Performance Measurement tool

As a developer, we can use the Performance Measurement tool to gather performance data on a running application to help you identify any performance bottlenecks. We can use this tool in both the development environment to test operation performance, and in your production environment to analyze the actual performance of an operation. When you run this tool, we can generate different reports to help you identify operations that impact performance and determine how to improve caching performance. The Performance Measurement tool is a flexible measurement tool that we can use in the following ways:

When you run this tool, we can generate any of the following types of reports to help you measure and analyze the site performance:

When this tool runs, it uses API classes to gather metric data for operations to use for generating the preceding reports. The API classes that the tool uses to gather the metrics are built on the Java Logging mechanism. These API classes create a metric gatherer and then create objects of a type OperationMetric. The tool uses these objects to gather the following information about a single operation execution:

For more information about how to run the Performance Measurement tool to generate reports, see Use the Performance Measurement tool


Depending on how you set up caching for the site, some operations that you cache can use sensitive information as key-values. For example, a servlet login form request might include a user password as a parameter. In this case, the parameter value is typically masked to prevent the value from being included in any generated performance logs.

When you run the Performance Measurement tool, the tool does capture parameter values for select statement within "GET" operations. If the parameter values that contain sensitive information are masked, the generated Performance Measurement tool reports should not include any sensitive information.


Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Search performance tuning
Data recording: Improving runtime performance

Related reference
Analysis with IBM Cloud tools
Performance logger