How WebLogic Builder Works
Recommended Uses for WebLogic Builder
Limitations of WebLogic Builder
Starting WebLogic Builder
Migrating a J2EE Module to WebLogic Server
Working with Web Applications
Adding a Servlet with Servlet Mapping and Security Constraints
Adding an ejb-ref/ejb-local-ref
Adding a Resource Reference
Adding a Listener Class
Adding a Filter with Filter Mapping
Defining a Match Map Class
Setting Welcome and Error Pages
Adding an Existing Tag Library
Adding a Virtual Directory
Working with EJBs
Creating a Relationship Between 2.0 CMP Beans
Adding a CMP Field to an Entity Bean
Adding a Finder Method to an EJB
Specifying Optimistic Concurrency
Adding an ejb-reference or an ejb-local-reference Between Two Beans
Working with the J2EE Container
Ordering a Module
Setting Up EJB Caching
Choosing a Security Realm
WebLogic Builder User Interface
Menu Tasks
Deployment Descriptor Elements in WebLogic Builder
Step 1: Set up your applications and environment.
Step 2: Generate deployment descriptors for Smart Ticket.
Step 3: Specify <context-root> for the web application.
Step 4: Specify JNDI names.
Step 5: Define Smart Ticket's data sources.
Step 6: Deploy Smart Ticket on WebLogic Server.
Step 7: Run Smart Ticket.
Big Picture
Best Practices
Related Reading