Managing Web activities

Web activities are managed by Marketing Managers, in order to keep a site's targeted marketing efforts organized.

  • Create a Web activity

    Web activities display marketing content targeted to specific customer segments. Creating these activities ensures that brand and promotional messages are seen by the desired audiences.

  • Change a Web activity

    You can update your Web activities to correct errors, adjust strategy, or to realign dates.

  • Activating or deactivating an activity

    Activities can exist in the store in two states; active or inactive. Activities must be active before they are available to display in e-Marketing Spots on your storefront pages. You can only edit inactive activities.

  • Change an activity's priority

    You can change an activity's relative priority to ensure that a certain activity is displayed when conflicts arise.

  • View activities scheduled for an e-Marketing Spot

    You can view all of the activities currently scheduled to display in a selected e-Marketing Spot. This helps resolve conflicts when multiple activities are scheduled to an e-Marketing Spot concurrently.

  • Deleting activities

    Deleting your campaign activities removes completed or inactive activities from the Management Center.

Related concepts

Web activities