated. You can avoid this error by restoring a backup of the existing Search node's index onto the new node before starting the new Search node. Alternatively, you can build a new Search index on the new node and, when this is finished, it will then stop printing the error when the existing node finishes crawling and start using the entries from the database. CLFRW0499I: CommunityMembershipIndexer will skip the community with ID {0} because the community is too big. The community size is greater than 250. Communities of this size will not be processed by the specified indexer. The specified community will not be returned as a recommendation nor will it be used as the basis for making any recommendation. Note that the community will still be returned in regular searches. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0500I: The user with mail {0} has been opted out of SAND This message is logged when the SearchService.optOutOfSandByEmail(mail) command completes successfully. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0501I: The following index backup task has been successfully added.{0} Informational message. Informational, no user action is required. CLFRW0502E: An error occurred updating the Sand Opt In/Opt Out flag for the user with WALTZ id {0}. This message is logged if an exception was thrown when attempting to service a call to the MBean methods:
- SearchService.optOutOfSandByEmail
- SearchService.optOutOfSandByExId
- SearchService.optIntoSandByEmail
- SearchService.optIntoSandByExId
Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE Database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource related problems and, if the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0503I: The user with WALTZ id {0} has been opted out of SAND. This message is logged when the SearchService.optOutOfSandByExId(waltzId) command completes successfully. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0504I: The following index backup task was not successfully added.{0} Informational message. Try to add the index backup task again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0505I: The user with WALTZ id {0} has been opted into SAND. This message is logged when the SearchService.optIntoSandByExId(waltzId) command completes successfully. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0506W: Could not opt out user with email {0} , out of SAND.Please verify that you have specified a valid mail address. This message is logged if the SearchService.optOutOfSandByEmail(mail) command fails. Verify there is a record in the HOMEPAGE.PERSON table in the HOMEPAGE database with a matching email. CLFRW0508W: Could not opt user with email {0} , into SAND.Please verify that you have specified a valid mail address. This message is logged if the SearchService.optOutOfSandByEmail(mail) command fails. Verify there is a record in the HOMEPAGE.PERSON table in the HOMEPAGE database with a matching email. CLFRW0509E: An error occurred updating the Sand Opt In/Opt Out flag for the user with the email {0}. This message is logged if an exception was thrown when attempting to service a call to the MBean methods:
- SearchService.optOutOfSandByEmail
- SearchService.optOutOfSandByExId
- SearchService.optIntoSandByEmail
- SearchService.optIntoSandByExId
Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE Database. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. Check for underlying datasource related problems and, if the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0510W: Could not opt user with WALTZ ID {0} ,into SAND. Please verify that you have specified a valid WALTZ ID. This message is logged when the SearchService.optOutOfSandByExId(waltzId) command completes successfully. Verify there is a record in the HOMEPAGE.PERSON table in the HOMEPAGE database with a matching Waltz ID. CLFRW0511I: The user with mail {0} has been opted into SAND. This message is logged when the SearchService.optIntoSandByEmail(mail) command completes successfully. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0512W: Could not opt out user with WALTZ ID {0} , out of SAND .Please verify that you have specified a valid WALTZ ID. This message is logged if the SearchService.optOutOfSandByExId(waltzId) command completes successfully. Verify there is a record in the HOMEPAGE.PERSON table in the HOMEPAGE database with a matching Waltz ID. CLFRW0513I: The indexing process has detected that is is indexing one or more services for the first time and is performing a full crawl. The index on this node will need to be copied to all other nodes running Search once indexing has completed. Informational message. The indexing process is indexing one or more applications for the first time and is performing a full crawl. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0514E: The index has been detected to be in an inconsistent state. The update indexing process has been unable to find a resume point for one or more services. The index should be replaced with one from a working node. Indexing will now terminate. The update indexing process has been unable to find a resume point for one or more applications. Replace the index with one from a working node. CLFRW0515W: The index has been detected to be in an inconsistent state. The update indexing process has been unable to find a resume point for one or more services. A full crawl of these services will now begin. The update indexing process has been unable to find a resume point for one or more applications. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0516W: The index creation thread was released, index post processing skipped. WebSphere Application Server has requested that the index creation's thread be released. This usually happens because the server is stopping the Search application. As a consequence, index post processing has not occurred on this index. Don't stop the Search application during index creation unless you want to interrupt index creation. Your index may not now be in a consistent state. IBM recommends that you rebuild the Search index in question. CLFRW0517W: Index creation will be interrupted due to request for thread release. WebSphere Application Server has requested that the index creation's thread be released. This usually happens because the server is stopping the Search application. Don't stop the Search application during index creation unless you want to interrupt index creation. Your index may not now be in a consistent state. IBM recommends that you rebuild the Search index in question. CLFRW0521W: The index creation thread was released, index optimization skipped. WebSphere Application Server has requested that the index creation's thread be released. This usually happens because the server is stopping the Search application. Don't stop the Search application during index creation unless you want to interrupt index creation. Your index is not optimized. Run an optimization task as soon as possible. CLFRW0525I: Removal of "{0}" feature from the search index has finished on this search node. The specified feature has been removed from the Search index on this Search node. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0526E: Removal of "{0}" feature from the search index has failed. The removal of the feature from the Search index failed for some reason. Disable the feature, and then delete and rebuild the entire Search index. CLFRW0527I: Removal of "{0}" feature from the search index is starting on this search node. The specified feature is being removed from the index on this Search node. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0528I: Removal of "{0}" feature from the search index is starting. The specified feature is about to be removed from the Search index. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0529W: Query is too complex, returning empty set of results for user: {0} The query provided is too complex; it is not possible to return any results for the specified user. Simplify the query if possible. CLFRW0530W: Too many ACLs ({0}), returning empty set of results for user: {1} The user has access to too many blogs, wikis, and other types of content to query accurately. Searches on public content will work, but not on the user's content. This is a warning message only; no action is required. CLFRW0531W: There was a problem reading or writing to the index directory. Please check permissions and capacity. There was a problem reading or writing to the index directory. Check permissions and capacity. Also check the server logs for more information on the error. CLFRW0532W: An IOException occurred when building the tag cache data structure used by SAND Widgets.The cache can not be built at this time. This message may be logged during social analytic Indexing. This exception may affect the quality of recommendations, but end users will still get recommendations. This is a warning message only; no action is required. CLFRW0533W: An InvalidCategoryException was encountered when building the tag cache.The cache can not be built at this time. This message may be logged during social analytic Indexing. This exception may affect the quality of recommendations, but end users will still get recommendations. This is a warning message only; no action is required. CLFRW0534W: An exception has being thrown from the IBM Lucene Extension Libraries.The cache can not be built at this time. This message may be logged during social analytic Indexing. This exception may affect the quality of recommendations, but end users will still get recommendations. This is a warning message only; no action is required. CLFRW0535I: The scheduled task with type {0} will not perform it''s work because it has detected that the Search application has not finished starting. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. This message indicates that a scheduled task will not perform its work because the Search application has not finished starting. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0536E: The scheduled task with type {0} has not been able to get a reference to it''s associated task delegate. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that the TaskHandler session bean associated with the task type was unable to satisfy its specified runtime dependencies and therefore cannot perform its work The Search application may not have been able to start all of its associated services. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0537I: The scheduled task with type {0} is not able to acquire the lock to run exclusively on this server.The task will not perform it''s work. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It indicates that a scheduled task could not perform its work because another scheduled task is running. This is an informational message only; no action is required. CLFRW0538E: The scheduled task with type {0} has not been able to get a reference to the life cycle manager singleton. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that the TaskHandler session bean associated with the task type was unable to satisfy its specified runtime dependencies and therefore cannot perform its work The Search application may not have been able to start all of its associated services. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0539E: The scheduled task with type {0} has not been able to get a reference to the exclusive lock singleton. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that the TaskHandler session bean associated with the task type was unable to satisfy its specified runtime dependencies and therefore cannot perform its work The Search application may not have been able to start all of its associated services. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0540E: The scheduled task with type {0} has encountered a problem releasing the exclusive lock. The following exception was thrown {1}. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that an unexpected problem was encountered when the scheduled task could not release the exclusive lock to allow other scheduled tasks to perform their work. This will prevent other scheduled tasks from running on the Search Server. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0541E: The scheduled task with type {0} has not been able to get a reference to the service locator singleton. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that the TaskHandler session bean associated with the task type was unable to satisfy its specified runtime dependencies and therefore cannot perform its work The Search application may not have been able to start all of its associated services. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0542E: The scheduled task with type {0} has encountered a problem acquiring the exclusive lock. The following exception was thrown {1}. This message may be logged when a scheduled task fires. It means that an unexpected problem was encountered when the scheduled task could not acquire the exclusive lock to allow it to perform its work. Restart the Search server. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0543W: Unable to update resume point for the {0} service. A resume point for the service could not be updated. Review the server logs to determine why the update did not occur. If there are no errors in the logs, then no action is required. If there are errors in the logs and the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0545E: An exception was thrown attempting to parse the Community Feed for this Community {0}. This message may be logged during social analytic indexing, specifically the Community Membership Indexer. It will be logged if there is a problem parsing the results of a Communities API call. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0546E: A HTTP Communication problem occurred when attempting to retrieve the Community Feed for this Community {0}. This message may be logged during social analytic indexing, specifically the Community Membership Indexer. It will be logged if a problem is encountered calling the Communities API. Check to see if the Communities server is running and the Communities API is accessible. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0547E: An I/O problem occurred when attempting to retrieve or parse the Community Feed for this Community {0}. This message may be logged during social analytic indexing, specifically the Community Membership Indexer. It will be logged if a problem is encountered calling the Communities API. Check to see if the Communities server is running and the Communities API is accessible. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0548W: Unexpected HTTP response code {0} was returned when attempting to retrieve the Community Feed for this Community {1}. This message may be logged during social analytic indexing, specifically the Community Membership Indexer. It will be logged if a problem is encountered calling the Communities API. Check that the Communities server is running and the Communities API is accessible. CLFRW0549W: Problem authenticating against the Communities API to retrieve the Community Feed for this Community {0}. This message may be logged during social analytic indexing, specifically the Community Membership Indexer. It will be logged if a problem is encountered calling the Communities API. This can happen when Search is attempting to retrieve the specified Community's feed but the feed could not be retrieved as a unauthenticated user because the Community's visibility has changed to private. None. CLFRW0550E: The index is out of date. An index that is over 30 days old has been restored and it is out of date. Rebuild a new index or restore an index that is less than 30 days old. CLFRW0573E: Could not resolve the variable value {0} in search-config.xml in order to bind it. An environment variable could not be resolved. Check that the variable is correct in the search-config.xml file. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0575E: An unexpected work status was encountered while checking the finished work item. An unexpected work status was encountered while checking the finished work item. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0578E: Failed to write the extracted content to file: {0} Failed to write file content to the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable EXTRACTED_FILE_STORE is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0579E: An error occurred which prevented the persistence of the crawled page {0} A crawled page could not be persisted to the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0585E: The {0} indexer is missing a dependency of the following type {1}. An indexer is missing a dependency Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0587W: Unable to resume crawl for {0}. A new crawl from the last resume point available will now commence. Unable to resume a crawl for the specified service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0590E: Failed to create the parent directory for extracted content: {0} Failed to create a parent folder on the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable EXTRACTED_FILE_STORE is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0592E: Failed to read the extracted content from file: {0} Failed to read file content from the file system. Check permissions on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable EXTRACTED_FILE_STORE is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0594E: An unexpected work failure has occurred. Work has not been completed successfully for {0}. Crawling failed for the service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging.
CLFRW0595E: An error occurred which prevented the deletion of the persisted crawlable page. Please delete the persisted crawlable pages manually. An error occurred which prevented the deletion of the persisted crawlable pages defined by the WebSphere Application Server variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR. Check permissions on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0596W: Verification of directory for seedlist capturing and retrieval failed. Seedlists will not be captured or retrieved from the filesystem. Please check the WebSphere variable {0}. The directory configured for seedlist persistence either doesn't exist or is not a directory. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. CLFRW0597E: Unable to parse rating as integer. Unable to parse rating as an integer. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0599E: An unexpected work exception was encountered while retrieving the result of the finished work item. An unexpected work status was encountered while checking the finished work item. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0601E: Unable to parse JSON object. Unable to parse JSON object. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0602E: Unable to write to indexing resumption info file. Check file permissions to write to {0}. Failed to write information to the file system. Check permissions on the file system. Check that the file path specify is valid. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0603E: Unable to read/write the persisted seedlists filenames lookup file. Unable to read or write the persisted seedlist file names lookup file from the file system. Check permissions on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0605E: Unable to close the persisted seedlist file. Unable to close the persisted seedlist file on the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0606E: Fetcher giving up now. No seedlist was returned. A crawl will be attempted the next time the indexing task is run. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem reoccurs, the Search application will provide more verbose logging.
CLFRW0607E: Unable to parse indexing resumption info file. {0} will be deleted. Unable to parse the persisted seedlist file on the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0609W: Unable to use the persisted seedlists in {0}. Seedlists are older than the configured maximum page persistence age. The persisted seedlists are older than the persistence age. The persistence age is defined in the search-config.xml variable setMaxPagePersistenceAge. This variable can be updated using the steps in the topic, Configuring page persistence settings. IBM recommends that the variable setMaxPagePersistenceAge be set to a value of less than 720 hours. CLFRW0610E: Fetcher to connect on attempt {0}. The seedlist fetcher failed to connect to a service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging.
