IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal > Set up specific widgets to work in Process Portal > Enabling coaches and forms for running Human Task Management widgets in Business Space
Configure IBM Forms Server for Human Task Management widgets in Business Space
If you are working with Human Task Management widgets, and you want to use IBM Forms Server to work with forms during run time, configure Business Space to use IBM Forms Server and the Webform Server component.
Before you can use IBM Forms Server with the Human Task Management widgets in Business Space, install IBM Forms Server V4.0.
When install IBM Forms Server, select both Forms Application Components and Webform Server Translator on the Select Server Components page on the installation tool. On the Optional Deployment Settings page, select Deploy Webform Server Translator to WebSphere Application Server. Do not select Deploy Forms API.
This topic applies to the following products:
- IBM Business Monitor
- IBM BPM Advanced
Depending on your environment, perform one of the following three steps.
- If you have a single-server environment and IBM Forms Server is already installed on the same system as your product, configure IBM Forms Server for Business Space by using PMT or Otherwise, go to step 2.
- If you are using PMT.
- Start, and create a stand-alone server profile.
- On the Profile Creation Options page, select the Advanced option.
- On the Business Space Configuration page, select the Configure IBM Forms Server check box and enter the translator and installation root.
- If you are using, complete the following step.
- Run Specify the -webFormConfig as true, specify the location of the IBM Forms Server Translator in the -webFormHTTP parameter, and specify the full path where IBM Forms Server is installed in the -webFormInstallRoot parameter. See manageprofiles command-line utility.
- If the IBM Forms Server is installed on the same system where your product is installed (and you did not configure the IBM Forms Server in Otherwise, go to step 3.
- For your profile, open a command window. The wsadmin command can be found at the profiles\ profile_name\bin directory. For a clustered environment, run the command from the deployment_manager_profile_root\bin directory. For a stand-alone server environment, run the command from the profile_root\bin directory.
- At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment.
For example, on Windows platforms, type wsadmin.bat -conntype NONE.
- On the same machine where the IBM Forms Server is located, run the configureWebformServer command, designating the local host and location.
- Deploy the following EAR file to the application server using the administrative console: WASHome\installableApps\BusinessSpace\BSpaceForms.ear.
For example using Jython:
AdminTask.configureLotusWebformServer(['-nodeName', node_name, '-serverName', server_name, '-translatorHTTPLocation', 'http:// localhost:8085/translator', '-serverInstallRoot', 'c:/Program Files/IBM Forms Server/4.0/WebformServer'])
Or, run the following command using Jacl:
$AdminTask configureLotusWebformServer {-nodeName node_name -serverName server_name -translatorHTTPLocation http:// localhost:8085/translator -serverInstallRoot c:/Program Files/IBM Forms Server/4.0/WebformServer}
$AdminConfig save
- If the IBM Forms Server is installed on a different system than where your product is installed.
- Copy the BSpaceForms.ear from the WASHome\installableApps\BusinessSpace directory to the system that has the IBM Forms Server installed. Deploy this EAR on the remote application server.
- On the local Business Space profile, in the bspaceWFSEndpoints.xml file, set the endpoint {}bspaceWebformsProxyRootId to reference the fully qualified location of the BSpaceForms.ear. For more information about editing endpoints files, see Enabling Business Space widgets manually for cross-cell environments.
- On the IBM Forms Server system, open the administrative console on the profile where you configured the IBM Forms Server.
- Set the following variables by clicking Environment > WebSphere Variables, then selecting the node that contains the server that you are using, and then clicking New for setting each new variable.
- Set the IBM Forms Server installation directory variable by creating a variable with the name LFS_DIR and value of the IBM Forms Server installation location, for example, c:\Program Files\IBM Forms Server\4.0\WebformServer.
- Set the LFS_API_DIR variable by creating a variable with the name LFS_API_DIR and value $(LFS_DIR)\Translator\API.
- Set the LFS_API_LIB_DIR variable by creating a variable with the name LFS_API_LIB_DIR and value $(LFS_API_DIR)\80\java\classes.
- Set the LFS_DEP_DIR variable by creating a variable with the name LFS_DEP_DIR and value $(LFS_DIR)\redist.
- Set the Java™ Process Definition.
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Environment Entries.
- Add a PUREEDGE_INI property and value: ${LFS_DIR}\Translator\PureEdgeAPI.ini.
- Set the LFS_API_LIB and LFS_DEP_LIB shared libraries.
- Click Environment > Shared Libraries.
- Set the scope by selecting the node that contains the server that you are using. The scope must be the same scope as the environment variable settings.
- Click New.
- Create an entry with name: "LFS_API_LIB" and classpath (one per line):
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/pe_api.jar
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/pe_api_native.jar
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/uwi_api.jar
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/uwi_api_native.jar
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/commons-codec.jar
- ${LFS_API_LIB_DIR}/xmlsec-1.4.1.jar
- Click OK.
- Click New.
- Create an entry with name: "LFS_DEP_LIB" and classpath (one per line):
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/commons-codec-1.3.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/ehcache-1.2.2.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/log4j-1.2.8.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/ws_common.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/ws_framework.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/ws_resourcestore.jar
- ${LFS_DEP_DIR}/ws_resourcebundle.jar
- Click OK.
- Set the server class loader.
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Java and Process Management > Classloader.
- If a class loader for your application server does not exist, create it. Click New and select the parent last option.
- Select the class loader for your application server and click Shared Library References.
- Click Add.
- From the Library Name list, select LFS_API_LIB.
- Repeat for library: LFS_DEP_LIB
- Click OK.
- Configure the translator location.
- Ensure that the BSpaceForms EAR file has been deployed
- Click Applications > Application types > WebSphere enterprise applications > BSpaceForms > Initialize parameters for servlets.
- Set the value for the translatorLocation to the http address of the Webform Server Translator. If the translator has been configured to run on the same machine as the BSpaceForms, Then leave the default value of: http://localhost:8085/translator
- Log on to the administrative console for the server that contains IBM Forms Server and import the SSL certificates used by the remote node where your product server is running.
- Under Security, click SSL certificate and key management.
- On the SSL certificate and key management page, under Related items, click Key stores and certificates.
- On the Key stores and certificates page, click NodeDefaultTrustStore to modify that truststore type.
- On the NodeDefaultTrustStore page, under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates.
- On the Signer certificates page for the NodeDefaultTrustStore, click the Retrieve from port button.
- On Retrieve from port page, under General Properties, type the host, port, and alias for where your product is running. Click Retrieve signer information button and then click OK.
- Restart both servers.
- Log on to the administrative console for your product server node and import the SSL certificate that is used by the node where IBM Forms Server is running.
- Repeat steps i. i.-v.
- On the Retrieve from port page, under General Properties, type the host and port for where IBM Forms Server is running. Click the Retrieve signer information button and then click OK.
- Restart both servers.
For more information about SSL, see the
WebSphere Application Server information center.
- Save all changes to the master configuration, and restart the server.
Enabling coaches and forms for running Human Task Management widgets in Business Space