Tools and Utilities for WebLogic Server 8.1

This document lists tools, utilities, and Ant tasks used in WebLogic Server developer activities.

Tools from third-party vendors that are listed here are mentioned in various places in WebLogic Server documentation. Their inclusion on this page or elsewhere in our documentation does not imply official endorsement by BEA for use with our products, and we make no representation as to their quality or effectiveness.


WebLogic Server Tools and Utilities


Developer Tools



WebLogic Builder

A graphical tool for assembling a J2EE application, creating and editing its deployment descriptors, and deploying it to a server.

EJBGen Uses Javadoc markup to generate EJB deployment descriptor files and the home, local and remote interfaces from a single bean class file.
WebLogic Workshop GUI-based approach to developing distributed, interconnected, and loosely coupled enterprise-class Web Services, for the corporate developer.
DDinit Examines the contents of a staging directory and builds the standard J2EE and WebLogic-specific deployment descriptors based on the servlet classes and EJB classes. WebLogic Server includes the following utilities:

  • weblogic.ant.taskdefs.ejb.DDInit
    Creates the deployment descriptors for Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1.

  • weblogic.ant.taskdefs.ejb20.DDInit
    Creates the deployment descriptors for Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0.

  • weblogic.ant.taskdefs.war.DDInit
    Creates the deployment descriptors for Web applications.

  • weblogic.ant.taskdefs.ear.DDInit Creates the deployment descriptors for Enterprise Applications.


Deployment Tools



WebLogic Administration Console The Administration Console is a browser-based graphical user interface for managing WebLogic Servers. Its management capabilities include configuration, stopping and starting servers, monitoring server performance, monitoring application performance, viewing server logs, and editing application deployment descriptors.
WebLogic Builder

A graphical tool for assembling a J2EE application, creating and editing its deployment descriptors, and deploying it to a server.

weblogic.Deployer Command-line WebLogic Server deployment of J2EE applications.
ClientDeployer Extracts the client-side JAR file from a J2EE EAR file, creating a deployable JAR file.


WebLogic Server ant Tasks



autotype Generates non-built-in data type components, such as the serialization class, for Web services.
BuildXMLGen Generates a build.xml file for enterprise applications in the split-directory development structure.
clientgen Generates a client JAR file.
ddcreate Generates application.xml and weblogic.xml for an EAR.
ejbc Examines EJB interfaces and bean classes and serialized deployment descriptors, and generates the support classes needed to deploy the bean in a WebLogic Server EJB container.
servicegen Takes as input an EJB JAR file or a list of Java classes, and creates all the needed Web Service components and packages them into a deployable EAR file.
source2wsdd Generates a web-services.xml deployment descriptor file from the Java source file for a Java class-implemented WebLogic Web Service.
wlappc Generates and compiles the classes needed to deploy EJBs and JSPs to WebLogic Server.
wlcompile Invokes the javac compiler to compile your application's Java files in a split development directory structure.
wlconfig Configures a WebLogic Server domain by creating, querying, or modifying configuration MBeans on a running Administration Server instance.
wldeploy Performs weblogic.Deployer functions using attributes specified in an Ant task.
wlpackage Packages your split development directory application as a traditional EAR file that can be deployed to WebLogic Server.
wlserver Starts, reboots, shuts down, or connects to a WebLogic Server instance.
wsdl2Service Takes as input an existing WSDL file and generates the Java interface that represents the implementation of your Web Service and the web-services.xml file that describes the Web Service.
wsdlgen Generates a WSDL file from the EAR and WAR files that implement your Web Service.
wsgen Uses information in the build.xml file to assemble Web services into Enterprise Application archive (.ear) files.
wspackage Packages the various components of a WebLogic Web Service into a new deployable EAR file and add extra components to an already existing EAR file.


Administration Utilities



Administration Console Browser interface for managing WebLogic Server.
AppletArchiver Runs an applet in a separate frame, keeps a record of all the downloaded classes and resources used by the applet, and packages them into either a .jar file or a .cab file.
getProperty Gives you details about your Java setup and your system.
showLicenses Displays license information about BEA products installed on your computer.
system Displays information about your computer's operating environment, including the manufacturer and version of your JDK, your CLASSPATH, and details about your operating system.
logToZip Searches an HTTP server log file in common log format, finds the Java classes loaded into it by the server, and creates an uncompressed .zip file that contains those Java classes.
MulticastTest Sends out multicast packets and returns information about how effectively multicast is working on your network.
myip Returns the IP address of the host.
verboseToZip Takes the standard output from a Java application run in verbose mode, finds the Java classes referenced, and creates an uncompressed .zip file that contains the Java classes.
weblogic.Admin Administers, configures, and monitors WebLogic Server.
wlconfig Creates, queries, and configures configuration MBeans on a running Administration server.
weblogic.Deployer Command-line interface to WebLogic Server deployment API.
wldeploy Ant task that performs weblogic.Deployer functions specified in an Ant script.
writeLicense Writes information about all your WebLogic licenses in a file called writeLicense.txt in the current directory.


