Marketing content

Marketing content is a container for the images, text, and static HTML that displays in e-Marketing Spots and Commerce Composer widgets. Before we can add content to an e-Marketing Spot or widget, we must create marketing content. Marketing content is also a container for text (SMS) messages to use in dialog activities.

Marketing content can be any of the following types:

The images, text, and static HTML for marketing content is typically created by a team of writers or graphic artists.

Marketing content is not required for e-Marketing Spots or widgets that display catalog entries or categories because this data is pulled directly from the catalog.

Image maps in marketing content

We can create an image map to define multiple click actions for image content. If the store displays images that contain multiple distinct products or promotions, we can specify an image map for these images. We can set a click action area for each distinct product or promotion. When you set different click action areas, a customer can click each section of the image to open a different product or store page. For example, we can have an image map that provides our customers a link to different product details pages. We can also include click actions in the map that automatically add each product to a customer's shopping cart. With image maps, we can include these click actions in a single image instead of having to use multiple images to provide the same click actions to customers in an e-Marketing Spot. For example, the following image map contains three click actions. Each click action leads a customer to a different category store page.

The preceding image map is defined in Management Center with the content properties included in the following screen capture.

Related tasks
Manage marketing content
Creating marketing content to display on store pages
Finding marketing content
Changing marketing content
Deleting marketing content