Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages > CWPRJ: Messages for the Projector component
INVALID_ENTITY_ACCESSTYPE_CWPRJ1023E=CWPRJ1023E: Invalid entity access-type specified: {0}. The entity class does not have an @Id annotation, and the entity descriptor file does not define the access type for the entity.
Entities and entity identification classes must have an access-type of FIELD or PROPERTY. If the entity class has an @Id annotation, the projector will detect the access type by where (field or method) the @Id is annotated. If annotations are not used, the access type must be defined in the entity descriptor file.
User response
Review the entity metadata and resubmit the operation.
Parent topic:
CWPRJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the Projector component for entity and tuple projection