CLFRW0611E: Unable to clear indexing resumption info file. Check file permissions to delete {0}. The indexing resumption file could not be deleted from the file system Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0612E: Unable to write the seedlist to a file. Unable to write the seedlist to a file on the file system Check permissions and capacity on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0613E: No crawl resumption info file exists at {0}. No crawl resumption information file exists in the specified directory. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0614E: An error occurred while attempting to clear indexing resumption info for {0}. Delete it manually. An error occurred while attempting to clear the indexing resumption information for the service specified. Delete the specified file manually in the index directory defined by the IBM WebSphere Application Server variable, SEARCH_INDEX_DIR. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0615E: Unable to delete the seedlist file: {0}. Delete it manually. An error occurred while attempting to delete the seedlist file on the file system. Check permissions on the file system. Delete the specified file specified from the folder defined by the WebSphere Application Server environment variable CRAWLER_PAGE_PERSISTENCE_DIR. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0616E: Unable to read indexing resumption info file. {0} will be deleted. Unable to read indexing resumption information file from the file system. The specified file will be deleted from the file system. Check permissions and capacity on the file system. CLFRW0617W: Problem parsing URI. URI does not seem to be syntactically valid. URI was {0}. The seedlist URL could not be validated. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0620E: Unable to resume indexing. Invalid indexing resumption info file. {0} will be deleted. Indexing resumption failed as the specified file could not be read. The specified file will be deleted from the file system. Check permissions on the file system. CLFRW0621W: Unable to locate the persisted seedlist file for {0}. Seedlist was re-fetched. Unable to locate the persisted seedlist file on the file system. The seedlist will be downloaded from the service. No action is required. CLFRW0622E: Unable to read the persisted seedlists filenames lookup file. An exception occurred while trying to read a file from the file system. Check permissions on the file system. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0623E: Problem deleting SAND property named {0}. A problem occurred while deleting the specified property. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0624E: Problem updating SAND property named {0}. A problem occurred while updating the specified property. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0627E: The {0} servlet is missing a dependency of the following type {1}. A configuration setting is missing a required dependency Check that the following files are valid and correctly formatted: LotusConnections-config.xml, search-config.xml and widgets-config.xml. CLFRW0628E: An error occurred while determining whether forums categories are enabled. A problem occurred while reading LotusConnections-config.xml. Check that LotusConnections-config.xml is valid and correctly formatted. CLFRW0629E: Unable to retrieve component configuration for {0}. A problem occurred while reading LotusConnections-config.xml. Check that LotusConnections-config.xml is valid and correctly formatted. CLFRW0697E: The {0} object is missing dependency {1} of the following type {2} A required dependency is missing. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0699E: The {0} object is missing a dependency of the following type {1}. A required dependency is missing Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0700E: The call to the method named {0} of object with type {1} specified a null value for the parameter labeled {2} and with type {3} A null value was used as a parameter. If you encounter this error message frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0701E: The call to the method named {0} of object with type {1} , specified a null value for the parameter with type {2} A null value was used as a parameter. If you encounter this error message frequently, contact Customer Support. CLFRW0702E: Generating checksum for this file (or directory) {0} has failed. A problem occurred while generating checksum for index backup. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0703W: Database schema version number ({0}) is greater than expected value ({1}). This is not recommended. Unexpected behavior may occur. The database schema version is greater than the expected version. If this warning occurs after installation, review the installation logs for errors. If the exception occurs after migration, review the migration logs for errors. CLFRW0705E: An error occurred when releasing the exclusive lock for writing updates to the index. The following exception was thrown {0}. A problem occurred while releasing a lock on the index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0710E: This location {0} should specify the index directory. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. The index location is not correctly configured. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable SEARCH_INDEX_DIR is set correctly. This location should represent a directory. CLFRW0711E: An exception was thrown when initializing a SAND Indexer. An IOException was thrown. An exception was thrown when initializing a SAND Indexer. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0712W: Exiting indexing loop for community membership indexer because the indexer has encountered {0} successive failures. Community membership indexing has encountered {0} successive errors. It will now stop looping through communities. Verify the Communities application has been started and that it is correctly configured. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0713E: Problem parsing the backup identifier when processing the index roll-out message. Please contact IBM Customer Support. A problem occurred while parsing the backup identifier when processing the index rollout message. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0715E: An exception was thrown when initializing a SAND Indexer. A CorruptIndexException was thrown. The index may be corrupt. An exception was thrown when initializing a SAND Indexer. The index could not be loaded. Check that the directory defined by the WebSphere Application Server environment variable SEARCH_INDEX_DIR can be reached. You might need to delete and recreate your index or reload a backup. CLFRW0716E: A DocumentBuilderException was thrown when running the community membership indexer. An exception was thrown when attempting to build an index document for community membership. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0717E: An exception was thrown while reloading the index. An exception was thrown while reloading the index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0718E: This location {0} should specify the destination for creating an archive of a backup of the index directory. A file with this name already exists. The archive file specified for the backup operation already exists. Remove existing archive file or specify an alternate archive file name. CLFRW0719E: There has been a problem verifying the index backup at this location {0}. Exiting the backup/restore operation. Checksum verification of the backup failed while attempting to restore the index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0720E: This location {0} should specify an archive of a backup of the index directory. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. The archive location specified for the restore operation is not valid. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. Check that the archive directory exists and is accessible by the Search application. CLFRW0722E: This location {0} should specify a backup of the index directory. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. The backup location specified for the restore operation is not valid. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. Check that the backup directory exists and is accessible by the Search application. CLFRW0724E: Problem restoring or reloading the index when processing the index-rollout message. This can be caused by disk input/output exceptions when attempting to read the index, by corruption of the Search index, or by database communication issues. Review the following stack trace. There was a problem restoring or reloading the index. Check permissions and capacity on the file system of each node. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variables SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION and SEARCH_INDEX_DIR are set correctly. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0725W: Problem loading evidence.dat file. An attempt to reload the evidence.dat file during evidence indexing has failed. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0726E: Failed to delete the contents of the index at this location {0}. A restore operation failed to delete content of the index at the specified location. Check permissions and capacity on the file system of each node. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variables SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION and SEARCH_INDEX_DIR are set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0728E: An Input/Output exception was thrown when reading the checksum file {0}. Exiting the backup/restore operation. An error occurred when attempting to read a checksum file during a backup or restore operation. Check that the specified checksum file exists and is readable by the Search application. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0731E: The location {0} should specify the staging directory used for distribution of the initial index. Either this location does not exist, the location represents a file, or represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. The staging location defined by the WebSphere Application Server environment variable SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION either does not exist, the location represents a file, or represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Check that location defined by the WebSphere Application Server environment variable SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION is a valid directory and that the Search application has read/write permissions on the directory. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0732E: There has been a problem verifying the restored index at this location {0}. Exiting the backup/restore operation. A checksum mismatch was detected during a backup or restore operation. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0734E: An exception thrown when writing checksum file {0}. During a backup operation, Search failed to write the checksum file for the backup. Check that the specified checksum file is a valid file name and that the Search application has read/write permissions on the directory. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0735E: Generating checksum. The checksum file {0} already exists. During a backup operation, an existing checksum file was found when attempting to create a new checksum file. Delete the specified checksum file and repeat the backup operation. CLFRW0737E: An exception was thrown when running the Status Updates Post Processor. An exception occurred when running the Status Updates Post Processor. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0738W: Problem getting reference to the facets reader. Please review the SystemOut.log for further details. A problem occurred while getting reference to the facets reader. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0739W: Problem clearing the staging directory used during index roll-out {0}. There was a problem deleting old files from the staging directory. Check permissions on old files in the staging directory. Ensure that the application server has permission to delete the files. CLFRW0740E: An error occurred when releasing the exclusive lock for the creation of the initial index. The following exception was thrown {0}. An error occurred when releasing the exclusive lock for the creation of the initial index. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0741E: An Input/Output exception occurred when performing the extraction archive file part of the index restore operation. Please review the stack trace and correct the problem. If the problem persists, please contact IBM Customer Support. An Input/Output exception occurred when performing the extraction archive file part of the index restore operation. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0742E: There has been a problem verifying the backup at this location {0}. Exiting the backup/restore operation. A checksum mismatch was detected during the backup/restore operation. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0743E: An Input/Output exception occurred when performing the file copy part of the index restore operation. Please review the stack trace and correct the problem. If the problem persists, please contact IBM Customer Support. An Input/Output exception occurred when performing the file copy part of the index restore operation. Check permissions and capacity on the file system of each node. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variables SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION and SEARCH_INDEX_DIR are set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0744E: Search could not create an archive at this location {0} of this directory {1}. Exiting the backup/restore operation. Search cannot create the archive. Ensure that the application server has permission to write to the specified directory. CLFRW0746E: This location {0} should specify a file storing the checksum of this backup {1}. Either this location {0} does not exist, the location represents a file, or it represents a directory for which the Search application does not have read or write permission. Exiting the backup/restore operation. Either the specified checksum file does not exist or the Search application does not have read or write permissions. Check that the specified checksum file exists and the Search application has read/write permissions on the directory. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0747W: A problem occurred while updating statistics for Search. A problem occurred while updating the statistics. This is a warning message only. If the problem persists, contact IBM Customer Support. CLFRW0748E: Problem getting reference to the ServerToServerHttpClientFactory instance. Search could not get a reference to the ServerToServerHttpClientFactory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0749E: Problem encountered while registering this server's index when the Search application was starting. Problem encountered while registering this server's index when the Search application was starting. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0752I: The task with name {0} was not enabled successfully. An attempt to enable a Search related task using the wsadmin command enableTask() has failed. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0753E: Problem restoring or reloading the index when processing a restore or reload operation triggered by an MBean command. This can be caused by disk input/output exceptions when attempting to read the index, by corruption of the Search index, or by database communication issues. Review the following stack trace. There was a problem restoring or reloading the index. Check permissions and capacity on the file system of each node. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variables SEARCH_INDEX_SHARED_COPY_LOCATION and SEARCH_INDEX_DIR are set correctly. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0754E: The name "{0}" is not recognized as the name of a feature. An invalid feature or service name was specified in the wsadmin command deleteFeatureIndex(). Check that the feature or service name corresponds to one of the configured services. CLFRW0755E: An error occurred when registering the server with the index management process. Problem updating HOMEPAGE database tables. An error occurred when registering the server with the index management process. Verify the database connection to the HOMEPAGE database by following the steps outlined in the topic, Troubleshooting a database connection. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0757E: Problem making API call to Communities Service. Search could not contact the Communities service Verify the Communities service has been started and that it is correctly configured. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0758E: The version of the search-config.xml file is incorrect. The following version was expected "{0}". The following version was retrieved {1}. The version of the search-config.xml file does not match the version defined by the Search application. If this exception occurs after installation, review the installation logs for errors. If the exception occurs after migration, review the migration logs for errors. CLFRW0759I: The task with name {0} was not disabled successfully. An attempt to disable a Search related task using the wsadmin command disableTask() has failed. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0761W: Query for groups of user with ID {0} returned an unexpected entity of type {1}. An unexpected value was returned. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0769E: An unexpected work exception has occurred. An exception occurred when Search was attempting to schedule a background task. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0774E: An exception was thrown when post processing the document with ATOM ID {0} corresponding to a file without extracted file content. The index document corresponding to the file could not be found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0776E: An exception was thrown when post processing the document with ID {0} corresponding to a file without extracted file content. The index document corresponding to the file could not be found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0777E: An exception was thrown when post processing a document corresponding to a file without extracted file content. The index document corresponding to the file could not be found. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0781W: The tag frequency sample size specified by the administrator {0} was negative. Continuing to use the old value {1}. Refer to the product documentation on configuring global properties for the social analytics service for information about how to specify the tag frequency sample size. The tag frequency sample size specified by the administrator {0} was negative. Continuing to use the old value {1}. Refer to the product documentation on configuring global properties for the social analytics service for information about how to specify the tag frequency sample size. For more information, see Configuring global properties for the social analytics service. CLFRW0794E: An unexpected work release request has occurred. The work to complete the purging of the files content cache may not be completed. An unexpected work release request has occurred. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0795E: An unexpected work release request has occurred. The work to complete the purging of the Index database cache may not be completed. An unexpected work release request has occurred. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0805W: Problem creating an FSDirectory instance from this class {0} using this constructor {1} and these arguments {2}. An error or runtime exception was thrown. An exception was thrown while creating an FSDirectory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0806W: Problem creating an FSDirectory instance from this class {0} using this constructor {1} and these arguments {2}. One or more of the arguments is illegal. An exception was thrown while creating an FSDirectory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0807W: Problem creating an FSDirectory instance from this class {0} using this constructor {1} and these arguments {2}. The constructor threw an exception. An exception was thrown while creating an FSDirectory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0808W: Problem creating an FSDirectory instance from this class {0} using this constructor {1} and these arguments {2}. The specified class represents an abstract class. An exception was thrown while creating an FSDirectory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0809W: Problem creating an FSDirectory instance from this class {0} using this constructor {1} and these arguments {2}. Constructor is not accessible. An exception was thrown while creating an FSDirectory instance. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0813E: Exiting the 'tags' social analytics indexer as there were ten consecutive failures resolving person ordinals to person identifiers. The social analytics indexer for tags was interrupted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0814E: An IOException occurred running the 'tags' social analytics indexer when building the map of taggers to tagged people. The social analytics indexer for tags was interrupted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0815E: Exception thrown when running the 'tags' social analytics indexer . Please review the server logs for further details. The social analytics indexer for tags was interrupted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0822E: An exception was thrown when attempting to index document with id {0}. An exception occurred when attempting to retrieve a document for indexing. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0823E: No matching service defined with name {0} for the indexing request. The wsadmin command retryIndexing() was issued with an invalid service name. Check that the service name corresponds to one of the configured services. CLFRW0824E: No atom id defined for the indexing request. The wsadmin command retryIndexing() was issued without a specified ATOM ID. Check that the ATOM ID is being passed as a parameter to the retryIndexing command. CLFRW0825E: No service string defined for the indexing request. The wsadmin command retryIndexing() was issued with no service specified. Check that the service name is being passed as a parameter to the retryIndexing command. CLFRW0833W: Verification of directory for extracted content failed. Please check the location: {0} A valid directory was not specified. Check permissions on the file system. Check that the WebSphere Application Server environment variable EXTRACTED_FILE_STORE is set correctly. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0840E: Search crawling of services [{0}] to directory {1} has failed. You should examine the logs to determine the cause of the failure and correct it. Search crawling will resume from the point of failure once you correct the problem. A Search background crawl of one or more services has failed. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0845E: An unexpected error occurred during file content extraction File content extraction was interrupted Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0846W: The background indexing thread was released, file content extraction has been interrupted. The background indexing thread was released, file content extraction has been interrupted. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0847E: Error response (HTTP status code 500) to this seedlist URL {0}. Check the LotusConnections-config.xml interservice URLs or search-config.xml seedlist URL override. If the URLs are correct, verify that the target server is running. HTTP Error 500 returned when attempting to fetch the seedlist for a service. Check the LotusConnections-config.xml interservice URLs or search-config.xml seedlist URL override. If the URLs are correct, verify that the target server is running. CLFRW0852W: File content extraction service was unable to convert a file from the {0} service The file content extraction service was unable to convert a file from the specified service. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0854E: Unable to read the file for conversion: {0} File content conversion was unable to read the file for conversion. The file either doesn't exist or there was an error reading the file. Check that the specified file exists. Also consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0855E: Unexpected error occurred during file content conversion: {0} File content conversion has thrown an unexpected exception. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0858E: Failed to retrieve document with id {0}. Search was unable to retrieve an indexable document when servicing the wsadmin command retryIndexing(). Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs. If the cause of the problem is not clear, enable the following trace string: If the problem occurs again, the Search application will provide more verbose logging. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
CLFRW0859W: File content extraction not supported for this service: {0} The wsadmin command startBackgroundFileContentExtraction() was issued for an application that does not support file content extraction. Files and Wikis are the only applications that support file content extraction. CLFRW0872W: An IOException was thrown during bookmark rollup {0}. If exception of this type occurs more than {1} times , then the bookmark post processing will terminate. An exception was thrown during bookmark rollup. Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative. CLFRW0879W: Resume points are invalid for services {0}. A valid resume point could not be found for the services specified. Consult the Websphere Application Server logs for more information. Verify that all the services are started and configured correctly. For more information, see Verifying Search. CLFRW0913I: Failed to delete all tasks. A problem occurred when executing wsadmin command deleteAllTasks(). Consult the WebSphere Application Server logs for more information. If the problem persists, contact your local IBM support representative.
Error codes for the Bookmark form
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with the bookmark form and find their solutions.