Database Utilities



Schema Generates new JDBC stores, deleting the existing versions.
dbping Verifies that WebLogic jDriver for Microsoft SQL Server can connect to your SQL server.


Security Utilities



der2pem Converts an X509 certificate from DER format to PEM format.
pem2der Converts an X509 certificate from PEM format to DER format.


IDE Export/Import Tools



BEA WebLogic Export Utility for IBM VisualAge for Java v3.5 Exports project files and packages from IBM VisualAge to your system.
BEA WebLogic Import Utility for VisualCafe Imports the files exported from VisualAge into WebGain VisualCafe.


Interoperability Tool



WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Provides interoperability between WebLogic Server applications and Tuxedo services.


Migration Tools



WebLogic Administration Console The System Administration Console is a Web browser-based graphical user interface for managing WebLogic Servers.

If you have used a pre-6.0 version of WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, convert your files. Instructions for converting your files using a conversion script are available in the Administration Console Online Help section called "Conversion."


Monitoring Tools



WebLogic Administration Console The System Administration Console is a Web browser-based graphical user interface for managing WebLogic Servers.


Editing Tools



BEA XML Editor XML editor capable of validating XML code according to a specified DTD or XML Schema.
WebLogic Builder

A graphical tool for assembling a J2EE application, creating and editing its deployment descriptors, and deploying it to a server.


Web Services Tools



WebLogic Workshop GUI-based approach to developing distributed, interconnected, and loosely coupled enterprise-class Web Services, for the corporate developer.


Third-Party Tools and Utilities for WebLogic Server


Development Tools



iAnywhere Software platform for mobile and wireless enterprise applications
JBuilder Popular Java IDE.
Nokia SDK Development environment for mobile and wireless applications.
Sitraka JClass Popular Java IDE.
SDK See Supported Configurations for a list of SDKs that can be used with WebLogic Server.
Sun ONE Studio IDE for Java technology, based on NetBeans.
Borland Together ControlCenter Development platform for enterprise applications.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer IBM's development environment for J2EE applications.


Deployment Tools



Sitraka DeployDirector Interface for deploying and updating Java applications.
Borland Together ControlCenter Development platform for enterprise applications.
AltoWeb Software platform for Web Services and J2EE applications.




Pointbase Java database application used in WebLogic Server examples.
Database Application




CodeSigning Digital ID Digitally sign software and macros for secure delivery over the Internet.
RSA KEON Public key infrastructure for e-business.
RSA BSAFE Software development kits with encryption technology.

Security Tools


Optimizing Tools



OptimizeIt Application optimizing, now by Borland.
JProbe ServerSide Suite Application optimizing by Sitraka.


Packaging Tools



InstallShield Multi-platform installation development.
InstallAnywhere Multi-platform installation development.


Monitoring Tools



Empirix FarSight Web Application monitoring.
Introscope Performance management for applications running on Java Application Servers, from Wily Technology.


Testing Tools



JProbe Load testing tool.
LoadRunner Load testing tool.
Empirix Beantest for WebLogic Server Scalability and functionality testing for EJB middle-tier applications.
Empirix e-Test Suite Web testing and monitoring.
Empirix e-Tester Automated functional and regression testing for Web applications.
Empirix FirstACT Load and functional testing of Web Services and COM components.
Empirix e-Load Web load testing


Modeling Tools



Borland Together ControlCenter Development platform for enterprise applications.
Rational Rose Model-driven development tool.


Third-Party Editors



Stylus Studio XML development environment.
Emacs The extraordinarily powerful text editor.
Java Development Environment for Emacs Software package that interfaces Emacs to command-line Java development tools.
TextPad Editor for plain text files.
Enscript Converts ASCII files to PostScript and stores generated output to a file or sends it directly to the printer.
XMLSpy XML Schema-driven document and content editing.


Web Services Tools



CapeConnect Web Services platform.


J2EE Scheduling Tools

This table shows third-party tools for scheduling actions in your J2EE application.



Flux J2EE scheduling.
Kronos Enterprise Scheduler J2EE scheduling.

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