IIP integrated installation wizard settings

Use this panel to choose whether the integrated installation package (IIP) installation wizard is displayed to the IIP user during installation.

We can also choose whether the IIP user can override the option to display the IIP wizard. Setting the overall IIP installation to silent may be useful if a silently installed IIP is part of a larger automated installation process.

Even if the IIP wizard is not displayed, the wizards of the individual contributions might still be displayed depending on how each contribution is configured on the Construct the integrated install package panel. If you want a true end to end silent installation set the installation mode of all included contributions to silent.

Select the Display the IIP installation wizard at startup check box if wish to allow the IIP user to use the IIP installation wizard, otherwise the wizard will not be displayed.

Select the Allow users to override whether to display the IIP installation wizard to give the IIP user the option to override the wizard display option.

Related reference

Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST