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HCL WebSphere Portal roadmap: Applying maintenance

Portal maintenance is delivered through individual fixes (Fixes) and Combined Cumulative Fixes (CFs), which is recommended to the environment. Some combined cumulative fixes focus on fixing known issues that are identified by APARs. Other cumulative fixes are focused on new features. See: Combined Cumulative Fix Strategy

View the fixes delivered for HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5. The documentation provides specific information on how to enable and use the new feature.

Starting with CF196, versioning now implements a 3-digit integer that increments every release (CF196, CF197, CF198… and so on.) Though the versioning is the same, the CFs are packaged separately and specific to each deployment. Please find the sample file naming for the CF package applicable to an on-premises deployment versus a container deployment. On-premises: HCL-DX-CF196_Server_Update.zip, HCL-DX-CF196_Express_Update.zip, or HCL-DX-CF196_RemoteSearch_Update.zip. Container: hcl-dx-kubernetes-v95-CF196.zip CF196 and later releases are applicable to HCL DX 8.5, 9.0, and 9.5 on-premise deployments. Customers can update directly to the latest CF release without installing multiple individual CFs (for example, 8.5 CF213 to 8.5 CF196).

Apply a Combined Cumulative Fix

To apply a Combined Cumulative Fix, update the product files with Installation Manager. We must also update properties files, download the cumulative fix, and run ConfigEngine tasks to apply the changes to each profile in the system. The HCL WebSphere Portal Combined Cumulative Fix readme file provides detailed instructions on how to apply a fix and planning information.

Use the Health Checker tool to identify issues with the installation. Use the Health Checker tool on the target system before you apply a Combined Cumulative Fix. Individual fixes: Individual fixes are included in the Combined Cumulative Fix. However, if we need a fix before the Combined Cumulative Fix is available, we can install the appropriate Fix. More information about Fixes for HCL WebSphere Portal can also be found in (HCL Software Support page). To install a Fix, download it from HCL Software Licensing Portal or HCL Software License Portal page and use the Installation Manager to update the portal server. A Fix can be installed with the Installation Manager GUI or command line interface. It can also be automated with a response file. Most Fixes also require a command to update our profile. This requirement differs with each fix. Refer to the readme file that comes with the Fix for details. Fixes required for CF08: Install one of the following Fixes, based on the system, before upgrading:

To apply this cumulative fix, follow the readme file instructions that apply to the environment. We can find separate instructions for stand-alone, cluster, farm, and remote search environments from the Overview topic.

Parent topic: Roadmaps to deploy the HCL WebSphere Portal system