CLFRO Represents the prefix that identifies the error message as one originating from the Bookmark form code. The following Bookmarks error messages are generated by IBM Connections:Table 26. Error codes for the bookmark form
Message Cause Solution CLFRO0001E: Failed to edit bookmark, url is: {0} . This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating the bookmark. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause CLFRO0002E: Failed to post the bookmark to Dogear. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Dogear. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0003E: Failed to build data entry for invoking remote service. The common bookmarklet creates xml document with the user inputs. This error is usually caused by the bad user inputs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0004E: The parameter constraint shouldn't be null. This error is encountered if the given constraint is null. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0005E: Add search text operator or 'ps' or 'page' parameters failed. This error is encountered if an URIException occurs when adding 'ps' or 'page' parameter. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0007E: Failed to get count of the bookmark, url is: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when querying the bookmark count from Dogear. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0008E: Unable to load configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created or locked by other application. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0009E: Failed to apply constraints. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when applying the constraints. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the user inputs. CLFRO0010E: Failed to add Credentials for invoking remote service, remote url is {0} This error is encountered if an URISyntaxException occurs when adding Credentials. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0011E: Failed to invoke remote service {0}, remote server return HTTP code: {1} This error is encountered if the remote service doesn't return the expected http code. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the remote server is available. CLFRO0012E: Failed to parse IBM Connections configure file IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0013E: Failed to delete the bookmark. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when deleting a bookmark from Dogear. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0015E: Failed to check bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when checking the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0016E: Failed to publish bookmark via remote service. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Dogear. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0017E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Activities. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Activities. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0018E: Parse redirect url failed. This error is encountered if an IRISyntaxException occurs when parsing the redirect url Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0019E: Unable to find configure file for bookmarklet installer. The error is encountered if the configure file is not created. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0020E: Error init connections config. IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong, or an unexpected exception occurs when parsing the IBM Connections configuration file. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0021E: Failed to update the bookmark. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when updating the bookmark. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0022E: Service {0} is not correctly configured. Bookmarklet can not point to the correct server if attributes ""enabled"" and ""href"" are not set in the configure file. Please check IBM Connections configure file. IBM Connections configuration file has something wrong. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Check the configure file is correct. CLFRO0023E: Failed to update the bookmarklet installer. This error is encountered if an IOException occurs when updating the installer. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0024E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Communities. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a bookmark to Communities. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0025E: Failed to delete bookmark, url is: {0} This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when deleting a bookmark from Dogear. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0026E: Failed to validate the url. When user updates a bookmark, Common Bookmarklet must first validate the url to see if user already has another bookmark with the same url. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0027E: Error when parsing atom entry to object instance. The common bookmarklet received an Atom document that we could not parse because of invalid syntax. Usually this error is caused because Dogear/Communities/Activities/Blogs is not working. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0028E: Failed to get content document from url {0}. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. Make sure the given url is valid and the remote server is available. CLFRO0030E: Error when handling the multiple bookmarklet user request. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when handing the request of the common bookmarklet. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause. CLFRO0031E: Failed to post the bookmark to one or more Blogs. This error is encountered if an unexpected exception occurs when adding a blog entry to Blogs. Check the detailed exception message following this error message in the log file to find the root cause.
Content Management Integration Services (CMIS) error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems with Content Management Integration Services (CMIS) features.
Table 27. Content Management Integration Services (CMIS) error messages
Message Cause Solution EJPVJ9000E: Object type {0} not found. Explanation: The provided object type id does not identify a valid type in this repository. User Response: Supply a valid object type id. EJPVJ9001E: Repository {0} not found. Explanation: The provided repository id does not exist. User Response: No action is required, unless the repository is expected to exist, in which case the repository may need to be located in a backup. EJPVJ9002E: Unable to create object of type {0} with request content type {1} Explanation: The provided object type id cannot be instantiated from a media type that is not representative of an atom entry. User Response: Attempt to create the resource using the atom entry content type. EJPVJ9003E: Unable to add object {0} into folder {1} Explanation: The specified object cannot be filed in the specified folder. This could mean the object and/or folder does not exist or is not of the proper type supported by the repository. User Response: No action is required, unless the object is a file that exists, and should be filed in the specified collection. EJPVJ9004E: Unable to remove object {0} from folder {1} Explanation: The specified object cannot be removed from the specified folder. This could mean the object and/or folder does not exist or is not supported state for the repository. User Response: No action is required, unless the object is a file that exists, and should be removed from the specified collection. EJPVJ9005E: Unable to add a specific version to a folder. Explanation: The repository does not support the capability for version specific filing of resources. User Response: The user must choose to file all versions of the resource in the specified folder. EJPVJ9006E: Unable to find object with id {0} Explanation: The specified object cannot be found in the repository. This could mean the object no longer exists in the repository. User Response: Supply a valid object id. EJPVJ9007E: Unable to apply policy {0} to object {1} Explanation: The repository does not allow clients to apply policies to objects. User Response: Apply policies to resources following the product documentation. EJPVJ9008E: Unable to remove policy {0} from object {1} Explanation: The repository does not allow clients to remove policies from objects. User Response: Apply policies to resources following the product documentation. EJPVJ9009E: Unable to create document from source Explanation: The repository does not support the ability to create a document from a source. User Response: Attempt to create your document object using createDocument EJPVJ9010E: Unable to create folder as child of parent folder {0} Explanation: The repository does not allow a folder to be created in this location due to repository constraint. User Response: Create the folder in the location that conforms with repository constraints. EJPVJ9011E: Unable to create policy Explanation: The repository does not support the ability to create a policy. User Response: Define polices to resources following the product documentation. EJPVJ9012E: Unable to create relationship Explanation: The repository does not support the ability to create a relationship. User Response: All relationships between repository resources are implicitly created by the repository. EJPVJ9013E: Unable to delete the root object {0} in repository. Explanation: Clients are unable to delete the root resource in the repository as it would violate system constraint. User Response: Remove resources represented by a repository (i.e. user, community, widget) following product documentation. EJPVJ9014E: Unable to delete the container for user's collections. Explanation: Clients are unable to delete the container for a user's collections in the repository as it would violate system constraint. User Response: Users may choose to delete an individual subfolder that represents a user's collection. EJPVJ9015E: Unable to delete the container for user's files. Explanation: Clients are only able to delete individual user files with proper permission. User Response: Users may choose to delete an individual file. EJPVJ9016E: Unable to delete the relationship object for an item's comments. Explanation: Clients are only able to delete the source and target objects for the relationship. User Response: Users may choose to delete a file or comment, but not the system managed relationship. EJPVJ9017E: Unable to create document in parent folder with id {0} Explanation: Clients are only create documents in folders that support document creation. Please attempt to create the document in an alternate folder. User Response: Users may choose to create the document in an alternate folder that supports document creation. EJPVJ9018E: Unable to delete a content stream on a document as it violates repository constraints. Explanation: Clients may update a content stream on a document, but they are unable to delete the content stream. User Response: Users may choose to modify the document content stream, but a content stream is always required. EJPVJ9019E: Unable to delete a tree of content in the repository. Explanation: The ability to delete a tree of content is not supported at this time. User Response: Users may choose to delete individual items. EJPVJ9020E: Unable to get renditions as operation is not supported. Explanation: The ability to retrieve renditions on content is not supported. User Response: Users may choose to delete individual items. EJPVJ9021E: Unable to set content stream on object {0} of type {1} Explanation: The ability to set a content stream on this object type is not supported per its type definition. User Response: Set the content stream on an object that supports content stream storage. EJPVJ9022E: Unable to modify object {0} of type {1} Explanation: Modification of properties on this object are not supported User Response: The schema restricts modification of this object's properties EJPVJ9023E: Unable to find object at path {0} Explanation: The specified object cannot be found in the repository. This could mean the object no longer exists in the repository. User Response: Supply a valid object path. EJPVJ9024E: Unable to get descendants Explanation: The optional capability to perform getDescendants is not supported on this repository. User Response: Users may traverse the repostitory with getChildren operations. EJPVJ9025E: Unable to get folder tree Explanation: The optional capability to perform getFolderTree is not supported on this repository. User Response: Users may traverse the repostitory with getChildren operations. EJPVJ9026E: Unable to apply access control to object of type {0} Explanation: The repository does not allow clients to apply access control to objects of this type. User Response: Apply access control to resources following the product documentation. EJPVJ9027E: Unable to apply access control to objects in repository {0} of type {1} Explanation: The repository does not allow clients to apply access control to objects in repositories of this type. User Response: Apply access control to resources following the product documentation. EJPVJ9028E: Unable to create or modify object of type {0} Explanation: The provided object type id is not known by the repository. User Response: Provide a valid object type id EJPVJ9029E: Unable to get download history for object {0} Explanation: The repository does not support retrieval of a download history for an object of this type User Response: Provide a valid object id whose type supports the download history feature EJPVJ9030E: Unable to restore object {0} from trash Explanation: The object type definition does not support the restore operation User Response: Provide a valid object id whose type supports the restore operation EJPVJ9031E: Repository does not support a join in a query. The query, {0}, contains a join. Explanation: The repository does not support a join in a query statement. User Response: Provide a query that does not contain a join. EJPVJ9032E: Repository does not contain an object type with query name {0}. Explanation: The repository does not contain an object type with the name provided, and therefore is unable to execute query. User Response: Provide a query name on an object type that exists in repository. EJPVJ9033E: Object type {0} cannot be queried. Explanation: The object type definition prohibits query on this type. User Response: Provide a query on an object type whose definition allows query. EJPVJ9034E: The repository is unable to support the query {0} Explanation: The query provided is not supported by the repository. User Response: Reference product documentation for supported query statements. EJPVJ9035E: The repository is unable to support the query {0} because it is not a valid query syntax. Explanation: The query does not validate against CMIS query syntax. User Response: Reference product documentation for supported query statements. EJPVJ9036E: Unable to find a CMIS provider for repository {0} Explanation: The repository requested may not exist or the id may not be correct. User Response: Provide a valid repository id that exists in the system. EJPVJ9037E: Unable to find a CMIS provider for user {0} Explanation: The repository requested may not exist or the id may not be correct. User Response: Provide a valid user id that exists in the system and has a repository. EJPVJ9038E: The path {0} is not a valid absolute path. Explanation: The path is not an absolute path. Either the path was empty, or did not begin with /, or contained consecutive // path segment User Response: Provide a valid absolute path. EJPVJ9039E: Unable to delete the latest version in version series due to repository constraint. Explanation: The repository does not allow the latest version in a version series to be deleted if it has prior versions because it is the current version. User Response: In order to delete this version, either delete all prior versions, or first restore a prior version to be the current version. At that time, you will be able to delete this version from the version series. EJPVJ9040E: Unable to delete the object with id {0}. Explanation: The repository was not able to delete the object by id. User Response: Verify the object exists, and the user has proper permissions to perform the delete action. EJPVJ9041E: Unable to update object from source version because object types do not match between target and source objects. Target object is of type {0} but source object is of type {1}. Explanation: The repository was not update the object from its prior version due to incorrect parameters. User Response: Provide a source and target object identifier that belong to the same version series. EJPVJ9042E: Unable to update object from source version because object type {0} is not a document. Explanation: Unable to update object from source version because the object is not of correct type. User Response: Provide a source and target object identifier that belong to the same version series and are a document type. EJPVJ9043E: Unable to update object from source version because object type {0} is not versionable. Explanation: Unable to update object from source version because the object does not support versioning. User Response: Provide a source and target object identifier that belong to the same version series and are a document type that is versionable. EJPVJ9044E: Unable to update object from source version because target object version series is {0} but source object version series is {1}. Version series between source and target must match. Explanation: Unable to update object from source version because the target and source object belong to different version series. User Response: Provide a source and target object identifier that belong to the same version series and are a document type that is versionable. EJPVJ9045E: Unable to update object from source version {0} because it is already the current version. Explanation: Unable to update object from source version because the source object is the current version. User Response: Provide a distinct source and target object identifier that belong to the same version series and are a document type that is versionable. EJPVJ9046E: Unable to recommend the object with id {0}. Explanation: The repository was not able to recommend the object because the object type is not recommendable. User Response: Consult the repository documentation for recommendable object types. EJPVJ9047E: Unable to update object with id {0} because the change token does not match. Explanation: Unable to update the object because the change token does not match which indicates that the object has been updated since it was last retrieved. User Response: Retrieve the latest version of the object, merge in the new changes as appropriate and resubmit the updated request. EJPVJ9048E: Invalid field name {0} for object type {1}. Explanation: The specified field name is invalid for the specified object type. User Response: Check the field names in the SELECT to make sure they are all valid fields for the specified object type. EJPVJ9049E: The value {0} is the wrong type for field {1}. Explanation: The value provided in the WHERE clause is not the correct type for the specified field. User Response: Check the WHERE clause to make sure the field names and values are correct. EJPVJ9050E: Repository does not support a join in a query. The query, {0}, contains multiple ORDER BY specifications. Explanation: The repository does not support a query statement with multiple ORDER BY specifications. User Response: Provide a query that does not contain multiple ORDER BY specifications. EJPVJ9051E: Field name {0} for object type {1} is not orderable. Explanation: The specified field name for the specified object type is not orderable. User Response: Provide a query that contains orderable fields in the ORDER BY specification. EJPVJ9052E: Field name {0} for object type {1} is a multi-valued property which is not supported for queries. Explanation: The repository does not support a query with a multi-valued property in the WHERE clause. User Response: Provide a query that does not specify a multi-valued property in the WHERE clause.
Troubleshoot a database connection
A faulty JDBC driver or data source can prevent you from accessing an IBM Connections application. To troubleshoot and correct these problems, test the database connections.
If you encounter an HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error when attempting to access an IBM Connections application for the first time, ensure that you are using the correct web address. If the web address is correct and you still experience problems, continue with this task.
(Oracle only) Ensure that the Statement cache size for the data sources on WebSphere Application Server is no larger than 50. A higher value could lead to Out Of Memory errors on the application server instance. To test a database connection:
- Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console of the Deployment Manager.
- Select Resources > JDBC > Data sources.
- Click a data source and check the values of the database name, server name, and port number. If you discover an error, change the incorrect value. Click OK and Save, and then retest the database connection.
- Select the check box beside the application whose data source you want to test. The data sources are named as follows:
- Activities: activities
- Blogs: blogs
- Communities: communities
- Bookmarks: dogear
- Files: files
- Forums: forums
- Home page: homepage
- Metrics: metrics
- Mobile: mobile
- News: news
- OAuth: oauth provider
- Profiles: profiles
- Search: search
- Wikis: wikis
- Click Test connection.
- If the connection fails, make sure the JAAS Auth alias information is correct.
- Click a data source to review its settings.
- Click JAAS - J2C authentication data and then click the JAAS entry for the application. The JAAS entries are named as follows:
- Activities: activitiesJAASAuth
- Blogs: blogsJAASAuth
- Communities: communitiesJAASAuth
- Bookmarks: dogearJAASAuth
- Files: filesJAASAuth
- Forums: forumJAASAuth
- Home page: homepageJAASAuth
- Metrics: metricsJAASAuth
- Mobile: mobileJAASAuth
- News: newsJAASAuth
- Profiles: profilesJAASAuth
- Search: searchJAASAuth
- Wikis: wikisJAASAuth
- Make sure that the ID in the user ID field is the same User ID that you provided during installation when you were asked to specify a user ID for the database connector.
The user ID should be one of the following default IDs:
Table 28. Default user ID for IBM Connections DBs
Consider reentering the password to make sure that the value specified at installation is correct.
- After applying any changes, click OK. Return to the data source properties page, and then click Test connection.
- If the connection fails again, make sure the JDBC driver library location information is being detected by WebSphere Application Server.
- From the Integrated Solution Console navigation bar, expand Environment, and then click WebSphere Variables.
- Scroll down the list to find the database location variable. The variables are named as follows:
- Ensure that the corresponding file path in the Value column is the same file path specified in the JDBC driver library field when you ran the installation wizard. For example:
C:\IBM\DB2\SQLLIB\javaIf the file path is incorrect, click the variable name and edit the file path in the Value field.
- Select JDBC > Data sources to return to the data source. Select the check box next to the data source, and then click Test connection.
Troubleshoot Search
If you experience indexing issues, consider validating Search seedlists to help you identify the source of the problem. You can also configure settings to avoid out-of-memory issues or other problems caused by long response times from the Search application.
Manage the Search index Administer Search
Troubleshoot Search FAQs
This topic lists common troubleshooting issues and provides answers.
- What is the difference between foreground indexing and background indexing?
- Will the initial indexing task resume if I restart the Search application several times before the index is built?
- Do I need to rebuild the Search index after migrating from IBM Connections 3.0.1 to IBM Connections 4?
- What is the state parameter?
- How much free space should I allocate to the index and its backup?
- I am seeing the following message in the logs, what does it mean? CLFRW0618I: Unable to resolve wikis...
- I see the following warning, what does it mean? WSVR0605W: Thread "WorkManager.DefaultWorkManager...
- What is the difference between foreground indexing and background indexing?
The following table explains the key differences between foreground indexing and background indexing:
Table 29. Types of indexing
Foreground indexing Background indexing Initial indexing The initial index is built using the default 15min-search-indexing-task. Alternatively, it can be built by a custom indexing task created by the SearchService.addIndexingTask command or a command that is run once, such as SearchService.indexNow(String applicationNames).
This index is used for searching and for further indexing. The database cache is not used.
An index is built using the SearchService.startBackgroundIndex command. The background indexing command creates a one-off index in a specified location on disk.
This index is not used for searching. The database cache is not used.
Incremental indexing The index is updated using the default 15min-search-indexing-task. Alternatively, the index can be updated by a custom indexing task created by the SearchService.addIndexingTask command or a command that is run once, such as SearchService.indexNow.
This index is used for searching and for further indexing. The database cache is used.
A background index can be updated using the SearchService.startBackgroundIndex command. This index is not used for searching. The database cache is not used.
You can replace the index at the default index location with an index created using background indexing. This is useful when you want to rebuild the Search index but want to avoid downtime. For more information, see Creating a background index. You can either stop the Search application, replace the index, and then restart Search, or you can use the SearchService.reloadIndex command to replace the index. For more information, see Restoring a Search index without restarting individual nodes.
- Will the initial indexing task resume if I restart the Search application several times before the index is built?
Initial indexing will resume if the system is restarted. There are three main stages to initial indexing: crawling, file content extraction, and indexing. Crawling and file content extraction will automatically pick up from where they were interrupted. Indexing will pick up from where it was interrupted if indexing resumption is enabled. For more information, see Enabling indexing resumption. Otherwise, indexing will start again from scratch. Typically the delay is minimal because the crawling and file content extraction stages have already been completed.
- Do I need to rebuild the Search index after migrating from IBM Connections 3.0.1 to IBM Connections 4?
You must recreate the Search index after moving to IBM Connections 4 due to an upgrade to the third-party code used by the Search application. For more information about recreating the index, see Creating Search indexes.
- What is the state parameter?
The indexer can now parse the seedlist state parameter. For informational purposes, the data from the state is printed in the logs in a human readable format.
[01/07/11 17:27:16:430 BST] 0000003d SeedlistCrawl I logSeedlistState CLFRW0604I: Current {0} seedlist state: {1}. URL parameters: [{2}]....where:
- {0} is the name of an IBM Connections component.
- {1} is the state.
- {2} indicates the URL parameters.
- How much free space should I allocate to the index and its backup?
For an index, set aside at least four times the index size of free space on your disk for optimization and backups. For optimization and backup, between two and four times the index size of free space is required.
- I am seeing the following message in the logs, what does it mean?
CLFRW0618I: Unable to resolve wikis seedlist state. Next seedlist URL: message is informational and does not point to an error or potential problem.
- I see the following warning, what does it mean?
[11/14/11 11:57:44:384 GMT] 00000003 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "WorkManager.DefaultWorkManager : 0" (00000025) has been active for 692282 milliseconds and may be hung. There is/are 1 thread(s) in total in the server that may be$BOFADecomposer.lookup(Unknown Source)at Source)at Source)at$BOFADecomposer.decompose(Unknown Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at<init>(<init>( org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer.reusableTokenStream( org.apache.lucene.index.DocInverterPerField.processFields( org.apache.lucene.index.DocFieldProcessorPerThread.processDocument( org.apache.lucene.index.DocumentsWriter.updateDocument( org.apache.lucene.index.DocumentsWriter.addDocument( org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.addDocument( org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.addDocument($$ indexing is a long running task and this warning might be seen during the indexing process. The warning highlights that a thread is running and it may be hung. When indexing is completed successfully, you will see a message indicating that the thread has now completed.
Validate Search seedlists
If you experience problems when indexing, you can validate Search seedlists to help you identify the source of the problem. You can validate Search seedlists using the browser or the wsadmin client.
The indexing process
Validate seedlists using the browser
Use your browser to verify that the Search seedlists for the applications in your deployment are working as expected. If you are seeing problems in the log file, accessing the seedlist in the browser can help to narrow down the root cause of the problems. By viewing the seedlist using your browser, you can check that a specified IBM Connections application is running and that the seedlist generation is working correctly. You can also verify that you have set the correct credentials in IBM WebSphere Application Server.
To verify that the seedlist for a specific application is working correctly.
- Open a browser window and enter the following web address:
https://server_name/application_name/seedlist/myserverThe seedlists are hosted on the same server as the relevant application.
For example:
- Enter the user name and password configured for the connectionsAdmin J2C alias, and then click OK.
When the seedlist for the specified application is working correctly and you have entered valid credentials, an XML page containing information about the seedlist is displayed. If an XML page is not returned, review the log file from the relevant application to determine the problem. For example, if you are verifying the seedlist for Profiles, you need to review the log file from the Profiles application.
Validate seedlists using the wsadmin client
If you experience issues when indexing, use the SearchService.validateSeedlist command to validate the seedlist and help you to isolate the problem.
To use SearchService administrative commands, you must use the wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool. The SearchService.validateSeedlist command allows you to validate a specified application, which can help you to identify problems when indexing. When you run this command, the Search application retrieves the seedlist for the specified application. If the command runs successfully, it then iterates through the full seedlist, parsing the XML of all the entries in the seedlist. If an error is encountered, the command returns a string indicating that the validation has failed. Otherwise, the command returns a string indicating that the validation has succeeded.
To validate the seedlist for a specified application, complete the following steps:
- Start the wsadmin client from the following directory of the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
app_server_root\profiles\dm_profile_root\bin...where app_server_root is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.
You must start the client from this directory or subsequent commands that you enter do not execute correctly.
- After the wsadmin command environment has initialized, enter the following command to initialize the Search environment and start the Search script interpreter:
execfile("")If prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to pick the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file using a local file path, you must pick the node where the file is stored.When the command is run successfully, the following message displays:
Search Administration initialized
- Use the following command to validate the seedlist for a specified application:
Table 30. The SearchService.validateSeedlist command
Command Description SearchService.validateSeedlist(String component) Validates the seedlist for the specified application. This command takes a string value, which is the name of the application whose seedlist is to be validated. The following values are valid: activities, blogs, communities, dogear, files, forums, profiles, and wikis.
For example:
When the seedlist for the specified application is working correctly, the following message is returned in the terminal window:CLFRW0262I: Seedlist validation successful.If the following message is returned, review the log file from the relevant application to determine the problem:CLFRW0263I: Seedlist validation failed. Refer to the log for details.For example, if you are verifying the seedlist for Profiles, you need to review the log file from the Profiles application.SearchService commands
Troubleshoot Search-related memory issues
You can configure settings in LotusConnections-config.xml to avoid out-of-memory issues or other problems caused by long response times from the Search application.
To edit configuration files, you must use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client. See Start the wsadmin client for details. In a heavily-loaded environment or when IBM Connections is deployed in an environment with inadequate hardware, the applications that use Search can get blocked while waiting for search results. They can also run out of memory if the Search application is overloaded with hanging threads or transactions that have not completed.
IBM Connections provides two counters that ensure that the applications using Search do not get blocked, and that they can resume normal behavior without administrative intervention once the Search application is operating properly again. These two counters act as a mechanism to determine if the Search server is able to accept new connections.
- Active transactions counter
- Counts the number of active transactions that are waiting for a response from the Search server.
- Queue counter
- Counts the number of active transactions that are queuing to connect to the Search server.
These counters only work when the Search application is installed on a different server from the IBM Connections applications.
The active transactions counter allows a specified number of active transactions to wait for a response from the Search server. For example, if the limit is set to 20, when 20 active transactions are waiting for a response from the Search server, any subsequent attempts to connect to the server are placed in a queue. If the queue counter is not equal to the value defined in the LotusConnections-config.xml configuration file, the connection to the Search server is rejected. If the queue counter is equal to the value set in the configuration file, a connection to the server is allowed. If the Search server returns data without an timeout exception being returned to the application, the queue counter is reset to 0.
You can set the limits allowed by the active transactions counter and the queue counter by configuring settings in LotusConnections-config.xml.
- Start the wsadmin client from the following directory of the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
app_server_root\profiles\dm_profile_root\bin...where app_server_root is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.
You must start the client from this directory or subsequent commands that you enter do not execute correctly.
- Use the wsadmin client to access and check out the IBM Connections configuration files:
- Enter the following command to access the IBM Connections configuration file: execfile("")
If prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to pick the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file using a local file path, you must pick the node where the file is stored. This information is not used by the wsadmin client when you are making configuration changes.
- Enter the following command to check out the IBM Connections configuration files:
For example:
- working_directory is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied and are stored while you make changes to them. Use forward slashes to separate directories in the file path, even if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.
AIX and Linux only: The directory must grant write permissions or the command does not run successfully.
- cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the IBM Connections application. This argument is case-sensitive, so type it with care. If you do not know the cell name, type the following command while in the wsadmin command processor:print AdminControl.getCell()
- AIX or Linux:LCConfigService.checkOutConfig("/opt/temp","foo01Cell01")
- Microsoft
- Open the LotusConnections-config.xml in a text editor.
- Update the number of active transactions allowed by the active transactions counter by changing the value of the Transaction_Max property.
For example:
<attribute key="Transaction_Max" value = 20>
- Update the number of active transactions allowed to queue by the queue counter by changing the value of the Queue_Max property.
For example:
<attribute key="Queue_Max" value = 10>
- Save your changes and then check the configuration files back in :
You must run the checkin during the same wsadmin session in which you ran the checkout command.
- To exit the wsadmin client, type exit at the prompt.
- Stop and restart all of the IBM Connections application servers.
Troubleshoot inter-server communication
If you are having problems establishing communication between servers in your deployment, this might be because a server's URL is not configured correctly in LotusConnections-config.xml.
To edit configuration files, you must use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client. See Start the wsadmin client# for details. You must ensure that LotusConnections-config.xml contains the fully qualified DNS name of the host server for each of the IBM Connections applications, and that it matches the domain name in the self-signed certificate used by the host server. This information is particularly important for inter-service processing tasks. For example, if a server's domain name is not configured correctly, problems might occur when a Search indexing task is executing and it attempts to crawl the specified target application's' secured seedlists. For more information, see the following web page:
To configure an inter-service URL for one of the IBM Connections application servers:
- Use the wsadmin client to access and check out the IBM Connections configuration files:
- Enter the following command to access the IBM Connections configuration file: execfile("")
If prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to pick the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file using a local file path, you must pick the node where the file is stored. This information is not used by the wsadmin client when you are making configuration changes.
- Enter the following command to check out the IBM Connections configuration files:
For example:
- working_directory is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied and are stored while you make changes to them. Use forward slashes to separate directories in the file path, even if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.
AIX and Linux only: The directory must grant write permissions or the command does not run successfully.
- cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the IBM Connections application. This argument is case-sensitive, so type it with care. If you do not know the cell name, type the following command while in the wsadmin command processor:print AdminControl.getCell()
- AIX or Linux:LCConfigService.checkOutConfig("/opt/temp","foo01Cell01")
- Microsoft
- Optional: If you want to find out the current value of a property, you can list the current configuration settings and values : LCConfigService.showConfig()
- Use the following command to replace the IP address for the specified host server with the fully-qualified DNS name or short DNS name for the server.
LCConfigService.updateConfig("property","value")...where property is one of the following:
and value is the full DNS name for the specified host server.
- application_name.href
- application_name.ssl.href
- application_name.interService.href
For example:
LCConfigService.updateConfig("dogear.ssl.href", "")See Common configuration properties for a complete list of editable properties.
- Save your changes and then check the configuration files back in :
You must run the checkin during the same wsadmin session in which you ran the checkout command.
- To exit the wsadmin client, type exit at the prompt.
- Stop and restart all of the IBM Connections application servers.
Troubleshoot Cognos Business Intelligence components
The Metrics application in IBM Connections works with Cognos® Business Intelligence; if you encounter problems while deploying or configuring Cognos Business Intelligence or while using the Metrics application, use this information to help resolve the problem.
Log locations for Cognos components
While troubleshooting IBM Cognos Business Intelligence components, you might need to review the logs generated by each server. You can locate the logs for each component below the component.s installation directory.
Table 1 provides the log location for each server component deployed with Cognos Business Intelligence.
Table 31. Location of log files generated by applications on the Cognos Business Intelligence server
Log Location Cognos BI Server
Installation logs folder: Cognos_BI_install_path/instlog
The installation wizard creates two log files: the transfer log file and the transfer summary-error log file. The log file names include the product name, version, build number, and timestamp.
- IBM AIX or Linux: /opt/IBM/Cognos64/instlog
- Microsoft
Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos\instlog
- The transfer log file records the activities that the installation wizard performed while transferring files; its file name begins with "tl" as in this example:
- The transfer summary-error log file records the components you installed, disk space information, the selections you made in the transfer dialogs, and any errors the installation wizard encountered while transferring components. Its file name also begins with "tl" but ends with "summary_error" as in this example:
Setup log: /CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
- IBM AIX or Linux: /opt/CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
- Microsoft
Windows: C:\CognosSetup\cognos-setup.log
Configuration log: /CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
- AIX or Linux: /opt/CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
- Windows: C:\CognosSetup\cognos-configure.log
System log: Cognos_BI_install_path/logs/cogserver.log
- AIX or Linux: /opt/IBM/Cognos64/logs/cogserver.log
- Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos\logs\cogserver.log
Cognos Transformer
Installation logs folder: Cognos_Transformer_install_path/instlog
The installation wizard creates two log files: the transfer log file and the transfer summary-error log file. The log file names include the product name, version, build number, and timestamp.
