Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages
CWOBJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the ObjectGrid and related components
When you encounter a message in a log or other parts of the product interface, look up the message by its message ID to find out more information.
- CWOBJ0001E
ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ0001=CWOBJ0001E: Method, {0}, was called after initialization completed.
- CWOBJ0002W
IGNORING_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ0002=CWOBJ0002W: ObjectGrid component, {1}, is ignoring an unexpected exception: {0}.
- CWOBJ0003W
DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_CWOBJ0003W=CWOBJ0003W: The {0} function was deprecated in the WebSphere eXtreme Scale {1} release and will be removed in a future release. See {2} in the information center for more information.
- CWOBJ0004W
DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_CWOBJ0004W=CWOBJ0004W: The {0} method is deprecated. The {1} function was deprecated in the WebSphere eXtreme Scale {2} release and will be removed in a future release. See {3} in the information center for more information.
- CWOBJ0005W
INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ0005=CWOBJ0005W: The thread created an java.lang.InterruptedException: {0}
- CWOBJ0006W
GENERAL_EXCEPTION_WARNING_CWOBJ0006=CWOBJ0006W: An exception occurred: {0}
- CWOBJ0007W
NULL_VALUE_WARNING_CWOBJ0007=CWOBJ0007W: The invalid value of null was specified for {0}. The default value of {1} will be used instead.
- CWOBJ0008E
INVALID_VALUE_ERROR_CWOBJ0008=CWOBJ0008E: The value {0} provided for the property {1} is invalid.
- CWOBJ0010E
MISSING_KEY_ERROR_CWOBJ0010=CWOBJ0010E: Message key {0} is missing.
- CWOBJ0012E
INVALID_LOGELEMENT_TYPE_CWOBJ0012=CWOBJ0012E: The LogElement type code, {0} ({1}), is not recognized for this operation.
- CWOBJ0013E
EVICT_ENTRIES_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ0013=CWOBJ0013E: An exception occurred while attempting to evict entries from the cache: {0}
- CWOBJ0021E
OBJECT_TRANSFORMER_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ0021=CWOBJ0021E: A usable ObjectTransformer instance was not found during the deserialization of the LogSequence object for {0} ObjectGrid and {1} ObjectMap.
- CWOBJ0022E
LOCK_MANAGER_INTERNAL_ERROR_CWOBJ0022=CWOBJ0022E: The caller does not own mutex: {0}.
- CWOBJ0023E
UNRECOGNIZED_COPY_MODE_CWOBJ0023=CWOBJ0023E: The CopyMode ({0}) is not recognized for this operation.
- CWOBJ0024E
REQUIRED_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ0024=CWOBJ0024E: Cannot deserialize field {0} in class {1}. Deserialization failed.
- CWOBJ0025E
SERIALIZATION_FAILED_CWOBJ0025=CWOBJ0025E: The serialization of the LogSequence object failed. The number of serialized LogElement objects ({0}) does not match the number of read LogElement objects ({1}).
- CWOBJ0026E
INVALID_JMX_CREDENTIAL_CWOBJ0026=CWOBJ0026E: The JMX credential type is not right. It should be of type {0}.
- CWOBJ0027E
CLONE_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_CWOBJ0027=CWOBJ0027E: Internal runtime error. Clone method not supported: {0}
- CWOBJ0030I
OBJECTGRID_INSTRUMENTATION_ENABLED_CWOBJ0030=CWOBJ0030I: ObjectGrid entity class instrumentation is enabled. The instrumentation mode is {0}.
- CWOBJ0033I
CLASS_NOT_IMPLEMENT_CLONE_CWOBJ0033=CWOBJ0033I: Class, {0}, does not implement the clone method. Using serialization instead for this Class in map {1}.
- CWOBJ0034I
TARGET_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD_LEVEL_CWOBJ0034=CWOBJ0034I: Memory utilization threshold percentage is set to {0} %.
- CWOBJ0035W
MEMORY_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD_NOT_SUPPORTED_CWOBJ0035=CWOBJ0035W: Memory utilization threshold not supported for this JVM.
- CWOBJ0036W
CHANGING_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD_CWOBJ0036=CWOBJ0036W: Changing memory utilization threshold from {0} to {1} for {2} memory pool.
- CWOBJ0037W
CHANGING_MEMORY_COLLECTION_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD_CWOBJ0037=CWOBJ0037W: Changing memory collection utilization threshold from {0} to {1} for {2} memory pool.
- CWOBJ0038W
MEMORY_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_CWOBJ0038=CWOBJ0038W: Memory threshold exceeded. Current heap memory usage: {0}.
- CWOBJ0039W
MEMORY_COLLECTION_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_CWOBJ0039=CWOBJ0039W: Memory collection threshold exceeded. Current heap memory usage: {0}.
- CWOBJ0040E
CWOBJ0040=CWOBJ0040E: Hash based data structure over run for {0} with {1} elements in the data structure. Examine the hashCode method on this class for better distribution.
- CWOBJ0041W
RANGE_INDEX_NOT_SUPPORTED_CWOBJ0041=CWOBJ0041W: The rangeIndex property of HashIndex plug-in cannot be set to true for a composite index: {0}. The rangeIndex property setting will be ignored.
- CWOBJ0042E
EXCEPTION_MAPPER_THROWABLE_IGNORED_CWOBJ0042=CWOBJ0042E: The ExceptionMapper implementation class {0} threw an unexpected exception with the following message: {1}. This exception is ignored.
- CWOBJ0043W
CATALOG_CONFIG_PROBLEM_CELL_PROPERTY_CWOBJ0043=CWOBJ0043W: The {0} is formatted improperly but was corrected: {1}
- CWOBJ0044E
FORMAT_ERROR_INITIALIZE_CATALOG_CWOBJ0044=CWOBJ0044E: Invalid data in the {0}: {1}. The exception is: {2}
- CWOBJ0045W
ERROR_CREATING_MBEAN_CWOBJ0045=CWOBJ0045W: An exception occurred while creating an MBean with ObjectName: {0}. The exception is: {1}.
- CWOBJ0046I
MEMORY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT_PERCENT_USED_CWOBJ0046=CWOBJ0046I: The memoryThresholdPercentage property was not provided in a server properties file and the MemoryMXPool bean was not set (current value = 0). A default value of {0} will be used.
- CWOBJ0047I
DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED_CWOBJ0047=CWOBJ0047I: Development mode is enabled for one or more MapSets for ObjectGrids: {0}. For a production deployment, set the development mode attribute in the deployment policy file to false.
- CWOBJ0048E
START_PROCESS_IN_WAS_CWOBJ0048=CWOBJ0048E: Starting stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale server processes in a WAS 6.0.x deployment is not supported.
- CWOBJ0049W
WAS_NOT_AUGMENTED_CWOBJ0049=CWOBJ0049W: This profile is not augmented with WebSphere eXtreme Scale. WebSphere eXtreme Scale container servers will therefore not start automatically.
- CWOBJ0050W
INVALID_PORT_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE_CWOBJ0050=CWOBJ0050W: Invalid listenerPort {0} defined in the {1}. Overriding it with the bootstrap address port (BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS) {2}.
- CWOBJ0051W
WAS_NOT_AUGMENTED_CWOBJ0051=CWOBJ0051W: This profile is not augmented with WebSphere eXtreme Scale. A catalog service will therefore not start automatically.
- CWOBJ0052I
ORB_CHANNELFRAMEWORK_CWOBJ0052=CWOBJ0052I: The IBM ORB TransportMode property was set to ChannelFramework.
- CWOBJ0053I
ORB_SEVERSOCKETQUEUEDEPTH_OVERRIDE_CWOBJ0053=CWOBJ0053I: The IBM ORB ServerSocketQueueDepth property was set to {0} to run with correctly with the ChannelFramework TransportMode.
- CWOBJ0055W
ORB_CHANNELFRAMEWORK_CWOBJ0055=CWOBJ0055W: The IBM ORB TransportMode property was set to ChannelFramework in the server properties file, but the existing file already had a TransportMode set. The TransportMode will not be overridden.
- CWOBJ0056I
ORB_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE_CWOBJ0056=CWOBJ0056I: The Object Request Broker (ORB) property {0} with the value: {1} is being overridden with the value: {2}.
- CWOBJ0057E
CATALOG_VERSION_DOWN_LEVEL_CWOBJ0057=CWOBJ0057E: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale catalog server version is {0}, and the client or container server version is {1}. The catalog server version cannot be older than the client or container server version.
- CWOBJ0058I
SAME_GRID_DIFFERENT_MAPSETS_CWOBJ0058=CWOBJ0058I: A deployment policy conflict was detected. Additional mapsets were found for ObjectGrid {0}.
- CWOBJ0900I
CWOBJ0900=CWOBJ0900I: The ObjectGrid runtime component is started for server {0}.
- CWOBJ0901E
CWOBJ0901=CWOBJ0901E: {0} system property is required to start ObjectGrid runtime component for server: {1}.
- CWOBJ0902W
CWOBJ0902=CWOBJ0902W: An error prevented the ObjectGrid runtime component from starting for server: {0}.
- CWOBJ0903I
INTERNAL_OBJECTGRID_VERSION_CWOBJ0903=CWOBJ0903I: The internal version of WebSphere eXtreme Scale is {0}.
- CWOBJ0904E
FILES_DO_NOT_EXIST_CWOBJ0904=CWOBJ0904E: {0} exists but the following file or files are missing: {1}. Cannot start the ObjectGrid runtime component for server: {2}.
- CWOBJ0910I
CWOBJ0910=CWOBJ0910I: The ObjectGrid runtime component is stopped for server {0}.
- CWOBJ0912E
CWOBJ0912=CWOBJ0912E: The application {0} has ObjectGrid configuration files that will not be used because application "{1}" is currently running an ObjectGrid server instance.
- CWOBJ0913I
LOADED_PROPERTY_FILES_CWOBJ0913=CWOBJ0913I: Server property files have been loaded: {0}.
- CWOBJ0915I
ORB_VERSION_USED_CWOBJ0915=CWOBJ0915I: ORB version used is {0}.
