IIP construct the integrated installation package
Use this panel to add and modify installation packages for the integrated installation package (IIP).
An IIP consists of contributions, which are installable packages like WAS or the Feature Pack for Web Services. You must choose from a list of defined install packages (DIPs), which are contributions whose properties, for example, installation exit codes, are already known by the build definition wizard. During creation and installation, the IIP can expect and handle various events because of this internal logic.
When a contribution is added to the IIP, its files are copied from the specified location into the target IIP build location. In addition to the generally available version of an install package, a customized installation package (CIP) created with the Installation Factory can also be selected as a contribution to the IIP. Multiple CIPs can be added as long as they have different package identifiers and versions. Each CIP is assigned a unique contribution ID when it is added to the IIP since it is considered a variation of a contribution.
Supported installation packages and tools
Supported defined installation packages that you can include in the IIP.
Add Installer
Click this button to select a supported installation package to add to your IIP. The Add installation package panel will be displayed. We can also view the information for each package, such as supported platforms, supported installation modes, and so on. This can be a generally available product like the appserver, or an existing CIP created earlier.
Installation packages used in this IIP
Packages that we have selected from the supported installation packages list.
Product name
Display name of an installation package that is used in log entries, messages, and in other places. This field is read only.
Package identifier
Contribution ID which uniquely identifies the installation package. This is predefined for DIPs and cannot be modified. For example, the contribution ID of WAS, ND 6.1 product is 6.1.0-WS-WASND. The first contribution of this package added will be 6.1.0-WS-WASND_1 This field is read only.
Select one of the following options to work with available installation packages:
Button Resulting action Modify
Allows you to modify the properties of the selected installation package. Remove
Removes the selected installation package. This will also remove all invocations related to this package. Add invocation
Adds an invocation of this package to the IIP and to displays the Installation package invocation properties panel. We can change all available properties for this invocation using this button. The resulting installation package invocation will be displayed in the Installation package invocations table. File paths and file names must comply with the following guidelines:
Contain 35 or fewer characters on Windows platforms
- Start and end with English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) or numbers (0-9) only
- Contain English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.) or underscores (_) only
- Not contain special characters (such as à é í ö û æ ñ ☐)
- Not contain spaces or these characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] | \ / : ; , ? ' " < = > + *
Installation package invocations
Specifies all installation package invocations in the IIP.
We can install a given contribution multiple times. Each of these is referred to as an invocation. For example, we might want to install WAS, ND multiple times using different target directories on the same machine. In this case, one contribution is invoked multiple times.
See the following list of properties for each installation package invocation. Click Modify to display the Installation package invocation properties panel and to edit these values. See that panel's help document for more information on these properties:
Property Value Primary invocation Whether the invocation is the primary invocation in the IIP. Invocation identifier Specifies a unique ID for this package invocation based on the contribution ID and a generated number, for example 6.1.0-WS-WASND_1-1. We cannot modify this value. Display name Name of the installation package. Allow suppression Whether the IIP installer can skip the installation of this package. Install by default Whether the package will be installed by default. Default installation mode Whether the installation will be silent or interactive. Installation mode override Whether the IIP installer can override the default installation mode. Installation path override Whether the IIP installer can override the target installation directory. Response file override Whether the IIP installer can specify a different response file during installation. Exit code override Whether the IIP installer can override the exit code actions. Cancel action Specifies action to take if the installation is cancelled. Partial success action Specifies action to take if the installation is partially successful. Failure action Specifies action to take if the package fails to install successfully.
Select one of the following options to work with installation package invocations:
Button Resulting action Modify
Edits the properties of the selected package invocation. The installation package invocation properties panel will be displayed Remove
Removes the selected installation package invocation. Remove All
Removes all installation package invocations in the table. If you remove all installation package invocations, the resulting IIP will be invalid. An IIP must contain at least one package invocation. Move Up
Moves the selected installation package invocation higher in the list to make that package install before lower invocations in the list. A warning will be displayed if package is moved before a prerequisite package. Move Down
Moves the selected installation package invocation lower in the list to make that package install after higher invocations in the list. A warning will be displayed if a prerequisite package is moved after another package which requires it.
Related reference
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST