IBM Connections 4: Develop and Use
- Developing
- Use
- IBM Connections
- What's new in IBM Connections?
- Which application do I use?
- Use the business card
- Use the Sametime task bar
- Set email notification preferences
- Change the display language
- IBM Connections Search
- What are tags?
- What is a tag collection?
- Subscribe to feeds
- Social analytics widgets
- Use the rich text editor
- Retrieve the welcome text for an application
- Moderate content for the site
- Viewing metrics
- Giving applications access to your data
- Product accessibility
- Uploading a file
- Administrator help
- The help topic is not available
- IBM Connections Activities
- Get around in Activities
- What's new in Activities?
- Frequently asked questions in Activities
- What is an activity?
- What is an entry?
- Work with entries
- Work with entry templates
- Work with searches and Activities
- Work with activities
- Organizing your activities
- Work with activity templates
- Membership roles
- Work with tags in Activities
- IBM Connections Blogs
- What are blogs?
- What's new in blogs? > Create a blog
- Who can see my blog? Creating public and restricted blogs
- What is an Ideation Blog?
- What are tags and how do I use them?
- Create a blog entry
- Posting a comment
- Add a bookmark from a web page
- Notifying a user about a blog entry
- Liking an entry
- Flagging an entry as inappropriate
- Find a blog or blog entry
- Subscribe to feeds
- Following a blog
- Manage your blog
- Uploading a file to a blog
- Add links to your blog
- Manage member permissions for a blog
- IBM Connections Bookmarks
- What can you do with Bookmarks?
- Get started and installing the bookmark button
- What's new in Bookmarks?
- Create a bookmark
- Use tags
- Add a bookmark to another IBM Connections application
- Viewing bookmarks
- Viewing business cards
- Notifying other users about a bookmark
- Flagging a bookmark as broken
- Add bookmarks to your watchlist
- Subscribe to feeds
- Create a feed from a Bookmarks view
- Copy a bookmark
- Import bookmarks from a web browser
- Export bookmarks to a file
- Add a bookmark list to a web site
- Work with your bookmarks
- ConnectionsCommunities
- What is a community?
- What's new in Communities?
- Frequently asked questions in Communities
- Browsing or searching for communities
- Use the Communities business card
- Joining communities that interest you
- Create communities of colleagues with similar interests
- Work with communities
- How do I add community members?
- Community membership roles
- Add widgets to your community to make more functionality available
- Manage your communities
- Add bookmarks to a community
- Work with community forums
- Add files to a community
- Work with community activities
- Use a community blog
- Work with feeds
- Use a community wiki
- Use an Ideation Blog in your community
- Use a media gallery
- Use Linked Libraries
- How do I add a Linked Library to my community?
- How do I show files and folders in a Linked Library?
- How do I work with folders?
- How do I add new documents?
- How do I delete documents?
- How do I edit documents?
- How do I edit documents with connectors?
- How do I edit document properties?
- How do I see information about documents?
- How do I work with attachments?
- How do I work with versions?
- Document types
- Schedule community events
- Search within a community
- IBM Connections Files
- What's new in Files?
- What is Files?
- Use file sharing to collaborate with others
- Understand file access rights
- Uploading and sharing files
- Download a copy of a file
- Opening and viewing or editing a file
- Use a file version
- Find files
- Work with other people's files
- Sharing files
- Create folders
- Add files to folders
- Find folders
- Sharing folders
- Tracking file and folder changes
- Use file tags
- Locking files
- Remove files
- Subscribe to a Files feed
- IBM Connections Forums imageForums
- What are Forums?
- What's new in Forums?
- Browsing forums
- Create forums
- Add forum topics
- Making web pages into forum topics
- Responding to forum topics
- Work with forum topics
- Posting questions and answers to a forum
- Work with attachments
- Manage forums
- Search forums
- Following forums and forum topics
- Subscribe to a Forums feed
- IBM Connections Home page
- What is the Home page?
- Get started with IBM Connections
- What's new in the Home page?
- Frequently asked questions about the Home page
- Use the activity stream views
- Use the My Page view
- What are widgets?
- Add widgets to your Home page
- Home page widgets
- Use the Recommendations widget on the Home page
- Use the To Do List widget
- Use the Events widget
- Use the Activities widget
- Use the My Activities widget
- Use the Public Activities widget
- Use the Blogs widget
- Use the Bookmarks widget
- Use the My Bookmarks widget
- Use the My Watchlist widget
- Use the Popular Bookmarks widget
- Use the Recent Bookmarks widget
- Use the Communities widget
- Use the My Communities widget
- Use the Public Communities widget
- Use the My Files widget
- Use the Files Shared with Me widget
- Use the Profiles widget
- Use the My Profile widget
- Use the My Network widget
- Use the My Wikis widget
- Use the Latest Wikis widget
- Use the Popular Wikis widget
- Manage Home page widgets
- Home page views
- Subscribe to a Home page feed
- IBM Connections Profiles
- What is Profiles?
- What's new in Profiles?
- Frequently asked questions in Profiles
- Viewing profiles
- Update your status message
- Update your profile
- Add people to your network
- Get to know other people
- Search profiles
- Download vCard contact details
- What is the Recent Updates area?
- Tagging profiles
- Subscribe to a Profiles feed
- Create an audio file
- IBM ConnectionsWikis
- What are wikis?
- What's new in Wikis?
- How do I find wikis?
- How do I create wikis?
- How do I find wiki pages?
- How do I edit other people's pages?
- How do I create pages?
- Use the rich text editor in Wikis
- How do I manage wiki members and access?
- How do I recommend pages?
- How do I comment on pages?
- What happens to the original content when a page is edited?
- What can I do with tags in Wikis?
- How do I track wiki and wiki page changes?
- How does trash work in wikis?
- Subscribe to a Wikis feed
- Add profile types
- Customize Profiles
- Get News repository feeds
- Profiles Administration API
- Use advanced search options
- Locking forums and forum topics
- Manage forums
- Forum moderation
- Posting questions and answers to a forum
- What are Forums?
- What's new in Forums?
- Get started with IBM Connections
- What is the Home page?
- Frequently asked questions about the Home page
- Post-migration steps for profile types and profile policies
- User profile Background samples
- Frequently asked questions in Profiles
- Viewing profiles
- Search profiles
- Get to know other people
- Understand profile tags
- What is the Recent Updates area?
- What's new in Profiles?
- What is Profiles?
- Deployment options
- Configure single sign-on
- Update 3.0.1 DBs
- What's new in the Home page?
- What are widgets?
- IBM Connections Forums imageForums
- IBM Connections Home page
- Directory path conventions
- Subscribe to a Files feed
- IBM Connections 4 Supporting Documentation
- Change the media galleries J2C alias
- Common parameters
- Download a file
- Move a stand-alone forum topic programmatically
- Retrieve the dates related to a set of search results
- Retrieve the applications related to a set of search results
- Retrieve the people related to a set of search results
- Retrieve the tags related to a set of search results
- Clear the current status message
- Add a comment to a message board
- Add a message to a message board
- Delete a comment from a message board
- Delete a message from a message board
- Delete a status message
- Retrieve comments from a message board
- Retrieve messages from a message board
- Retrieve status messages
- Retrieve profile extension data
- Update a status message
- Get a feed of the wikis with the most comments
- Get a feed of the wikis with the most recommendations
- Get a feed of the most visited wikis
- Get a feed of wiki pages edited by someone
- Get a feed of wiki pages in the trash
- Error messages
- Application icons
- Home page views
- Home page widgets
- IBM Connections system requirements
- Tivoli Directory Integrator solution properties for Profiles
- Configure the Manager designation in user profiles
- Batch files for processing Profiles data
- Use the calendar in the Activities widget
- Add links to your profile
- Add widgets to your Home page
- Add a node to a cluster
- Restore a Community Blogs widget
- Synchronize user identification data between Blogs and LDAP
- Customize the user interface
- Required post-customization step
- Configure J2C Aliases for the moderation proxy service
- Mitigating a cross site scripting attack
- Add a theme to the Communities configuration file
- Integrate the Communities business card
- Configure the library widget proxy
- Synchronize user identification data between Communities and the LDAP directory
- Configure the AJAX proxy
- Change configuration settings for Bookmarks
- Change node-level configuration settings
- Customize file type icons
- Customize Files notification templates
- Synchronize user identification data between Files and the LDAP directory
- Synchronize user identification data between the Home page and the LDAP directory
- Synchronize user identification data between the news application and the LDAP directory
- Add custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios
- Configure profile types for widget layout
- Add widgets to Profiles
- Customize login attributes
- Enable custom extension attributes for Profiles
- Integrate the Profiles business card
- Delete outdated file content
- Customize Wikis notification templates
- Synchronize user identification data between Wikis and the LDAP directory
- Start the wsadmin client
- Back up IBM Connections
- Add the Files widget so you can share files and folders with your community
- Configure PowerCube refresh schedules
- Configure the job scheduler for Cognos Transformer on Windows
- Grant access to global metrics
- Define IBM HTTP Server
- Customize the Get Started view
- Customize product strings
- Create forums
- Add additional owners to a forum
- Add forum topics
- Answering questions in a forum
- Delete forums
- Delete forum topics
- Delete responses to forum topics
- Making web pages into forum topics
- Download attachments so you can view them locally
- Edit forums
- Edit forum topics
- Following forums and forum topics
- Locking forums to prevent users from adding topics or responses
- Locking forum topics to prevent users from editing topics or adding responses
- Flagging forum content as inappropriate
- Move forum topics
- Pinning forum topics
- Posting questions to a forum
- Search forums
- Responding to forum topics
- Work with attachments
- Browsing forums
- Following tags
- Use the My Profile widget
- Selecting a page layout
- Update your status message from the Home page
- Use the activity stream views
- Use the My Page view
- Use the Activities widget
- Use the Blogs widget
- Use the Bookmarks widget
- Use the Communities widget
- Use the Events widget
- Use the Latest Wikis widget
- Use the My Activities widget
- Use the My Bookmarks widget
- Use the My Communities widget
- Use the My Files widget
- Use the My Network widget
- Use the My Watchlist widget
- Use the My Wikis widget
- Use the Popular Bookmarks widget
- Use the Popular Wikis widget
- Use the Profiles widget
- Use the Public Activities widget
- Use the Public Communities widget
- Use the Recent Bookmarks widget
- Use the Recommendations widget on the Home page
- Use the Files Shared with Me widget
- Install IBM Connections 4.0
- Manage Home page widgets
- Modify the installation in interactive mode
- Use the calendar in the My Activities widget
- Accepting network invitations
- Add people to your network
- Create an audio file
- Add a pronunciation file
- Update your background information
- Delete people from your network
- Update your profile photo
- Update your profile
- Download vCard contact details
- Search by name
- Use tags to find people
- Following people
- Posting messages or comments to another user's profile page
- Remove messages or comments from your profile page
- Performing a more advanced search
- Viewing the search results
- Tagging profiles
- Update contact information
- Update your status message
- Use the Do You Know widget
- Use the Organization Tags collection
- Use the Who Connects Us widget
- Use the Things in Common widget
- Viewing network contacts
- Map fields manually
- Customize the Profiles user interface
- Install and configuring the Lotus Quickr library widgets
- Configure the active content filter for Activities, Communities, and Bookmarks
- Copy Search conversion tools to local nodes
- Enable single sign-on for standalone LDAP
- Deploying an event handler
- Update web addresses in IBM HTTP Server
- Use the To Do List widget
- How do I add and remove wiki members?
- Configure IBM HTTP Server
- Manage inappropriate content
- Administer Search
- Administer the News repository
- Manage the Search application
- Activity stream search
- Delete microblog data
- Administer microblogs
- Synchronize microblog data with Communities
- Back up the Search index
- Configure dictionaries for Search
- Configure scheduled tasks
- Create Search indexes
- Search index folder structure
- Search and globalization
- The indexing process
- Index settings
- Manage the Search index
- Restore the Search index
- Administer the social analytics service
- Moderate blogs programmatically
- Moderate community files and comments programmatically
- Files API
- Moderate forum content programmatically
- News administrative commands
- SearchCellConfig commands
- SearchService commands
- Search default scheduled tasks
- Search language dictionaries
- Seedlist response
- Add applications to the SSL trust store
- Remove a person's or a group's access
- Disable community invitations
- Disable trash bin in Files
- Access the News configuration file
- Back up the Search index manually
- Change the location of the Search index
- Configure database clean-up for the News repository
- Synchronize News data with other applications
- Apply property changes in the News repository
- Set the maximum size for microblogs
- Configure activity stream search index settings
- Copy the activity stream search index to new nodes
- Delete community microblogs from the News repository
- Reallocating and load balancing users according to mail domain
- Administer activity stream search
- Manage scheduled tasks for the News repository
- Purging compromised reply-to IDs
- Configure event log clean-up for Profiles . obsolete
- Configure Profiles directory search options
- Configure status updates and messages character limits for Profiles - obsolete
- Manage Communities administrators - obsolete
- Access the Search configuration environment
- Add an additional Search node to a cluster
- Add third-party search options to the search control
- Back up the Search index using wsadmin commands
- Configure index backup settings
- Enable dictionaries
- Add scheduled tasks for Search
- Configure page persistence settings
- Add scheduled tasks for the social analytics service
- Configure global properties for the social analytics service
- Configure file attachment indexing settings
- Avoiding unnecessary full search crawls
- Recreating the Search index
- Create a background index
- Create work managers for Search
- Disable dictionaries
- Delete the index
- Delete persisted seedlist data
- Delete scheduled tasks for Search
- Excluding specific users from the social analytics service
- Enable and disable scheduled tasks
- Excluding inactive users from search results
- Extracting file content
- Listing enabled dictionaries
- Listing indexing nodes
- Listing social analytic indexing tasks
- Listing Search tasks that are currently running
- Set the maximum number of search results per page
- Run one-off social analytics scheduled tasks
- Run one-off tasks
- Performing a background crawl
- Purging content from the index
- Reindexing content
- Reloading the Search application
- Remove a node from the index management table
- Restore the default scheduled tasks for Search
- Restore a Search index in an environment with multiple nodes
- Restore a Search index in a single-node environment
- Restore a Search index without restarting individual nodes
- Enable indexing resumption
- Retrieve file content
- Listing scheduled tasks
- Set the default dictionary
- Configure the number of crawling threads
- Configure the number of indexing threads
- Set the timeout for seedlist requests
- Tuning social analytics indexing
- Verify that Search is crawling regularly
- Verify Search index creation
- Disable trash bin in Wikis
- Configure authorization for foreign bus connections
- Configure J2C authentication for Search
- Enable single sign-on between applications
IBM Connections 4 Part 5: Developing and Using
IBM® Connections 4 Part 5: Developing and Using
Find out how to use the Atom APIs provided with IBM Connections and how to add select IBM Connections applications to third-party products.
What's new in developing?
Lists the programmatic applications that are new, changed, or deprecated in version 4.
IBM Connections 4: New APIs
- Common API
- The applications are more consistently using a common set of parameters.
- Activities
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Blogs
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Bookmarks
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Communities
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Files
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Forums
- The documentation has been updated to cover how to move a topic from one forum to another.
- News repository
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Profiles
- There are new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Search
- There are no new APIs being introduced for this application in this release.
- Wikis
- The documentation has been updated to cover how to retrieve the following feeds:
IBM Connections 4: New SPIs
IBM Connections 4: Deprecated APIs
- Profiles
- The message board APIs have been deprecated and are being replaced by the News repository feeds, see Get News repository feeds for details.
- The following APIs were specific to the message board and have been deprecated:
- GET as described in Retrieve messages from a message board
- POST as described in Add a message to a message board
- DELETE as described in Delete a message from a message board
- GET as described in Retrieve comments from a message board
- POST as described in Add a comment to a message board
- DELETE as described in Delete a comment from a message board
- GET as described in Retrieve status messages
- PUT as described in Update a status message
- DELETE as described in Clear the current status message
- DELETE as described in Delete a status message
- Search
- The following APIs are being deprecated in this release.
Integrate web applications into IBM Connections
IBM Connections provides the ability for third-party application developers to integrate iWidgets into the IBM Connections user interface for use in the Communities, Home page, and Profiles applications.
In IBM Connections, many areas of the user interface are constructed using iWidgets. Developers and administrators can extend the IBM Connections user interface with new capabilities and also replace existing capabilities that are shipped with the product by developing their own iWidgets using the iWidget specification and integrating them with IBM Connections.
For more information about developing iWidgets for use in IBM Connections, go to:
Integrate IBM Connections into web applications
A subset of the IBM Connections applications can be surfaced in other products programmatically.
The procedures described in this section require you to have some programming knowledge. In addition to surfacing applications in other products programmatically, you can also install prebuilt plug-ins that do not require programming abilities. These plug-ins surface IBM Connections applications in a predefined list of products. For more information about these plug-ins, see the Extending section of the product documentation.
Extend bookmarks
Use the API provided with IBM Connections to extend the Bookmarks application of IBM Connections.
Add dynamic IBM Connections bookmarks to your application. Or, add a hypertext link to a web page in your application that enables your users to bookmark your application and add the bookmark to their Bookmarks collection in IBM Connections.
Add a set of bookmarks to a web page
Embed a set of bookmarks into your web pages. Your web application can use this resource to enable users to see and navigate to a selected set of bookmarks relevant to your web page.
Table 1. Atom API request details
Resource Description /snippet Retrieves bookmarks matching search criteria. Returns JavaScript code that emits XHTML containing the search results, with each result specified in a <div> element. Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).
Table 2. Input parameters
Parameter Description access Filters the bookmarks based on whether they are private or public. Options are:
- any
- Returns all bookmarks only if the request is made over secure http (https). If the request is made over https, it is redirected to the /mybookmarks URI. If the request is made over http, only public bookmarks are returned. This value is the default value.
- private
- Only returns private bookmarks. Private bookmarks can only be accessed by their owner, and only if the owner is authenticated. The user is prompted to log in and is redirected to the /mybookmarks URI from which only private bookmarks are returned.
- public
- Only returns public bookmarks.
base Returns only bookmarks to pages hosted by a given web site. For example, to retrieve only bookmarks to pages on the web site, specify "" Internet email address. Returns bookmarks created by the user specified by the email address. Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in: adam_eventide%40garden.comDo not use this parameter if IBM Connections is configured to prevent email addresses from being displayed. Use the userid parameter instead.
font_family Specify a font family for the embedded bookmarks. For example, arial. font_color Specify a font color for the embedded bookmarks. For example, red|EEE|34EEFF. font_size Specify a font size for the embedded bookmarks. For example, 10| 10px|10em|10pt lang Language code. Language for strings in the output. If not specified, the language specified by the first matching client, typically the web browser, is used, if available. The server then redirects the request to add this parameter to the URL. Specify this parameter to avoid the redirect. network Filters the bookmarks based on the network that it is available from. Options are:
- all . Default. Returns all bookmarks.
- internet . Only returns the bookmarks that link to Internet resources, which are visible outside the intranet firewall.
- intranet . Only returns the bookmarks that link to resources available on the corporate intranet, that is, resources that are not externally visible.
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. The default value is 1, which returns the first page. ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page. The default value is 10. The maximum value you can specify is 50. search Well-formed full text search query. Performs a text search on the title, description, and tags of all bookmarks. Orders results by relevance. Respects other constraints. See Advanced search options in the Using section of the wiki for details on the search operators you can use in the search query to perform advanced searches for bookmarks. When you use this parameter, the search can only find bookmarks that the indexer has processed. The indexing interval is stored in a configuration property that your administrator can configure. See Managing search and index operations in the Administering section of the wiki for more details.
searchOperator Default operator between search terms. Options are:
The default value is set by your system administrator. Use in conjunction with "search" parameter to override the system default operator for search queries.
- and
- or
show_icon Includes links to bookmark icons (also known as "favorite icons") in the response. Bookmarks uses link relation "" to identify this link in a bookmark Atom entry. Boolean. Options are:
- false . Default. Links to bookmark icons are not included.
- true . Includes links to bookmark icons.
show_person True or false. True displays the person link. show_tag True or false. True displays the tag link. since Includes in the resulting feed all bookmarks updated after a specified date. Set the date using a date-time value that conforms to RFC3339. Use an upper case "T" to separate the date and time, and an uppercase "Z" in the absence of a numeric time zone offset. For example: 2009-01-04T20:32:31.171Z. sortBy Specifies how the results should be sorted. Options are:
- created
- Sorts the entries by the date the item was created.
- popularity
- Sorts the entries by how popular the item is.
This parameter replaces the sort parameter. The sort parameter and its associated options (date and popularity) are supported for backwards compatibility only; they will be deprecated in a future release.
sortOrder Specifies the order in which to sort the results. The options are:
The default value is asc.
- asc
- Sorts the results in ascending order.
- desc
- Sorts the results in descending order.
tag Returns bookmarks with the specified tag. You can search for multiple tags; separate the tags with a space or comma. If you use a space, URL-encode the space using %20. url A well-formed web address. Returns bookmarks for the given web address. When you use this parameter, all other search parameters are ignored. userid Unique ID that represents a specific person.
Content-Type: text/html. Indicates payload contains data in html format.
To add a current list of bookmarks matching the search criteria to a web page, add the following HTML code to the source code of your web page. This example uses the email parameter to qualify the search; you can use any of the search parameters listed in Table 2.<iframe src=""> </iframe>...where is the fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the Bookmarks application and someuserid is a valid user ID as defined in their <snx:userid> element.
Add a list of bookmarks to a web page
Embed a list of bookmarks into your web pages. Your web application can use this resource to enable users to see and navigate to a selected list of bookmarks relevant to your web page.
Table 3. Atom API request details
Resource Description /lisnippet Retrieves bookmarks matching search criteria. Returns JavaScript code that emits XHTML containing the search results, with each result specified in a <li> element. Search can only find bookmarks that the indexer has processed. The indexing interval is stored in a configuration property that your administrator can configure. See the Administer Bookmarks section of the IBM Connections product documentation for more details.
Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).
Table 4. Input parameters
Parameter Description access Filters the bookmarks based on whether they are private or public. Options are:
- any
- Returns all bookmarks only if the request is made over secure http (https). If the request is made over https, it is redirected to the /mybookmarks URI. If the request is made over http, only public bookmarks are returned. This value is the default value.
- private
- Only returns private bookmarks. Private bookmarks can only be accessed by their owner, and only if the owner is authenticated. The user is prompted to log in and is redirected to the /mybookmarks URI from which only private bookmarks are returned.
- public
- Only returns public bookmarks.
base Returns only bookmarks to pages hosted by a given web site. For example, to retrieve only bookmarks to pages on the web site, specify "" Internet email address. Returns bookmarks created by the user specified by the email address. Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in: adam_eventide%40garden.comDo not use this parameter if IBM Connections is configured to prevent email addresses from being displayed. Use the userid parameter instead.
font_family Specify a font family for the embedded bookmarks. For example, arial. font_color Specify a font color for the embedded bookmarks. For example, red|EEE|34EEFF. font_size Specify a font size for the embedded bookmarks. For example, 10| 10px|10em|10pt lang Language code. Language for strings in the output. If not specified, the language specified by the first matching client, typically the web browser, is used, if available. The server then redirects the request to add this parameter to the URL. Specify this parameter to avoid the redirect. network Filters the bookmarks based on the network that it is available from. Options are:
- all . Default. Returns all bookmarks.
- internet . Only returns the bookmarks that link to Internet resources, which are visible outside the intranet firewall.
- intranet . Only returns the bookmarks that link to resources available on the corporate intranet, that is, resources that are not externally visible.
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. The default value is 1, which returns the first page. ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page. The default value is 10. The maximum value you can specify is 50. search Well-formed full text search query. Performs a text search on the title, description, and tags of all bookmarks. Orders results by relevance. Respects other constraints. See Advanced search options in the Using section of the wiki for details on the search operators you can use in the search query to perform advanced searches for bookmarks. When you use this parameter, the search can only find bookmarks that the indexer has processed. The indexing interval is stored in a configuration property that your administrator can configure. See Managing search and index operations in the Administering section of the wiki for more details.
searchOperator Default operator between search terms. Options are:
The default value is set by your system administrator. Use in conjunction with "search" parameter to override the system default operator for search queries.
- and
- or
show_icon Includes links to bookmark icons (also known as "favorite icons") in the response. Bookmarks uses link relation "" to identify this link in a bookmark Atom entry. Boolean. Options are:
- false . Default. Links to bookmark icons are not included.
- true . Includes links to bookmark icons.
show_person True or false. True displays the person link. show_tag True or false. True displays the tag link. since Includes in the resulting feed all bookmarks updated after a specified date. Set the date using a date-time value that conforms to RFC3339. Use an upper case "T" to separate the date and time, and an uppercase "Z" in the absence of a numeric time zone offset. For example: 2009-01-04T20:32:31.171Z. sortBy Specifies how the results should be sorted. Options are:
- created
- Sorts the entries by the date the item was created.
- popularity
- Sorts the entries by how popular the item is.
This parameter replaces the sort parameter. The sort parameter and its associated options (date and popularity) are supported for backwards compatibility only; they will be deprecated in a future release.
sortOrder Specifies the order in which to sort the results. The options are:
The default value is asc.
- asc
- Sorts the results in ascending order.
- desc
- Sorts the results in descending order.
tag Returns bookmarks with the specified tag. You can search for multiple tags; separate the tags with a space or comma. If you use a space, URL-encode the space using %20. url A well-formed web address. Returns bookmarks for the given web address. When you use this parameter, all other search parameters are ignored. userid Unique ID that represents a specific person.
To add a current list of bookmarks matching the search criteria to a web page, add the following HTML code to the source code of your web page. This example uses the email parameter to qualify the search; you can use any of the preceding search parameters.<iframe language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""> </iframe>...where is the fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the Bookmarks application and someuserid is a valid user ID as defined in their <snx:userid> element. The resulting page displays a bulleted list of documentation links.
Add popular bookmarks to a web page
Embed the most popular bookmarks into your web pages. Your web application can use this resource to enable users to see and navigate to the most popular bookmarks embedded on your web page.
This lists the bookmarks that multiple users have bookmarked recently. It captures the bookmarks that are displayed in the Most Bookmarked in the last 30 days section of the Popular tab of the Bookmarks application. The administrator can change the number of days from 30 to something different. To find out how to add all bookmarks to a page, retrieve the resources described in Add bookmarks to a web page and Add a list of bookmarks to a web page.
Search can only find bookmarks that the indexer has processed. The indexing interval is stored in a configuration property that your administrator can configure. See Administer Search for more details.
Resource information
- /lisnippet/popular
- Retrieves popular bookmarks. Returns JavaScript code that emits XHTML containing the search results, with each result specified in a <li> element.
- /snippet/popular
- Retrieves popular bookmarks. Returns JavaScript code that emits XHTML containing the search results, with each result specified in a <div> element.
Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).
Table 5. Input parameters
Parameter Description lang Language code. Language of the strings in the output. If not specified, the first matching browser language is used, if available. The server then redirects the request to add this parameter to the URL. Specify this parameter to avoid a redirect. page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. The default value is 1, which returns the first page. ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page. The default value is 10. The maximum value you can specify is 50. font_family Specify a font family for the embedded bookmarks. For example, arial. font_color Specify a font color for the embedded bookmarks. For example, red|EEE|34EEFF. font_size Specify a font size for the embedded bookmarks. For example, 10| 10px|10em|10pt show_icon Includes links to bookmark icons (also known as "favorite icons") in the response. Bookmarks uses link relation "" to identify this link in a bookmark Atom entry. Boolean. Options are:
- false . Default. Links to bookmark icons are not included.
- true . Includes links to bookmark icons.
show_person True or false. True displays the person link. show_tag True or false. True displays the tag link. type Filters the bookmarks returned in the feed. You can filter by the following values:
- popular
- Returns a list of the most bookmarked web sites. This value is the default value.
- visited
- Returns a list of the bookmarks that are accessed most often.
You can add code similar to the HTML used in this example to display the popular bookmarks returned by either the /snippet/popular or /lisnippet/popular resource in a web page.<iframe src=""> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe>
Add the Add Bookmark link to a web page
To simplify the process of adding a bookmark to one's bookmark collection in IBM Connections, the product provides an Add Bookmark button that users can add to their toolbar and can click to add the current web page to their collection. You can add similar functionality to your web application by adding an Add Bookmark link to a page. When a person clicks the link, the web page is added to the user's IBM Connections bookmark collection. The Bookmarks application provides the following resources to help you create the Add Bookmark link:
The post_to_dogear() method is invoked when a user clicks the Add Bookmark link. It opens a separate web browser window in which the user can modify the description or other fields, and then save the bookmark to her collection in the Bookmarks application.
- JavaScript library: A single file named doglink.js that defines a JavaScript object named "DogLink" and contains a post_to_dogear() method. The file is available from the following web address: http://{your_bookmarks_server}/dogear/tools/doglink.js
- Icon resource: A file named favicon.gif that is located at the following web address: http://{your_bookmarks_server}/dogear/misc/favicon.gif
To add the Add Bookmark link to your web page, complete the following steps:
- Include the JavaScript library in the <head> HTML block of your web page. For example, use the following HTML element, replacing "" with the address of your Bookmarks server:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>
- In the web page, at the location in which you want the Add Bookmark link to be displayed, add an onClick event that calls the following method:
post_to_dogear(url, title, tags, description)For example:
Table 6. post_to_dogear() method parameters
Parameter Description description Description of the page. You can leave the field blank. If your pages have a <meta> tag for descriptions, you can use JavaScript code to get it and fill the field. tags Tags are labels that people can associate with a page to categorize it. You can leave this parameter blank or include default tags that you want people to use. Enter tags as a single word, separated by commas or spaces. title Title of the page. Specify document.title to refer to the title of the current page. url web address of the page. Specify location.href to refer to the current page. <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick="DogLink.post_to_dogear(location.href,document.title,'',''); return false;"> Add Bookmark </a>
- Recommended: Include a bookmark icon that is displayed on the page in front of the Add Bookmark link text.
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick="DogLink.post_to_dogear(location.href, document.title, '', ''); return false;"> <img height=16 src="" width=16 border=0> Add Bookmark </a>Replace with the address of your Bookmarks server.
Example:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Sample Bookmark-able web Page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </head> <body> <h2>A sample web page with a bookmark link</h2> <p>Your content here. </p> <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick="javascript:DogLink.post_to_dogear(location.href, document.title, 'tag1,tag2 tag3', ''); return false;"> <img height=16 src="" width=16 border=0/> Add Bookmark </a> </body> </html>
Integrate business cards in to your web application
Add the Profiles business card to your web application to provide a useful summary of a person's professional role, business location, and contact details. Integrating the community card enables users to easily navigate to a community from your web application.
Add a file picker to your web application
Use a Javascript API to select from a list of files stored in the IBM Connections Files application, and use those files and their metadata in a callback function.
To see documentation on the file picker arguments and callback values, and working sample code, paste the following URL into your browser:
http://<ibm_connections_server>/connections/resources/web/lconn.core/test/filepicker/sample.htmlFor example: Connections APIs
The IBM Connections applications (Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, Profiles, and Wikis) and the IBM Connections Home page all provide application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable you to integrate them with other applications. Using the interfaces, you can programmatically access and update much of the same information that you can access and update through the IBM Connections user interface.
Starting in release 4, the IBM Connections API documentation is located in the IBM Social Business Development Wiki.
Files administrative commands Wikis administrative commands IBM Connections SPIs
IBM Connections provides Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs) that enable third parties to integrate services and function into the IBM Connections product. Unlike the Atom-based APIs, SPIs are typically Java-based and require some deployment and configuration before they can be used.
SPIs are lower-level programming interfaces which may be subject to modification from release to release. Changes to your application may be required to maintain equivalent functionality when integrating with a future release.
Starting in release 4, the IBM Connections SPI documentation is located in the IBM Social Business Development Wiki.
Learn how to perform everyday tasks using IBM Connections.
This section of the information center republishes the documentation provided within the product. It is displayed when you click Help from the product menu. It is included here to serve as a resource for administrators, so that you can refer to the documentation that is being provided to your users. Including it in the information center also enables you to quickly search the content.
To watch a video demonstration of each application, go to the following pages of the IBM Connections wiki:
- Activities
- Blogs
- Bookmarks
- Communities
- Files
- Forums
- Home page
- Profiles
- Wikis
IBM Connections
For additional information, review the About page or click ? to get help on a particular feature.
New to IBM Connections?
Watch a video to learn more about IBM Connections.
New to this release?
Find out what features have been added since the last release.
Use IBM Connections
- Choose the IBM Connections application that best suits what you want to accomplish.
- Use the search control in the title bar to search all the IBM Connections applications.
- Subscribe to a feed of IBM Connections data to get updates sent to your feed reader.
Click topics in the table of contents to get help with other tasks.
What's new in IBM Connections?
These features are new or enhanced for this version of IBM Connections.
- Share a status update or file from anywhere in IBM Connections. Log in and then click the Share link in the header.
- The activity stream displays an aggregated view of the latest updates from people or events that you are following and people in your network. To view more information about an update, repost it, or like it, click the entry to launch the embedded experience.
