Merge test pages


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If a test contains page boundaries that are not at the correct place, you can merge two or more contiguous HTTP pages into one page.

Extra pages can be caused by a number of reasons.

For example, during recording, hovering over a "hotspot" can fetch images as you move on and off of the spot, creating pages in the test containing only .gif files. Rather than re-recording, you can merge the incorrect page.

The following are reverted to default values...

Merge HTTP pages

  1. Double-click a test

  2. Select contiquous pages to merge

  3. select...

      Merge Selected Pages

  4. The Merge Pages window lists the pages that you are merging.

    From this list, select the page that will contain the other pages.

  5. To keep the same number of pages in the test, click

      Keep empty pages

    For example, if you select this option and merge two pages, one page will contain all of the requests and the other page will be empty.

What to do next

You can also set preferences so that new pages are not generated when the think time is less than specified value:

Enter a value for...


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  • Split a test page
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