Create and index shards
We can set up and index a specified number of sharding cores by defining them in an input properties file and running the parallel-process utility in the Utility server Docker container.
Before beginning
- Decide on the sharding configuration we want to use. For example, we can select a language-specific core that needs to be sharded.
- Decide on the number of shards to create.
Task info
During this task, you perform the following high-level steps:
- Create and populate the input properties file used to process indexing shards.
- Run the di-parallel-process utility to index the shards.
Prepare the input properties file
- Create or update the input properties file that will be used for indexing, based on the environment and requirements. The sharding input properties file is used by the di-parallel-process utility to process indexing shards. It contains the following sections of properties:
- System properties such as the password property file path.
- Database properties, which are used to establish database connections with the database server.
- Global preprocessing and indexing properties, which are used for preprocessing and indexing by all shards.
- Master search server properties, which specify the master index cores where all shard data is merged.
- Horizontal Shard properties, which specify the horizontal shard properties.
The Utility Docker image contains two sample properties files. The example file uses the en_US locale and contains commented-out definitions for shards A, B, C and V (V is for vertical sharding). We can find the following files in the directory /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/properties/parallelprocess/.
- The sample sharding input properties file for a Linux operating system that uses DB2. Refer to the latest configuration file in the WebSphere Commerce Utility docker container if we are using the Oracle database.
- The sample password properties file, referenced by the sample sharding input properties file. It contains passwords encrypted by the wcs_encrypt utility.
For more information about the properties file and expected values, see Sharding input properties file.
Run the shard indexing utility
- Go to the following directory:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir\bin
/opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/bin in the Utility server Docker container.
- Run the utility:
(Developer) di-parallel-process.bat input_properties_file input_properties_file [-dbuser dbuser] [-dbuserpwd dbuserpwd] [-searchuser searchuser] [-searchuserpwd searchuserpwd]
- input_properties_file
- The path for the utility's input properties file can be either relative or absolute. For example, ../../ The default path in the Utility server Docker container is /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/properties/parallelprocess/
- dbuser
- Optional: The name of the user who is connecting to the database.
- dbuserpwd
- Optional: The password for the user who is connecting to the database.
- searchuser
- Optional: The search application administrative user name.
- searchuserpwd
- Optional: The search application administrative user password.
- Ensure that the utility runs successfully. Either check the exit code, or the wc-dataimport-parallel-processor.log file for more information. The path for wc-dataimport-parallel-processor.log is:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir\logs.
If we want the log to provide greater detail, set the log level to FINEST in the /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/default/installedApps/localhost/ts.ear/xml/config/dataimport/ properties file.
What to do next
Replicate the merged index into the repeater, then to the other nodes.