- IBM Connections now introduces an enhanced Metrics application. Metrics employs the analytic capabilities of the IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence server, which is provided as part of the IBM Connections installation to support the collection of metrics data. Administrators and designated users can work with interactive displays of global metrics by clicking Server Metrics in the footer. Community owners can view non-interactive reports for their communities by clicking Metrics in the navigation pane.
- The rich text editor, which is used across the IBM Connections applications, has been upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.3 in this release. There are a number of new features in the Wikis editor.
- Profiles has been updated to include the activity stream, which shows the profile owner's latest updates from across IBM Connections.
- When viewing search results, you can filter the results from Profiles to exclude inactive profiles by selecting Exclude Inactive People from the Show menu on the Profiles Search Results page.
- The social analytic widgets now recommend private as well as public content, based on your existing relationships with public and private content in IBM Connections.
- The Trending widget displays a list of the hot topics that are trending in your organization. The widget displays when you filter search results using the Status Updates option.
- Status updates and microblogging content are now included in the analysis of the relationships that are used to recommend content and people in the social analytics widgets.
Which application do I use?
Choose the IBM Connections application that best suits what you want to accomplish.
IBM Connections is a suite of applications designed to help an organization communicate and work collaboratively. Depending on what is deployed for your organization, you can choose from the following IBM Connections applications:
- Activities
- Allows you to plan and track work items and documents related to a project or task. Activities are best suited for a targeted task, such as planning an event or tracking deliverables for a product release. When the project is over you can complete the activity and place it in an inactive state. If you have a larger project that involves collaborating on documents, a wiki might be a better choice.
- Blogs
- Broadcast information on a particular subject and accept feedback. Blogs generally have a singe or a small number of authors. For a more open exchange of ideas, choose a forum.
- Bookmarks
- Create shortcuts to web pages of interest to you and others. Bookmarks to keep private for your own use or share with everyone can reside in the Bookmarks application. To share bookmarks with a specific group of people, add bookmarks to a community with a defined membership.
- Communities
- Communities allow you to share a collection of information with a group. Although communities can be public, they are often used to share information with a specified group of members. For example, you might create a community for the sales team. Within the community you can provide collaborative applications, such as an activity, wiki, or forum, to enable the community members to work together and share content. Note that a community can only have one of each type of repository. For example, you can only create a single activity within a community. If you plan to create many activities, create them from within the Activities application rather than from a community.
- Files
- Files provides a repository for storing and sharing files. The benefit is that you can link to a file from many places without storing multiple copies of a file. In addition, users with access to the file can view or revise the file and changes are immediately available to other users. Upload a file to Files instead of attaching a file to an email. If you want a defined group of people to have access to a file, use the Files component from within a community.
- Forums
- Use a forum to have an open discussion, where members can create topics or responses. This is a great format for a question and answer application, such as a support forum. If you want to limit access to the forum to a defined group of users, create a forum within a community.
- Home page
- Use the Home page when you want to view the latest updates from all the applications in IBM Connections. If your administrator has enabled it, you can also catch up on the latest updates from third-party applications. You can filter the display to drill down to the information that interests you most, and perform in-context actions, such as liking updates, reposting updates, or commenting on updates.
- Wikis
- Wikis are ideal for storing large numbers of documents. Depending on access, users can view or revise topics stored in a wiki. If you are only dealing with a small number of documents, or you want to track to-do items in addition to sharing documents, an activity might be a better choice. A wiki you create within a community is available only to members of that community.
Use the business card
Use the business card to view peoples' contact details and get in touch with them. The business card provides a useful snapshot of a user's profile information. In addition to displaying a job title and contact details, if your administrator has enabled IBM Sametime® awareness, the card displays the user's current status information.
The business card provides links to the IBM Connections applications that are used by the person and allows you to perform a number of actions. For example, if your administrator has configured email addresses to display, you can send an email, or you can start a chat session with them if you have installed the IBM Connections plug-in for Sametime.
- Access a person's business card by hovering over their name in any of the applications and clicking the link that is displayed.
- Use the business card to perform the following tasks:
- Access the applications associated with a person by clicking the links on the business card. For example, you can access the person's public file library and files that they have shared with you by clicking Files.
- Add the person as a colleague by selecting More Actions > Invite to My Network, typing an invitation message, and clicking Send invitation.
- Download and save the person's vCard by selecting More Actions > Download vCard, selecting a character encoding option, and clicking Download.
- Send the person an email by clicking Send E-mail.
This option is not available if your administrator has configured IBM Connections to prevent email addresses from being displayed.
- Start a chat session with the person by clicking Chat.
You must install the IBM Connections plug-in for Sametime for this option to display.
- Start a telephone conference call with the person by clicking Call.
You must install IBM Sametime Advanced Telephony for this option to display.
Use the Sametime task bar
Use the IBM Sametime task bar to change your Sametime status and interact with the Sametime application directly from IBM Connections.
The Sametime task bar is only available when your administrator has enabled Sametime integration through the Sametime client. When Sametime presence awareness is enabled and you are logged in to IBM Connections, the Sametime task bar displays in the footer of every page in IBM Connections. Sametime presence awareness enables you to see a person's online status and find out whether the person is available to chat, busy in a meeting, or away from their computer. When this feature is enabled, you can see a person's Sametime status on their profile page and in their profile business card.
The Sametime task bar allows you to update your own status directly from any page in IBM Connections and access options for interacting with the Sametime application.
Use the Sametime task bar in the following ways:
- To update your status message, click the status message and select the status to display to other users. The text in the task bar is updated to display the status message that you choose.
- To disconnect from Sametime, click the status message and select Disconnect from Sametime from the task bar menu.
- To connect to Sametime, click the status message and select Connect to Sametime from the task bar menu.
- To open your Sametime contact list, click the chat bubble icon that displays on the task bar. You can add contacts, send instant messages, search for people, and much more from the dialog that displays. For more information about working with Sametime, click Help.
Set email notification preferences
Set email preferences to specify how you want to receive notifications in IBM Connections. You can control how and when you receive email notifications by setting preferences on the Email Preferences tab. You can enable or disable notification emails from other users, set the language to receive notifications in, and specify what email address you want them sent to.
When you enable email notifications, you can select whether to be notified about different types of content, and also specify how often you want to receive notifications.
- Hover over your name in the banner of a page in IBM Connections and select Sets from the menu that displays.
Alternatively, you can enter the following URL into your browser to access the Email Preferences tab: http://<>/news/.
- To specify the email address where you want notifications to be sent, enter an address in the Send emails to this address field.
You cannot edit this field if your administrator has configured your deployment to prevent email notifications from being sent to an address that is different from your regular work email address.
- To enable notifications from other users, select Receive notifications from other people by email.
- Select the language in which you want email notifications to be sent from the Email language list.
The options available depend on what your administrator has configured for your deployment.
- Specify how often you want to be notified about responses to content that you create yourself. To disable notifications about content that you create yourself, select No Email.
- Specify how often you want to be notified about the people and content that you are following. To disable notifications about people and content that you are following, select No Email.
- Click Save to save your preferences.
What to do next
If you want to return to the default email notification preferences, access the Email Preferences tab using the information in step 1, and then click Restore Defaults.
Related tasks
Enable users to specify email notification preferences Change the display language
If your administrator has enabled it, you can change the language used in the user interface so that all the IBM Connections applications display in your preferred language.
The application that allows you to change the language setting in IBM Connections is disabled by default. Your administrator must enable it. To find out if the application is enabled, look for your name in the navigation bar. If a language name is displayed, then the application is enabled.
Change the display language of an application does not affect the language of the content that users have added to the application. For example, if an activity's entries are authored in English and you change the display language to French, the activity entries continue to be displayed in English. Only the user interface is displayed in French. To change the display language, complete the following steps:
- Click the arrow for the language displayed in the navigation bar.
- Select a language from the list.
If the list does not include your preferred language and your preferred language is defined in the locale setting of the web browser that you are using, select Browser Set.
The page is refreshed and the user interface is displayed in the selected language. If you do not see a change, refresh the page.IBM Connections Search
When you perform a search in IBM Connections, your query is analyzed to return the optimum results.
As part of the operation, the Search application performs a linguistic analysis to ensure that different word forms, such as plurals, verb endings, and grammatical tenses, are matched correctly in the search results. For example, when you search for the term goose, you might expect to get results that contain the term geese. Similarly, when you search for the term run, you might expect to get results that include the terms ran or running.
The more times your search term appears in a piece of content, the higher that content will be ranked in search results. The number of times a piece of content has been bookmarked in Bookmarks also influences its ranking in search results, as does the number of times a piece of content has been liked or recommended. If your search term appears in the content title or as a tag of the content, this does affect its search results ranking, but no more so than if it appeared in the content. It is the frequency with which a term appears that matters primarily.
The type of content that is searched varies from application to application. For example, content from file attachments is only searched in the Files and Wikis applications. For more information about what content is searched for each application, see Searchable content.
Search IBM Connections
Use the search control in the title bar to search all the IBM Connections applications.
- From any view, type the word or term to search for into the Search field on the title bar.
- Define the scope of the search by clicking the Down arrow next to the Search field, and then selecting one of the following options:
Option Description All Connections Searches for the text string in all the IBM Connections applications. application_name Searches for the text string in an individual application. The option to select which application to search is only available when you are in the Home page application or on the Advanced Search page.
Advanced Opens the Advanced Search page from which you can search for the text string in one, all, or a subset of applications. For more information, see Performing an advanced search. If your administrator has enabled a custom search option, it is displayed in the list as well.
- Click the search
The search results are displayed in the Search Results page. Click the title of a result to open it.
Advanced searching
When you perform an advanced search, you can search for a text string in one, all, or a subset of applications. You can also apply different filters to your search query.
An advanced search allows you to search across all the applications. For example, searching for the keyword "project" across all the applications returns a list of results with the word "project" in the title, description, tags, or content. The search results can include content from any of the applications included in your installation of IBM Connections, for example, bookmarks, activities, blogs, communities, files, forums, people, and wikis. It can also include status updates.
You can limit your search to one or more applications if you want to narrow your results to content from specific areas. For example, a search for the keyword "project" that is limited to the Activities application only returns entries from Activities with the word "project" in the title, description, tags, or content. You can further narrow search results by searching your own content only. For example, searching the Communities application when Search MY content is selected searches only the communities that you own and the communities to which you belong.
When you search for a phrase, you must enclose the phrase in double quotation marks ("); single word search terms do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks. You can further refine the scope of your search by combining search terms with Boolean operators to create a more complex query. For more information about the search operators that you can use when performing an advanced search, see Advanced search options. You can also perform wildcard searches, and group search terms using parentheses to form sub-queries. Note that search terms are not case-sensitive.
Performing an advanced search
You can perform an advanced search from any of the applications in IBM Connections.
For information about the search operators that you can use when performing an advanced search, see Advanced search options.
Click here to view a demo video showing how to perform an advanced search.
To perform an advanced search, complete the following steps.
- Click the arrow for the Search field and select Advanced.
- Select the applications to search. All the applications are selected by default. You can also search status updates.
- Define the scope of your search by selecting one of the following:
- Search ALL content. Select this option to search all public content and content to which you have access.
- Search MY content. Select this option to search only the content relating to you.
- Enter one or more keywords in the Keywords field.
- Enter a tag in the Tags field.
The tag that you enter in this field must be an exact match for the tag that you are searching for; wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*), question mark (?), or exclamation point (!) are not supported.
- Type a name in the Person field to find content associated with a specified person. Wait for type-ahead to display the name that you want and then select the name.
By default, users who are marked as inactive in your company directory are excluded from the search results. To include inactive users in search results, you can select Profiles from the navigation pane on the Search Results page, and then select All People from the Show options.
Your administrator can override this default setting by updating the Search configuration file.
- Enter a title or file name in the Title or File Name field to retrieve entries with the specified title or files with the specified name.
- Click Search.
What to do next
Filter the results that display on the Search Results page to find the information you need. For more information, see Working with search results.
Advanced search options
You can use advanced search options to control the scope of your search from any of the applications in IBM Connections.
When performing an advanced search, you can search for single terms, such as test or hello, or phrases, such as "test search" or "hello world". Note that to search for a phrase, you must enclose the phrase in double quotation marks ("). Search is not case-sensitive. You can further refine the scope of your search by combining search terms with Boolean operators to create a more complex query. You can also perform wildcard searches, and group search terms using parentheses to form sub-queries.
Wildcard searches
A wildcard is a character that can be used to represent one or more other characters in a search term. Search supports single and multiple character wildcard searches within single terms, but not in phrases. You cannot use the question mark (?) or asterisk (*) wildcards as the first character of a search string.
- Single character wildcard searches
To perform a single character wildcard search, use the question mark (?). The Search application looks for terms that match when the single character is replaced by another character.
For example, if you enter te?t as a search string, the results might include information containing the terms text and test.
- Multiple character wildcard searches
To perform a multiple character wildcard search, use the asterisk (*). This type of search looks for zero or more characters.
For example, if you enter test* as a search string, the results might include information containing the terms test, tests, and tester.
Search operators
Use the following operators to control the scope of your search.
Table 7. Advanced search operators
Operator Description OR Use the OR operator between two words to search for content that contains either word. For example, if you enter car or motorcycle, Search returns information that contains either car or motorcycle.
AND Use the AND operator to search for content where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. By default, a space between keywords is treated as an AND operation. The double ampersand (&&) operator can be used as a synonym for the AND operator.
For example, to search for information containing the text car and motorcycle enter the following query:
"car" AND "motorcycle"
+ Use the plus sign (+) to combine search words. The plus sign operator is similar to the AND operator, but it applies only to the word immediately following it. For example, to search for information that must contain car and can contain motorcycle, enter the following query:
+car motorcycle
NOT Use the NOT operator to exclude a word from your search. Results containing the word immediately following the operator are excluded by the search. The exclamation point (!) and minus sign (-) can be used as synonyms for the NOT operator.
For example, to search for information that contains car but not motorcycle, enter one of the following queries:
- car NOT motorcycle
- car -motorcycle
Use the NOT operator, exclamation point (!), or minus sign (-) with a single term returns no results.
Use parentheses to group search terms in clauses and further refine the scope of your search.For example, if you want to search for information that contains plane and car or plane and motorcycle, enter the following query:
(car OR motorcycle) AND plane
Special characters
When your search term contains one of the nonalphanumeric characters listed here, you need to escape the character by using a backslash ( \ ) before the character or by enclosing the search term in double quotation marks ("). Use a backslash before using any of these characters:+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ If you do not perform this escape operation, Search interprets the characters as being part of the query instructions.
For example, if you want to search for information that contains the text string cat + dog and you enter cat + dog as your search term, Search looks for any data that contains both the word cat and the word dog. This result is because the plus sign (+) is a reserved operator with a predefined meaning. To search for information containing the actual text string cat + dog, use one of the following queries:
- cat \+ dog
- "cat + dog"
Work with search results
Filter the results that display on the Search Results page to find the information that is most useful to you. Your search term is highlighted in the returned results to make it easy for you to see whether it is being used in a relevant context. The Search Results page lists the results returned by your search query, and includes the title of each search result, the name of the person who created it, and the date when it was created. You can read a brief description of the search result and view a comment extract, where available, and see how many people liked the search result item. The latest status update displays before the list of search results when it is relevant to the search term. An icon next to each search result identifies which application the content is associated with.
The Search Results page displays when you perform any type of search in IBM Connections, except for the context-specific searches that are available in the different applications. When you select a context-specific search option, for example, the option to search My Communities in the Communities application, the search results page for that application displays. When you perform any other type of search in IBM Connections, the Search Results page displays.
Table 8. Application icons
Icon Application ![]()
Activities ![]()
Blogs ![]()
Bookmarks ![]()
Community events ![]()
Communities ![]()
Files The icon shown here represents just one file type. The icon next to a search result from the Files application changes depending on the type of file returned. For more information, see File type icons.
Forums ![]()
Profiles ![]()
Status updates ![]()
Review search results on the Search Results page by performing the following actions:
- Click the title of one of the results to open it and review it in more detail.
- Use the options available from the side navigation bar to display the results returned by a specific application. The All Results option is selected by default.
- Use the drop-down filters to further refine your search. The filters available vary depending on the option that you select from the navigation bar.
- Use the Tags widget to search the results for specific tags or keywords. This widget displays up to 50 of the tags associated with search results. Click a tag to display any results that contain that tag. Select a related tag from the Related Tags area if you want to further refine your search.
- View the people associated with the search results in the People widget. This widget displays up to 250 of the people associated with search results. Click a name to display the results associated with a specific person.
- Use the Dates widget to display only those results that are associated with a specified year or month. This widget displays up to 250 of the dates associated with your search results.
- Use the Trending widget to view the latest hot topics in your organization. This widget only displays when you select the Status Updates filter from the navigation bar. It displays up to 50 of the hottest trends associated with search results. Click a topic trend to display the search results that are associated with that trend.
Searchable content
When you perform a search in IBM Connections, different types of information are searched for each application.
The following table lists the content that is searched for each application during a keyword or default search.
Table 9. Searchable content
Application Content that is searched Activities Tags, titles, content, and the titles of custom fields. Content from file attachments is not searched. Blogs Tags, titles, content, author names, and comments. Content from file attachments is not searched. Bookmarks Tags, titles, descriptions, and URL strings if the bookmark points to a URL that is not internal to IBM Connections. Communities Tags, titles, descriptions, and community events. Files File names, tags, and descriptions, and uploaded file content. Forums Tags, titles, content, and comments. Content from file attachments is not searched. Profiles All main profile fields and custom fields. Status updates Status updates posted to Profiles, Communities, and the Home page, or shared using the Share link. Status updates that are added from the Home page or shared using the Share link are automatically posted to the user's profile. Use the Show options on the search results page for status updates to filter the display to show all status updates, status updates from Profiles, or status updates from Communities.
Wikis Tags, titles, summaries, content, comments, and content from file attachments. Only current content is indexed; previous versions of wiki pages are not searched.
My Content searches
When users choose to search only the content related to them, the behavior of the My Content search feature varies across each of the different applications.
The following content is returned when users select the Search MY content option on the Advanced Search page:
Table 10. Results of My Content searches
Application Content that is returned Activities All activities that the user is a member of, including activities that are contained by communities to which the user belongs. Public activities are not returned unless the user explicitly joins them but authored entries in a public activity are returned. Files added to an activity that were uploaded by the user or shared with the user are also returned. Blogs Content from any singly-authored blogs, co-authored blogs, community-owned blogs, and Ideation Blogs of which the user is a member. Bookmarks All the user's bookmarks, including private links. Communities All communities to which the user belongs and all associated content across applications. Also, content that was created by users in a community that they are no longer members of. Forums All forum content in forums created by the user, and all forum content associated with communities to which the user belongs. Files Files that belong to communities of which the user is a member, files that the user uploaded, and files that were shared with the user. Profiles The user.s own profile and the profiles of people who belong to the user.s network. Status updates Status updates posted by the user to Profiles, Communities, and the Home page, or shared using the Share link. The status updates that you post to Home page or share using the Share link are automatically posted to your profile. Use the Show options on the search results page for status updates to filter the display to show all status updates, status updates from Profiles, or status updates from Communities.
Wikis Wiki pages where the user is a contributing author or member of an owning community. Files that were uploaded by the user or shared with the user are also returned.
Add IBM Connections search to your browser
Add IBM Connections to the list of search engines used by your web browser so that you can search IBM Connections content directly from the browser.
The IBM Connections search engine can be added to all supported browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. Add IBM Connections search functionality allows you to search all the content in your deployment directly from the browser, with the results returned in the IBM Connections interface.
- To add IBM Connections search to Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Open either the IBM Connections Search URL provided by your administrator or the Search Results page.
- Do one of the following:
- In Mozilla Firefox:
- From the search control in your browser, click the Down arrow to display a list of search engine options.
- Select Add "Connections".
- In Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Click the Search Options arrow next to the search control and select Connections.
- To set IBM Connections as the default search engine in Google Chrome:
- Click the Customize and control Google Chrome icon on the browser toolbar and select Sets.
- Under Search, click Manage search engines.
- Enter IBM Connections in the Add a new search engine field.
- In the Keyword field, enter the text shortcut to use for IBM Connections. You can use this keyword to quickly access the IBM Connections search engine from the address bar. For example, connections.
- Enter the following URL in the URL field, and then click OK.
- Hover over the entry that you just added and click the Make default button that displays.
IBM Connections search now becomes the active search engine in your browser. You can switch to another search engine at any time by selecting a different option from the list of search engines provided.
What to do next
To search IBM Connections from your browser search control, enter a search term in the field provided and click Search. The results display in the IBM Connections user interface, where you can filter them in the usual way. For information about working with search results, see Working with search results.What are tags?
A tag is a descriptive term that you assign to an item, such as a blog or wiki, to categorize it by subject or that you assign to people to categorize them by skill. Categorizing things and people makes them easier to find later, and makes it easier for others to discover information when searching by tag.
When creating a tag:
- Set the tag as a single word only; tags cannot contain spaces. They can contain characters such as an underscore (_) or at sign (@).
For example, you can use follow_up, follow-up, and followup as tags, but not follow up.
- The letters comprising a tag are saved as all lowercase letters. If you add a tag that contains uppercase letters, then the letters are converted to lowercase when the tag is added.
- To add multiple tags, type a comma or leave a space between each tag.
- The tags that you add to items, entries, and people are automatically added to the tag collection, and become visible to others.
People can only see tags that are associated with items to which they have access. If you add a tag to a private entry, for example, the tag is added to your tag collection, but is not visible in anyone else's tag collection.
What is a tag collection?
As you and others add tags to items, entries, and profiles, the tags are automatically added to an organization-wide collection of tags. You can click a tag from the tag collection to find information related to it.
The tag collection displays the tags assigned to items available to you in the current context. When you are looking at a list of your activities, for example, the tag collection displays the tags assigned to each activity. When you open one of the activities, the collection changes to display the tags assigned to the entries within that activity. The tag collection only displays the tags associated with items or entries to which you have access.
The tag collection is refreshed periodically; it can take up to 20 minutes for tag changes to be displayed. Therefore, when you add a tag to an item, you might not see it listed in the tag collection immediately.
Change the display
You can select to display the tags in the collection in either of the following ways:
- Cloud
- A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text. The tag cloud displays up to 50 tags.
- List
- A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags. This style collection displays only the 10 most popular tags.
Use the tag collection
To find an item, such as an activity or blog entry by tag:
To return to the full collection, click the current view or tab link.
- Open the view that contains the type of items to find.
- Click a tag from the tag collection.
This action limits the number of items that are displayed to include only those that have the selected tag associated with them.
- To narrow the list further, click another tag from the Related Tags section.
This action filters the list of items that are displayed to include only those that have both tags associated with them.
Search for a specific tag
If you are looking for a tag that is not displayed in the collection, search for it by clicking Find a tag, entering the tag name in the search field, and then clicking the search icon.
This feature is not available in all tag collections. For example, you cannot search for a specific tag from the tag cloud on the Search results page.
Subscribe to feeds
Subscribe to a feed of IBM Connections data to get updates sent to your feed reader. Using feeds prevents you from having to go to each application or the home page to see a list of the latest updates. Instead, the feed reader monitors product areas that you indicate are of interest and automatically delivers any updates to you.
You must have a feed reader installed on your computer that supports Atom feeds. Atom is an XML-based file format that is used to syndicate web content, such as news headlines, blogs, or websites. Atom feeds perform the same function as rich site summary (RSS) feeds, but do so using an alternative method.
Subscribe to a feed simplifies the task of monitoring the activity taking place in IBM Connections because your feed reader automatically checks for and retrieves content updates for each feed.
Do not confuse this application with the Feeds application in the Communities application. The Feeds application in Communities functions as a mini feed reader; it enables community members to have updates from external websites published to the community page. See Working with feeds for more information.
- Go to the page with the content to subscribe to.
For example, filter the bookmarks list to display a set of bookmarks associated with a person, a tag, or with some other selection criteria.
- Find the Feed icon
. Click the feed link to subscribe to the currently displayed content.
Blogs only: You can hover on the feed link to select whether to create the feed in a community or in the web browser.
- Add the feed to your preferred feed reader. The steps that complete to do so vary depending on the web browser and feed reader that you are using. See the web browser or feed reader documentation for details.
Communities only: When specifying the web address of the feed, you can enter a parameter to specify a different page size for the feed. By default, feeds in Communities display 10 entries per page. Specify a different page size using the ps parameter. The first page of 10 entries is fetched by default. However, you can use the page parameter to fetch subsequent pages. For example, you might use the following web address to fetch the second page of the My Communities feed where the page size is set to 20 entries: By subscribing to the Activities feed of a specific community, you can get a good list of the things going on in your community.
Social analytics widgets
The social analytics widgets use the existing relationships between users and content in IBM Connections to help you discover how you are connected to other users and content, and suggest network contacts and content that might interest you.
The social analytics widgets display different types of information. Some of the widgets recommend content or people, while others display information about how you are connected to other people or content in the organization, based on your existing membership, network connections, and tags. These relationships are based on public and private content, and the widgets can recommend public and private content. The recommendations are randomized to ensure that you see different options every day.
For example, the Recommendations widget in Communities suggests communities for you to join, based on the communities that you already belong to, the tags that you have used, and people that you are connected to. When this information is being analyzed, only the tags on the communities themselves are used; tags on content within the community, such as community activities or community forums, are not used.
The following social analytics widgets are available in the Communities, Home page, and Profiles applications.
Table 11. Social analytics widgets
Name Description Do You Know (Profiles) Recommends people for you to add to your network. This widget displays on the My Network page in Profiles.
Recommendations (Communities) Recommends communities for you to join. This widget displays in all the views in Communities: I'm an Owner, I'm a Member, I'm Following, I'm Invited, and Public Communities.
Recommendations (Home page) Recommends content that might interest you. This widget displays in the Updates views in the Home page application.
Things in Common (Profiles) Displays a list of the things that you have in common with a person. This widget displays when you are viewing another user's profile in the Profiles application.
Who Connects Us? (Profiles) Displays the social path that links you and another user. The social path is displayed as a list of the users that connect you and the other person. This widget displays when you are viewing another user's profile in the Profiles application.
The IBM Connections administrator can enable or disable the social analytics service for your deployment. When the service is disabled, the widgets listed in the table do not display in the user interface.
The administrator can also exclude specific users from analysis in the social analytics service, if required, with the following results:
Users who are excluded from the social analytics service still receive recommendations from the Recommendations widgets in Communities and the Home page because these recommendations are based on the users' collaboration history with other users rather than on their social network.
- The user is not returned as a related person in search results.
- The user is not recommended in the Do You Know widget.
- The user is not displayed as a link between two people in the Do You Know widget.
Administer the social analytics service
Disable the social analytics service Use the rich text editor
Use the rich text editor to create visually interesting blog posts, wiki articles, forum topics, and activity entries. The rich text editor is also used in profiles.
The rich text editor allows you to enter and format text and insert images and links to create entries in various IBM Connections applications. Many of the features are common text editing features, however some may not be available depending on the application that you are using and how it is configured. For example, if you are creating a blog entry, you can insert an Adobe Flash demo, but this feature is not available in a forum topic. Hover over an icon for a label describing the feature represented by the item. The following table describes some of the more advanced features available in the editor.
You can run browser spell check (when available) on words in the editor by selecting the words, and then simultaneously pressing Ctrl and right-clicking.
Icon Feature description
Paste content. The Paste menu item provides a way of pasting content if your browser security prevents you from pasting content from the clipboard. The Paste as plain text menu item provides a way of removing formatting from the pasted content and then inserting it into the document. In both cases, use the keyboard to paste the content into the dialog and then click OK to insert it into the page.
Insert a new table. Specify columns, rows, and other table properties.
- You can resize columns by dragging the column borders, by using the Column > Column Width context menu item or by resizing a cell in the column using the Cell -> Cell Properties context menu option.
- Use table headers to help keep the table organized.
- Set table width to 99 percent to fill the page.
- To delete a table, right-click it, and select Delete Table.
Insert an image. You can browse for an image on your computer, select an image that you have already uploaded, or enter a URL for an image on the web.
This functionality differs across Connections applications. It is not possible to upload an image from your computer or use an image that has already been uploaded in Activities, Profiles, or Forums. These extra abilities are only supported in Wikis and Blogs.
Insert or edit a link. You can link to a URL, a wiki page, or an attachment.
This functionality differs across components. It is only possible to link to a wiki page or attachment in Wikis but is not supported in Activities, Blogs, Profiles, or Forums.
Insert a Document Bookmark. This acts as a marker in your document that you can link to from another location in the document using the Document Bookmark Link toolbar icon.
Insert a link to a Document Bookmark that is already available in the document. This is useful for page navigation.
Insert an iFrame, or edit an existing iFrame.
Insert an Adobe Flash demo. Users can view the flash demo in the blog entry or wiki page. Set the following properties for the demo:
- A URL to a Flash movie file, usually with file type of .swf
- Width
- The width of the embedded Flash movie, measured in pixels
- Height
- The height of the embedded Flash movie, measured in pixels
- Horizontal space
- The space to the left and right of the embedded Flash movie, measured in pixels
- Vertical space
- The space above and below the embedded Flash movie, measured in pixels
- Preview
- If the URL is valid, the Flash movie is displayed here.
Insert a page break to control the layout of your posting.
Insert a line break to control how your text is formatted.
Insert special characters and symbols, such as currency symbols.
Insert a block quote to indent a whole section of text in a posting.
Insert an emoticon to liven up your posts with small graphics that convey feelings.
Display the formatting in the post, entry, or topic that you are editing.
Remove formatting that has been applied to text, such as fonts, colors, bold, or italics.
Retrieve the welcome text for an application
Welcome text is the text that is displayed in the product user interface the first time that you use it. It describes the currently displayed view and gives you suggestions for how to start using the application. You can close the welcome text panel by clicking the X (close) icon for the panel. When you close the welcome text panel, it does not get displayed again, not even the next time you log in. If you want to retrieve the welcome text again because, for example, you see a tip that you want to read about again, you can retrieve the welcome text panel.
- Delete your browser cache. See the documentation provided by your web browser for more details.
For example, from Mozilla Firefox, you can perform the following steps:
- From the browser menu, select Tools > Clear Recent History.
- In the Time range to clear drop-down menu, select Everything.
- Click the arrow next to Details to display the list of items to clear, select the Cache check box, and then click Clear Now.
- Alternatively, see the About page for the application by clicking the About link in the application's footer. Much of the same information available from the welcome text panel is also available from the About page for each application; and unlike the welcome text panel, the About pages are always available.
For help using an user interface control or for help determining what information to add to a field, click the help icon
to display a window that provides a description.
Moderate content for the site
Moderate content for your Connections site from a central interface.
If your Connections administrator assigns you the role of global moderator, you can access a Moderation page
...where you can manage the following content:
- Blog entries and comments
- Forum posts and comments
- Community files
You can review content before it is published and approve it to be published, reject it, or delete it. You can also review and manage published content that users have flagged as inappropriate or otherwise problematic.
For details on global moderation, see Moderation overview in the Connections wiki.
Moderate content before publishing it
Review content before it is published to make sure it meets your standards.
When content is submitted by a user, it is marked for review and it displays on the Content Approval section of the Moderation tab. The Moderation tab is only visible if you are assigned the global moderator role by the Connections administrator. An authorized moderator can view the state of submitted content and take action on it. Content can be:
- Blog entries or comments
- Community files content or comments
- Forum posts or comments
The workflow described in this topic requires that valid email addresses are configured for the reviewers and that email notifications are enabled for your Connections deployment.
When a user submits content, it sets in motion a workflow for reviewing the content. The workflow goes as follows:
Follow these steps to review content and take action.
- Notification is sent to the moderator that content has been submitted. The notification includes information about the person submitting the content and a link to the content. The content is posted to the Content Approval section in the Moderation interface for viewing and managing content before it is published.
- The moderator reviews the content and acts on it.
- If the content is acceptable, the reviewer approves it and it is published. The author receives notification email that the content is approved.
- If the content is considered inappropriate, the reviewer rejects the content. In this case, the author is notified by email. The posting appears on the Rejected panel.
- If the content is considered inappropriate, the reviewer can delete it from either the Require Approval or the Rejected tabs.
- Click the Moderation tab.
- Click Content Approval in the navigation pane and then select the type of content to work with - Blogs, Files, or Forums. Content awaiting decisions are displayed along with information on who submitted the content.
- Review an item and choose one of these actions:
Option Description Approve Publish the content. Reject The content is moved to the Rejected tab where you can later approve it or delete it. Blog content that is rejected can be revised by the author and resubmitted for approval. Delete Permanently remove the content.
Moderate published content that is flagged as inappropriate
Review published content that has been flagged as inappropriate and take action on flagged entries and comments.
When content is flagged by a user, it is marked for review and it displays on the Flagged Content section of the Moderation tab. The Moderation tab is only visible if you are assigned as a global moderator by the Connections administrator. An authorized moderator can view the history and state of flagged content and take action on it. Flagged content can be:
- Blog entries or comments
- Community files content or comments
- Forum posts
The workflow described in this topic requires that valid email addresses are configured for the reviewers and that email notifications are enabled for your Connections deployment.