- IBM AIX or Linux: opt/IBM/Cognos/instlog
- Microsoft
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos\instlog
- The transfer log file records the activities that the installation wizard performed while transferring files; its file name begins with "tl" as in this example:
- The transfer summary-error log file records the components you installed, disk space information, the selections you made in the transfer dialogs, and any errors the installation wizard encountered while transferring components. Its file name also begins with "tl" but ends with "summary_error" as in this example:
Setup log: /CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
- AIX or Linux: /opt/CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
- Windows: C:\CognosSetup\cognos-setup.log
Configuration log: /CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
- AIX or Linux: /opt/CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
- Windows: C:\CognosSetup\cognos-configure.log
System log: Cognos_Transformer_install_path/logs/cogserver.log
- AIX or Linux: opt/IBM/Cognos/logs/cogserver.log
- Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos\logs\cogserver.log
Cognos PowerCube build log
Build log: Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/trxschelog.log
- AIX or Linux: opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/trxschelog.log
- Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos\metricsmodel\trxschelog.log
Also on
Windows: My_Documents\Transformer\Logs\*.log
For example: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Transformer\Logs\*.log
IBM WebSphere Application Server
System log: WAS_install_root/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/Cognos_server_name/SystemOut.log
- AIX or Linux: opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/CognosNode01/logs/cognos_server/SystemOut.log
- Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\CognosNode01\logs\cognos_server\SystemOut.log
addNode log: WAS_install_root/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/addNode.log
- AIX or Linux: opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/CognosNode01/logs/addNode.log
- Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\CognosNode01\logs\addNode.log
URLs for Cognos Business Intelligence components
While troubleshooting the Metrics application and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence components, you might need to visit components URLs to verify the component is running.
Table 1 provides the URLs for each server component deployed with Cognos Business Intelligence.
Table 32. URLs that you can use for accessing Cognos Business Intelligence components
Task URL Verify the Cognos Content Manager is running.
http://Cognos WAS server host name:port/Cognos_context_root/servletFor example: the Cognos BI Server contains IBM Connections customized packages for Cognos.
Before federating the Cognos node to the Deployment Manager, use the following URL:
http://Cognos_WAS_server_host_name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet/dispatch/extFor example: federating the Cognos node to the Deployment Manager, use the following URL:http://Cognos_WAS_server_host_name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet/dispatchFor example: and icons might not display properly but this can safely be ignored.
Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager that supports Connections and Cognos Business Intelligence. Use this URL to manage nodes in the IBM Connections cell.
http://Websphere_Application_Server_host_name:port/ibm/consoleFor example:
Troubleshoot the WebSphere Application Server hosting Cognos
If you encounter problems while deploying or configuring the IBM WebSphere Application Server hosting the IBM Cognos server, use this information to help resolve the problem.
Table 1 lists problems you might encounter with WebSphere Application Server and suggests solutions.
Table 33. Potential problems with the WebSphere Application Server hosting Cognos Business Intelligence and suggested solutions
Problem Solution You need to stop (or restart) WebSphere Application Server.
Whenever you need to stop (or restart) WebSphere Application Server, wait at least 1 full minute before starting it again, to ensure that all Cognos processes hosted on that server have fully stopped:
- IBM AIX or Linux: and CAM_LPSvrprocesses
- Microsoft
Windows: cgsLauncher.exe and CAM_LPSvrprocesses
The following exception appears in the WebSphere server log, called SystemOut.log: logServletError SRVE0293E: [Servlet Error]-[CMServlet]: Access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader)
This message indicates a security issue where user verification has failed. You can resolve this problem by disabling Java 2 security on the Deployment Manager with the following steps:
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
- Click Security > Global Security.
- Look under "Java 2 security" and clear the selection for Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
- Save the change to the master configuration by clicking Save in the "Messages" box.
The following exception appears in the WebSphere server log, called SystemOut.log: Cannot parse URL no protocol
Check the value to see if it matches the Cognos BI Server installation path. If the installed path is different (for example, you moved the files or renamed the directory), you can update the Cognos BI application file to reference the correct path. For instructions, see Manually changing the installation directory name affects installations running under an application server in the Cognos information center.
The following exception appears in the WebSphere server log, called SystemOut.log: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JCAM_Crypto_JNI (Not found in java.library.path)
Check the JVM environment variables to verify that they correctly specify the locations of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) environment and the library path. If the variables are incorrect, you can set them. For instructions, see Set environment variables in the Cognos information center.
The following exception appears in the WebSphere server log, called SystemOut.log: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle p2pd/servlet/gc has not been defined.
Check the virtual host settings on the Deployment Manager and verify that the Cognos server port is included. For more information and a workaround, see the following technote: SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /p2pd/servlet/dispatch has not been defined.
Troubleshoot the Cognos BI Server
If you encounter problems while deploying or configuring the IBM Cognos BI Server component or while using the Metrics application, use this information to help resolve the problem.
Table 1 lists problems you might encounter with the Cognos BI Server component and suggests solutions.
Table 34. Potential problems with the Cognos BI Server component and suggested solutions
Problem Solution JDBC connection error occurs while running the cognos-setup.bat|sh script to install BI Server:
Performing validation check ... JAR file(s) found in JDBC driver directory: C:\Cognos_BI_install_path\CognosConfig\BI-Customization\JDBC Using cognos.locale: EN All properties provided for Cognos database All properties provided for Metrics database Failed to verify the JDBC connection to Cognos Content Store database. Please check the error message.Make sure the database server is configured to accept remote connections; consult the vendor documentation for your database product. In particular, Microsoft SQL Server does not accept remote connections by default and must be specifically enabled before you can install Cognos BI Server. For information on enabling remote connections for SQL Server, see the archived blog entry How to enable remote connections in SQL Server 2008? at the Microsoft site.
After SQL Server has been correctly configured, run the cognos-setup.bat|sh script again.
Cognos BI Server will not start.
Check the value in the WebSphere server log SystemOut.log to see if it matches the Cognos BI Server installation path. If the installed path is different (for example, you moved the files or renamed the directory), you can update the Cognos BI application file to reference the correct path. For instructions, see Manually changing the installation directory name affects installations running under an application server in the Cognos information center.
You need to stop (or restart) Cognos BI Server.
Whenever you need to stop (or restart) Cognos BI Server, additionally stop the IBM WebSphere Application Server where Cognos is hosted. For best results, follow these steps:
- Stop the WebSphere Application Server hosting the Cognos server.
- Wait at least 1 full minute to ensure that all of the Cognos processes have completely stopped:
- IBM AIX or Linux: and CAM_LPSvrprocesses
- Microsoft
Windows: cgsLauncher.exe and CAM_LPSvrprocesses
- Start the WebSphere Application Server.
- Start the Cognos server.
You need to update Cognos BI Server with a fix pack.
Follow the instructions in Update the Cognos server.
The Cognos Content Store database is available but you cannot access the following URL: http://Cognos WAS server host name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet
There are several different potential causes for this error message:
- Verify the context root value specified for the Cognos application in WebSphere Application Server matches the value specified in the cognos.contextroot setting of the file.
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
- In the navigation tree, click Enterprise Applications > Cognos_application_name.
- In the list of applications, check the value in the Context Root For Web Modules field and update it if necessary to match the setting used in the properties file.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
- Save the change to the master configuration by clicking Save in the "Messages" box.
- Verify the Cognos Content Store database is available and accessible (check the Cognos BI Server system log for database connection errors.
- If you are using IBM DB2, verify that the maximum number of concurrent DBs is large enough for your deployment (this value should be set to a value greater than 15).
The Cognos BI Server is available but you cannot access the following URL: http://Cognos_WAS_server_host_name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet/dispatch/ext
This problem can indicate that the Cognos Content Store database is not available or that the BI Server.s Dispatch settings are incorrect.
- Verify the Cognos Content Store database is available.
- Use the Cognos Configuration tool to verify that the following settings in the Cognos BI configuration specify the correct host name and port for the BI Server:
- Dispatcher URIs for gateway
- External dispatcher URI
- Internal dispatcher URI
- Dispatcher URI for external applications
- Content Manager URIs
Unable to log in to the Cognos BI Server using the following URL after setting up authentication and disabling anonymous access: http://Cognos_WAS_server_host_name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet/dispatch
This might indicate a problem with the namespace configuration. Verify the IBMConnections namespace is configured correctly with the authentication provider as described in Configure support for LDAP authentication for Cognos Business Intelligence.
The namespace is specified by the cognos.namespace property in the file; IBMConnections is the default value.
Verification failed when accessing the following URL: http://Cognos_WAS_server_host_name:port/Cognos_context_root/servlet/dispatch/ext
The following message is displayed: CAM-AAA-0135 The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces
There are many different potential causes for this error message, but the most likely problem is incorrect Dispatcher settings for the Cognos BI Server.
- Use the Cognos Configuration tool to verify that the Dispatcher URIs for gateway setting in the Cognos BI configuration specifies the correct host name and port for the BI Server.
- If you still cannot access the URL, refer to the following IBM technote for additional information: .**Troubleshooting** error message when logging into Controller CAM-AAA-0135 The user is already authenticated
The following error message is displayed in the window that opens when you click the Help link in the product header: logServletError SRVE0293E: [Servlet Error]-[CMServlet]: Access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader)
This message indicates a security issue where user verification has failed. You can resolve this problem by disabling Java 2 security on the Deployment Manager with the following steps:
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
- Click Security > Global Security.
- Look under "Java 2 security" and clear the selection for Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
- Save the change to the master configuration by clicking Save in the "Messages" box.
Troubleshoot the Cognos Transformer
If you encounter problems while deploying or configuring the IBM Cognos Transformer component or while using the Metrics application, use this information to help resolve the problem.
Table 1 lists problems you might encounter with the Cognos Transformer component (including PowerCubes) and suggests solutions.
Table 35. Potential problems with Cognos Transformer component and suggested solutions
Problem Solution Cube build script hangs after posting the message Reading source data to the Cognos Transformer Cube build log (called trxschelog.log).
The Transformer is not properly configured. Correct the problem by running the configuration tool silently:
export JAVA_HOME=WAS_install_path/java/jre export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$Cognos_BI_Server_install_path/bin64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Cognos_Transformer_install_path/bin/ -configWindows
Cognos_Transformer_install_path\bin\cogconfig.bat -configOn Linux or AIX, messages appear in the cognos-setup.log, indicating that the \bin directory cannot be found; for example:
mv: cannot start ./Cognos/c10/bin/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot create regular file `/Cognos/c10/bin': No such file or directory
A message like this indicates that the installed Cognos Transformer software is corrupt.
The cognos.transformer.issetup property value was incorrectly set to the same value as the cognos.biserver.issetup property in the file. These properties must not be identical. Modify the cognos.transformer.issetup property and run the script again.
The cognos-configure.log file contains the following messages:
ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
SUCCESS: The scheduled task "MetricsCubeDailyRefresh" has successfully been created.
ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
SUCCESS: The scheduled task "MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild" has successfully been created. Finished Cube refresh scheduler.
These messages are generated from the section of the|.bat script that performs sets up the cube refresh scheduler. The first error message can be disregarded provided a success message follows it for the "MetricsCubeDailyRefresh" task and for the "MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild" task, as shown in the example.
You might proceed with the rest of your installation.
On AIX, the PowerCube.s build script fails with following message in the build log:
(TR0154) Transformer could not set the application locale.
There are two possible causes for this problem:
- Changes to the Cognos Configuration tool were saved and applied after the Transformer was installed and configured:
- Open the Cognos Configuration tool.
- Provide the Cognos BI Server's gateway information.
- Save and Apply the change.
- The locale is set incorrectly. Set the application locale manually before running the build script again, and update the cron job for future builds.
- Set the application locate before running the build script again by running following commands:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1
- For future builds, update the cron jobs in the system crontab and insert same commands before the cube build command:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1;For example, change the existing cron job from:05 00 * * 1-6 /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.shto:05 00 * * 1-6 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1; /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.shThe Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:
(TR3001) The Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the Cognos BI server. The server might be unavailable or the gateway might not be correctly configured. Try again or contact your administrator.
(TR0116) Transformer can't open the file Data_source_name.
There are several possible solutions to this problem:
- Verify the Cognos BI server is available.
- Verify the following settings in the Cognos Transformer configuration point to the correct Cognos BI Server host and port:
- Gateway URI
- Dispatcher URI for external applications
- Verify the WebSphere Environment > Virtual Hosts > default_host > Host Aliases setting contains only the following entries:
Without entries such as:
- *:cognos_bi_server_http_port
- *:cognos_bi_server_https_port
Cognos_BI_Server_host:Cognos_BI_Server_portThe Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:
(TR3703) The user ID or password is either missing or invalid. Please re-enter the credentials.
Verify the Cognos administrator user name and password specified in the file were correct during the Cognos configuration step and are still valid. If the user name and password are wrong or no longer valid, enter the correct values in the file and then rerun the|bat script to configure the Cognos server again.
The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:
QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.
QE-DEF-0321 The userID or password is either missing or invalid.
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: METRICS_CUBE_DS
Verify the METRICS database settings (db name, user name and password) specified in the file were correct during the Cognos configuration step and are still valid. If any of the values are wrong or no longer valid, enter the correct values in the file and then rerun the|bat script to configure the Cognos server again.
The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: METRICS_CUBE_DS
Additional messages might appear indicating that the native database libraries cannot be loaded.
There are several possible solutions to this problem:
- Verify the database client is installed on this server and is configured correctly to connect to the METRICS database. 2.
- For DB2 on Linux, source the DB2 profiles before running the cube build script again. Add the source command into the user profiles who run the daily and weekly cube build cron jobs. For example:
. ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
Troubleshoot Cognos validation problems
If you encounter validation problems while installing IBM Cognos Business Intelligence or while using the Metrics application, verify that the details of the Cognos administrator and server are correct. If you supply incorrect values during installation, the validation could fail; however, you can continue with the installation and correct the information afterwards.
Table 1 lists validation problems that can occur with the Metrics application and Cognos.
Table 36. Potential validation problems with Metrics and Cognos
Problem Solution The Communities metrics cannot be updated.
You might have provided the wrong LDAP account for the Cognos administrator during installation. Update the Cognos administrator credentials stored in IBM Connections :
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager.
- Click Global security > JAAS - J2C authentication data.
- Select cognosAdmin.
- Update the Cognos administrator user name and password.
- Click OK.
- Save your changes to the master configuration by clicking Save in the Messages box.
Metrics features are not working. The Metrics UI indicates that the Cognos server is not available.
You might have provided the wrong host name, port, or context root during installation. You can change these host settings by following the instructions in the Update web addresses in IBM HTTP Server topic. Update the Cognos entry, which is indicated by serviceName="cognos".
Troubleshoot Metrics reports
The Metrics application in IBM Connections displays information in reports formatted as charts and tables. If you encounter problems while viewing the reports, use this information to help resolve the problem.
If you see the Metrics page displayed with links and options to select but no actual data, this indicates that the Metrics application is running but there is a problem with the backend IBM Cognos Business Intelligence server components. Common problems include authentication failures, conflicts with PowerCube refresh schedules, and report query failures.
metrics reports, and column 2 suggests how you can resolve them." border="1">Table 37. Potential problems with metrics reports and suggested solutions
Problem Solution The Metrics user interface displays the following message: Access to Metrics is Restricted
The user who receives this message is has not been granted access to the appropriate level of Metrics. You can grant this user community-level access or global-level access.
