di-parallel-process utility
The di-parallel-process utility indexes preprocessed shards based on a configured input properties file.
Parameter values
- input_properties_file
- The path for the utility's input properties file can be either relative or absolute. For example, ../../di-parallel-process-linux-oracle.properties. The default path in the Utility server Docker container is /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/properties/parallelprocess/di-parallel-process.properties.
- dbuser
- Optional: The name of the user who is connecting to the database.
- dbuserpwd
- Optional: The password for the user who is connecting to the database.
- searchuser
- Optional: The search application administrative user name.
- searchuserpwd
- Optional: The search application administrative user password.
Sample properties file
Before we can run the utility, we must create an input properties file to be used for indexing, based on the output of the setup utility. The sharding input properties file is used by the di-parallel-process utility to process indexing shards. It contains the following sections of properties:
- System properties, which are shared by other utilities. For example, passwords that are common among utilities.
- Database properties, which are used to establish database connections with the database server.
- Global preprocessing and indexing properties, which are used for preprocessing and indexing by all shards.
- Master search server properties, which specifies the master index cores where all shard data is merged.
- Horizontal Shard properties, which specifies the horizontal shard properties.
- Vertical Shard properties, which specifies the vertical shard properties.
The Utility Docker image contains two sample properties files. The example di-parallel-process.properties file uses the en_US locale with shards A, B, and C. We can find the following files in the directory /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/properties/parallelprocess/.
- di-parallel-process.properties
- The sample sharding input properties file for a Linux operating system that uses DB2. Refer to the latest di-parallel-process.properties configuration file in the WebSphere Commerce Utility docker container if we are using the Oracle database.
- password.properties
- The sample password properties file, referenced by the sample sharding input properties file. It contains passwords encrypted by the wcs_encrypt utility.
For more information about the properties file and expected values, see Sharding input properties file.
Change to the working directory.
(Developer) WCDE_installdir\bin
/opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/bin in the Utility server Docker container.
Run the following command.
(Developer) di-parallel-process.bat input_properties_file
di-parallel-process.sh input_properties_file [-dbuser dbuser] [-dbuserpwd dbuserpwd] [-searchuser searchuser] [-searchuserpwd searchuserpwd]