When a user flags content as inappropriate, it sets in motion a workflow for reviewing and resolving the issue. The workflow goes as follows:
Follow these steps to review flagged content and take action.
- Notification is sent to the moderator that content has been flagged. The notification includes information about the person flagging the content, and a link to the content in the Moderation interface. The entry or comment is posted to the Flagged Content section in the Moderation interface for viewing and managing flagged content.
There is a setting in the contentreview-config.xml file which determines whether notification is sent to a moderator or content reviewer as follows:
- If issueCategorization is disabled, then notification is sent to all the moderators.
- If issueCategorization is enabled, then the notification will only be sent to the reviewers defined under each issue category, but if reviewer information is not provided, the notification will still be sent to all the moderators.
- The moderator reviews the content and acts on it.
- If the reviewer does not think the content is inappropriate, the flag is dismissed and the content remains in the blog or community.
- If the content is considered inappropriate, the reviewer quarantines the posting, which means it is removed and placed in a quarantined state. In this case, the author is notified. The posting appears on the Quarantined panel.
If a quarantined entry has comments or replies, the comments and replies are removed from the Flagged Content section. They will display again if you restore the parent entry from the quarantined state.
- If the content is considered inappropriate, the reviewer can delete it from either the Flagged for Review or the Quarantined tabs.
- Click the Moderation tab.
- Click Flagged Content in the navigation pane and then select the type of content to work with - Blogs, Files, or Forums. Content awaiting decisions are displayed along with information on who flagged the content and why.
- Review a flagged entry and choose one of these actions:
Option Description Dismiss Dismiss the flag. The content remains available. Quarantine This option turns the post in question to a draft and removes it to a quarantine area so it is not available to readers. This option prompts you to send notification to the posting author explaining your reason for removing the post and providing a link so the author can revise the content. Quarantined content can be restored or deleted. Delete Permanently remove the content.
- View content that you have quarantined, select one or more items, and take one of the following actions:
- Click Restore to dismiss the flag and restore the content to a published state.
- Click Delete to permanently remove the content.
Viewing metrics
Metrics summarize how people are using IBM Connections. Metrics can be presented as tables or charts that you refine by selecting options such as the time period to report on, a particular application to focus on, and how to group users in the results.
Connections collects metrics on two levels. Global metrics report on overall usage; for example, the total number of people who logged into Connections last week. Community metrics report on a particular community; for example, the number of people who logged into the Sales community last week. To protect privacy, community metrics are restricted to the community owner and the Connections administrator.
The Connections administrator assigns access to metrics information based on people.s roles within the organization. If you believe your access level is incorrect, contact your administrator.
Table 12. Access to metrics by user role
Who are you? What metrics can you see? What can you do with reports? Community owner
- Community metrics for each community that you own
Community owners can always view metrics for their own communities but reports are not interactive. Clicking the Update Metrics button submits a request for the most recent set of metrics; the display is updated when the new data becomes available.
Business owner
- Community metrics for each community that you own
- Community metrics for all communities, if the administrator grants you access
- Global metrics, if the administrator grants you access
Business owners (stakeholders or others who have been granted access to global metrics) can view global metrics with interactive reports that allow you to modify the display by customizing the reporting period, sorting people into categories, and drilling down for more detail.
If you own any communities, you already have access to their metrics. In addition, the administrator can grant you access to all community metrics.
Connections administrator
- Global metrics
- Community metrics for all communities
Connections administrators have full access to all metrics data with interactive reports that allow you to modify the display by customizing the reporting period, sorting people into categories, and displaying more detail.
Follow these steps to view a metrics report.
- Choose the level of metrics you want to view:
Your access to metrics determines whether you see these options.
- Global metrics: click Metrics in the header or click Server metrics in the footer.
- Community metrics: log in to a community and click Metrics in the navigation pane.
- Choose a theme for the report by clicking one of the following options in the navigation pane:
- People: Tracks the users who visit Connections.
- Participation: Tracks actions in Connections, such as downloading files or updating profiles.
- Content: Tracks information shared in Connections, such as files and comments.
- Limit the report to a single application by clicking a name under Show by App.
- Refresh a community report with the most recent set of data by clicking the Update Metrics button to submit a request.
Administrators and business owners can additionally explore reports using the following options:
- Change the reporting period by clicking the View list and selecting a time period (select Custom to define your own start and end dates).
- Sort the display by types of user by clicking Group by and selecting a category.
- Explore the report by trying out different formats and levels of detail; for example:
- Switch between a table and a chart by clicking View table or View chart.
- Control how much detail is shown in the report by clicking View more detail or View less detail.
- Home in on a data point by clicking it to display more data (for example, to see the last few days in a report covering the past 4 weeks); right-click the data point and select Drill Up to return to the previous view.
- View related reports by clicking a report name listed with the current display.
- Save the report as a PNG image file by right-clicking anywhere on the chart or table and selecting Download.
Giving applications access to your data
You can give applications permission to access your IBM Connections data and post data to IBM Connections.
Your administrator must register the applications that are allowed to ask for permission to use your data.
When you open a registered application, you are prompted whether you want to give the application access to your data. You can give permission or not. If you give permission, the application can use your data or push data to IBM Connections. The application will have access to all content you have created in IBM Connections. For example, the application can use your profile photograph and personal information, as well as your files, comments, bookmarks, and blog entries. It could also post information to your IBM Connections homepage status.
You can also remove permission from applications in IBM Connections. Hover over your name on any page in IBM Connections and select Sets from the menu that displays. Then, click the Application Access tab and in the list of authorized applications, click Remove to remove permission.
Product accessibility
Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.
Keyboard navigation
Table 13. Keyboard shortcuts
Action Keyboard shortcut Display the business card Tab to highlight a person's name. After the Click here to view business card message is displayed, click Ctrl+Enter to display the card. Move from one selectable item to the next* Tab In this release of IBM Connections, sections have been added to the page in which arrow key navigation is enabled, so you can navigate a page without having to press the Tab key as many times. Here's how it works: Pressing the Tab key gives focus to the first item in the section. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate between items, and press Enter to select an item. Pressing the Tab key again brings you out of that section and gives focus to the next selectable item on the page. The following sections of the product implement this new behavior:
- Top menu
- Press the Tab key until focus is given to the Home menu option. Use the arrow keys to move to another application menu option. Press Enter to display a submenu, and then use the arrow keys to move directly to the submenu option to select. Press Enter to select a menu option.
- Tabs menu
- When focus is given to the Tabs menu within an application, only the first application tab is given focus. You must use the arrow keys to move between the different tabs. Pressing the Tab key again moves focus to the next area of the page.
- Buttons menu
- Press the Tab key until focus is given to the first button in a set of buttons. Use the arrow keys to move to the button you want to select, and then press Enter. Pressing the Tab key again moves focus to the next areas of the page.
- Side menu
- Press the Tab key until focus is given to the first item in the menu, and then use the arrow keys to move between the menu options. Press Enter to select a menu option.
- Tag collection
- When displayed as a cloud, pressing the Tab key gives focus to the first tag in the cloud. Use the arrow keys to move directly to the tag you want to select, and then press Enter. When displayed as a list, pressing the Tab key gives focus to the first tag in the list. Use the arrow keys to move down the list to the tag you want to select, and then press Enter.
Accessible Help
Accessible versions of product documentation are available in the IBM Connections wiki.
IBM and accessibility
For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, go to the IBM Accessibility Center at
Rich text editor keyboard shortcuts
The rich text editor used by the IBM Connections applications contains keyboard shortcuts that you can use to navigate the editor without using a mouse.
Keyboard navigation
To get help with keyboard navigation, press ALT+0 where 0 is a zero, to open the Accessibility Help window.
Table 14. Basic navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Move focus into and out of the editor. Tab or Shift+Tab Move focus from editing area to editor toolbar. Alt+F10 Open the context menu in the editing area. Shift+F10 or Ctrl+Shift+F10 Move focus to the element path bar. Alt+F11 With the path bar in focus, select HTML elements that are parents of the currently selected element. Tab or Shift+Tab With the path bar in focus, move focus back to the editing area without changing selection. Esc With the path bar in focus, select the element in the editing area. Enter
Table 15. Toolbar navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Move focus to the next sub-toolbar. Shift+Tab Move focus forward among toolbar items. Right Arrow Move focus backward among toolbar items. Left Arrow Start selected toolbar item. Enter Move focus back to editing area without using commands. Esc
Table 16. Dialog navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut When focus is not on a dialog tab, move forward through input elements in a dialog. Tab When focus is not on a dialog tab, move backward through input elements in a dialog. Shift+Tab When focus is on a dialog tab, move forward through tab pages in the dialog. Tab or Right Arrow When focus is on a dialog tab, move backward through tab pages in the dialog. Shift+Tab or Left Arrow Move focus to the currently active tab. Alt+F10 Close the dialog without completing an action. Esc When a single-line text input is in focus, save and close. (The equivalent of pressing OK.) When a tab is in focus, move focus to the first input element inside the tab page. Enter
Table 17. Context menu navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Move down in a context menu. Tab or Down Arrow Move up in a context menu. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow Complete a menu action or open a submenu. Enter Close a context menu without completing an action. Esc
Table 18. Style combo box navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Move down in a combo box. Tab or Down Arrow Move up in a combo box. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow Complete the selected action, and then put the focus back on the editing area. Enter Close the combo box without completing an action, and put the focus back on the toolbar. Esc
Table 19. Color selection box navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Move forward through colors in a color selection box. Tab or Down Arrow Move backward through colors in a color selection box. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow Apply the selected color to the current selection in the editing area, and move focus back on the editing area. Enter Close the color selection box without completing an action, and move focus back on the toolbar. Esc
Table 20. Editor navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut Bold Ctrl+B Underline Ctrl+U Italic Ctrl+I Select all Ctrl+A Insert unordered list (Mozilla Firefox only) Ctrl+\ Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y Copy Ctrl+C Cut Ctrl+X Paste Ctrl+V Move to the previous or next word. Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right Remove the previous word. Ctrl+Backspace Remove the current word. Ctrl+Delete Create a line in the same paragraph or list item. Shift+Enter Open link window Ctrl+L Access the toolbar Alt+F10 Escape the toolbar and return focus on the editor ESC
Home page accessibility features
Use the keyboard shortcuts available for the Home page to navigate the activity stream views and the My Page view.
The keyboard navigation can be enhanced with additional software, such as the JAWS 13 screen reader, which must be used with Mozilla Firefox 10 ESR.
If you are using JAWS and Mozilla Firefox, you can skip to different locations in the activity stream views or My Page view by using Ctrl+Insert+Semicolon to access the ARIA landmarks provided. The JAWS Landmarks view, which is accessed by pressing Ins+ ;+Ctrl, offers greater assistance than before in navigating to sections of pages. This dialog can be used to jump to sections in the page without tabbing through numerous fields.
Keyboard navigation for the activity stream and My Page views
Table 21. Keyboard shortcuts for navigating the activity stream and My Page views
Action Keyboard shortcut Close pop-up window (the focus must be on the window). Esc Open menu (the focus must be on the menu). Enter Close menu (the focus must be on the menu). Esc Move up through menu options. Up Arrow Move down through menu options. Down Arrow Select a menu option (the focus must be on the menu option). Enter In this release of IBM Connections, the navigation sidebar is split into three toolbars. You can navigate the items in each group using the arrow keys. Press Tab to navigate between the groups.
For the calendar items in the Activities widget, the mechanism and keys are the same as for the drop-down menus. However, when a date has multiple entries associated with it, after pressing Enter to open the pop-up window for the date, you use the Tab key rather than the arrow keys to navigate through the items in the window.
To display the Profiles business card anywhere in the Home page application, move the focus to the user name, and then press Ctrl+Enter to display the card.
Profiles accessibility features
Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.
Keyboard navigation
Table 22. Keyboard shortcuts for the Things in Common widget
Action Keyboard shortcut Move from one twistie to the next Tab Expand a twistie Enter or mouse click
IBM and accessibility
See the IBM Accessibility Center for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.
Search accessibility features
Use the keyboard shortcuts available for search to navigate the Advanced Search and the Search Results pages.
Keyboard navigation for Search
In Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, press Alt+Shift to activate the access key. For example, pressing Alt+Shift+A skips the focus to the Activities tab when you are on the Search Results page.To access the Advanced Search page, use the following keyboard shortcuts:
- Focus on the Search menu by navigating to it using the Tab key, or by using virtual PC cursor mode.
- Press Enter to open the Search menu.
JAWS users must turn off virtual PC cursor mode to activate the Search menu.
- Use the Down Arrow to navigate to the Advanced option.
- Press Enter to select the Advanced option.
To submit a search on the Advanced Search page, ensure that the focus is on the Search button and press Enter.
Use the keyboard shortcuts listed in the following table to navigate and work with search results.
Table 23. Keyboard shortcuts for navigating the Search Results page
Action Keyboard shortcut Display search results from Activities. A Display search results from Blogs. B Display search results from Communities. C Display search results from Bookmarks. D Display search results from Files. F Display search results from Forums. G Display all search results. N Display search results from Profiles. P Display search results from Status Updates. S Display search results from Wikis. W Select a search result (the focus must be on the search result). Enter To navigate the tag collection:
- When it is displayed as a cloud, pressing the Tab key gives focus to the first tag in the cloud. Use the arrow keys to move directly to the tag to select, and then press Enter.
- When it is displayed as a list, pressing the Tab key gives focus to the first tag in the list. Use the arrow keys to move down the list to the tag to select, and then press Enter.
To use the People slider, skip the focus to the slider and press the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to adjust the size of the display.
Uploading a file
There is more than one way to upload a file. Which method to use depends on what you are trying to achieve. Refer to the table to review your options when uploading a file.
Table 24. Different ways to upload a file to IBM Connections
Application Description Files Files provides a common repository for storing files you want to share with others. Depending on the access you assign, users can view or update files you share with them. Send email notifications to others about files you have uploaded, or include links to the files in blogs, activities or forums.
Activities Files you upload to Activities are available only within the context of the activity. Activity users can view or download the file. When the activity is complete, the file is no longer available. If you want activity users to be able to revise a file or have access to it after the activity is complete, upload the file to Files and link to it from the activity instead.
Wikis Files you upload to Wikis are available for users of the activity. Users with sufficient access can view or download files from the wiki. If you want to use version control and the ability to comment on a file, upload the file to Files and link to it from the wiki.
Blogs Files you upload to Blogs are available for use in the blog. You generally upload something like an image file to insert into an entry. If you want to post a file in a blog entry, upload the file to Files and link to it from the blog entry.
Administrator help
Administration and configuration help documentation is on the IBM Connections wiki.
Almost all the administration, configuration, and development tasks for IBM Connections are performed using commands, configuration properties, and the IBM WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console. These tasks are documented in the IBM Connections wiki. The exceptions is moderation, which administrators can manage from the IBM Connections user interface. The documentation for moderation features is included in the administration topic Moderation overview. To see the administration documentation, follow the link in the page footer to the IBM Connections wiki.
The help topic is not available
The web address you entered or the link you clicked is not returning the help topic that you want. The format of the web address may be incorrect, the topic may be part of the help for an application that you do not have installed, or the topic may have been removed.
What to do next:
- Click here to return to the main help overview page.
- Click a link in the table of contents to retrieve another topic. You can expand the sections to see all of the help topics available.
- Search for what you are trying to find using the Search bar. You can narrow the scope to search the help of a single application by clicking Search scope, then New to choose which sections you want to search, and then click OK twice to create and save the search scope.
Tip: If you apply a search scope, remember to switch back to searching all topics if you want to find something outside that scope.
Organize content and prioritize tasks related to a project goal.
What.s new?
Find out what features have been added since the last release.
Get Started
- Watch a video (opens new window) to learn about Activities.
- Create an activity to organize a team project
- Track and assign to-do items
- Reuse an activity that you created to track a repeating task
Get around in Activities
Log in to Activities to open and create activities, and post entries to your activities.
The Activities home page might be sparse when you first begin using activities. As you create activities or are added to other people's activities, this page becomes busier. To help you navigate the page, the following table lists the views that are available:
Table 25. Activities views
View Description My Activities Lists the activities that you created or were added to as a member, including private community activities. This view displays public activities if you are the creator or are a member of the public activity. This view is the default view. Completed Lists the activities that have been marked complete. Each activity is created with a goal in mind. After that goal is reached, the activity is marked complete. Completed activities are removed from the My Activities view. Tuned Out Activities Lists the activities that you have tuned out of. If you belong to an activity that you are not interested in, you can tune out of the activity to remove it from your My Activities view. Trash Lists deleted activities to which you belong before they are permanently removed. Prioritized Activities Provides links to activities that you have marked as having a high or medium priority. As your list of activities begins to grow, it is helpful to prioritize them by importance to you. Prioritization settings are unique to each user; no other members can see these collections. Marking your most valued activities as High Priority enables you to quickly access them from the High Priority view. Public Activities Lists activities to which you have access even though you are not listed as a member. Public activities can be viewed by anyone who has access to the Activities server. Active, completed, or deleted public activities are only available from the Public Activities section. This view also lists public or moderated community activities. Tags Lists all the tags assigned to your activities. You can choose how the tags in the tag collection are displayed: in a list or a cloud. A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags first. A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text. Within an activity, the Tags view displays all of the tags assigned to the activity entries. You can sort the views by recency, due date, name.
The following tabs are available from the views:
Table 26. Activities tabs
Tab Description Activities Lists the activities that you created or were added to as a member. This tab is the default tab. From within an activity, you can click this tab to exit the current activity and return to the My Activities view. To Do List Lists the open to-do items assigned to you from all of your activities. This tab is a good place to go to see what actions you need to take to complete your projects. Activity Templates Lists activity templates that you created or that are being shared with you by other members. Recent Updates Displays a list of recent changes that have been made to activities in the My Activities view. The view displays updates made to public activities if you are the creator or are a member of the public activity. Within an activity, you can click Recent Updates from the navigation bar to open a view that lists the recent changes made to the current activity.
Are you finding that you do not see much when you open the Activities application? Add some content by starting an activity! To begin, identify a goal, such as creating a presentation, resolving a bug, or researching a topic. Create an activity to track that goal. You can then add entries to the activity to capture required tasks, store associated documents, and assemble the people required to reach the goal.
What's new in Activities?
Find out what is new and what changed in Activities.
- Activity members are now displayed in a Members view within the activity instead of in a Members section in the navigation pane.
- Standard activity owners can go to the Members view to make an activity public.
- Titles and descriptions in activity entries are automatically saved so that if you are unexpectedly disconnected from the application, you do not lose your latest changes.
- In an activity entry, you can link to files and folders in the Files application.
- Activity owners can convert an entry into a to do item.
Frequently asked questions in Activities
This topic lists the questions that Activities users ask most often and provides brief answers.
- What is an activity and what is a community activity?
- Can I turn a standard activity into a community activity?
- How do I know which type of activity I am viewing?
- What are tags and why should I use them?
- What is a custom field?
- What is an entry template?
- What is an activity template?
- Why am I unable to drag and drop an entry?
- How can I add structure to my activity?
- What is a section?
- Why is the My Activities view empty?
- How can I prevent unwanted activities from cluttering up my views?
- How do I determine whether to delete, complete, or tune out of an activity?
- Why am I unable to delete a member from an activity?
- What is an activity?
- An activity is a place where the people involved in a project can share information, assign tasks, and share resources, such as files, tools, and websites.
- What is a community activity?
- If Communities is deployed in your enterprise, you can create an activity from within the Communities application. A community activity can help a community work together to reach a specific goal. If the community from which the activity is created is a public or moderated community, then the activity is also public. If the community is private, then the activity will also be private. Community activities are displayed in the Activities views. When you open a community activity, information about the community to which it belongs is displayed in a community card in the navigation pane. The community card includes links that you can click to switch to the Communities application and work with the associated community.
- Can I turn a standard activity into a community activity?
- There is no automatic way to transform an activity. However, you can perform the following steps to start a community activity that contains most of the content in a standard activity.
- From Activities, save the standard activity as an activity template.
- From the community, start a new activity. Expand Template options, and then click Pick an Activity Template to choose the template you created in the previous step.
- To prevent confusing the standard and community versions of the activity, either delete the original activity if it is no longer needed or specify a different name for the community version of the activity.
The members from the original activity cannot be added to the community version of the activity. The membership list of the community activity is determined by the membership list of the community.
- How do I know which type of activity I am viewing?
- Both standard and community activities are displayed from the My Activities view in the Activities application. The text Community Activity is displayed next to the title of a community activity. From within an activity, you know that you are viewing a community activity if a community card is displayed first in the navigation pane. Otherwise, you are viewing a standard activity.
- What is a tag?
- A tag is a single-word term that you assign to an activity or entry. All added tags are displayed in a tag collection that can be displayed as a list or a cloud. You can click a tag in the tag collection to retrieve a list of entries or activities that use the same tag.
- What are the benefits of using tags?
- Find content that you added. When you categorize entries or activities with a single word that you define, it makes it easier to find the entry or activity later because the tag gets added to the tag collection. From an individual activity or an activities view, you can click the tag in the tag collection to retrieve the associated entry or activity.
- Find related content. Not only is the entry or activity that you tagged returned when you click a tag in the tag collection, but related activities or entries are also returned. Anything tagged with the same term, either by you or someone else and to which you have access, is returned. In this way, tagging helps you to discover new and potentially useful information.
- Identifying trends. Tagging also makes it easier for you to determine what your colleagues are working on because the tag collection visualizes the most popular tags. The tag cloud displays the tags that are used most often in a larger, bolder font. The tag list displays the tags that are used most often first in the list. As a result, one glimpse at the tag collection can tell you what the members of your activities are most interested in.
- What is a custom field?
- Custom fields are fields that you can add to an entry to collect specific types of information. The following field types are supported:
You can add any number of these field types, and then customize them by changing the field labels. By default, each entry is named after its field type. For example, the date field is named Date. You can then change the field label to reflect the information that you want to collect in the Date field; you could rename the field to Deadline, for example. By adding several new custom fields, and renaming them, you can create a custom entry.
- Date. Stores a date value. You can type a date into the field or select a date from the calendar control that is displayed when the field is given focus.
- Person. Stores a name. When you begin to type a person's name into the field, a list of names from the directory is displayed. You can choose a name from the list or continue to type the name or email address of the person.
- Text. Stores unformatted text.
- What is an entry template?
- An entry template is a prototype of an entry. Because you can add custom fields to an entry, you can also save a customized entry as an entry template, so that you can use it again later.
- What is an activity template?
- An activity template is a prototype of an activity. You can use a template to capture the required steps, contacts, resources, and tools used to complete a common process. After you create the template, you can create multiple activities from it for each project you begin that uses the process. You can create a template from a community activity and a community activity from a template. However, you cannot associate member information with a community activity template.
- Why am I unable to drag and drop an entry?
- You may not have permission to edit the entry. You can only move entries that you can edit. Owners can drag and drop any entry and authors can drag and drop only entries that they created. A quick way to determine whether you have permission to move an entry is to mouse on the entry. If you can move it, a drag handle is displayed. If you cannot move it, nothing is displayed. To help you determine
...where you can drop an entry, a drop box is displayed when you drag the entry to an area where it can be dropped.
- How can I add structure to my activity?
- Use the Activity Outline view. By default, the view has a flat structure. You can add structure to it by grouping entries together into sections.
- What is a section?
- A section functions as a container for a set of activity entries. When you add sections to an activity, you add structure to the activity. Rather than letting the structure be defined by an entry thread or the date on which entries were added, you can use sections to group entries together in a way that make sense to you and other activity members. You cannot create a multi-layered hierarchy in an activity; you cannot add sections to a section.
- Why is the My Activities view empty?
- The My Activities view displays all of the active activities to which you have access. This view is empty in the following cases:
- You are a new user. This view is empty until you create an activity or are added to an activity by someone else.
- Your activities were automatically marked complete due to inactivity. If you are not a new user and have participated in activities before, but they are not being displayed in your My Activities view, look for them in the Completed view. By default, the server marks an activity complete if it has not been updated in 90 days.
If an activity has been marked complete, but should not have been, it can be restored to the My Activities view by the activity owner. If you are not the activity owner, ask the owner to restore it. (You can find out who owns it by opening the activity from the Completed view and expanding the Members section.) If you are the owner, to restore the activity, find it in the Completed view, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Restore.
Your system administrator can change the time interval after which activities are automatically marked complete.
- If there is an activity that you know you have accessed before, but you cannot find it in the My Activities view, try looking in the Active view in Public Activities. Public activities have no membership list, but instead are accessible to anyone who has access to the Activities server. Public activities only display in the My Activities view if you are the creator or are a member of the activity.
- How can I prevent unwanted activities from cluttering up my views?
- One approach is to pare down the activities that are displayed in your My Activities view. Always mark activities for which you have accomplished the goal as completed. This action removes them from the My Activities view. You can also tune out of an activity; when you do so, it is removed from your My Activities view.
Another approach is to assign priority levels to your activities. For example, you can mark important activities as having a high priority. When you do so, they are added to the High Priority view. You can then go straight to that view to find out what is new in the activities that you most care about. The best part is that the priority settings that you specify are private; the priority views that result from them are unique to your environment. In other words, your manager will not find out if you tune out of an activity.
- How do I determine whether to delete, complete, or tune out of an activity?
- Delete. Only delete an activity that you and all of the activity members no longer need. Deleting the activity moves it to the Trash view. You can restore a deleted activity from the Trash view, but only until the trash is emptied. Trash removal is done on a schedule that is specified by your administrator. You can only delete an activity that you own.
- Complete. After you finish using an activity to track the progress of a work project, mark it complete. Completing an activity moves it to the Completed view. You can always reference completed activities from the Completed view; this view is not emptied. You can only complete an activity that you own.
- Tuning out. If you are not interested in an activity, you can tune out of it to prevent it from showing up in your main views. The importance that you designate for your activities is private, so no other members will know if you tune out of an activity. Members can still send you notifications about specific entries. Any member role can tune out of an activity.
- Why am I unable to delete a member from an activity?
- You must be an author or owner of an activity to remove a member. Owners can remove any member. An author can remove readers and other authors only. You can remove yourself from an activity, but only if you are not the sole remaining owner of the activity. If that is the case, change the role of an existing member to Owner, and then delete yourself. You can only edit the member list of a community activity if the members were added individually and not as part of a full community's membership, and you can only remove authors and readers. If the full community membership list was given access to the activity, you must remove the member from the associated community. To remove a member, click Members in the navigation pane, click Remove for the person's name, and then click OK. After you remove a member, entries created by that member can still be viewed by the remaining members, and can be edited or deleted by the owners of the activity.
What is an activity?
Activities is a web-based collaboration tool for collecting, organizing, sharing, and reusing work related to a project goal. Use Activities to organize your team's work around project tasks, rather than around the many tools that you use to perform them.
Members of an activity interact in an online location in which they create, collect, and share a set of ideas and resources to support a project goal. Examples of projects that you could use an activity to track include:
- Driving a sales process to a close
- Prepare for an important meeting
- Writing a report for a client
- Hiring a new employee
An activity is a way for you to organize your work and collaborate with others in a shared web space. You can start an activity from a single idea or fragment of an idea in an email. Because it is easy to invite new members, you can quickly pull together the people and resources you need to get the job done. You can post messages, share files and links to websites, and create and assign to-do items.
Community activities
You can also create community activities. A community activity is an activity created in the Communities application. Community activities are included in the standard Activities views and can be opened and edited from the Activities application. The only thing different about a community activity is its membership. You can create a community activity with a membership list that reflects the membership list of the community or you can choose to create a community activity whose members are a subset of the community. But, the member list of the activity cannot contain anyone who is not also a member of the owning community. In addition, the public status of a community activity is determined by the community to which it belongs. If the community is public or moderated, all of its associated activities are public. If the community is private, all of its associated activities are private.
You can create content directly in an activity, or download extensions from the IBM Connections Catalog page that let you add content from the tools you already use: email messages, IBM Sametime chats, and word processing documents, to name a few. To access the catalog, go to the following external website: (Opens in new window)
Activities are a good way to improve awareness and coordination in teams. When a member shares a design document, meeting agenda, or spreadsheet to an activity, not only is that item immediately available to everyone else on the team, it is also placed alongside all of the project's other resources. Team members always know that they can go to the activity to find out about the latest project happenings and see who the recent contributors are.
Opening an activity
Open an activity to work with its entries and members.
Your active activities are displayed in the My Activities view.
To open an activity and display its entries, complete the following steps:
- If the My Activities view is not open, click My Activities from the navigation pane.
From within an activity, you do not see My Activities listed in the navigation pane; click the Activities tab first.
- Click the title of the activity.
If the activity that you are looking for is not listed on the current page, use the Next to page through the activities. Alternatively, you can increase the number of activities displayed in the current page to up to 100 by clicking a number at the after the activities list. You can filter the list by expanding Tags, and then clicking a tag assigned to the activity.
Tip: Consider designating activities that you use often as high priority, which makes them easier to find; you can open the Prioritized Activities > High Priority view to see a list of only the activities that you deem to be important.
Starting an activity
Create an activity to provide a place for the people involved in a project to share information, to assign tasks, and to share resources, such as tools, websites, and files.
About this task
Create an activity is easy: just click a button and fill out a form. There are no required fields. You can edit the activity later to add or change information.
No special access is needed to create an activity. If you have access to the Activities server, you can create an activity.
You cannot use this procedure to create a community activity. You can only create a community activity from the Communities feature. See Creating a community activity in the Communities Help for more information.
- From the My Activities view, click Start an Activity.
If you have an activity open, then you do not see the Start an Activity button in the navigation pane. Click the Activities tab to exit the opened activity first.
- In the Name field, type a short name that describes the purpose of the activity, for example, a project name.
The activity name is displayed in the subject of the notification sent to the people you add to the activity as members. If you do not provide a name, the activity is given the name Untitled. You can give it a name later by editing the activity.
- In the Tags field, type a tag term. As you type, a list of matching tags from the tag collection is displayed. Click a tag to add it, or keep typing to add a tag that is not in the list. Separate multiple tags with commas.
A tag is a single-word label or keyword that you assign to an activity to categorize it. After the activity is saved, the tag is added to the tag collection. Later, you can use the tag to find this activity by clicking the tag from the tag collection. Not only is this activity returned in the resulting list, but any similarly tagged activities are included also, thus helping you to discover related content. Keep in mind that the tag collection is composed of tags that are created by you and your colleagues; if no one has created any tags yet, you do not see a list of matching tags as you type into this field.
- Add members to the activity.
- Select Person, Group, or Community from the Members drop-down list.
- If you want to add a member to a role other than the default role of Author, click the down-arrow next to the Author field, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content and add entries.
- Owner
- Can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
As the creator of the activity, you are automatically added as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Begin typing the name of the community or the name or email address of the person you want to add into the text field. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking Find Groups. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups
If the product is configured to hide email addresses, then no matches are returned when you type an email address into the field; type person's name instead.
The group feature is available upon request. Contact your administrator for information.
- In the Activity goal field, add a description of the activity. Provide a sentence or two that summarizes the goal of the activity, its audience, or the type of content that you want members to add to it.
Provide enough information about the goal to help members distinguish among activities with similar names. The information in this field is searchable and is displayed in the notification message that members receive when they are invited to join the activity.
- In the Due date field, add a date by which this activity must be completed. Either type the date or click the field to select a date from the calendar control.
- To create the activity from a template, perform the following steps.
A template captures the tasks required to complete a specific job. For example, a patent template might link to the files, DBs, tools, or Web sites that an inventor seeking a patent would need. It might also capture a list of to-do items that an inventor would need to complete as part of the patent application process.
- Click Pick an Activity Template, and then select a template from the list. You can type a template name into the field to narrow the list. When you select a template, a description of the template is displayed. If you select not to use an available template, select None from the list.
- If you want to seed the member list with the members defined in the template, select Use members from template.
- Click Save to finish creating the activity. After the activity is created, the server sends an email message or a notification to the Updates tab of the Home page feature to notify the people that you added as members about the activity.
What to do next
You can now add entries to the activity.
What is an entry?
An activity entry is a unit of content that you add to an activity. The types of content that you can add include text, files, and bookmarks.
You can also add to-do entries and custom entry types that you define.
Each entry includes a title and some type of content. You can also add an optional text description and tags to an entry. The description text and tags can be searched to help you find the entry later.
By default, entries in an activity are shared with all members of the activity. You can hide an entry from other members by marking it private.
You can add the following types of entries to an activity:
Entry type Description Standard You can add a formatted text message, one or more file attachments, and one or more bookmarks which reference web pages. You can also add one or more custom fields to the entry to create name, text, and date fields. After adding attachments, bookmarks, and new fields, you can change the field labels to reflect the information that is being provided in the fields, file attachments, and bookmarks. To Do Item A to-do entry that you author within an activity. You can include a due date and assign the entry to a specific member of the activity. When the task is completed, you can select the to-do item check box to mark it completed. Like a standard entry, you can add one or more file attachments and one or more bookmarks which reference web pages to a to-do item. You can also add one or more custom fields to the to-do item to create name, text, and date fields. After adding attachments, bookmarks, and new fields, you can change the field labels. Custom An entry created from an entry template. An entry template is a prototype of an entry. If you create an entry that you want to reuse, you can save it as an entry template, and use the template the next time you create an entry. For example, if you are using an activity to collect team member status reports, you can create a standard entry, and add new fields to it to collect team member names, status report dates, and other information. You can then save that standard entry as a new entry template named Status Report. After it is saved, when you and other activity members create an entry to capture status information, you can choose the entry template named Status Report from the list of entry types to create. Custom entries can be created and reused within one activity only. Comment To add a quick comment to an activity, create a standard entry and add the comment to the Title field. You can also add a comment as a response to another entry. When creating a comment as a response to an entry, you can add one or more file attachments and one or more bookmarks, but you cannot add custom fields. Related Activity A reference link to an existing activity. The membership list and due date of the related activity can differ from those of the main activity. You must be a member of the related activity to be able to access it through a related activity link. Notes® document A reference to an existing Lotus Notes® document. In Notes 8 and later, you can add a Notes document to an activity by dragging it to the Activities sidebar. In Notes 7.x, you can add a Notes document to an activity by using the IBM Lotus® Connections Plug-in for Lotus Notes 7/8. To open the document, members of an activity must have access to the original document. Mail message A rich text rendering of an email message that was added from the Lotus Notes client. After being added to the activity, you can not edit the content of the mail message. In Notes 8 and later, you can add a Notes mail message to an activity by dragging it to the Activities sidebar.In Notes 7.x, you can add a Notes mail message to an activity by using the IBM Lotus Connections 2.0.1 Plug-in for Notes 7/8. Sametime chat transcript A transcript from an IBM Sametime chat. Add a chat to an activity from the Sametime client using the IBM Connections Plug-in for IBM Sametime. You cannot add more than 2000 entries to a single activity. As you approach this maximum number, you receive warnings that inform you that you are reaching the limit.
You can download the plug-ins for Sametime, Notes, and other extensions from the IBM Connections Catalog. To access the catalog, go to the following external website: (Opens in new window)
How do I add an entry?
You can add an entry to an activity to comment on a topic, make an announcement, ask a question, share a file, or share a web address with the team.
You must be an author or an owner of the activity to add entries to it.
As you create or edit an entry, your work is automatically saved every 5 minutes, unless the administrator changes the interval. If you unintentionally leave an entry in an unsaved state when you close your browser, the next time you log in, a notification appears in the My Activities view reminding you that you have an unsaved entry. From that notification message you can click View to open the entry and resume work on it, or Discard to delete the entry. If no action is taken on the unsaved entry, the message appears again the next time the you log in.
To add an entry, open an activity, and then complete the following steps:
- Click Add Entry.
- In the Title field, type the title of the entry.
- In the Tags field, type a tag term. As you type, a list of matching tags from the tag collection is displayed. Click a tag to add it, or keep typing to add a tag that is not in the list. Separate multiple tags with commas.
A tag is a single-word label or keyword that you assign to an entry to categorize it. After the entry is saved, the tag is added to the tag collection for the activity. Later, you can use the tag to find this entry by clicking the tag from the tag collection. Not only is this entry returned in the resulting list, but any similarly tagged entries are included also, thus helping you to discover related content. Keep in mind that the tag collection is composed of tags created by you and your colleagues; if no one has created any tags yet, you do not see a list of matching tags as you type into this field.
- You can add content to the entry by clicking the following links:
- Add File > Attach File
- Adds a file to the entry. Click Browse to locate the file.
The maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB by default, but this value can be changed by your administrator.
- Add File > Link to File
- Adds a link to a file stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of file to share from the options.
Table 27. File-sharing options
Option Description Recent Files Files recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Files Files that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Files Files that you uploaded to the Files application. Shared With Me Files shared with you from the Files application. Other People's Files Files that are shared with you or the files of another person that are public from the Files application.
Pinned Folders Files from folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Files from your personal folders in the Files application. Shared Folders Files from shared folders in the Files application.
- Select a file or files from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add File > Link to Folder
- Adds a link to a folder stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of folder to share from the options.
Table 28. Folder-sharing options
Option Description Recent Folders Folders recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Folders Folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Folders that you own in the Files application. Folders Shared with Me Folders shared with you from the Files application. Public Folders Folders in the Files application that are visible to everyone.
- Select a folder or folders from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add Bookmark
- Adds a web address to the entry. Set the title of the web page into the required Bookmark title field, and then copy the web address into the field that begins with http://.
- Add Custom Fields > Date Field
- Adds a Date field to the entry. When you click the empty field, a calendar control is displayed. You can either type the date into the field or pick a date from the calendar control.
- Add Custom Fields > Person Field
- Adds a Person field to the entry. As you type a name into the field, a list of names from the directory is displayed. You can choose a name from the list or continue typing the person's full name or email address.
If you type the name of a person from within Activities, you must pick from the typeahead to add the person properly instead of clicking the Add Members. This displays the proper business card.
- Add Custom Fields > Text Field
- Adds a Text field to the entry.
You can add as many types of fields as you want and you can add fields of the same type multiple times. If you want to remove a field that you added, click the X for a field to delete it.
- Optional: Rename a field that you added by clicking the field label to edit it.
After you add a file, bookmark or custom field to the entry, you can change the name that is associated with the field by default to a name that better describes the purpose of the field. For example, if you are using the entry to provide review comments, you might want to add two name fields, and change the name of one field to Author and the other to Reviewer. You could also add a date field labeled Review By Date, and then add a file attachment with a field label of Document To Review.
- In the Description field, describe the entry or add entry content. You can use the toolbar buttons to format the added text.
- To add this entry to a specific section of the activity, click the arrow for the Section field, and then select the section from the list.
- To hide the entry from other members, select Mark this entry private.
- If you want to notify activity members about this entry:
- Select Notify people of this entry.
- Do one of the following:
- Standard activity:
- To notify everyone, select the All individual members of this activity check box.
- To notify specific people, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- To notify a subset of community members, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To notify the community owners only, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community.
- If you want to add a comment that is displayed in the notification that is sent to the members, add it to the Notify Message field.
By default, the notification indicates to inform the member about this entry.
- Click Save to finish adding the entry.
Add a comment
You can add a quick comment directly to an activity or as a response to an existing entry.
To add a comment:
- Do one of the following:
- To add a stand-alone comment, open the activity, and then click Add Entry. If your comment is short, type it into the Title field. Otherwise, type it into the Description field.
- To comment on someone else's entry, open the entry, click Add Comment, and then type your comment into the Comment field.
- Click Save.
Add a bookmark to an activity
Use the bookmark control provided by IBM Connections to add an Add Bookmark button to your web browser. After the button is added to your browser, when you find a web page to add to an activity, you can click the button to add it as a bookmark to an existing activity.
Before adding a bookmark to an activity using the button, add the bookmark control to your browser. To do so, complete the following steps:
To add a bookmark from a web page, complete the following steps:
- Under Tools in the IBM Connections footer, click How to Bookmark.
- Follow the instructions on the page to add the Add Bookmark button to the toolbar of your web browser.
- From the web page to add as a bookmark to an activity, click the Add Bookmark button.
- Edit the Title and Description fields to reflect the content of the bookmark.
- In the Tags field, type a tag term. Separate multiple tags with commas. A tag is a single-word label or keyword that you associate with the bookmark to help you identify it and find it later.
- To specify the activity to which to add the bookmark, click the Add to Activities tab, and then select the activity from the list displayed in the Activity field.
- Optional: If you want to hide the bookmark from the other activity members, select Private.
- Optional: If you want to add an additional description for the bookmark, add it in the Additional description field.
- Click Save to add the bookmark to the activity.
Add a response to an entry
You can add a response to an entry in an activity to comment on a topic, make an announcement, ask a question, provide feedback on an existing entry, share a file, or share a web address with the team.
To add an entry, open an activity, and then complete the following actions:
- From the entry to which you want to create a reply, click Add Comment.
If you cannot see the Add Comment link, then your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title or More to expand the entry.
- In the Comment field, add your response. You can use the toolbar buttons to format the added text.
- You can add content to the entry by clicking the following links:
- Add File > Attach File
- Adds a file to the entry. Click Browse to locate the file.
The maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB by default, but this value can be changed by your administrator.
- Add File > Link to File
- Adds a link to a file stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of file to share from the options.
Table 29. File-sharing options
Option Description Recent Files Files recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Files Files that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Files Files that you uploaded to the Files application. Shared With Me Files shared with you from the Files application. Other People's Files Files that are shared with you or the files of another person that are public from the Files application.
Pinned Folders Files from folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Files from your personal folders in the Files application. Shared Folders Files from shared folders in the Files application.
- Select a file or files from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add File > Link to Folder
- Adds a link to a folder stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of folder to share from the options.
Table 30. Folder-sharing options
Option Description Recent Folders Folders recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Folders Folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Folders that you own in the Files application. Folders Shared with Me Folders shared with you from the Files application. Public Folders Folders in the Files application that are visible to everyone.
- Select a folder or folders from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add Bookmark
- Adds a web address to the entry. Set the title of the web page into the required Bookmark title field, and then copy the web address into the field that begins with http://.
- Add Custom Fields > Date Field
- Adds a Date field to the entry. When you click the empty field, a calendar control is displayed. You can either type the date into the field or pick a date from the calendar control.
- Add Custom Fields > Person Field
- Adds a Person field to the entry. As you type a name into the field, a list of names from the directory is displayed. You can choose a name from the list or continue typing the person's full name or email address.
If you type the name of a person from within Activities, you must pick from the typeahead to add the person properly instead of clicking the Add Members. This displays the proper business card.
- Add Custom Fields > Text Field
- Adds a Text field to the entry.
You can add as many types of fields as you want and you can add fields of the same type multiple times. If you want to remove a field that you added, click the X for a field to delete it.
- To hide the response from other members, select Mark this entry private.
- If you want to notify activity members about the response, complete the following steps:
- Select Notify people of this entry.
- Do one of the following:
- Standard activity:
- To notify everyone, select the All individual members of this activity check box.
- To notify specific people, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- To notify a subset of community members, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To notify the community owners only, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community.
- If you want to add a comment that is displayed in the notification that is sent to the members, add it to the Notify Message field.
By default, the notification indicates to inform the member about this entry.
- Click Save to finish adding the response.
Use to-do entries to track tasks
Use to-do entries to track the tasks that must be completed for your team to meet a specific project goal.
You can assign a to-do item to a person on your team or leave it unassigned. You can also give it a due date. See Add a to-do entry for more details.
Each activity has a To Do Items view that breaks down the to-do entries that have been created in that activity. It lists their assignments, due dates, and whether or not they have been completed.
The To Do List tab of the Activities application retrieves information about the to-do entries from all of the activities that you are a member of. You can view the to-do items in the following ways:
- My To Do Items
- Lists all to-do items assigned to or created by you.
- Incomplete To Do Items
- Lists all incomplete to-do items. This list includes to-do items that you created or that were assigned to you as well as to-do items that were created by or assigned to others.
- Completed To Do Items
- Lists all completed to-do items. This list includes to-do items that you created or that were assigned to you as well as to-do items that were created by or assigned to others.
Add a to-do entry
You can add one or more to-do entries to an activity and assign them to members of the activity. A to-do entry is a special type of entry that represents a task to be completed. You can assign a to-do item to any individual member of an activity and select a due date for it. You can add one or more to-do entries to an activity in order to manage the activity work. You can view all of the to-do entries for an activity from the To Do Items view.
As you create or edit a to-do entry, your work is automatically saved every five minutes, unless the administrator changes the interval. If you unintentionally leave a to-do entry in an unsaved state when you close your browser, the next time you log in, a notification appears on each page reminding you that you have an unsaved entry. From that notification message you can click View to open the to-do entry and resume work on it, or Discard to delete the to-do entry.
To add a to-do entry:
- Open an activity.
- Do one of the following actions
- To add the to-do entry directly to the activity, click Add To Do Item.
- To add the to-do entry as a reply to another entry, open the entry, and then click Add To Do Item.
- Type a short task description into the To Do field. This task description becomes the text label that identifies the entry and is displayed in all views that include the entry.
If you want to add attachments, bookmarks, or custom fields, to assign the to-do item, or to specify a due date, click More Options.
- In the Tags field, type a tag term. As you type, a list of matching tags from the tag collection is displayed. Click a tag to add it, or keep typing to add a tag that is not in the list. Separate multiple tags with commas.
A tag is a single-word label or keyword that you assign to an entry to categorize it. After the entry is saved, the tag is added to the tag collection for the activity. Later, you can use the tag to find this entry by clicking the tag from the tag collection. Not only is this entry returned in the resulting list, but any similarly tagged entries are included also, thus helping you to discover related content. Keep in mind that the tag collection is composed of tags created by you and your colleagues; if no one has created any tags yet, you do not see a list of matching tags as you type into this field.
- By default, the task is assigned to Anyone (shared), meaning any member of the activity can perform the task, and then check it off after it has been completed. To assign the to-do item to a specific member, click Choose a person, and then perform one of the following actions:
- Standard activity:
- To assign the to-do entry to a specific person, select Individual activity members, and then select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can assign the to-do item to a community member by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the persons name from the list.
- If a person is a member of a group that belongs to the activity, then add the person as an individual activity member before you can add them.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- Select Individual activity members, and then select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To assign the to-do entry to a community owner, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community, and then select the owners name from the list.
- In the Due date field, assign a date by which the to-do entry must be completed. Type a date or choose a date from the calendar control.
- You can add content to the entry by clicking the following links:
- Add File > Attach File
- Adds a file to the entry. Click Browse to locate the file.
The maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB by default, but this value can be changed by your administrator.
- Add File > Link to File
- Adds a link to a file stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of file to share from the options.
Table 31. File-sharing options
Option Description Recent Files Files recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Files Files that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Files Files that you uploaded to the Files application. Shared With Me Files shared with you from the Files application. Other People's Files Files that are shared with you or the files of another person that are public from the Files application.
Pinned Folders Files from folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Files from your personal folders in the Files application. Shared Folders Files from shared folders in the Files application.
- Select a file or files from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add File > Link to Folder
- Adds a link to a folder stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of folder to share from the options.
Table 32. Folder-sharing options
Option Description Recent Folders Folders recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Folders Folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Folders that you own in the Files application. Folders Shared with Me Folders shared with you from the Files application. Public Folders Folders in the Files application that are visible to everyone.
- Select a folder or folders from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add Bookmark
- Adds a web address to the entry. Set the title of the web page into the required Bookmark title field, and then copy the web address into the field that begins with http://.
- Add Custom Fields > Date Field
- Adds a Date field to the entry. When you click the empty field, a calendar control is displayed. You can either type the date into the field or pick a date from the calendar control.
- Add Custom Fields > Person Field
- Adds a Person field to the entry. As you type a name into the field, a list of names from the directory is displayed. You can choose a name from the list or continue typing the person's full name or email address.
If you type the name of a person from within Activities, you must pick from the typeahead to add the person properly instead of clicking the Add Members. This displays the proper business card.
- Add Custom Fields > Text Field
- Adds a Text field to the entry.
You can add as many types of fields as you want and you can add fields of the same type multiple times. If you want to remove a field that you added, click the X for a field to delete it.
- Optional: Rename a field that you added by clicking the field label to edit it.
After you add a file, bookmark, or custom field to the entry, you can change the name that is associated with the field by default to a name that better describes the purpose of the field. For example, if you are using the to-do item to identify a file required to review, you might want to attach a file to the to-do entry, and change the name of the file attachment field to Document to review. You could also add a text field named Changes to track any updates you make to the file.
- In the Description field, describe the entry or add entry content. You can use the toolbar buttons to format the added text.
- To add this entry to a specific section of the activity, click the arrow for the Section field, and then select the section from the list.
- To hide the entry from other members, select Mark this entry private.
- If you want to notify activity members about this entry:
- Select Notify people of this entry.
- Do one of the following:
- Standard activity:
- To notify everyone, select the All individual members of this activity check box.
- To notify specific people, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- To notify a subset of community members, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To notify the community owners only, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community.
- If you want to add a comment that is displayed in the notification that is sent to the members, add it to the Notify Message field.
By default, the notification indicates to inform the member about this entry.
- Click Save.
- Do one of the following:
- If you want to create another to-do item, type it into the To Do field.
- If you do not want to create another to-do item, click Cancel.
Work with entries
You can view, reply to, edit, tag, and manage the entries in an activity.
The actions that you can perform on an entry depend on your role in the activity and whether you created the entry. Any member of an activity can view a public entry (that is, one that is not explicitly marked private) and can send notifications about the entry to other members. Only authors and owners can tag and reply to entries. Authors can edit, move, and delete their own entries. Owners can edit, move, and delete any entry.
Move an entry
You can move an entry to a new location in the same activity or to a different activity. Move an entry when you want to add it to a section, group it with related entries, or sort entries in a specific sequence.
Owners can move any entry. Authors can move their own entries only. To move an entry to a different activity, you also must be an author or owner of the destination activity. If you move an entry to another activity and the members of the original activity are not members of the other activity, they will lose access to the entry.
When you move an entry within the current activity, you can move it using either the menu or by dragging and dropping the entry. If you move an entry that has one or more responses, using either method, its responses move with it. You cannot drag and drop entry responses. When you drag and drop an entry, you can only drop the entry before or after another entry; you cannot drop it after an entry's responses to turn it into a response. To move an entry:
- From the My Activities view, open an activity and then scroll to the entry to move.
- Do one of the following:
- To move the entry to a different activity, click More Actions > Move.
If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry. From the Move to Activity tab, select an activity from the list, and then click Move.
When moving an entry to another activity, you cannot specify where you want the entry to be positioned in the other activity. Later, you can open the other activity and move the entry within it as a separate step.
- To move the entry to a section in the current activity, click the Move to Section tab, and then select a section from the list.
You can also move the entry to a section in the current activity by hovering over the entry until the drag handle is displayed
. Hover over the drag handle until the cursor changes from a pointer into a cross hair
, and then drag the entry onto the section.
- To position the entry after another entry in the current activity, click the Reorder in this Activity tab and then select an entry from the list to move the entry after.
You can also hover over the entry to move until the drag handle is displayed. Hover over the drag handle until the cursor changes from a pointer into a cross hair, and then drag the entry after the other entry.
- To move a to-do entry to a different entry in the current activity, click the Move to Entry/To Do tab, and then select an entry name from the list.
- What does it mean if no drag handle is displayed when you hover over an entry? If a drag handle is not displayed, then you do not have the appropriate level of access to drag the entry.
- Are you unsure about where you can drop an entry? A bold horizontal line is displayed when you drag the entry to an area where it can be dropped.
Copy an entry
You can add a copy of an entry to a new location in the same activity or to a different activity. Copy an entry when you want to move it to a section, group it with related entries, or sort entries in a specific sequence, but also want to keep a copy of the entry in its current position.
Authors can copy their own entries only. Owners can copy any entry. To copy an entry to a different activity, you also must be an author or owner of the destination activity. If you copy an entry that has one or more replies, its replies are copied with it.
- From the My Activities view, open an activity and scroll to the entry to copy.
- Click More Actions > Copy.
If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.
- Do one of the following:
- To add a copy of the entry to a different activity, from the Copy to Activity tab, select an activity from the list.
When copying an entry to another activity, you cannot specify where to position the entry in the other activity. Later, you can open the other activity and move the entry within it as a separate step.
- To add a copy of the entry to a section, click the Copy to Section tab, and then select a section from the list.
- To add a copy of a to-do entry to the same entry or a different entry in the current activity, click the Copy to Entry tab, and then select an entry name from the list.
- Click Copy.
Notifying members about an entry
To bring an entry to the attention of members in the activity, you can notify them about the entry. Members whom you notify receive an email message or a notification in the Updates tab in the Home page application that contains the description of the entry and a link to it.
Any member of an activity can notify other members about any entry in the activity. The server can send notifications to current members of the activity and to anyone who has added a current entry to the activity even if the person is no longer a member.
Send a notification does not create an entry in the activity.
To notify members about an entry:
- Open an activity and locate an entry to notify someone about.
- Click More Actions > Notify Other People.
If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view might be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.
- Do one of the following:
- Standard activity:
- To notify everyone, select the All individual members of this activity check box.
- To notify specific people, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- To notify a subset of community members, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To notify the community owners only, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community.
- Optional: If you want to add a comment to be displayed in the notification that is sent to the members in addition to the entry description, add it to the Notify Message field.
- Click Send to send the notification, and then click OK.
Marking an entry private so that other members cannot see it
You can mark an entry private if you want to save it to an activity, but do not want to share it with other members. You can mark an entry private when you first post it, or by editing it later.
Only the creator of the entry can mark the entry private. By default, when you post an entry to an activity, every member of the activity can read it. Marking an entry private lets you maintain a private work space within an activity. For example, you can mark a draft of an entry private until you are ready to share it. You can also mark an entry private if the information is not relevant to other members.
To mark an entry private, complete the following steps:
- Open the activity, find the entry to mark private, and then click Edit.
If you cannot see the Edit link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry. Only an owner of the activity or the person who created the entry can see the Edit link.
- Select Mark this entry private, and then click Save.
Only the person who created the entry can see the Mark this entry private check box.
After you save the entry, other members are unable to see it when they open the activity. You can determine which entries are private because they are prefixed with the term [Private].
What to do next
You can later share the entry with other members by editing the entry again, and clearing Mark this entry private.
Add a file to an activity entry
You can add a file to an activity entry, whether it is a standard entry, a to-do entry, a custom entry, or an entry comment.
You must be the author of the entry or an owner of the activity to add a file to the entry.
Files that you attach to a standard or community activity are stored within the activity, and cannot be shared outside the membership of the activity. If you want to upload a file that you can share with a wider audience later, add the file to the Files application. You can add a link to a file or folder in the Files application from the activity entry to share it with the activity members. Files that you attach to an activity entry are stored within the activity only and cannot be accessed after the activity is marked complete, and removed from the system, for example.
To learn about alternative methods you can use to upload a file to IBM Connections, see Uploading a file.
To add a file to an entry, open the entry, and then complete the following steps:
- Click Edit.
- Click one of the following links:
- Add File > Attach File
- Adds a file to the entry. Click Browse to locate the file.
The maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB by default, but this value can be changed by your administrator.
- Add File > Link to File
- Adds a link to a file stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of file to share from the options.
Table 33. File-sharing options
Option Description Recent Files Files recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Files Files that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Files Files that you uploaded to the Files application. Shared With Me Files shared with you from the Files application. Other People's Files Files that are shared with you or the files of another person that are public from the Files application.
Pinned Folders Files from folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Files from your personal folders in the Files application. Shared Folders Files from shared folders in the Files application.
- Select a file or files from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add File > Link to Folder
- Adds a link to a folder stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of folder to share from the options.
Table 34. Folder-sharing options
Option Description Recent Folders Folders recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Folders Folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Folders that you own in the Files application. Folders Shared with Me Folders shared with you from the Files application. Public Folders Folders in the Files application that are visible to everyone.
- Select a folder or folders from the list that displays, and click OK.
If you want to remove a file that you added, click the X next to the file attachment field to delete it.
- Optional: Rename a field that you added by clicking the field label to edit it.
After you add a file to the entry, you can change the name that is associated with the field by default to a name that better describes the purpose of the field. For example, if you are using the entry to get review comments on a document you created, you might want to change the file attachment field label to Document To Review.
- Optional: You can add more than one file to the entry by repeating the previous steps.
- Click Save to finish adding the file to the entry.
Delete an entry
You can delete an entry to remove it from an activity. A deleted entry is moved to the trash view for the activity. You can restore the entry, but you must restore it before the administrator permanently deletes it by emptying the trash.
Authors can delete their own entries only. Owners can delete any entry.
To delete an entry:
- Open an activity, and then scroll to the entry that you want to delete.
- Click More Actions > Delete.
If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion.
To restore an entry, open the activity from which you removed it. From the navigation pane, click Trash to open the Trash view. Find the entry, click its title to expand it, and then click Restore.Only an activity owner or the entry author can restore a deleted entry. If you are not an activity owner nor the entry author, you will not see the Restore link.
Converting entries into to do items
If you have an entry in your activity to assign to a specific member or if the entry has a due date that is before the due date for the whole activity, then consider converting the entry to a to do item.
You must be an activity owner to convert an entry to a to do item. Converting an entry to a to do item adds a check box to the item so you can check off the item when it is completed.
To convert an entry to a to do item, open an entry, and then complete the following steps:
- Click More Actions > Convert to To Do Item.
- The To Do field is pre-filled with the title of the existing entry. If you want to change the contents to a better description of the to do item, then edit the field.
- If you want to assign the to-do item, specify a due date, or edit any existing fields, click More Options. At a minimum, verify the assignment and assign a due date.
- By default, the task is assigned to Anyone (shared). Any member of the activity can perform the task, and then check it off after it is completed. To assign the to-do item to a specific member, click Choose a person, and then perform one of the following actions:
- Standard activity:
- To assign the to-do entry to a specific person, select Individual activity members, and then select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity is shared with a community, then you can assign the to-do item to a community member by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the persons name from the list.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- Select Individual activity members, and then select the persons name from the list. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To assign the to-do entry to a community owner, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community, and then select the owners name from the list.
- In the Due date field, assign a date by which the to-do entry must be completed. Type a date or choose a date from the calendar control.
- Edit any of the other fields in the to do item that are pre-filled with entry content.
- Click Save.
Get the web address of an individual entry
You can open an entry in its own web page, and then save the page as a bookmark, send it to another member in a chat message, or post it as a bookmark entry in an activity. Anyone who subsequently opens the link is taken directly to the entry's web page.
To open an entry from a permanent web address, you must be a member of the activity that contains the entry. You cannot use a link to an entry to share it with someone who is not a member of the activity.
To get the web address of an entry, complete the following steps:
- Find the entry to bookmark or share, and then click More Actions > Link to this Entry.
If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.
- You can now bookmark the entry or share it with other members by copying the web address from the web browser's location box and pasting it into a chat, or the bookmark field of an activity entry.
Publishing attachments to Lotus Quickr
You can store documents associated with an activity using the IBM Lotus Quickr® product by publishing the document to a Lotus Quickr library. After you publish a file, a link to the document in Lotus Quickr replaces the file attachment in the entry.
Lotus Quickr must be installed in your enterprise and you must have access to one or more Lotus Quickr libraries. Your administrator configures IBM Connections to interact with your Lotus Quickr deployment, and must enable Quickr integration before you can publish files to a Lotus Quickr library. To publish a file to Lotus Quickr, complete the following steps:
- Open the entry that contains the file attachment that you want to publish.
- Click Publish to Lotus Quickr for the file attachment.
- Do one of the following:
- If the server specified in the Server field is not the one that hosts the library to which you want to publish the file, select a different server. If your administrator configured it, you can alternately type a server name into the field. Include the protocol, such as http:// or https://.
- If no servers are displayed in the Server field, type the name of the server to publish the file to into the field. Include the protocol, such as http:// or https://.
If you are asked to provide credentials, provide the user ID and password that you use to access Lotus Quickr, and then click Log In.
If you provided the correct credentials and the server you chose or specified is set up to integrate with IBM Connections, the Select an Item field is populated with a list of available Lotus Quickr libraries. If it is not populated, contact your administrator. As part of the configuration of Lotus Quickr integration, the administrator defines the list of servers to which Activities files can be published.
- Optional: To choose the library to which to publish the document, filter the libraries displayed in the Select an Item field by selecting one of the following options from the Display field:
- All Places
- Displays a list of all the libraries to which you have access, including public libraries.
- Favorites
- Displays a list of all the libraries that you have identified as favorites.
This option is displayed when using IBM Lotus Quickr services for IBM WebSphere Portal only.
- My Places
- Displays a list of all the libraries of which you are a member, including libraries that you created. This list does not include public libraries.
This option is displayed when using IBM Lotus Quickr services for IBM Lotus Domino® only.
- Select a folder from the list displayed in the Select an Item field.
- Click Publish to complete the publication, close the dialog box, and return to the entry.
The file attachment in the entry is replaced with a Lotus Quickr link. You can click the link to open the target file's document summary page in Lotus Quickr.
- IBM Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr
Work with entry templates
Reuse a custom entry within an activity by creating an entry template.
What is an entry template?
An entry template is a prototype of an entry.
You can use an entry template to capture a set of fields that comprise a custom entry. After you create the entry template, you can create multiple entries from it.
For example, suppose your manager wants you and your teammates to add weekly status report entries to the activity you are using to share information and resources for a project. This means that each of you is going to be creating a separate entry that includes the same introductory information, such as your name and the week for which you are providing status. To simplify things, you could create an entry template that contains fields designed to collect status information, such as a name field titled Status for, and a date field titled Week of. After creating the custom entry, you can save it as an entry template and name it Status report. The next time you need to provide a status report, you can click Add from Entry Template > Add Status report to open an entry form based on the template you created, which contains fields designed specifically to store status report information.
Create entry templates
If you designed an entry that you would like to reuse, save the entry as an entry template.
An entry template is a prototype of an entry. You can create a template, and then use it to create multiple custom entries. Entry templates are available within the activity in which they were created only; they are not shared across activities.
To create an entry template:
- Create an entry to serve as the model for the template. Add all the fields to add and rename them as appropriate.
See How do I add an entry? for more information about how to create an entry.
- Save the entry.
- Find the created entry, and then click More Actions > Save as Entry Template.
If you do not see the More Actions link, the entry may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand it.
- Type a name into the Name field. For example, Status report.
- If you want to associate an icon with the template and any entries created from it, click an icon.
- Click Save to create the template, and then click Close to close the confirmation message box that is displayed.
- To use the new entry template, click Add from Entry Template > Add entry template name.
where entry template name is the name of the entry template that you created. For example, Add Status report.
Add a custom entry
You can add a custom entry that is based on an entry template created and stored in the current activity.
At least one entry template must have been created in the current activity before you can create a custom entry from a template.
You must be an author or an owner of the activity to add entries to it.
To add a custom entry, open an activity, and then complete the following steps:
- Click Add from Entry Template > Add entry template name
where entry template name is the name of the template to use as the basis for the custom entry.
- Provide values for any fields to complete.
- You can add additional content to the entry by clicking More Options and then the following links:
- Add File > Attach File
- Adds a file to the entry. Click Browse to locate the file.
The maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB by default, but this value can be changed by your administrator.
- Add File > Link to File
- Adds a link to a file stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of file to share from the options.
Table 35. File-sharing options
Option Description Recent Files Files recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Files Files that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Files Files that you uploaded to the Files application. Shared With Me Files shared with you from the Files application. Other People's Files Files that are shared with you or the files of another person that are public from the Files application.
Pinned Folders Files from folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Files from your personal folders in the Files application. Shared Folders Files from shared folders in the Files application.
- Select a file or files from the list that displays, and click OK.
- Add File > Link to Folder
- Adds a link to a folder stored in the Files application. Files must be installed at your deployment.
- Select the type of folder to share from the options.
Table 36. Folder-sharing options
Option Description Recent Folders Folders recently uploaded to the Files application. Pinned Folders Folders that you marked as prioritized in the Files application. My Folders Folders that you own in the Files application. Folders Shared with Me Folders shared with you from the Files application. Public Folders Folders in the Files application that are visible to everyone.
- Select a folder or folders from the list that displays, and click OK.
You can add as many types of fields as you want and you can add fields of the same type multiple times. If you want to remove a field that you added, click the X next to the field to delete it.
- Optional: Rename a field that you added by clicking the field label to edit it.
After you add a file, bookmark or custom field to the entry, you can change the name that is associated with the field by default to a name that better describes the purpose of the field. For example, if you are using the entry to provide review comments, you might want to add two name fields, and change the name of one field to Author and the other to Reviewer. You could also add a date field labeled Review By Date, and then add a file attachment with a field label of Document To Review.
- In the Description field, describe the entry or add entry content. You can use the toolbar buttons to format the added text.
- In the Tags field, type a tag term. As you type, a list of matching tags from the tag collection is displayed. Click a tag to add it, or keep typing to add a tag that is not in the list. Separate multiple tags with commas.
A tag is a single-word label or keyword that you assign to an entry to categorize it. After the entry is saved, the tag is added to the tag collection for the activity. Later, you can use the tag to find this entry by clicking the tag from the tag collection. Not only is this entry returned in the resulting list, but any similarly tagged entries are included also, thus helping you to discover related content. Keep in mind that the tag collection is composed of tags created by you and your colleagues; if no one has created any tags yet, you do not see a list of matching tags as you type into this field.
- To add this entry to a specific section of the activity, click the arrow for the Section field, and then select the section from the list.
- To hide the entry from other members, select Mark this entry private.
- If you want to notify activity members about this entry:
- Select Notify people of this entry.
- Do one of the following:
- Standard activity:
- To notify everyone, select the All individual members of this activity check box.
- To notify specific people, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
- If the activity has been shared with a community, then you can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.
- Community activity to which all community members were added:
- Select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- Community activity to which only a subset of community members were added:
- To notify a subset of community members, select Individual activity members, and then select the boxes next to the names of individual members to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetic list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list field.
If the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.
The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.
- To notify the community owners only, select community_name (community owners) where community_name is the name of the community.
- If you want to add a comment that is displayed in the notification that is sent to the members, add it to the Notify Message field.
By default, the notification indicates to inform the member about this entry.
- Click Save to finish adding the entry.
Edit entry templates
The owner of an activity can edit the entry templates created from custom entries used in the activity. For example, the activity owner might want to change the icon used by the template as an identifier.
Do not perform this procedure if there are no entry templates in the activity.
An entry template is a prototype of an entry. If you create a custom entry to reuse, you can save it as a template. The next time you add an entry, you have the option of adding an entry with the custom fields specified in the template. See Creating entry templates for more information. To edit an entry template:
- Open the activity that contains the entry templates that you want to edit.
- From the title bar, click More Actions, and then select Edit Entry Templates.
- Click Edit next to the template to edit.
- Make the edits that you want. To associate an icon with the template, select an icon.
When you associate an icon with a template, the icon is displayed in the titles of any entries created using the template.
- Click Save.
- Edit another entry template or click Close.
Work with searches and Activities
Some fields that contain the text string are not found when you perform a full text search on your activities and entries.
When you perform a full text search, it finds the string if it is present in a title, uniform resource identifier (URI) of a file, bookmark URI, bookmark title, text field, or a field label. The search can also find the text if it is present in the first 2 KB of the comment or description field.
The following limitations apply when performing a full text search:
- Search will not find text that comes after the first 2 KB of text in a comment or description field. To determine where the 2 KB threshold falls, look for the text that does not display until after you click [more] in the Description field.
- Search does not find tags or dates.
Tip: To find activities or entries that use a certain tag, click the tag from the Tags list or cloud.
- Search does not find names in name fields.
- Search does not support the use of wildcard characters.
- Search text is not case-sensitive.
Search activities for a word or phrase
Use the search control in the title bar to search across all of your activities and entries for items which contain a word or phrase.
You can only search activities of which you are a member. The search includes public and completed activities. Search results do not include entries that have been marked private nor those entries or activities in the trash. To search for activities or entries which contain a specific text string:
- Set the word or term to search for into the Search field in the title bar.
- Set the items to search by clicking the down arrow next to the Search field, and then selecting one of the following options:
- My Activities
- Searches for the text string in the titles and descriptions of all your activities as well as the fields and entries in all your activities.
- All Activities
- Searches for the text string in the titles and descriptions of all the activities to which you have access, which includes all public activities, and searches for the text string in the fields and entries in all those activities.
- To Do List
- Searches for the text string in the to-do entries of all the activities in which you are listed as a member.
- Templates
- Searches for the text string in the titles and descriptions of all the templates to which you have access.
- This Activity
- Searches for the text string in the title, description, fields, and entries of the current activity, as well as any entries within sections in the current activity.
If you have a template open, This Template is displayed instead. You can choose This Template to search for the text string in the title and description of the current template.
- Click the search icon.
The search results are displayed in the current page. If you are searching this activity or template, the results are not sorted by section, and you can edit the search results directly. Otherwise, click the title of a result to open and edit it.
Subscribe to an Activities feed
Subscribe to a feed of IBM Connections data to get updates sent to your feed reader. Using feeds prevents you from having to go to each application or the home page to see a list of the latest updates. Instead, the feed reader monitors product areas that you indicate are of interest and automatically delivers any updates to you.
You must have a feed reader installed on your computer that supports Atom feeds. Atom is an XML-based file format that is used to syndicate web content, such as news headlines, blogs, or websites. Atom feeds perform the same function as rich site summary (RSS) feeds, but do so using an alternative method.
Subscribe to a feed simplifies the task of monitoring the activity taking place in IBM Connections because your feed reader automatically checks for and retrieves content updates for each feed.
Do not confuse this application with the Feeds application in the Communities application. The Feeds application in Communities functions as a mini feed reader; it enables community members to have updates from external websites published to the community page. See Working with feeds for more information.
- Go to the page with the content to subscribe to.
For example, filter the bookmarks list to display a set of bookmarks associated with a person, a tag, or with some other selection criteria.
- Find the Feed icon
. Click the feed link to subscribe to the currently displayed content.
Blogs only: You can hover on the feed link to select whether to create the feed in a community or in the web browser.
- Add the feed to your preferred feed reader. The steps that complete to do so vary depending on the web browser and feed reader that you are using. See the web browser or feed reader documentation for details.
Communities only: When specifying the web address of the feed, you can enter a parameter to specify a different page size for the feed. By default, feeds in Communities display 10 entries per page. Specify a different page size using the ps parameter. The first page of 10 entries is fetched by default. However, you can use the page parameter to fetch subsequent pages. For example, you might use the following web address to fetch the second page of the My Communities feed where the page size is set to 20 entries: By subscribing to the Activities feed of a specific community, you can get a good list of the things going on in your community.
Following activities
Follow an activity when you want to be notified about the latest updates to the activity, including updates to activity content. You are not automatically sent these notifications if you are a member of the activity; you must follow the activity to receive them.
Anyone can follow an activity if the activity is publicly accessible; you do not have to be an activity member to follow a public activity. If you want to follow a restricted activity, you must be a member of the activity.
- Optional: To follow a standard activity, complete these steps:
- From My Activities or Public Activities, navigate to the activity to follow.
- Click Follow this Activity.
- Optional: To follow a community activity complete these steps:
- Navigate to the community activity.
- Click Following Actions.
- Click Follow this Activity.
What to do next
You can also track events in the activities that you are following from the Home page by clicking I.m Following in the navigation.If you no longer want to receive notifications about the latest updates to an activity, you can stop following it at any time. To stop following a standard activity, open the activity and click Stop Following this Activity. To stop following a community activity, open the community activity and click Following Actions, and then click Stop Following this Activity.
Work with activities
This section describes the actions that you can perform in an activity.
Edit an activity
To edit an activity, you must be an owner of the activity.
Edit the title, description, due date, or tags associated with an activity does not affect the content of the entries posted to the activity.
To edit an activity:
- Do one of the following actions:
- From the My Activities view, find the activity that you want to edit in the list of activities, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Edit.
- From within the activity to edit, click Activity Actions in the title bar, and then select Edit Activity.
Only an owner of an activity can edit it. If you are not an owner, you do not see the Edit link nor the Edit Activity menu option.
- Edit any fields to change, and then click Save.
Add sections to organize activity content
Sections are containers for sets of activity entries. Add sections to an activity to give its outline a hierarchical structure.
To add a section to an activity:
- Open the activity to which you want to add the section.
- Click Add Section.
- Add a section title to the Section field, and then click Save. You have created a new section, and can now add entries to it.
- To add an entry, do one of the following:
- To add a standard entry to the section, click Entry.
- To add a to-do item to the section, click To Do Item.
- To add an entry that is based on an entry template, click Add from Entry Template, and then select the entry type that you want to add.
The Add from Entry Template option is not displayed if there have been no custom entry templates created in this activity.
- To move an existing entry to the section, drag the entry into the section.
Move and renaming sections
After creating a section, you can move it up or down in the view to better organize the activity. You can also rename the section. To move or rename a section:
- From the navigation bar within the activity, expand Sections if it is collapsed, and then click the section to rename or move.
- Perform one of the following actions:
- To rename the section, click Actions > Edit Section, change the section title in the Section field, and then click Save.
- To move the section, click Actions > Move Up or Actions > Move Down.
Add a link to a related activity
Create an entry that links to another activity if the other activity contains information that may be of interest to the current activity's members.
Only members who have access to the other activity will be able to access the other activity from the entry. To add a related activity:
- Open the activity to which you want to add a link to a related activity.
- Click Activity Actions in the title bar, and then select Add Related Activity.
- Select the activity you want to link to from the list of options that is displayed, and then click Save.
What to do next
A related activity entry is created. When a member who has access to the other activity expands the related activity entry, and then clicks the related activity link, the related activity opens.
Exiting an activity
If you are looking for a view in the navigation pane and don't see it, it might be that you are within an activity and are looking for an item that is only available from the navigation pane in the My Activities view. You have to exit the currently open activity to see the My Activities view.
The navigation pane changes to provide links that are relevant to the current page content. From within an activity, the navigation pane provides quick access to things that apply only to that activity, such as a list of your to-do items, or a list of the activity's sections. From the My Activities view, the navigation pane provides quick access to other views, such as Public Activities or Prioritized Activities.
To exit an activity, click the Activities tab. This action returns you to the My Activities view.
Copy an activity
Do you see an activity that someone created that you would like to reuse? If the owners of the activity did not create a template for it to enable others to reuse it, you can make a copy of it. You can also copy one of your own activities if you want to reuse it, but do not plan to reuse it enough times to warrant the creation of a template.
Any member of an activity can copy it. When you copy the activity, you are added to the new activity as the owner. No other members are added to it initially.
To copy an activity:
- Open the activity to copy.
- From the title bar, click More Actions, and then select Copy Activity.
- In the new activity form, add new values or change the values of any of the fields to update.
- Click Save
Print from an activity
You can print the content of an activity as you would any web page. Print from an activity prints the current page only.
To print an activity:
- Optional: If you are printing an activity, expand any collapsed sections, click the Expand All icon next to Display to expand any collapsed entries, and if an entry has a long description that is not displayed, click more to display it in full.
- Print the view or activity by selecting File > Print from the web browser menu.
Organizing your activities
Organize your activities so that you can quickly access the activities that you want and find information easily.
Prioritizing activities
Prioritizing activities makes it easier for you to find the activities that are most important to you.
All activities are given a Normal priority level by default. You can change the priority level of an activity after you have determined how useful it is to you.
The priority level that you assign to an activity is visible only to you; it does not affect the priority that another member of the activity might assign to it.
Activities that you have prioritized as High or Medium are displayed in a compact list that you can access by expanding Prioritized Activities in the navigation pane of the My Activities view.
Prioritized Activities is not displayed in the navigation pane from within an activity; you must exit the activity first. Click the Activities tab to exit the current activity and return to the My Activities view.
To prioritize an activity, complete one of the following steps:
- From the My Activities view, find the activity that you want to prioritize. Click More to expand the activity description, click Prioritize, and then choose a priority level.
- From within an activity, click Activity Actions from the activity title bar, and then choose a priority level.
These are the priority level options:
- High Priority
Indicates that this activity is important.
- Medium Priority
Indicates that this activity has a higher priority than a normal activity.
- Normal Priority (Default)
Indicates that this activity has a normal priority.
- Mark as Tuned Out
Moves the activity to the Tuned Out Activities view.
Tuning out an activity that does not interest you
You can tune out of an activity that you are not interested in to remove it from the My Activities view. If the activity subsequently becomes more useful, you can tune back into it. Tune out of activities to restrict the activities displayed in your My Activities view to only those activities that you are most interested in. After you tune out of an activity, you remain a member of the activity and can still access its content by switching to the Tuned Out Activities view. Other members of the activity can still send you notifications about entries in the activity.
To tune out of an activity, complete one of the following steps:
- From the My Activities view, find the activity that you want to tune out of, click More > Prioritize > Mark as Tuned Out.
- From within an activity, click Activity Actions in the title bar, and then select Mark as Tuned Out.
What to do next
To tune back into an activity, open the Tuned Out Activities view from the navigation pane of the My Activities view. Click More > Prioritize for the activity that you want to tune back into, and then select the appropriate priority level.
Marking an activity complete
Mark an activity complete after its goal has been achieved. This action does not delete the activity; the completed activity continues to be available from the Completed view. After you mark an activity complete, members no longer see it listed among their activities.
You must be an owner of an activity to mark the activity complete. To mark an activity complete, perform the following steps:
Do one of the following:
- From the My Activities view, find the activity that you want to mark complete in the list of activities, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Mark Complete.
- From within the activity to mark complete, click Mark Activity Complete in the title bar.
Completed activities are listed in the Completed view.
What to do next
To restore a completed activity, perform the following steps:
- Open the Completed view.
There are two Completed views: one contains only completed private activities of which you were a member and the other contains only completed public views.
- Find the activity, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Restore.
Only an owner of a completed activity can restore it. If you are not an owner, you will not see the Restore link.
By default, activities that are not active after 90 days are marked complete automatically. A notification is sent to the activity owners before this event occurs to let them know that the activity will be marked complete if they do not use it. The inactivity period of 90 days is a value that the administrator can change.
Delete an activity
You can delete an activity to move it to the Trash view.
Only delete an activity if you do not want to retain any of the information in the activity. You must be an owner of an activity to delete it.
To delete an activity:
- Do one of the following:
- From the My Activities view, find the activity that you want to delete in the list of activities, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Delete.
Only an owner of an activity can delete it. If you are not an owner, you will not see the Delete link.
- From within the activity to delete, click Activity Actions in the title bar, and then select Delete Activity.
Only an owner of an activity can delete it. If you are not an owner, the Delete Activity menu option is not enabled.
- Click OK to confirm that you want to move the activity to the Trash view.
What to do next
You can restore activities from the Trash view, but only until the trash is emptied. Your administrator determines the frequency with which the trash is emptied.
You can restore activities from the view until the trash is emptied, which is 90 days by default. To restore a deleted activity, complete the following steps:
- From the navigation pane of the My Activities view, click Trash to open the Trash view.
From within an activity, click the Activities tab to exit the current activity and return to the My Activities view.
There are two Trash views that temporarily store deleted activities: one contains only private activities of which you were a member and the other contains only public activities.
- Find the activity, click More to expand the activity description, and then click Restore.
Only an owner of a deleted activity can restore it. If you are not an owner, you will not see the Restore link.
Work with activity templates
Reuse the style or content of an activity by creating an activity template.
What is an activity template?
An activity template is a prototype of an activity.
You can use an activity template to capture the required steps, contacts, resources, and tools used to complete a common process. After you create the template, you can create multiple activities from it for each project that you begin that uses the process.
For example, if you are working on a patent, you can create a template for the patent application process. Add a to-do list to the template that captures the steps required to complete the process. Add files and web links to link to the tools and resources that you use to perform the steps. Assign tags to the template that define its purpose. If you are creating a standard activity template, you can add the key people who understand the process as members so that you can later include them in the project workflow. If you are creating a community activity, make sure the key people are members of the community. After you create the template, you can create an activity from that template for each idea or product to patent.
Use a template limits the amount of work you have to do each time you begin a new project, because the activity you start with already includes most of the correct members, has links to the necessary information, outlines the required steps complete in the To Do Items view, and has appropriate tags associated with it. If you are a project manager, you can create a template and share it with your team to help organize the project.
You can create a template in one of the following ways:
- From scratch. An experienced team member can collect the approved resources and itemize the to-do items required to complete a process and make it available to the team or to a set of customers.
You cannot create a community activity template from scratch.
- From an existing activity. A team can capture in an activity the resources that they had to use and the to-do items that they had to complete during the process of completing a task. After the information is organically collected in an activity, you can formalize the process by creating a template from that activity.
Create an activity template from scratch
Create an activity template to help yourself and other members of your team to organize the steps and resources involved in completing a common task.
When you create a template from scratch, you are identifying key parts of a process. To create a useful template, you should be familiar with the process or consult with someone who has experience with the process and knows what bookmarks, IBM Lotus Notes DBs, document files, spreadsheets, and presentations are needed by someone who is attempting to complete the process. The template creator should also know the tasks required and the best order in which those tasks should be performed.
You cannot use this procedure to create a community activity template. To create a template from scratch, complete the following steps:
- Click the Activity Templates tab.
- Click Create a Template.
- Complete the following fields. None of the fields are required.
- Name
- Type a title for the template. If you do not provide a title, it is named Untitled by default.
- Tags
- Type one or more keywords that should be associated with activities that are created from this template. When someone creates an activity based on this template, the tags you define here are assigned to the resulting activity. Separate multiple tags with commas.
- About this template
- Type a description of the template. Describe why someone would want to use it.
- Add members to the template.
- Select Person, Group, or Community from the Members drop-down list.
- If you want to add a member to a role other than the default role of Author, click the down-arrow next to the Author field, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content and add entries.
- Owner
- Can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
As the creator of the activity, you are automatically added as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Begin typing the name of the community or the name or email address of the person you want to add into the text field. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking Find Groups. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups
If the product is configured to hide email addresses, then no matches are returned when you type an email address into the field; type person's name instead.
The group feature is available upon request. Contact your administrator for information.
- To add a person, group or community to a role other than the default role of author, click the Author field arrow, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content, add entries, and edit own entries.
- Owner
- Can add content and can view and edit all entries. As the activity creator, you are automatically added to it as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to viewing content only.
- Repeat the previous two steps to add additional members.
- Click Save to create the template.
- Seed the template with entries. Add entries to guide users of the template through the process that you designed it for.
What to do next
The template is now ready for use. Be the first to put it to the test by creating an activity from the template.
Create a template from an activity to reuse resources
If you and your team used an activity to complete a process and that activity proved useful, because it captured the steps that you needed to complete and gathered together all the resources that you needed, you can use that activity as the starting point for a template. To create a template from an activity, complete the following steps:
- Open the activity to use as the starting point for the template.
- Click Activity Actions, and then select Copy As New Template.
- Edit the following fields. By default, they contain information that pertains to the activity that you are using to create the template.
- Name
- Edit the name of the template. The default value is the activity name. Choose a name that is generic enough that it can be used in different situations. For example, if the name of the activity is Acme sales engagement, change the template name to Sales engagement.
- Tags
- Edit the keywords associated with the activity; delete tags that are too specific to the current activity to be included in the template, or add new keywords. Separate multiple tags with commas.
- About this template
- Edit the description to include information about how the template is meant to be used.
- Starting page
- Specify which view to display by default when the activity is created. Choose one of the following views:
- Activity Outline
- Recent Updates
- To Do Items
- Add members to the template.
- Select Person, Group, or Community from the Members drop-down list.
- If you want to add a member to a role other than the default role of Author, click the down-arrow next to the Author field, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content and add entries.
- Owner
- Can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
As the creator of the activity, you are automatically added as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Begin typing the name of the community or the name or email address of the person you want to add into the text field. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking Find Groups. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups
If the product is configured to hide email addresses, then no matches are returned when you type an email address into the field; type person's name instead.
The group feature is available upon request. Contact your administrator for information.
- To add a person, group or community to a role other than the default role of author, click the Author field arrow, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content, add entries, and edit own entries.
- Owner
- Can add content and can view and edit all entries. As the activity creator, you are automatically added to it as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to viewing content only.
- Click Save.
- Review each of the entries in the template and remove any entries that are not applicable to the process in general. For example, you might have created a message entry with your home number on it so your teammates could reach you in the case of an emergency. This entry is one that you would want to remove from the template to avoid publishing your home number to the entire organization.
- Enhance the template by adding entries. Add standard entries and to-do items to cover pertinent information that might have been missing from the existing activity.
What to do next
The template is now ready for use. Be the first to put it to the test by creating an activity from the template.
Edit activity templates
Edit an activity template to make changes to it after you create it.
Edit a template has no effect on any of the activities that you created using the template. To edit a template:
- Click the Activity Templates tab to open the list of templates.
- Find the template to edit, click More to expand it, and then click Edit.
If the template is already open, from the title bar, select Template Actions > Edit Template.
Only the owners of a template can edit it. If you are not an owner, you cannot see the Edit link, and the Edit Template menu option is not enabled.
- Make the changes that you want, and then click Save.
Marking activity templates as favorites for easy access
You can rank the available activity templates by marking those you like best as favorites. Doing so adds the templates to the Favorite Templates view available from the navigation pane of the Activity Templates tab and enables you to quickly access the templates that you find to be most useful.
Anyone with access to an activity template can mark it as a favorite. To mark an activity template as a favorite, complete the following steps:
- Click the Activity Templates tab to open the list of templates.
- Find the template, click More to expand it, and then click Mark as Favorite Template.
What to do next
To remove a template from the Favorite Templates view, open the Favorite Templates view, find the template in the list, click More to expand it, and then select Mark as Normal Template.
Delete activity templates
Delete activity templates that you do not want people to use or that are outdated.
Only an owner of an activity template can delete it. Deleting a template has no effect on any of the activities that you created from the template. To delete an activity template:
- Click the Activity Templates tab to open the list of templates.
- Find the template you want to delete, click More to expand it, and then click Delete.
If the template is already open, from the title bar, select Template Actions > Delete Template.
Only the owners of a template can delete it. If you are not an owner, you will not see the Delete link nor the Delete Template menu option.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion.
What to do next
To restore a deleted template, click Template Trash from the navigation pane of the Activity Templates tab, find the template, click More to expand its description, and then click Restore.Only the owners of a deleted template can restore it. If you are not an owner, you will not see the Restore link.
Create an activity from a template
Create an activity from a template when there is a template available that was designed for the goal to accomplish. A template can get you and your team started on a project more quickly and effectively.
You cannot use this procedure to create a community activity. For information about creating a community activity from a template, see Creating a community activity in the Communities Help. To create an activity from a template, complete the following steps:
- Click the Activity Templates tab to see a list of the available templates. Click More after a template title to read its description.
- After you find a template to use, open it if it is not already open, and then click Start an Activity from this Template.
- Add values or change the values of any activity fields to change.
- From the Starting page field, choose which view to display by default when the activity is opened.
- Add members to the activity.
- Select Person, Group, or Community from the Members drop-down list.
- If you want to add a member to a role other than the default role of Author, click the down-arrow next to the Author field, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content and add entries.
- Owner
- Can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
As the creator of the activity, you are automatically added as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Begin typing the name of the community or the name or email address of the person you want to add into the text field. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking Find Groups. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups
If the product is configured to hide email addresses, then no matches are returned when you type an email address into the field; type person's name instead.
The group feature is available upon request. Contact your administrator for information.
- To add a person, group, or community to a role other than the default role of author, click the Author field arrow, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content, add entries, and edit own entries.
- Owner
- Can add content and can view and edit all entries. As the activity creator, you are automatically added to it as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to viewing content only.
- Click Save to create the activity.
Membership roles
The membership list of an activity determines who can access the activity and what changes they can make.
You manage the membership differently depending on whether it is a standard or community activity and whether it is public or private.
Standard activity
A standard activity is an activity that you create from the Activities application.
- Private
You must be a member of a private activity to see the activity, its entries, and its membership list. By default, new activities are private. Only those members that you add to the activity can access it.
Typically, you add members to a standard activity when you create it. However, you and the other members of the activity can continue to add new members after the activity is started. You can add both individual members, groups and communities.
When you add a member to a standard activity, you assign the member to a specific role. Members can belong to one of these roles:
- Reader
- Can view content and members and notify other members about entries, but cannot add or modify content or members.
- Author
- Can view and post entries; add, change, and remove tags for the activity and its entries; view and add and remove members with author or reader roles.
- Owner
- Can add, modify, and delete any of the content or members of an activity and the activity itself.
You cannot modify the role of a member that is a community. To change the member role of a community, you must remove the community from the membership, and then readd the community as a member in the new role.
The person who creates the activity is automatically assigned to the owner role. A person who is added to the membership list both as an individual and as part of a group always receives the access rights associated with the individual membership entry. For example, if Mary was added by name to the reader role of an activity, and also added as part of a group to the author role, Mary is granted reader-level access to the activity.
However, if a person is a member of two groups that are added as members and each of the groups has a different member role, the person receives the membership rights of the group with the higher level of access. For example, if Group A is added to the author role of an activity and Group B is added to the reader role, and John is a member of both groups, then John is given author access to the activity.
- Public
Public activities can be accessed by anyone who has access to the Activities server.
To make an activity public, create the activity, expand the Members list, and then under Access click (Change) next to the currently selected access level to select a different level. The default access level is private.
This option is not available from a community activity.
Community activity
A community activity is an activity that you create from the Communities application. The public status and membership list of a community activity is the same as the community to which it belongs.
- Private
If the community is private, all its associated activities are private. In addition, the membership list of a private community activity is defined by the membership list of the community to which it belongs; you cannot change the members list of a community activity from the Activities application.
- Public
If the community is public or moderated, all its associated activities are public. Initially, users have read-only access to the activity. If they join or are added to the associated community, their access is changed to allow them to author content in the activity as well.
Add members to a standard activity
To give a person access to a standard activity, you can add the person as a member. You must be an author or an owner of an activity to add members. An author can add readers and other authors. An owner can add members in any role.
You can add multiple people at once if the people are members of a group that exists in the company directory or if they are members of a community. If no existing group or community is applicable and there are too many people to add them each one-by-one, then contact your administrator. Administrators can grant a set of people access to an activity using wsadmin commands. Be sure to tell the administrator the web address of the activity and the email addresses of the people to have added to it. If the product is configured to hide email addresses, provide the login names of each person instead.
If you add a person who is already a member of the activity, the new membership entry overwrites the original entry. To add a member to an activity, complete the following steps:
- From the My Activities view, open an activity.
- Click Members from the navigation pane to open the Members view.
- Click Add Members.
- Select Person, Group, or Community from the Members drop-down list.
- If you want to add a member to a role other than the default role of Author, click the down-arrow next to the Author field, and then select Owner or Reader. The access level options are defined as follows:
- Author
- Can view content and add entries.
- Owner
- Can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
As the creator of the activity, you are automatically added as an owner.
- Reader
- Cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Begin typing the name of the community or the name or email address of the person you want to add into the text field. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking Find Groups. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups
If the product is configured to hide email addresses, then no matches are returned when you type an email address into the field; type person's name instead. As you type, a list of matching names is displayed. Click a name in the list to add that person or community. If the person you want to add is not listed, search the directory for her.
- Repeat this step to add additional members.
- When you are finished adding members to the activity, click Save.
The server sends an email message or sends a notification to the Updates tab of the Home page application to each new member, notifying them about the activity.
Change member roles in a community activity
Owners can change the level of access that community members have to a community activity by changing their associated roles.
There are two types of community activities - implicit and explicit. In an implicit community activity all the members of the community are added as Authors to the community activity by default. In an explicit community activity you can select which members of the community have access to the community activity. The selected members can have Owner, Author or Reader access. If you select three members, they can all have the same access or they can each have a different access level.
To change an explicit activity into an implicit community activity, follow these steps:
- From the My Activities view, open a community activity.
- Click Members. Be sure that you click the Members link for theActivity Outline and not the link in the community card section.
- Click Add Members.
- Select Allow all members of this community access in the activity as Author., and then change the role to one of the following options:
- Owner
- Expands the access of the selected people. Owners can add content, view and edit all entries, and manage the membership of the activity.
- Reader
- Limits the access of the selected people. Readers cannot contribute to an activity; access is restricted to only viewing content.
- Select the check box for each person for whom you want to apply the role.
- Click Save.
Work with tags in Activities
A tag is a descriptive term that you assign to an activity or activity entry. You can assign tags to your activities and activity entries to organize them by subject, to make them easier to find, and to share content with other members. You and other members of an activity can search by tag to find related activities or to identify people with similar interests or a particular expertise.
You can assign tags to an activity or entry when you first create it or you can edit the tags later by editing the activity or entry. Owners can assign tags to an activity and any of its entries; owners can also edit and delete all tags. Authors can assign tags to their own entries only, and can later edit them; they cannot edit or delete activity-level tags.
A tag can be a single word only and cannot contain any spaces. It can contain characters such as an underscore (_) or at sign (@). For example, you can use follow_up, follow-up, and followup as tags, but not follow up. The letters comprising a tag are saved as all lowercase letters. If you add a tag that contains uppercase letters, they are converted to lowercase when the tag is added to the entry or activity. For example, if you specify followUp, the tag is saved as followup. A single tag can contain up to 128 single-byte characters. One byte is the equivalent of one Extended ASCII character. The number of bytes per character varies between languages.
A tag assigned to a public activity is available to everyone from the tag collection displayed for the Public Activities view. A tag assigned to a private activity is available to the members of that activity only and is displayed in the tag collection displayed for each member's My Activities view. Tags assigned to activity entries are displayed in the tag collection displayed within the activity. Tags assigned to private entries are not displayed in the collection.
You can choose how the tags in a tag collection are displayed . either in a list or in a cloud. A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags first. A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text.
The tag list displays the 10 most popular tags only. The tag cloud displays a larger set of the most popular tags, but is limited in the number of tags it can display. If you are looking for a tag that is not displayed in the collection, search for it by clicking Find a tag, entering the tag name in the search field, and then clicking the search icon.
To find an activity or entry by tag, click a tag from the tag collection. This limits the number of activities or entries that are displayed to include only those that have the selected tag associated with them. To narrow down the list even further, click another tag. This action filters the list of activities or entries that are displayed to include only those that have both tags associated with them.
Edit activity tags
You can edit the tags of an activity or an activity entry to modify them. You can also add and remove tags.
You can assign tags to an activity or entry when you first create it or you can edit the tags later by editing the activity or entry. Owners can assign tags to an activity and any of its entries; owners can also edit and delete all tags. Authors can assign tags to their own entries only, and can later edit them; they cannot edit or delete activity-level tags. Readers cannot edit tags. You might want to edit a tag to make it more consistent with other tags. For example, if you use the tag report for some entries in an activity, but you use the plural form, reports for other entries in the activity, you might want to remove the s from the second variation so that all of your tags are consistent.
- Do one of the following:
- To edit tags associated with an activity, from the Activities tab, click More, and then click Edit.
- To edit the tags associated with an entry, open the activity that contains the entry, click the entry title to expand it, and then click Edit.
Only an owner of the activity can edit the activity. Only an owner of the activity or the person who created the entry can edit an entry.
- Edit the tags listed in the Tags field. Type a comma between multiple tags. To delete a tag, remove it from the field.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Filter activities and entries by tag
To find a group of activities related to the same idea, project, industry, or other categorization, filter your activities by tag. You can filter the entries in a single activity by tag as well. Tagging entries and activities allows you to create virtual folders that you can later navigate. All of the tags in your activities, those created by you and by others, are displayed in a tag collection. You can choose to display the tags in the collection as a cloud or a list. The tag cloud displays the more frequently used tag terms in bold face, large font. The tag list displays the most frequently used tag terms first in the list.
Tag browsing not only helps you find the information that you tagged; it also lets you discover similarly tagged information contributed by other activity members. After you learn which members have contributed information in your area of interest, you can browse by person to discover what other information these people have posted.
Both the tag cloud and tag list display a set of the most popular tags only. The tag list displays the 10 most popular tags. The tag cloud displays up to 50 tags.
Do one of the following:
- To find the activities that are categorized with a tag, from the My Activities view, expand Tags in the navigation pane, and then click the tag.
- To find the entries in a single activity that use a tag, open the activity, expand Tags, and then click a tag.
Both from an activity view and from within a single activity, you can search for a specific tag. Click Find a tag, enter the tag name in the search field, and then click the search icon. You might want to do this if, for example, you are using a tag list or the tag cloud is so large that only a subset of the tags are displayed in it, and the tag you are interested in is not one of them.
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- Create a public blog that everyone in your organization can read.
- Read or contribute to someone else's blog.
- Create a private blog for a community of users.
Click topics in the table of contents to get help with other tasks.What are blogs?
Blogs are online journals that you can use to share information within an organization in an efficient, dynamic style. In a business setting, blogs are a great tool for delivering timely information with a personal touch.
Blogs are a flexible medium for communicating within an organization. Use a blog to let employees know about a new product. Or use a blog to inform colleagues about topics that range from experiences at a trade show to tips on using new technology. Blogs are a fast, effective way to share your news and views.
A blog can have a single author or allow for multiple contributors. Invite others to provide feedback comments on what you post. Blogs give you the tools to collect and share information.
You can quickly access your blog from the My Blogs page. From the Public Blogs page you can browse for blogs, read recent entries, see what others are viewing or liking, and even start your own blog. You can customize the way information is presented by sorting the display on the page. For example, you can sort either the list of blogs or the list of blog entries by date, title, likes/votes, comments, or visits. Click a blog title to view a blog or click an entry title to view an entry. Sort, browse, view, and post . get involved with blogs!
What's new in blogs?
This release contains some features designed to make blogs easier for you to use to share your news and views.
User interface improvements make it easier for you to go directly to your blogs.
Create a blog
Create your own blog to share your ideas with your colleagues. As the blog owner, you control how the blog is displayed and how users interact with it.
- From the Public Blogs or My Blogs page, click Start a Blog.
- If you have not already logged in, enter your user name and password. Consult your administrator for help with login credentials.
- Fill in the fields that describe your blog. There is a description of each field on the form.
- Click Save to create your blog. Your blog is now available on your My Blogs page. To make it available for others to see, add an initial entry. Click the title of your new blog to open it and add an entry.
- Click New Entry to create an entry and do the following:
- Enter a title for the entry.
- Optional: Enter tags that categorize the entry. Tags must be entered as single words, separated by commas or spaces.
- Enter the main text for the entry.
- Click Post to post this entry to your blog.
Your blog entry is now available on the Public Blogs page.
What to do next
If this blog is the one you will post to most frequently, you can designate it as your primary blog by clicking Set as Primary Blog under the blog title on the My Blogs page. If you have more than one blog, your primary blog is the one users will be directed to if they view your business card and click the Blogs link. If you do not designate a blog as your primary blog, users will be directed to the most recent blog you created.
Create a community blog
Use a blog to enhance your community with a way to ask a question, brainstorm, or simply share your ideas.
If you have IBM Connections Communities installed and you are a community owner, you can create a blog for the use of the community members. Each community can have only one blog. The way you can view and access a community blog depends on the type of community, as follows:
- If your community is restricted, the blog will also be restricted and for the exclusive use of community members. It will not display on the Public Blogs page, but it will appear on your My Blogs page.
- If your community is public, the blog will also be public. In this case, the blog will display on the Public Blogs page as well as your My Blogs page.
- If your community is a moderated community, which is a public community that users must ask to join, the blog will be public, and will display on the Public Blogs page as well as your My Blogs page.
In all of these cases, comment moderation for the blog is disabled by default unless it is configured by the blog owner or an administrator. To turn on comment moderation, so that you or an approved reviewer reads and approves comments before they are posted to the blog, click the Sets link for your blog and enable the Moderate comments option.
To create a community blog:
- From your community's overview page, click Community Actions > Customize and select Blog. The community blog is created and displays on the community's overview page.
- Choose Create Your First Entry to create the first blog entry.
- Return to your community. The new entry displays in the blog section.
What to do next
From the community, you can:
- Click New Entry to create a blog entry.
- Click Sets to change blog settings such as the title, description, tags, timezone, member access, and whether the comments should be moderated.
The community blog you create also displays on your My Blogs page. You can edit all settings for the blog except for membership from that page as well as from the community.
Who can see my blog? Creating public and restricted blogs
Where your blog displays and how users interact with it depends on whether it is public or restricted. Restricted blogs are created from the Communities application. In order to create a community blog, you must have the Communities application deployed for IBM Connections.
The following are the various ways users and owners can access blogs:
- A blog you create from the My Blogs or Public Blogs page is a public blog. It is displayed on the Public Blogs page and is available for all to read.
- A blog you create for a public community is a public blog. In addition to being available to people who join or visit the community page, the blog displays on the Public Blogs page and is available for all to read.
- A blog you create for a restricted community is available only to the community members. Neither the community blog nor any of its entries will be available from the Public Blogs page, but you can view and manage the blog and its entries from the My Blogs page.
- If you create a blog for a restricted community, but then change the community to a public community, the blog will then display on the Public Blogs page and will be available for all to read.
- A blog created for a moderated community is a public blog. It is displayed on the Public Blogs page and is available for all to read. A moderated community is a public community, but users must ask to join.
In all of these cases, comment moderation for the blog is disabled by default unless it is configured by the blog owner or an administrator. To turn on comment moderation, so that you or an approved reviewer reads and approves comments before they are posted to the blog, access the settings for your blog and enable the Moderate comments option.
What is an Ideation Blog?
Use an Ideation Blog to generate ideas and gather feedback on ideas within a community.
An Ideation Blog is a type of blog specifically designed to generate ideas on a particular topic and then collect feedback to get consensus on the best ideas. An Ideation Blog can only exist within a community and membership is limited to the community, but you can manage the settings for an Ideation Blog from your My Blogs page. As the owner of an Ideation Blog you can:
- Allow your members to contribute ideas
- Encourage participants to vote for their favorite ideas
- Graduate ideas that your community wants to promote
- Freeze the Ideation Blog so that no more ideas, votes, or comments are accepted
- Unfreeze an Ideation Blog so it can accept ideas, comments and votes
- Manage the settings for the Ideation Blog
Use an Ideation Blog
Create an Ideation Blog so your community can contribute and vote on ideas.
- From your community's overview page, choose Community Actions > Customize.
- Select Ideation Blog.
- Click Create Your First Idea to add an idea to the blog.
- Click Vote to vote for an idea you support. If you change your mind about an idea you voted for, click Voted to cancel your vote.
The number of votes each participant can cast is configurable from the Sets page for the blog. Participants can cast unlimited votes or be limited to a specified number. Status messages track the number of votes used and the number of votes available.
- Click Add a Comment to comment on an idea.
- When you decide that an idea has enough support from the community, click Graduate. You have the option to create an activity to further develop the idea. If you change your mind about a graduated idea, open the idea and select Cancel Graduation.
- To review activity in the Ideation Blog, choose one of the following views from the navigation pane:
- All Ideas shows all ideas that have been contributed to the Ideation Blog, including graduated ideas.
- Graduated Ideas to view ideas you have graduated.
- My Votes shows the ideas you have voted for.
What to do next
To search for an idea or a comment in an Ideation Blog, choose one of the following search scopes in the search bar:
- This Ideation Blog to search for a string in the Ideation Blog that is currently open.
- Public Ideation blogs to search for a string in an Ideation Blog in public communities.
- Public Ideas to search for a string in an idea in public communities.
- My Ideas to search for a string in ideas you have contributed.
- This Ideation Blog's Comments to search for a string in the comments in the Ideation Blog that is currently open.
Manage an Ideation Blog
Manage your Ideation Blog to effectively control idea creation and voting.
An Ideation Blog must be created within a community. Membership is restricted to the community membership. You must be an owner of an Ideation Blog to manage it.
- To freeze the creation of new ideas for the Ideation Blog, click Ideation Blog Actions > Stop Idea Creation. Users will no longer be allowed to contribute ideas but they can still vote for and comment on existing ideas in the blog.
- To completely freeze the Ideation Blog, click Ideation Blog Actions > Freeze Ideation Blog. Users will not be able to contribute new ideas or vote for or comment on existing ideas.
- To manage settings for the Ideation Blog, click Ideation Blog Actions > Manage Ideation Blog. In addition to managing the settings that are common for all blogs, you can also control voting:
- Choose Unlimited voting to allow members to vote as many times as they like.
- Choose Set a voting limit to restrict the number of votes each member can cast to the number you specify.
What are tags and how do I use them?
Tags let you assign keywords to your blog entries that are meaningful to you. Tags provide a useful way to categorize your blog or blog entries and search for blogs or blog entries that are of interest to you. Use the tag cloud to view all tags assigned to blog entries in the list, to determine the popularity of a tag, and to access blog entries associated with a tag.
Tags provide a means of classifying and retrieving content in a way that is meaningful to you. Tags are single words, or multiple words connected with hyphens or underscores. For example, social-bookmarking, status_reports, and payroll are all valid tags.
You can choose how the tags in a tag collection are displayed . either in a list or in a cloud. A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags at the beginning. A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text. The tag list displays the ten most popular tags only. The tag cloud displays a larger set of the most popular tags, but is limited in the number of tags it can display.
If you are looking for a tag that is not displayed in the collection, search for it by clicking Find a Tag, entering the tag name in the search field, and then clicking the search icon. To find a blog or entry by tag, click a tag from the tag collection. This limits the number of blogs or entries that are displayed to include only those that have the selected tag associated with them. To narrow down the list even further, click another tag. This action filters the list of activities or entries that are displayed to include only those that have both tags associated with them. You can view tags in a list or in a cloud. Click List or Cloud at the end of the tag area to switch the display. When you view a tag cloud, note that tags are presented in various sizes and colors. The most popular tags are darker and larger than other tags. The slider controls whether all tags display in the cloud or just the more frequently used tags.
Create a blog entry
You can contribute to any blog for which you have owner, author, or draft permission. The autosave feature lets you resume work on entries in progress. The permission you are granted by the blog owner controls whether you can post an entry directly to the blog or whether you can create a draft entry that must be approved by the owner before it gets posted. The permissions are as follows:
- Owner permission allows user to post entries, manage the blog and its users
- Author permission allows user to post entries, but not to manage the blog
- Draft permission allows user to save draft entries only
As you create or edit an entry, your work is automatically saved every 15 minutes, unless the site administrator changes the interval. If you leave an entry in an unsaved state when you log out of Blogs, the next time you log in, a notification reminds you that you have an unsaved entry. From that notification message you can click Edit to open the entry and resume work on it, or Discard to delete the entry.
- Open the blog to contribute to, and click New Entry or click the New Entry button on the Public Blogs page.
- Enter a title for your entry.
- Enter the text for your entry.
- Optional: Enter tags for your entry. Tags are keywords that you can assign to describe the content in your entry. Tags make searching for content easier for blog readers. Note that tags must be entered as single words, or multiple words connected with hyphens or underscores. For example, social-bookmarking, status_reports, and payroll would all be valid tags.
- Click Advanced Sets to control these settings:
- Allow characters to be converted into emoticons.
- Delay posting an entry to a blog until a time and date that you specify.
- Limit the number of days for posting comments for the entry.
- Specify a custom URL. that is, you can enter some text that replaces the entry title in the URL that points to this entry.
- To include an external media link, such as a video, in a feed that includes this entry, enter the URL in the External media URL field. For example, When this entry is posted and viewed from a feed reader, the media will be available in the entry.
- Click Post to publish your entry to the blog or Preview to review your entry before posting. If you have Draft permission, your options will be Submit for Review and Save as Draft instead of Post. If the blog is moderated, which means that content must be reviewed and approved before it is published in the blog, your post will not appear in the blog until a moderator approves it.
Add an image to a blog posting
Enhance your blog postings with image files. You can add images from your local file system, from files you have already uploaded, or from web pages to enhance your blog entries.
- Create or edit a blog entry.
- Insert your cursor in the Entry field
...where you want the image to appear.
- Click the Insert Image icon in the editor toolbar.
- Do one of the following:
- Browse for a file name to add an image file from your local file system.
- Select from a recent photo you uploaded.
- Enter a URL for an image file on a web page.
- Choose layout options to size and position the image.
- Click Insert to add the image to the blog posting.
- Preview your posting or post it to the blog to see the image.
Add a video to your blog posting
You can include a video in a blog posting to make it available to readers. To add a link to a video or demo to a blog posting you can link directly to a Flash demo if you have the URL for the video file. A Flash demo usually has a *.swf file extension. If you are linking to an embedded video, such as a video in a YouTube page, you must copy the information for embedding the video and paste it into the HTML page of the rich text editor.
- Create a blog entry.
- To insert a Flash video, do the following:
- Click the Insert Flash Movie icon
on the toolbar of the rich text editor.
- Enter the URL for the Flash demo.
- Optional: (Optional) Override the default display settings by entering values in pixels for the width and height, as well as how much vertical space to display above and below the video.
- Optional: (Optional) Use the Preview area to see how the video will appear in the blog entry.
- To embed a video, such as video from a YouTube page, do the following:
- Copy the <embed> object information for the video you want to use and paste it into the editor.
Many video sharing websites now provide iframe code for videos by default. It is usually still possible to get the old embed code although, for example on YouTube, you can do this by checking the Use old embed code option. Both iframes and old embed code can be pasted directly into the rich text editor. To embed a video from YouTube, click Share > Embed Copy the contents of the textfield and paste it directly into the editor without switching to source view. The rich text editor automatically detects that this is an iframe and will insert an iframe object in the editor. If the old embed code is used instead, the editor will automatically detect that this is a flash video and a flash object will be inserted in the editor. Once the page is saved, the video contents can be viewed within the page.
If you are inserting an example of the video markup, it is important that you paste it directly as it appears in the video sharing website. Do not add any newlines, spacing, and so on; otherwise the automatic detection feature in the editor might not get triggered. Examples of video markup that will be automatically detected are:
<iframe height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Or:<object height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>If you try to paste video content into the rich text editor and it is not automatically converted into a flash video or iframe, try pasting the video sample into Notepad or some other plain text editor, and then copy it from there into the rich text editor. All samples pasted directly from the Share feature in YouTube, Vimeo, and such will work as is.
- Optional: Add any other text you want to display in the entry.
- Save the entry.
What to do next
When users view this post they can view the Flash demo or the embedded video.
Edit or deleting an entry
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can edit an entry to change the content or status, or to delete it from the blog.
If you have Author permission, you can edit entries you have created. If you have Owner permission, you can edit any entry in the blog.
To edit or remove an entry, click Entries from the Sets page to view the entries for your blog and do one of the following:
- Click Edit to edit an entry.
- Select one or more entries and click Delete to permanently remove the entries from the blog.
As you create or edit an entry, your work is automatically saved every 15 minutes, unless the site administrator changes the interval. If you leave an entry in an unsaved state when you log out of Blogs, the next time you log in, a notification reminds you that you have an unsaved entry. From that notification message you can click Edit to open the entry and resume work on it, or Discard to delete the entry.
Use third-party blog editors to create entries for your blog
You can set up your blog so that you can use a third-party editing tool to create blog entries.
To use this application, you must already have a blog with at least one entry. You must also have access to a third-party blog editing tool, such as w.bloggar or ScribeFire. The steps describe how to set up your blog to use ScribeFire, a plug-in for Mozilla Firefox. The steps for enabling other editors as third-party editors are detailed in an article titled Use third-party editors to author blog entries on the IBM Connections wiki. Follow these steps to specify an alternate editor for creating blog entries. These steps assume you have already installed the ScribeFire plug-in and that you are using Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
- Click My Blogs to work with your blog.
- Click Sets to edit the settings for your blog.
- Enable the Enable Blogger and Metaweblog API for your blog setting.
- Click Update Blog Sets.
- Click on the Scribefire icon in the Firefox status bar or choose Scribefire from the Tools menu to launch ScribeFire.
- Launch the account wizard.
- Enter the URL for your blog.
- Select Metaweblog API in the system type field and enter the URL for your Blogs server in the Server API URL field. The URL should look like this: http://<hostname>/blogs/services/xmlrpc.
- Enter your IBM Connections user name and password.
Both user name and password are case-sensitive. If the login is successful, you see a list of your blogs.
- Select the blog or blogs you want to update with ScribeFire.
- Use ScribeFire to create a blog entry and post it to your blog.
Posting a comment
If a blog is set up to accept comments, you can respond to a blog entry with your own comments. Use a comment, rather than a new entry, when you want to respond to content in a particular blog entry. For example, you might add more information to a discussion or ask a question.
- Click the entry you want to respond to.
- If the blog is set up to accept comments click Add a Comment.
- Enter your comment in the text box.
- Optional: Click Preview to see how the comment will display in the blog.
- Optional: Select Add this as a new entry in my blog if you want to add this as an entry to your blog. If you have more than one blog, choose one from the list.
- Click Submit to publish the comment to the blog. Multiple comments for an entry are displayed in the reverse order in which they were created.
If the blog's comments are moderated, the comment will not display immediately. Someone must approve the comment before it displays. Otherwise, the comment displays after the entry.Add a bookmark from a web page
Add links to web pages to your blog with the click of a button. Use the IBM Connections bookmarking application to create a blog entry with the click of a button that includes a link to a web page. Include descriptive text to add some context for sharing the URL link with your readers. Follow these steps to use the bookmark application.
- If you haven't already installed the Add Bookmark browser button, click the Bookmark Tools link in the page footer and follow the instructions to install the button for your web browser.
- Visit the web page you want to bookmark for your blog and press the Add Bookmark button.
- Optional: Add a description and tags for the bookmark. Tags are keywords that make it easier for you to find a bookmark. Enter tags as single words, separated by commas.
- Click the Add to Blogs tab and select your blog.
- Optional: If you want to add any additional information that will appear in the entry with this bookmark, add it in the Additional description field.
- Click Save to add the bookmark to your blog. An entry is created in your blog with the URL link, plus the information from the description fields.
Notifying a user about a blog entry
Notify other blog users about an entry that you think might be of interest. If you want to let one or more blog readers know about an entry, send a notification.
- Click the More Actions > Notify Other People link at the end of an entry.
- Enter one or more names or email addresses.
- Add an optional message about why you are sending the notification.
- Click Send.
An email with a link to the blog entry is sent to the user or users specified. If the user you specified has no email address, the user does not receive an email. Notifications that you send are listed on the recipient's Notifications Received list and on your Notifications Sent list on the My Updates tab. The blog entry is also listed on the notifications list.Liking an entry
When you find an entry of particular interest, you can click an icon to show others that you like the entry. Liking an entry means that the entry will have more relative importance when the entries are sorted using the Likes/Votes option. You can keep track of entries that you like from your My Updates page. You can also like comments.
- Click the name of an entry that you like.
- Click the Like icon for an entry.
What to do next
A recommended entry is indicated with the Like icon along with a number that indicates the number of likes for the entry. You can click the icon to see who liked the entry. Entries that have received the most likes in the last 30 days display in a Most Liked area on the Public Blogs page. The entries that received most likes display first in the list when blog entries are sorted using the Likes/Votes option. You can also click My Likes/Votes to view entries that are of particular interest to you.Flagging an entry as inappropriate
If you encounter a blog entry that you consider inappropriate, you can flag the entry so that a reviewer can determine whether the entry should be removed from the blog. This feature must be enabled by your administrator.
Occasionally you might come across a blog entry with inappropriate or even illegal content. Any user can flag an entry as inappropriate. The blog owner or a designated reviewer is notified, reviews the entry, and then determines whether the entry should be removed or whether the flag should be dismissed.
This feature is disabled by default. The option to flag inappropriate content is only available if your administrator enables it for your organization.
What is considered inappropriate is determined by the community standards for your blog. It will differ according to the intention of the blog as well as according to corporate guidelines. For example, a blog with a wide audience might have very strict guidelines about disclosing information related to product development, while another might support sharing information about product direction. Most blogs discourage profanity or personal attacks. If the guidelines are not clear, you might consider posting what is appropriate and what is not, so users understand the guidelines. If you are not clear on guidelines, ask your Blogs administrator.
- Click the name of a blog entry to open it.
- Click More Actions > Flag as Inappropriate.
- There might be a list that lets you categorize the issue you are reporting. The list is set up by your administrator to reflect concerns in your organization, so it might include categories such as "Inappropriate business content" or "Security risk."
What to do next
The blog administrator or designated reviewer is notified that the entry has been flagged so that they can take appropriate action.
Related tasks
- Manage flagged content for a blog
Find a blog or blog entry
You can use various methods such as browsing or searching for finding a blog or blog entry to view.
The My Blogs page lists all of your blogs. Icons indicate whether a blog is a public blog, a public community blog, or a restricted community blog.
The Public Blogs page lists all of the blogs for your organization. Use one of these methods to find a blog or blog entry. In addition to searching or browsing for blogs or blog entries, you can also sort the views by sort criteria such as date, visits, or likes/votes.
Browse for a blog as follows:
- Click Public Blogs in the navigation pane and select Blogs Listing to see all of the blogs for your organization.
- Featured Blogs displays a sampling of blogs over the last two weeks.
- The Most Liked list displays blogs that contain entries with the most likes.
- The Most Voted list displays the ideation blogs that have had the most voting activity over the past two weeks.
- The Most Commented list displays the blogs with the most comments.
- The Most Visited list displays the blogs that have had the greatest number of hits over the past two weeks.
- Click a tag in the tag cloud to see blog entries associated with that tag, then click the blog name from the entry to open the blog.
- Search for a blog. You can change the search scope to search for blogs by name, description, or tags.
- Hover over the name of a person to open their business card, and then click Blogs to see a blog they own. If they have a default blog, clicking their name opens the default blog. If they don.t have a blog, clicking their name opens the most recently created blog that person belongs to.
Browse for a blog entry as follows:
- Click Latest Blog Entries on the Public Blogs page to see the most recent entries.
- Click a tag in the tag cloud to see all blog entries associated with a particular tag.
- Search for a blog entry. You can change the search scope to search for blog entries by author or tags.
- Click an entry from the Featured Blog Entries section of the Public Blogs page. Featured entries are a sampling of entries posted in the past two weeks.
- Click a blog entry someone has notified you about from your Notifications Received list on your My Updates page.
- The Most Liked list displays the blog entries that have received the most likes.
- The Most Voted list displays the ideation blog entries that have had the most voting activity over the past two weeks.
- The Most Commented list displays the blog entries with the most comments.
- The Most Visited list displays the blog entries that have had the greatest number of hits.
- Click the My Updates tab to see only entries you have authored.
- If you click a blog to view it, the Similar Blogs section shows blog entries that share common tags.
- If you are an owner or administrator, open a blog and view content by month in the Archive section.
Search for a blog or blog entry by entering a search term in the Search box and choosing the scope that best matches what you want to search.
Subscribe to feeds
Subscribe to a feed of IBM Connections data to get updates sent to your feed reader. Using feeds prevents you from having to go to each application or the home page to see a list of the latest updates. Instead, the feed reader monitors product areas that you indicate are of interest and automatically delivers any updates to you.
You must have a feed reader installed on your computer that supports Atom feeds. Atom is an XML-based file format that is used to syndicate web content, such as news headlines, blogs, or websites. Atom feeds perform the same function as rich site summary (RSS) feeds, but do so using an alternative method.
Subscribe to a feed simplifies the task of monitoring the activity taking place in IBM Connections because your feed reader automatically checks for and retrieves content updates for each feed.
Do not confuse this application with the Feeds application in the Communities application. The Feeds application in Communities functions as a mini feed reader; it enables community members to have updates from external websites published to the community page. See Working with feeds for more information.
- Go to the page with the content to subscribe to.
For example, filter the bookmarks list to display a set of bookmarks associated with a person, a tag, or with some other selection criteria.
- Find the Feed icon
. Click the feed link to subscribe to the currently displayed content.
Blogs only: You can hover on the feed link to select whether to create the feed in a community or in the web browser.
- Add the feed to your preferred feed reader. The steps that complete to do so vary depending on the web browser and feed reader that you are using. See the web browser or feed reader documentation for details.
Communities only: When specifying the web address of the feed, you can enter a parameter to specify a different page size for the feed. By default, feeds in Communities display 10 entries per page. Specify a different page size using the ps parameter. The first page of 10 entries is fetched by default. However, you can use the page parameter to fetch subsequent pages. For example, you might use the following web address to fetch the second page of the My Communities feed where the page size is set to 20 entries: By subscribing to the Activities feed of a specific community, you can get a good list of the things going on in your community.
Following a blog
Follow a blog to stay informed about activity in the blog.
When you follow a blog, you receive notifications about the latest updates to the blog. This is similar to getting a feed from this blog but the notifications are delivered to the Notifications section of your Home page, rather than to an external feed reader. Anyone can follow a public blog. You can also follow community blogs without being a community member, as long as the community is publicly accessible.
When you are already following a community, you do not need to follow its blog separately; updates about the community blog are automatically included when you follow the parent community.
Perform any of these action to follow or stop following a blog:
- To follow a public blog, open the blog and click Follow this Blog.
- To follow a community blog, open the community and click Follow this Community.
If you open the community blog from the Blogs application, you can follow the blog by selecting Following Actions > Follow this Community.
- Keep track of blog activity from the Home page by selecting the I'm Following view on the Updates page.
- To stop following a public blog, open the blog and click Stop Following this Blog.
- To stop following a community blog, open the blog and click Stop Following this Community.
If you open the community blog from the Blogs application, you can stop following the blog by selecting Following Actions > Stop Following this Community.
Manage your blog
If you are the blog owner, click Sets to edit, manage, or configure your blog. Sets is a central location where you can edit the properties for one or more of your blogs.
- From the My Blogs page, click Sets for a blog and choose any of these options to edit, manage, or configure a blog:
- General opens the general settings page for the blog so that you can view or edit settings that control how users interact with your blog.
- Authors lets you add authors or manage user permissions for your blog.
If your blog is a community blog you are directed back to the community to manage blog membership from there.
- Theme controls the look and layout of your blog.
If your site administrator has enabled theme customization, you will also see a Templates tab for editing theme templates.
- When you are done with management tasks, open a blog or return to the Public Blogs page.
Edit general blog settings
The settings for a blog are a combination of preferences for how you would like users to interact with the blog, and basic settings such as the blog name and description. You can edit all of the settings for a blog that you own.
You must be a blog owner to edit blog settings.
- From the My Blogs page, click the Sets link for your blog.
- Edit settings for the blog.
Option Description General Sets Set the basic properties, such as the name, description and how many entries to display (the default value is 25). By default, a blog is active and available to the blog community. The option Allow authors and drafters to edit each other's entries in this blog allows you to have a collaborative blog, where authors and draft members can edit each other's entries and see each other's entries in the entry management interface as well. Internationalization Sets Set time zones. Comments Select if you want users to comment on a blog. If you choose to moderate comments, you must review and approve comments before they display in a blog. Default Comment Sets Set preferences to allow comments for new entries, or to set a time limit so that after a specified number of days the comment field is no longer displayed for an entry. You can also apply these settings to existing entries in the log. Comments for entries are displayed with the entry in reverse chronological order. Blog Client API Use this setting if you want to use a third-party editor to create blog entries. For more information, see the topic Using third-party blog editors to create entries for your blog.
- When your changes are complete, click Update Blog Sets to publish your changes.
Manage blog entries
As the blog owner, you can view and manage all of the entries in your blog from the Entries page. The Entries page provides a central spot where you can view and manage all of the entries for a blog you own. For example, if you have designated a member as a draft author, you can review submitted draft entries and decide whether to approve entries for posting to the blog or reject them and return them to the author.
- From the My Blogs page, select Entries for the blog you want to work with. All of the blog entries are listed, with information including entry name, status, and the date the entry was updated.
- To filter the set of entries, enter a tag and press the search icon to view all entries associated with that tag.
- The All tab displays all blog entries with their status. Click the Require Approval tab to view and manage entries awaiting approval.
- Select one or more entries and click one of the following:
- Approve to publish the entry to the blog.
- Reject if you do not want to publish the entry. You are prompted to enter an optional reason for rejecting the entry, which is sent in a notification email to the entry author. The author has the option to edit the entry and resubmit it for your review.
- Delete to permanently remove the entry.
- Click the Draft tab to view draft entries. The entries you see depend on your role. If you are a draft user, you see entries you created that are in a draft state. If you are a blog owner or author, you see all draft entries for this blog. From this view you can edit an entry, or select it and click Submit to publish it to the blog, or Delete to permanently remove it.
- Click the Published tab to view published entries. From this tab you can edit entries, reject them and remove them from the blog, or delete them.
- Click the Rejected tab to view rejected entries. From this tab you can edit entries, approve them for publishing to the blog, or delete them.
Manage blog comments
View and manage comments that are posted to your blog. You can view all of the comments for your blog from a central location. If you are a blog owner and you checked the Moderate Comments setting for your blog, you can review and manage comments from the Comments page.
In some organizations, the site administrator disables this application. In that case, the administrator must specifically assign you a moderator role for you to review and manage blog entries and comments.
- Select the blog you want to work with from the My Blogs page.
- Select Entries or Sets.
- Select Comments. All of the comments posted to the blog are listed, with information including author, status, and entry name. You can manage comments from this view.
- To filter the set of comments, use the Date options to see comments for a particular date or date range.
- Click the Require Approval tab to view and manage comments awaiting approval.
- Select one or more comments and click one of the following:
- Approve to publish the comment to the blog.
- Reject if you do not want to publish the comment. You are prompted to enter an optional reason for rejecting the comment, which is sent in a notification email to the comment author. The author has the option to edit the comment and resubmit it for your review.
- Delete to permanently remove the comment.
- Click the Published tab to view published comments. From this tab you can edit comments, reject them and remove them from the blog, or delete them.
- Click the Rejected tab to view rejected comments. From this tab you can edit comments, approve them for publishing to the blog, or delete them.
Viewing the hit count for your blog
You can view the hit count for your blog from the Referrers page. You can view how many times your blog is visited from the Referrers page. This page tells you where your blog's hits are coming from. Hits with indeterminate referrers, such as those from newsfeed readers and links are counted as direct hits.
Another way to track visits is to look at the visit count for a blog entry.
- Click My Blogs.
- Click Sets.
- Click Referrers.
- To delete hits, select them and click Delete.
- Click Reset Hit Count to set the counter back to zero.
Change the look of your blog
The blog theme controls the layout and color-scheme of your blog. When you create a new blog, you select from one of the built-in themes.
You must be a blog owner or site administrator to edit the blog theme. Change the theme to update the look of your blog.
- Click My Blogs.
- Click Sets for the blog you want to modify.
- Click Theme.
- Select a different theme for the blog. A preview window shows you what your blog looks like with the new theme.
- Click Save to apply the new theme.
What to do next
You can also customize a theme from this page if your site administrator makes that feature available to users. Customize a theme requires that you edit HTML template files. Do not customize a theme unless you are comfortable working with HTML. When you click Customize, the templates that define your current theme are copied into your blog where you can edit them from the Templates page. Also note that you can only customize one theme at a time. Clicking Customize overwrites any previous customization.
How do I create an announcement?
If you are a Blogs site administrator you can post announcements to the Public Blogs page that all users can see.
You must be a Blogs site administrator to create an announcement. Site administrators have access to an Administration tab as part of the Blogs interface. An announcement is a great way to get the word out to your whole community of bloggers. For example, if you want to notify users about server maintenance or about an upcoming company event, post an announcement. Announcements display on the Blogs Home page.
- Create a new blog entry and enter your announcement text.
- Expand the Advanced Sets section.
- Select the box next to Post as announcement.
- Post the entry. It displays in the Announcements section on the Public Blogs page.
Delete a blog
If you are a blog owner, you can permanently remove a blog. Delete a blog removes the blog and all its entries. This operation is not reversible.
- From My Blogs, select the blog that you want to delete and click Sets.
- On the General Sets page, click Remove Blog.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
What to do next
If you are trying to delete a community blog, you must delete it from the community. To delete the community blog and all of its content, visit the community and choose Remove from the blog action menu and confirm to permanently remove the blog.
Uploading a file to a blog
Use the file upload utility to make graphics available for use in blog entries. You can upload files for use in this blog.
- Click the My Blogs page.
- Click Entries for the blog you want to edit.
- Click File Uploads.
- Browse for one or more files to upload. The default file size allowable for uploading is 1 MB per file, up to a total of 4 MB for all files. The allowable file size as well as the allowable file type can be adjusted by the site administrator.
- To organize files in a folder, enter a New Directory name and click Create.
- To delete a file from the blog, select a file and click the Delete button.
After uploading files, you can add the files to a blog entry. You can add images to a blog entry by clicking the Insert Image icon in the rich text editor and browsing for the images you uploaded.Add links to your blog
Make links to web sites available to all of your blog readers. You can enhance your blog by adding links to related web sites, feeds, or images.
- Click My Blogs.
- Click Sets for the blog that you want to edit.
- Click Links.
- To add a link, click Add Link and enter a title for the link and the URL.
- If the link is to a feed, enter the feed URL.
- If you want to use an image instead of link text, specify the image file to use.
- To impose a sort order, enter a number for the link. Links display in order from the smallest number to the largest one.
- Click Save to save the link. Links will display in a Links section on the blog page.
What to do next
After creating links, you can delete or edit them.
- To delete one or more links, navigate to the Links page, select the box next to one or more links and click Delete.
- To edit a link, click the Edit icon next to the link.
Manage member permissions for a blog
Manage member permissions allows you to add members and assign permissions to your blog.
You must be a blog owner to manage members.
If your blog is a community blog, you must manage permissions for the blog from the community. Do the following to manage member permissions for your blog.
- From the My Blogs page, click Sets for the blog you want to edit.
- Click Authors.
- Change the permission or remove any member listed for the blog.
- Click Add members to add a member to your blog.
If your blog is a community blog, you must manage permissions for the blog from the community. You are redirected back to the community to manage membership. When you first create a community blog, all members of the community are granted author access by default. Depending on your community, you might want to change the access level for your members. Note that access is always community-wide. To change access for all community members, select Edit from the Blogs widget action menu.
- Select a permission for the member.
- Owner permission allows user to post entries, manage the blog and its users.
- Author permission allows user to post entries, but not to manage the blog.
- Draft permission allows user to save draft entries only.
- Type a member's name select the matching name from the name list to add a member. Or, enter a user's email address and click the green plus sign to add the user.
- Save any changes that you made to your blog permissions.
Blogs roles and permissions
What you can do with blog settings or content depends on what role you are assigned.
Blog owners can:
- Create a blog or delete a blog they own.
- View, create, edit, or delete all content (entries and comments in both the draft and published state) for a blog they own.
- View, create, and delete all links in the blog.
- Upload files and create directories as well as view or delete any uploaded file or directory.
- View and delete information on the Referrers page as well as reset the hit count for the blog.
- View and edit settings for the blog, such as General, Author, and Theme settings.
Blog authors can:
- View, create, edit, or delete blog entries they created, regardless of whether the entries are in the draft state or posted to the blog.
- View, create, edit, or delete links.
- Upload files and create directories as well as view or delete any uploaded file or directory they added to the blog.
- View and delete information on the Referrers page as well as reset the hit count for the blog.
Draft authors can:
- View, create, edit or delete a blog draft entry they own.
- Edit other's entries when the setting Allow authors and drafters to edit other's entries in this blog is selected for the blog.
- Upload files and create directories. Note that draft authors cannot delete files or directories.
Viewer in a community blog can:
- View blog entries for communities they belong to.
Resigning from a blog
If you no longer want to participate in a blog, you can resign from it. You cannot resign if you are the one and only blog owner. Resigning from a blog means you can no longer participate unless you are added as a member by the blog owner.
You can only resign from a public blog. You cannot resign as the owner of a community blog.
- From My Blogs, select the Resign link for the blog you want to leave.
- The blog is removed from the list of blogs on your My Blogs page.
New to Bookmarks?
Watch a video to learn more about Bookmarks.
New to this release?
Find out what features have been added since the last release.
- Install the Add Bookmark button to your browser toolbar
- Create a bookmark to a web page
- Import existing bookmarks into IBM Connections
Click topics in the table of contents to get help with other tasks.What can you do with Bookmarks?
Bookmarks is a set of social bookmarking tools that you can use to save, organize, and share Internet and intranet bookmarks.
Bookmarks that you collect are stored in a central repository for your convenience so that you can share some or all of your bookmarks with others, and see other collections of bookmarks. In a work environment, this tool is a great way to share expertise. Bookmarks provides tools for scanning for information about a bookmark or about the bookmark owner, giving you the means to share information in your enterprise or connect with people who have similar interests or the expertise you need. Some highlights of Bookmarks include:
- A central spot for storing and organizing bookmarks
- A way to publish some or all of your bookmarks so that others can see your collection
- Tags that let you identify bookmarks with a keyword that you choose. Tags make searching for and sharing bookmarks easier.
- Authentication with an enterprise directory to provide boundaries to the social network
- Contact information provided about bookmark owners so that you can locate and connect with other users
Collaboration scenario
Suppose you work in the Finance group and are looking for a person knowledgeable about microcredit. You can search Bookmarks for tags such as "economics," "microcredit," "lending," and "small_business." If you find a match, you can scan the list of bookmarks and the people who have posted the bookmarks. After you identify a person who has created several bookmarks related to microcredit, you can review that person's bookmarks and also get contact information and links to other IBM Connections services associated with that user. This form of expertise location encourages collaboration and sharing of resources within your company.
Get started and installing the bookmark button
Follow these steps to install the browser toolbar button and get started using Bookmarks. There are two ways to create a bookmark. If you know the URL you want to bookmark, you can click the Public Bookmarks or My Bookmarks tab and click the Add Bookmark button. Fill in the form to create a bookmark to the URL you specify. If you want to bookmark from a web page you visit, follow the steps to install the browser button so you can easily add a bookmark to a site you want to share or revisit.
- If you have not done so already, install the Add Bookmark browser toolbar button from the Bookmarking Tools link in the footer of the Bookmarks window.
- Visit a web page to bookmark and click the Add Bookmark toolbar button to create a bookmark. Provide a title, description and tags that describe the bookmark. Indicate whether you want the bookmark to be Public, so that other users can see it, or Private, available only to you. You can also choose to add the bookmark to other IBM Connections applications deployed for your organization. For example, you can add a bookmark to a Community so it is available to the user group.
You can also add a Discuss This browser button, which will allow you to re-post web pages as topics for discussion in your forums. For more information on the Discuss This button, see the Forums help.
Return to the Bookmarks application to view your bookmarks. You have a variety of options for viewing and using bookmarks:
- View just the bookmarks you have added from the My Bookmarks page.
- View Public Bookmarks to see the bookmarks available, the people who created them, and the tags used to identify them.
- View Popular bookmarks to see the most frequently bookmarked pages.
- Refine the Public Bookmark list using the Search application or filtering by person or tag to locate bookmarks of interest.
- Add a tag or person to your watchlist. A watchlist maintains a dynamic list of recent bookmarks associated with tags or people that are of particular interest to you. After adding a tag or person to your watchlist, click the My Updates tab to view your list.
What's new in Bookmarks?
These features are new or enhanced for this version of Bookmarks.
The following features are new for Bookmarks:
- A new user interface makes it easier for you to access and manage bookmarks.
- When you install the Add Bookmark browser button, you also have the option to install a Discuss This and Related Community browser buttons for posting web pages to an IBM Connections forum or linking together related communities.
Create a bookmark
You can save a web page URL as a bookmark that you and others can use to access the page. There are two ways to create a bookmark. If you know the URL you want to bookmark, you can click the Public Bookmarks or My Bookmarks tab and click the Add a Bookmark button. Fill in the form to create a bookmark to the URL you specify. If you want to bookmark from a web page you visit, follow the steps to install the browser button so you can easily add a bookmark to a site you want to share or revisit.
- If you have not done so already, install the Add Bookmark browser toolbar button from the Bookmarking Tools link in the footer of the Connections window.
- Open a web page to bookmark.
- Click the Add Bookmark button in the browser toolbar.
- Optional: Enter information for the bookmark such as a description and tags.
- Optional: Select where you want to add the bookmark. Depending on what is deployed in your organization. you can save a bookmark to:
When you add a bookmark to a community, you can specify a message for the community and you can choose to add the bookmark to the community list of important bookmarks.
- Bookmarks
- Communities
- Activities
- Blogs
If your organization does not deploy an application, it does not display as an option.
- Specify whether you want the bookmark to be Public, so that other users can see it, or Private, available only to you.
- Click Save to add the bookmark to My Bookmarks.
Use tags
Tags let you assign keywords to your bookmarks that are meaningful to you. Tags provide a useful way to categorize your bookmarks and search for bookmarks that are of interest to you. Use the tag cloud to view all tags assigned to bookmarks in the list, to determine the popularity of a tag, and to access bookmarks associated with a tag.
You can choose how the tags in a tag collection are displayed . either in a list or in a cloud. A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags first. A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text. Tags are single words, or multiple words connected with hyphens or underscores . for example, social-bookmarking, status_reports, and payroll would all be valid tags. To work with a tag cloud, view Public Bookmarks, My Bookmarks, or another person's bookmarks.
- Click a tag in the cloud to view bookmarks associated with the tag. Bookmarks associated with that tag display.
- To further filter the bookmark list, enter or click another tag name to view bookmarks that are tagged with the selected tag (or tags) and the filter tag that you specify.
- Continue to refine search results until you have the set that you want.
Tagging tips
Use these tips to help you get the most out of tagging.
When you are ready to start assigning tags, review these tagging strategies:
- Make your tags work for you. Create or choose tags that are meaningful to you. Also consider creating tags that other users might find meaningful. When you add a tag, look at any matching tags that are displayed to see how other users are tagging information. Type a tag into the search field to see other information that shares the same tags.
- Assign multiple tags. You can assign as many tags as you want to provide multiple ways to find the information. Look at the tag cloud to see which tags are popular and consider whether they also apply to your information.
- Keep your tags simple. Although you can use any term as a tag, try to avoid using compound tags. For example, instead of using the tag summer_project, use summer and project instead. That way the item displays in the search results for either tag.
- Create meaningful categories. When you create or select a tag, consider the context and choose words that will help you remember that context. You can use tags to organize information into one or more categories, so that you have multiple ways to find the information again.
- Use tags consistently. Avoid assigning variations of the same tag to other bookmarks. For example, if you assign the tag laptops to a bookmark about portable computers, do not create similar tags, such as laptop or lap-top. When you type a new tag, existing tags that match are displayed in the field. Select an existing tag if it is applicable. You can add, edit, or remove tags later, if you want.
Manage tags
Manage tags to combine similar tags or remove tags you no longer need. You must be logged in to manage your tags.
- Click More Actions > Manage My Tags to find and rename tags or delete tags.
- Select one or more bookmarks, click More Actions and do any of the following:
- Click Add Tag(s) and enter a tag name to add it to all of the selected bookmarks.
- Click Replace Tag and enter the tag you want to replace and what you want to replace it with for all of the selected bookmarks.
- Click Delete Tag(s) and enter the name of the tag to delete from all selected bookmarks.
Add a bookmark to another IBM Connections application
Add a bookmark to a community, activity, or blog. You can add a bookmark to a community, activity, or blog to make it more widely available.
- Choose More for the bookmark that you want to share.
- Click More Actions.
- Select Add to Community, Add to Activity, or Add to Blog to display the form for creating a bookmark.
- Set the community, activity, or blog where you want the bookmark displayed.
- Click Save.
Viewing bookmarks
Use the tabs in the Bookmarks toolbar to access the various bookmarks views. Each Bookmarks view provides a unique perspective on the bookmarks collected.
Click one of the following tabs in the Bookmarks toolbar:
- My Bookmarks
- To list bookmarks that you have created. Your private bookmarks display a lock icon . You must be logged in to see the My Bookmarks list.
- Public Bookmarks
- To list all public bookmarks. The most recently created bookmarks are placed first on the bookmarks list.
- Popular
- To list bookmarks that are bookmarked most frequently over a given time frame. The time frame is configurable by the system administrator.
- My Updates
- To view bookmarks associated with a tag or a person that you have added to your watchlist. The watchlist is a convenient way to keep track of the latest bookmarks for a person or tag that you are interested in. You must be logged in to see or add items to your watchlist. You can also track notifications you have received and sent from this page.
There are other ways that you can browse for bookmarks, including:
- View the Most Visited Bookmarks list on the Public Bookmarks page. Click View All to see the full list.
- Click a tag in the tag cloud or list to view bookmarks associated with that tag.
- Click a person's name in the People list to view bookmarks associated with that person. If you are viewing an unfiltered list of bookmarks, the People tab lists the most active bookmarkers. If you have filtered the bookmark list, the People tab lists people who have applied the filter tag to at least one bookmark. A number associated with the person's name indicates how many bookmarks they have created with the filter tag or tags. When you are viewing your own bookmarks, the People tab displays related people who have at least one bookmark in common with you.
- Click a person's name associated with a bookmark to view all bookmarks associated with that person.
Refining the bookmarks list
Filter the list of bookmarks to view all the public bookmarks created by another person, or to view all bookmarks associated with a specific tag. Choose a sort criteria.
Use these techniques to filter and sort bookmarks:
- Display Public Bookmarks or Popular bookmarks. Popular bookmarks show bookmarks that are created most often and the most visited bookmarks.
- Change the sort order by clicking Date or Popularity. Clicking either button again toggles the sort order between ascending and descending order.
- Filter the bookmark list in Public Bookmarks or Popular by clicking a tag or a person's name or searching for a tag or person's name to see bookmarks associated with that tag or person.
You can filter by both tag and person name to create a very specific search. For example, you can search on the tag rebates and then find bookmarks with that tag created by Samantha Daryn.
Search for bookmarks
Use search to quickly locate a bookmark according to various criteria.
The search scope determines what bookmarks are searched. You can change the search scope using the menu control for the Search field. For example, you can search all bookmarks, or narrow the scope to search only your bookmarks.
- From any Bookmarks view, enter a search string in the Search field.
- Use the drop-down menu control next to the search field to choose the search scope. The scope can be:
- Public bookmarks. Searches all bookmarks for your organization.
- My Bookmarks. Searches only bookmarks that you created. You must be logged in to use this application.
- These Bookmarks. Searches a subset of bookmarks. For example, if you have filtered the bookmark list to see all bookmarks with a particular tag, you can search only that group of bookmarks.
- Click the Search icon to begin the search. Bookmarks are returned in the order of relevancy.
Create a single bookmark view
Find a bookmark by specifying the URL and the email address of the bookmark owner. If you want to find a specific bookmark, you can enter the URL for the bookmark and the email address of the owner in the address bar for Bookmarks to find the bookmark. For example, if a colleague tells you about a web page you might find useful, you can enter the url and the email address of your colleague to find the bookmark. You can then add the bookmark to your collection.
- Log in to Bookmarks.
- Click in the address bar and specify the email address of the bookmark owner and the URL for the bookmark, using this format:
email=[email-address]&url=[bookmark-url]For example: example displays the bookmark to created by Samantha Daryn. You can then add it to your bookmarks or take any other action on it.
Viewing business cards
Bookmarks can display a business card containing information about bookmark owners, their roles within the organization, their management structure and more.
Your administrator must install the Profiles application before you can view business cards.
The personal information available is determined by your system administrator in accordance with your company's guidelines and policy. The profile card displays contact information and links to other IBM Connections applications associated with that user.
To view personal information:
- Point to a person's name in a bookmark displayed in the bookmarks list and click Ctrl-Enter to view the associated business card.
- Point to a person's name in the People list and click to view the associated business card.
Notifying other users about a bookmark
Send an email message notifying a colleague about a bookmark of interest. You can notify one or more colleagues about a single bookmark, or you can notify others about multiple bookmarks from your bookmark collection. To send an email to a colleague with a link to a bookmark of interest, log in to IBM Connections Bookmarks and follow these steps.
- View a bookmark, clicking More, if necessary, and choose Notify Other People.
- Enter the names of one or more users to notify. Type-ahead assists you with finding the names of users in your organization. You can also enter an email address.
- Enter an optional message.
- Click Notify to send an email message with a link to this bookmark.
Your colleague will get an email with a link to the bookmark. The email also includes a link to the on-line help page for Connections Bookmarks in case the recipient is not familiar with the service.Flagging a bookmark as broken
Notify a bookmark owner that a bookmark link is broken. If you encounter a bookmark that leads to a broken link, you can notify the bookmark owner so that they can repair or remove the bookmark.
- Select More for the bookmark that you want to report.
- Select More Actions > Flag as Broken URL.
- Edit the default text if you want.
- Click Send notification to bookmark owner to send an email message with a link to this bookmark to the owner.
- Optional: If your site administrator has configured this option, you can click Send notification to all active users who bookmarked this so that everyone who has bookmarked this URL can take action on the broken link. After checking this option, you will get a message telling you how many people will receive a mail message about this link so you can decide whether or not to send the notification mail. If your site administrator has disabled this option, it will not display on the notification form.
- Click Send Notice to send the notification.
Add bookmarks to your watchlist
You can add bookmarks associated with a person, with a tag, or with both a person and tag to your watchlist. The watchlist maintains a list of the most recent bookmarks associated with the person or tag that you specify. Click My Updates to view the tags and people you have added to your watchlist. You must be logged in to use this feature.
- To add a person to your watchlist, display the person's bookmarks and click Add to Watchlist in the bookmark status bar. The name of the person is added to My Watchlist so that recent bookmarks created by that person are automatically added to the list.
The My Updates view shows bookmarks from a certain period of time, such as the last two weeks. The time period is configurable by the administrator. If a subscription that you view does not include any recent bookmarks, it is possible that there are not any bookmarks listed in the My Watchlist list.
- To add bookmarks associated with a tag to your watchlist, filter the bookmarks list according to a tag by viewing Public Bookmarks and clicking a tag. Click Add to Watchlist in the bookmark status bar. Recent bookmarks associated with that tag are added to My Watchlist.
- To create a list that includes bookmarks created by a specific person and marked with a particular tag, display the person's bookmarks and click a tag in the tag cloud or a tag displayed in the bookmarks list. When you click a tag, the bookmarks list is sorted by person and tag. Click Add to Watchlist in the bookmark status bar to add this person's bookmarks associated with the selected tag to your watchlist.
Subscribe to feeds
Subscribe to a feed of IBM Connections data to get updates sent to your feed reader. Using feeds prevents you from having to go to each application or the home page to see a list of the latest updates. Instead, the feed reader monitors product areas that you indicate are of interest and automatically delivers any updates to you.
You must have a feed reader installed on your computer that supports Atom feeds. Atom is an XML-based file format that is used to syndicate web content, such as news headlines, blogs, or websites. Atom feeds perform the same function as rich site summary (RSS) feeds, but do so using an alternative method.
Subscribe to a feed simplifies the task of monitoring the activity taking place in IBM Connections because your feed reader automatically checks for and retrieves content updates for each feed.
Do not confuse this application with the Feeds application in the Communities application. The Feeds application in Communities functions as a mini feed reader; it enables community members to have updates from external websites published to the community page. See Working with feeds for more information.
- Go to the page with the content to subscribe to.
For example, filter the bookmarks list to display a set of bookmarks associated with a person, a tag, or with some other selection criteria.
- Find the Feed icon
. Click the feed link to subscribe to the currently displayed content.
Blogs only: You can hover on the feed link to select whether to create the feed in a community or in the web browser.
- Add the feed to your preferred feed reader. The steps that complete to do so vary depending on the web browser and feed reader that you are using. See the web browser or feed reader documentation for details.
Communities only: When specifying the web address of the feed, you can enter a parameter to specify a different page size for the feed. By default, feeds in Communities display 10 entries per page. Specify a different page size using the ps parameter. The first page of 10 entries is fetched by default. However, you can use the page parameter to fetch subsequent pages. For example, you might use the following web address to fetch the second page of the My Communities feed where the page size is set to 20 entries: By subscribing to the Activities feed of a specific community, you can get a good list of the things going on in your community.
Create a feed from a Bookmarks view
You can subscribe to a feed to make a collection of bookmarks available to you in a feed client of your choosing so that you can access bookmarks without having to use the Bookmarks site. You can also use the feeds to integrate Bookmarks content into other web sites or applications.
You must have a feed reader available to set up a feed. Follow these procedures to set up a feed:
- Navigate to a view of bookmarks to convert to a feed. For example, filter the bookmarks list to display a set of bookmarks associated with a person, a tag, or with some other selection criteria.
- Click Feed for These Bookmarks and follow the on-screen instructions to choose a feed reader and set up a feed.
What to do next
You can also embed a collection of bookmarks in a web page. To do so, click How to Embed These Bookmarks and follow the on-screen instructions to display bookmarks in a web page.Copy a bookmark
You can copy another person's bookmark into your bookmark list to capture a bookmark without navigating to the actual web page represented by the bookmark. To copy a bookmark:
- View Public Bookmarks, Popular bookmarks, or another person's bookmarks.
- Click More to display all options for the bookmark.
- Click Add to My Bookmarks. The bookmark is copied from the displayed bookmarks list and added to the My Bookmarks list.
Import bookmarks from a web browser
Use the import and export tools, available from the My Bookmarks page, to move bookmarks into and out of Bookmarks. For example, you might import bookmarks that you created and saved in your browser to initially populate your bookmarks list.
You must export bookmarks from your browser before you can import them into Bookmarks. When you export bookmarks, your browser creates an export file that you can import into Bookmarks. After you determine which browser bookmarks to share, refer to your browser's help for the procedures required to create a bookmark export file. If the browser bookmark was stored in a folder, the folder name is applied to the bookmark as a tag. Tags that you added during the import operation are displayed by all imported bookmarks.
When you export bookmarks from Microsoft Internet Explorer, the exported file might be saved in a format, such as ANSI, that Bookmarks does not support. In that case, you will get an error when you try to import the file. After you create the bookmark file, follow these steps to change the format of the bookmarks file to UTF-8 before you import the file.
To import a bookmark export file:
- Open the Bookmark.htm file in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Click Save As.
- Change the Encoding on the file from ANSI to UTF-8.
- Save and close the text file.
- Use your browser to create a bookmark export file.
To export a subset of bookmarks, create a folder and copy the bookmarks into it to export. Create a bookmark export file from that folder.
- From the My Bookmarks page, click More Actions > Import Bookmarks.
If you have not yet created any bookmarks from within IBM Connections, there will be an option to Import Bookmarks on the My Bookmarks page.
- Use the browse control to locate the bookmark export file.
- Choose whether to import all bookmarks or a subset that you specify.
- In the Add Tags field, enter any tags you want to apply to imported bookmarks.
- By default your bookmarks are imported as private. Clear the Import as private option if you want your bookmarks to be made available to other Bookmarks users.
- Click Import to add bookmarks in the selected export file to your bookmarks list.
- If you are selecting a subset of bookmarks, check the ones you want to import and click Import.
Export bookmarks to a file
You can export bookmarks to a file that can then be imported into a browser or shared with someone who does not use Bookmarks. You must have created at least one bookmark to use this application. To export your bookmarks:
- From the My Bookmarks page, click More Actions > Export My Bookmarks.
- Provide the following information for the export file:
Option Description Access Select the type of bookmarks to export: Public, Private, Both public and private.
Network Select the type of bookmarks to export: Internet, intranet, both Internet and intranet.
Tag Filter Enter one or more tags to use as export filters. Only bookmarks associated with these tags are included in the export file.
- Click Export.
- In the Export File window, select one of the following options:
- Open With on Mozilla Firefox, or Open on Microsoft Internet Explorer, to choose a program, such as a browser, with which to open the exported HTML file and view exported bookmarks.
- Save File on Mozilla Firefox, or Save on Microsoft Internet Explorer, to save bookmarks in an HTML file that will be placed on your desktop.
Add a bookmark list to a web site
You can embed a Bookmarks page in a web site to make it available to site users.
You should be comfortable editing HTML to do this task because you must insert the bookmark list in the HTML source for a web page and then apply a cascading style sheet (CSS) to format it. Follow these steps to embed a view of the current Bookmarks page into a web site.
- From the Bookmarks view to embed, click How to Embed These Bookmarks in the footer of the page.
- Follow the instructions for how to add a bookmark list to the page of a web site.
Work with your bookmarks
You can work with your bookmarks to delete bookmarks, manage tags, or mark bookmarks public or private. You can edit or delete any bookmark that you create.
- Select the My Bookmarks tab. You must be logged in to work with your My Bookmarks list.
- Click the selection box next to one or more bookmarks and click one of the following:
- Notify to send a notification email to one or more users with links to the selected bookmarks.
- Delete Selected to delete the selected bookmarks.
- More Actions > Add Tag(s) to enter and add tags to the selected bookmarks.
- More Actions > Replace Tag to enter an existing tag and then specify a replacement tag to apply to the selected bookmarks.
- More Actions > Delete Tag(s). Enter a tag to delete from the selected bookmarks.
- More Actions > Mark Public to make the selected bookmarks available to all of the Bookmarks users in your organization.
- More Actions > Mark Private to only make the bookmarks available to you.
- Import bookmarks, export bookmarks, or manage tags, as follows:
- More Actions > Import Bookmarks. Follow the instructions for importing bookmarks from your browser into Bookmarks.
- More Actions > Export My Bookmarks. Follow the instructions for exporting your bookmarks to a file. You must have created at least one bookmark to use this feature.
- More Actions > Manage My Tags to consolidate tags.
Get together with people who share your interests.
What.s new?
Find out what features have been added since the last release.
Get Started
- Watch a video (opens new window) to learn about Communities.
- Join a community and start contributing
- Participate in your community's forum and get a discussion going
- Share files with your community
- Bring a group of like-minded people together by creating your own community
What is a community?
A community lets people who share a common interest interact with one another.
What makes a community?
Communities are groups of people with a common interest. A public community with open access is available for all to join, while membership of a restricted community is limited to a particular group. You can also start a public community with invitation-only access, allowing you to control membership and manage access to the community's resources.
A community provides the means for users to stay in touch, share information, and exchange ideas. Communities provide an excellent way to connect members of a project team, organize a task force researching an emerging technology, or bring together a group of people who share any interest.
Starting a community can help you to build a valuable repository of information and expertise about a specific subject. In addition to sharing files, bookmarks, and other resources, when members need the solution to a specific problem, posting a question to the community forums is a great way to leverage knowledge within the community. Experts within the community can answer the questions and share their insights with other members.
Use the tools provided with the Communities application to reach out, make connections, get organized, and start sharing information. As a community owner, you can invite others to join, and manage the content and membership for the community. If owner moderation is enabled, you can also review and manage the content of community blogs, files, and forums.
Communities highlights
Whether you are joining a community or starting one of your own, you can use these features to get the most out of your experience.
- Click I.m a Member to see a list of the communities that you belong to.
- Participate in a community's discussion forum to explore topics of common interest and debate solutions to shared problems.
- Owners can access the Members page to add or remove members from your community. All members of the community can view the list of people who belong to the community.
- Use tags to assign descriptive keywords to your community. Tags are useful for searching for a particular type of community or filtering search results.
- Bring information into your community by sharing files and bookmarks with fellow members.
- Add widgets to your community to make extra functionality available to members. For example, you might want to add a wiki to get your community collaborating or a blog for posting the latest community news. You must be a community owner to add widgets to a community.
- Organize your community membership using subcommunities to create smaller subsets of members within the parent community. You must be a community owner to add subcommunities to a community.
What's new in Communities?
This release contains features designed to make communities easier for you to use to share information and to collaborate with fellow community members.
- The Events widget allows community owners to share information about upcoming events with the rest of the community.
- For deployments that make use of owner moderation of communities, owners can disable content approval and content flagging on individual communities.
- Use the Related Communities widget to suggest communities for colleagues to join.
- Share status with members of your community.
- The Recent Updates view provides a centralized place to see what is new in a community.
- You can add more information to the community description and it is collapsible.
- LDAP groups can now be added as members of a community.
Frequently asked questions in Communities
Find answers to the questions that Communities users ask most often.
- Can I join any community?
- I just joined a community and am finding lots of useful information. How do I extend membership to my colleagues who might also benefit from membership?
- What is the difference between a bookmark and a feed?
- How many important bookmarks can I add to my community?
- Can I create a community forum and make it private?
- Is it possible to edit forum posts that another person has added?
- How do I archive topics in a community forum?
- How can I collaborate with other members of my community?
- How do I create different distribution lists within a community?
- What is a widget?
- Why add widgets to my community?
- How do I restrict members from adding content to a community?
- How do I unsubscribe from community emails?
- How do I keep up-to-date with the latest activity in my community?
- How do I find out what communities a person is a member of?
- I accidentally clicked the Leave Community button for a community that I own. How do I get reinstated as a community owner?
- How do I replace the image used as the logo for my community?
- Can I join any community?
- You can join any public community that has public access. Some public communities have moderated access, which means that you must request membership and your request must be approved by a community owner. Restricted communities limit membership to a specified group, and you must be added by a community owner to become a member. You can join any community where you have a pending invitation.
- I just joined a community and am finding lots of useful information. How do I extend membership to my colleagues who might also benefit from membership?
- You must be a community owner to add members to a community. Why not send a link to the community to the people who you think might be interested in joining, or ask a community owner to add them as members. Community owners of public communities can also invite people to join a community. The invitee receives an email notification inviting them to join, which they can accept or reject.
- What is the difference between a bookmark and a feed?
- A bookmark is a pointer to a web site that makes it easy for you to retrieve the URL or web page at a later date. You can add bookmarks to a community from web sites or directly from your community. A feed is a regularly updated summary of content from a web site, along with links to full versions of that content. Community members can subscribe to feeds containing content of interest to the community, allowing them to access updated content from the feed without having to leave Communities.
- How many important bookmarks can I add to my community?
- You can add a maximum of 100 important bookmarks to your community.
- Can I create a community forum and make it private?
- You can only add a forum to a community when you are a community owner. If the community is public, anyone who has access to Communities can see the content of the forum. If your community is private, only community members can see the content of the forum.
- Is it possible to edit forum posts that another person has added?
- Yes, but only if you are a community owner.
- How do I archive topics in a community forum?
- There is currently no way to archive topics from a community forum.
- How can I collaborate with other members of my community?
- You can share ideas and information with other members of your community by posting topics to the discussion forum, writing a blog entry, sending email notifications, and adding bookmarks and feeds to the community. You can also collaborate on shared projects using community activities or a wiki, if your community has one.
- How do I create different distribution lists within a community?
- If you are a community owner, you can create subcommunities within a community to bring together a subset of community members. This functionality is useful when you want to set up distribution lists that don't include every community member, or when you want to create specific focus groups within a community.
- What is a widget?
- A widget is a self-contained, HTML-based representation of a software application. Community owners can add widgets to communities from the selection available in the content palette. Widgets appear in the Overview and in the community navigation.
- Why add widgets to my community?
- Add widgets to your community allows you to make extra functionality available to community members. For example, adding the Wiki widget makes a wiki available for members to collaborate and create community content together. You must be a community owner to add widgets to a community.
- How do I restrict members from adding content to a community?
- If you are a community owner, you can remove any of the widgets in a community. For example, if you want to stop members from adding bookmarks to a community, you can remove the Bookmarks widget from the community by going to the widget action menu and selecting Hide or Remove. Hide the widget removes it temporarily, but removing the widget deletes all of the content associated with the widget. You can add the widgets back to the community at any time by clicking theCommunity Actions > Customize button on the community page and selecting the widget.
As a community owner, you can also restrict community members from adding content to the community blog or wiki, or from uploading files to the community by editing their membership role. To change the access level of community members, select Community Actions > Edit Community, select the Blog, Ideation Blog, Files, Events, Status Updates, or Wiki tab, and specify what the role to assign to community members. All members are assigned the same role.
You must be logged in to access the Community Actions menu.
- How do I unsubscribe from community emails?
- There is currently no option available for unsubscribing from community emails within Communities. As a workaround, consider setting up a filter in your email client. Note that you can disable email notifications for all of IBM Connections from the E-mail Preferences tab. For more information, see Set email notification preferences.
- How do I keep up-to-date with the latest activity in my community?
- You can stay current with what is going on your community by clicking Recent Updates in the community navigation.
- How do I find out what communities a person is a member of?
- The easiest way to find out what communities a person belongs to is to open Communities, look for that person's name, and then try one of the following actions:
- If your site uses the Profiles application, then hover your cursor over the person's name and click the link to view their business card. If you click Communities in the business card, it displays the list of all the public communities to which that person belongs.
- If your site does not use Profiles, then clicking the name displays a list of all the public communities to which that person belongs.
- I accidentally clicked the Leave Community button for a community that I own. How do I get reinstated as a community owner?
- If you are the only owner of a community, you cannot leave that community. If you were able to leave the community, that means that there must be at least one other owner who can reinstate you as an owner.
- How do I replace the image used as the logo for my community?
- You must be a community owner to edit the community logo. To replace the community logo, select Community Actions > Edit Community and click Upload a Community Image.
You must be logged in to access the Community Actions menu.
Browsing or searching for communities
You can browse or search for communities that are of interest to you.
You can use a number of ways to find communities that interest you and connect with them. For example, you can browse to see what communities are available, or you can search on particular keywords.
Tags are a handy way to search or browse for a community. For example, if you are interested in photography, search for a photography tag to find all communities that use that tag. When you're creating a community, remember to include relevant tags to indicate the purpose of the community and make it easier for others to find.
You can browse or search for a community in the following ways.
- To browse for a community:
- Click Communities > Public Communities to display all the public communities in your organization, or use the options available from the navigation bar to display the communities to which you belong, the communities that you own, the communities that you are following, or the communities where you have a pending invitation. You can view a description of each community, the number of members it has, the date it was last updated, the name of the person who last updated it, and the tags associated with the community.
If your administrator has enabled Lotus Quickr places, use the Display field to select whether or not you want to show only communities, only places, or all communities and places.
- Use the Sort by options to order the list alphabetically, by the most popular communities, or by the most recently updated.
- To search for a keyword that displays in a community's name, description, or tags:
- Enter a word to search for in the Search field.
- Specify whether you want to search all communities or your own communities by clicking the Down arrow and making a selection.
- Click the search
- To search for a community by tags:
- Click a tag in the tag cloud to find communities that use that tag.
- Find a community in the view that interests you. Then, to find other communities that use that tag, click one of the tags associated with the community.
- For any community, you can:
- Click the name of the last person who updated the community to view.
- If your site uses the Profiles application, then clicking the name displays the profile for that person. Hover your cursor over the person's name and click the link to view their business card. If you click Communities in the business card, it displays the list of all the public communities to which that person belongs.
- If you site does not use Profiles, then clicking the name displays a list of all the public communities to which that person belongs.
- Click the community name to open its Overview page.
Use the Communities business card
Use the Communities business card to navigate to key pages in the community from other applications in IBM Connections or other applications that are integrated with Communities.
When you add an external application or application to your community, the community business card displays in that application when it is opened in its native user interface. For example, when you open a community blog in Blogs, the community business card displays in the Blogs user interface in the navigation sidebar, allowing members to return to the community at any time. You can recognize the community business card by the community navigation links that display, for example: Overview, Recent Updates, Status Updates, Members, Forums, and other widgets.
By displaying the community image, the card creates a visual link between the associated application and the community, and clearly identifies the application as belonging to the community.
You can use the community business card in the following ways:
- Click the community title or image to open the community's Overview page.
- Click any of the links in the business card to open that page in the community.
Joining communities that interest you
You can join a community in a number of different ways.
When a community has public access, anyone can join by opening the community and clicking Join this Community. If the community has moderated access, you need to request membership. You can also be invited to join a community, if someone you know already belongs to the community and invites you to become a member.
The Recommended Communities widget is a useful way to find communities that you might be interested in joining.
Joining communities
Join a community that is devoted to a subject that you are interested in and start participating.
To find a community to join, you can browse all the public communities in the organization in the Public Communities view, or search for a community that is devoted to a particular subject. You can also use suggestions from the Recommendations widget to find communities that might interest you.
You must be logged in to join a community or to request to join a community.
You can join public communities with open access by clicking a button, but you must request to join public communities that are moderated. Restricted communities are private and they do not display in the Public Communities view. The only way to join this type of community is when a community owner adds you as a member or invites you to join.
To join a community.
- Click Communities > Public Communities and select the community to join.
- Depending on the level of access that the community has, do one of the following:
- If the community has open access, select Join this Community.
If you receive a message that the community has already reached the maximum number of members, contact a community owner to see if any inactive members can be removed. Click Members in the navigation and then select Owners in the Filter by field.
- If the community has moderated access, select Request to Join this Community. Type your reason for wanting to join the community and click Send. Your request is sent to the community owner, who can then decide whether or not to add you to the community. If they add you as a member, you receive an email notification confirming that you have been added to the community.