The Metrics user interface displays the following message after the View list of time periods: Error 403: AuthorizationFailed
Verify the Cognos application user role BI User in WebSphere Application Server is mapped to All Authenticated in Application's Realm.
The Metrics user interface displays the following message: Cognos error: CCL-BIT-0006. The connection closed before the request is processed. If you are using WebSphere Application server, to reduce the frequency of this error, increase the Persistent Timeout parameter for the Web container transport chains in the administrative console. Increase the time in 10-15 second intervals until the error no longer or rarely occurs.
The HTTP 1.1 protocol provides a keep-alive feature that enables the TCP connection between HTTP clients and the server to remain open between requests. By default, WebSphere Application Server will close a given client connection after a number of requests or a timeout period. After a connection is closed, it will be recreated if the client issues another request; however early closure of connections can reduce performance. Correct this problem by increasing the timeout settings as indicated in the error message:
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager as the WebSphere administrator.
- Click Servers > Application Servers.
- In the list of servers, click the name of the Cognos BI Server.
- On the Configuration page, click Web Container Sets > Web Container > Web container transport chains
- Select the normal inbound chain for serving requests; this is typically named WCInboundDefault, on port 9080.
- Click HTTP Inbound Channel (HTTP_2).
- Type a value for the Maximum persistent requests (the number of requests kept alive at once time) to specify the number of requests that are allowed on a single HTTP connection.
- Enter a value for Persistent timeouts to specify the amount of time, in seconds, that the HTTP transport channel allows a socket to remain idle between requests.
- Click OK.
- Save the change to the master configuration by clicking Save in the "Messages" box.
You might need to repeat this process and increase the Persistent timeouts period by 1- to 15 seconds at a time until the error no longer occurs
A community owner clicks Update on the Metrics page and the report does one of the following:
- The report finishes immediately but contains no data
- The report runs indefinitely
Verify the cognosAdmin JAAS J2C alias is configured with the correct Cognos administrator user name and password by checking the setting as follows:
- Log into the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager as the WebSphere administrator.
- Click Global security > JAAS - J2C authentication data.
- Select cognosAdmin.
- If necessary, update the Cognos administrator user name and password.
- Click OK.
- Save your changes to the master configuration by clicking Save in the Messages box.
Reports display either a "No data available" message, or all the data points have the value of 0.
Verify the Cognos Transformer PowerCube generation is properly occurring and if necessary, correct the job schedules to prevent conflicts:
- On the computer hosting Cognos Transformer, open the trxschelog.log file. This log is located in the following directory:
Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/trxschelog.loghere Cognos_Transformer_install_path is the value specified for the cognos.transformer.install.path property in the file. For example, onWindows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos\metricsmodel\trxschelog.log
- Review the log to make sure the PowerCube generations were successful.
Errors might indicate that the scheduled jobs that generate each PowerCube are incorrectly configured or not running, which might cause conflicts between the daily refresh and the weekly refresh.
- Schedule the refresh jobs so they do not collide.
- AIX, Linux: Edit the cron jobs in the system crontab to resolve any conflicts in scheduling.
- Windows: Edit the MetricsCubeDailyRefresh job to ensure it does not collide with the weekly refresh. You can modify the job.s properties in the Task Scheduler Library; for more information see Configure the job scheduler for Cognos Transformer on Windows.
When scheduling the refresh jobs, note that:
- There are two jobs: a daily refresh that collects incremental changes and a weekly refresh that updates the entire PowerCube.
- These jobs should run at times when the Cognos system usage is relatively low, to minimize the impact on normal usage; you should adjust these times based on your system's usage pattern.
- The weekly refresh should run only once every week; since it will take longer to complete, you should schedule it for the time when system usage is lowest (for example, on the weekend).
- The daily refresh should run early in the morning (for example, just after midnight), so users can see latest metrics for previous day.
Reports display a message indicating that a query failed; for example:
At least one invalid member reference was encountered in the query. '[METRICS_TRX_CUBE].[...]...'
No connection to the data source 'METRICS_TRX_CUBE' could be established.
A message like this indicates that the PowerCube has not finished generating data for the requested report. There are two ways to resolve this problem:
- Wait for the scheduled job to finish refreshing the PowerCube data and try again.
- Manually force a PowerCube refresh by running the following script:
Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/|bat...where Cognos_Transformer_install_path is the value specified for the cognos.transformer.install.path property in the file. For example, on
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos\metricsmodel\build-all.bat
Troubleshoot the product help
Find out how to resolve problems accessing the product help. The product help is what is displayed in a separate window when you click the Help link from the product header. If the following error message is displayed in the window that opens when you click the Help link in the product header, complete the steps below to fix the issue:
Error 500: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission.setContextClassLoader)
- Log into the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console as an administrator.
- Expand Security, and then click Global security.
- In the Java 2 security section, if the Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources option is selected, then deselect it.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
Troubleshoot single sign-on problems with Lotus Domino
Troubleshoot problems when using single sign-on (SSO) with IBM Lotus Domino® Directory. When you configured Domino Directory as your LDAP directory, you might have entered no value for the Distinguished name of a base entry in this repository attribute because Domino Directory contains flat groups. However, SSO does not work correctly with this configuration.
To resolve this problem, configure the Virtual Member Manager component of WebSphere Application Server to use Domino Directory flat groups:
- Open the wimconfig.xml file in a text editor. The file is stored in the following location:
Option Description AIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<profile_name>/config/cells/ <cell_name>/wim/config Linux /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<profile_name>/config/cells/ <cell_name>/wim/config Microsoft Windows C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\<profile_name>\config\cells\ <cell_name>\wim\config
- Replace the <config:baseEntries name="o=example" nameInRepository="o=example"/> string with the following string: <config:baseEntries name="" nameInRepository=""/>.
- Replace the <config:participatingBaseEntries name="o=example"/> string with the following string: <config:participatingBaseEntries name=""/>.
- Save and close the wimconfig.xml file.
- Restart the Deployment Manager.
Troubleshoot virus scanning
Find out some of the common causes for scanning-related error messages.
You might see some of the following messages in the SystemOut.log file when using the virus scanner:
- This error is generated if the file being uploaded is bigger than the maximum size permitted on the scanner:
[9/15/10 16:24:12:188 EDT] 00000063 GenericPersis I askServerPersistent CLFAQ0012I: ICAP Headers: ICAP/1.0 200 OK ISTag: "78903A5CACDAB539F74FEF95A812239D" Date: Wed Sep 15 20:17:25 2010 GMT Service: Symantec Scan Engine/ Service-ID: Respmod AV Scan X-Infection-Found: Type=1; Resolution=2; Threat=File policy violation File Size Blocked; X-Violations-Found: 1 no.file File policy violation File Size Blocked -1 0 X-Outer-Container-Is-Mime: 0 Encapsulated: res-hdr=0, res-body=83
- This error is generated if a file upload times out before the scanner finishes extracting it:
[9/15/10 16:28:06:063 EDT] 000000ba GenericPersis I askServerPersistent CLFAQ0012I: ICAP Headers: ICAP/1.0 200 OK ISTag: "E7A38AFAE1C53F592855CD024058C2AD" Date: Wed Sep 15 20:21:19 2010 GMT Service: Symantec Scan Engine/ Service-ID: Respmod AV Scan X-Infection-Found: Type=2; Resolution=2; Threat=Container extract time violation; X-Violations-Found: 1 no.file Container extract time violation - scan incomplete. -9 0 X-Outer-Container-Is-Mime: 0 Encapsulated: res-hdr=0, res-body=83
- This error is generated if the scanner finds a virus, which is named in the "Threat=" string:
9/15/10 16:30:38:923 EDT] 000000b8 GenericPersis I askServerPersistent CLFAQ0012I: ICAP Headers: ICAP/1.0 200 OK ISTag: "4C65DD9AED9BF620ED7F72DF6B36BE66" Date: Wed Sep 15 20:23:52 2010 GMT Service: Symantec Scan Engine/ Service-ID: Respmod AV Scan X-Infection-Found: Type=0; Resolution=2; Threat=EICAR Test String; X-Violations-Found: 1 no.file EICAR Test String 11101 2 X-Outer-Container-Is-Mime: 0 Encapsulated: res-hdr=0, res-body=83
Troubleshoot network shares on Windows 2003
Windows 2003 returns network errors when accessing shared content.
Your operating system is Microsoft Windows 2003 Server and you encounter networks errors when trying to access shared content store. This is an operating system defect. To work around this problem:
- Change the Windows 2003 network duplex setting to Auto. For more information, see your operating system documentation.
- Change the default WINS settings to Use NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
Troubleshoot problems with Tivoli Directory Integrator
If you experience problems when using IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator to work with Profiles data, explore the different trace areas available for Profiles to find information that might help to identify and resolve the problem. The Tivoli Directory Integrator solution used to perform actions on your Profiles deployment is made up of several interconnected components. When you are trying to determine the cause of an error, you might first need to determine which architectural layer is likely to be involved in the error, before you enable tracing for a specific component to resolve the problem.
Profiles-specific output can come from the Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration (profiles_tdi.xml) or from the component JAR files that are part of the solution. The JAR files contain business-layer functionality that is shared by the Profiles web application as well the Profiles TDI solution. Adjusting trace levels for these back-end components is very similar to the process used for the web application, and the same class hierarchical subsets can be used to view different tracing level outputs.
For more detailed information about determining the cause of problems with Tivoli Directory Integrator, refer to the following web page:
Here are some general tips for troubleshooting issues that you might encounter when using Tivoli Directory Integrator to work with profile data.
- Enable trace logging for Tivoli Directory Integrator to help you determine whether processes are running correctly.
Tracing for the Tivoli Directory Integrator processes is similar to tracing for WebSphere Application Server. The trace output is recorded in the ibmdi.log file in the tdi_installation_directory\logs directory.
Trace settings are configured in the etc\log4j Java logging component. The following tracing levels are available, in order of lowest to highest severity:
When a given level is enabled, all levels that are lower in severity are automatically enabled. For more information about how to configure tracing, refer to the following web page:
- OFF on the tracing level enabled, the output can be very lengthy, so try to perform small operations only when tracing is enabled.
Profiles service layer logging
If you are troubleshooting a Profiles or Tivoli Directory Integrator problem and are unsure about the cause of the problem, the best strategy is to start with a general trace setting at the lowest severity level. If you run a targeted task at a low severity setting, then you might get more information about the problem to help narrow down the trace configuration. The most general trace setting to use to encompass the set of Profiles service classes is: confine tracing to just the Tivoli Directory Integrator operations, include the following line in the etc\ file. The classes in this place in the hierarchy are primarily used as the interface between the assembly lines and connectors and the service layer. This level of tracing might also help identify issues in the calling Tivoli Directory Integrator might also want to enable event log tracing. Whenever database operations are performed, they are recorded in the event log. By enabling tracing at this level, you can see indirectly what was done via the service level API to the database. To enable event log tracing, include the following line in the etc\ setting is very verbose, so be sure to enable it for targeted operations.
Database layer logging
It is often useful to enable tracing at the database layer to troubleshoot problems. To enable database tracing, include the following line in the etc\ file:
- Examine the information in the different log files in the logs directory.
The log files produced by running Profiles Tivoli Directory Integrator assembly lines are all stored in the logs subdirectory of the solution. Most assembly lines create a log file that is specific to the assembly line, for example, PopulateDBFromDNFile.log or SyncUpdates.log.
When a task is run at a subsequent time, based on the logging implementation of the assembly line, the logs are either renamed with an incremented trailing digit or named with a date suffix to ensure that previous logs are preserved.
All other output, in addition to some assembly-line output, is recorded in the logs\ibmdi.log file. Standard output and error information is recorded in this file by default, but you can modify this configuration in the etc\ file. For more information, refer to the Tivoli Directory Integrator documentation:
- Use the debug settings in the file. For more information about the debug settings in the file, refer to the following web page:
- Set the value of the source_ldap_debug property in the file to true as follows.
source_ldap_debug=trueWhen set to true, this property prints additional debug information to the ibmdi.log file. You can use this property to track issues and capture more detailed information related to mapping and data validation in the log file.Set this property to true provides two types of information:
- Map details relating to the LDAP and Profiles DBs.
By checking this information, you can find out if you have any incorrect attribute mappings.
- The validation result of each attribute
By checking this information, you can find out which field did not pass the validation and verify the value of this field.
- Examine any error messages that you see. The prefix of the error message indicates which component the error message is associated with. For example, the CLFRN prefix is used to identify error messages from all Profiles components. The CTGDIS prefix is used to identify error messages associated with Tivoli Directory Integrator. You might also see error messages from other components in the log files. To find out more about these error messages, refer to the Error codes section of the product documentation.
In addition to the prefix identifier, the last letter of the error message code indicates the severity of the message. For example, a code ending with an I is an informational message. Error and warning codes are designated by E and W respectively.
- Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor port issue: If you see the message "Invalid value specified for 'api.remote.naming.port' " when working with the Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor, you can resolve the issue by manually setting the api.remote.naming.port in the file located in the TDI_solution _directory.
- Linux 32 -bit issue: Note that the Linux 32-bit system is not officially supported by IBM Connections. If you are using a Tivoli Directory Integrator solution without any specified setting on a Linux 32-bit platform, you will experience issues with your processor becoming unresponsive. In addition, you will not be able to populate the Profiles database using the Population Wizard or the solution script provided by Tivoli Directory Integrator. As a workaround, you need to edit the ibmdisvr shell script located in the TDI_installation_directory as follows:
"$TDI_JAVA_PROGRAM" $TDI_MIXEDMODE_FLAG -Xms256M -Xmx1024M -Xnojit -cp "$TDI_HOME_DIR/IDILoader.jar" "$LOG_4J" "$@"
Troubleshoot user data propagation
If you experience problems related to user data propagation, enable traces in the IBM WebSphere Application Server so that you can access detailed information about the processes involved in propagating updates. You can use this information to help you verify if the processes are working as expected.
Manage users when the Profiles application is installed
Enable traces in WebSphere Application Server
Enable traces in IBM WebSphere Application Server so that you can access detailed information about the application server components, and use it to help you troubleshoot the user life-cycle commands.
- Open the WebSphere Application Service Integrated Solutions Console.
- Expand Troubleshooting and select Logs and trace.
- Select the server on which you want to enable traces, and then select Diagnostic Trace.
- Click the Runtime tab.
- Click Change Log Detail Levels.
- Set the required trace level, select Save runtime changes to configuration as well, and click Apply.
When a user is updated, a message is sent over the event infrastructure to other applications, and the log looks similar to the following.[28/04/10 19:01:24:053 IST] 00000032 JMSPublisher 3 publishEvent *************** Event data *************** _er_id: 26c21157-4d43-4534-ad07-d44f86832c91 _er_time: 1272477684021 _er_source: PROFILES _er_type: COMMAND _er_name: user.record.update _er_scope: PUBLIC _er_related_community: null _er_actor: null _er_actor_name: null _er_actor_email: null _er_properties: {"updated_directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","_msg_id":"0","updated_email":"","directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","updated_logins":"[\"ajones141\",\"\"]","updated_name":"Updated Sample Name"} Container: _er_container_id: null _er_container_name: null _er_container_html_path: null Item: _er_item_id: null _er_item_name: null _er_item_html_path: null _er_item_atom_path: null ***************The previous example shows the update that was triggered when the following command was issued:ProfilesService.updateUser("", displayName="Updated Sample Name")
Verify that the Profiles Worker is running correctly
View tracing information in the log files to help you verify that the Profiles Worker is running as expected. The Profiles Worker is the process that sends the user life-cycle commands to the other IBM Connections applications. The Profiles Worker propagates user data, such as user metadata and state, from the Profiles database to the other applications. This process is run every 30 seconds.
To verify that the Profiles Worker is running as expected, complete the following steps.
- Enable trace logging for the process in the WebSphere Application Server. For information about how to enable trace logging, see Enabling traces in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check the log files for information relating to the Profiles Worker. Log entries relating to this process are flagged with the text,*.
The log files should produce something similar to the following every 30 seconds. The log file includes information about how many commands were sent to the other IBM Connections applications.
[4/28/10 18:27:49:828 IST] 00000043 WorkerTaskBea > process ENTRY [4/28/10 18:27:49:828 IST] 00000043 WorkerProcess > processIndexUpdates ENTRY [4/28/10 18:27:49:830 IST] 00000043 WorkerProcess < processIndexUpdates RETURN [4/28/10 18:27:49:830 IST] 00000043 WorkerProcess > processNewEvents ENTRY [4/28/10 18:27:49:831 IST] 00000043 WorkerProcess 2 CLFRN1199I: Profiles Worker processed 0 commands during this turn. [4/28/10 18:27:49:831 IST] 00000043 WorkerProcess < processNewEvents RETURN [4/28/10 18:27:49:831 IST] 00000043 WorkerTaskBea < process RETURN
Check events generated by the user life-cycle commands
View traces in the log files to get information about the user life-cycle commands that are sent from Profiles to the other IBM Connections applications. User life-cycle commands are built on top of the event infrastructure. When an update is made to a user using one of the life-cycle commands, a message is sent over the event infrastructure from Profiles to the other applications.
To check that the user life-cycle commands are being sent from Profiles to the other applications, complete the following steps.
- Enable trace logging for the process in the WebSphere Application Server. For information about how to enable trace logging, see Enabling traces in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check the log files for information relating to events. Log entries relating to the user life-cycle commands that are sent from Profiles to the other applications are identified with the prefix,*.
When a user is updated, a message is sent over the event infrastructure to other applications, and the log looks similar to the following.
[28/04/10 19:01:24:053 IST] 00000032 JMSPublisher 3 publishEvent *************** Event data *************** _er_id: 26c21157-4d43-4534-ad07-d44f86832c91 _er_time: 1272477684021 _er_source: PROFILES _er_type: COMMAND _er_name: user.record.update _er_scope: PUBLIC _er_related_community: null _er_actor: null _er_actor_name: null _er_actor_email: null _er_properties: {"updated_directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","_msg_id":"0","updated_email":"","directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","updated_logins":"[\"ajones141\",\"\"]","updated_name":"Updated Sample Name"} Container: _er_container_id: null _er_container_name: null _er_container_html_path: null Item: _er_item_id: null _er_item_name: null _er_item_html_path: null _er_item_atom_path: null ***************The previous example shows the update that was triggered when the following command was issued:ProfilesService.updateUser("", displayName="Updated Sample Name")
Troubleshoot the user life-cycle SPI
View traces in the log files to get information about the user life-cycle SPI. The user life-cycle SPI is responsible for processing the user life-cycle commands that are sent from Profiles to the other applications.
To troubleshoot events relating to the user life-cycle SPI.
- Enable trace logging for the process in the WebSphere Application Server. For information about how to enable trace logging, see Enabling traces in WebSphere Application Server.
- Check the log files for information relating to the user life-cycle SPI. Log entries relating to the user life-cycle SPI are identified with the prefix,*.
For example, when Profiles initiates the record update, the log looks like the following:
*************** Event data *************** _er_id: 7b743501-07b5-4abe-976f-68a865cc859e _er_time: 1284475145426 _er_source: PROFILES _er_type: COMMAND _er_name: user.record.update _er_scope: PUBLIC _er_related_community: null _er_actor: null _er_actor_name: null _er_actor_email: null _er_properties: {"externalId":"DRcuidk001retired51","_msg_id":"1301","":"","user.externalId":"DRcuidk001retired51","user.logins":"[\"dretired51 \",\"\",\"Dan Retired51\"]","":"Dan Retiring51"} Container: _er_container_id: null _er_container_name: null _er_container_html_path: null Item: _er_item_id: null _er_item_name: null _er_item_html_path: null _er_item_atom_path: null _er_item_external_url: null ***************When an application is called to receive an event life-cycle command, the log looks similar to the following.
[9/14/10 10:39:05:567 EDT] 000000a8 UserLifeCycle < getComponentName RETURN Activities [9/14/10 10:39:05:567 EDT] 000000a8 UserLifeCycle I consumeCommand CLFWY0227I: The User Life Cycle Platform Command Consumer successfully invoked the registered SPI to update the application database for user with extId DRcuidk001retired51. Application name is Activities.When an application does not have a user in the local database to receive the life-cycle event, the log looks like this:
[9/14/10 16:27:19:414 EDT] 000000a4 UserLifeCycle I consumeCommand CLFWY0225I: No user was found in application database with directory id DRcuidk001retired51. The person details were not updated in application database. Application name is blogs.The ACKCOM events are also fired as applications process the inactivateUser event. Here is an example of an acknowledgement from the Profiles event when an application successfully receives an update:
[9/13/10 17:16:51:630 EDT] 0000008c UserLifeCycle < getComponentName RETURN Communities [9/13/10 17:16:51:630 EDT] 0000008c AbstractEvent > DefaultEvent ENTRY COMMUNITIES ACKCOM PUBLIC user.record.inactivate [9/13/10 17:16:51:630 EDT] 0000008c DefaultEvent > DefaultEvent ENTRY COMMUNITIES ACKCOM PUBLIC user.record.inactivate
Troubleshoot user data synchronization
If you find that user data has fallen out of synchronization in one or more applications, use the following information to help restore the data to a synchronized state.
When Profiles is installed
When the Profiles application is installed as part of your deployment, there might be a delay in the synchronization of user data between the Profiles database and the other application DBs. When troubleshooting synchronization issues, consider the following scenarios:
- Synchronization commands are sent from Profiles to the other applications every 20 seconds, so typically there is a delay of at least 20 seconds from when the user data is updated in the Profiles database to the time when the other applications receive the command to update the user data in their database.
- The delay in synchronization can be increased by the load. For example, synchronizing a large number of users in Profiles (using the sync_all_dns or delete_or_inactivate_employees tasks) can introduce an additional delay in the processing of the commands sent to other applications. Enabling trace logging might help you to determine whether synchronization commands are being processed. For more information, see Enabling traces in WebSphere Application Server.
- An IBM Connections application that was not running when a synchronization command was sent from Profiles will process the command when it starts up. The user data in the application database will not be updated until the application is started.
- Profiles only sends the synchronization commands to other applications when it is operational. Some IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator operations, such as the sync_all_dns task, can be run when Profiles is not operational. The Profiles application must be started in order to publish the synchronization commands.
If you are certain that the issues that you are experiencing are not related to these scenarios, you can synchronize user data manually in one of the following ways:
- If the Profiles database contains up-to-date data for the user, you can force Profiles to publish synchronization commands using the ProfilesService.publishUserDataByUserId(String userID) command. For more information about this command, see Managing user data using Profiles administrative commands.
- You can also use the wsadmin commands provided for each application to synchronize the user data in the database with the user repository. For more information, see Synchronizing user data using administrative commands.
When Profiles is not installed
When the Profiles application is not installed as part of your deployment, use the wsadmin commands available for each application to synchronize user data. For more information, see Synchronizing user data using administrative commands.
Troubleshoot email digests
You can verify that email digests are working as expected by accessing specific IBM Connections URLs to trigger the email digests to be sent to the current user. You can also trigger email digests to be sent to the next available tranche of users.
Verify email digests
You can verify that your email digests are working correctly by logging into IBM Connections and accessing specific URLs to trigger the email digests to be sent to the current user.
To access the URLs for triggering email digests, you must be assigned the admin role for the News application. For information about how to assign a person to a role, see Roles. If you want to confirm that your daily and weekly email digests are working as expected, you can trigger the digests to be sent to you by logging into IBM Connections and accessing specific URLs. For example, you might want to trigger the digests if you have customized your notifications and want to verify that the changes you made are displaying correctly. The digests are sent immediately so you can avoid having to wait for the next scheduled digests to be sent. You can perform this action as many times as you want. Accessing the URLs does not affect the next digest that is scheduled to be sent to you.
- Log in to IBM Connections.
- Trigger the email digests by accessing the following URLs:
- Daily email digest:
- Weekly email digest:
- Optional: To specify the start date from which you want to receive news stories in the weekly digest, append the following parameter to the URL:
&begin=yyyy-mm-ddSet the value of this parameter to a date using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd.For example:
A message displays to confirm that the email has been sent.
Initialize the next tranche
You can trigger email digests to be sent to the next available tranche of users in your deployment by accessing specific IBM Connections URLs and appending the initNextTranche parameter. This parameter should only be used in development or preproduction environments.
To access the URLs for triggering email digests, you must be assigned the admin role for the News application. For information about how to assign a person to a role, see Roles. In the News repository application, all users are distributed into tranches to load balance the work of the email digest mechanism. There are 20 tranches by default, and each hour the next tranche in the sequence is selected for processing. You can verify that this process is working correctly by appending the initNextTranche parameter to the URL for triggering email digests. By including this parameter, you can trigger email digests to be sent to the next available tranche of users. When you omit the initNextTranche parameter, the email digest is sent only to the current, logged-in user.
CAUTION:Use the initNextTranche parameter in a production environment might impact the schedule of your users. Users might miss some events that occur on the day or week between when the tranche is kicked off and when the schedule is supposed to fire. These missing events are included in the next daily or weekly digest that is sent at the scheduled time. However, due to the potential disruption to your users. scheduled digest, only use the initNextTranche parameter in a development or preproduction environment.
- Log in to IBM Connections.
- Trigger the email digests by accessing the following URLs:
- Daily email digest:
- Weekly email digest:
- Optional: To initialize a tranche to be sent to the next set of users, append the following parameter to the URL:
&initNextTranche=booleanThis parameter takes a boolean value that determines whether the next tranche of email digests should be initialized. Set the value to true when you want email digests to be sent out to the next tranche of users. Omitting the parameter causes the email digest to be sent to the current, logged-in user.
For example:
Troubleshoot connection timeouts when running a wsadmin script
Run a wsadmin administrative script that calls an MBean in a network deployment environment results in several connections between sever processes, such as the deployment manager, the node agent, and the cluster member using Java Management Extensions (JMX) connectors. Some IBM Connections administrative scripts can run for longer than the default connection timeout that is specified for the connector that is used.
This results in messages like the following: WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/install_root/ProcessChoreographer/admin/script_name"; exception information: ADMN0034E: The service is unable to obtain a valid administrative client to connect process "nodeagent" from process "dmgr", because of exception: ADMC0009E: The system failed to make the SOAP RPC call: invoke.
Some IBM Connections administrative scripts can perform database operations on large numbers of database objects. This means that they can run for longer than the default connection timeout. When a wsadmin script is run with a connection to the server, the following connection timeouts can happen:
- For the call from the wsadmin environment to the deployment manager. The default for is 180 seconds.
- For the connection from the deployment manager to the node agent. The default is 600 seconds.
- For the connection from the node agent to the runtime deployment target. The default is 600 seconds.
You have the following options:
- Modify the invocation parameters so that less work is performed, so that the operation completes before the timeout. For example, many scripts have parameters that can be used to select fewer objects.
- Modify the properties for the connector that is used.
Remote JMX connector
- This connector is used between server processes that reside on different physical machines, for example, between the deployment manager and the node agent. The default is the SOAP connector.
Local JMX connector
- This connector is used between server processes that reside on the same physical machine, for example, between the node agent and its application servers. The default is the IPC connector.
You must modify the properties in the soap.client.props file, ipc.client.props, or sas.client.prop files, and the custom properties for the deployment manager and the node agents where members of your runtime deployment target are running.
The following example shows how to change the SOAP connector properties.
- Modify the property by editing the soap.client.props file that is located in the properties subdirectory of the profile_root directory.
- Change the requestTimeout custom property using the administrative console:
- For servers or cluster members, click Servers > Application servers > server_name > Server Infrastructure > Administration > Administration Services > Additional properties > JMX Connectors > SOAPConnector > Additional Properties > Custom properties. Then locate the requestTimeout custom property, and modify its value.
- For the deployment manager, click System administration > Deployment manager > Additional Properties > Administration Services > Additional properties > JMX Connectors > SOAPConnector > Additional Properties > Custom properties. Then locate the requestTimeout custom property, and modify its value.
- For the node agents, click System administrationNode agentsnode_agent_nameAdditional PropertiesAdministration ServicesAdditional propertiesJMX ConnectorsSOAPConnectorAdditional PropertiesCustom properties. Then locate the requestTimeout custom property, and modify its value.
Troubleshoot display problems in IE browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8 browsers with security set to high do not display IBM Connections properly. You must either reduce the browser security level, or change browser settings.
Issues include:
- Data missing from dropdown menus
- Missing icons
- Community widgets not working
- Files upload dialog displaying improperly
Perform the following steps to resolve display issues and keep high security.
- Open the Internet Explorer browser.
- Click Internet Options > Security > Internet > Custom level.
- In the ActiveX Controls and plug-ins section, below Binary and script behaviors, select Enable.
- In the ActiveX Controls and plug-ins section, below Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting, select Enable.
- In the Scripting section, below Active Scripting, select Enable.
Contact IBM Support
IBM Support provides assistance with product defects.
Before you begin
Before contacting IBM Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support" in the Software Support Handbook at:
About this task
Complete the following steps to contact IBM Support with a problem:Procedure
- Define the problem, gather background information, including diagnostic information, and determine the severity of the problem. For help, see the "Contacting IBM" in the Software Support Handbook: Use the ISA and ISA lite tools to perform these tasks for you. Alternatively, you can collect the necessary information yourself. See Collecting data for more details.
- Submit your problem to IBM Support in one of the following ways:
- Use IBM Support Assistant (ISA):
- Online: Click the Open service request button from the IBM Connections Support site.
- By phone: For the phone number to call in your country, go to the Contacts page of the Software Support Handbook:
What to do next
If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution.Resolve a problem
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) workbench or ISA Lite client. IBM Support Assistant automates the process of running traces and collecting the necessary data from your system. Select which version you want to use:
Both the workbench and the lite client can only collect data associated with database issues when you are using IBM DB2; they do not have collectors for Oracle nor SQL Server DBs.
- IBM Support Assistant Lite
- This version of the tool is packaged with IBM Connections and supports all supported operating systems. Use this version on AIX, Linux, System z® for Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
- IBM Support Assistant workbench
- To use this version of the tool, you must download and install it. It is only supported on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Use IBM Support Assistant lite
IBM Support Assistant (ISA) Lite is a tool that is installed with IBM Connections that helps you gather data to provide to service personnel. You can use ISA Lite to automate data collection and therefore expedite problem resolution.
