IBM Business Process Manager, V8.0.1, All platforms > Reference > User interfaces

The administrative console

The administrative console is a browser-based interface used to administer applications, services, and other resources at a cell, node, server, or cluster scope. You can use the console with stand-alone servers and with deployment managers that manage all servers in a cell in a networked environment.

The administrative console is part of the Integrated Solutions Console framework in general, and the WebSphere Application Server administrative console in particular. As a result, many administrative tasks (for example, setting security, viewing logs, and installing applications) are the same for all products that use the console, including IBM Business Process Manager and WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus. Those tasks are documented in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

If you have installed a stand-alone profile, you have a single node in its own administrative domain, known as a cell. Use the administrative console to manage applications, buses, servers, and resources within that administrative domain.

Similarly, if you have installed and configured a network deployment cell, you have a deployment manager node and one or more managed nodes in the same cell. Use the administrative console to manage applications, set up managed nodes in the cell, and monitor and control those nodes and their resources.

In the administrative console, task filters provide a simplified user experience and, through the progressive disclosure of functions, access to the full underlying WebSphere Application Server administrative capabilities.

Parent topic: User interfaces