IIP build information

Use this panel to specify the name and location of the build definition file and the integrated installation package (IIP).

The Build Definition wizard creates the XML build definition file, which specifies the location for outputting the IIP. We can specify the name and location of both files. The build definition file is always saved to a directory path on the Build Definition wizard machine.

Build definition directory path and file name

Build definition directory path and file name.

We can think of the build definition file as a response file for the processing engine. The XML file provides the information that the processing engine needs to locate all of the components for the IIP. We can create a new build definition XML file or overwrite an existing one. Enter the directory path and file name, or click Browse to search for the directory and file.

IIP build directory path

IIP build directory path.

The Installation Factory creates the IIP and stores it in the directory that you specify. Specify the directory where you want to create the IIP in the Integrated Installation Package field.

Enter the desired directory path and file name, or click Browse to select the directory

[Windows] <p> The length of the IIP build directory is limited on Windows operating systems.. The Installation Factory will calculate the maximum allowed directory length on Windows. If a component in the IIP results in a longer directory length, then you will be unable to create an IIP without making changes to that component. For example, if the inclusion of a customized installation package (CIP) in the IIP results in a longer directory length than Windows allows, we might need to regenerate that CIP using a shorter identifier.

The processing engine reads the IIP location from the build definition file to determine where to store the IIP. Build definition and IIP validation is performed when you click Next. If the specified file already exists, then we are prompted to overwrite the current contents.

Select Warn if the target location is not empty to prevent any accidental replacement of existing IIP files that we might have saved in the target directory.

Related reference

Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST