Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages
CWPRJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the Projector component for entity and tuple projection
When you encounter a message in a log or other parts of the product interface, look up the message by its message ID to find out more information.
- CWPRJ0001E
INVALID_ARGUMENT_NULL_CWPRJ0001E=CWPRJ0001E: Invalid value detected. The value for field {0} must be a valid non-null value.
- CWPRJ1001E
INVALID_SUBSET_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING_CWPRJ1001E=CWPRJ1001E: Invalid subset attribute. Attribute does not exist on superset entity. Entity={0}, Entity Class={1}, Attribute={2}
- CWPRJ1002E
INVALID_SUBSET_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRA_CWPRJ1002E=CWPRJ1002E: Invalid subset attribute. Extra attribute defined: Entity={0}, Entity Class={1}, Attribute={2}
- CWPRJ1003E
INVALID_SUBSET_ATTRIBUTE_TYPEMISMATCH_CWPRJ1003E=CWPRJ1003E: Invalid subset attribute. Attribute or association type mismatch: Entity={0}, Entity Class={1}, Attribute={2}
- CWPRJ1004E
INVALID_ASSOCIATION_KEY_CARDINALITY_CWPRJ1004E=CWPRJ1004E: Invalid association. Associations that are also keys can only have uni-directional OneToOne or ManyToOne relationships.
- CWPRJ1005E
ERROR_RESOLVING_ASSOCIATION_CWPRJ1005E=CWPRJ1005E: Error resolving entity association. Entity={0}, association={1}.
- CWPRJ1006E
ERROR_LOADING_ENTITY_CLASS_CWPRJ1006E=CWPRJ1006E: The class {0} cannot be found when loading entity {1}.
- CWPRJ1007E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_CWPRJ1007E=CWPRJ1007E: Invalid entity definition for class: {0}. {1}
- CWPRJ1008E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_TOPLEVEL_CWPRJ1008E=CWPRJ1008E: {0} class must be defined as a top level class.
- CWPRJ1009E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_FINAL_CWPRJ1009E=CWPRJ1009E: {0} class must not be final
- CWPRJ1010E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_CONSTRUCTOR_CWPRJ1010E=CWPRJ1010E: {0} class must define a default, public or protected, no-argument constructor.
- CWPRJ1011E
- CWPRJ1012E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_COMPARABLE_CWPRJ1012E=CWPRJ1012E: IdClass {0} must define equals() and hashCode() methods.
- CWPRJ1013E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_NOMETADATA_CWPRJ1013E=CWPRJ1013E: No metadata information was defined for the entity {0}.
- CWPRJ1014E
INVALID_SUPERSET_ENTITY_NOMETADATA_CWPRJ1014E=CWPRJ1014E: No superset metadata information was defined for entity {0} with superset {1}.
- CWPRJ1015E
ENTITY_DEFINITION_EXCEPTION_CWPRJ1015E=CWPRJ1015E: An exception occurred while creating the entity configuration for an annotated class or XML metadata for entity: {0}.
- CWPRJ1016E
INVALID_IDCLASS_DEFINITION_MISSINGATTRIBUTE_CWPRJ1016E=CWPRJ1016E: Key class {0} must define attribute: {1}.
- CWPRJ1017E
INVALID_IDCLASS_DEFINITION_INVALIDATTRIBUTETYPE_CWPRJ1017E=CWPRJ1017E: Key class {0} attribute {1} type is incorrect. Declared type is: {2}. Required type is: {3}.
- CWPRJ1020E
INVALID_ORDERBY_SPECIFIED_CWPRJ1020E=CWPRJ1020E: Error in OrderBy configuration. Field {3} in entity {1} does not exist. Check attribute {2} of entity {0}.
- CWPRJ1021E
INVALID_VERSION_TYPE_SPECIFIED_CWPRJ1021E=CWPRJ1021E: Error in version type. Specified version type of {0} is not supported.
- CWPRJ1022W
INVALID_ASSOCIATION_REFERENCE_CWPRJ1022W=CWPRJ1022W: Association reference from entity: {0} attribute {1}, to entity: {2} for attribute key(s) {3}, association key {4} could not be found.
- CWPRJ1023E
INVALID_ENTITY_ACCESSTYPE_CWPRJ1023E=CWPRJ1023E: Invalid entity access-type specified: {0}. The entity class does not have an @Id annotation, and the entity descriptor file does not define the access type for the entity.
- CWPRJ1024E
INVALID_XML_FILE_CWPRJ1024E=CWPRJ1024E: The XML file is invalid. A problem has been detected with {0} at line {1}. The error message is {2}.
- CWPRJ1025E
MULTIPLE_ENTITY_ACCESSTYPE_CWPRJ1025E=CWPRJ1025E: Unable to determine entity access type. Both fields and properties are annotated.
- CWPRJ1026E
MISSING_ATTRIBUTES_CWPRJ1026E=CWPRJ1026E: No attributes or associations defined.
- CWPRJ1027E
MISSING_ENTITYCLASS_XML_CWPRJ1027E=CWPRJ1027E: Entity class: {0} does not exist in entity descriptor file: {1}.
- CWPRJ1029E
MULTIPLE_SCHEMAROOTS_CWPRJ1029E=CWPRJ1029E: Multiple schema root references detected for Entity class: {0}, First Root Class: {1}, Second Root Class: {2}.
- CWPRJ1030E
INVALID_COMPOSITE_INDEX_DEFINITION_CWPRJ1030E=CWPRJ1030E: Invalid composite index definition for entity: {0}. Either composite index name: {1} or attributeNames: {2} is empty or is not unique for the entity: {0}.
- CWPRJ1031E
COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED_CWPRJ1031E=CWPRJ1031E: The multi-valued association: {0} is not supported in composite HashIndex: {1} for entity: {2}.
- CWPRJ1032E
EM_CLASSLESS_NOID_CWPRJ1032E=CWPRJ1032E: The Entity configuration {0} does not contain a valid id.
- CWPRJ1033E
EM_CLASSLESS_MIXED_CONFIGURATION_CWPRJ1033E=CWPRJ1033E: The Entity configuration {0} contains both a class reference and a classless identifier marked with an @ symbol.
- CWPRJ1100E
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_CWPRJ1100E=CWPRJ1100E: Invalid attribute or association: {0}.
- CWPRJ1101E
MISSING_FIELD_CWPRJ1101E=CWPRJ1101E: Field is undefined for class: {0}.
- CWPRJ1102E
MISSING_PROPERTY_CWPRJ1102E=CWPRJ1102E: Property is undefined for class: {0}.
- CWPRJ1103E
MISSING_ASSOCIATION_TARGET_ENTITY_CWPRJ1103E=CWPRJ1103E: The target entity is undefined.
- CWPRJ1104E
DUPLICATE_FIELDPROPERTY_CWPRJ1104E=CWPRJ1104E: Attribute is defined more than once.
- CWPRJ1105E
MULTIPLE_INVERSE_ASSOCIATIONS_CWPRJ1105E=CWPRJ1105E: The target association has more than one inverse relationship to this entity and is missing the MappedBy relationship definition. Source entity: {0}, Inverse entity: {1}, Duplicate attributes: {2}
- CWPRJ1108E
INVALID_INVERSE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE_CWPRJ1108E=CWPRJ1108E: The inverse target association references an invalid entity type. Inverse, target entity: {0}, association name: {1}
- CWPRJ1109E
INVALID_ENTITY_DEFINITION_MISSING_TARGET_CWPRJ1109E=CWPRJ1109E: The target entity type of {0} is not defined.
- CWPRJ1110E
INVALID_INVERSE_KEY_ASSOCIATION_CWPRJ1110E=CWPRJ1110E: An association that is also a key must not have an inverse association. Inverse, target entity: {0}, association name: {1}
- CWPRJ1111E
INVERSE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE_MISMATCH_CWPRJ1111E=CWPRJ1111E: The inverse target association must match the source target type. Inverse, target entity: {0}, association name: {1}
- CWPRJ1112E
TARGET_ENTITY_NOT_DEFINED_CWPRJ1112E=CWPRJ1112E: Target entity not defined for field or property: {0}.
- CWPRJ1113E
ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING_CARDINALITY_CWPRJ1113E=CWPRJ1113E: Attribute {0} is an entity type but a relationship to the entity is not defined.
- CWPRJ1114E
ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_CWPRJ1114E=CWPRJ1114E: Attribute {0} of type {1} is not serializable.
- CWPRJ1115E
INVALID_MANY_ASSOCIATION_TYPE_CWPRJ1115E=CWPRJ1115E: Invalid OneToMany or ManyToMany association type of: {0}.
- CWPRJ1200I
PROJECTOR_INSTRUMENTATION_ENABLED_CWPRJ1200I=CWPRJ1200I: Projector entity class instrumentation is enabled. The instrumentation mode is {0}.
- CWPRJ1201E
FIELD_ACCESS_ENTITY_NOT_INSTRUMENTED_CWPRJ1201E=CWPRJ1201E: Field-access entity not instrumented. Entity class={0}.
- CWPRJ1202W
PROXY_UNAVAILABLE_CWPRJ1202W=CWPRJ1202W: Entity proxy support is unavailable.
- CWPRJ1300E
MULTIPLE_METHODS_PER_TYPE_CWPRJ1300E=CWPRJ1300E: Multiple methods listen to the same event {0} in class {1}.
- CWPRJ1301E
ENTITY_CALLBACK_NO_PARAM_CWPRJ1301E=CWPRJ1301E: Entity lifecycle callback method, {0}, defined in the entity class {1} must have no parameters.
- CWPRJ1302E
LISTENER_CALLBACK_ONE_PARAM_CWPRJ1302E=CWPRJ1302E: Entity lifecycle callback method, {0}, defined in the entity listener class {1} must have only one parameter.
- CWPRJ1303E
LISTENER_UNASSIGNABLE_TYPE_CWPRJ1303E=CWPRJ1303E: The parameter of the entity callback method, {0}, is not assignable to entity {1}.
- CWPRJ1304E
NO_SUCH_CALLBACK_METHOD_CWPRJ1304E=CWPRJ1304E: The method name {0} with parameter {1} does not exist in the class {2}.
- CWPRJ1305E
UNEXPECTED_CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_CWPRJ1305E=CWPRJ1305E: Unexpected exception encounted when invoking the lifecycle callback method {0}: {1}
- CWPRJ5000I
INSTRUMENTATION_ENABLED_CWPRJ5000I=CWPRJ5000I: Java instrumentation mechanism is enabled. The instrumentation mode is {0}.
- CWPRJ9000I
ENGLISH_ONLY_INFO_MESSAGE_CWPRJ9000=CWPRJ9000I: This message is an English-only Informational message: {0}.
- CWPRJ9001W
ENGLISH_ONLY_WARN_MESSAGE_CWPRJ9001=CWPRJ9001W: This message is an English-only Warning message: {0}.
- CWPRJ9002E
ENGLISH_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE_CWPRJ9002=CWPRJ9002E: This message is an English only Error message: {0}.