Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages > CWOBJ: Messages for the ObjectGrid and related components
STATS_COLLECTOR_CWOBJ7100=CWOBJ7100E: Could not locate internal ObjectGrid information map for the following shard:{0}. Verify the grid and mapset is appropriately enabled for historic statistics monitoring.
Statistic monitoring infrastructure injects a very small information map into each ObjectGrid enabled for historic stats monitoring in order to provide and track information about active shards. If the information map can not be located, historic statistics monitoring will fail for that shard.
User response
Verify the grid and mapset is appropriately enabled for historic statistic monitoring. Review the statsSpec setting in server properties file. See the Managed MBean usage overview section in the information center for more information on using statistics.
Parent topic:
CWOBJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the ObjectGrid and related components