IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Agent configuration and environment variables > Environment variables

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Tivoli Data Warehouse environment variables

The Warehouse Proxy agent parameters can be changed in the KHDENV file on Windows systems and the hd.ini file in systems other than Windows systems to customize tracing for the Warehouse Proxy agent. The Summarization and Pruning agent parameters can be changed in the in the KSYENV file on Windows systems and the sy.ini file on non-Windows systems to customize tracing for the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

Warehouse proxy environment variables

Variable Purpose
CTIRA_NCSLISTEN Number of RPC threads.
KHD_BATCH_USE Allows inserts to be batched together, reducing the number of transactions against the database, improving performance and reducing network traffic. Default is Y and can be edited by GUI or CLI.
KHD_CNX_POOL_SIZE The total number of preinitialized ODBC connection objects available to the work queue export threads. The default value should match the KHD_EXPORT_THREADS value.
KHD_CNX_WAIT The time in minutes to wait before trying to reconnect. Default is 10 minutes.
KHD_CNX_WAIT_ENABLE A time to wait before a retry. Default is Y. Changing this variable to N does not wait before retries. Setting this variable to N can generate a large log file if the tests to the database fail at each retry. It is advisable not to change this variable.
KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_ACTIVATE Set this variable to Y to enable CSV output and N to disable CSV output. The default is N.
KHD_CSV_OUTPUT The directory (which must exist) where the CSV files are written to. If not specified, or if the directory does not exist, or if the path is not a directory, a message is generated to the trace file. An audit message will be generated and the CSV output will be disabled.
KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_LIST The comma or space separated list of table names (either the short name or the object name found in the ODI or the Agent User’s Guide) that will be output to CSV. If not supplied, all tables will be written to CSV files. This setting is ignored for data tagged for analytical usage. No default is set and there is no maximum length.


If KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_TAGGED_ONLY is enabled, only data that has been tagged for analytic use will be written to CSV files. KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_LIST will be ignored if KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_TAGGED_ONLY is enabled. The default value is Y.
KHD_CSV_MAXSIZE The maximum total size that all CSV files should have. This variable is used to avoid filling up the file system if the CSV files are not being consumed. This value is specified in MB, the same as the KHD_TOTAL_HIST_MAXSIZE variable. However, the default value for KHD_CSV_MAXSIZE is 10 MB (and not 0 like KHD_TOTAL_HIST_MAXSIZE). This checking cannot be disabled.
KHD_CSV_EVAL_INTERVAL The interval in seconds between the evaluation of the total size of the CSV files in the output directory. The time is specified in seconds, with a minimum of 60 seconds (1 minute). The default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
KHD_CSV_ISO_DATE_FORMAT Set KHD_CSV_ISO_DATE_FORMAT=Y to enable the conversion of a proprietary format timestamp to an ISO format timestamp. A proprietary format timestamp is defined as a fixed string of 16 characters of format CYYMMDDHHMMNNSSXXX, where:

C = 1 or 0

indicates the century


indicates the year

MM >=1, MM <=12

indicates the month

DD >=1, DD <=31

indicates the day

HH >=0, HH <=23

indicates the hour

MM >=0, MM <=59

indicates the minutes

SS >=0, SS <=59

indicates the seconds


indicates the fraction of seconds

For example:

  • Proprietary timestamp is: 130513094020000

  • ISO timestamp is: 2013-05-13T09:40:20.000

There are some specific timestamps that will not be converted, as the conversion depends on the mapping done by the application agent. The mapping can be found in the ODI file. Examples of specific timestamp values are as follows:

  • "0000000000000000"

  • "0000000000000001"

  • "0000000000000002"

  • "0000000000000003"

If the column is declared as a timestamp of 16 characters but does not correspond to a Candle timestamp as described above or a specific timestamp as described above, then the column will not be converted. The converted timestamps do not include time zone information. The meaning of the timestamp is based on the agent producing the data. Some agents output timestamps in local time and other in GMT.

When KHD_CSV_ISO_DATE_FORMAT is enabled, the CSV file name is also modified to contain the formatted date. For example with conversion enabled, the file name for the table TDWTYPES62 for data from 2008/09/27 12:00 to 2008/09/27 19:00 is:


Without conversion enabled, the file name is:



A comma or space separated list of column names (the short table name should prefix the short column name and a period separates the two names) that should be excluded from the date format conversion to ISO format.

The WRITETIME column will always be converted to an ISO timestamp if KHD_CSV_ISO_DATE_FORMAT is enabled.

KHD_EXPORT_THREADS Number of worker threads exporting data to the database. The default value should match the KHD_CNX_POOL_SIZE value.
KHD_QUEUE_LENGTH The length of the KHD work queue. This integer identifies the maximum number of export work requests that can be placed on the work queue before the queue starts rejecting requests. The default value of KHD_QUEUE_LENGTH is 1000. Setting this value to 0 means the queue length has no limit.
KHD_SRV_STATUSTIMEOUT The time in seconds set by default to 600s = 10 minutes. Set KHD_SRV_STATUSTIMEOUT less than KHD_STATUSTIMEOUT by at least 60 seconds. It is advisable not to change this variable.
KHD_WAREHOUSE_TEMS_LIST A space or coma-delimited separated list of monitoring servers. A warehouse proxy agent serves all the agents reporting to those monitoring servers listed. The same monitoring server name must not appear more than once in all the warehouse proxy Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server lists in the entire enterprise environment.
KHD_DB_COMPRESSION Used to change the configuration of the Warehouse Proxy Agent to enable or disable database compression.
KHD_WHLOG_ENABLE Used to change the configuration of the Warehouse Proxy Agent to enable or disable data warehouse log tables. This variable is set to N by default.


Used to send distributed agent compressed data. This variable is set to Y by default.


Used to allow z/OS clients to send compressed data. This variable is set to N by default.


Specifies that historical data is not compressed if set to N, which is true even if the Warehouse Proxy Agent server has allowed the compression. This variable does not exist by default.


Name of the database container where tables should be placed.


Name of the database container where indices should be placed.
KHD_PARTITION Controls whether partitioning is enabled (Y) or disabled (N). When disabled, non partitioned tables and indices are created and the old pruning behavior is in effect. When enabled, partitioned tables and indices are created (if supported by the database) and partitions are maintained.
KHD_PARTITIONS_UPWARD Number of partitions to maintain after the current date. This allows for an outage to occur and not cause disruption on the monitoring system, permitting agents to upload their collected historical data. Minimum value of 1, maximum value of 10. Negative values and special characters are not allowed.

Summarization and Pruning agent environment variables

Variable Purpose
KSY_AUTONOMOUS Normally, the summarization and pruning settings for attribute groups are configured through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or the command-line interface tacmd histconfiguregroups and saved in a WAREHOUSESUMPRUNE table on the Tivoli Data Warehouse. If you want the summarization and pruning agent to have no dependency on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, add KSY_AUTONOMOUS=Y to the summarization and pruning agent environment file and add the location of the agent description files using the KSY_AUTONOMOUS_ODI_DIR variable.

The summarization and pruning agent requires the agent application support files that are installed with the portal server. If you have set KSY_AUTONOMOUS=Y and the Summarization and Pruning agent is not installed on the same computer as the portal server, you must copy the required application support files to the same computer. With the exception of dockcj, which is not used, the support files are the dockpc (where pc is the two-character product code) files in the portal server directory: install_dir\cnps; install_dir/arch/cq/data. See Run the warehouse agents autonomously.

KSY_AUTONOMOUS_ODI_DIR Although the Summarization and Pruning agent can be configured for autonomy from the portal server, you still need to have the portal server installed and application support for all agents that are configured to collect historical data because the application support files are needed by the summarization and pruning process when running autonomously. Use this parameter to enter the path to the application support files.

When the agent is configured to run autonomously, the summarization and pruning settings must be entered directly into the WAREHOUSESUMPRUNE table on the warehouse database using the SQL insert command.

KSY_BLACKOUT Specifies a comma-separated list of exception times where the Summarization and Pruning agent should not start when using the flexible scheduling. The values in the list should be in the format HH:MM-HH:MM where HH must be between 00 and 23 and MM must be between 00 and 59. The starting time must be smaller than the end time of the exception period. For example, to block the Summarization and Pruning agent from starting between 1 and 2 AM and 5 and 6 PM, use the following time statement: 01:00-01:59,17:00-17:59.
KSY_CNP_SERVER_HOST Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server connection default host.
KSY_CNP_SERVER_PORT Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server connection default port.
KSY_DAY_AGE_UNITS The minimum age of data for daily data in days before aggregation is done.
KSY_EVERY_N_DAYS How often to run the schedule in days (number).
KSY_EVERY_N_MINS Indicates the frequency between Summarization and Pruning agent runs when using the flexible scheduling. Must be a multiple of 15 minutes, with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 1440 (one day).
KSY_FIXED_SCHEDULE Indicates whether the Summarization and Pruning agent is configured for fixed schedule if set to Y or flexible schedule when set to N.
KSY_HOUR_AGE_UNITS The minimum age of data for hourly data in hours before aggregation is done.
KSY_HOUR_AM_PM Whether to run in the AM or PM (AM/PM).
KSY_HOUR_TO_RUN The hour of the day to run. Valid values are 1-12.
KSY_MAX_ROWS_PER_ TRANSACTION Maximum rows per database transaction.
KSY_MAX_WORKER_THREADS Maximum number of simultaneous worker threads. Default is 1. Recommended value is the number of processors on your server minus 1.
KSY_MINUTE_TO_RUN The minute of the day to run (number).
KSY_SHIFT1_HOURS A comma-separated list of off-peak hour numbers for the shift.
KSY_SHIFT2_HOURS A comma-separated list of peak hour numbers for the shift.
KSY_SHIFTS_ENABLED Shift periods. Only two shifts are allowed. If shifts are enabled, each hour (0-23) must be specified once.
KSY_START_OF_WEEK_DAY Start of the week day, for example: 0 = Sunday 1 = Monday.
KSY_TIMEZONE_IND Time zone indicator. AGENT specifies use the time zone offset of the agent. WAREHOUSE specifies use the time zone offset of the warehouse.
KSY_TRAM_ENABLE Flag that indicates whether reporting integration is enabled or not. If enabled, the Time Dimension tables are created if they do not already exist with the schema IBM_TRAM. The default value is set to N.
KSY_TRAM_USER The reporting user that will create the time dimension tables. If the database is not DB2 LUW or DB2 z/OS, the reporting user is set by default to IBM_TRAM. However, as IBM_TRAM does not follow the user naming rules for DB2 LUW (name should not start with IBM) or DB2 z/OS (name should not contain an underscore) a different user name should be chosen. The user should have the necessary privileges to create an IBM_TRAM schema.

The KSY_TRAM_USER value only needs to be specified if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Y and the time dimension tables and stored procedure do not already exist.

KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD Password for the reporting user. The KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD value only needs to be specified if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Y and the time dimension tables and stored procedure do not already exist.
KSY_TRAM_TD_GRANULARITY Controls the granularity of TIME_DIMENSION data load. The default value is 5 minutes and the minimum value is 1 minute.
KSY_TRAM_TD_INITIAL_LOAD Amount of data to be initially loaded in the TIME_DIMENSION table, in months. The default value is 24 months and the minimum value is 1 month.
KSY_VACATION_DAYS Vacation days in a comma-separated list of days in YYYYMMDD format.
KSY_VACATIONS_ENABLED Whether vacation is enabled with Y or N.
KSY_WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG_PRUNE Use to specify the pruning for the WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG table. The format of the value should be number.unit, where number is the number of units to retain and unit specifies the retention unit, which can be one of day, month or year.
KSY_WAREHOUSELOG_PRUNE Use to specify the pruning for the WAREHOUSELOG table. The format of the value should be number.unit, where number is the number of units to retain and unit specifies the retention unit, which can be one of day, month or year.
KSY_WAREHOUSE_DRIVER The Warehouse Database Connection JDBC Driver.
KSY_WAREHOUSE_PASSWORD The Warehouse Database Connection Password (encrypted).
KSY_WAREHOUSE_URL The Warehouse Database Connection JDBC URL.
KSY_WAREHOUSE_USER The Warehouse Database Connection User (encrypted).
KSY_WEEKENDS_AS_VACATIONS Whether weekends are vacation with Y or N.
KSZ_JAVA_ARGS Java arguments.
KSY_WHLOG_ENABLE Used to change the configuration of the Summarization and Pruning Agent to enable or disable data warehouse log tables. The default value is N.
KSY_DB_COMPRESSION Used to change the configuration of the Summarization and Pruning Agent to enable (Y) or disable (N) database compression.
KSY_DEFAULT_TABLE_CONTAINER Name of the database container where tables should be placed.
KSY_DEFAULT_INDEX_CONTAINER Name of the database container where indices should be placed.
KSY_PARTITION Controls whether partitioning is enabled (Y) or disabled (N). When disabled, non partitioned tables and indices are created and the old pruning behavior is in effect. When enabled, partitioned tables and indices are created (if supported by the database) and partitions are maintained.
KSY_PARTITIONS_UPWARD Number of partitions to maintain after the current date. This allows for an outage to occur and not cause disruption on the monitoring system, permitting agents to upload their collected historical data. Minimum value of 1, maximum value of 10. Negative values and special characters are not allowed.
KSY_GROUP_BY_THRESHOLD Number of past days used in the Summarization and Pruning agent discovery query. This is used to improve the Summarization and Pruning agent runtime and to limit the number of partition locks placed on the table.

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Environment variables


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