When you join a public community, the community is immediately added to the list of your communities in the I.m a Member view. When you request to join a moderated community, the community does not display in the I.m a Member view until your membership is approved by the community owner.
Accepting community invitations
When you receive an invitation to join a community, you can accept or reject the invitation.
When a community owner or member invites you to join a community, you receive an email notification containing the invitation and some basic details about the community, such as its name and its description. You can accept or reject the invitation using the links provided in the email. These notifications also display in the Home page.
You can process a community invitation in one of the following ways:
- To accept the invitation and join the community, click Join this community.
- To reject the invitation, click Decline this invitation. The community owner does not receive any notification that you rejected the invitation.
- You can ignore the invitation by not taking any action. When you ignore an invitation to join a community, the invitation can be kept open indefinitely, unless a community owner chooses to revoke it. The community owners also have the option of resending the invitation as a reminder.
Use the Recommendations widget in Communities
Find communities that interest you using the Recommendations widget.
You must be logged in to see the recommendations provided by the Recommendations widget. The Recommendations widget recommends public and moderated communities for you to join based on your existing community membership, network connections, status updates, and tags.
The widget displays a list of communities and information about the ways in which you are already linked to those communities. For example, one of your network contacts might have recently added content to a recommended community. Or you might have used a tag that has been added to a recommended community.
You can use the information provided by the widget to help you decide whether to join a recommended community. If you are not interested in the community, you can remove the recommendation.
Use the Recommendations widget in the following ways.
- Click the links under the community titles to find out more about what you have in common with the community.
- If a community interests you, click the community title to open the community and join it, or to browse its content.
- To remove a recommendation, click
next to the community name.
Create communities of colleagues with similar interests
Start a community to encourage people in your organization who have similar interests or goals to collaborate with one another.
Communities can be public or restricted. Public communities are visible to everyone in the organization and, depending on the level of access that you specify, can be available to everyone, or have moderated access that requires ownership approval before you can join. Restricted communities are available only to those people who have been added to the community as members. Restricted communities are not visible to people who do not have community membership.
To start a community:
- From any view in Communities, click Start a Community.
- If you are not already logged in, you are prompted for a user name and password. Provide the requested information, and then click Log In.
- Required: In the Name field, type a name for the community. Choose a name that identifies the purpose of the community.
You cannot have multiple public or moderated communities with the same name, however you can have multiple restricted communities with the same name. This naming system allows you to have a public and a restricted community with the same name, or a moderated and a restricted community with the same name.
- Enter one or more tags in the Tags field. Tags are keywords that you define to provide users with more ways to identify what a community is all about. Tags must be a single word or multiple words connected with underscores or hyphens. For example, a community that deals with accessibility issues might have the tags accessibility and low-vision. Tags give users more than one way to find a community of interest. The tags that you define here display with the community in the Public Communities view.
- To generate a web address for your community, enter a one-word, unique term that identifies the community in the Web Address field. This web address allows you and other community members to access the community using an easy to use URL. These terms are case sensitive, so community members must use the correct case when they access the community with the URL. If you do not want to create a community web address, leave this field blank.
Since web addresses must be kept unique, other users might learn that a particular web address is in use even if it is for a restricted community. Avoid using web addresses that are sensitive or confidential in nature.
Tip: Be sure to bookmark the full web address that displays when you complete the Web Address field to save the direct URL to the community.Notes:
- Certain keywords with a technical meaning, such as html or atom, are reserved and cannot be used in community web addresses. If you enter a reserved keyword, an error message is displayed, and you are prompted to enter a different keyword.
- If your web address contains a non-alphanumeric character, such as an ampersand (&), you must escape the character by using a forward slash ( / ) before the character.
- If you do not see the option to create a web address for your community in the user interface, this means that your administrator has disabled this option for your organization.
- Required: Set the level of access that you want for your community:
Table 37. Community access levels
Option Description Public - anyone can join Select this option if you want the community to be public with anyone able to join. Moderated - people must request to join Select this option if you want the community to be public but for users to request membership. Restricted - people must be invited Select this option if you want the community to be restricted, with membership by invitation only.
- If your administrator has enabled the use of software acquired from another vendor . for example, IBM Lotus Quickr Team Place, or Lotus Quickr Wiki . specify whether you want to include these applications as part of your community by selecting the required application or applications in the Associated Applications area.
If you do not see any options to include associated applications, then your administrator has not enabled this feature for your deployment.
- Enter the names of the people to add as community members. You can search for names from your organization's directory. Type-ahead predicts the name you are typing by comparing it to names in the directory that your administrator specified. If it proposes the name that you want, click to add it. If you do not want to add community members now, you can edit the community at a later stage and add the members then.
To add community owners, click the Down arrow next to Members and select Owners, then repeat the process described in this step for adding community members.
- Type a description of the purpose of the community in the Description field. Be as specific as possible. Identify the community's goals.
- Click Upload a Community Image to browse for an image to associate with the community on the overview page. The image must be 155 x 155 pixels in size, and it can be in .jpeg, .gif, or .png format.
There are no file size restrictions. However, because the image is automatically resized to 15 KB on the Communities server to fit the allocated space in the user interface, you should keep in mind that the larger the file you upload, the longer the server takes to process the image.
Image resizing does not support all image formats. If you encounter problems with uploading an image, converting the image to a different format often works.
- To apply a different theme to the community, click Change Community Theme and select a theme.
- If moderation is available and editable at your site, you can select from the following options:
For more information about moderation in communities, see Moderating community content.
- Owners must approve all content (widgets) where widgets might be one or more of the following widgets: blogs, files, or forums. When this option is enabled, community owners can review unpublished content that has been submitted for approval and decide whether to publish it to the community or reject it.
- Viewers can flag inapproriate content (widgets) where widgets might be one or more of the following widgets: blogs, files, or forums. When this option is enabled, community owners can review content that has been flagged as inappropriate by other users, and decide whether to keep the content or remove it from the community.
- Click Save.
Associated applications
When you create or edit a community, you can associate different applications with the community, if your administrator has made them available for your deployment.
When your administrator has enabled associated applications for communities, the Start a Community and the Edit a Community forms display an Associated Applications area that lists the options available for your deployment.
For example, the administrator can enable you to associate an IBM Lotus Quickr team place with a community, giving you a central location to store and manage files, and share information with fellow community members. Wikis might be another option available for associating with a community. Wikis provide a place for community owners and members to collaborate easily and quickly with each other.
When you associate an application with a community:
- A link to the application appears in the navigation sidebar on the community's Overview page.
- A feed from the application is displayed in the main pane of the Overview page, allowing community members to stay current with the latest information updates.
- Community members automatically become members of the teamplace or wiki, and any changes to community membership are propagated to the associated application.
- Community members have access to any feeds associated with the application.
- Attachments and comments within the application are accessible from the community.
You can associate a Lotus Quickr application with a community. Depending on your needs, your administrator can enable different types of Lotus Quickr places for association with a community. Options might include the following types:
The administrator can also make custom place types available for association with a community.
- Wiki . creates a place where community members can collaborate and create shared content.
- Blog . allows community members to post comments in a blog and share information with their team.
- Team space . creates a place where team members can manage different types of content.
- Library . creates a place for team members to store and manage project documents and files.
Deleting a community does not automatically delete the Lotus Quickr place associated with it. To delete the associated Lotus Quickr place, you must open the Lotus Quickr application and delete the place from within the application.
After you have associated an application with your community, do the following actions:
- To work directly with a wiki or Lotus Quickr place, click the associated link in the navigation pane. For example, if you have associated a Lotus Quickr wiki with your community, click Quickr Wiki to open the Lotus Quickr wiki associated with your community and work directly with it in the Lotus Quickr application.
- To open a feed associated with a wiki or Lotus Quickr place, click the feed link in the main pane of the community's Overview page to open it in a new page. When you associate a wiki or Lotus Quickr place with a community, a number of default feeds are automatically created. For example, if you have associated a Lotus Quickr teamplace with your community, the following default feeds display: Team Goals, Team News, and Welcome. You can choose to subscribe to other feeds from the associated application.
- To access help when working with an associated application outside of IBM Connections, click the Help link directly in the application for more guidance. For example, if you need more information when working with a Lotus Quickr wiki, click Help in the Lotus Quickr application.
- IBM Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr
Work with communities
You can view the members of any public community or follow any public community when you want to receive the latest updates from that community. If you are a community member, you can send emails to your fellow members.
You can leave a community at any time if you no longer want to be a member.
Viewing members of a community
Find out who else is in your community or a community that you are thinking of joining. Anyone who can access a community can view the members for that community.
To view the members of a community, do one of the following actions:
- Use the Members area on the community Overview page to view a random selection of members from the community. Click View All to display the complete list of members on the Members page.
Where ever a member.s name displays in the community, you can access their business card by hovering over their name and clicking the link that is displayed. The business card provides a useful snapshot of a user's profile information. The business card provides links to the IBM Connections applications that are used by the person and allows you to perform a number of actions.
- Click Members in the navigation pane to open the Members page and display a full list of the community membership. Use the Filter by menu to display the complete list of members or to sort the membership list according to role. Use the Sort by options to sort the display in order of Name, which lists members in alphabetical order, or Date Added, which lists the newest members first.
The Members page also displays any groups that have been added to the community, but you cannot view the group membership list from the Members page.
- To find a specific community member, click Find a Member on the Members page and enter a name in the field provided. As you start typing, names from the community membership list are suggested to you. When you see the name that you want, you can click it. If your site uses the Profiles application, the person.s profile displays. If your site does not use the Profiles application, a list of the public communities to which the person belongs displays.
Following communities
Follow a community when you want to be notified about the latest updates to the community, including updates to community content, for example, community activities, blogs, files, forums, wikis, and events. You are not automatically sent these notifications if you are a member of the community; you must follow the community to receive them.
Anyone can follow a community as long as the community is publicly accessible; you do not have to be a community member to follow a public or moderated community. If you are a community owner or creator, then you are already following the community. You cannot follow a restricted community unless you are a member of the community.
If you do not want to follow an entire community, you can follow specific community content to get updates about that content. For example, if you are interested only in receiving notifications about updates to a community's wiki, you can follow the entire wiki or a specific wiki page. To follow community content, open that content from the community and look for the Follow button. Click the button to view the options available for following that content.
To follow a community, complete these steps.
- From the Public Communities, I.m a Member or I.m an Owner views, navigate to the community to follow.
- Click Follow this Community.
What to do next
You can view the communities that you are following by selecting the I'm Following view. You can also keep track of updates in the communities that you are following from the Home page by selecting Filter By > Communities in the I.m Following view.If you no longer want to receive notifications about the latest updates to a community, you can stop following it at any time. To stop following a community, open the community and click Stop Following this Community.
Keeping your community updated through notifications
Contact fellow community members and give them the latest community news using email. You must be a member of a community to mail members of that community.
To send email to your community, email must be configured to display in your deployment. If the administrator has disabled email for your deployment, the Mail Community option does not display. You can send email to other community members directly from your community. There is no limit on the number of people that you can email, however, you cannot specify individual members of the community as recipients. You must send the notification to all community members or community owners only. Choosing the option to send the notification to all community members means that the email is also sent to community owners.
You cannot send emails to groups.
- From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Mail Community.
You must be logged in to Communities to access the Community Actions menu.
- Do one of the following.
- To send the notification using your default email client, click Click to compose using your default email client.
- To use the email form provided:
- Set the recipients of the email.
- To send the message to everyone in the community, select Owners and Members.
- To send the message to community owners only, select Owners Only.
- Enter a title for your message in the Subject field. The title is prefixed by the name of the community by default.
- Set the content of your message in the Message field and click Send.
Get updates on a community
You can keep up-to-date on what is new in a community through the Recent Updates page. The Recent Updates page displays the latest news stories and updates on your community. The updates are displayed in a list format that you can easily filter so you can quickly identify the updates that most interest you.
Click Recent Updates in the community navigation and work with community updates in the following ways. The options that display depend on the type of update you are looking at.
- Status Updates only display if the micro-blogging service has been enabled at your site.
- To comment on an update, click Comment, enter your comment in the field, and click Post.
- To access more options for working with an update, hover over the update and click it.
Click anywhere outside the window to close it.
- To notify the people who are following you about a status update, click Repost.
- To show that you approve of an update, click Like.
Manage who can post status updates to your community
As community owner, you can manage who can post status updates to the community.
- From the Overview view, click Community Actions > Edit Community.
- Click the Status Updates tab.
- Select the whether owners, members, or non-members can post, and then click Save.
Viewing status updates in your community
You can keep up-to-date on what your team is doing by viewing the status updates that community members have posted to your community.
The Status Updates widget makes it easier to find status updates, but status updates are also available in the Recent Updates widget. If you are a community owner, you can add the Status Updates widget to your community. See Add widgets to your community to make more functionality available.
Click Status Updates in the community navigation and work with Status updates in the following ways.
- To comment on a status update, click Comment, enter your comment in the field, and click Post.
- To access more options for working with an update, hover over the update and click it.
Click anywhere outside the window to close it.
- To notify the people who are following you about an update, click Repost.
- To show that you approve of an update, click Like.
Sharing your status with the community
Update your personal status message on the Status Updates page to let your community know what you are doing.
You can share your status if the micro-blogging service is available at your site and if a community owner allows it.
Keep people in your community up-to-date by frequently posting your personal status to the Status Updates page for the community. This message displays in the Status Updates page for the community, but it does not display in your profile or the Home page.
To update your status message for your community, complete the following steps.
- From any view in your community, click Status Updates in the community navigation.
- Enter your status message in the text box. If you change your mind, and want to start over, click Reset.
- Optional: If you want to include a file in your status, click Add a File.
- Optional: To tag your message with a specific keyword, include the keyword prefixed with a hash (#) symbol as part of your message. When you save the message, the keyword is automatically converted to a link. Other people in your community can click the link to search for content tagged with the same keyword.
- Click Post.
Sharing related communities with other members
If you learn about a community that is doing work related to a community that you own, share that information with other community members.
You must be a community owner to share related communities. If you do not see a related communities widget in your community, add the widget to your community so your team can share information about similar communities. A community can contain only one related communities widget. See Add widgets to your community to make more functionality available.
Related communities let you link to other communities that might be doing work that interests your community. This product already recommends communities to you based on your community membership, network connections, and tags. Other members of this community might have a different set of community memberships, connections, and tags, so they receive different recommendations. You might also learn about an interesting community by another method. Related communities let you make others aware of these communities that might not be recommended to them or that they might have overlooked.
It is a good practice not to share a restricted community as a related community. Only people that are already members can access it.
- On the community Overview page, click Add a Community in the Related Communities area of the page.
- Enter the URL for the community to share.
- Enter the name of the community.
- Enter a meaningful description of the community. Think about why the community relates to the current community, and why other members would be interested.
- Click Save.
To edit or delete a related community, click Related Communities in the community navigation, and then click More next to the related community to delete or edit. Select Edit or Delete. Clicking More also displays recent updates for the community.Another way to share related communities with your team is to add the Related Community button to your browser. Click Bookmarking Tools in the footer of any page in IBM Connections to learn how to install and use the Related Community button. As you discover other communities of interest, click the Related Community button, and the Add a community dialog appears with the URL for the community already entered in the Community URLfield.
Categorizing communities with tags
A tag is a keyword that you assign to a community to categorize it and make it easy to find. Tag collections in Communities display the tags according to the view that you have currently selected.
You can choose how the tags in a tag collection are displayed: in a list or a cloud. A tag list displays the tags in a list starting with the most popular tags first. A tag cloud visualizes the popularity of the tags in the collection by grouping the tags together and displaying the most frequently used tags in larger, darker text and less often used tags in smaller, lighter text.
A tag can be a single word only and cannot contain any spaces. It can contain characters such as an underscore (_) or at sign (@). For example, you can use follow_up, follow-up, and followup as tags, but not follow up.
The following table describes the tags that are associated with each view in Communities:
Table 38. Tag views
Page Displays the tags for Public Communities All the public communities up to a defined limit, at which point the tag cloud displays the most popular tags up to the defined limit. The cloud does not include tags on the content within these communities. There is a cache associated with tags in this view so tags might not appear immediately when added to a community. The cache defaults to 60 seconds.
I.m a Member The communities that you belong to or own. The cloud does not include tags on the content within these communities. I.m an Owner The communities that you own. The cloud does not include tags on the content within these communities. I.m Invited The communities where you have a pending invitation. The cloud does not include tags on the content within these communities. I.m Following The communities that you are following. The cloud does not include tags on the content within these communities. Overview The activities, blogs, bookmarks, feeds, files, and wikis associated with the current community. The cloud does not include the tags assigned to the current community. Tag changes display only after the Search indexing task has run.
Bookmarks All the bookmarks associated with the current community. Feeds All the feeds associated with the current community.
Leaving communities
You can cancel your membership in a community if you no longer want to participate in that community.
You must be logged in to a community to be able to leave the community. If you are not logged in, the Community Actions menu does not display in the user interface.
To leave a community.
- From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Leave Community.
The last remaining owner of a community cannot leave the community.
- Click OK to confirm that you want to be removed from the community's membership.
The community no longer displays in the I.m a Member view
How do I add community members?
As a community owner, you can add members to your community at any time. You can invite people to join the community, and, if the community is moderated, you can decide whether to accept or reject incoming membership requests. To add multiple members at the same time, use the import tool on the Members page.
Add members with similar interests to your community
As a community owner, you can extend your community by adding new members. Add people to a community automatically makes them members of the community. If you want to give people the option of choosing to become a member, consider inviting them to join your community instead.
You must be a community owner to add members to a community. Your administrator configures the total number of members and groups that can be added to a community.
To add new members to a community, complete the following steps.
- From the I.m an Owner view, select the community to which you want to add members.
- Click Members in the navigation pane.
- Click Add Members.
- To add regular community members, enter the names of the people to add in the Members field. Type-ahead predicts the name that you are typing by comparing it to names in the directory that your administrator specified. If it proposes the name that you want, click to add it. If you do not see the name that you are looking for, click Person not listed? Use full search to search the company directory for the person.
- To add community owners, click the Down arrow next to Members and select Owners. Then, enter the names of the people to add in the Owners field.
Community owners have the ability to edit the community.
- To add groups to a community, select Groups in the Members drop-down list, and then enter the names of the groups to add in the Members field. Type-ahead predicts the name that you are typing by comparing it to names in your organization's directory or contact list. If it proposes the name that you want, click to add it. Alternatively, you can search for a particular group by clicking Browse Groups, and then entering a keyword for the group and clicking the Find Groups icon
. Click the group you want and then click Add. If the group contains nested groups within it, you can either add the parent group or select a nested group. Use the breadcrumb trail to switch between levels of nested groups.
You cannot add groups as owners to communities.
The group feature is available upon request. Contact your administrator for information.
If the community has reached the maximum number of members and groups that can be added, consider asking your administrator to increase the limit.
- Click Save.
The new members receive an email notification informing them that they have been added to the community. Email notifications are not sent to groups.
Inviting people to join a community
Extend your community by inviting people to become members.
As a community owner, you can reach out to people who you think might be interested in your community by inviting them to become members. Members of a public community can also invite people to join the community. The invitees receive an email notification inviting them to join the community, and they can then choose whether to accept or reject the invitation.
You can invite people to join only as regular members of a community; you cannot invite them to join as owners of the community.
To invite people to join a community, complete the following steps.
- From the I.m an Owner view, select the community to which you want to invite new members.
- Click Members in the navigation pane.
- Click Invite Members.
- Set the names of the people that you want to invite in the Members field. Type-ahead predicts the name that you are typing by comparing it to names in the directory that your administrator specified. If it proposes the name that you want, click to add it.
- Click Send Invitations.
What to do next
You can view all the pending invitations for a community from the Invitations tab on the community's Members page. The tab displays information about when each invitation was sent and who it was sent to.
Send batch invitations to offer membership to many people
Send a batch email inviting multiple people to join your community using the import tool on the Members page. You can invite people to join only as regular members of a community; you cannot invite them to join as owners of the community.
To send a batch email inviting people to join a community, you must be a community owner or the member of a public community. Verify with your administrator that your community did not reach the maximum number of members and groups that can be added.
You can use the import tool to invite a group of people to join your community only when email is configured to be displayed for your deployment. If your administrator configured email to be hidden, then the Import Members button does not display in the user interface.
You cannot resend or revoke batch community invitations.
To invite multiple people to join a community, complete the following steps.
- Open the Members page of the community to invite people to join.
- Click Import Members.
- Select Invite people to the community.
- Do one of the following actions:
- To invite people using their email addresses:
- Select Enter comma-separated email addresses.
- Enter the email addresses of the people to invite, and click Import.
The email address format must match the format of the profile records in the LDAP directory or Profiles database. If you use an invalid email address, that is, one that does not match the format used in the profile records, an error is displayed in the user interface.
- To invite people using email details in a comma-separated value (CSV) file:
- Click Select a CSV file of email addresses.
- Click Browse to locate the CSV file containing the email addresses of the people who you want to invite, and then click Import.
Resending community invitations as reminders to join
You can remind people about pending invitations to join your community by resending the invitation notification.
You must be a community owner to resend community invitations.
You can view all the pending invitations for a community from the Invitations tab on the community's Members page. The tab displays information about when each invitation was sent and who it was sent to.
If you notice any invitations that have been pending for some time, you can remind the invitees about the invitations by resending the original notification.
To resend a community invitation, complete the following steps.
- From the Overview page, click Members.
- Click the Invitations tab.
- Select the person to whom you want to send another invitation, and then click Resend.
Revoking community invitations that are pending
If you invite someone to join a community and later change your mind, you can cancel the invitation while it is still pending.
You must be a community owner to revoke community invitations. If you are inviting people to join a community and you send an invitation to the wrong person by mistake, you can revoke the invitation as long as the person has not yet accepted it.
You can view all the pending invitations for a community from the Invitations tab on the community's Members page. The tab displays information about when each invitation was sent and who it was sent to.
To revoke a community invitation, complete the following steps.
- From the Overview page, click Members.
- Click the Invitations tab.
- Select the invitation to cancel and click Revoke.
- Click OK to confirm that you want to revoke the invitation.
The revoked invitation is removed from the Invitations tab. If the invitee opens the original invitation notification and clicks Join this community, a message displays advising them that the invitation has been revoked.
Accepting membership requests
When you are the owner of a moderated community, you receive an email notification and a Home page notification whenever someone requests to join the community. If you do not want to accept a membership request, you can ignore or delete the request notification.
To accept a membership request, add the email sender to the community for which they requested membership by completing the following steps.
- Open the email request, and click Add this Person as a Member. The Add Members form displays, with the name of the person requesting membership automatically added to the Members field.
- Click Save to add the person to the community.
The new member receives an email notification informing them that they have been added to the community.
Import multiple members into a community to save time
You can add multiple members to your community at the same time using the import tool on the Members page. You must be a community owner to import members into a community.
You can only import community members when email is configured to be displayed for your deployment. If your administrator has configured email to be hidden, then the Import Members button does not display in the user interface.
Verify with your administrator that your community has not reached the maximum number of members that can be added.
To import members into a community, complete the following steps.
- Open the Members page of the community
...where you want to import the members.
- Click Import Members.
- Ensure that Add people to the community as is selected.
- Select a membership role for the new members from the Add people to the community as list. All the members are given the same role.
- Do one of the following:
- To import people using their email addresses:
- Select Enter comma-separated email addresses.
- Enter the email addresses of the people to import and click Import.
The email address format must match the format of the profile records in the LDAP directory or Profiles database. If you use an invalid email address, that is, one that does not match the format used in the profile records, an error is displayed in the user interface.
- To import members from a comma-separated value (CSV) file:
- Click Select a CSV file of email addresses.
- Click Browse to locate the CSV file containing the information to import, and then click Import.
Community membership roles
The actions that you can perform in Communities depend on the role that you are assigned. Find out what you can do as a community owner or member.
Tip: Communities provides an easy way for you to sort your communities by membership role.
- I'm a member. Displays the communities of which you are a member or an owner.
- I'm an owner. Displays the communities that you own.
- I.m invited. Displays the communities where you have pending invitations.
What can I do as a community owner?
Find out what actions you can perform in a community when you are a community owner.
Tip: If you are unsure of what your role is within a community, open the Members page and look for your name or for the name of the group to which you belong. Your role displays under your name or group name.In addition to the tasks that a regular community member can perform, community owners can perform the following management tasks.
Community owners can also perform the following tasks when working with community resources.
Table 39. Management tasks
Task type Community owners can Community management
For more information, see Managing your communities.
- Delete the community
- Update the community name
- Update the community description
- Change the community access level
- Upload an image to associate with the community
- Change the theme of the community
- Add and remove community tags
- Edit and delete community content
- Create, edit, and delete subcommunities
- Moderate community content
Membership management
For more information, see How do I add community members?
- Add and remove members
- Invite new members
- Revoke member invitations
- Accept membership requests (in a moderated community)
- Change the role of members
- Import community members
Widget management
For more information, see Add widgets to your community.
- Add widgets
- Edit widget settings
- Move widgets
- Hide widgets
- Delete widgets
Table 40. IBM Connections widget tasks
Resource Community owners can Activities
For more information, see Working with community activities.
- Edit and delete any community activities
- Mark activities as complete
- Add and remove activity members (by updating the community membership)
For more information, see Using a community blog.
- Add, edit, and delete community blog entries and comments
- Update the community blog title, description, and tags
- Change the time zone associated with the community blog
- Change the access level of community blog members
- Moderate the content of your community blog (when owner moderation is enabled)
For more information, see Add bookmarks to a community.
- Edit and delete any community bookmarks
Linked Library
For more information, see Using Linked Libraries.
- Configure the display of folders and files
For more information, see Scheduling community events.
- Edit and delete any community events.
For more information, see Working with feeds.
- Edit and delete any community feeds
For more information, see Add files to a community.
- Update and remove any community files from the community
- Change the file access level of community members
- Moderate the content of community files (when owner moderation is enabled)
- Restore deleted files to the community (when trash is enabled)
- Delete individual files from the trash (when trash is enabled)
- Delete all files from the trash (when trash is enabled)
For more information, see Using community forums.
- Create, edit, and delete community forums
- Edit, move, lock, pin, and delete forum topics
- Moderate the content of community forums (when owner moderation is enabled)
Ideation Blog
For more information, see Using an Ideation Blog in your community.
- Change Ideation Blog settings
- Change the access level of members
- Contribute, edit, graduate, and delete ideas
- Set the number of ideas that can be posted
- Freeze idea creation
- Freeze an Ideation Blog
Media Gallery
For more information, see Using a media gallery.
- Edit media gallery settings
- Edit and delete any media gallery files
Related Communities
For more information, see Sharing related communities with other members.
- Edit and delete any related communities
Status Updates
For more information, see Managing who can post status updates to your community.
- Determine access level of who can post status updates
For more information, see Using a community wiki.
- Create a community wiki
- Edit or delete the community wiki
- Add and remove wiki members (by updating the community membership)
- Change the wiki access level of community members
What can I do as a community member?
Find out what actions you can perform in a community when you are a community member.
Tip: If you are unsure of what your role is within a community, open the Members page and look for your name or the name of the group to which you belong. Your role displays under your name or the name of the group.As a community member, you can perform the following general tasks:
- View community content.
- View community membership details.
- Mail members of the community.
- Invite members to join the community (if the community has public access).
- Export the community membership.
If the display of email addresses is enabled for your deployment of IBM Connections, anyone can export the membership of public and moderated communities. Any member of a restricted community can export the community membership. If the administrator configured email addresses to be hidden, the Export Members option is not available.
- Leave the community.
You can leave a community if you are explicitly a member. You cannot leave the community if you became a member because a group that you belong to was added to the group.
Community members can also perform the following actions when using the resources that belong to the community.
Table 41. Community member actions
Resource Community members can Activities
For more information, see Working with community activities.
- Start community activities
- Contribute to community activities of which you are a member
Blog The actions that you can perform in your community blog depend on your access level. When you have viewer access, you can:
- Read blog posts
When you have draft access, you can:
- Save draft blog entries
- Perform all the actions associated with the viewer role
When you have author access, you can:
For more information, see Using a community blog.
- Post blog entries
- Edit and delete other users' entries
- Perform all the actions associated with the viewer and draft roles
For more information, see Add bookmarks to a community.
- Add bookmarks
- Edit and delete bookmarks that you added
Library The actions that you can perform using a Linked Library depend on your access level to the Enterprise Content Management server. If you have the appropriate access level to the Enterprise Content Manager server and are logged in with your Enterprise Content Manager credentials, you can:
For more information, see Using Linked Libraries.
- Work with folders to which you have access
- Add documents to folders to which you have access
- Edit, download, replace, and delete documents to which you have access
Events The actions that you can perform using the Events widget depend on your access level. When you have reader access you can:
- Access information about events
When you have author access, you can:
For more information, see Scheduling community events.
- Add events
- Edit or delete events that you added
For more information, see Working with feeds.
- Add feeds
- Edit and delete feeds that you added
- Subscribe to community feeds
Files The actions that you can perform using the Files widget depend on your access level. When you have reader access, you can:
- Indicate that you like files
- Follow files
- Download files
- View files in the trash
- Flag a file as inappropriate
When you have editor access, you can:
For more information, see Add files to a community..
- Upload files
- Share files
- Upload new versions of files
- Update, edit, or delete files uploaded by you
- Perform all the actions associated with the reader role
For more information, see Using community forums.
- Create forum topics
- Edit and delete forum topics that you added
- Reply to forum topics
- Edit and delete your own replies to forum topics
- Move your forum topics to another forum
- Flag forum content as inappropriate
Ideation Blog The actions that you can perform in your community Ideation Blog depend on your access level. When you have viewer access, you can:
- View ideas
When you have draft access, you can:
- Save draft ideas
- Perform the actions associated with the viewer role
When you have author access, you can:
For more information, see Using an Ideation Blog in your community.
- Post ideas
- Edit and delete your own and other users' ideas
- Perform the actions associated with the viewer and draft roles
Media Gallery
For more information, see Using a media gallery.
- Upload files
- Share, download, comment on, and indicate that you like files
- Flag file content as inappropriate (if postmoderation is enabled)
- Replace, edit, delete files that you added
Related Communities
For more information, see Sharing communities with other members.
- Recommend related communities to other members
- Edit and delete related communities that you added
Status Updates The actions that you can perform depend on your access level
For more information, see Sharing your status with the community.
- Enter status messages
- Upload files to status messages
- Comment on other member.s status message.
Wiki The actions that you can perform in your community wiki depend on your access level. When you have reader access, you can:
- Read wiki content
When you have editor access, you can:
For more information, see Using a community wiki.
- Create wiki pages
- Edit wiki pages
- Move pages
- Perform all the actions associated with the reader role
What can I do as a non-member?
Find out what actions you can perform in a community when you are not a community member.
If you are logged in to IBM Connections but are not a member of a public or moderated community, you can perform the following actions:
- Open and view Members, and see data in the widgets. You cannot add, edit, or delete any data.
- Can click Join this Community in a public community or Request to Join this Community in a moderated community.
Add widgets to your community to make more functionality available
Add widgets to your community to make extra functionality available to community members. You must be a community owner to add or remove widgets from a community.
The choice of widgets that you can add to a community depends on what your administrator has made available. You can add the following types of widgets to communities:
- IBM Connections widgets. These are widgets that correspond to the IBM Connections applications. To add an IBM Connections widget to your community, the corresponding IBM Connections application must be installed in your deployment. For a full list of the IBM Connections widgets available for use in Communities, see Communities widgets.
- Custom widgets. When your administrator has enabled the use of custom widgets from another source, these are displayed in the content palette along with the IBM Connections widgets that are available for use.
Widgets are self-contained, HTML-based representations of software applications. When you add an IBM Connections widget to a community, you create an association between that community and the widget application. Membership between the community and the widget application is synchronized, and links to the full widget application are created in the community's user interface so that you can easily find and work with the full application. A summary of the latest activity is posted on the community's Overview page, and you can access the full application at any time by clicking the corresponding link in the community navigation bar.
When you first create a community, it displays the following widgets by default: Recent Updates, Status Updates, Forums, Bookmarks, Files, and Members. You can customize your community by adding extra widgets. For example, adding the Wiki widget gives members access to a wiki where they can share files and collaborate on project documents. Add the Blog widget lets you create a blog for the community
...where members can communicate dynamically and stay up-to-date with the latest community news. The content palette displays the full selection of widgets that your administrator has made available for use in communities.
To add a widget to your community, complete the following steps.
- From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Customize to open the content palette.
You must be logged in to a community to access the Community Actions menu.
- Click a widget to add it to the community.
- Optional: Click Close palette to close the palette.
A section containing the widget is added to the main pane of the Overview page, and a link to the full widget application displays in the community navigation bar.
Related tasks
- Enable Linked Libraries
- Set allowed ECM servers
Communities widgets
As a community owner, you can add widgets to your community to make different types of functionality available to members.
The following IBM Connections widgets are available to add to communities.Notes:
- To add an IBM Connections application widget to your community, the corresponding application must be installed in your deployment.