IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions: common procedures
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent on Linux or UNIX: command-line procedure
Complete the steps in this section to configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent from the command-line on Linux or UNIX.
- Log on to the computer where the Summarization and Pruning Agent is installed.
- Run the following command to start configuring the Summarization and Pruning Agent:
cd ITMinstall_dir/bin
./itmcmd config -A sy
...where sy is the product code for the Summarization and Pruning Agent.
Here is a sample of Summarization and Pruning Agent configuration from the command-line. DB2 is the database used in this example, for the other supported database platforms the responses will be different:
itmcmd config -A sy Choose the database type Database Type Database [ 1=DB2, 2=Oracle, 3=Microsoft SQL Server ] (default is: 1): Sources Details Fully qualified paths to JDBC JAR files (comma separated) JDBC JARs List (default is: /data/jdbc/db2jcc.jar, /data/jdbc/db2jcc_license_cu.jar): The Warehouse JDBC URL JDBC URL (default is: jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/WAREHOUS): The Warehouse JDBC Driver JDBC Driver (default is: The Warehouse user Warehouse user (default is: itmuser): The Warehouse password Enter Warehouse password (default is: *): Re-type : Warehouse password (default is: *): The TEPS hostname T EPS Server Host (default is: localhost): The TEPS port (default 1920) TEPS Server Port (default is: 1920): Reporting Reporting Integration Flag that indicates whether reporting integration is enabled or not. If enabled the time dimension tables are created with the schema IBM_TRAM. Enable reporting integration [1=NO, 2=YES] (Default is: 1): 2 Reporting user that will create the time dimension tables. Reporting User (default is: ): db2admin The reporting password Enter Reporting Password (default is: ) Re-type : Reporting Password (default is: ) Controls the granularity of TIME_DIMENSION data load (default 5 minutes, minimum 1 minute). Time Dimension Granularity (Minutes) (default is: 5) Amount of data to be initially loaded in the TIME_DIMENSION table, in months ( Default is 24 months, minimum 1 month). Time Dimension Initial Amount (Months) (default is: 24): Scheduling Details: If fixed scheduling is in use Fixed Schedule [ 1=No, 2=Yes ] (default is: 2): The number of days between runs (default is 1) Every N days (default is: 1): The fixed hour to run (valid values are 0-12, default is 2) Hour to run (default is: 02): The fixed minute to run (default is 0) Minute to run (default is: 00): AM or PM AM/PM [ 1=AM, 2=PM ] (default is: 1): Minutes between flexible runs Every N minutes (default is: 60): Exception times in HH:MM-HH:MM format (24 hour clock), comma separated when flexible scheduling shouldn't run Blackout (default is: ): Log Settings Details Specify whether the WAREHOUSELOG table will be pruned. Format is nnn.unit where nnn is the number of units and unit is day, month or year. Specify blank to not prune the table. Prune WAREHOUSELOG (default is: ): Specify whether the WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG table will be pruned. Format is nnn.unit where nnn is the number of units and unit is day, month or year. Specify blank to not prune the table. Prune WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG (default is: ): Additional Settings Details The number of worker threads to be used Number of worker threads (default is: 2): The maximum number of rows per transaction (effective size is this value divided by number of worker threads) Maximum rows per database transaction (default is: 1000): Which timezone to use when aggregating the data: agent or warehouse (default is agent) Use timezone offset from [ 1=Agent, 2=Warehouse ] (default is: 1): The minimum age for hourly data to be aggregated (default is 1) Aggregate hourly data older than (default is: 1): The minimum age for daily data to be aggregated (default is 0) Aggregate daily data older than (default is: 0): The number of errors to keep in memory (default is 10) Maximum number of node errors to display (default is: 10): The number of summarization runs to keep in memory (default is 10) Maximum number of Summarization and Pruning runs to display (default is: 10): The number of minutes to cache the database status (default is 10) Database Connectivity Cache Time (minutes) (default is: 10): The type of batching to be used (default is single system) Batch mode [ 1=Single System, 2=Multiple System ] (default is: 1): Enable database compression, if supported (default is no) Database compression [ 1=No, 2=Yes ] (default is: 1): Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1): TEMS Host Name (Default is: itmtdwp18):
Parent topic:
Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions: common procedures