Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages > CWPRJ: Messages for the Projector component


FIELD_ACCESS_ENTITY_NOT_INSTRUMENTED_CWPRJ1201E=CWPRJ1201E: Field-access entity not instrumented. Entity class={0}.


This error occurs when the Projector Java instrumentation agent is enabled but the field-access entity class is not included in instrumentation domain, or the field-access entity class is included in instrumentation domain, but is not in the field-access entity domain. The field-access entity domain is an optional configuration. When specified, all field-access entity classes must included in the field-access entity domain.

User response

Verify that the field-access entity class is included in instrumentation domain if no field-access entity domain is defined. If field-access entity domain is defined, ensure the entity class is included.

Parent topic:

CWPRJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the Projector component for entity and tuple projection


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