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Update the HCL DX 9.5 Experience API, Content Composer, and Digital Asset Management components

This section provides the steps to update the HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 Experience API, HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 Content Composer, and HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 Digital Asset Management components.

Update the HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 Experience API, Content Composer, and Digital Asset Management images

New HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 CF_xxx container images are released on a regular cadence, through theHCL DX 9.5 Container Update deliveries.

Consult the Digital Experience 9.5 Container Deployment topic for the latest list of DX 9.5 Container Images available.

Customers should not apply maintenance to an HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 container image. Instead, they should run the update process as described below.

Customers should not extend the HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 container images. They are not intended to be used in the FROM instruction as a parent image.

To update the Experience API, Content Composer, and Digital Asset Management images to a later container update version, follow these steps:

Note: All images must be moved to the target release.

  1. Create a backup of the Digital Asset Management components. Follow instructions to do so outlined in theHCL WebSphere Portal Containerization Backup and recovery procedures topic.
  2. Update the Experience API, Content Composer, and Digital Asset Management component images to a later container update by modifying the image tag for each component to be updated with the later versions tag, as in this example:

    Note: It is possible to deploy the services for the HCL Experience API and HCL Content Composer and/or Digital Asset Management by removing either the HCL Content Composer or HCL Digital Asset Management service lines from the YAML file.

      kind: ConfigMap
        name: dx-deployment

        dx.deploy.dam.persistence.tag: v1.0.0_20200622-1806
        dx.deploy.dam.persistence.image: portal/persistence/postgres
        dx.deploy.dam.volume: volume name
        dx.deploy.dam.imgprocessor.tag:  v95_CF181_20200622-1550
        dx.deploy.remotesearch.tag: v95_CF181_20200622-1550
        dx.deploy.dam.imgprocessor.image: portal/image-processor
        dx.deploy.dam.storageclass: dx-deploy-stg
        dx.deploy.remotesearch.image: dxrs
        dx.deploy.openldap.tag: v1.0.0-release_20200622_1592846796
        dx.deploy.openldap.image: dx-openldap
        dx.deploy.contentui.tag: v1.0.0_20200622-1709
        dx.deploy.contentui.image: portal/content-ui
        dx.deploy.remotesearch.enabled: 'true'
        dx.deploy.dam.tag: v1.0.0_20200622-1718
        dx.deploy.experienceapi.tag: v1.0.0_20200622-1719
        dx.deploy.experienceapi.image: portal/api/ringapi
        dx.deploy.dam.image: portal/media-library
        dx.deploy.openldap.enabled: 'true'
        dx.deploy.contentui.enabled: 'true'
        dx.deploy.experienceapi.enabled: 'true'
        dx.deploy.dam.enabled: 'true'
        dx.deploy.dam.operator.tag: v95_CF181_20200622-1756
        dx.deploy.dam.operator.image: hcl-medialibrary-operator
        dx.deploy.remotesearch.volume.storageclass: gp2

    1. Deploy the YAML (dx-deploy-config-map.yaml) with the updated Experience API, Content Composer and Digital Asset Management file names listed by issuing the command:

      • Kubernetes:

          • kubectl apply -f dx-deploy-config-map.yaml -n your-namespace

          • kubectl edit configmap name-of-map -n project

      • OpenShift:

          • oc project your-namespace
          followed by

          • oc apply -f dx-deploy-config-map.yaml

        to perform the update. The deployment will automatically restart a few times and make appropriate configuration changes during these restarts. Once complete, the deployment is upgraded.

HCL WebSphere Portal Solution Feedback

HCL WebSphere Portal is interested in your experience and feedback working with HCL Digital Experience 9.5 release software. To offer comments or issues on your findings, please access the HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 Feedback Reporting application.

Parent topic: Deployment
