IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Customize and rebranding interfaces > Customize Process Portal > Building Process Portal spaces > Building spaces using templates

Customize the content shown in the Human Task Management widgets

The content that is shown in the widgets is provided by a query. Queries are known as lists in the widget configuration.

You can configure widgets in a Process Portal space to use different lists so that they contain the content that is needed by the users of the space.

Before you begin, :


  1. Open the Content settings for the widget. Open the widget menu and select Edit Settings to see the configuration tabs. When you configure a widget for the first time, the All default list is selected on the Content tab.
  2. Change the lists that users see. The lists that are available depend on how your system environment is configured.

    • If the system environment is configured for federation mode, the list contains the lists that are available for the federated domains.

      If there are multiple domains, the domain name is added to the list name so that you can decide which list to use. The All list shows all the BPD and BPEL-related content for the list type from all the systems in the default domain; it does not contain any work-item-related content.

    • If the system environment is configured for the business process definition engine, the list contains the saved searches for the list type. The All default list shows all the BPD-related content in the system environment for the list type.

    • If the system environment is configured for Business Process Choreographer, the list contains the query tables that are deployed on the system for the list type. The All default list shows all the BPEL-related content in the system environment for the list type.

  3. Configure which properties are displayed in a specific list. You can use the same list for different user roles or user groups. In each case, you include only those properties that are needed by the role or group.

Building Process Portal spaces using the Human Task Management templates

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Enabling Business Space widgets for cross-cell environments