- CWOBJ0917I
ORB_LISTENING_CWOBJ0917=CWOBJ0917I: {0} ORB is listening on host and port {1}:{2}.
- CWOBJ0918W
NON_OBJECTGRID_CONFIG_OBJECT_CWOBJ0918=CWOBJ0918W: The list that was supplied to override client side ObjectGrid settings for domain/cluster {0} contains an element that is not an ObjectGridConfiguration object. This element will be removed from the List: {1}
- CWOBJ0919W
SERVER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ0919=CWOBJ0919W: The server property file {0} cannot be found. All server properties are set to the default values.
- CWOBJ0920I
CATALOG_SERVER_NOT_STARTED_FOR_PROCESS_CWOBJ0920=CWOBJ0920I: The catalog service was not started in this process: {0}. The {1} is: {2}
- CWOBJ0921W
OLD_CLIENT_PROP_FILE_USED_CWOBJ0921W=CWOBJ0921W: Using the Java Virtual Machine system property name "" to set the ObjectGrid client property file is deprecated. Use the property "objectgrid.client.props" instead.
- CWOBJ0922W
CLIENT_PROP_FILE_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ0922W=CWOBJ0922W: The ObjectGrid client property file {0} cannot be found.
- CWOBJ0923W
DEPRECATED_SERVER_SECURITY_PROP_FILE_USED_CWOBJ0923W=CWOBJ0923W: Using the Java Virtual Machine system property name "" to set the ObjectGrid server security properties is deprecated. Use the property "objectgrid.server.props" instead.
- CWOBJ0924I
LOADED_CLIENT_PROPERTY_FILES_CWOBJ0924I=CWOBJ0924I: The client property file {0} has been loaded.
- CWOBJ1001I
OPEN_FOR_BUSINESS_CWOBJ1001=CWOBJ1001I: ObjectGrid Server {0} is ready to process requests.
- CWOBJ1003I
DCS_CWOBJ1003=CWOBJ1003I: DCS Adapter service is disabled by configuration, to enable it, please change the configuration with an endpoint defined.
- CWOBJ1004E
SERVER_TOPIC_CWOBJ1004=CWOBJ1004E: Server topic is null
- CWOBJ1005E
CLIENT_REQUESTQ_CWOBJ1005=CWOBJ1005E: The incoming request queue is null.
- CWOBJ1006E
CLIENT_RESULTQ_CWOBJ1006=CWOBJ1006E: The outgoing result queue is null.
- CWOBJ1007E
CLIENT_REQUEST_CWOBJ1007=CWOBJ1007E: ObjectGrid client request is null.
- CWOBJ1008E
TXID_CWOBJ1008=CWOBJ1008E: ObjectGrid client request TxID is null.
- CWOBJ1013W
EXCEPTION_ON_SERVER_CWOBJ1013=CWOBJ1013W: An exception occurred on a remote server: {0}
- CWOBJ1014I
CLASSPATH_PROBLEM_CWOBJ1014=CWOBJ1014I: Preceding {0} message may be caused by application classes missing from the classpath on the server.
- CWOBJ1015I
OBJECTTRANSFORMER_PROBLEM_CWOBJ1015=CWOBJ1015I: Preceeding {0} message may be caused by an incorrect application implementation of the ObjectTransformer or Serializable interface
- CWOBJ1016E
PROPERTY_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_CWOBJ1016E=CWOBJ1016E: The property file {0} does not exist: {1}.
- CWOBJ1118I
DCS_CWOBJ1118=CWOBJ1118I: ObjectGrid Server Initializing [Cluster: {0} Server: {1}].
- CWOBJ1119I
CLIENT_CWOBJ1119=CWOBJ1119I: ObjectGrid client failed to connect to host: {0} port: {1}.
- CWOBJ1120I
CLIENT_CWOBJ1120=CWOBJ1120I: ObjectGrid Client connected successfully to host: {0} port: {1}.
- CWOBJ1121W
TIMEOUT_DURING_SHUTDOWN_WORK_LEFT_CWOBJ1121W=CWOBJ1121W: Timeout during shutdown while waiting for work items to complete. Work items left: {0}
- CWOBJ1122W
TIMEOUT_DURING_SHUTDOWN_SHARDS_LEFT_CWOBJ1122W=CWOBJ1122W: Time out while waiting for shards to be moved off server. Shards left: {0}
- CWOBJ1123W
SERVER_DISCONNECTED_FROM_CATALOG_SERVER_CWOBJ1123W=CWOBJ1123W: Server was disconnected from the primary catalog service and cannot be reconnected.
- CWOBJ1124W
DIFFERENT_CATALOG_SERVER_TIMESTAMPS_CWOBJ1124W=CWOBJ1124W: The container server database timestamps are normalized with different catalog servers {0} and {1}. Make sure the clocks of these two servers are synchronized.
- CWOBJ1203W
CLIENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_CWOBJ1203W=CWOBJ1203W: Received a timeout event from the server for transaction: {0}
- CWOBJ1204W
UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_TYPE_CWOBJ1204W=CWOBJ1204W: Received a message of unknown message type. The message is: {0}
- CWOBJ1207W
CONFIG_PROPERTY_UNSUPPORTED_CWOBJ1207W=CWOBJ1207W: The property {0} on plug-in {1} is using an unsupported property type.
- CWOBJ1208W
CONFIG_PLUGIN_UNSUPPORTED_CWOBJ1208W=CWOBJ1208W: The specified plug-in type {0} is not supported.
- CWOBJ1209E
UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE_SHARD_CWOBJ1209E=CWOBJ1209E: Unable to activate shard for ObjectGrid {0}, domain {1}, map set {2}, partition {3}, shard type {4} due to exception: {5}
- CWOBJ1211E
ERROR_OG_PMI_CREATE_FAILED_CWOBJ1211E=CWOBJ1211E: The Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) creation of {0} failed. The exception is {1}.
- CWOBJ1212I
PMI_NOT_FOUND=CWOBJ1212I: The WAS Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) cannot be found.
- CWOBJ1215I
TP_CWOBJ1215=CWOBJ1215I: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Event Listener is initializing [ObjectGrid {0}].
- CWOBJ1216I
TP_CWOBJ1216=CWOBJ1216I: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Event Listener is initialized [ObjectGrid {0}].
- CWOBJ1217I
TP_CWOBJ1217=CWOBJ1217I: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Service Point Initialized [ObjectGrid {0}].
- CWOBJ1218E
TP_CWOBJ1218=CWOBJ1218E: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Event Listener failure occurred [ObjectGrid {0} Exception message {1}].
- CWOBJ1219E
TP_CWOBJ1219=CWOBJ1219E: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Service End Point failure occurred [ObjectGrid {0} Exception message {1}].
- CWOBJ1220E
TRANPROPLISTENER_UNSUPPORTED_CWOBJ1220=CWOBJ1220E: ObjectGrid Transaction Propagation Service is not supported in this environment.
- CWOBJ1250W
UPGRADE_CATALOG_CWOBJ1250=CWOBJ1250W: A client with a version greater than or equal to {0} is connecting to a catalog service that has a version less than {0}. The catalog service must be upgraded before clients are upgraded.
- CWOBJ1251I
QUORUM_ENABLED_CWOBJ1251I=CWOBJ1251I: Quorum is enabled for the catalog service.
- CWOBJ1252I
QUORUM_DISABLED_CWOBJ1252I=CWOBJ1252I: Quorum is disabled for the catalog service.
- CWOBJ1253I
QUORUM_OVERRIDE_CWOBJ1253I=CWOBJ1253I: Quorum has been overridden for the catalog service.
- CWOBJ1300I
PMA_CWOBJ1300=CWOBJ1300I: Adapter successfully initialized ObjectGrid.
- CWOBJ1301E
PMA_CWOBJ1301=CWOBJ1301E: Adapter failed to initialize ObjectGrid. Exception occurred {0}.
- CWOBJ1302I
PMA_CWOBJ1302=CWOBJ1302I: Adapter stopped.
- CWOBJ1303I
PMA_CWOBJ1303=CWOBJ1303I: Adapter started.
- CWOBJ1304I
SECURITY_ENABLED_CWOBJ1304=CWOBJ1304I: Security is enabled.
- CWOBJ1305I
SECURITY_DISABLED_CWOBJ1305=CWOBJ1305I: Security is disabled.
- CWOBJ1306W
CANNOT_RETRIEVE_CLIENT_CERTS_CWOBJ1306=CWOBJ1306W: Cannot retrieve the client certificates from the SSL socket.
- CWOBJ1307I
OBJECTGRID_SECURITY_ENABLED_CWOBJ1307=CWOBJ1307I: Authorization security for ObjectGrid {0} is enabled.
- CWOBJ1308I
OBJECTGRID_SECURITY_DISABLED_CWOBJ1308=CWOBJ1308I: Security of the ObjectGrid instance {0} is disabled.
- CWOBJ1309E
OBJECTGRID_CONNECT_TOKEN_CREATION_CWOBJ1309=CWOBJ1309E: Unexpected error occured in the connect token creation: {0}
- CWOBJ1310E
OBJECTGRID_CONNECT_TOKEN_VALIDATION_CWOBJ1310=CWOBJ1310E: An attempt by another process to connect to this process through the core group transport has been rejected. The connecting process provided a source core group name of {0}, a target of {1}, a member name of {2} and an IP address of {3}. The error message is {4}.
- CWOBJ1311W
IGNORE_CREDENTIAL_GENERATOR_PROPS=CWOBJ1311W: The credentialGeneratorProps setting is ignored since the credentialGeneratorClass value is not provided.
- CWOBJ1312W
EXPIRED_CREDENTIAL_EXCEPTION=CWOBJ1312W: The credential expired. The exception message is {0}.
- CWOBJ1313W
CUSTOM_SECURE_TOKEN_MANAGER_CLASS_IGNORED=CWOBJ1313W: The customSecureTokenManagerClass setting is ignored since the provided customSecureTokenManagerType value is not "custom."
- CWOBJ1314W
IGNORE_CREDENTIAL_GENERATOR_CLASS_CWOBJ1314W=CWOBJ1314W: The credentialGeneratorClass property with value "{0}" is being overridden.
- CWOBJ1315I
DYNAMIC_CREDENTIAL_GENERATOR_CLASS_CWOBJ1315I=CWOBJ1315I: The credentialGeneratorClass property was set dynamically to a value of "{0}".
- CWOBJ1316W
CLIENT_SECURITY_ENABLED_SERVER_SECURITY_DISABLED_CWOBJ1316W=CWOBJ1316W: This non-secure server received a client request containing credential information. The credential information will be ignored by this server.
- CWOBJ1317W
UNSUPPORTED_ENCODE_ALGORITHM_CWOBJ1317W=CWOBJ1317W: The property {0} is encoded with an unsupported encoding algorithm "{1}". The property will be ignored.
- CWOBJ1318I
SSL_TRANSPORT_TYPE_ENABLED_CWOBJ1318I=CWOBJ1318I: Transport layer security configuration is set to {0}.
- CWOBJ1319E
SECURITY_NOT_PROVIDED_ON_STOP_CWOBJ1319=CWOBJ1319E: The exception {0} occured attempting to stop the server. Verify that a client property file was provided with the stop command including the required security settings.
- CWOBJ1320E
FILEPASSWORDENCODER_ERROR_CWOBJ1320E=CWOBJ1320E: An error occured while processing the FilePasswordEncoder request: {0} {1}
- CWOBJ1321I
FILEPASSWORDENCODER_INFO_CWOBJ1321I=CWOBJ1321I: FilePasswordEncoder informational message: {0} {1}
- CWOBJ1400W
MULTIPLE_JAR_FILE_CWOBJ1400W=CWOBJ1400W: Detected multiple ObjectGrid runtime JAR files in the JVM. Using multiple ObjectGrid runtime JAR files may cause problems.
- CWOBJ1401E
WRONG_JAR_FILE_CWOBJ1401E=CWOBJ1401E: Detected a wrong ObjectGrid runtime JAR file for this configuration. Detected configuration is {0}. Expected JAR file is {1}.
- CWOBJ1402E
MISSING_CONNECTION_LINK_CALLBACK_CWOBJ1402E=CWOBJ1402E: ObjectGrid connection link callback not found for id: {0}
- CWOBJ1403E
INVALID_RESOURCE_CWOBJ1403E=CWOBJ1403E: The resource specified is invalid: {0}
- CWOBJ1504E
CANNOT_PROCESS_REPLICA_CHANGES_CWOBJ1504=CWOBJ1504E: An exception occurred when attempting to process the LogSequences for replica ({0}): {1}.
- CWOBJ1505E
MORE_THAN_ONE_PRIMARY_RESPONSE_CWOBJ1505=CWOBJ1505E: More than one replication group member reported back as the primary. Only one primary can be active. ({0}).
- CWOBJ1506E
POSSIBLE_NETWORK_PARTITION_CWOBJ1506=CWOBJ1506E: More than one primary replication group member exists in this group ({1}). Only one primary can be active. ({0}).
- CWOBJ1508E
CANNOT_SEND_MESSAGE_CWOBJ1508=CWOBJ1508E: An exception occurred when attempting to send message ({0}) from sender ({1}) to receiver ({2}): {3}.
- CWOBJ1509E
CANNOT_SERIALIZE_MESSAGE_CWOBJ1509=CWOBJ1509E: An exception occurred when attempting to serialize message ({0}): {1}.
- CWOBJ1510E
CANNOT_DESERIALIZE_MESSAGE_CWOBJ1510=CWOBJ1510E: An exception occurred when attempting to inflate message ({0}): {1}.
- CWOBJ1511I
OPEN_FOR_BUSINESS_CWOBJ1511=CWOBJ1511I: {0} ({1}) is open for business.
- CWOBJ1513E
SYNCH_REPLICATION_FAILED_CWOBJ1513=CWOBJ1513E: Synchronous replication failed on {0} ({1}). This member is no longer active.
- CWOBJ1514I
PRIMARY_DOWNGRADED_CWOBJ1514=CWOBJ1514I: Primary ({0}) is being downgraded to either a replica or standby.
- CWOBJ1515I
MIN_CONFIG_NOT_MET_CWOBJ1515=CWOBJ1515I: Minimum configuration requirements not satisfied for replication group ({0}).
- CWOBJ1516E
CANNOT_ACTIVATE_OBJECTGRID_CWOBJ1516=CWOBJ1516E: An exception occurred when attempting to activate the replication process for ObjectGrid ({0}): {1}.
- CWOBJ1518E
CANNOT_COMMIT_REPLICA_CHANGES_CWOBJ1518=CWOBJ1518E: An exception occurred when attempting to commit replica transaction ({0}) for primary transaction ({1}) on Replica ({2}): {3}.
- CWOBJ1519E
CANNOT_ROLLBACK_REPLICA_CHANGES_CWOBJ1519=CWOBJ1519E: An exception occurred when attempting to rollback the LogSequences for replica ({0}): {1}
- CWOBJ1524I
LISTENER_REREGISTER_CWOBJ1524=CWOBJ1524I: Replica listener {0} must re-register with the primary. Reason: {1}
- CWOBJ1525I
CHECKPRELOADSTATE_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ1525=CWOBJ1525I: A ReplicaPreloadController ({0}) for map {1} threw an unexpected exception in method checkPreloadState {2}
- CWOBJ1526I
ENTERING_PEER_MODE_CWOBJ1526=CWOBJ1526I: Replica {0} entering peer mode after {1} seconds
- CWOBJ1527W
FAILED_ENTERING_PEER_MODE_CWOBJ1527=CWOBJ1527W: Replica {0} failed to enter peer mode after {1} seconds
- CWOBJ1531I
CLOSED_FOR_BUSINESS_CWOBJ1531=CWOBJ1531I: {0} ({1}) stopped on this server.
- CWOBJ1532I
SHARD_TRANSITION_CWOBJ1532=CWOBJ1532I: {0} (moving from server {1} ({2}), promoting {3} to {4}) in transition.
- CWOBJ1533E
REPLICA_IN_PEER_MODE_CWOBJ1533=CWOBJ1533E: {0}:{1} is already in peer mode.
- CWOBJ1535E
REPLICA_FAIL_ON_PEER_MODE_BAD_TRAN_CWOBJ1535=CWOBJ1535E: {0}:{1} Replica map failed to enter peer mode. A transaction threw an error while copying data from the primary. Error received: {2}
- CWOBJ1536E
REPLICA_FAIL_ON_PEER_MODE_ORDERING_CWOBJ1536=CWOBJ1536E: {0}:{1} Replica map failed to enter peer mode. Received incorrect ordering data from the primary, data copy cannot complete.
- CWOBJ1537E
REPLICA_FAIL_TO_REREGISTER_CWOBJ1537=CWOBJ1537E: {0} exceeded the maximum number of times to reregister ({1}) without successful transactions.
- CWOBJ1538E
PRIMARY_REJECT_SAME_REPLICA_CWOBJ1538=CWOBJ1538E: {0} received a {1} replica with the same container name as the local container. The replica will not be placed. Container: {2}.
- CWOBJ1539W
CLIENT_REPLICA_SERIALIZATION_ERROR_CWOBJ1539=CWOBJ1539W: Unable to serialize client listener data to send to replica, the client listener may not failover: {0}
- CWOBJ1540E
CREATING_CLIENT_REPLICA_TIMED_OUT_CWOBJ1540=CWOBJ1540E: Creating a client replica map times out after {0} ms.
- CWOBJ1541E
REPLICA_FAIL_ON_PRIOR_MAP_CWOBJ1541=CWOBJ1541E: {0}:{1} Replica map failed to enter peer mode because a previous map failed to enter peer mode. The entire replica cannot continue to enter peer mode. The prior exception was {2}.
- CWOBJ1542I
FOREIGN_PRIMARY_REPLICATING_CWOBJ1542=CWOBJ1542I: Primary {0} started or continued replicating from foreign primary ({1}). Replicating for maps: {2}
- CWOBJ1543I
REPLICA_REPLICATING_CWOBJ1543=CWOBJ1543I: The {0} {1} started or continued replicating from the primary. Replicating for maps: {2}
- CWOBJ1544I
FOREIGN_PRIMARY_REPLICATING_CWOBJ1544=CWOBJ1544I: Primary {0} stopped replicating from foreign primary ({1}).
- CWOBJ1600I
GATEWAY_STARTED_CWOBJ1600=CWOBJ1600I: ManagementGateway service started on port ({0}).
- CWOBJ1601E
GATEWAY_SERVICE_FAILED_CWOBJ1601=CWOBJ1601E: ManagementGateway service failed to start on port ({0}).
- CWOBJ1602E
GATEWAY_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_CWOBJ1602=CWOBJ1602E: ManagementGateway service failed to connect to server at ({0}):({1}).
- CWOBJ1603E
MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_RESPONSE_FAILED_CWOBJ1603=CWOBJ1603E: Management service failed to respond to ({0}) remote request: {1}.
- CWOBJ1604I
MANAGEMENT_GATEWAY_STOP_FAILED_CWOBJ1604=CWOBJ1604I: ManagementGateway service failed to stop connector due to Throwable {0}. Exiting.
- CWOBJ1605I
MANAGEMENT_GATEWAY_REFRESH_FAILED_CWOBJ1605=CWOBJ1605I: ManagementGateway caught Throwable {0} while refreshing attributes. Exiting.
- CWOBJ1606I
NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER_CWOBJ1606=CWOBJ1606I: {0} - Unable to get response from server {1}. Returning false.
- CWOBJ1607I
USE_WSADMIN_CWOBJ1607=CWOBJ1607I: {0} - When an ObjectGrid server is colocated with a WAS, use WSADMIN to stop server {1}. Returning false.
- CWOBJ1608I
SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING_NULL_CWOBJ1608=CWOBJ1608I: {0} - Unable to get response from server {1}. Ensure server is running. Returning null.
- CWOBJ1609I
NO_ROUTING_TABLE_CWOBJ1609=CWOBJ1609I: {0} - Unable to get routing table. Wait several seconds and retry operation. Returning null.
- CWOBJ1610W
RESET_NULL_CLUSTER_CWOBJ1610=CWOBJ1610W: Try to reset a null cluster for {0}.
- CWOBJ1616I
JMX_SECURITY_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ1616=CWOBJ1616I: JMX Security implementation not found.
- CWOBJ1617E
NO_JNDI_NAME_SUPPLIED_BIND_CWOBJ1617=CWOBJ1617E: No JNDI name was supplied while doing a bind. The bind will not complete.
- CWOBJ1619E
NO_JNDI_NAME_SUPPLIED_RESOLVE_CWOBJ1619=CWOBJ1619E: No name was supplied while doing a JNDI resolve.
- CWOBJ1620I
REPLACE_SERVER_CWOBJ1620=CWOBJ1620I: Replacing target for wrongly routed request due to changes in the server. The new target is {0}.
- CWOBJ1621E
UNABLE_TO_RESOVLE_JNDI_CWOBJ1621=CWOBJ1621E: Unable to resolve JNDI name {0}.
- CWOBJ1630I
DOMINO_MODE_CWOBJ1630=CWOBJ1630I: Replication group cannot serve this request {0}.
- CWOBJ1632E
NULL_ID_CWOBJ1632=CWOBJ1632E: Original request does not have a valid ID; no way to forward this request.
- CWOBJ1634I
BLIND_FORWARD_CWOBJ1634=CWOBJ1634I: Router cannot find the forwarding target; using blind forwarding.
- CWOBJ1660I
SERVER_NOT_RIGHT_CWOBJ1660=CWOBJ1660I: Replication group member has changed. This server does not host what is requested anymore. The original request is {0}.
- CWOBJ1663E
VERIFY_NULL_CLUSTER_CWOBJ1663=CWOBJ1663E: Server router cannot verify server routing for {0}, because cluster data for this replication group are null in the server.
- CWOBJ1668W
NOT_STARTED_CWOBJ1668=CWOBJ1668W: A client is making a request to a server that has not completed starting.
- CWOBJ1700I
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_INITIALIZED_CWOBJ1700=CWOBJ1700I: Standalone HAManager initialized with coregroup {0}.
- CWOBJ1701I
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_CWOBJ1701=CWOBJ1701I: Standalone HAManager is already initialized.
- CWOBJ1702E
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_NOT_INITIALIZED_CWOBJ1702=CWOBJ1702E: Standalone HAManager is not initialized, so it cannot be started.
- CWOBJ1710I
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_STARTED_CWOBJ1710=CWOBJ1710I: Standalone HAManager started successfully.
- CWOBJ1711I
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_ALREADY_STARTED_CWOBJ1711=CWOBJ1711I: Standalone HAManager already started successfully.
- CWOBJ1712E
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_NOT_STARTED_CWOBJ1712=CWOBJ1712E: Standalone HAManager is not started.
- CWOBJ1713E
STANDLAONE_HAMANAGER_START_FAIL_CWOBJ1713=CWOBJ1713E: Standalone HAManager failed to start.
- CWOBJ1767I
DCS_SLIDEBAR_SET_CWOBJ1767=CWOBJ1767I: The DCS heartbeating interval is {0}.
- CWOBJ1768I
DCS_SLIDEBAR_SET_CWOBJ1768=CWOBJ1768I: The DCS heartbeating timeout is {0}.
- CWOBJ1769I
DCS_SLIDEBAR_SET_CWOBJ1769=CWOBJ1769I: The number of DCS heartbeating threads is {0}.
- CWOBJ1790I
HAMANAGER_CONTROLLER_NEED_STANDALONE_HAM_CWOBJ1790=CWOBJ1790I: Need to initialize and start the standalone HAManager.
- CWOBJ1810I
CLIENT_FORWARDING_CWOBJ1810=CWOBJ1810I: Forwarding is required for response {0}.
- CWOBJ1811E
FORWARDING_NOT_FOUND_REQUEST_CWOBJ1811=CWOBJ1811E: Forwarding is required, but the original request cannot be found.
- CWOBJ1870I
CLIENT_DOMINO_CWOBJ1870=CWOBJ1870I: Server service is not available for response {0}.
- CWOBJ1871E
NULL_DOMINO_CWOBJ1871=CWOBJ1871E: Detected unavailable service, received null response, no way to retry.
- CWOBJ1872I
CLIENT_DOMINO_TIMEOUT_CWOBJ1872=CWOBJ1872I: Service is unavailable with response of {0}.
- CWOBJ1890I
DEAD_SERVER_REROUTING_CWOBJ1890=CWOBJ1890I: Re-routing request {0} due to an un-responsive server.
- CWOBJ1891E
NO_SERVER_REROUTING_CWOBJ1891=CWOBJ1891E: All servers are not available in replication group {0}.
- CWOBJ1899W
FORWARD_NULL_RGID_CWOBJ1899=CWOBJ1899W: Forwarding is required, but router cannot find right replication group for response {0}
- CWOBJ1900I
RPC_SERVICE_INIT_CWOBJ1900=CWOBJ1900I: Client server remote procedure call service is initialized.
- CWOBJ1901I
RPC_SERVICE_START_CWOBJ1901=CWOBJ1901I: Client server remote procedure call service is started.
- CWOBJ1902I
RPC_HANDLER_THREADS_START_CWOBJ1902=CWOBJ1902I: Client server remote procedure call handler threads are started.
- CWOBJ1903I
CONFIG_NETWORK_SERVICE_INIT_CWOBJ1903=CWOBJ1903I: Configuration network service is initialized.
- CWOBJ1904I
CONFIG_NETWORK_SERVICE_START_CWOBJ1904=CWOBJ1904I: Configuration network service is started.
- CWOBJ1905I
CONFIG_NETWORK_HANDLER_START_CWOBJ1905=CWOBJ1905I: Configuration handler is started.
- CWOBJ1921W
Cannot_Find_host_name=CWOBJ1921W: Cannot find host name {0}.
- CWOBJ1922E
Cannot_Lookup_IP=CWOBJ1922E: Cannot lookup the IP address for this host {0}.
- CWOBJ1929W
LocalHostUsed=CWOBJ1929W: LOCALHOST is used in the configuration which may lose server identity in multiple machine environment.
- CWOBJ1931I
ServerSupport=CWOBJ1931I: The configuration for {0} does not support either an ObjectGrid replication group member or a client-server transaction processor. This server will provide bootstrap support to peer ObjectGrid servers and clients only.
- CWOBJ1932I
ThreadPoolMinMax=CWOBJ1932I: Client thread pool minimum size is {0} maximum size {1}.
- CWOBJ2000E
NO_RGM_CWOBJ2000=CWOBJ2000E: No member in this replication group {0}.
- CWOBJ2002W
NO_AVAILABLE_RT_CWOBJ2002=CWOBJ2002W: No available routing table for this replication group {0}.
- CWOBJ2010E
NULL_TARGET_CWOBJ2010=CWOBJ2010E: Target for this request is null.
- CWOBJ2020I
ClientProperty_CWOBJ2020=CWOBJ2020I: Client properties are: {0}.
- CWOBJ2024E
FAILED_TO_LOAD_CLIENT_RETRY_CWOBJ2024E=CWOBJ2024E: Failed to process the value for the client retry property {0}. Value supplied: {1}. The correct value type is an integer up to a long indicating the timeout.
- CWOBJ2060I
NEW_RT_CHANGE_CWOBJ2060=CWOBJ2060I: Client received new version of replication group cluster {0}.
- CWOBJ2100I
STALECONN_CWOBJ2100=CWOBJ2100I: Connection ({0}) is stale, it cannot be reused.
- CWOBJ2400E
INVALID_MAP_SET_CONFIGURATION_CWOBJ2400=CWOBJ2400E: Invalid Configuration: backingMap {0} is a member of more than one mapSet.
- CWOBJ2401E
BACKING_MAP_WO_MAPSET_CWOBJ2401=CWOBJ2401E: Invalid Configuration: backingMap {0} in distributed ObjectGrid {1} is not in a mapSet.
- CWOBJ2402E
MAPSET_REF_NONEXISTENT_BMAP_CWOBJ2402=CWOBJ2402E: Invalid Configuration: mapSet has a reference to a {0} map. This backingMap does not exist in the ObjectGrid XML file.
- CWOBJ2403E
INVALID_XML_FILE_CWOBJ2403=CWOBJ2403E: The XML file is invalid. A problem has been detected with {0} at line {1}. The error message is {2}.
- CWOBJ2404W
INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE_CWOBJ2404=CWOBJ2404W: The value specified for {0} is {1}. This is an invalid value. {0} will not be set.
- CWOBJ2405E
OG_BINDING_REF_NONEXISTENT_OG_CWOBJ2405=CWOBJ2405E: The objectgridBinding ref {0} in the cluster XML file does not reference a valid ObjectGrid from the ObjectGrid XML file.
- CWOBJ2406W
INVALID_XML_FILE_CWOBJ2406=CWOBJ2406W: The XML file is invalid. A problem has been detected with {0} at line {1}. The error message is {2}.
- CWOBJ2407W
PLUGIN_PROPERTY_INVALID_CWOBJ2407=CWOBJ2407W: The {0} property on the {1} plug-in class could not be set. The exception is {2}.
- CWOBJ2408E
INVALID_ARGUMENT_CWOBJ2408=CWOBJ2408E: The argument {0} is invalid.
- CWOBJ2409E
SERVER_STARTUP_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ2409=CWOBJ2409E: The exception {0} occurred during server startup.
- CWOBJ2410E
ACTIVATION_FAILURE_CWOBJ2410=CWOBJ2410E: The server failed to activate.
- CWOBJ2411E
INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_CWOBJ2411=CWOBJ2411E: The server failed to initialize.
- CWOBJ2412E
BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE_CWOBJ2412=CWOBJ2412E: The server failed to bootstrap.
- CWOBJ2413E
SERVER_STOP_UNSUCCESSFUL_CWOBJ2413=CWOBJ2413E: The attempt to stop the server was unsuccessful.
- CWOBJ2414E
FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_CWOBJ2414=CWOBJ2414E: The server will be terminated.
- CWOBJ2415I
SCRIPT_CREATION_CWOBJ2415=CWOBJ2415I: Creating script file {0}.
- CWOBJ2416E
PLUGIN_INSTANTIATION_ERROR_CWOBJ2416=CWOBJ2416E: Plug-in {0} could not be instantiated and is not configured. The exception is {1}.
- CWOBJ2417W
DEPRECATED_CLUSTER_XML_ATTRIBUTE_CWOBJ2417=CWOBJ2417W: The {0} attribute on the objectgridBinding element is deprecated in the cluster XML. Use the {0} attribute on the serverDefinition element.
- CWOBJ2418E
SERVER_LAUNCH_FAILED_CWOBJ2418=CWOBJ2418E: The server failed to launch.
- CWOBJ2419W
MIN_THREADPOOL_SIZE_WARNING_CWOBJ2419=CWOBJ2419W: The minThreadPoolSize cannot be less than 1. The default value of {0} will be used.
- CWOBJ2420W
MAX_THREADPOOL_SIZE_WARNING_CWOBJ2420=CWOBJ2420W: The minThreadPoolSize is set to {0} and maxThreadPoolSize is set to {1}. The maxThreadPoolSize must be greater than minThreadPoolSize. The default values will be used: minThreadPoolSize = {2}, maxThreadPoolSize = {3}.
- CWOBJ2421W
OVERRIDE_WARNING_CWOBJ2421=CWOBJ2421W: The java.util.List supplied to override client side ObjectGrid settings for cluster {0} contains an element that is not an ObjectGridConfiguration object. This element will be removed from the java.util.List: {1}.
- CWOBJ2422I
CHECKSUM_DIFFERENCE_CWOBJ2422=CWOBJ2422I: Configuration version on client might not be the same as configuration version used by this server. Client side: host = {0}, , port = {1}, , Server side: host = {2}, port = {3}.
- CWOBJ2423I
CLIENT_OVERRIDE_URL_CWOBJ2423=CWOBJ2423I: Client side ObjectGrid settings will be overridden for cluster {0} using the URL {1}.
- CWOBJ2424I
CLIENT_OVERRIDE_MAP_CWOBJ2424=CWOBJ2424I: Client side ObjectGrid settings will be overridden for cluster {0} using an entry supplied in the overrideMap.
- CWOBJ2425E
CLIENT_OVERRIDE_MAP_ERROR_CWOBJ2425=CWOBJ2425E: The Map provided to override client side ObjectGrid settings for cluster {0} contains a value that is not of type java.util.List. Client side ObjectGrid settings will not be overridden for this cluster.
- CWOBJ2426E
CONTAINER_WITHOUT_ZONE_INVALID_CWOBJ2426=CWOBJ2426E: This container has been started without a zone association. This container must be started within a zone since one or more containers in the domain already have been started within one or more zones.
- CWOBJ2427E
CONTAINER_WITH_ZONE_INVALID_CWOBJ2427=CWOBJ2427E: This container has been started with a zone association. This container must be started without a zone since one or more containers in the domain already have been started without a zone.
- CWOBJ2428W
ZONE_CONFIG_DEFAULT_INVALID_CWOBJ2428=CWOBJ2428W: The container {0} has started without an association to a zone, but other containers have already started within zones. {0} will be deactivated.
- CWOBJ2429W
ZONE_CONFIG_CUSTOM_INVALID_CWOBJ2429=CWOBJ2429W: The container {0} started with an association to a zone, but other containers have already started without zone associations. {0} will be deactivated.
- CWOBJ2430E
ZONE_RULE_TOO_FEW_ZONES_CWOBJ2430=CWOBJ2430E: The zoneRule {0} contains an insufficient number of zones ({1}) for the number of shardMapping entries ({2}) using zoneRule {0}.
- CWOBJ2431E
MAP_SET_NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_ZONE_CWOBJ2431=CWOBJ2431E: The container was started in zone {0}, but mapSet {1} for ObjectGrid {2} is not configured to run in zone {0}.
- CWOBJ2432E
WRONG_NUMBER_SHARD_MAPPINGS_CWOBJ2432=CWOBJ2432E: The wrong number of {0} shardMappings were found for the {1} mapSet in the {2} ObjectGrid. Expected {3} shardMappings, but found {4}.
- CWOBJ2500E
SERVER_STARTUP_ERROR_CWOBJ2500=CWOBJ2500E: Failed to start ObjectGrid server {0}.
- CWOBJ2501I
LAUNCHING_SERVER_CWOBJ2501=CWOBJ2501I: Launching ObjectGrid server {0}.
- CWOBJ2502I
LAUNCHING_SERVER_XML_CWOBJ2502=CWOBJ2502I: Starting ObjectGrid server using ObjectGrid XML file URL {0} and Cluster XML file URL {1}.
- CWOBJ2504I
SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_LIST_CWOBJ2504=CWOBJ2504I: Attempting to bootstrap to a peer ObjectGrid server using the following host(s) and port(s) {0}.
- CWOBJ2506I
COMMAND_LINE_TRACE_FILE_CWOBJ2506=CWOBJ2506I: Trace is being logged to {0}.
- CWOBJ2507I
COMMAND_LINE_TRACE_SPEC_CWOBJ2507=CWOBJ2507I: Trace specification is set to {0}.
- CWOBJ2508I
LAUNCHING_SERVER_SECURITY_CWOBJ2508=CWOBJ2508I: A security properties file {0} has been specified and will be used to start the server.
- CWOBJ2509E
SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_CWOBJ2509=CWOBJ2509E: Timed out after waiting {0} seconds for the server to start.
- CWOBJ2510I
SERVER_STOP_CWOBJ2510=CWOBJ2510I: Stopping ObjectGrid server {0}.
- CWOBJ2512I
SERVER_STOPPED_CWOBJ2512=CWOBJ2512I: ObjectGrid server {0} stopped.
- CWOBJ2514I
SERVER_START_WAITING_CWOBJ2514=CWOBJ2514I: Waiting for ObjectGrid server activation to complete.
- CWOBJ2515E
INVALID_ARGS_CWOBJ2515=CWOBJ2515E: The arguments provided are invalid. The following are valid arguments: {0}{1}
- CWOBJ2518I
LAUNCHING_CATALOG_SERVICE_CWOBJ2518I=CWOBJ2518I: Launching ObjectGrid catalog service: {0}.
- CWOBJ2519I
CWOBJ2519=CWOBJ2519I: The client interceptor has not been registered. Security will not be enabled.
- CWOBJ2520E
SERVER_NAME_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ2520=CWOBJ2520E: Server reference for {0} not found in the supplied configuration, please verify provided server name.
- CWOBJ2521I
CATALOG_CLUSTER_BOOTSTRAP_CHANGED_CWOBJ2521I=CWOBJ2521I: The catalog server bootstrap addresses changed from {0} to {1}.
- CWOBJ2522I
STATSSPEC_CHANGED_CWOBJ2522I=CWOBJ2522I: The statistics specification has changed to: {0}.
- CWOBJ2601I
ADD_SUFFIX_TO_VIEW_NAME=CWOBJ2601I: Add suffix {0} to stream query views deployed in partition {1}.
- CWOBJ2602W
VIEW_TRANSFORMER_EXISTS=CWOBJ2602W: The view transformer {0} already exists.
- CWOBJ2604I
STREAM_QUERY_JAR_NOT_IN_CLASSPATH=CWOBJ2604I: The stream query jar file is not in the class path.
- CWOBJ2605E
STREAM_QUERY_LOGGER_ERROR=CWOBJ2605E: The stream query logger setting method introspection or invocation error: {0}
- CWOBJ2606W
VIEW_REMOVE_NON_EXISTING_ENTRY=CWOBJ2606W: Try to remove a non-existing entry for key {0}.
- CWOBJ2607E
STREAM_QUERY_SET_ACROSS_MAP_SET=CWOBJ2607E: The stream query set with name {0} contains maps from different map sets.
- CWOBJ2608E
EXCEEDED_RETRY_UNPROJECT_CWOBJ2608=CWOBJ2608E: Exceeded retry attempts to publish the message, exception: {0}
- CWOBJ3001I
EM_SERVICE_STARTED_CWOBJ3001I=CWOBJ3001I: The ObjectGrid EntityManager service is available to process requests for ObjectGrid: {0} and container or server: {1}
- CWOBJ3002I
EM_INIT_ENTITIES_CWOBJ3002I=CWOBJ3002I: Initializing entity metadata for ObjectGrid: {0}
- CWOBJ3003I
EM_REGISTERED_CWOBJ3003I=CWOBJ3003I: Entity registered: {0}
- CWOBJ3004E
EM_REGISTER_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ3004E=CWOBJ3004E: An exception occurred while registering an entity: {0}
- CWOBJ3005I
EM_CREATING_INDEX_CWOBJ3005I=CWOBJ3005I: Creating index {0} for entity BackingMap {1}, attribute {2}.
- CWOBJ3006E
EM_UNSUPPORTED_INDEX_TYPE_CWOBJ3006E=CWOBJ3006E: The defined MapIndexPlugin type is not supported for index {0} on BackingMap {1} for attribute {2}.
- CWOBJ3007E
EM_LATE_REGISTRATION_CWOBJ3007E=CWOBJ3007E: Unable to register new entity {0} after ObjectGrid initialization has completed.
- CWOBJ3008E
EM_BACKINGMAP_REASSOCIATION_CWOBJ3008E=CWOBJ3008E: BackingMap {0} is associated with entity {1} and cannot be reassociated with entity {2}.
- CWOBJ3009E
EM_REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ3009E=CWOBJ3009E: The exception {0} occurred while communicating with the entity metadata repository.
- CWOBJ3010E
EM_INVALID_MAPSET_CWOBJ3010E=CWOBJ3010E: All entity BackingMaps must be members of a MapSet with the name: "ENTITY_MAPSET".
- CWOBJ3011E
EM_METADATALISTENER_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ3011E=CWOBJ3011E: Error creating entity metadata for entity {0} ({1}): {2}
- CWOBJ3013E
EM_MULTIPLE_MAPSETS_CWOBJ3013E=CWOBJ3013E: The EntityMetadata repository is not available. Timeout threshold reached when trying to register the entity: {0}.
- CWOBJ3014I
AVAILABILITY_STATE_CHANGED_CWOBJ3014=CWOBJ3014I: The availability state has changed for {0}. The state is now {1}. It was previously {2}.
- CWOBJ3015E
EM_MISSING_MAPSET_CWOBJ3015E=CWOBJ3015E: Invalid entity MapSet configuration. Unable to find MapSet that contains a BackingMap for {0}.
- CWOBJ3016E
EM_SCHEMA_MAPSET_CROSSOVER_CWOBJ3016E=CWOBJ3016E: Invalid entity MapSet configuration. Entity {0} should be present in MapSet {1} but is already exists in MapSet {2}.
- CWOBJ3017E
FAILED_TO_VERIFY_ENTITY_CWOBJ3017E=CWOBJ3017E: An entity {0} has been defined in the entity descriptor XML file, but does not have an associated backing map of the same name defined.
- CWOBJ3018E
FAILED_TO_INIT_ENTITIES_CWOBJ3018E=CWOBJ3018E: Failed to initialize the entities in ObjectGrid {0}.
- CWOBJ3019E
FAILED_TO_LOAD_OG_CLASSES_CWOBJ3019E=CWOBJ3019E: The class {0} cannot be found for ObjectGrid {1}.
- CWOBJ3101E
WB_LOADER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED_CWOBJ3101E=CWOBJ3101E: The write-behind loader for map {0} on partition {1} failed to initialize with exception {2}.
- CWOBJ3102E
WB_LOADER_FAILED_CWOBJ3102E=CWOBJ3102E: Loader failed to do a write-behind update to the database for map {0} on partition {1}. A failed update is logged in the failed update map. The failed update index is {2}, and the failed map key is {3}. The exception causing the failed update was {4}.
- CWOBJ3103E
WB_LOADER_FAILED_CWOBJ3103E=CWOBJ3103E: The write-behind loader for map {0} on partition {1} failed to complete a transaction. The exception is {2}.
- CWOBJ3104W
WB_LOADER_LOCKTIMEOUT_CWOBJ3104W=CWOBJ3104W: The write-behind loader for map {0} on partition {1} gets a lock timeout exception, {2}, when trying to switch the queue maps.
- CWOBJ3105E
WB_LOADER_LOADER_NOT_AVAILABLE_CWOBJ3105E=CWOBJ3105E: The write-behind loader for ObjectGrid {0}, map {1} on partition {2} received an {3} error.
- CWOBJ3111E
CLIENT_LOADER_AGENT_FAIL_CWOBJ3111E=CWOBJ3111E: The client loader agent {0} execution fails with exception: {1}.
- CWOBJ3112I
DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_CWOBJ3112I=CWOBJ3112I: A JPA persistence unit name was not specified. The first persistence unit {0} defined in the persistence.xml will used as the default persistence unit.
- CWOBJ3113E
AGENT_FAIL_CWOBJ3113E=CWOBJ3113E: The DataGrid agent {0} execution failed with a exception {1}.
- CWOBJ3114E
AGENT_FAIL_RETRYABLE_CWOBJ3114E=CWOBJ3114E: The DataGrid agent {0} execution failed with a retryable exception {1}.
- CWOBJ3115E
UNEXPECTED_SHARD_STATE_CWOBJ3115E=CWOBJ3115E: The shard is expected to be in the {0} state, but currently it is in the {1} state. If you have already set the shard to the {0} state, it might take a while for it to move to the target state. If you have not set the shard to the {0} state, revise the application to do so.
- CWOBJ3116I
PRELOAD_STARTS_CWOBJ3116I=CWOBJ3116I: Preloading ObjectGrid {0} Map {1} at partition {2} started.
- CWOBJ3117I
PRELOAD_FINISHES_CWOBJ3117I=CWOBJ3117I: Preloading ObjectGrid {0} Map {1} at partition {2} finished.
- CWOBJ3118E
PRELOAD_FAILS_CWOBJ3118E=CWOBJ3118E: Failed to preload ObjectGrid {0} Map {1} at partition {2} with the exception {3}.
- CWOBJ3121E
TIME_BASED_DBUPDATE_AGENT_FAIL_CWOBJ3121E=CWOBJ3121E: The time-based database update agent fails with exception {0}.
- CWOBJ3122E
TIME_BASED_DBUPDATE_FAIL_CWOBJ3122E=CWOBJ3122E: The time-based database update fails with exception {0}.
- CWOBJ3131E
JPA_TX_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ3131E=CWOBJ3131E: The JPATxCallback transaction callback plug-in cannot be found.
- CWOBJ3132E
EMF_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ3132E=CWOBJ3132E: The JPA EntityManagerFactory with persistence unit name {0} and property map {1} could not be found.
- CWOBJ3133E
OBJECTGRID_CACHE_INITIALIZE_OBJECTGRID_FAILED_CWOBJ3133E=CWOBJ3133E: ObjectGrid cache plug-in initialization with ObjectGrid {1} failed with exception {0}.
- CWOBJ3134I
OBJECTGRID_CACHE_TYPE_EMBEDDED_CWOBJ3134I=CWOBJ3134I: The ObjectGrid type is {0} and the default maximum number of replicas is {1}. The maximum number of replicas must be greater than or equal to the number of JVMs in the system.
- CWOBJ3135I
OBJECTGRID_CACHE_TYPE_EMBEDDED_PARTITION_CWOBJ3135I=CWOBJ3135I: The ObjectGridType is {0} and the default number of partitions is {1}. The number of partitions must be less than or equal to the number of JVMs in the system.
- CWOBJ3141W
NODEGROUP_NOT_SET_FOR_ZONE_SUPPORT_CWOBJ3141W=CWOBJ3141W: This WAS is not associated with a WebSphere eXtreme Scale zone. In order to start the server in a zone, ensure that the server's node is within a node group whose name begins with the string ReplicationZone.
- CWOBJ3142I
NODEGROUP_NOT_SET_FOR_ZONE_SUPPORT_CWOBJ3142I=CWOBJ3142I: This WAS is not associated with a WebSphere eXtreme Scale zone. In order to start the server in a zone, ensure that the server's node is within a node group whose name begins with the string ReplicationZone.
- CWOBJ3150E
CLEAR_TIMED_OUT_CWOBJ3150=CWOBJ3150E: The clear operation timed-out after {0} ms.
- CWOBJ3175E
FAILED_TO_REGISTER_BEAN_FACTORY_CWOBJ3175E=CWOBJ3175E: Exception {2} occurred when registering Spring bean factory {0} with the ObjectGrid {1}.
- CWOBJ3176E
FAILED_TO_GET_BEAN_FACTORY_CWOBJ3176E=CWOBJ3176E: Exception {1} occurred when loading Spring bean factory with the ObjectGrid {0}.
- CWOBJ3177E
FAILED_TO_LOCATE_OBJECTGRID_XML_FILE_CWOBJ3177E=CWOBJ3177E: Failed to locate the ObjectGrid XML file: {0}.
- CWOBJ3178E
BACKING_MAP_NOT_FOUND_IN_OBJECTGRID_XML_CWOBJ3178E=CWOBJ3178E: The map {1} in ObjectGrid {0} referenced in the ObjectGrid XML was not found in the deployment descriptor file.
- CWOBJ3179E
INVALID_BACKING_MAP_IN_DEPLOYMENT_XML_CWOBJ3179E=CWOBJ3179E: The map {0} reference in the mapSet {1} of ObjectGrid {2} deployment descriptor file does not reference a valid backing map from the ObjectGrid XML.
- CWOBJ3180E
INVALID_OBJECTGRID_IN_DEPLOYMENT_XML_CWOBJ3180E=CWOBJ3180E: The ObjectGrid {0} specified in the deployment descriptor file is not defined in the ObjectGrid XML file.
- CWOBJ3181E
INVALID_SERVER_SECURITY_FILE_OPTION_CWOBJ3181E=CWOBJ3181E: The command-line option -serverSecurityFile is invalid for ObjectGrid container servers.
- CWOBJ3182E
XERCES_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_IN_CLASSPATH_CWOBJ3182E=CWOBJ3182E: Apache Xerces2 was not found in the classpath.
- CWOBJ4000I
RESTSERVICE_STARTED_CWOBJ4000I=CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.
- CWOBJ4001I
RESTSERVICE_VERSION_CWOBJ4001I=CWOBJ4001I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service version is {0}.
- CWOBJ4002E
RESTSERVICE_STARTUPFAILURE_CWOBJ4002E=CWOBJ4002E: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service could not be started.
- CWOBJ4003E
RESTSERVICE_MISSINGCATALOGSERVICE_CWOBJ4003E=CWOBJ4003E: Unable to connect to the catalog service. The catalog service endpoints were not specified.
- CWOBJ4004I
RESTSERVICE_PROPSLOADED_CWOBJ4004I=CWOBJ4004I: The eXtreme Scale REST data service properties files were loaded: {0}
- CWOBJ4005E
RESTSERVICE_MISSINGCLIENTOGXML_CWOBJ4005E=CWOBJ4005E: The client ObjectGrid descriptor XML file "{0}" could not be found in the classpath.
- CWOBJ4006I
RESTSERVICE_CONNECTIONENDPOINTS_CWOBJ4006I=CWOBJ4006I: Connecting to eXtreme Scale catalog service endpoints: {0}
- CWOBJ4007E
RESTSERVICE_CONNECTFAILURE_CWOBJ4007E=CWOBJ4007E: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service was unable to connect to the eXtreme Scale grid: {0}
- CWOBJ4008W
RESTSERVICE_ATOM_WRONG_ELEMENT_NAMESPACE_WARNING_CWOBJ4008W=CWOBJ4008W: The XML element "{0}" specified in the AtomPub format XML has a wrong namespace prefix "{1}". The valid namespace prefix should be resolved to "{2}".
- CWOBJ4010I
RESTSERVICE_GRIDSAVAILABLE_CWOBJ4010I=CWOBJ4010I: The following ObjectGrids can now be accessed from the REST data service: {0}
- CWOBJ4011E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALID_CWOBJ4011E=CWOBJ4011E: The entity metadata for ObjectGrid "{0}" is configured incorrectly.
- CWOBJ4012E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALID_UNIASSOC_CWOBJ4012E=CWOBJ4012E: The association "{0}" defined for entity "{1}" is not mapped to a target association on entity "{2}". All associations must be bi-directional and have the mapped-by attribute defined.
- CWOBJ4013E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_AUTOGEN_KEY_COLLISION_CWOBJ4013E=CWOBJ4013E: An automatically generated key association name resulted in a duplicate attribute "{0}" for entity "{1}".
- CWOBJ4014E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_NOROOTPATH_CWOBJ4014E=CWOBJ4014E: The partitioned entity "{0}" must be defined as a schema root or must have a key relationship to the schema root.
- CWOBJ4015E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALIDNAME_ATTR_CWOBJ4015E=CWOBJ4015E: The attribute name "{0}" is invalid for entity "{1}". Attributes cannot begin with characters: $_
- CWOBJ4016E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALIDNAME_ENTITY_CWOBJ4016E=CWOBJ4016E: The entity name "{0}" is invalid. Entity names cannot begin with characters: $_
- CWOBJ4017E
RESTSERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION_CWOBJ4017E=CWOBJ4017E: v{0} of WebSphere eXtreme Scale runtime is incompatible with version {1} of the REST data service.
- CWOBJ4018E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALID_CASCADE_REMOVE_CWOBJ4018E=CWOBJ4018E: The association "{0}" is is invalid for entity "{1}". Many-to-one and many-to-many associations cannot be configured to cascade remove operations.
- CWOBJ4019E
RESTSERVICE_METADATA_INVALID_CASCADE_MULTI_CWOBJ4019E=CWOBJ4019E: The association "{0}" for entity "{1}" and the association "{2}" for entity "{3}" are invalid. A cascade remove can only be configured on one end of a bi-directional association.
- CWOBJ4020E
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_OBJECTGRID_NAME_CWOBJ4020E=CWOBJ4020E: The "{0}" property in the REST service properties file contains an incorrect value. At least one ObjectGrid name must be specified.
- CWOBJ4021E
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_PROPERTY_FILE_CWOBJ4021E=CWOBJ4021E: The REST service properties file "{0}" was not found on the file system or the class path.
- CWOBJ4022E
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_OBJECT_GRID_NAME_CWOBJ4022E=CWOBJ4022E: The ObjectGrid "{0}" does not exist or is not started and will not be exposed via the REST service.
- CWOBJ4023E
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_EXCEP_CLIENT_OBJECT_GRID_XML_CWOBJ4023E=CWOBJ4023E: The exception "{0}" was encountered when loading the client ObjectGrid override XML file "{1}" from the class path.
- CWOBJ4024E
RESTSERVICE_CLIENT_SECURITY_CONFIG_GEN_PROPS_CWOBJ4024E=CWOBJ4024E: The eXtreme Scale REST service is configured to use ObjectGrid client security but the "credentialGeneratorProps" property is not defined in the "{0}" file.
- CWOBJ4025E
RESTSERVICE_REST_SECURITY_LOGINTYPE_CWOBJ4025E=CWOBJ4025E: The eXtreme Scale REST service is configured to use REST security with an incorrect "{0}" property of "{1}". A "{0}" of "{2}" will be used.
- CWOBJ4026E
RESTSERVICE_REST_SECURITY_INCORRECT_MAXRESULTS_CWOBJ4026E=CWOBJ4026E: The eXtreme Scale REST service "maxResultsForCollection" config property has an incorrect value of"{0}". The default value of unlimited will be used.
- CWOBJ4027W
RESTSERVICE_MBEAN_INCORRECT_OPERATION_PARAM_CWOBJ4027W=CWOBJ4027W: The eXtreme Scale REST service MBean operation "{0}" was invoked with an incorrect paramter of "{1}". The current value will be used.
- CWOBJ4028I
RESTSERVICE_MBEAN_TRACE_DYNAMIC_CWOBJ4028I=CWOBJ4028I: The eXtreme Scale REST service debug tracing was set to "{0}" dynamically.
- CWOBJ4029W
RESTSERVICE_MBEAN_INCORRECT_TRACESPEC_CWOBJ4029W=CWOBJ4029W: The eXtreme Scale REST service MBean operation "{0}" was invoked with an incorrect paramter of "{1}". The current value will be used.
- CWOBJ4030W
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_MALFORMED_LINE_CWOBJ4030W=CWOBJ4030W: The malformed line: "{0}" was encountered when loading the REST service properties file: "{1}".
- CWOBJ4031W
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_VALUE_CWOBJ4031W=CWOBJ4031W: Invalid value: "{0}" was encountered on line: "{1}" when loading the rest service properties file: "{2}". Expected value is: "{3}".
- CWOBJ4032E
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_EXCEPTION_PARSING_FILE_CWOBJ4032E=CWOBJ4032E: The exception: "{0}" was encountered when loading the REST service properties file: "{1}".
- CWOBJ4033W
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_GRIDNAME_CWOBJ4033W=CWOBJ4033W: Invalid grid name: "{0}" was encountered on line: "{1}" when loading the rest service properties file: "{2}". Please specify name of an existing ObjectGrid.
- CWOBJ4034W
RESTSERVICE_CONFIG_INVALID_ENTITYNAME_CWOBJ4034W=CWOBJ4034W: Invalid entity name: "{0}" was encountered on line: "{1}" when loading the rest service properties file: "{2}". Please specify name of an existing entity within ObjectGrid: "{3}".
- CWOBJ4500I
DYNACACHE_PROVIDER_INITIALIZED_CWOBJ4500=CWOBJ4500I: WebSphere eXtreme Scale Dynamic Cache provider is successfully initialized.
- CWOBJ4501E
DYNACACHE_CREATION_FAILURE_CWOBJ4501=CWOBJ4501E: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale Dynamic Cache provider encountered an error while creating the following cache instance: {0}.
- CWOBJ4502E
MISSING_REQUIRED_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_CWOBJ4502=CWOBJ4502E: Missing the following required configuration parameter: {0}.
- CWOBJ4503E
DYNACACHE_PROVIDER_FAILED_INIT_CWOBJ4503=CWOBJ4503E: WebSphere eXtreme Scale Dynamic Cache provider failed to initialize successfully.
- CWOBJ4504W
DYNACACHE_UNEXPECTED_SPECIAL_VALUE_CWOBJ4504=CWOBJ4504W: Cache Entry is tagged as a Special Value. Value is being ignored.
- CWOBJ4505W
DYNACACHE_CONFIG_MISMATCH_CWOBJ4505=CWOBJ4505W: Dynamic Cache configuration sent from provider does not match currently stored configuration for cache {0}. Stored configuration is {1}. Received configuration is {2}.
- CWOBJ4506I
DYNACACHE_EVICTOR_FAILOVER_CWOBJ4506=CWOBJ4506I: Configuration found in map. ObjectGrid shard is becoming primary after a failover. Setting Dynamic Cache Evictor configuration. Configuration: {0}
- CWOBJ4507E
DYNACACHE_INCORRECT_PARAMETER_FORMAT_CWOBJ4507=CWOBJ4507E: The value {1} set for an optional configuration parameter {0} is invalid.
- CWOBJ4508I
DYNACACHE_CREATED_CWOBJ4508=CWOBJ4508I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale provider has created a Dynamic Cache instance with name {0} using topology {1}.
- CWOBJ4509E
DYNACACHE_UNSUPPORTED_REPLICATION_POLICY_CWOBJ4509=CWOBJ4509E: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale Dynamic Cache provider does not support the {0} replication policy for Cache {1} with key {2}.
- CWOBJ4510E
DYNACACHE_REQUIRES_SERVER_CWOBJ4510=CWOBJ4510E: WebSphere eXtreme Scale Server is required to create Dynamic Cache instances with topology {0}. Cache name is {1}.
- CWOBJ4541I
MEMORYSTATS_ENHANCED_SIZING_IN_USE_CWOBJ4541=CWOBJ4541I: Enhanced BackingMap memory sizing is enabled.
- CWOBJ4542I
MEMORYSTATS_DEFAULT_SIZING_IN_USE_CWOBJ4542=CWOBJ4542I: Basic BackingMap memory sizing is enabled.
- CWOBJ4543W
MEMORYSTATS_OBJECT_TOO_COMPLEX_CWOBJ4543=CWOBJ4543W: The size of an object of type {0} is not accurate.
- CWOBJ4551E
EVICTION_TRIGGER_NOT_SUPPORTED_CWOBJ4551=CWOBJ4551E: The eviction trigger {0} cannot be used with the current Java Virtual Machine configuration {1}.
- CWOBJ4552W
EVICTION_TRIGGER_NOT_STABLE_CWOBJ4552=CWOBJ4552W: The eviction trigger {0} might not behave as expected when used with the Java Virtual Machine setting {1}.
- CWOBJ4560W
QUERY_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES_CWOBJ4560=CWOBJ4560W: The query queue cache of ObjectGrid {0} reached the maximum size of {1}. Eviction of the query queues will occur based on the Least Recently Used rule. This message will only be logged for the first eviction.
- CWOBJ4561W
QUERY_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES_CWOBJ4561=CWOBJ4561W: The query queue cache of ObjectGrid {0} for partition {1} reached the maximum size of {2}. Eviction of the query queues will occur based on the Least Recently Used rule. This message will only be logged for the first eviction.
- CWOBJ4600E
GET_ATTRIBUTES_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ4600=CWOBJ4600E: Exception {1} occurred on the getAttribute for {0}. Continuing to create attribute list.
- CWOBJ4601E
SET_ATTRIBUTES_EXCEPTION_CWOBJ4601=CWOBJ4601E: Exception {1} occurred on the setAttribute for {0}. Continuing to set other attributes.
- CWOBJ4650I
DISK_EVICTOR_DETECTED_CWOBJ4650=CWOBJ4650I: The Evictor is using disk based persistance at the following URI {0}.
- CWOBJ4651W
DISK_OFFLOAD_CWOBJ4651=CWOBJ4651W: Persistence directory {0} already exists but does not contain valid data. It will be cleared.
- CWOBJ4652W
DISK_OFFLOAD_CWOBJ4652=CWOBJ4652W: Persistence directory {0} cannot be opened because it is in use by another process.
- CWOBJ4700I
DYNAMIC_MAP_CREATED_CWOBJ4700=CWOBJ4700I: The map name {0} matched the regular expression of template map {1}. The {0} map has been created for ObjectGrid {2}.
- CWOBJ4701I
TEMPLATE_MAP_CONFIGURED_CWOBJ4701=CWOBJ4701I: Template map {0} is configured in ObjectGrid {1}.
- CWOBJ4702E
DYNAMIC_MAP_CREATION_ERROR_CWOBJ4702=CWOBJ4702E: Dynamic creation failed for map {0} due to the following exception {1}.
- CWOBJ4800E
SHARD_ALREADY_RESERVED_ERROR_CWOBJ4800=CWOBJ4800E: Could not reserve shard {0} on container {1} because this shard is already reserved by container {2}.
- CWOBJ4801W
PARTITION_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ4801=CWOBJ4801W: No shard for partition {0} was released from container {1} because this container has not reserved a shard from this partition.
- CWOBJ4802E
RESERVE_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT_CWOBJ4802=CWOBJ4802E: Attempt to reserve shard {0} on container {1} has failed because the partition does not exist.
- CWOBJ4803E
PER_CONTAINER_UNSUPPORTED_CWOBJ4803=CWOBJ4803E: The shard reservation feature is not supported with PER_CONTAINER placement strategy.
- CWOBJ4804I
SUCCESSFUL_SHARD_RESERVATION_CWOBJ4804=CWOBJ4804I: Shard {0} was successfully reserved on container {1}.
- CWOBJ4805I
SUCCESSFUL_SHARD_RELEASE_CWOBJ4805=CWOBJ4805I: Shard from partition {0} was successfully released from container {1}.
- CWOBJ4806I
SHARD_RESERVED_PRIOR_INIT_PLACEMENT_CWOBJ4806=CWOBJ4806I: Shard {0} has been reserved on container {1} prior to initial placement. Shard will be placed onto this container when initial placement occurs.
- CWOBJ4807E
RESERVE_CONTAINER_NOT_SUPPORTING_MAPSET_CWOBJ4807=CWOBJ4807E: Shard {0} cannot be reserved on container {1} because this container does not support map set {2}.
- CWOBJ4900E
MAPSET_INCOMPATIBLE_PARTITION_NUM_CWOBJ4900=CWOBJ4900E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for map set {2} from ObjectGrid {3} because of a mismatch in the number of partitions. The map set is configured for {4} partitions in domain {0} and {5} partitions in domain {1}.
- CWOBJ4901E
MAPSET_INCOMPATIBLE_PLACEMENT_STRAT_CWOBJ4901=CWOBJ4901E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for map set {2} from ObjectGrid {3} because of a mismatch in the placement strategy. The map set is configured for {4} placement strategy in domain {0} and {5} placement strategy in domain {1}.
- CWOBJ4902I
MAPSET_COMPATIBLE_CWOBJ4902=CWOBJ4902I: This domain ({0}) received a compatible map set from domain {1}. Updates for map set {2} from ObjectGrid {3} will be sent to domain {1}.
- CWOBJ4903I
FOREIGN_DOMAINS_FOUND_CWOBJ4903=CWOBJ4903I: The following foreign domains have been provided: {0}
- CWOBJ4904I
FOREIGN_DOMAIN_END_POINTS_CWOBJ4904=CWOBJ4904I: The following end points have been provided for foreign domain {0}: {1}
- CWOBJ4905E
MAPSET_WRONG_NUM_MAPS_CWOBJ4905=CWOBJ4905E: {0} from linked domains do not contain the same maps. While domain {1} contains the following maps for this map set: {2}, domain {3} contains: {4}.
- CWOBJ4906E
MAPSET_MISSING_MAP_CWOBJ4906=CWOBJ4906E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for map set {2} from ObjectGrid {3}. The maps in the map set are not consistent. The {4} map was found in the map set for domain {5}, but not for domain {6}.
- CWOBJ4907E
FOREIGN_ENDPOINTS_NOT_FOUND_CWOBJ4907=CWOBJ4907E: No end points were provided for foreign domain {0} was expecting {2} property. No attempt will be made to establish a link between the {1} and {0} domains.
- CWOBJ4908E
LOCAL_DOMAIN_INCLUDED_IN_FOREIGN_CWOBJ4908=CWOBJ4908E: The local domain name {0} was found in the set of foreign domains in the server properties.
- CWOBJ4909E
WRITE_BEHIND_MAP_FOUND_CWOBJ4909=CWOBJ4909E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for map set {2} from ObjectGrid {3} because the {4} map is configued for write-behind support in {5}.
- CWOBJ4910E
COPY_TO_BYTES_FOUND_CWOBJ4910=CWOBJ4910E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for {2}:{3} because the {4} map is configured as a byte array map in {5}.
- CWOBJ4911E
ENTITY_MAP_FOUND_CWOBJ4911=CWOBJ4911E: Domain {0} will not send updates to domain {1} for {2}:{3} because the {4} map is backing an entity in {5}.
- CWOBJ7000I
STATS_MAP_INJECTION_GRID_ENABLED_CWOBJ7000=CWOBJ7000I: ObjectGrid {0} is enabled for storing historic statistics.
- CWOBJ7001I
STATS_MAP_INJECTION_GRID_DISABLED_CWOBJ7001=CWOBJ7001I: ObjectGrid {0} is disabled for storing historic statistics.
- CWOBJ7002I
STATS_MAP_INJECTION_MAPSET_ENABLED_CWOBJ7002=CWOBJ7002I: ObjectGrid:MapSet {0}:{1} is enabled for storing historic statistics.
- CWOBJ7003I
STATS_MAP_INJECTION_MAPSET_DISABLED_CWOBJ7003=CWOBJ7003I: ObjectGrid:MapSet {0}:{1} is disabled for storing historic statistics.
- CWOBJ7006I
DynamicPort=CWOBJ7006I: ObjectGrid server agent generated dynamic port {0}.
- CWOBJ7100E
STATS_COLLECTOR_CWOBJ7100=CWOBJ7100E: Could not locate internal ObjectGrid information map for the following shard:{0}. Verify the grid and mapset is appropriately enabled for historic statistics monitoring.
- CWOBJ7101E
STATS_COLLECTOR_CWOBJ7101=CWOBJ7101E: Statistic monitoring infrastructure could not find any maps associated with ObjectGrid {0}. No monitoring will be performed on an empty ObjectGrid
- CWOBJ7102E
STATS_COLLECTOR_CWOBJ7102=CWOBJ7102E: Statistic monitoring infrastructure could not retrieve statistics for path {0}. Ensure statistics tracking is enabled for this process.
- CWOBJ7200I
DeadServer=CWOBJ7200I: Detected the failure of server ({0}) in core group ({1}).
- CWOBJ7201I
NewServer=CWOBJ7201I: Detected the addition of new server ({0}) in core group ({1}).
- CWOBJ7203I
NewLeader=CWOBJ7203I: Leader changed. New leader ({0}) is elected in core group ({1}) and reported to the catalog service.
- CWOBJ7205I
CWOBJ7205=CWOBJ7205I: Server, {0}, has sent a membership change notice that will be rejected as this member has already been removed from the core group.
- CWOBJ7700I
PeerManagerStart=CWOBJ7700I: Peer Manager service started successfully in server ({0}) with core group ({1}).
- CWOBJ7800I
Start_HAController=CWOBJ7800I: Start ObjectGrid HA Controller with core group ({0}), host ({1}), and port ({2}).
- CWOBJ8000I
Register_CWOBJ8000=CWOBJ8000I: Registration is successful with zone ({0}) and coregroup of ({1}).
- CWOBJ8009E
Failed_Register_CWOBJ8009=CWOBJ8009E: Registration failed for zone ({0})
- CWOBJ8101I
StandbyCatalogServerCreated_CWOBJ8101=CWOBJ8101I: Notify that standby catalog service is created with domain= {0} and with IOR= {1}
- CWOBJ8102I
MasterCatalogServerCreated_CWOBJ8102=CWOBJ8102I: Notify that master catalog service is created with domain= {0} and with IOR= {1}
- CWOBJ8106I
MasterCatalogServerActivated_CWOBJ8106=CWOBJ8106I: The master catalog service cluster activated with cluster {0}
- CWOBJ8108I
ResentStandbyCatalogServer_CWOBJ8108=CWOBJ8108I: Re-send standby catalog service on the request of master catalog service with domain= {0} and IOR= {1}
- CWOBJ8109I
UpdateCatalogServerCluster_CWOBJ8109=CWOBJ8109I: Updated catalog service cluster {0} from server {1} with entry {2}
- CWOBJ8401I
WaitForReplica_CWOBJ8401=CWOBJ8401I: Waiting for a server replica to be started. Start another server(s) immediately.
- CWOBJ8601I
PeerServers_CWOBJ8601=CWOBJ8601I: PeerManager found peers of size {0}
- CWOBJ9000I
ENGLISH_ONLY_INFO_MESSAGE_CWOBJ9000=CWOBJ9000I: This message is an English-only Informational message: {0}.
- CWOBJ9001W
ENGLISH_ONLY_WARN_MESSAGE_CWOBJ9001=CWOBJ9001W: This message is an English-only Warning message: {0}.
- CWOBJ9002E
ENGLISH_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE_CWOBJ9002=CWOBJ9002E: This message is an English only Error message: {0}.