IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Customize and rebranding interfaces > Customize Process Portal > Building Process Portal spaces > Federation considerations for Process Portal spaces

Naming considerations for federating lists of IBM BPM tasks and IBM Case Manager work items

The integrated inbox widget in a Process Portal space combines the query results from all the configured IBM BPM and IBM Case Manager systems in a domain. Queries for the items in the inbox come from saved searches, query tables, and in-baskets queries in the configured systems. To federate query results, you must follow certain conventions when you create the corresponding queries.

Naming considerations for saved searches, query tables, and in-baskets queries

If you want the integrated inbox to show lists of tasks and work items, use the following naming conventions when you create your saved searches, query tables, and in-baskets queries:

Naming considerations for task and work item properties

To federated task and work item properties, the name of the IBM BPM process application must match the IBM Case Manager solution name.

The task and work item properties correspond to the search columns specified in a saved search for a business process definition (BPD), the attributes defined for human tasks in a query table, the attributes in the in-basket query, and the custom attributes defined for the in-basket.

The following attributes are automatically mapped.

How common attributes are mapped for human services, human tasks, and work items

Saved search
Human service (BPD)

Query table
Human task (BPEL process)

In-basket query
Work item (case management solution)

taskId TKIID F_WobNum
assignedToUser OWNER F_LockUser
instanceName PI_NAME F_Subject
taskSubject TAD_DISPLAY_NAME F_StepName
taskReceivedDate ACTIVATED F_CreateTime

Naming considerations for business data

You might also need to include business data, such as customer information, in the Inbox widget. You can add business data to the various queries that you use to create the federated lists of tasks and work items that are shown in the widget.

If you want business data attributes to be included in the federated results, you must know how the business data was defined in IBM BPM and IBM Case Manager. In IBM BPM, business data is defined in saved searches and query tables, and in IBM Case Manager as solution properties in in-basket queries.

The following naming conventions apply to the property names:

Naming conventions for business data in lists of work items and BPD-related human services

Use the unique identifier of the solution property in the in-basket query as the search alias of the equivalent property in the saved search.

For example, if the unique identifier of the solution property in the in-basket query is SOLPR_customer_name. the search alias for the property in the saved search is also SOLPR_customer_name.

Naming conventions for business data in lists of work items, BPD-related human services, and BPEL-related human tasks

Give the search alias of the property in the saved search the same name as the unique identifier of the solution property in the in-basket query. Use the search alias as the basis for the property name in the query table.

  • Prefix underscores in the search alias with an underscore in the property name in the query table.
  • Prefix uppercase letters in the search alias with an underscore in the property name in the query table.
  • Prefix the property name in the query table with BD.
  • Convert lowercase letters in the search alias to uppercase letters in the property name in the query table.

The following table shows examples of search aliases and query table names based on property names in the in-basket query.

Examples of business data names in in-basket queries, saved searches, and query tables
Unique identifier in the in-basket query Search alias in the saved search Property name in the query table
SOLPR_customerName SOLPR_customerName BD_S_O_L_O_P_R__CUSTOMER_NAME
SOLPR_CustomerName SOLPR_CustomerName BD_S_O_L_O_P_R___CUSTOMER_NAME
SOLPR_customer_name SOLPR_customer_name BD_S_O_L_O_P_R__CUSTOMER__NAME
SOLPR_customer_Name SOLPR_customer_Name BD_S_O_L_O_P_R__CUSTOMER___NAME

Federation considerations for Process Portal spaces

Related tasks:
Create saved searches for Human Task Management widgets
Create query tables for Human Task Management widgets
Enabling IBM Case Manager solutions for use in Process Portal spaces