Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages > CWOBJ: Messages for the ObjectGrid and related components
WB_LOADER_FAILED_CWOBJ3102E=CWOBJ3102E: Loader failed to do a write-behind update to the database for map {0} on partition {1}. A failed update is logged in the failed update map. The failed update index is {2}, and the failed map key is {3}. The exception causing the failed update was {4}.
Loader fails to do a write-behind update to the database. It could be that the database is updated by other applications. The write-behind loader logs the failed update in the failed update map.
User response
Remove the failed update data from the failed update map, examine the exception, and compensate the failed update.
Parent topic:
CWOBJ: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the ObjectGrid and related components