This tool requires JRE 1.5 or later to run successfully.
You can use ISA Lite to collect data from a system running the AIX, Linux, Microsoft Windows, and System z for Linux operating systems. ISA Lite can only collect data associated with database issues when you are using IBM DB2; it does not have a collector for Oracle nor SQL Server DBs. You can use command line or graphical user interface mode.
You are asked to provide the root directory, profile name, server name, and administrative user ID and password of the IBM WebSphere Application Server hosting any IBM Connection applications for which you want to collect data. You are asked for similar information for the database server if you choose to troubleshoot DB2 or the installation. If you do not know this information, find it out before running the tool. The tool asks you to identify the component of the product to troubleshoot. After you specify the component, and provide supporting information, you are asked to recreate the problem so that the error messages written to the log files are captured and can be sent to IBM Support.
- Find the ISA Lite tool in the following directory:
- AIX, Linux or System z for Linux:
- Microsoft
CONNECTIONS_HOME\ISALiteISA Lite also packaged with the database wizards in one of the following locations:
- AIX, Linux or System z for Linux:
- Microsoft
- Optional: To collect information about a single application, copy the ISA Lite file to the node hosting that application.
- Start the ISA Lite tool by running the executable file that corresponds to the mode to run the tool in.
- Graphical user interface
- AIX, Linux, or System z for Linux:
- Microsoft
Windows: runISALite.bat
- Command line
- AIX, Linux, or System z for Linux: -console
- Microsoft
Windows: runISALite.bat -console
- Set the value of the Java Home variable in the command line.
For example:
- AIX, Linux, or System z for Linux:
- Microsoft
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java
- To collect data, perform the following steps:
- Graphical user interface
- Select the feature for which you want to collect data from the following list:
- IBM Connections Activities Collection
- IBM Connections Activities DB Collection
- IBM Connections Authentication Collection
- IBM Connections Blog Collection
- IBM Connections Bookmarks Collection
- IBM Connections Calendar Collection
- IBM Connections Communities Collection
- IBM Connections Communities DB Collection
- IBM Connections DB2 Collection
- IBM Connections Bookmarks Collection
- IBM Connections Email Digest Collection
- IBM Connections Files Collection
- IBM Connections Forums Collection
- IBM Connections Homepage Collection
- IBM Connections IBM HTTP Server Collection
- IBM Connections Install Collection
- IBM Connections MailIn Collection
- IBM Connections Metrics Collection
- IBM Connections Mobile Collection
- IBM Connections Moderation Collection
- IBM Connections News Collection
- IBM Connections Notification Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles TDI Collection
- IBM Connections ReplyTo Collection
- IBM Connections Search Collection
- IBM Connections Wikis Collection
The Notification, Email Digest, MailIn, and ReplyTo functions are all in the News application.
- Provide a path and file name for the file to which you want to save the resulting data collection. Include a .zip file extension. Use the file naming convention for PMR tickets to help IBM Support identify the file when you send it to them later. For more details, refer to the following web page:
- Click Collect Data.
- Follow the instructions provided.
Optional: If you want to minimize the amount of data returned by the tool to only the essential information, perform the following tasks:
- When you are asked whether IBM Support has requested that you enter additional trace strings, select Yes.
- Enter your own trace strings. See Recommended trace scripts for more details.
- When you are asked whether you want to append the string to the existing trace string or replace the current trace string, indicate to replace the current trace string.
- Command-line
- When prompted, enter the name of the file to which you want the tool to send the resulting data. Include the relative path to the file. For example, you might enter /tmp/
- When asked to confirm, enter yes.
- Enter the number of the collection to run.
You can only run the IBM Connections DB2 Collection if the tool is installed on the same system hosting the database. Likewise, you can only run the IBM Connections Install Collection if the tool is installed on the system hosting the deployment manager.
- Enter the root directory of the IBM WebSphere Application Server that is running the application to collect from. For example, you might enter /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer.
If you select the Install Collection, you are asked to provide the root directory of the deployment manager and if you select the DB2 Collection, you are asked to provide the root directory for the DB2 database.
- Start collecting data by typing 1 when prompted.
Recommended trace scripts
When you use ISA to collect log files and other information, it returns more data than you really need. You can specify your own trace scripts to limit the amount of data collected by the tool.
This is an optional step. Only overwrite the trace scripts if you are sure that you do not need all of the data collected by the tool by default.Trace strings define which level of trace to enable or disable and for which components. See Tracing and logging configuration for details.
After selecting the collections that represent the problem type in the ISA Lite tool, you are prompted to indicate whether IBM Support has requested that you enter additional trace strings. If you select Yes, you can specify your own trace strings, and then you can choose to replace the default set of trace strings with your own.Refer to the table below for trace strings you can use to get the minimum required amount of data for each problem type.
Table 38.
Collection Recommended Trace Strings Activities Authentication Blog org.apache.roller.*=all Communities DB2 Bookmarks Files Forums General Homepage IBM HTTP Server Install Mobile Moderation*=all News Profiles**=all Search Wikis
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench
The IBM Support Assistant is a tool designed to help answer questions and gather data for service personnel if needed. You can use the IBM Support Assistant to perform federated searches across information repositories, access support-related web resources, and automate data collection to expedite problem resolution.
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench, you can only collect data from a system running the Microsoft Windows operating systems. To collect data on a system running AIX or Linux, you must use IBM Support Assistant Lite. When you use the IBM Support Assistant, it does the work of running traces, and collecting the files that IBM Support needs to evaluate the problem and suggest a solution.
- Download and install IBM Support Assistant Workbench Version 4.1. You can download it from the following external website:
- Download the IBM Connections 3.0.1 add-on for the IBM Support Assistant :
- From the IBM Support Assistant menu, select Update > Find New > Product Add-ons.
- Expand Lotus, select IBM Connections 3, and then click Next.
- Accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
- Click Finish. You must restart the workbench before the IBM Connections add-on is available.
- Use the IBM Support Assistant to find information about the issue.
- If you determine required the help of IBM Support to resolve the problem, use the workbench to collect data from the system experiencing the problem. Follow the steps defined in the following topic to use the data collection tool.
- AIX or Linux: See Using the workbench to collect data on AIX and Linux.
- Microsoft Windows: See Using the workbench to collect data on Microsoft Windows.
Use the workbench to collect data on Microsoft Windows operating systems
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench to collect data reported by IBM Connections.
Review the Troubleshooting checklist to determine if the problem has already been encountered by someone else and whether there is a resolution or workaround available.
You must know which servers host which applications and the administrative user name and password for each of the IBM WebSphere Application Servers upon which the IBM Connections applications are installed. If you do not know this information, find it out before running the tool. To use the workbench to collect data to be sent to IBM Support, complete the following steps:
- Start the IBM Support Assistant workbench.
- From the welcome page, click the Analyze Problem icon.
- Click the Collect Data tab. Expand IBM Connections 3 in the Select a product list. Select one or more of the following components:
- IBM Connections Activities Collection
- IBM Connections Authentication Collection
- IBM Connections Blog Collection
- IBM Connections Bookmarks Collection
- IBM Connections Communities Collection
- IBM Connections DB2 Collection
- IBM Connections Files Collection
- IBM Connections Forums Collection
- IBM Connections General Collection
- IBM Connections Homepage Collection
- IBM Connections IBM HTTP Server Collection
- IBM Connections Install Collection
- IBM Connections Mobile Collection
- IBM Connections News Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles Collection
- IBM Connections Search Collection
- IBM Connections Wikis Collection
- Click Add to add the collectors to the Collector Queue, and then click Collect All to start collecting files.
You might be asked for information during the data collection process. For example, you might be asked for the name of the WebSphere Application Server that hosts an application or for the administrative user ID and password of the server. Provide the information requested. The data collector informs you when the processing is completed.
- Provide the collection of data to IBM Support. As you use the collector wizard, it gives you the option of sending the collected data to IBM Support over FTP. You can choose to send the data to IBM using FTP or provide it separately.
Use the workbench to collect data on AIX and Linux operating systems
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench to collect data reported by IBM Connections.
Review the Troubleshooting checklist to determine if the problem has already been encountered by someone else and whether there is a resolution or workaround available.
You must know which servers host which applications and the administrative user name and password for each of the IBM WebSphere Application Servers upon which the IBM Connections applications are installed. If you do not know this information, find it out before running the tool.
You cannot collect data from an IBM AIX or Linux system using the IBM Support Assistant workbench. Instead, you must use an application called IBM Support Assistant lite. To get the lite client, you must export it from the workbench. To export the ISA lite client and run it:
- Start the IBM Support Assistant workbench.
- From the welcome page, click the Analyze Problem icon.
- Click the Collect Data tab.
- In the Remote Collection section, click using IBM Support Assistant Lite.
- From the Select a collector list, select IBM Connections 3.
- In the Target Directory for Exported Collector field, browse to the directory to which you want to store IBM Support Assistant Lite.
- Optional: You can rename the .zip file that gets created by adding the new file name to the Collector File Name field or accept the default name.
- Click Export.
- If the IBM Connections applications are hosted by a system or systems other than the current one, from the directory to which you exported it, copy the lite .zip file to the systems hosting the IBM Connections applications.
- From the system hosting the applications, extract the lite .zip file, which is named by default.
- Edit the permissions to the .sh files that you extracted. For example: chmod 777 *.sh
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the computer by entering the following command: export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java
- Start IBM Support Assistant lite by entering the following command: ./
- Select the application for which you want to collect data from the following list:
- IBM Connections Activities Collection
- IBM Connections Authentication Collection
- IBM Connections Blog Collection
- IBM Connections Bookmarks Collection
- IBM Connections Communities Collection
- IBM Connections DB2 Collection
- IBM Connections Files Collection
- IBM Connections Forums Collection
- IBM Connections General Collection
- IBM Connections Homepage Collection
- IBM Connections IBM HTTP Server Collection
- IBM Connections Install Collection
- IBM Connections Mobile Collection
- IBM Connections News Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles Collection
- IBM Connections Search Collection
- IBM Connections Wikis Collection
- Provide a path and a file name for the collection. Include the .zip file extension, and then click Collect Data.
You might be asked for information during the data collection process. For example, you might be asked for the name of the WebSphere Application Server that hosts an application or for the administrative user ID and password of the server. Provide the information requested. The data collector informs you when processing is completed.
- Provide the collection of data to IBM Support. As you use the collector wizard, it gives you the option of sending the collected data to IBM Support over FTP. You can choose to send the data to IBM using FTP or provide it separately.
Resolve a problem without Support tools
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem without using the IBM Support Assistant.
Use this procedure if you do not want to use the IBM Support Assistant or IBM Support Assistant lite, which are tools that automate the process of running traces and collecting the necessary data from your system. Though it takes time to download and install the full IBM Support Assistant tool, the lite edition is installed with the product and available for use immediately. Both tools make the data collection process much easier. To resolve the problem without using the IBM Support Assistant, complete the following steps:
- To find out more about the cause of the problem, look up the error message being generated in the Error messages topic.
- If the error message definition does not help you to resolve the issue, collect system data to send to IBM Support. See Collecting data for more details.
Collect data
Sometimes you cannot solve a problem by troubleshooting the symptoms. In such cases, you need to collect diagnostic data. A base set of information is typically required for diagnosing and resolving a product-level or component-level problem. Collect the data before you open a problem management record (PMR) to expedite the process and get the problem resolved more quickly. The easiest way to collect the data that IBM Support will ask you to provide is by using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) or ISA lite tools.
If you do not want to collect the must-gather information using the Support tools, complete the following step:
Search for technotes that describe the data that you must gather to report an issue to IBM Support for each IBM Connections application. Click here to search.Exchange information with IBM
To diagnose or identify a problem, you might need to provide IBM Support with data and information from your system. In other cases, IBM Support might provide you with tools or utilities to use for problem determination.Send information to IBM Support
To reduce the time that it takes to resolve your problem, you can send trace and diagnostic information to IBM Support.
To submit diagnostic information to IBM Support:
- Open a problem management record (PMR). See Contact IBM Support for more details.
- Collect the diagnostic data required. Diagnostic data helps reduce the time that it takes to resolve your PMR. You can collect the diagnostic data manually or automatically:
- Collect the data automatically. See Resolve a problem for more details.
- Collect the data manually. See Collect data for more details.
- Compress the files by using the ZIP or TAR format.
- Transfer the files to IBM. You can use one of the following methods to transfer the files to IBM:
- IBM Support Assistant
- The Service Request tool
- Standard data upload methods: FTP, HTTP
- Secure data upload methods: FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS
All of these data exchange methods are explained on the IBM Support site.
Receive information from IBM Support
Occasionally an IBM technical-support representative might ask you to download diagnostic tools or other files. You can use FTP to download these files.
Ensure that your IBM technical-support representative provided you with the preferred server to use for downloading the files and the exact directory and file names to access.
To download files from IBM Support:
- Use FTP to connect to the site that your IBM technical-support representative provided and log in as anonymous. Use your email address as the password.
- Change to the appropriate directory:
- Change to the /fromibm directory.
cd fromibm
- Change to the directory that your IBM technical-support representative provided.
cd nameofdirectory
- Enable binary mode for your session.
- Use the get command to download the file that your IBM technical-support representative specified.
get filename.extension
- End your FTP session.
quitSubscribe to Support updates
To stay informed of important information about the IBM products that you use, you can subscribe to updates.
About this task
By subscribing to receive updates, you can receive important technical information and updates for specific IBM Support tools and resources. You can subscribe to updates using the following approaches:
- RSS feeds
- The following RSS feeds are available:
- IBM Connections Support RSS feed
- developerWorks® IBM Connections forum RSS feed
- IBM Connections wiki Recently added RSS feed
For general information about RSS, including steps for getting started and a list of RSS-enabled IBM web pages, visit the IBM Software Support RSS feeds site.
- My Notifications
- With My Notifications, you can subscribe to Support updates for any IBM product. (My Notifications replaces My Support, which is a similar tool that you might have used in the past.) With My Notifications, you can specify to receive daily or weekly email announcements. You can specify what type of information you want to receive (such as publications, hints and tips, product flashes (also known as alerts), downloads, and drivers). My Notifications enables you to customize and categorize the products about which you want to be informed and the delivery methods that best suit your needs.
- IBM Connections newsletter
- If you would like to subscribe to the Support Content Highlights for Lotus Connections newsletter, send an email to, and specify "subscribe" as the subject.
Subscribe to Support updates.
- To subscribe to My Notifications, go to the IBM Support Portal and click Manage all my subscriptions in the Notifications portlet.
- Sign in using your IBM ID and password, and click Submit.
- Identify what and how you want to receive updates.
- Click the Subscribe tab.
- Select the appropriate software brand or type of hardware.
- Select one or more products by name and click Continue.
- Select your preferences for how to receive updates, whether by email, online in a designated folder, or as an RSS or Atom feed.
- Select the types of documentation updates that you want to receive, for example, new information about product downloads and discussion group comments.
- Click Submit.
Until you modify your RSS feeds and My Notifications preferences, you receive notifications of updates that you have requested. You can modify your preferences when needed (for example, if you stop using one product and begin using another product).