IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal
Configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal
If your team uses IBM WebSphere Portal, you can configure IBM BPM widgets to work in the WebSphere Portal environment.
Before you configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal, :
- Install WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.2 Cumulative Fix Pack 12 or later.
- Verify that you have installed the WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.2 theme. See
Theme enablement in the WebSphere Portal documentation.
- Make sure to apply the full profile to the pages that contain your widgets or to the entire theme. See the following topics in the WebSphere Portal documentation:
Setting a profile override on a page and
Changing the theme default profile.
- Install and configure IBM BPM.
- Configure the Business Space component, and configure Representational State Transfer (REST) services, so widgets can access the services during run time. See Configure REST services.
- Configure SSL and SSO. See Configure SSO and SSL for widgets on WebSphere Portal.
- Complete specific configuration steps for your widgets, if required.
- If you are using Human Task Management widgets in a clustered environment, make sure to install DOJO forms on the same node as the widgets.
When you set up IBM BPM widgets to work in WebSphere Portal, consider the following issues:
- Do not install your server product on a WebSphere Portal profile.
Restriction: Not all product widgets support running in WebSphere Portal. See your product's supported environments.
- Create endpoint references on the WebSphere Portal application server. Product-specific endpoint reference entries must be created so that Business Space works properly in the WebSphere Portal environment. Endpoints must be defined on the WebSphere Portal server, but they are created remotely using the updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command run on your product server.
- Start the WebSphere Portal server and your product server.
- Copy the service endpoint files from the Business Space component and your product to a temporary directory on your product machine, for example, c:/tmp/endpoints/.
The service endpoint files are located on your product server in the following locations:
- profile_root/BusinessSpace/ node_name/ server_name/
INSTALL_ROOT/BusinessSpace/registryData/ product_name/endpoints
Some endpoints files might exist in both locations. Copy only the service endpoint files for which you need to create entries. You don't need to copy a file that was previously processed using the updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command. The following list includes IBM business process management examples of service endpoint files and widget endpoint files:
- IBM BPM: wpsEndpoints.xml, bpmAdministrationEndpoints.xml and BPMAdministrationWidgetEndpoints.xml (for Administration widgets), wesbWidgetEndpoints.xml (for Mediation Policy Administration, Service Browser, and Proxy Gateway widgets), HumanTaskManagementEndpoints.xml (for business processes and human tasks), bspaceWFSEndpoints.xml (for using Lotus Webform Server with Human Task Management widgets)
- wsumEndpoint.xml and wsumWidget.xml (for user membership)
- In a distributed environment, edit the service endpoint files to point to the correct URLs.
Because endpoints are registered in the application server that hosts the WebSphere Portal server, it is required that all the endpoints point to the remote server with the Business Space component. The endpoints must include the fully qualified name or IP of the remote host, for example:
<tns:Endpoint> <tns:id>{}bspaceCommonWidgetRootId</tns:id> <tns:type>{}bspaceCommonWidgetRootId</tns:type> <tns:version></tns:version> <tns:url>http:// Business_Space_Host: port/BusinessSpace/</tns:url> <tns:description>Location of Business Space Common Widgets</tns:description> </tns:Endpoint>Configure the endpoints as needed by editing the service endpoint files. Each endpoint in the file is designated by a <tns:Endpoint> block. Identify the block that you want to change. Look for comments that identify where you make the edits, for example:
<!-- When your REST service is remote from your Business Space server, update the following url value with the fully qualified URL to the service.For example --> <tns:url>/rest/bpm/monitor/</tns:url>
If you do not intend to activate some endpoints, you can remove them from the file to prevent confusion.
The location identified by an endpoint is specified in <tns:url>. This value is a path in a web module, specified as a full or relative HTTP URL. By default, the URL is relative. Change it to a full URL path, for example, https:// virtualport/rest/bpm/htm or http://host1:9445/WBPublishingDRAFT/, where the protocol, host, and port identify how the product web module can be accessed.
To locate the port number for the server...
- Log in to the administrative console.
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.
- Click the server for which you want to find the port number, and then expand the Ports section.
All applications use the same port as shown in either the wc_defaulthost (unsecured host) parameter or the wc_defaulthost_secure (secure host) parameter.
If you are using an HTTP server to access your web modules for load balancing, use the host name and port settings of the HTTP server.
- Open a wsadmin session on your product server. Run wsadmin.bat or in the profile_root/bin/ directory. The wsadmin session connects to the local product application server Java virtual machine.
- In the wsadmin session, run the updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command. (In a ND environment, run it from the dmgr.)
- Jython example:
AdminTask.updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal('[-nodeName Portal_node_name -serverName WebSphere_Portal -endpointBindingDirectoryName directory_containing_endpoints_files -host Portal_server_IP_or_host -port Portal_SOAP_port -user Portal_admin_ID -password Portal_admin_password]')
- Jacl example:
$AdminTask updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal {-nodeName Portal_node_name -serverName WebSphere_Portal -endpointBindingDirectoryName directory_containing_endpoints_files -host Portal_server_IP_or_host -port Portal_SOAP_port -user Portal_admin_ID -password Portal_admin_password}
For Portal_SOAP_port specify the SOAP port name for the remote WebSphere Portal server; the default is 10025. In a clustered environment, specify the SOAP port name of the Deployment Manager; the default is 8879.
- Restart the WebSphere Portal server.
- From the WebSphere Portal administrative console, verify the endpoints by navigating to the resource environment provider named WP Mashup Endpoints. Click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers > provider_name > Custom Properties.
- Configure the Ajax proxy on the WebSphere Portal server. To allow remote URLs to access your product server from the WebSphere Portal server, configure the Ajax proxy.
- Update your existing proxy-config.xml file with the proxy policy example code snippet shown in Required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal.
- Run the checkin-wp-proxy-config script.
In a clustered environment, run the script on the primary node.
ConfigEngine.[bat|sh] checkin-wp-proxy-config -DProxyConfigFileName= dir_path/ -DWasPassword= application_server_password -DWasUserid= application_server_user_ID -DPortalAdminId= WebSphere_Portal_administrator_ID -DPortalAdminPwd= WebSphere_Portal_administrator_password where dir_path/ is the complete path of your modified wp.proxy.config.xml file.
For more information about the proxy configuration, see the WebSphere Portal documentation at
- From the administrative console, restart the application named AJAX Proxy Configuration.
- Register the IBM BPM widgets on WebSphere Portal.
IBM BPM widgets are registered as iWidgets with WebSphere Portal by a bulk import using the WebSphere Portal-specific widget catalog file with your product. The catalog XML file is available at the root of the product web archive (WAR) file. Each product has a different context root.
There are two types of widgets: common widgets and product-specific widgets.
The context root for the common widgets is /BusinessSpace, and the catalog file is catalog_commonWidgets_portal.xml.
For example, specify the URL to the catalog XML file for the common widgets as http://localhost:9080/BusinessSpace/catalog_commonWidgets_portal.xml.
The following URLs are examples for business process management products:
- Human Task Management widgets: http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/HumanTaskManagementWidgets/portal_catalog.xml
- Administration widgets:
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/BSpaceWidgetsHM/hmCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/PolymorphicWidget/polymorphicCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/scaWidget/scaCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/SecurityManagerWidgets/smCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/StoreAndForward/sfCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/ServiceMonitorGraphWidget/smGraphCatalog.xml
- http:// Business_Space_hosting_Business_Process_Manager: port/BSpaceWidgetsBCM/bcCatalog.xml
- Run the following command from wp_profile\ConfigEngine to register iWidgets using your product catalog XML file :
ConfigEngine.[bat|sh] register-iwidget-definition -DIWidgetCatalog= URL_to_catalog_XML_file -DWasPassword= password -DWasUserid= ID -DPortalAdminId= ID -DPortalAdminPwd= password -DRegistrationAspects=catalogTitlesOverule,considerWidgetParam,considerUniqueName
Example for IBM Business Monitor:
ConfigEngine.bat register-iwidget-definition -DIWidgetCatalog=http://localhost:9080/BusinessDashboard/catalog.xml -DWasPassword=admin -DWasUserid=admin -DPortalAdminId=admin -DPortalAdminPwd=admin -DRegistrationAspects=catalogTitlesOverule,considerWidgetParam,considerUniqueName
- To verify that the command ran correctly, look for Return Value:0. For more information about optional commands, see the WebSphere Portal documentation at
What to do next
After you have completed the setup for widgets to work with WebSphere Portal, :
- If you are using IBM Business Monitor with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, you must update the web.xml file ProxyServlet_Servlet section.
- To find and add specific IBM BPM iWidgets to a WebSphere Portal page and begin working in the WebSphere Portal environment, log in to the WebSphere Portal server and click Actions > Edit Page. The widgets are only visible under the ALL category. To find your widgets, select the ALL category and the name of the widget you want to add. Then, click the Search button.
- To enable the event exchange between iWidgets and native portlets on the same page in WebSphere Portal, and to enable the preservation of navigational states of widgets after switching pages, configure the pages that contain your IBM BPM widgets to use client-side aggregation. See the WebSphere Portal documentation.
- When wiring your widgets, to ensure that all possible events of your widgets are shown, select Consider semantic types or payload type for matching of sources and targets as the matching mode. To change the matching mode, open the wiring editor and click Settings, then select Consider semantic types or payload type for matching of sources and targets and click Done.
- Verify that the IBM BPM widgets are wired to work together.
- To see the titles of your widgets, you must set the theme to Portal - Standard. The default in WebSphere Portal is that portlet titles are not displayed in View mode, which means that some of the widgets menus might not be displayed. To set the theme to Portal - Standard, from the WebSphere Portal administrative console, click Administration > Manage Pages, for your page click Edit page layout > AppearancePortal - Standard. Then you will see the portlet titles in View mode.
- Configure SSO and SSL for widgets on WebSphere Portal
If you want your product widgets to work in WebSphere Portal, you must set up single sign-on (SSO) between WebSphere Portal and IBM BPM, and you must set up the SSL certificates so that they are exchanged between the WebSphere Portal and IBM BPM.
- updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command
Use the updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command to create endpoint references on the WebSphere Portal application server so that your team can use the widgets on WebSphere Portal.- Required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal
Use the examples of required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure the Ajax proxy on the WebSphere Portal server. To allow remote URLs to your product server from the WebSphere Portal server, configure the Ajax proxy.
Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal
Related tasks:
Configure REST services
Set up specific widgets to work in Process Portal
Related reference:
updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal command
Required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal